A plutocrat is a guy who ran get a haircut the day before pay day. Vo!. .‘{B, No. 28 Be Sure To Register Saturday is (he last day for resistering for the May 28 Demo cratic primary. The books will be open from !• a.nt. until sunset, which will probably be around filf you have not registered by that time, you will not be eligible to vote in Precinct Polling Places Registrar Phone No. ] Town Hall .Mrs. \\\ H. Fugleman S-SP. 11 No. 2 Estes Hills School .Mrs. Paul Sheartn 2-1792 No. Woollen U.ym Mrs. (’. S. Logsdon D-255«J No. 1 High School Mrs. M. Applewhite 2-1 178 No. 5 (1 lon wood School Mrs. Lindsay Neville 9-1627 L’arrLoro Town Hall Benson Ray . 2-15)41 Durham Is Keynoter Demo/Convention Is This Saturday Ketiririg Congressman Carl T Durham will be the keynote speaker Saturday at the county Democratic convention which wid begin at 2 pm in the court house in Hillsboro Cliapr I 11,11 CHAFF' ; Hy l.ouis Graves It has been nearly three weeks since I' 1. Hutch had his right leg amputated lie has made a rapid recovery and Ins kin and I li lends have been sti earning in to see him "Inals what I cn j Kiy the must seeing the people I know', he said to me when 1 I called His daughtci, Mrs Virginia .It was Wito him Sin this now gone- back to hei home in < brinei ticiii II; daughtci Mi. I;nth Kelly, c aim l i.oiii Wash ingtoii and las on Mai ion c ame liom New Voik and were here -o'.era) days lie son Clyde lor ineily in the An < orps live' m Chapel lldl Ills granddaughtci I’atrieia was married when a .student la l year and is now ; Mi M I liaggelt Next In having people come in te> set me- he* said to me What I ve enjoyed mod is look lug tent over these tree lb pointed out ol the- window to the lore s) between the hospital and , im t niversity campus "Jutt ; took at cm' What a wonderful j sight' I have always known I loved 1 ret tent I tie ve i knew j how much till now Mr Hurch came here in lltltt ; Iron) Ins home in the mountain | country of we.-.tern Virginia to i superintend the construction ol \ | the new post office the piede | rm sen ol the present |iosl oll.tcei He was the I Diversity's Slip* I ( iiitwidtiil oi buildings for ihmi j ly forty years a.i- ii in- ! books were opened April 3(1 Most registrars expect this , ! coming Saturday to be the heav list registration day of the per- j ■ iod since books will close at sundown Saturday 11 theii pre dictions are tsirne out. the m ■' ! registration- ibis year might ‘ reach I (XXi in the live ( hapcl Hill precincl and the one Carr boro precinct Heaviest 11 gist lat lolls so l.il huv i been 11 |xu ted in Hu Tlai d and Filth ITeelnets. where po litK at activity ha been keen est Mis Lindsay Neville icpoiled PH new. registrations in the Fifth I’iei met Dili nwnod , Setmol l and Mrs ( .S Log don ! said she lias made about 140 ; new i egisll ation- sinei- the Ixiot. opened ill (tie thud New i‘g ; !i ation. l in ’in otiu i pie< im i have been below 1(H) of the big ordei s ol bu ! mess at the convention Satin I day will he the selection of dele galis lo (In stall convention which Mail-, next Thursday 111 ! ; Raleigh Olange County has been allot ! (-<1 44 (It legatl lo Hu lab ' , i onv cut Km. 24 ol whom will , i come from the Chapel Hill and j i ('arrhoro precincts i - - By ('arrhoro Board Annexation Action Delayed 2 Weeks Anticipated action on the out lying Carrboro citizens' second try at annexaiion was postponed I >r two weeks Tuesday night At a public hearing on annexa tion proceedings at the Board oi Commissioners regular meeting, a 15ft name petition for a vote was presented to the (ward hy Wallace Womhle At the same time Mr Womhle a resident of Plantation Ac res sugge steel that residents ol Manna Street which branches oil North Greensboro Street to the north might also lie brought into the town if they were giv en tune lo petition lor annexa tion. "There are aliout 20 houses clown there," said Mr. Womhle "I know those people would like to come in They need a sewer ! line " Town Clerk It H Todd ex plained lhat when Manna Street was developed the developer promised to install sewer and water lines, hut never did The hoard adjourned the hear ing until 8 pm Wednesday, May 25, in order to give Marina Streeters lime to include them- I selves in the annexation drive. The Chapel Hill Weekly Election Os Men Council Officers Slated Tonight Now officers and directors of Mu Chapel Hill Community Conn ci! will be elected a! the annual business meeting at the town Hall toriigtit at K The Council'will elect a presi dent, wiio will replace retiring president Syd Alexander; two vice chairmen, a secretary a treasurer and tour directors The directors will be elected lor two year terms Consideration ol three propos ed changes in the by laws and a discussion ol this year’s pro gram with an eye to future com mainly improvement also are on the- agenda \ proposed amendment to the Council's constitution to provide i ouneil sponsorship and supi i vinon toi the Chapel Hill Com munity Client and other orgumz eii loud raising programs will lie i presented foi final consideration Kvery agency and organization ! in Chapel Hill is a member ol | the Council and all are asked to send a representative to the i meeting -The general public is 1 ms lied, I >ui mg lln past yi-ui tin < ’om rnunity ( ouneil lias sought to a sist in the inteichange ol in loi inalioii i oneei mug activities ol community organization- to tiling together all organizations i in siippotl ol actions of com rnunity wide intei est and to spoil or public meetings lor enlighten incut on items ol general public concern 1• « * On The Inside i i Itill I’iuniv ■ H Hits ol Chape! Hill 2 i ali-ndai a Editorials 2 H Isxlraeuriiciilai < H .1 A < I limn 4 < doe Nagel. l 'i liiuiill .’i li Movies 5 Sports 4 Want Ads 7 Before the pro-vole petition was piesented, one citizen pres ent ai the hearing questioned the legality of town employee's c ire ilaling the original pro an nexalion. petition which was nr < ulatc-d last month requesting reconsideration of tin annexation question Icy the Commissioners, was signed hy 172 outlying till /.ens. and was presented lo the hoard hy Larry Kiggahee and J C Hardee Mayor < T Islington admit ted lhat a town employee, Police Chief J A Williams, had cir culated the petition Irom dour to door, but that the ten or twelve signatures thus acquired were not counted as official sign er* of the petition In reply to questions concern ing the Commissioners’ slated intention to provide sewer and water facilities il annexation is effected, Mr, Phipps said the town had gone on record sev eral time* as definitely intend ing lo provide these utilities, hut that residents of outlying sec tions, il annexed, should not expect the installation of sewer and water facilities until late 1961. Svrrintf the (Impel Hill Area Sincp 1.92.7 CHAPEL HILL. NT. THURSDAY. MAY 12. 1960 Bonds I s. Pay-As-You-Go County Commissioner Candidates Agree Schools Need More Money 1 y j /■TbUiM v-l . CANDIDATES Those are the four Democratic candidates tor the two seats on the Board of County Commis sioners They took the platform to gether Tuesday night at tile League of I nivcrsity Survey Dlayed Informal Fluoridation Doll Indicates Majority Approves The upcoming pul>li< poll on Ihe tluorulidion of the w.iter Btrpply—nolaycd another week so make changes in the |x»II ciikln vs 1 11 rcucive solid siqqiort <>| vsai» -t* users, lucoMhng l< a Weekly survey Selecting 4 * people at raiido.iu 1 1 ont tin telephone directors *» Witkls reportei put the .same question to uaun of them lh> you lav or lluoi uiatioii ol 11 it* Garrboro Board To Follow Vote Tin ost into the middle ol i three way a|uee/.e between pi o llitoiidatiomsts anti Hum idalion i.sts, and a request tiom the t mveisity Im an ullti ml tale mi nt ut policy, the tan emu i muiiii iuiici . elected to align then opinion with results ol the tluoi nlution poll At the hoard's regulai meet ing Monday night Town Clerk it li Todd read a letter lion, I .'diversity Director ol Utilities (ney I din i ll* requesting that the Commissioners make an ol filial statcmenl ol their atti lode toward fluoridation the lellei only i ei|Ue .led a lat e I mi nt - without specifying what ; tin* hoard s polti y should tie m how soon It should he loltheom trig Appearing to speak on Hum illation were District I'unlle Health Officer Dr O David Garvin, I'oblie Health Senim Sanitarian Hczckiah Hudson, Chapel Hill citizen Manning Simons, and Carrboro citizen I'.inesl Itiggsbee Dr Garvin spoke, requesting (hat tin* hoard restate to tin University its approval ol Hum illation as stated lit l!)5l It is our sincere opinion that lino,lda Don is not harmlul, ’ said Dr Garvin "Kycry public olluial has endorsed it We have got to find some way to lake heller care of our people's teeth Dr Dobson concurred with Mr Garun Mr Simons spoke, citing at some length and in some detail statistics indicating that fluorida tion of community water was medically ill-advised; lie also quoted passages from books and his own correspondence with medical and scientific authori ties, demonstrating, in effect, that there was no proof that the addition of lluoride to community water would not harm various parts ol the body or aggravate existing ailments while it help ed the teeth In addition, Mr Simons pre sented to the board letters from Women Voters’ public meeting. Left to light are Harvey Bennett, Hugh Wil son, I’hil Sehinhan and iticuml>cnt Don Stanford. (Photo by Town & Country) \vjtc! supply? The answers were clearly m laser of fluoridation There were » who said they wen in las or ol |l Three people w e r e against d. and 17 either wire undecided or det lined lo com Hit 111 Cards polling .til water user, had Been .chedtded lo lie mailed out Dus Wick llul l mvi isify Du uiu.s,-. Man.c ' i .1 A Drain h * hapcl Hill allot tics . VV llnioM 1 l.vai il and H \ \\ hdciield 8011, o| which .idsiscd against lluoridat ion 1 own Attorney I I IMnpp. r«ad Itu-.c liict aloud Fol lowing the i cad lie.' Mi I'inpps said, May atiothei attorney peart'* I'loin ,>!! the doctors and dentists tel! mu it w<- had had fluoridation J* years ago I d have more Him just two ol my own teeth today Mi Itiggsbce ;p» .iking at the i• quest of \l l Simons, .stated that since nobody knew a great deal about lluoi id.dioii h< wa in favor oi ‘'holding up on it until moi e could he found out We don't know alk re we i c going. he said >o I Dunk we ought to yu slow Ihe l dlliflii loiui (jet xletl t>« make their .stalemenl altei the remits ol the coining lluoi ida Don poll have hei n tabulated, and then to agree with which ever side wins the poll ( onun ittcc To Be Named Dec Program Is l^aunclied The first ste p in a luiigiange public recreation program was put into effect Monday night hy the Board oi Aldermen The hoard aullion/ecl the ap pointincnt pf a ten'alum plan ning committee which-will have the j ih of c arrying out further proposals m the rec n ation plan. Appointment ol the planning eomnnltce is expected at the hoards next meeting Its mem ber* will work with the Planning Board and In- respon.cible lo tin Kecrcalion C-nmimv ion Kstahlishmc m eg the planning committee wax the lirst of sev en steps recommended hy the , Recreation Commission us a ; means of implcine tiling its muni ] opal recreation program. said yesterday the poll lias been postponed until next week lo allow officials at University Ser vice Plan! to make a change in the return deadline date of the cards j Ibe t 'iiivci sily Si rv K e Plants 1 will ask that the cards he return j ed hv June I Opinions (.1 those surveyed by i the Weekly vaned R'om inform- I i I and positive In vague and ; apparently uninterested 1 haven't really thought lHindi about u. said one wo Man I bat's lor your teeth, i ii t if* Well, I would Hunk any thing that would help would lie line I vei y much approve ' one moth( i ,aid I have three chd (Iren and I Hunk it's marvelous i tin phut nun : i s iid lie thinks il would be a shame to deprive children o! it I Hunk they should go to the drug store and buy il it they want it." said aimthei man "They can get n cheaper there Ilian in Ibe walei I tiie man nllei ed this < undid; explanation of hi opinion "Me being toolldi my opinion would In- a mighty pom one wouldn't it' Maybe it should have lil-en done bn me Bill, Hally. lin one ol those poor ooi who believe maybe il would do sonic good but I Eu I have enough knowledge ol the blamed stud to i(ally know, so I d have lo he on the lem c And even mole (undid wa, Hus alternative plan suggested by a downtown husinc., man II seems sin h a wale ol money to 1 1 i-.il wall i that Is guilig to he used to walei lawns, wash cars, and bathe in Me' Tin in lavor ol bourbOnizing the water supply.'' lint the liourd balked a! mi mediate approval of Hie six oilier recommendation.-, winch included a call lor a bond is.aie plus a spec ial lax or expenditure of current -municipal funds lo pay lor pureuse oi land and equipment' and to run the pro gram Other action Monday night The hoard agreed to construct the nit-walk along Mate* Drive on the east side of the street as il was planned originally. Preliminary sketches of an other section of Rules Mills de velopment and an area in Green wood were; approved on the recommendation of the Plan ning Board. Town Manager Tom Ko.sc was authorized to put up a street PUBLISHED EVERY MONDAY AND THURSDAY Over 250 Attend * Public Meeting By Dwayne Walls Five of the six candidates for the two seats on the Board of County Commissioners came out foursquare for support of public schools Tuesday night. But agreement faded when they got down to tiie particulars of school financing. liicumlH'iit appeared to sum up the feeling of the other candidates. “Supporting school bud get requests is one thing,” he said, “but raising the money tor these* programs is an other Mr Stanford outlined a 111-year plan lor providing the county’s school needs on a pay-as-you-go basis with a five cent increase ill the county lax levy I’hil Sehinhan promised a long range program based on a com binut ion ol increased ■ t axi's, re using the tax base, and an im mediate bond issue to bring present lacditios up to date Harvey Bennett said he feels capital improvements lor the schools wdl have to be financed largely through bond issues and a state supplement. But he in dieati'd he would he leluelant lo raise taxes in ordei to [malice additional school budgets I'd be very can-jul about in-, creasing taxes tor any reason, he said. Hugh Wilson re-iterated the stand he lust advocated several yeais ago ol putting the county s school imam ing on a uuy iivyapi go basis III* program, too, c ,ls for Hie user d&fWIilU, m Hit- lax base Increased tax iale it necessary and the use of AlU’ revenues All live of the candidates wen in agreement that profits trom the ABC stores should be applied to school funds l.otiis W Sparrow, the Repub lican candidate lor the hoard, also promised support tor school budgets. Although he did not out line a specific plan tor school Imam mg, lie indicated firmly that he would move cautiously in authorizing higher taxes "The I’TA is asking the county commissioners to sign a blank check on school linaucmg,' Mi Sparrow said lie was retelling to lour quc.s turns on school Imam mg which wen- submitted to each ol the candidates by the (hapcl Hilt I’TA (’ouneil The. candidates hail been ask ed to answci the questions dm ( i,mi.med on Page 4/ (Vnsus Figures Available Soon Chapel Hill and (>i. 111 ;> Conn ty will have their new olllcial : population llgurcs next week, ae cording In a ic|>oit this week Irnlli the Greensboro oil ice ol the ( eii,-,us Bureau A Census Bureau official said yesterday that reports ol the j new count here will he mailed out tomorrow to Mayor I) h Cornwell and It I M liohhs, i (hailman ol the Hoaid of ( utility Commissioners. The census reports then will he made public next week light at the end ol Christopher Hoad and an ether at the inter section ol Howell Lam- unit Dur ham Knud Leroy Merritt was granted a permit to sell wine at the Pines icbtuurunt Amendments lo the parking iiictci ordinance were approved lo c omplele parking chunges pre viously ih c idi-d for North Col umbia and West t-Tanklm Street and to eliminate left turns from Church Street inlo hranklin alt er June to The Mitchell Lane paving de bale was reviewed, but the board decided to take no action until alter a coiileieuce with highway officials at a public hearing scheduled May 16 on the widening of Highway 54. Today’s Press Run 4,300 kornesay, Kobb c j Differ On li.S. Aid To Schools Democratic Congressional can didale Horace Korneguy gave qualified endorsement Tuesday night to a program of federal aid In education I am opposed to the federal government telling the state of North Carolina how it should run its si bool system," Mr Koine gay said Hut I see a problem we have in school financing here in North Carolina. We have the children and other states lime the money therefore, lie added Ik- could see tile need tor a prqgtam wMtcby the govern ment would ure-mpi' l i’e funds ha eduemoft on f fie hhsls ( rs ‘he numlier if children in the stale and then art the slate* spend the money at its discretion. "That lyfie of federal aid l can support,” he told an audi ence of about 250 at the "Meet the Candidates" meeting spon sored iiy the League ol Women Voters. Mr Kornogay was one of two Congressional candidates for the Sixth District seat who ,U tended the meeting Demo cratic: candidate William H Murdock of Durham did not at tend ( 01. Holland I. ilohh ol Cha pel Hill, the Republican candi date fur the seat to he vacated by Rep Carl Durham, disagreed with Mr Kornegay on federal aid to education With federal funds for educa tion, Col Robb said, the stales could expect subsequent Icdcrul control and a Hock ol inspect - ois' to tell the state tiow lo spend Hit- money Whul'.x mini he added, a piogiam ol lederal aid to educa tion probably would he run like siimlai fedeial programs. With (Continued on page 4) Scenes MRS MARVIN ALLEN slew ing slight limp as she entered candidates meeting Tuesday night with tier husband . . CLAUDIA CANNADY telling everybody about "her show" coming up May 2ft—the Carr boro Festival , , MR and MILS HILL FORD proudly tell ing about their daughter, Gad, who was selected us Chapel Hills Teenager of the Year MILS ROY DARKER being described as "the politicking dorm hostess" . HUBERT NEVILLE talking about WALT RAHILS baseball team—nine straight wins and maybe headed lor another conference champ ionship . JOE ROBBINS be ing congratulated fur putting on a tint- dinner for the Univer si' * ’ ethall team . . , HUGH WILSON explaining that he s’opiH'd cufleclmg contribu tions lor a gubernatorial candi date in order to remain unattach ed in Ida own race for the Board of County Commissioners . . , THELMA BERRY running to catch a ride . . SIM HORN uit way into town . . . HORACE KORNEGAY looking stricken at tlie "Meet the Candidates" meet ing when COL, H. L. HOUR de scribed him aa a good Kepuhli -1 can.