Page Two Board Makes Recommendations To Stores For Abandonment Os Half-Day Holiday Hip board of directors of th- Chape! Hill-Carrboro Merchant*. Association voted Monday to recommend t» th. mernb**r met cham.- that the;, remain 0)« r for basines- on Wednesday after . - Customa-ih mans merchant base beer, closing on W . dne* da;, afternoon.- during th. sun.- i mer month- The recommendation was made primarily because of im decision of Durham merchant to remain oepr all day or, V..-. ne-day- It • past. mo-' Dui ham stores ai-o had closed on Wednesday afternoon.- during HOGGINS has it! ••••••••••••••••a ••••• I SPRAY I RUST-OLEUM : it : ' COLORS ••nun : I*! f~ : • Red. Yelfov/, 1 Blue. Green. Aluminum. I 2 Gray. Black. White— I • plus popular pastels! • • Tr it * O • • the new Khm-O • J ( i nt. ! ; . m . • other I ■ - I * • • • the I,mm Y ) w ilit E O ■ t,iu '< i J Dar if e i * • you Is • • lot K i • i) tr: ’ h • J coating- I -mi u * j RUST-OLEUM, j i \ LStiSi : i PJJ UJ JJj|| 1 1 VUJL r .) V \ ) \/^/1\ 1 V \ 14th STOREUIIDE i Mill 1 1 iIMUXIIU DlMilLl Apprvoia/ion ... | EVERY DEPARTMENT 11QDTC Tfinnu For the splendid patronage we have enjoyed lor the past i INCLUDED aiHHia IUUHV It years from the finest customers to he found any- ■ Nothing t.. Huy Nationally Advertised Furniture Fxtra Low Prices ; where we offer this j»reat storewide sale. Come and I '•*« N,,! share our good fortune with us and we w ill share it with I Be Hroent To Wi» MISCELLANEOUS VALUES CARPET & RUG VALUES | —I j a jinn ■ mfc■fc ■rm ■ !. !•"< «t 11*-<| Bose Beige 170.00 115.00 chairs, lamps, toasters, radios, many other fine articles 1 cIToTL™ 99.5” Matched Sets and closeout Covers Reduced for this Sale. One group n - «. , 12x25 Green moo 299.00 Values to $69.50 SALE $39.50 of Foam Filled Sofas, Only $99.50 lre 5 ock ut 12x16’11 ” Celdon Brown 304.00 198.00 Pictures, Mirrors and Lamps : xlri i against The vote among th* di rectors wa four in favor of staying open one- against, and three abstentwn- A; its meeting Monday the |. W rd net. th< r < .•‘'i^nytion o' William Hobb< of filer Ix*n ro> as a direclor Mr Hobb* said Ins re .gnat.on manaa -■ . • ’ - onfluS ■ prevented h - attending th( nd Merchant- A-.-ocial io; would le betti repri ented bj someont more dir*' tiy concerned "*;!n re tali merchandising in the down town district I .lie- Augustine manager u‘ I Stevens-Shepherd clothing sior* was elected tiy Hu board to cum i pie’*- Mt Hoi»li- tern, which e: pin- next fat Jr, other action thi dire: tors approved b resolution calling or. the Board of Aldermen to sei what ear. tie done about .tmpr.n • in: !;;:htin» or Franklin St roe* Jaycee Delegation At State Meeting A d.-e-gatior.- of Chape! Hii, Jay : -.- ~K- Favettevilii Hide, for - | .Jay ‘-i i- Highlight of tn< fo.e-d .- nei the elect .or d 1 presidi Attending- .fronr, f 'hape Hi)! an . Bat '-- - I ■' ! hari Roy Hart i !: B Fitch Jr .(in i i ■ Bob Midj etti B I Sparrow 'tom Gardner John t I •i,. - Sand. i!d'!amn.i i: Cearli*- i-' .. -1... i-: .- - l. . y and '. -dr I.{ Auto Accidents Here During April fin!v oni person wa injured u it., ... < . / ■ t ■ up. Hit dir :ng Apt i: accord a. to th. -monthly Ho' ' • a ■ ... tie r ■ IO IMI H Ml l»KI\ I ’! • '< ■ .i.e It., t > .-•■ e w-: .•lid it- budding fund dm* Id 1 I; ChUM'. rongt<■*;,«* 190 and parlor tie I'.. . B i • •■ • ■ .-a Siti 0[ Chapel Jfill I.IFF, IN ( HAPFI. HIJ.L A cit./er failed Judge I'tupp:- office the other day and a.-i>- ed to spea, to the Judge Tin- Judg' . young law partner hesitated a minute, then told ine caller. 'Car. vou piioni- back in ju t a tittle while'’ Trie Judge is going m ,’ood righ- now 1 hat.- lo .-'op rr. ir ir ir TItAVFI RF.POIIT Rot C tholomew th< Div ision o' lleai'ri Affair* publiei'y man i- rnrrer.t'; vacation ing ir S. .nati Ga , sent word Paid; 10 < i,apel Hill "i > only lieeen here twenty four hour* and they say tries had rathe; mc. >■ General Sherman back ir ir ir TRIALS AND TRIBCI.ATIONS Item if. it* entirety, from Trie Chape li;li 'Changer, pub licatior -tii loca 1 lar Clut. - TRKASt Ki of S REPOP.T Treasurer Nelki Clark report a ru ed mora-y ★ ★ ★ RF.I'ORT FROM INNER SI’AI 1 The gni! ,! th> Goody S> caught fin one riigiit aw • ... back A eouph- of T-usUim* drinking bee; failed to not.ft Mia! anything out of the ordinary wa* going on until Spero pi'joed a - the incoris eniem.e closed up shop four iiour.s early ir i ir IM BLK ANNDI N< FMI NT i udolpi th. ' • fi']’. «'? ,‘v SiiF'*!!! iS f. L.lli or a’ory .;w.k* a ! ttu I nHersity yesterday on Tin Effect of '.be Sul.-'ra' if- on Me'n.'i.-npv. ms of th< Intertidal (.astiopod '<- !e. w a- er\ iul ir i ir 111 I AMONf, THF SA\ At.ES Billy < am .ei.ael, Tniid look \ » i eharles hopkins of chapel hill designer 'raftsman Wf TTfE CHAPEL HTT-L WEEKLY nne of his youngsters on a tour o: Aekiand Museum a couple of days ago When the youngster saw old man Ackland sprawled out on top of hi.-, casket she exclaimed. ■ I. .ok Daddy Tha' man's .n he Ht'O Jus! fluoridated fluid. W. ought to add tiourixir. Or Vodk; pi'rt.ap- S?i we can draw cocktail; Direct from our taps ir ir ir MONCMENTAL IN I ELI.IDEM I Early medics preserib.-d spices 'or ... ran gin; ‘rom hiceup* t«. ' in,o; Coriander wa a.c . ailments and ienugreei: for dandruff t.arlic was pH i"iii*-d oi (pilr-ji y, and min'. 1 held m tr.e Mind, prevented tin .! n-M; • .iso 'ut- \\***-k!y » !;r--sfii-fj ads Fire Humane Was Small In April A sharp reduction in fire dam in the Chapel Hill area during Apr.’ was reported this week by Fire Chie; J S Boone In his monthly report to the Board of Aldermen. Chief Boone noted that the six fires in the town .. :. - during Apr. caused no prop erty damage • There were tour i re* in the Ere district wmch . . i-ed an estimated in prop-1 erty damage KENNY PCTNAM IMPROVING ■ - Puti Memorial Hospital about two, weeks, is reported to tie recu[M-ral-! mg satisfactorily and i- to, have visitors ! •- thi Weekly classified ads ! Presents SPRING SALE * of Arzberg Translucent CHINA Xi-l'iece STARTER SET ir Now through Ma> Hst AK/l'KRh pri/rd .m/J pri/.#*- winniiiH —tii*- 4'hiftu »r ;»1 Min* rn o'.'in/*tl ns tin v«*r> HKM I'.oud last*- I'itlk t »n h«Mh iiiudiTfi and traditional homo. II i/h-fir* d lor lasting h* ,uit> rhtp rf'sistarit \lna\s a\ aiiabln in op< n sto* k AM) IU MI MRI It Vour t'lft in* aiis More troiu a famous stor*'. Announcing KEMP’S Annual 7 PJ. -to -7 Hi. DLL lIIGHT LOnC! Featuring Some of the f LOWEST PRICES! In Kemp’s Illustrious History ifridM i Lucky - Get ’em All Night Long! j 13 th j Ilf ■ ITqJ ( ome to this “party” lor a I 205-207 K. Franklin Street Thursday, May 12, 1960