Sunday, November 3, 1963 I™* him m.m. >... mmmmsmimmmsiimmmmm mstmim ' •*" V ' '”“ .V ’ * - >' ‘ ‘— *1 ‘' < ’t BM^^BEfflllßßlllllillßlf^^BM^Hßli^^^^B One Doivn And Eleven To Go "r' * H| p |||||i||jj| % *'^^w9%ff x £, -?' ' 'ig >' l,' Jgraggf lllir ladi ■ 1 lyHir I ' , '|MMi JWF *lsStk V ##>JJiBIP ,^SP»P»*S^ i " !llllßW ■■ v y ■'„**,* '** _,,,. -».«.-*• .. - , t-r yi'.r ‘..'. -V.. • • •■•• •.V • • «•**»<*»••«* if - • . ( f . 1 ':. . ■•’ • - ’.} ' 'a* '• >‘ ■'■’ ■• Good Fishing For Sweet Teeth Children thronged and milled to and fro, most of the ydunger ones costumed and accompanied by par ents. Some of the parents were costumed too. Children ran among grownup legs or rode on patdrnal shoulders. One little girl held up by her father’s brawny arm gent ly stroked the back of her father’s head in time to the music as she watched the dancing. From a shadowy corner of the parking lot came an occasional solemn clang as children exploring the patriarch of Chapel Hill’s fire engines discovered the bell cord. A fireman was on duty conducting guided tours of the hose racks and the drivers’ seats. Two chilled Jaycees huddled in the “fishing well,” feverishly stuffing bags of assorted candy into paper cups on the ends of strings attached to fishing poles. Sweet-toothed anglers stood patiently in line for a sure catch. The line was long for the window-painting contest. Magdi El Kammesh, looking-like an off-duty extra from “Desert Song” in burnoose, robes, and dangling cigar ette, handed out small pots of water paint and brush es. Some of the children’s art work was reasonaoly representational. Some made Dali look* nothing short of photographic. Annis Lillian Arthur lettered “TRUE LOVE” neatly under what may or may not have been a picture of. true love. A little boy shut the world from his mind and intently painted something only he could name. Under it he lettered ART. What did that spell? “I don’t know.” ’ ' : What was the first letter? “A.” And that letter? *- ;v BP X if B| P» B j BO By- I :5 S^ ■ 1 ■ Rfx jMt jB jf 5f xtttcx' v BB' •■: •■■MBtey|jßß-.- - 'i||pg-. Jlpi'--' BPjgif B jjfl|- : y, *’**fj§ |pHR$ BOB'. ...SMOOBHOBEL ~. . ~ A~ j Dali W ould Have Trembled ; - wF'' * *BB WT wJm i «^_JH kT. •. Jmh* ;' ._ j __ /jWBBHBBW^^^P^CTBBi v >; l. ’ ■ ' ? >,V f «■ -- S v -’* *? ■; '. " ■ '' ' ./ ■ ’ Jb’. . • / 1 H|H|^H • : M J Jjß|J - I'«9 ■I . ' 1 K> ■ BB^'*' WKm i:;- mjfr B ® ; K< \ ■L i ] jp%’. . *-4 ' ' J Junior Jet Set I r *‘ ijm 'y. ■ RC9» t.\ -:rv t ' /*^\ ■ PBPv Ay ' \ / / ''-’ • JT' '' :: | ' ■B^H»SBB|j|^ £ i'' *• ' .«• **( rV- ‘- I ' - j* * * **. - 4r‘ Visiting Royulty Page 7-B