Page 4-B Rose Society Will Meet On Tuesday j The Chapel Hill Rose Society wffi hold its last meeting of the year at 6 p.m. Tuesday in the lounge of the Home Savings and Loan on North Columbia Street. President Gertrude Willis says this final meeting of 1963 will be interesting and informa tive to Rosarians and urges all members to attend and bring a guest. Mrs. Addie Totten promises a fine program. She is bringing Mrs. Gilbert Rogers, president of the Durham Rose Society who will review Peter Coats’ book "Rose Treasures and Pleasures.’* Also op the program will be Personalised Service MONUMENTS MARKERS MAUSOLEUMS DURHAM MARBLE Wff RKS 1501 Sorehead Ave. Ddrfaam, N. €. W. -E. RALEY, Manager PRONE Day 4894134 Night 4884968 ANNOUNCING ANNUAL FLOOR SAMPLE SALE Once a year we sell all FLOOR SAMPLES on floor at reductions beyond reality on a first come—first go basis. Shop early to get largest selection. HIKES RENCEB JO to 50% WgmBBKKBK 410 w. Franklin St. Phone 942-5125 OGBEIRN Furniture Market Pre-Holiday BEAUTY SALE!! - ts* Use Perfect Timing is now tor your Holiday Permanent wave or Color! Don’t be rushed at the last minute. Our styles are BEAUTIFUL ... our prices right! La Mark* Petal Perm Cold Wave Supreme f A Aik Formula. Comparable Value 15.00, Now OaIMF La Murick Aatre Lanol Wave. Comparable Id A ft Jh Value 25.00. Now | || || |}{J Each wave la complete with conditioning shampoo, penouaHzed cut, and styled set and comb out. Charge It. IK Course! OPEN FRnuY TIL 0:10 PJL BELK-LEGGETT- 4 HORTON BEAUTY 2nd Floor SALONS nemy Os FBEE JBttk p hon * 968-4467 StoreeMe Putlog Mrs. R. B. Cooke, another Dur ham Rosarian, who will talk on how to "Pot Pourri” which is a method of preserving rose pe tals for fragrance. Mrs. Mia Blackwood, secre tary and treasurer, extends a cordial invitation for prospec tive new members to attend this meeting and Join the society now which is the beginning of a new year. They will receive full benefit of the National So ciety’s monthly Rare magazine, and The American Rose So ciety’s Annual, a valuable book for all rose lovers as wall as the buyers guide of the American Rose Society. Coltrane Joins Faculty Friday Dr. George Allen Coltrane join ed the University faculty Fri day as assistant director and as sistant professor at the Institute of Government, it was announced by President of the Con solidated University, William C. Friday, the Board of Trustees, ami UNC Chancellor William B. Ay cock. Dr. Coltrane received his A.B. and LL.B. degrees from Duke University. He is a member of the Georgia Bar and the Nation al Association of Accountants, With considerable experience in tax accounting. He is a native of High Point. • Personals MRS. MARY HOLLINGSWORTH Phone 842-6270 Mrs. John WBliford received word Nov. Bth that her brother, Same Nee. of lowa had passed away. His desMi leaves Mrs. Williford the only remaining member of her immediate fam ily. * * * Mrs. Matt Crabtree, mother of Mr. William Crabtree, is se riously 01. • - • • Mr. and Mr*. W. C. Beasley and sons, Rod and Cliff of Fay etteville. visited Mrs. Beasley’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Arnold, Sunday. * • • Mrs. W. F. Poythress return ed recently from a two weeks visit with Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Neville of Fairfax, Va. * * * Mr. and Mrs. John Henry Smith announce the birth of a daughter, Anita Kathleen, No vember Bth. Mrs. Smith is the former Sandra Head of Carr boro. * * * Buddy Blackwood is a pa tient at Memorial Hospital. His condition is termed very ser ious. • * • Rev. and Mrs. Rudy Hardee, and T. R. Register treated, the intermediate Boys and Girls Sunday School Class to a skating [ party Saturday night at Wel j lons Village in Durham. Around seventeen members attended. * • * Jim Tripp, who has been ser iously 111 for many weeks, has improved enough to walk about in the house. * * «. Mrs. Deward Pepper and Mrs. Jerry Pilarski honored their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Bradshaw, with an epen-house Sunday in celebration of their 50e ~ at a meeting of the Maternal ahd t Child Health Department of the UNC School of Public Health. Z _ «*. ‘te ROOM | 9t the £ PINES RESTAURANT | Charcoal Steak Open Until 11P.M. § Ph. 942-2251 ” mmbbhbhHlM -i - -