Sunday, .November Yt, 1963 WUNC Radio 91.5 FM SUNDAY 6:00 The Dinner Hour— Schubert: Fantasy (piano, 4 hands) Hindemith: Concerto for Organ and Chamber Orchestra Rheinberger: Sonata No. 7 inF 6:55 News 7:00 The Search "L 7:15 The Sacred Note 7:Jo Washington Reports to the People 7:45 Viewpoints 8:00 Masterwork— Smetana: Overture to the Bartered Bride Schubert: Symphony No. 9 Carolina SUNDAY & MONDAY MinioaoinwwMi»w»««—w LoKSuROAN^^ aSAMARTtff&iJ MMBARETMITHBiFORO MABBIEBNHTK BOOTAYIDR SBBOHIWHIEB. NNAVISKM* Md 9ETROCOUHI Shows at 12:45 - 2:42 - 4:51 - 7:00 - 9:00 Adults ___ SI.OO I „ MEfSENCP^I I GEUSMin I I ONE BROOK tsSMK! I GLADYS COOPER with MARCEL DALIO/ JACQUES ROUX ■ 5 Gr?*t st*r* Chpllenge You to Cues* Shows at 1:90 - 8:91 - 5:92 . 7:03 . 9:04 IMPORTANT Bee This Picture from the Beginning tea '"*ggp" +.]» '<• h v> v '"y, m , . M 1 (J Some people think it nev«r needs services Vs easy to got that Impression. How many other makes Tidv9 boon driven (0,000 miles with the Original pistons and cylinder* In tad? How mony ordinarily get 40,000 miles on the sarffe tires? That doesn’t mean the Vblkswagefwiev«r need* service. It does. To get the most out of SL have your VW *erv« Iced regutariy. We cod It preventive maintenance. We’ll give you a book on preventive maintenance for the first 3QJXX) miles you drive. And every 30,000 miles after that. 1 in the book for new VWt, for instance, coupon* start you off with two free maintenance services. One at 300 miles. One at 3,000 miles. After that, the coupons remind you to bring your VW In for specified services at regular intervals. It’s the best way to keep your VW in top shape. Service is M Important that Volkswagen won’t sell cars where they can’t be properly handled. By factory-trained mechanics, like ours. Parts are economical ahd quickly installed. There isn’t a Volkswagen made that you can’t get parts for easily. Mast are interchangeable from year to year. (You can have a 1963 fender put on your ’SB model with 10bolt*. It fi ts perfectlyJ We pride ourselves on this fo«t: Our sarric* Isa* goad as th* ear. AA anybody. TRIANGLE MOTORS, lie. rift 111 W. Chapel Bill 8t Dttftfea JWTMMUCft Open Friday Night. H § DEALER Beethoven: Symphony No. 9 10:00 News 10:15 News Analysis 10:30 Lutheran Hour 11:00 Sign Off MONDAY 6:00 The Dinner Hours 6:55 News 7:00 Spectrum 8:00 Masterwork— Bach: Suite No. 2 Mozart: Piano Concerto No. 21 Beethoven: Sonata No. 4 Brahms: Symphony No. 4 10:00 News 10:15 Stars for Defense 10:30 American Adventure 11:00 Hillside Jazz: repeat 12:00 News TUESDAY 6:00 The Dinner Hour 6:56 News 7:00 France Applauds 7:30 Netherland Radio 7:45 Let’s Learn German 8:00 Hill Hall Concert: repeat 9:30 Converse College 10:00 News 10:15 Some Come to Sing: Hart. enanny. taped Mon. night 11:80 Project 60— from WBT in Charlotte: repeat 12:00 News NOW AT Town & Campus TUESDAY Carolina japp >* t , &H \ jU 'M p -'.J#i fe> 'A>.-v t wR ■ I 1 GRAND OPENING—AT Home Building Supply Co’s grand opening Thursday J. ‘B. Howell, left, owner of the Durham firm of which the Chapel Hill store is a branch, was greeted arid welcomed to the Chapel Hill business community iby Mayor Sandy Mc- Legion Auxiliary Holds Ward Party A ward party for approp riately 50 patients at the VA Hospital in Durham was held Thursday night by the Ameri can Legion Auxiliary of Chapel HiH, Unit 6. A musical program was pre sented by young people from the Chapel Hill, Carrboro and Durham communities. Partici pating were: Bruce Jones of Carrboro, pianist; Bobby Lou Shields of Carrboro, pop songs; Beverly Leng Miss Chapel Hill), dance act; Brenda Neal of Carr boro, rock-and-roll songs; Mol ly Sparrpw, Linda Addison, San dra Shelton, end Janet Benson, j &Ue*d**o{ — EVENTS Activities scheduled for Chapel HIU and Carr bore from today through Wednesday, November 89: MONDAY e 4 p.m. C. David Loeks, rirectw of the Twin Cities Metropoli tan Planning Commission, St. Paul, Minn., speaks in More head Planetarium Faculty Lounge. Public invited. e 4 p.m. Statistics Colloquium, Robert M. Kozelka, speaker, in 265 Phillips Hall. e 5 p.m. UNC Botany seminar, Dr. J. Franklin' McCormick, speaker, in 265 Coker Hall, tea served at 4:45 p.m. prior to the lecture. • 6:30 p.m. Charter members of Chapel Hill-Carrboro Chamber oi Commerce meet, Ranch House. • 7:15 pjn. University Symphony Orchestra rehearsal, Hill Hall. • 7:30 p.m. Chapel Hill School Board holds special meeting, Superintendents office, West Franklin School. • 7:30 p.m. Chapel Hill Choral Club meets, Hill Hall. TUESDAY e 2 p.m. Newcomers Daytime Bridge group meets, at the home of Mrs. Charles Hooker, 508 Pittsboro Street. « 7:30 p.m. Carolina Playmakers special student night perfor mance of “Long Day’s Journey Into Night,” tickets available at Playmakers business office, Abernethy Hall. • 7:30 p.m. Newcomers Book Divi sion group meets at the home of Mrs. James Mullen, 413 Graaville Rd. a 8 pm. Chapel Hill Rose Society meets, lounge of Home Sav ings and Loan Association. • 8 p.m. Graham Memorial Se ries, Celeste Holme and Wes ley Addy, Memorial Hall, ad mission with ID cards, genera! public admitted at fl at 7:45 if space available. • 8 p.m. Chapel Hill Board oI Adjustment meets. Town Hall. HELD OVERI The Book b Required Reading the Picture is Required Seeing REMARKABLE” mmm Short. Repeat of “DREAM OF WILD HORSES” Showings at 2:13, 1:55, 5:17, 7:89, RULTO THEATRE * . aa. . a DURHAM ..... . — ■— TO CHAPEL HUX WEEKLY 1 all of Durham, baton twirling act. Joan Creed of Carrboro did a series of country songs ac companied by a guitar trio made up of Robert Buckner and Rob ert Creed of Carrboro, and Charlie Bouldin of Pittsbore. Refreshments were furnished and served by members of the Legion Auxiliary. Mrs. Mildred Colville of Chapel Hill and Mrs. Beulah Cox of Carrboro, chair men of the Rehabilitation Com mittee, were assisted by Mrs. John Crawford of Carrboro, Mrs. Whitney Poythress and Mrs. Harry A. Rear of Chapel Hill. WEDNESDAY e 10 am. Dr. Rex Speers speaks to all interested women on child psychology in the audi i torium of Gravely Sanatorium e 7:30 D.m. “Long Day's Journey Into Night” at Carolina Play raakers Theatre. • 8 p.m. Mrs. Emil T. Chanlett speaks to Chapel Hill League of Women Voters, Peabody Hall auditorium. • 8 p.m. Music For Children Inc., meets in Mrs. Adeline McCall’s music room in West Franklin School. • 8 p.m. Green Sprouts Garden Club meets at home of Mrs. Isaac Taylor, Morgan Creek Road. • 8 p.m. Newcomers Garden group meets at home of Mrs. Dana Quade, 309 Hum Lane. • 8 p.m. Davie Poplar Chapter, DAIR, meets at home of Mrs. F. C. Shepard, 408 Cameron Ave. Attorney John Manning, speaker. • 8 p.m. Chapel Hill Human Re lations Committee meets, Town Hall. GARDEN CLUB MEETING The Garden dub of the New comer’s Division of the Univer sity Woman’s dub will meet Wednesday at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Dana Quade. 309 Plum Lane. Mrs. R. H. Totten, well known among Chapel liill garden clubs for her interesting and knowledgeable talks, will speak on Bible plants. Cohostess will be Mrs. Gerald Each. TOO LAW TO CLASSIFY PIANO LESSONS IN YOUR HOME. Theory, technique. Beginner or ad vanced. Call Durham 268-6680. yZ BE ORIGINAL I* fr/VW'H pIVE ORIGINAL Select from works of 60 Artists •• *• OVB3| 1000 Paintings, Drawings, Sculpture, Graphics Custom Framing I Prices Begin At $3.00 JANE HASLEM GALLERY I 113 W. Franklin Hours 10-5 Mon. thru Sat. 2-5 Sun. Clamroch. Between Mayor McClamroch and Mr. Howell are Fred Smith and Curtis Jones, co-managers of the store, which is in Coman Lumber Company’s former quarters on Graham Street. —Photo by Town & Country Recreation Roundup REGISTER FOR BASKETBALL Adults: Basketball leagues, one for men and one for wom en, are being organized for the coming season. The deadline for signing up a team is Friday, November 22. Contact the Rec reation Department office by mail, visit, or phone, 942-6054. Boys, 9-11 and 12-14: Boys aged 9-11 interested in joining a basketball team and entering league competition must regis ter Saturday, November 23, in the CHHS Gym at 9 am., and boys 12-14 at 11 a m. If you can not be present, send your name, address, grade in school, phone no. to Recreation Department, Box 813, Chapel Hill. SLIMNASTICS CLASSES One class is conducted Tues day mornings at 10 am. and ■’another Wednesday evenings at both at the All Star Lanes. T 0 register,- contact the Recreation Department. Deadline is Tues day, November 19. A Square Dance Club is be ing formed. If you are interest ed contact at the Recreation Department. FOOTBALL GAME In a very close and hard fought football game, regular season champs Umstead, coach ed by the Rev. Sidney Stafford, defeated the South 7-6. Umstead dominated the first half as Tos tcson ripped open the South line for several long runs. But the closer Umstead got to the South goal the tougher they be came. The game was a Score less tie until late in the first half when Pete Allen threw a pass that was deflected by a ,- South player, but Tor Tosteson grabbed the ball in the air and i raced for a touchdown. The play covered 25 yards. The sharpshooting. Allen then fired a pass to Jeff Umplett for the all-important extra point. ' The second half was just the opposite of the first as South began to dominate the game. Ken Holland of South began to fill the air with passes as the Seuth began to move. Early in the second half Holland fired a p*ss to Bobby Thalman, good for 30 yards and a first down on the Umstead 30 yard line. On the ti«xt play Holland completed a Mss to Johnny Parrish on the Lknstead 12 yard line. Two plays later Holland passed to Parrish for the score. The try for the extra point was batted down at the goal by Jeff Ump lett. The South almost pulled the game out with repeated threats, but Umstead always rose to meet the challenge. FOOTBALL BANQUET A crowd of about 150 people from all four of the department football teams plus their parents showed up Thursday night to honor the champions, Umstead football team. Hot dogs and ice cream were served and color slides of all the teams were shown plus films of the Chapel Hill vs. Henderson game. At the end of the films awards were given to players on the winning team. Also the boys who were voted most valuable to their teams by opposing coaches were given recognition. For Um stead they were Pete Allen, Gar land Freeland, and Jeff Ump lett. for The North, Charlie Straughn: for Carrboro, Rusty Butler; for the South, Bobby Thalman and George Coxhead. The trophy for the most valu able player in the league voted by the coaches went to Ken Hol land of the South. Holland, an offensive quarterback. also played defensive end. Holland had a hand in every point his Iteam scored except for one touchdown. GUILD MEETING The Catholic Women’s Guild of St. Thomas More Church will hold its monthly meeting Tues day at the Church Hall at 8 p.m. There will be a speaker on the Byzantine Rite. All the Women of the parish are invited and re minded to bring stamps. [jfflersity Saunders Elected AWW, WPC Head i Max D. Saunders, superintend ent of the Chapel Hill Water Plant, was re-elected secretary treasurer of the N. C. Section of the American Water Works As sociation and the N. C. Water Pollution Control Association at their annual business meeting in Charlotte last week. The instal lation of the new officers conclud ed the 43rd annual joint conven tion of the two groups. During the next year. Mr. Saunders will sene the joint as sociations with a combined mem bership of 470 men. The object of the N. C. Section of the Amer ican Water Works Association and N. C. Water Pollution Con trol Association is to promote and encourage the highest moral, ethical, and professional stand ards; and to support studies of design, treatment, service and management by friendly ex change of information and ex perience "Camblnncrf' Miami Brack I Transportation Delicious Meals All Inclusive $4.65 Week Call All Star Lanes -jhhlhhhihh COLOR and Please place your order now Complete Selection of your favorite CAMERA GIFTS—Let us lay-away now to assure your choice. FOISTER’S CAMERA STORE 161 E. Franklin St. Phone 942-3026 - | Here is Gracious Living for your Home . . . the Magical new Reclina-Rocker by La-Z-Boy ldeal for Christmas Giving ... Ideal for Years Long com fort ... ft ( Ctyj&4ty /mb * It's a ROCKER... it’s a TV CHAIR * it’s a FOLLY RECLINABLE ROCKER # / umov \ fJjL mW* Utah fukktad styling with all sash. Corns in today for • comfort d—on Iml catftM-t that’s the M» Ho. gtration of this magical new Reeßon* sßtea-Raehw by La-Z-Boy. From n Rocker... the •*% all 4n one ikafrv •eerentkmal rocker, to your favorite Styles and fabrics far any 4ocor» Ts RocUoar, to a comfortable nap per. prices ft* any bndfet. FOUND lAtson ONLY AT 462 W. Franklin St. ( ’hapH Kill, v ( . Flee Parking Open I a.m.-6 p.m—lrtduT 9 p.m. Help the needy through the Community Chest. VolS% NOW PLAYING YjHanSftjiji f I JOHN MJUMBN kAMiniii iFß^iwa^m WRfIE cm "McUNTOCKf l: •! RasGaoiMKSiiKnra TECHHICOLOR” PANAVISIOK* Meiaatad thru UNITCO ARTISTS Features: 12:30 - 2:48 - 5:06 - 7:24 - 9:29 Page 5

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