Sunday, November 17, 1963 •••LEGAL NOTICES-- NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the au thority conferred upon the under signed by Judgment of the Superior Court of Orange County, North Carolina, dated August 19, 1963, in a Civil Proceeding entitled: Boyd Jackson, ~oya Jackson, Isaiah Pianed Jackson and Carrie Lee Jackson Parte vs. Clarance Jones et ux, Lina McCUnton Jones, the undersigned as Co-Commissioners of the Court will at the Courthouse do*r in Hillsboro, North Carolina, offer for sale at public auction for cash at 12:09 noon on Saturday, the 30th day of November, 1963, the following described property: All of these certain lots or par cels of land situated lying and be ing on the East side of Graham Avenue in the Town of Chapel Hill, N. C., and known and desig nated as Lots Nos. 31, 32, and 33 in Part “B” in the division of the Craig Property as surveyed by J. Ralph Weaver, September 14, 1939, and described as follows: BE GINNING at a stake in the East property ;:ae of Graham Avenue, Northwest corner of Lot No. 30; running thence along the East property line of Graham Avenue North 1 deg. East 75 feet to a stake; Southwest corner of Lot No. 34; running thence with the Lot No. 34 North 85 deg East 140.7 feet to a stake; thence running South 1 deg. West 75 feet to a stake; running thence South 85 oeg. West 141 feet to the begin ning; This property will be sold sub ject to the property tax thereon due to the Town of Chapel Hill and tlie County of Orange. The highest bid received at this sale, wil be reported to the Clerk of Superior Court of Orange Coun ty, North Carolina, subject to an increase bid within 10 days or there after the Courts confirmation. A good faith deposit of 20% must be posted with the Commissioners. This the 30th day of October, 1963. Blackwell M. Brogden, Co-Commissioner James R. Farlow Co-Commmissioner Nov. 3, 10, 17, 24 NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA ORANGE COUNTY The undersigned, having quali fied as the Executrix of the Estate of Loren Carey Mac Ki nney, deceased, late of Orange County, North Carolina, this is to notify all personal and organiza tions having claims against said Estate to present them on or fore the eleventh day of May? 1964, or this notice will he pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per Telephone 967*7046 Chapel Hill Weekly Want Ad Hates Per Insavtioo—sl.oo minimum, up to 2$ words. Five cents per word lor additional word. A 2$ per cent discount will be made for ads inserted, wltliout change, lor four consecutive issues. Rate per line of white space is the seme as for a line of type. The Weekly Will not be respon sible for more than ene Incorrect insertion. It your ad is wrong, notify us and it will be corrected. Ads for the Sipidgy Issue must be ordered by * p-fn. Friday; for the Wednesday issue by 4 p.m. Tuesday Cancellation deadlines are the seme. All keyed eds are confidential and Information cannot be given. Display advertising rates furnish ed on request. 501 West Franklin Street Telephone 907-7045 !Y.r > ;t !. FOR SALE - CHOICE ' WATER front lot on Inland Waterway, Long Beach, N. C. Small cash equity; assume monthly pay ments. Dial 942-6752. Oonstnctor’s Supply So., Inc. Carrbore, N. C. D«al Mixed Concrete Cement Sand Stone Rental Equipment Chape) H» . , , Wal «4M*» Durham . . . Phone 682-MU sons indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned at the office of the attorney hereinafter de signated. This the tenth day of Novem ber, 1963. Abilgail Greenwood MecKinney Executrix of the Estate of Loren Cary Mac Kinney John W. Lasley, Attorney Post Office Box 538 105 North Columbia Street Chapel Hill North Carolina Nov. 10, 17, 24; Dec. 1 NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA ORANGE COUNTY Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a cer tain deed of trust executed by Watts D. Poe and wife, Norma P. Poe, dated the 14th day of February, 1962, and recorded in Book 171 at page 689, in the of fice of the Register of Deeds of Orange County, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and said deed of trust being by the terms thereof subject to foreclosure, the under signed trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in Hillsboro, North Carolina, at noon, on the 25th day of Nov ember, 1963, the property con veyed in said deed of trust the same lying and being in the Coun ty of Orange and State of North Carolina, in Chapel Hill Town ship, and more particularly de scribed as follows: All that certain lot or par cel of land known and design ated as Lot No. 5 of the OAK WOOD DEVELOPMENT, as recorded in Plat Book 3, Page 30, in the Office of the Regis ter of Deeds of Orange County, N. C., and more particularly described as BEGINNING at a point at the Northeast cor ner of Lot . No. 3, which point is established by measuring along the Western boundary of Oakwood Drive 353.9 feet fr;m the intersection of the Western boundary of Oakwood Drive (a 60 foot Street) and the North right of way of Highway No. 54 (a 60 foot right of way) and running with the North line of Lot No. 3, North 83* 21’ West 157 6 feet to a stake, the North west corner of Lot No. 3; thence North 6° 20’ East 125 feet to the Southwest comer of Lot No. 7; running thence with the South line of Let Ifo. & South 83° 11 East 1586 ypet to the Western boundary of Oakwood Drive South 6* 39’ West 128 feet to the Begin SMALL WHITE SHAGGY PONY- Ideal for email children to learn to ride—gentle and intelligent. SBS. Bridle and halter included. Call 941-1038 or 942-2007. DAV ENPORT, G 0 0 D CONDf tion. Call evenings or Saturdays front 1 p.m. on 942-2794. WORLD BOOK ENCYCLOPEDIA. Sales and information call 968-1415. TRY PLAD4X TABLETSTTORM arIy Dex-A-Qiet. New name, same formula. Weeks supply. $.98 Sut ton’s Drug. STRONG" WELL BUILT ATTACH abIe hauling trailer. SSO. Phone 968-2196. IN " EXCELLENT Hotpoint full size 4 burner stove. 1 Frigidaire full size refrigerator. $l5O for the 2. Phone 968-2198. LOST BRIGHT CARPET COLORS . . . restore them with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer sl. John son-Strowd-Ward. TROMBONE FOR SALE. SECOND hand. Good condition. Call Mrs. Fine, 967-7045 or 942-7125. 4,000 CU. YARDS GOOD FARM top soil all-ready stock pile. Will contract all or part. Phone 942- 5194. the”best in dutch~bulbs! Paperwhite Narcissus. Beautiful Asaleas 99c. Qippel HiH Nursery, Old Durham Road, at the inter section. Phone 967-3198. TRUNDLE BEDS $39 50 KING size headboards $19.96. Twin Pine Cannon Ball beds $37.50 each, matching chest and dressers avail able. Walnut bunk beds, complete with good bedding SBB.IO. Tyaon’i Cash-Carry, Mebane. SEWING MACHINE, CABINET, attachments, in good condition. Selling because I won mother. Call Chapel Hill 943-1396 from • to 5, or Durham 506-3353 anytime. BIG TOYS, STUF fed, carved, painted—to go ip our wonderful stockings surrounded by our fantastic decorations. Everything’s handmade at the Country Store! ning, and being the same land conveyed to Watts D. Poe and wife, Norma ‘P. Poe, by D. T. Correll (widower) by deed dated November 5, 1951, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Or ange County in Bode 138, at Page 158. Reserving, however, from the operation of this instru ment a strip of land 15 feet wide and 125 feet in length at the rear (West side) of the above lot for a service drive and for an electric service line which is to be kept open for the use of all property in said development. This instrument is subject to the restrictive convenants imposed on the property in said development as recorded in Book 109, at Page 275, Or ange County Registry. But this sale will be made sub ject to all outstanding and un paid taxes and municipal assess ments. This 25th day of October, 1963, L. J. Phipps, Trustee POWE and PORTER Attorneys at Law Suite 529 Central Carolina Bank Building Durham, North Carolina Nov. 3. 10, 17, 24 EXECUTRIX NOTICE The undersigned, having quali fied as executrix of the estate of M. D. Ranson, deceased, late of Orange County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the un dersigned on or before the 3rd day of May, 1964, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Allaiersons indebted to said estate make immediate pay ment to the undersigned. This the 3rd day of November, 1963. Etta Mae McD. Ranson, Executrix of the Estate of M. D. Ramson Phipps & Peele Attorneys Chapel Hill. N. C. Nov. 3, 10, 17, 24 NOTICE (Process by Publication) NORTH CAROLINA ORANGE COUNTY DAVID THOMAS GOINES vs CARRIE GRAHAM GOINES To: CARRIE GRAHAM GOINES You will take NOTICE, pursu ant to an ORDER of the Court entered Nov. 4, 1963, that a pleading has been filed in the above entitled Aetiqa seeking re lief against you. The nature of the relief being sought is as fol lows: For an absolutee divorce, based upon 2 years continuous separa- CLASSIFIED ADS- 1963 BRADFORD STEREO-HI FI Console, AM-FM Radio. Walnut finish. $l2B. Call 942-1877 after «:». V\ ui k \\ null i| BABY SITTING, PLAIN SEWING and home mending. Call 968-1983. Automotive 1954 PLYMOUTH - ONLY $75. Runs well. Need money for school. A. Gregory, 967-2574 or 942-3352. I —— - USED 1962 FIAT 600-D FOR SALE —excellent condition, lew mileage, 40 miles per gallon. Contact Ge orge Fonda, Chi-Psi Lodge 968- 9062. "i 960 PONTIAC CATAL IN aT dean, good price, call 968-1811 from 8:30 to 4:30. 1954 FORD PANEL TRUCK. MO tor needs work. First SIOO offer gets it. (Tires alone worth asking price). Phone 987-7945. \\ .Mi(i d I it.iv DECORATIVE FOLDING SCREEN approximately 6 feet high. Tele phone 942-3862. PICTURE " FRAMING ANY SIZE MADE TO ORDER Foistsr’s Owners Store VOLKSWAGENS New and Used CaU CoUect 682-2187 Durham, ask for FRED Triangle Motors. Dealer THE CHAPEL HILL WEEKLY tion prior to the commencement of the action on September 16, 1963. You are required to make de fense to such pleading not later than December 28, 1963, and up on your failure to do so the Plain tiff seeking service against you will opjply to the Court to grant the relief sought. This the 4th day of Nov. 1963. Clerk of Super Court of E. M. LYNN Orange County Nov. 10. 17, 24; Dec. 1 ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE The undersigned, having quali fied as Administrator of the Es tate of Robert Glenn Lloyd, de ceased late of Orange County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to pre sent them to the undersigned on or before the 3rd day of May, 1964, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 3rd day of November, 1963. W. P. Lloyd, Admisistrator of the Estate of Robert Glenn Lloyd. PHIPPS & PEELE ATTORNEYS CHAPEL HILL, N. C. Nov. 3, 10, 17, 24 EXECUTOR’S NOTICE The undersigned having qualified as Executor of the Estate of G. W. Douglas, late of Orange County, this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 10th day of May, 1964, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned. Edward H. Douglas, Executor of the Estate of G. W. Douglas Phipps & Peele Attorneys Nov. 10, 17, 24; Dec. 1 Blaine To Speak In High Point J. C. D. Blaine, professor of transportation in the University School of Business Administra tion, will address the High Point Traffic and Transportation Club Tuesday at 7 pm. “Transportation in India as a Basis for Improved Social and Economic Mobility” is the title of Prof. Blame’s address. 1 Prof. Blaine was on leave from UNC during the past academic year and spent six months in ■ ■ India as a transportation consul tant. He was sent to India by the National Council for Applied 1 Economic Research. Hi Ip \\ allied Help Wanted: Male & Female Wanted—Bo people, men, women, couples. Miami Dream Vacation at Fabulous Casablanca Hotel, Charter Bus, Luxurious Rooms. Delicious Breakfasts, Full Course Dinners, Cruise to Bimini in the Bahamas, Free Golf, Floor Shows, Cocktail Parties, Dancing, Water Skiing, Skin Diving, All yours for only $4.65 A WEEK. Call Gary French, AII Star Lanes, 968-4404. I- o-l Ain I Found r— - WILL THE PERSON WHO RE moved the English Bicycle from the porch of 101-B Stinson Street please return it and no questions asked? Tffl SOI East Main St. Carr boro, N. C. 1363 SAAB, Perfect $1758 Is6l Saab sllO6 1968 Triumph TB-3 $1325 ’ll A-H Sprite $1668 *B6 VW Panel Truck .... SIOOO *59 VAUXHALL S7OO 1958 FORD 4-dr., V-8 .... SSBO .1$ INTERNATIONAL .... S6OO UrtreTCKurch Activities Today Christian Stewardship is the subject of the Rev. DeWitt L. Myers' sermon today at the 11 a.m. worship service at United Church, 211 W. Cameron. The ministry of music will in clude the anthem "Lord, Our God” by Jeremiah Dencke, and sung by the choir under the di rection of Lynn Ikenberry, Di rector of Music and accom panied by the organist, Mrs. Warren Morris. Mrs. Morris will play as pre lude, “Sinfonia to Cantata No. 156“ by J. S .Bach, the "Of fertory in E Minor” by J. K. F. Fischer and, as postlude, “Ris oluto" by Gustave Tritant. The children of the first four grades in school who stay for 'the morning worsnip service oi scripture and music and for ihe Uiiluren’s Story, will then withdraw to Fellowsnip Hall to continue their study.of the cus toms and missions in Japan, under the leaaership of Mr. and Mrs. William Cherry. Next Sunday the children will be giv en a demonstration and lesson ir. the Japanese hand skill of Oragami, by Mrs. George Clif ford, who once lived in Japan. Church School classes for all ages will be held es usual at 10 a.m. The Adult Class, under the leadership of Dr. C. David Jen kins, will discuss last Sunday’s sermon as outlined for the class by the minister. Visitors are welcome at all services. Nursery and kinder garten facilities under supervis ion are available from 10 until i noon. Junior High Fellowship meets j 5 p.m. at the church, for recrea tion. supper and a program. Led by a' UNC student Kellis Parker, there will be a discus sion of United Nations' Human Rights Day. Mr. Parker was one : of the United States delegates to the International Students’ : Conference on Human Rights held in Greece in the summer Os 1962. At 7:30 p.m. today there will be a congregational Steward ship Day meeting at which the finance chairman William Cher ry, will present the proposed 1964 budget for discussion and adoption. Dessert and coffee will be served by the Women’s Fellowship. CHORAL CONCERT The Durham Civic Choral So ciety will present its 15th annual fall concert on Monday, Novem ber 25, at 8:15 p.m. The pro gram, which will feature John Hpnks as soloist, will be jiejd .at the Alice M. Baldwin Auditorium on the Duke University campus under the direction of Paul Bry- 1 an. The public is cordially in vited and admission is free. llVni;i!* 11 cl |» \\ mini 1 Houses I or Kent' 4 ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT. OAK Ave., Carrboro, N. C. Ideal for a couple or two girls. Phone 942- 5639. Fbedroom HOUSE, 2 bathT large wooded lot, ideal for small children. Phone 968-1972. Mi>m»> Fur Salt: EMERGENCY. OWNER LEAV ing cute 3-bedroom home. $13,000. □ogwcod Acres. Elsie Reed, 929 2067. dTd" YOUR HOUSE “FAIL ""TO sell? CaU Elise Reed 929-2067, new ideas. ASSUME“VA LOAN. THR E E bedroom brick home on secluded court, in Parkwood. $750 is total cash requirement with gross monthly figure including all taxes and insurance s66. Telephone Durham 596-3441. FOUSHEE - OLSEN: “COVERS the waterfront” with its widest selection of good pew and exciting homes plus 40 years combined service with its experienced Rec tors. Dial Foushee-Olsen Realty CO. 968-4431. 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, DINING and utility rooms, fenced back yard, attit fan, lots of closets, floored attic. Walking distance of campus. 35 Devi* Circle. Phone 942-3835. BY OWNER, 3 BEDROOMS, Liv ing room, kitchen, tile bath, utility room, large wooded lot, fruit trees, fenced back yard, Dogwood Acres. Phone 968-3786. Help the needy through the Community Chest. —A Talk With William W. Davidson— (Continued from Page 1) all right. You have no other choice.” You come away from an Hour or so with him carrying little clumps of thought or observation in the back of your mind. Some of the clumps are like stones in your shoe. You can’t complete ly forget about them. On acolytes: “I called them into the church and I said, now look up at that ceiling. They were all chewing bubble gum. I talked to a man the other day and he chewed and chewed all the time we were talking. Os course, I don’t want to criticize. It may have been anxiety. I can’t do it. It’s so tiring. It’s killing. I suppose my children will be doing it, which probably means they have psychoses or neuroses or something, but there are plenty of psychiatrists around here to fix that. Anyway, 1 told them, look up at that ceiling. You see those beams? So they looked up, all the gum going smack, smack, smack. I said, take that long beam there, and that upright, and that’s what they had to make a cross out of to break Christ on. This is man's work. This is not a little boy’s work, and you're not little boys any more. Now, I'm not going to come around and ask you where you were if you don’t show up. You’re men now, so I ex pect. you to come and tell me why you didn't show up. Right? All the gum stopped, and one of them said he felt nervous, and I said, what do you think I am? 1 came across four thousand miles of water. I’ve never stood at this altar before. I'm a little frightened. You help me and I'll help you and we ll be all right.” On his own parish in England: Cherry Is Named County Key Banker A prominent Chapel Hill bank er has been named “County Key Banker” for Orange County. He will coordinate the farm activi ties of the N. C. Bankers Asso ciate in this area. NCBA President John J. Ma son of Tarrboro has announced that W. R. Cherry will serve as County Key Banker during the next 12 months. Mr. Cherry is ' Assistant Vice President of North Carolina National Bank. Give to the Community Chest. PAINTING ft PAPERING Durham SM Morfaa 8L Dial (M 44» S n ire* Vvailalilr BOOKKEEPING IN MY HOME. General and double entry. Write box 15 care this newspaper giving particulars. ROBERT CHURCHILL, PIANO Technician Rebuilder, 943-7251. lifers quality tuning and fervid ing for all pianos and written gua rantees on the rebuilding. Frte estimates. GROW “YOUR OWN FRUIT. Write for Free copy 56-pg. Plant ing Guide Catalog in color, offer ing Virginia’s largest assortment of Fruit Trees, Nut Trees, Berry Plants, Grape Vines, Landscape Plant Material. Salespeople want ed. Waynesboro Nurseries, Waynes boro, Virginia. WOMEN ALTERA tions at Esquire Tailors, 1404 E. Franklin St., next door to Town and Country Beauty Salon. Simp son clothes oustom tailored. Phone 942-6067. Home Loans REFINANCING 5 1 /&% 25 Years FAMBROUGH REALTY COMPANY RETREADS with Goodyear's Mire* Rubber Taftyn OOH DAT MSRTN* 670 x 15 750 X 14 *B.BB BUDGET TI’RMS ohai»l Hill Tire Go. “We have seven thousand people. They’re all packed in, very rich, very poor." Some are very im portant people, in business or government, entertainment or journalism: one is a street-sweep er, another has been in prison. “All packed in. It’s fascinating. Fascinating.” On religious retreats: “I go twice a year. Complete silence for a week. It’s the most won derful thing in the worlcf. I go with monks, a contemplative or der. They observe strict silence. . . . Many people are afraid to be by themselves. That’s why they have background music-and they keep busy all the time. Can t bear to be with themselves. The first year I went on retreat I couldn’t find anybody to go along, so I went myself. The next year we had four. Three,, times a day a monk says a littfe i something, to give you some thing to think about—things you never even thought ot thinking about." As he sees it, the influence of the church is best spread not by “trumpeting" publicity of trivia, but by a process he calls “salt ing”: “Salt doesn’t benefit any body if it’s still in the salt cel lar. When you sprinkle it, it be comes invisible, but it has a definite effect. A church is a salt cellar, and the people come to get salted. They go out and scatter around and that’s much more valuable than anything else.” If Christ Church in Esher had eight candles on the altar, as the Church of the Holy Family does, it would be considered “very high church indeed.” The same would apply if Mr Davidson call ed acolytes acolytes. He is concerned with the image of the Church presented in the press. “I wouldn’t want people to think the Church is nothing but a lot of superficialities. I tell the press over there, I’ll get in touch with you if I have something really important. Otherwise, silence is a very pow erful weapon.” Mr. Mead’s wel come reception in Esher was at tended by nearly 300 people, though the occasion received trTangle BRICK Tk Dutiwctiue BAide, Chapel Hill’s Only Home-Owned Brick Company DIAL OPERATOR—ASK FOR DURHAM WXSOOO Chapel Hill Representative Ken Riggsbee Old Fayetteville Road Phone 943-2842 ATTENTION WORKING MOTH ers! Would like to keep infants or small children in my home. Plenty of loving care and reasonable rates. For more information call 942-3503. DENTAL INSURANCE OFFERED" through Reserve Life 'lns. Com pany's hospitalization program. CaU 929-1552 or write P. O. Box 542, Chapel Hill. BEGINNERS CLASSES IN BAND and orchestra instruments. Mary Ellen Bierck, former instrumental teacher Durham City Schools. 942- 1398. PIANO LESSONS - BEGINNERS and more advanced students. Rea sonable rates. Contact Mrs. Wil liam B. Bailey, phone 929-1563—3 p.m. to 7 p.m. Monday-Friday. ? I HI UV.t’l , ROOMS FOR RENT - NIGHTLY, . weekly or monthly, 108 Henderson > St. over The Record Bar. Phone 967-1142. NEW 2 BEDROOM MOBILE home completely furnished. Avail able now. Call 942-4176. ROOMFOR RENT TOGRADU ate woman student, 314 blocks south of hospital. Contact Kay Shaw, 106 Alderman Dorm, 968- 9078. |iia>MPl^ | Maternity Wear I ■ >2 DRBSBSS 8 « SKIRTS « SLOUBBB g [2 SUPS $ * PXA> GARTER BELTS g V PANTILS $ | GIRDLES * « Now At The YOUTH CENTER ! ? Next 48 (he CareUaa Theatre $ For saving! that are designed for your own special needs be sure and read the Weekly classi fied ads every issue. relatively little advance pub licity. “I didn't go around tell ing people, You’ll be sure and come, won’t you ’ I just told whoever I saw, ‘l'm sure you'll make him welcome.’ Two or three hundred people turned up. I didn’t say anything to the bell ringer, but he had eight bell Mr. Davidson quotes the Bible just as casually, and with almost the same frequency, as most people strew their paths with cigarette butts. “What a man thinketh in his heart, that is he.” he said, no less offhand than if he were analyzing a quarter back's technique. He also quotes his colleagues. He told a story about Dr. Fisher, former Arch bishop of Canterbury, in a news conference, who was asked by a particularly cutting reporter whether plans had been made to fill the empty churches. “You see the whack in that question? The Archbishop said. ‘That’s a very good question. I'm glad you asked that. We have made our plans. We plan to fill the pews one seat at a time. Have vou started yet?” I PROFESSIONAL f BARBER SHOP ) Flat-Top t j Experts ! < now 3 / 7/m I ! \ < barbers (/[ Iff | \ ? to serve yon < Next to \ toe’s Veterinary fix? NOW AT Town & Campus Telephone 967-7045 N\ -lilted To H«m 1 FACULTY FAMILY WANTS TO rent or buy 3 or 4 bedroom home _in Chapel Hill. Send details or 3 telephone number to Box JC, i- Chapel Hill Weekly. Available !• Jan. 1, only. Colonial Drug Co. y Complete Prescription Service il Open Daily ’til 8:00 PM. V (Closed All Day Sunday) 414 W. Franklin 942-4463 S =_ i.. thmmbhbbmmbbbbbt 1 Used Cars Os I Dependability i ’«1 CHEVROLET Bel Air , Foil power, very cte ®“ $1586.00 ’SB PONTIAC 2-Dr. Hd. Top. Full power $1195.00 ’62 Chevrolet Impala. Full **®wer, Factory Air $2295.00 5 ’SO CHEVROLET r 4-Dr. HA Top, RAH $1295.00 *SB FORD 4-Dr, V-4 Auto. Trans $495.00 | *6O VW Sedan | One owner ....... $| 195.00 | -61 VW Kombi $1085.00 5 *55 MERCEDES MM $945.00 ©THIMBU MOTORS AUTHORISE# m ine. W. Chapel m m C. Opan PHSay Ntffcs Tt 9 Page 7

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