Sunday, December 1, 1963 Now & Then byßillProuty With television’s fantastic on the-spot coverage of the Dallas disastef last week, that medium emerged as the undisputed peer of all means of reporting "live” news when such an event is of sufficient importance to justify ; the fuH intensity of its concerted efforts. The entire television industry’s three and one-half day repor torial vigil over the assassina tion of President Kennedy, the wounding of Governor Connally, the seisure of the suspected sniper, the murder of the al leged assassin, the eulogizing and burial of the fallen Presi JUfMall CAROLINA-MADE HAND HAMMERED PEW- TER (Plates, Bowls, Ash Trays, etc.) Eng- GIFTS lish scenic Screen, 5 panels 3-Panel Spanish Screen. Also several spacious rooms of 18th and 19th \r century furniture, china, old silver, and ob jects of art at Chapel Hill’s original antique f and gift shop. W7 1215 E. Franklin, Chapel Hill • 9:30 to 5:30 Daily V«» rpriHiiiiniUiiHsl Lay-Awsy Now - Good Selection "XiQ • CAMERAS • PROJECTORS SEND PHOTO GREETING CARDS 9 Deadline for Color December 10th m fj| Camera Check Don’t miss even one holiday shot! gSEisfiSi Bring your camera, flash or other flfgySL equipment in for a free check-up. Be sure ever y^ lin § is operating properly FOISTER’S CAMERA STORE “Evtyything Photographic” 161 E. Franklin Phone 942-3026 £*g>i > # . t i A ♦ f "*'•••• • • • • * Phdbably something He a sweater, or shirt, og even a dress. Although never stereotyped, Sts tHphdnAiiß is unlimited. Its brilliant spirit controlled by simplicity and thought, makes it welcome aH over. Its label is symbolic of vigors of sense, of independence... and besides, even if she already has one, she’ll be perfectly delighted to have another. *7 Town • +' 4. 1 •- <• Campus * For the best in Esso Service, TRADE WITH (Esso) NOHWOOIMSKOTIIKItS KSSO Sl’,lt\ jCENTKK I»f > A j iiu 1 1\ hii s i m< : , I) i; 1 1 'i IL* ..t , ) liikhl 'vrvirr It Ii n 111 >!) i» 1 1.1 1 1 i••