Page 2-C ‘,V - ' i \-v .-, ~ _• v,, (' Shepard-Chisholm Wedding Held Here Wedding vows were exchanged Saturday at noon in the Chapel of the Cross by Miss Carolyn Vir ginia Shepard of Chapel Hill and Donald Reid Chisholm of Ashe boro. The Rt. Rev. Thomas H. Wright, Bishop of the Diocese of East Carolina, officiated, assisted by the Rev. Thomas R. Thrasher and the Rev. Jacob A. Viverette Jr. Acolyte was Cranford Stoude mire. The church was decorated with white poinsettias. Nuptial music' was provided by Jerrokl C. Baab, organist. The bride is the daughter of Mr; and Mrs. George Edward Siepard of Chapel Hill. She grad uated from Woman’s College at Greensboro and received her MA from the University here. The bridegroom is the son of Mrs. William Eugene Chisholm of Asheboro and the iMte, Mr. Chisholm. A graduate of David son College, he received his MA degree from the University here. He is principal of Fayetteville Street School in Asheboro. Given in marriage by jher fa ther, the bride wore a formal length gown of candlelight ddus tered satin and Alencon lace (Re signed with a fitted bodice, round (ustpm-Mcule SLIPCOVERS DRAPERIES i Carolina Fabric . Shop All Work Guaranteed Phene 942-4622 "" '■ i ' '' % 1 (Ml I HAPPY NtW YIAR As we extend our greetings of the season, we also enjoy renewing the pledge of our friendship. Indeed you are more than a customer to us . . . you ore a friend as well, and we thank you for your friend ship as well as for your business and cooperation. All of us hqpe and pray that 1964 will see our cojft munity of nations create an atmosphere of peace and happiness for all of us. OP CABBBOBO ed neckline of scalloped lace with self rosebuds, and three-quarter length sleeves. The skirt was appliqued with lace and rose buds and ended in a chapel train. Her full-length veil of lace was attached to a semi-crown. She carried a bridal bouquet of white cattleyas and phalaenopsis. Maid of honor was Miss Mary Cowell Shepard of Dayton, Ohio, cousin of the bride. She wore a street-length dress of Marvon velveteen with a matching head piece. She carried a bouquet of white poinsettias. Bridesmaids were Mrs. John Ulrich of Balti more. Md„ cousin of the bride; Mrs. Joseph Tolbert of Raleigh, Mrs. William Baldridge of Win ston-Salem, and lliss Isabel MastertPn of Chapel HHI. Their gowns were like that of the hnqw attendant. Q Best man was Clyde C. Chis holm of Asheboro, uncle of the bridegroom. Ushers were Dr. Joseph Suggs of Asheboro, cousin of the bridegroom; John Bunch of Adheboro, John Whitfield of Ra legh. Joseph Bulla of Greensboro, and George Shepard Jr- of Chapel Hill, brother < i the bride. For the wadding ceremony, the bride’s mother wore a costume suit of red wool with a match ing Her flowers were cymbid ium. The bridegroom's mother wore a blue peau de soie dress with a matching blue hat. Her flowers were cattjeyas. Following a reception at the Carolina Inn, the newlyweds left for a wedding trip to Williams burg, Va. For the trip, the.bride wore a black and white tweed suit with a white silk overblouse and a matching white hat. Mr. and Mrs. Chisholm will make their home at 619 Park view S|., Asheboro. Carrboro Personals MRS MARY HOLLINGSWORTH Phone 942-6270 Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Register Sr. of Durham visited Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Register Jr. and children at North Greensboro St Sunday. • • * Mrs. Patsy Tslhert visited friends in Florence, S. C„ over the weekend. A ♦' > • The Adult Choir of the Carr boro Baptist Church will pre sent a program of Christmas music this evening beginning at 7:30. The pUMic is cordially in vited to attend. • * * - Mrs. Verlene Russ of Mor ganton is visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Williams of 442 Sparrow’s Pool Road this week. Mrs. Russ is mother of Mrs. Williams. * • • The Carrboro Methodist Church will present its Sunday School Christmas Program to night at 7:3Q. There will be a Christmas treat for the children of Hie Sunday School. * * • Mrs. Mag Neal has returned home from a visit with her brother, Simon Burke of Chat ham County. Mr. Burl* is re covering from a recent illness. • V * Rev. Key Taylor is out again after a bad seige of arthritis which hospitalized him for over two weeks. He is writing a book which is now in the last stages of revision. He also writes for Methodist periodicals, but will return to a pastorate ki June For the past two years he has been on a leave of absence, dur which time be could write the book.* * * • Sorrow struck our community this past week when death claimed the six-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs: James Thomas Carter. He was the first and only child of the young couple, and died within a few hours after being stricken with a virus. His funeral was held. Sunday at the Calvary Missionary Baptist Church with Rev. Rudy Hardee aqd Rev. William Cole in charge of the service He was buried in Antioch Baptist Church Ceme tery, Rt. 1, Chapel Hill. Our deepest sympathy is extended to the youqg parents, grand parents and other relatives on the sudden loss. / * « * • Otf'-Wetoesday evening the Carrboro Baptist Chinch held its Sunday School Christmas program with Hie young people’s choirs participating. On Christ mas Eve Night a prayer service win be held as a fecial Christ mas service. 9 9 * The Ladies Auxiliary of the Calvary Baptist Church held its Christmas party Saturday even ing at the home of Mrs. Clara Ragan. Refreshments Were chicken salad sandwiches, fruit and Erne sherbert punch, Christ mas cookies and candy, potato chips and nuts. In addition to the hostess, Mrs. Ragan, those pre sent werp Miss Marias Tripp, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Tripp. Mr and Mrs. Shelton Sparrow, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Uoyd, Rev. and Mrs. Rudy Hardee., Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Howard, Mr. and Mrs. Jsfnes Bay Dunn, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Free, Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Huskey, Mr. and Mrs- Gene Roberts, Mike Mann, Charlene and Susan Ragan, Mrs. Nina Carson and. SC« Robert, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Carson, Mrs. Ada Ragan, Mrs Faye Collier Neal. Mrs. Hazel Roberts, Mrs. Kay Mann, and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lloyd. • * * W. L. Mullinax of Weaverviilp 1 \«rK/iw]p n^pft||^T|^Ta^^ Checkers and changing location both call (or wisdom before moving. Onr Moving Service often these advantages; 24 Hew Service • Any She Job R&D Transfer I Storage LeMHßawaiananni THS CHABH, XIU, WEEKLY returned home Saturday after a visit with Mr. and iMrs. Clyde Jones for several days. Mr. Mullinax was 95 in October, but 111 NOW you can CALL our downtown '/. DURHAM stores DIRECTLY j without charge. Please make note of oiir direct telephone number 129*2600 Jttßmn Mebano lumber Co/s Hints To Last-Min Shoppers *i*mw» Mem Civitetmassafe!* * New! Value-priced! pmp* “iNOW ONLY *31 50 «■,.«# HUT", e I Ktt /fH Hair Dryer BB * , jfew NEW! W&) .dCfc,.,.*. ri '\ Ew ? P r rchme \ Swivel-Top. J%&sIJSSB your choice - % CLEANER ; jjegsgs: ef ~ 1 bou ®^ nt bonnet ★FOOTBALL f ( SiP b ‘£%72 * STUFFED DOG or *f NLY $31.50 WC'X-h. . X 5-BATTERY vnLI »!■ = PRICE! c 9 mooam I Roa RECORD PLAYER AU-TwiISISTOR I IwM Mad|lßFlMl Portable Radio KHt PIMIST CARE MEBANE LUMBER CO. 1 MibEpt of, N. C-, on Hwy. 70-A Ph*n* 10 J-W7l ! is as active as a young man. He is the grandfather of Mrs. Donald R. White; whose husband is a 190! graduate of UNC. tyr. and Mrs. White were residents here for four years prior to his graduation. During that time, iMc. visitod tbs Whites, and liked the looks of this part of the State; so returned for a Visit with Mr. and Mrs. Jones, friends of many years. While here he was shown the Iqcal Sights of tobacco factories, Uni versities, etc. Though 95, Mr. Mullinax uses glasses only when reading, and be reads the Biple daily; and when weather per mits, he walks a mile or mere each day. He eats a hearty pro*. u wy* breakfast qqd lunch, but 9 light supper, retires esriy and risen earW- Asked the reason for Ms hunrlb, he said, “living as near as possible for Sunday, Dacgmbbr a8,1953 the Lord.” • • * J. O. Spinks Jr. is home for : the holidays fr«p Ft. Cat^U.: Ky. ; -