Sunday, December 22, 1963 w *4o* Mr- - t - -' • ‘ ' ’ '•" - (& 1 7 4,. 11 ' jj| ipJi JM PAUNCHY SANTA—Santa Claus got a pre-christmas physical examina tion at Memorial Hospital this week. If he was worried at all about his weight and the circumference of his mid-section, he jolly well concealed it. Checking Santa’s pulse and his weight BULLETIN BOARD FOR SLOW SANTAS ■ ’ T •»«*">»" r-’vW ' U£ (And useless to moan) i -hL* \ t In a spin? Relax! Everything’s fine! I y \y 4, Jl That as shoppers piost men \ • '^JT Bring your list to ROBBINS... J|j. (ire quite late! You’ll please all your ladles in just one trip! D yotl too are a sinner 1 You can yet be a winner j .WBmmtiqJLd ROBBINS’ gifts always charm 1 W/MjM to on' SV'?V cl miss or mate! y Perfume Fragrance v£ f ijxlpl Jr “® ! "' e W i , /r©]\ % COCKTAIL W °qX *'vT J IV- * / \ \ . .. ’ ® p Coats, Suits, Dresses Leallier or Suede Jackets * y j Robes, Negligees beautiful gift PACKAGING HUNDREDS OF GIFT IDEAS EXPERT CONSULTANTS open till - >**’*“ .-» ” *- ‘ a : * * ’■ ' __ -1 is (at left) Frances Martin, a register ed nurse .‘from* Fayetteville. Another nurse, Pat Lyon of Broadway, is get ting ready to drape a tape measure around Santa's paunchy waist. There is concern in health circles that Santa’s shape isn’t healthy. TfflS CHAPEL HILL WEEKLY That Merry Old Tummy Isn’t Healthy By DEMONT ROSEWAN —That clatter on the rooftop this holiday season isn’t coming from Santa and his reindeers making a practice run. It’s coming from cardiolog ists, anthropologists, sociolog ists and a sprinkling of phy siologists bolding a girth con trol symposium. They’re hitting the ceiling because Santa isn't doing anything about his weight problem. Middle aee can be a hazar dous time for tubby people. And Santa, you know, is at that age. He’s aDproachiog his late 30’s (30 generations, not years). The American Heart Associa tion has never said, in so many words, that Santa is too fat. But there is some unofficial senti ment that he’s a little on the heavy side and isn't setting a good example for the kids—or their parents. Although there's no guaran tee that normal weight will pre vent heart trouble," overweight certainly is a heart hazard Even Santa can’t lug all that excess weight around without some risk to his heart. Heart specialists, reiving heavily on mortality tables put out by insurance companies, say Santa csn’t expect to live as Inn? if he continues on his obesity kick. The anthropologists aren’t sure, at this point, that they’re attending the right symposium, but they’re in favor of a reso lution calling for society’s image makers to put their vast .talents to work in developing a new pro file for the typically tubby in dividual under discussion. Historically, the sociologists point out, this isn't anything radical. - For hundreds of years, Euro peans imagined St. Nick as a tall, thin, stately person. It was Washington Irving who created the new picture of him. Using the early American Dutch settler as his model, Irving made the Clu-istmas season symbol as a fellow in huge breeches and srnoking pipe. Then Clement C. Moose came along with his imortal poem which begins ’Twas the night be fore Christmas” and Santa’s waistline took on preponderous porportions. He became a jolly figure with t winking eyes and a "nose like a cherry.” A white beard concealed his chubby face. The physiologists feel that Santa’s size is not functionally unsold, but it’s not aesthetical ly attractive—speaking health wise. The physical education peo ple. who arrived at the sym posium late because the show ers at the evmnasium were out of order., said Santa was not only headed for an early grave biit that he’s contributing to an emphasis at Christmas-time on slovenlv living—too much eating and drinking. Santa isn’t getting enough ex ercise. He’s Watching television while the elves and Mrs. Claus make all the toys. Then Christ mas night, he rides the sleigh while the reindeers do the work. There’s a minority opinion, however, that Santa puts in a heavy night’s work on Christ mas. In fact, he works too hard one night a year and, like the snow shoveler who isn't used to exercise, he’s asking for serious trouble. Aside from Santa endangering his own health, he's contributing to the health delinquency of his huge following of youngsters. “There’s too much emphasis gladness fills every heart J I WfflK and the air is astir with the * lively spirit of the Christmas Season. ]|wrP May you enjoy all of it to the utmost! y J , * s s TJown & Campus on ease,” said a rebellious phys ical educator. “He brings bat tery-operated toys and electric trains. “Kids don’t get exercise any more from simple-wind-up toys, scooters, skates and stuff. “Instead of bringing Junior a car, he ought to bring him a bicycle and some good all-weath er clothes.” And, finally, a late-arriving psychiatrist from the dream re search laboratory suggested that old Santa’s night-long work schedule on crisp Christmas night isn’t contributing to his good health. Page 3