the Western 28, 1887. -1 ( IN CITY AND COUNTY. EASJUKS HERE AND THESE BY OUK BEPOBTEBS. Hid Lut Wetk'a Occurrence in City County Narrated in Condensed ParagraphH. Sow your turnip seed. Away with the ig pens ! Read mortgage sale notice in this is sue. Mr Earnest Young, of Charlotte, spent Sunday in the city. The Centenary M. E. Snnday School faas 389 scholars enrolled. Our military company talk of erecting an armory in a business-like manner. Work was commenced Monday upon the building for the insane at the County Poor House. A copy of the Twin-City Daily contain ing the article of Mr. J. W. Reid was sold on the street last week for 25 cts. Judge T. J. Wilson has been elected on the Board of Town Commissioners, to fill the place of the late Judge D. H. Starbuck. Dr. H. T. Bahnson and family are spending the heated term at the popular summer resort Blowing Rock, Watauga county. The young ladies who are spending-H. their vacation at the Salem Academy, left 2uesday oa a pleasure trip to the Pilot Mountain. To the delight of the travelling public the railroad fare from Winston to Greens boro and return has been reduced from $2.05 to $1.75. Little Eugene Whitfield, son of Mr and Mrs. D. S- Reid, died of diptheria last Friday, ajed five years, six months and twenty-three days. Watermelons from the country have made their appearance, while by the car load they continue to roll in from a more sunnier clime than this. An excursion from Greensboro to Ashe ville wilf be run on August 24th. The fare from Winston-Salem, round trip, will be $5.25. See advertisement. With a large wheat crop already har vested and threshed, and with bright pros pects for a large corn crop, our farmers wear a pleasant countenance. The editor i rusticating at Piedmont Springs this week. The Sentinel force (the "devil" included) trusts that the health giving waters may prove of great benefit to him. Mr. P. H. Winston arrived in the city Tuesday from Lewiston, Idaho, looking both hale and hearty. He is stopping at his handsome residence on "Sunset Avenue, West Winston." Prof. L. B. Wurreschke and son return ed Tuesday from their edestrian tour through western North Carolina. They report their trip a most pleasant one from the point of scenery, etc. Mollie White, a woman of questionable character, attempted suicide here Monday night through the effects of laudanum, but her attempt proved fruitless, and she is yet "in the land of the living." Dr. Mathewes, a well-known citizen of this county, died at his home near Salem on Wednesday of last week from a stroke of paralysis. His remains were conveyed on Thursday to Love's Church for interment. Mr. J. W.Goslen's letter in reply to Mr. J. W. Reid, appeared in the Daily on Sat urday and like the one of Mr. Reed's, prov ed interesting to the reading public. It is thus a newspaper is often-time made popu lar. The Herbs of Life Company, who give out-door entertainments similar to the Wiz ard Oil Company are in the city, and draw large crowds nightly who patronize the company liberally by buying of their medi . cines. President Battle, of the- University, dropped in on lis Monday. He has been attending the Normal Schools and reports a fine school at Sparta. He will go to Ashe ville and several other points before return ing home. The Guilford County Teachers Institute convened in Greensboro Monday morning last with Prof. W. A. Blair, of the Winston -Graded School as principal. The meeting is said to be well attended, and promises to ;be a successful one. The Pilot " Mountain Baptist Associa tion will lwld its next session at Mt. Her mon Church, near Leaksville, on Thursday next, August 4th. The delegates from this city are Messrs. I. W. Durham, Dr. W. J. Conrad and D. S. Reid. Col. James D. Glenn has appointed Prof. R. A. Ford, of Greensboro, to the po sition of Adjutant of the Third Regiment of the N. S. G., to supply the vacancy occa- ' sioned by the recent departure of Mr. E. A. Oldham, who was former Adjutant Owing to one point not being heard from, the Centenary M. E. Sunday School are as yet undecided in regard to running an excursion. The school may be assured that they will be permitted to enjoy either an excursion or pic-nic and probably both We hope the threshers of Forsyth coun- ijTrm-set iau-c map aq aocirare account of the amount of wheat threshed by them and report same, at the end of the season to The Sextinel The report will prove in teresting and perhaps valoable for future reference.- The citizens of East Winston complain about street lamps in their portion of the city.' The say tbey are called upon to pay their part of the town tax and think it noth ing more than right that they should have street lamps. We trust that the proper au thoriliee will make a note of this, ' . ' The citizens of .Concord Church, two miles from Jerusalem, Davie county, are -. going to creel a fine two-story school build , ing, 35x68 feet. Sealed bids, to be in by . August 4tb, are wanted from builders and i painters. " For, particulars, address J. J), . Hodges, See. Building Com, Jerusalem. --il r. George Tesb , a carpenter by . trade. -was knocked down on Saturday night witn a brick, which Mr. T. says he thinks was thrown from the hand of a negro. He fur ther stales that not a word was passed be tween them. The blow was a pretty severe ooe, and mate near making a lasting im f retsum. . . Messrs. McGalliard & Huske, th gran ite workers of Kernersvill this week pat op a beautiful cottage monument in memo ry tf O. G Parsley in the Wilmington Cem etary. Mr. Donnely, the cemetei y superin ten Jenl pronounces it the most beautiful monument in that, the prettiest cemetery in the South. - ' We are pleased to learn that Mr. E. A. I Oldham has been elected . Secretary and Manager of the "Anaiston Bureau of Infor mation," an organization recently establish ed by some of the leading citizens of that city and backed by ample funds. We con gratulate Mr. Oldham upon the success that seems to accompany his labors in his new field. Owingto the ill health of Joe Dwiggins, a colored man who was sentenced to twelve month's imprisonment in the county jail, upon the charge of assault and battery, at the last term of Forsyth Superior Court, Gov. Scales in Saturday last pardoned him for the offense. Joe was taken from his cell at 4 o'clock in the evening but died at 10 that night. The Forsyth County Farmers' Club will hold their grand pic-nic at Clinard's Stand Saturday, July ,30th. Their gather ing promises to be not only a source of pleasure but one of instruction. All farm ers in this and adjoining counties, whether members of the club or not are invited to be present with their wives, children and well-filled baskets included. Mr. Frank Patterson, who was recently appointed by the President to take charge of Land Office at Lewiston, Idaho, vice P. Winston, Esq., left on Saturday even ing's train to enter upon the duties of that office. The Sentinel, which will pay him its weekly visits, commends him to the trust of the office and furtherniote wishes for him unlimited success in his new field. The pic-nic to be given by the two tem perance reform clubs of Winston bids fair to be largely attended. A plaasant occasion is in store lor those who wish to attend, with the assurance that no "tangle-leg" will be indulged in during the day- We have heard a number of the members of the club express themselves as being delighted with the bright anticipations of their gathering.' The members of the M. P. Chuich have granted their pastor a vacation during the month of August. Mr. Kennett, accompa nied by Mrs. K., will leave on Tuesday morning next foi several day's visit to the Mt. Vernon Springs, after which they will visit relatives in Guilford and Randolph before their return to the iity. A pleasant trip to both, is the wish of The Sentinel. The TwinoCity Cornet Band will give their Open-Air Concert to-night (Wednes- ay) at the residence of Dr. J. A. Blum, on coaner of Fourth and Spruce Streets. Music and refreshments will be served in abund ance. A cordial invitation is extended to the citizens of both towns, and we trust the band boys may receive every encouragement from our people and that their first effort may prove, financially, a success. Mr. Abe Ryttenberg, of the Trade Pal ace, left Saturday for northern cities to pur chase his usual large and varied fall and winter stock. Mist Claire Martin accom panied him to make selections for the mil- inery department. In order to make room for the new, great reductions in prices have been made on their present stock of goods. Read their new advertisement in this issue. , Mr. J. L. Ludlow's residence in West Winston is nearing completion. Mr. L. may content Jumselt in knowing that it would be difficult to surpass the design of the building. The painting was done by Messrs. Chick i. Petree and evinces both taste and ikill. Their work on the interior we think cannot be surpassed, either in de sign or finish, xnis is another audition to the many handsome residences in this por tion of our city. We call attention to the advertisement in our columns of one of the first schools for young ladies in the Union. We refer to Wesleyan Female Institute, Staunton, Va. This College ha.4 a corps of 22 accomplished teachers and officers, especially trained far their respective positions- Rev. Dr. Harris the President, has been called a national -educator, and the enviable reputation has been fairly earned, for there is not a state in the South that has failed to pay its tribute by sending its daughters to him, and but few in the North. THE PIEDMONT SECTION. ITKMS OF NEWS FROM COimiTES. NEAR - BT Something Eggs-traordina. ry . The Kernersville Neva and Farm says Mrs. W. A. "Griffith, of that place, set a hen some time ago on a nest of uuinea eggs about thtee days before the time for them to hatch, in passing the nest, the hen was found dead thinking that they could not hatch, the hen was carried off and the eggs left in the nest. On the third day, to their utter astonishment, the nest was found to be full of young guineas every egg having hatched. A Haversack of Happenings GatUered From Our Exchanges In Piedmont North Carolina. Reidsville wants a town clock Eggs are 8 cts a dozen in Reidsville. -Statesville reports many eastern visitors. Three more stores are to go' up in High Point soon. Rumor says Reidsville is to have another newspaper. The two hotels of High Point are doing a rushing business, says the Enterprise. The National Bank of Greensboro has de clared a semi-annual dividend of 5 per cent. The Iron Bound Bucket Co. of Reidsville is turning out fifty first-class buckets per day. The Prohibition Banner has moved from Statesville to Hamptonville, Yadkin coun ty- The excursion from Greensboro to Wash ington next Tuesday promises to be well patronized. The Baptist Church of Greensboro will run an excursion to Washington City next Tuesday. TheOakdale M'n'f'gCo. of Jamestown are building large brick additions to their cotton fectory. The Friends will celebrate the 50th an niversary of their school at New Garden, August 10th. Twenty thousand watermelons passed through Greensboro one night last week go ing northward. Died on Monday, July 18th, Mrs. T. Lindsay, mother of - Mr. William Lindsay at Reidsville. Hod- Geo. D. Wise, of Virginia passed threugh Reidsville a few days ago on his way to l;alitorma. The third Quarterly Meeting of the M. E. Church, South will convene at Danbury Au gust 13th and 14th. The business men of Germanton, Stokes county will make an effort to erect a tobacco warehouse soon. The citizens of Greensboro are determin ed to have a patent roller flouring mill, and from indications that so to. An exchange says the preachers have be gun denouncing the "rile cigarette pic tures" from the pulpit. The Weekly says there is a young chap in Reidsville who tells his dream of the night before to his sweetheart every day. The contract for Greensboro's new graded school building 'has been awarded to Mr. Thos. Woodroffe, of that city, at $11,790. The Naomi Falls and the Randleman cotton factories will soon pnt in consider able new machinery and increase capacity. The colored S. U. of O. F. will celebrate their 10th anniversary in Reidsville on Au gust 4th. Several neighboring towns will be represented. High Point had a terrible storm last week. The Jordan warehouse was demolished, and the roof of the -Vt. Vernon Mills was part ly torn off. Loss $2,000. Senator Vance, according to the Greens boro Workman, said all he knew about fi nances was that it took two better names than his to get money out of a bank. The Reidsville Weekiy savs Sarabe Penn a little pickaninny about six years old and as black as the ace ot spades, picks a banjo perfectly and dances a waltz divinely. The Board of Aldermen of Greensboro have granted the right of way to Dr. J. W. Griffith, of that city, to establish a street railway, lhe work of constructing the line will begin soon. There is a baby in Guilford county one year old, which has never been known to cry or even whimper. It is not deaf and dumb either.- It msght be termed a model baby. It is said that the Brower Manufactuiing Go's Insurance suit, of Mt. Airy, which has been pending for several years, has been compromised satisfactorily to all parties concerned. The Danbury Reporter says : From the best information we can get Stokes will not grow more than one-third of an average crop of tobacao this year even with a hne season from now onward. The " Dan River Union of Baptist Chur ches will convene with the church at Saints Delight on Saturday before the fifth Sunday in July, 1837, and hold three days. The public are invited. Private citizens have subscribed a suffi cient amount in Greensboro to build a branch of the Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley R. R. from Stokesdale to Madison. Mad ison recently voted against subscribing to the same road. A committee from the Stale penitentiary will meet the stockholders of the C. F. & Y. V. R. R. in Greensboro on August 11th for the BurDOse of the latter making terms with the former in regard to the employment of convicts w uuiiu wic ui a 111:11 ot iu iuuu hi Madison, Rockingham county. t Mr. Hiram W. Brummell, an aged and highly respected citizen of Davidson, died at his home in that county on Tuesday of last week. He was 76 years old. Mr- Brum mell was elected to the Legislature from his county once by the largest majority that a candidate ever received in Davidson. V,.,. - IN tABHEELIA. - ' " . i - Persons and Things all 'Over the Old North State. i ' Mrs Theodore F. Davidson, of Asheville, is dead. ' A cotton factory is to be built at Sanford, Moore county. . ; : , , , -" '- Gastonia is to have a hank ready for bus iness by August 1st. In Sampson county there is a large farm set ont in pecan trees. - ' North Carolina sent 120,000 men to tbe war. She had 40,000 dead. . . , Over 1,5000 porpoises - have been caught at Beaufort this summer. Durham is to have a street car line run out to the suburbs of the city. The Wadesboro Intelligencer saws laziness is tbe "prime cause of hard times." The Salisbury Watchman thinks North Carolina has the best newspapers in the country- 200,000 melons have passed through Charlotte on their way to Northern markets since the season opened. Charlotte ha built three blocks of 'the Tyron St. Extension of the street railway in four days. .. The white people of North Carolina want the whipping post re-established for punishment of small offences. Will Crow, the negro who shot into the pay train on the Carolina Central, 00 Ju ne 11th, is jailel at .Monroe. The suit against the Water Works Co. at Durham, brought by the Commissioners of the town, has been withdrawn. - The Craftttnan, removed from Charlotte to Greensboro will issue its next number on Friday. It represents the K of L. Collector Craige has now - only two spe cial deputies in the new 5th district. There were eight in the old 6th. Brother Burkehead, of the Durham To bacco Plant, is to"be the orator at the press association next year. He is a fine speak er. The Charlotte Chronicle favors the build ing of a railroad from that place to Selma, to pass through tbe counties of Albermarle, Montgomery, Moore and Harnett. The engineers of the Durham and Lynch burg railroad have completed their survey to Durham. Another line will be surveyed, before the directors will locate the route. A single manufacturing enterprise at Goldsboro has made $30,000 clear in the past twelve months, and yet there be those who go West to make fortunes. 1 Mr. A. A. Crowell, a large lumber dealer of Charlotte, has made a contract to supply the 2 Cs road, with 420,000 feet of lumber to be used in the construction of bridges and trestles. Tobacco Market. Carefully Corrected Weekly by thx Pbofbixtoks of One or thx Wakkhotses is Winston. Winston, July 28.- Breaks are large and piices well sustained for all grades. Notice a betrer demand for tbe frosted and common kinds. Fine is scarce and selling well- Lusra. Common. Lugs, Medium.., Lags, Good...... Iiugs, Fine Leaf, Common ... Leaf, Medium.... Leaf, Good., 2.50(a) 4.00 5.00 (3 7.00 9.001 .00 1400 18.00 :S.00(o) 6.00 7.00 10.00 12.00 15.00 Cutters, Good 18.0025.50 Cutters, Fine 27.50 35.00 wrappers, common 25.00(30.00 Wrappers, Good 40.00 ) 50.00 Wrappers, Fine 55.0065.00 PRODUCE MARKET. I The following circular has been issued by Messrs. Hisabaw k. Medearis, Wholesale and retail merchants of Winston, who deal largely in dried fruits of all kinds . The tune for selling inferior, dark mixed or poorly dried fruits has passed. All dried fruits are now graded down with the meanest part of the lot, so that good fruits mixed with low des are graded down to the lowest grade. All Wake Forest College. SIXTEEN miles -Vorth of Raleigh. Ten distinot "Schools." Nine Professors. Well equipped Laboratories, Library, Reading Room, and Gymnasium. For information or analogues, address PRESIDENT C. E.TAYLOR, j'ul 28-lm Wake Forest College, N. C. ROANOKE COLLEGE, In tbeVirginia Mountains. SI49, SI76, or S204 A YEAR Thorough instruction ; good discipline; beet moral influences. Students from many States. Gradu ates in 2 States. Korth Carolina well represented. 35thbeaaiou begins Sept. Nth. Illustrated catalugua tret. Address J 1. liib1.1jhieh, 1'rtu t., Suleui, Va. SALEM FEMALE ACADEMY, M, 2-s O. Capt. (. R. Smith, of Lurham is raising money to erect a confederate monument on the spot where Gen. Joseph E. Johnston surrendered. He has pledges to the amount of $ 6.000- Jlfaj. Dowd is dissatisfied with the status of Internal Revenue matters and has writ ten President Cleveland a letter claiming vindication. He says he was dismissed without cause. At the Sussel mine, adjoining the Appa lachian, they art about ready with their ad ditional ten stamps, and it is reported that lately they struck a very rich depesit of ore on the Biggin Hill lode. Cor. Dan Valley Echo. The factories .on Deep river, in Srndolph county, furnished employment and good wages to many hun dreds of hands, and these have not felt any hard times. Regular work, good houses with good gardens attached, they seem to have plenty and are happy. 'There are three factories al Randleman. which turn out daily not less than thirty os forty thou sand aards of plaids. Sunday's Charlotte Chronicle reports qu ite a bit of romance. A few days ago Jiss Ann A. Kuernann of Berlin, Germany , ar rived in Charlotte. 1 ears ago, in the f ath erland she had given her heart to a Ger man lad. who shortly afterward went to America. He finally established himself at Charlotte and sent for his sweetheart. She made the trip in 16 days. The German lad and lassie are soon to be made one. The Charlotte Chrohiclc savs : Yesterday -J. T. Cramer, manager Si the Genesee mine, again made his appearance at the mint and deposited nearly twentythree thousand del lars (S23,000) of beautifully retorted eold. made from 1,485 tons of ore ia twenty-three working days, at the actual expense of only 1 2-910.15, leaving a fraction over twenty thousand dollars clear profit. This shows, in the first place, the richness of the gold mines and what well-directed enterprise and capital can do. The vein at the Gen esee is about twenty teet thick, and more ere of this quality is in sight than can be milled in a years time. This makes a total of $45,500 realized hi 46 working days . at the Genesee. , ; rninn Pherrieo. nes. .reeled reaches and other fruits. From the best information we can get. it is our opinion that prices will open as high as they will be dunns the season. We therefore advise you to Bellas fast as you buy, just what we propose to do. we quote, subject to change: Cherries 8 cents Blackberries. 6 " Raspberries 12 " Whortleberries 5 " Damson Flums 5 " 1 Unpeeied Peaches 4 " i Unpeeied Peaches 3 " Bright reeled reaches 6 cents Fancy " .., 8 " Ex- Fancy " " 10 " i Apples 2 to2J " Bright Sliced Apples . 2to 21 " Fancy " s " Ex. " " " 4 " Honey 7 to 10 cents. Beeswax 18 " Flaxseed 8a " New Feathers , 4ft to 50 " Good Unwash'd Wool 25 " Washed " 33 " Eees 8 to 11 Country Meat Shoulders 7 to 9 " Sides 8 to 9 cents Hams 11 to 13 " Lard 8 " New Oats 35 to 40 " Red Wheat 70te80 White 88 to 90 " Rye 70 ' Gseen Hides 41 " Dry " " A Girl for All. In order to eive all a chance to test it. nnd thus be convinced of its wonderful curative powers, Dr, King's New Discovery for Consem- fition. Coughs and Colds, will be for a limited ime, given away. This ofTer is not only liber al, but shows unbounded faith in the merits of this (treat remedy. jvii wno suner irora Coughs, Colds, Consumption, Asthma, Bron chitis, or any affection of Throat, Chest, or Lungs, or especially requested to call at V. O. Thompson's Drue Store and get a Trial Kottle f ree, large lsectics i. i i si Renews Her Youth. - Mk. Plinli Chesler. Peterson. Clay Co- Iowa, tells the followimr remarkable story, the truth of which is voached for by the residents of th- town: "I am 78 years old, ha been troubled kidney complaint nJ lameness for many years; could not Ureas myself without help. Xow I am free from ull palu and sore ness and am able to do all my own housework. I owe my thanks to Electric Bitters fer having renewed my youth, and removed completely au diseese and pain." Try a kottle, V. O. Thompson's Drag fctore. HEALTHFUL LOCATION; BEAUTIFUL grounds; ample buildings with comforta ble study-parlors, sleeping alcoves, bathing rooms; well graded and advanced course of study; special facilities for Music, Art, Langu- ges anl commercial studies; refined home fe with good ChristaiM trainiui: siiecial c;ire of the individual pupil; eighty-three years of continuous experience and more than 6,000 alumna-. For catalogue, addr ga Fkixcipai.. Sale Fkmalk Acauku y, Salem, N. C, our son or daughter this ail to write to the l'rinci- ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A GOOD -:- SCHOOL at which to place y year? If so do not fa pals of OAK RIDGE INSTITUTE! AND BUSINESS COLLEGE, for one of their beautiful new rezisters. Oak .Ridge Institute is a high class Literary School with a complete Business Department annex ed. 213 students last year, over 50 students frcm bepond state lines. Six states represented Address J. A. A W. II. HOLT. Oak Ridge, N. C. ASHEYILLE FEMALE COLLEGE. HEALTH. COMFORT. BEAUTY. one established school. New buildings heat J-ied by steam and grates and lighted with gas; new furniture, new pianos of the best German and American unifies. Thorough course ; large school; delightful home. Kare advantages in Music and Art. Special short course for those who wish it. Kemarkably low charges. Special rates to two from the same family, and to clubs of three or more troirt me same community. Semi lor catalo gue containing cut of new building, map of travel, article on climatology, ic. Address KKV. JAMES ATlvlJS. ' Asheville, N. G. A Tote of Thanks. The M. P. Sunday School last Sunday tendered the following vote of thanks with request that same be published through the columns of The Sentinel : We, the members of the Methodist Pro testant Sunday School, of Winston, do here by tender our many thanks to the citizens of Winston-Salem, who to kindly furnished their teams (without charge) to convey the school to and from their recent pic-nic. and all others who aided in making tne occasion a success assuring each of these that the school heartily appreciates the many cour tesies rendered. Another Thief Caught. Money to the amount of (55 was stolen Saturday morning last from the drawer of freight office at the depot. John Hopkins, a negro boy of about is years of age being. 6usicioned was arrested by Chief-of-Police JJowdy. Uf the amount 97.7o waa found upon his person, while $15 had been depos ited by him in the First National Bank. Hopkins claims that his "partner" got the additional amount, aqd has given tha police various descriptions ot tbe one who aided him in the theft, but when the descriptive parties were brought before him, he would deny their being the proper person. Hop kins is destined to shovel . dirt on some railroad for the offence, which was no doubt done by himself alone. In default of a $100 bond, he is peeping out from behind the iron bars awaiting a further hearing at the next term of court. Of lut erest to the Farmer. X correspondent writes to the New and Farm that he is creditably informed by a farmer in his neighborhood that the crow is a deadly foe to the chinch bug. The farmer says that not many days ago, he had a piece of corn almost literally covered wit h these pests and he had concluded it was devoted to utter ruin, but a flock of crows '"swooped" down upon it, and ad dressed themselves cheerily to the consump tion of the multitudinous army of bugs. In two or three days' time the chinch bugs had been transported from the crop of corn to the crop of the crow and now farmer Rober- son is enthusiastic in his good words for his sable friends, the crows. Gentlemen A year ago last fair a sore broke out on my left leg below the knee, it began to snread. and run until my whole leg was covered. This continued until last fall, wfcen I bacran to taxe Swift Specific- The physician told me it would take about one dozen bottles; but when I had finished two bottles my leg was well. While I sultered 1 also had chills regular. These, too disappeared when the ulcer was healed up. I am truly grateful for the benefit I received from S. . s. and both myseu anu husband talk up your medicine to all our friends. Mas. Cabdema S. Mask. The Fiend Dyspepsia Bxoreised. Jrsnr, Ga. Marce 13, 1887, Gentlemen I had a severe case of dyspep sia several years ago. My blood was impover ished, aad my health was so poor mai i was ereatlv reduced in weight. I took a course of B- S.' U.. which brought me aronnd all right My annntiba iuiDroved and mv digestion be came perfect. My weight increased about forty pounds, and to day I am a well and sound man, thanks to your valuable blood purifier S. 8. S. Yours truly. M. W. Subrknct Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. The Swift Specific Co., Drawer 3, At lanta. Ga. Children Starvlne to Death. On account ef their inabil ity to digest food will find a most marvelous food ana remedy in Scott's Emulsion oi mre ou uiver jh with HvDouhospkites. Very palatable and ea- sily digested, Dr. 8. W. Cohen of Waco, Texas avs : 'i I have used your Emulsion in lnfan tile wasting with good results. Itnotoniyre stores wasted tissues, but gives strength and in creases the appetite. I am glad to use such reliable article." tlr. ( v,. uiiim f!nlvrt. Texas, savs : I have used your Emul a on tor over a year ana nave uenveu uium hAnerit from it in lhe marasmus oi cmiurezi being tolerated by the stomach when all other medicaments were rejected- WESLEY!! FEMALE INSTITUTE, AITNTON. VIKOI.VIA.- Ooenc SentMiler atst.. iSy-. One of the FIRST SCHOOLS WOK YOUNfi I.AJJIKS in I MF U-.;fcoN. All H pertinents thorough. ButUliii eififiat S'in fct-at. Gas IiltI'I. Situa. ion beautiful. Clim ito spU-tt :. t t'5iK trm nim-teen States. All important a-lvaniatfc-s in !i . ly r vhi. c.l Ui.Arve. Hoard, Washing, Uitrhts, Emrlih, K. -u-h. t icrnian. Music, for aCholasticvear.fromSept.t.t :(in..- F'-rCataloiiui: write toRktV. WM. A. HARK lb. It t., i'iiil.t, Staunton. Virgin.. TRINITY COLLEGE ! Rey. JOHN F. CROWELL, President. Fall Term begins Axuj. 24i and ends December ;i6rd, 1887. PROPERTY of the N. C. Conference of the M. E. Church, South, managed by a Board of Trustees elected bv the Conference : Faculty a president, six mil froiessors aua two tu tors ; a four years' College course leading to the degree of Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Phi losophy ; eilicieni xreparaiory ana .Business departments ; good buildings, furniture and ap paratus ; location very healthy ; Ruilroad Sta tion. High Point, N. C-, on the Richmond x Danville .Railroad. For cataiogue and infor mation, address the President, Trinity College, Randolph Co., I . C- FLi'.r.LUJiLlA i N ARY. I ui.n.....lM.tfr.r.n.i,i.r...t.,..i.ii J ems " A Creditable Entertalnmeat.- - The musical and Elocutionary entertain ment given at the Opera House last Thurs day night was largely attended by our peo ple and withal a grand success. Prof. Hous ton, aa Elocutionist, prove-! himself master oi bis profession ana received nu merous comments froi aa attentive and appreciative audience. The musical part of the program, which was furnished by the Salem Orchestra, likewise cam in for its share of favorable comment,, maintaining throughout , their reputation as amateur musicians of the first grade. Our people feel proud, and justly sc, of the Salem Or chestra, which never fails to render the best of music. A Colored Cemterlaa. Our neighbor, the Daily, learns of an old colored man near Sedge Garden, about nine miles north of Winston, by the name of Frank Mathews, who is 102 years of age, and who furthermore can prove by good au thority that he is the father of 75 children , a majority of whom ore still living. He al so has 150 grandchildren, . and 20 great grandchildren. . It is said that Frank was somewhat of a Erighem Your.g before the war, as there were 1.0 legal marriages recog nised among the colored people at that time. Frank remembers seeing Gen. George Wash -ington when he passed through here and stopped at the old Salem hotel. Ve would da that Alex. Gates,' the barber, married one of the 75 children, with whom he is WW living. - The M. P. ttawday School Pie- Nle. The pic-nic given by the M. P. Sunday School, of this city, last Thursday was a most pleasant occasion and by many will be remembered as one of the pleasantest events ever given by the school. The scholars turn ed out in full force and a large representa tion of teachers and friends of the school joined them in making the occasion a grand success, ine pic-nicers drove out ef town a few minutes after eight o'clock, and reach ing their destination (Clinard's Stand) shortly after nine, were soon eojoying the many festivities and continued them antil the hour arrived to gather around a table fifty feet in length, ladened with a dinner that did honor to the occasion. It is needless to add that every one present did justice to tbe many delacacies that were spread before them. . Our reporter did not reach the ground until after the repast was served, bat was in time to enjoy the cake and lemonade which flowed In abundance. - The pic-nic was an enjoyable' one. and so pronounced by every one present, especially one couple who sought to enjoy the occasion alone and judging from appearances, their days of "single-blessedness" have long ince been numbered. - - ; There was nothing to mar the occasion" until jus, before the hour arrived for the crowd tfi start for their various homes. It waa then that a lad of about - eighty or ten summers was seen to plunge (backward) into the tab of ice-cold Jemomtde. To say that he was thoroughly drenched and felt as if a chilling breeze had passed that way, would be patting it in plain terms, judging lrora his countenance when rescued. : Soon the crowd were enroute for borne, bearing with them pleasant memories Tf the pic-nic given by the Methodist Protestant Sunday School. - - BUSINESS NOTES. Ayer's Sarsap&rlla- cures liver complaint rheumatism, and all diseases of the blood, Ayer's Pills promtly releive stomach trubles. correct foul breath and an unpleasant taste. and cure constipation. The many remarkable cures Hood's Sarsap- arilla accomplishes are sufficient proof that it does possess peculiar curanve powers. HORSE8 ! HORSES ! We want to purchase twenty good driving horses that are sound and smooth. C RUTCH FIELD k MeARTHUR. 1 time . e ;- True To Their Colors are the Diamond .Dyes, and for that reason they are standard dye colors in all parts of the country. They give fast and beautiful shades,, and do not fade. 32 Colors. Onlv 18 cents each It la m Pleasare writes Mrs. Eliza Ann Smith, of Vermillion, Erie Co. Ohio, to tell the ladies every where that nothing surpasses Dr. Harterjs Iron Ton ic for all irregularities. "It cured me when the physicians and all other remidies failed." Fretful Infanta are not so because of their depravity, but be cause they are not properly fed.. Many of the so-caiiea -looas serve more to irritate wan nourish the little ones. Lactated Food, however is a perfect nutrient., and can be depended upon to make tbe babies healthy and nappy. Che Them s Chance ! That is to say, your lungs. Aleo all your breathiug .aiachinery. Very wonderful ma chinery it is. Not only the larger air pa sages, but the thouaanua 01 lime iiuks auu cavities leading from taem. When these are clogied and choked with matter which ought not to he there, your lungs can not half do their work. And what they do. they cannot de well. Call it cold, cough, croup, pneumonia, ca- tarrh,;consumtion or any of the family of throat nd nose aad head and lung obstructions, all are bad.all onght to be got rid of. There is just one sure way to get rid oi them. That is to take Boschee's German Syrup, which any druggist will sell you at 75 cents a bottle. Even If everything else lias failed you, you may de pend npon this for certain. The Bucklea's Arnica Salve. Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Brumes, sores. Ulcers, salt Rheum. ever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands. Chilblains Corns, and All Skin Eruptions, and positively cares Piles, bo pay reqmrea. it la frnaranieeu ' -feci satisfaction, or money refunded. It is guaranteed to give r monev refunded. Price cents per box.. Far sale by V. O. ThompsoB. - Prophylactic la Slcknoaa -xypnoia t ever has broken oat here again, but whereever JDarbys Proohvlactia Fluid has been freely used there has been no fever." M. B- Lassastie, P. M., Ed. Central Ala bamian The Fluid is not merely a deod orizer but a disinfectant a destroyer of the dis- eerms in an ataaostDbere which cannot ha Ofeatnea witnout aaneer., ISO Post. Vkw Yobk Kvk- Wamans Tenaeitjr . It U the opinion of theologains and lawyers and judirea that as a rule women are truthful. Hence, the public rightfully attaches rrest val ue to tua testimony of a lady as to- the effect of macmne. Mrs. Mask is the wile or one or the most prosperous and intelligent farmers of Al cora county. Mr. fidward Mask. After suff ering two years with an ulcer that covered her left leg from the knee to the foot, recently she nas neon cured, read what cured hen p;jo)ii!S Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of pu- BtMnh anff whnlnlAntAnAHL Mare COO aoaaisal than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of "ow test, snort weignt aiam or pnospnate w Jers. Solti onlv i cans. BotalBskimo Pow 3CeloWall8tMN Y - ... , - - toenrtorfp jan20 ly. SUBSCRIBE rO TrteCWestorn Sentinel, W&- H ninii, For Liver Disorders And for all affections of file Stomach and BnnvN. i.roi.ij-t relief mid cure ue adordtd by the use of Ayer's Cathartic Pills. They easily correct slight deruufit-mcuts f tbi-se organs, aud are of incalculable beuctit in chronic cases. I have been usins Ayer's Pills, In my family, for over tbn-e years, and find in them an effective remedy for Constipation and Indigestion. We arc never without these Pills in the house. Hoses Ureuier, 72 Hall at., Lowell, Maw. . TFor ye,rs 1 bave heen subject to Constipation and Nervous Headaches, caused by Indigestion and derangement of the Liver. After taking various kinds of medicine. I have become convinced that Ayer's Pills are the best. Thev have never failed to relieve m.v bilious attacks in a short time, aud I am sure my system retains its tone loii-tr. after the use of these Pills, than has been the ta-o with anv other medicine 1 have tried. H. S. Sledge, Weimar, Texits. Ayer's Cathartic Pills are the safest and best medicine 1 ever tmt tor P.owt-1 Com plaint. 1 have never known them fail to cure this disorder. They have been peculiarly eflective, iu my family, iu all cases of Liver And Stomach Troubles. Ayer's Pills are prompt and mild In their action : they pcntly stimulate the liver and always leave the bowels iu a natural condition. -Philip Caldwell, lleverly, lla' ..A.t?rt'e? h?u,1s intense suffering with Bilious Colic, I took Ayer's Cathartic Pills. In half an hour the pain in my stomach and bowels subsided, and I quickly recovered. U. S. Heathfield, 63 Chestnut st., Providence, It. I. - ,f ?r nearly five years I was a confirmed dyspeptic. During the last three moaths of this time, my life was a burden to ine. I had no appetite, beeauie pale and emaciated, and was unable to work. I tried various remedies, but found no relief until I bejran taking Ayer's Pills. A few boxes of this medicine preatlv Improved my appetite, restored mv liver and stomach to a healthv condition, aiid ray food now digests perfectly fcrnest Lewis, 43 Main St., Lewiston, K. Y. Ayer's Pills have cured a case of Chronic Dyspepsia, here, which resisted other remedies, mid had become a very serious affliction. The cure is remarkable, aud has created a sensation iu this locality. S. K. Jones, M. V., Brighton, Mich. For a number of years I was greatly tfmbled with Dyspepsia. I became weak, nervous, had no appetite, aud there werebut few kinds of food my stomach vould bear. After taking a number of remedies, without obtaining relief. I began to use Ayer's Cathartic Pills, and, at the same time, commenced dieting. This treat merit eltected a complete cure. Jeremiah W. Styles, Fort Madison. Iowa. AYER'S SUGAR-COATED CATHARTIC Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aycr Sc Co., Lowell, Mass. PILLS, Bold by all DnijuciBtB. JOBACCO pLUES! TOBACCO FLUES ! THE BIG COFFEE POT IS ALWAYS -.Headquarters:- For FIRST CLASS Stoves, Tinware, Tobacco Flues, Tine Iron, BROOMS, Ac, 4lc. at bottom prices. Y holesale and Retail. This year we will take special pains in cutting, fitting and Bwedging our Tobacco Flues, mak ing the joints to ht perfectly tight, allowing no smoke or sparks to es cape. Besides swedgmg our r lues we rivet tags or loops on the ends of joints and elbows, enabling the party using them to wire tnem to gether alter they are placed in the barn, which is a double protection aeainst their coming apart. Always remember the Bit; Cof fee Fot 1 wmE ! WIRE ! For hanging tobacco on is found at the Big CotYce Pot. Don't fail to call and seeius before purchasing elsewhere. Very Respectfully, GIERSH, SENSEMAN & CO., JMain Street, Salem, N. C. Sign Big Coflee Pot oct 2tt S. E. ALLEN'S CORNER. 1 Can You A fiord to use a heavy Iron Hoe when you can get a handled Steel Iloe of S. E. Allen for 35 c. ? Can You A fiord to cut your meadows by the tedious and slow process of a grass blade when you can go to Allen's Hardware Store and get the best Mower made for $65 ? Can You Afford to weary yourselt and horse down with an old Plow while Al len will sell you the Boss Plow for Can You Afford to come to town on a hard plank when you can get a ptir of Seat Springs of Allen for 85 c? Can You Afford to only make one furrow when you can make two for 3.25 ? Can You Afford to only make two furrows when you can plow a row for 22.50? Can You Allord to let your grain make just what it will when you can get a good harrow to work it lor if 10 ? Can You Afford to make visits or do light work with a heavy wagon when you can get of S. E. Allen a Bug gy from 65 to 120 dollars ? Can You Afford to stay behind your thrifty neighbor while S. E. Allen keeps machinery lor you ? Can You Afford to go in the steps ot your dadies' whei. men of brains have been thinking and making labor saving implements for you thus giving you a good chance to make money and time torol and rest ? Buggies! Buggies ! ! Buggies!! WE HAVE JUST HECElVEU A Car Load of Huggies, which we oiler at $ij.0U, "iilO.Oit ami $75.00. riueUms, Spring Wagons, Jump Sent Buggies. Cull anil see one of the best lines of Bngie3, Ac, ever oflereil in this place. No trouble to show them. BROWN, ROGERS & CO., Dealers iu Hardware, Harness, Machinery, Paints, Stoves, et Agents for Tyson fc Jones' GREAT INDUCEMENTS Bucgies. i n-iy 4 4 4 Shrewd Buyers ! CURES DEAF THE ecks Patentlmproved Cushioned Ear .('MS Perfectly restore the hearing, no mat ter whether ilcnfneiH is causcil by cohlb, fevers or :n nines to the natural I'.ruinn. Always in losilioii but invisible to others am! uoiufortaole to .vear. Music, conversation, even whinners lie:. 1 I ilistinetly. We refer to those usin them Sen ! for illustrated book of proofs free. A pilrcss I . Ill.SCOX, 819 liroa-tway, N . V. For Sale. n.w oiler for sale my entire property, con sisting in Livery Stable jro)erty with 31 Liot 100x100 leet. 12 head ot horses, 3 stalls. carriages, 2 spring wagons, 6 buggies, 2 roal one ata- waeons, livery harness, fixtures tc. Also tract of bind, 4 acres, with log dwelling, bles barn ami tobacco barn, lying on the Shal low for.! t-a 1 3J miles from the city. One tract ot ! iipI Id acres, with good log barn, lying on or n mi- the uermanton road 1 miles from the city. - The above property 1 offer for sale on acconn: of going West. This is a rood chance f i ;i man -wishing to purchase a oiwd business. My ?table3 are centrally located, and I h. ve a good business established. I will sail all or part to any iwrty wishing to purchase eh 'ip. I n le found at my stable." JUly Zl 1 HI -HllJM. JU. .KOB1.K&U.N Agr. T7OUSY'l II ( Ol'XTY, IX THE St PKKIOU J? COl If T. - lohn W. Beck and his llcirsat Law au l W. !ow of Frederick Heck against Thos. Lemon-, .lames Lemons. 1 . 1'. Lemons, Lemons. - Lemons. Lemons, ami -- Lem ons. SHlll'lv. KOKKKL1K. STATK Or NOBT1I CAli'M.INA. To tit Sheriff of r or. tyth County O RE ETING : You are hereby commanded o -ittnmons Thos. Lemons and others, the de.V.lents above named, if they be lonnd within our mint v. to ue ana mnear De- fore the Clerk of r Superior Court for Hie County of Korsi t.t. it his onloe in Winston, on uie znu oay oi iit inner ioi. anu answer the complaint a ropv -f which is dciosited the ofliceof the i left - f the Superior Ceurt of said County, wilirti : 'Uys from the date of thissummons,anil li t ih - defeudents take notice that tf thev fail t .. - ver the said com plaint within the 'in. required by law the Plaintiff will appl i . t . Court for the relief demanded in the to . i ill i . . Hereof fail not, andof this summons make d ie return. Given uadcr my hand and seal of ii I Court, this 19th dayoijujy l57 c s. if ti.r. Clerk su lie rior Court Forsvth Count . Watson A Buxton atty' , I ily SSth. ZANESVILLE, OHIO, -BUSINESS COLLEGE. PARSONS & KEN. - NISON, Proprietors. Book-keeping, Penmanship,. Tel.'graphy, Shor thand, Type-writing and Drawing. Young men nttea tor business, btudents -n enter at any ume. fan term oegins sirTKKit iztn- circu lars sent free. " . TITAIITEI). Ladies and Oeutlemen who II wish steady employment o take nice light work and make easily from $ I. Oil to $3.00 a day. ' You should address with stamp CROWN MF'GCO.,294 Vine St.,Cineinnati,0- "llfAIT for the best o" all excursions Ironi II Greensboro to Asheville and return Wedn esday Augurt 24th. Fare, round trij v?4,0IJ. Train leave at 10 a. in., 40 hours to remain in Ashevillo. Reduced rates on all rail roads to Greensboro. Board at Asheville id lier dav. Reduced rates from Ashville. to all places of in terest. 10 lirst-class coaches 'chartered- Spe cial coach for ladies and their es-orts. Reduced rates given ministers and their families. Best Bund in the htate aecompauiss us. t are from Winston Salem and Kernersyille S5.30 iteids ville and Company Shops $5.75. For further information see large circular or address one ol the managers J. II. WEST. A.L. K1KKMAN. HJuly 28 1 w. T. 1). GARRETT. MORTGAGE SALE. By virtue of a mort gage deed executed to me bv Albert If. Lineback, recorded in Book 19, Pago 51 1, Regi ster's efliee of Forsyth county, I will expose Ui sale at public outerv to the highest bidder, for cash, on Monday, the 5th day o" September, at the court House door in Winston, the follow ing tracts of land, lying near Old Town on both sides of Stouts branch, adjoining the lands of J. E. Petree, A. (',. Snipes, David Easly and others, containing 25 acres. 2nd tract adjoin ing David Laslv, and others, containing nine acres, more or less. On these tracts is a mill and other improvements. AMfcLlA It. Wlji K.LLK Mortgagee. WATSON & BUXTON Attorneys July 28 5 w. To Make Room lor Our FALL AND WINTER STOCK WE ARE OFFERING NOW EXTRA BARGAINS IN READY-MADE CLOTHING- WE WILL SELL Fine suits worth $o.oo " ' " '-5 t $-000 '7-SQ 1 5. no I2.5O to.oo S.00 Goods in to make ADMIXISTTJATOJB'S NOTICE. Having qualified as Administrator upon the estate of Nancy Brown, dee'd , all persons holding claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to the undersigued tor pay ment duly authenticated on or beforejthe 2.'id day of June, 1888, or this notice will be plead in bar of recovery. Also all persons owing said estate are requested to make immediate pay ment. Ii. Ii. rV.EE.NKE, Ad 111 r. June 22, 1887.25 fit. Executors Notice. Having qualified as executor of the estate of deceased, all persons hereby John D. Waddill, Sr holding claims acrainst said estate are notified to present the same to tbe underaiemed for payment, on or before the 21st day of July, 1888, duly authenticated, or this notice will be plead in bar of recovery. Also all persons ow ing said estate are requested to make immedi ate settlement. JOHN D. WADDILL Jr., July 21 6w . Executor, Salem, Chapel, N. C viii',1.::: tin mmu m mi If not sold privately before, I will expose for sale at public auction on Tuesday August 23rd my property on corner 3rd and Church Streets consisting of 3 business lots fronting on 3rd St. 25 by 95 feet, leaving alley in rear. There ia a good Xrame store house on the corner lot 11 I atr i. - H . . which re um at sou per monin. ior terms c. call on J. N. Apple on premises, or I. W. Dur ham at marble yard. J. P. APPLE. July 211m. Mob 20 f " 15 A lid Lower l'riced proportion. Wc intend ABIC SALE in our prosent stock and -this will be the best mode to accomplish it.JJ We are not ottering old or out-of-style goods at such piices, but new and desirable yoods, baught this season. We have- also left yet a few fine ir Coats ad Vests that cost .f 4. 50 in New York c aie closing out now at $3.50. -fkst quality Seersucker Coats and Vests, -.voi tli $2, wc are selling now at ? 1.25. ALL OF OUR FINE SUITS, that cost from if lo and up fit and wear as well as Merchant Taylor made garmeuls, and do not cost half as muoh. We have also a good line of nice gents lots left which we are Closing Out Below Cost. Sell a regular 60c straw hat at 18c. " 1 . " . 60c. - ' manilla hat at $t. : Do not buy any clothing or lots ueiore you gtve us a call if wish to save money.' 1 ROSEfiBACHER & BRO. Winston, July zl 6m 1 i V : ,0, ; , .it r- 1 ' you -