A PA?ft FOH T H PEOPLE. DEVOTED TO- TBS mimil AND SS7ELQFHNT OF !i PIEDMONT CAROLINA. to Tliroiialiont MtaterUMisa, THE SENTINEL !l Has No Superior as an Adver- tlsing Medium. j J. O. FOY Editor and Proprietor. A NORTH CAROLINA DEMOCRATIC FAMILY NEWSPAPER FOR NOSTH CAROLINA PEOPLE, IN THE STATE AND OUT OF IT SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $I.CO PER YEAR 4 Vol,, xxxv. No. 28 WIXSTOX-SAT.EM, INT. C, THURSDAY, MAY 28 1891. CHARLES S. JOHXSOX. K. E. JONES. JOHNSON & JONES, SUCCESSORS TO FRANCIS B. KEMP & CO. Real Estate Exchange, 212 MAIN ST., FIRST DOOR BELOW HOTEL FOUNTAIN. Business Residence and suburban property bought, sold and exchanged. Rents Collected. Carriage at door to show customers propertj'. -:- A FIRST-CLASS -:- BARBER SHOP. 8AM'LBRBWEK;Prop'r- Gentlemen who wish a First-class Shave ia a white man's shop should call on him. Everything neat and clean J. Jj. LUDLOW, O. E., S.f M br N. C. Board of Health Civil and Sanitary Engineer, WINSTON. N. C. M B. GLENN. CXKMEKT KAICLT Glenn & Manly, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WXKSTOX, - - - - K. C. j Particular at'eneion paid to settling estates and aavisiu); exeuuiura aiiu aumiumiavuia Will practice regular:y in the counties of Frsyth, Rockingham, Stokes, Surry and Wiles and in the United States. Courts. E. A. GRIFFITH" Attorney at Law and Notary Public. (Office above Thompson's drug store.) HflLL PRACTICE in FARMERS FU1ITURE STORE THE EDITOR'S TABLE. joining counties. special BE SURE AND FIND IT WHEN YOU Forsyth and ad Special attention given to the settlement of estates. All legal papers carefully drawn, titles investigate! and abstracts furnished Loans negotiated good security. Special attention given to the collection of accounts and returns made promptly. jan22. " WANTED PER MONTH. One Hundred Watches to Repair. Every fiftieth Dame on my watch repair record I will give one stem wind and set nic watch, warranted a good time keeper. All watches, decks and jewelry promptly and neatly repaired and warranted. A good assortment of watch chains and spectacles for sale. T. J. BAXTER, In Singer Office. THE NEW EXCELSIOR COOK STOVE IS THE BEST ON THE " MARKET. gy"It ia not a new and untried Stove. It's used by thousands of the Debt people in North Carolina. have sold over 500 and never had a ingle complaint. I can sell you this excellent Stove as cjeap aa any good article on the market. Tin roofing and guttering done promptly at low prices. I am handling car loads of Terra Cotta Piping for drains and chimney flues. It makes a cheap, good chimney. Try it. GEO. STEWART, Main Street. East of Court House. Come to Winston. Next to Hinshaw & Medearis' store, nearly opposite the Piedmont Warehouse : BROWNS . PALACE DRUG-STORE If you will go there to make your purchases yoa will find everything marked down to live and let -live prices. I have a nice line of furn iture for you to select from. The goods are pretty and they are cheap: Kemember the place and Come and see me- FARMERS FURNITURE STORE Mr. McKhriVy shrinks from dis closing to his fellow-citizens in Ohio that the Australian wool clip for this year is worth $100,- ooo',ooo. Editor Medill, of Chicago, wants to plant alfalfa on the grave of tin; McKinley law. And yet Editor Mcdill pretends to he u Republican. It isclaimetl that Edwin Booth, the great actor, after having spent several respectable fortunes is now pretty well heeled, lie has just given 130,000 to build the Players Club House in New York and has an assured annuity of $150,000 per year. W. T. VOGLER, The Leading JTEYRTKILiEIHl OF WINSTON-SALEM, WHO FOR SPEAKER? IiirrTKH FROM OUT. WASHINGTON COKKESrOXDEXT. The Illinois House of Represen tatives has passed and Anti trust bill. The Chicago Inter Ocean commenting on it says "there has been debate enough on trusts; wnat is wanted i legislation to suppress them." Where is John Sherman's Anti trust law? As a trust masher it has proved a dismal failure. Up to this time, since the 1st of April, about 100 undesirable immigrants have been debarred by the inspectors at New York The number is not large, but it is large enough to serve as a warn ing to all steamship companies to be careful about brih.ing over passengers whom they will be compelled to take back. 11 mm i in m The speech of Mr. Cleveland at Buffalo, New York, is making a strong impression, and the pa pers are talking about it. The Louisville Courier-Journal says: "It is a wonderfully strong pre sentation of plain, blunt truth, fearless candor, and thorough going Democracy. Nobody but G rover Cleveland could have de livered it." In dtaling with the American question, Premier Rudini of Rome, Minister Fava, formerly of Wash ington, and Consul Corte, recent ly" of New Orleans, have not shown that fine, subtle diplo matic skill with which many other Italian politicians have been credited, including some who lived before the time of Italian unitv. The "Third Party" Feelings Gossip Around the National Capital Other Interesting News. 5?Iecial Correspondence to The Sejctixel. Washington, May 25.' The fight for the Speakership of tbe incoming' Democratic House of Representa tives has really begun, and the vari-. ou candidates and their friends are frequently seen here on the streets. The favorite Southern candidate is Judge Crisp, ;f Georgia. Roger Q. .Mills is regarded as unavailable by the vnore conservative and practical Democratic politicians. Hon. Win. L. Wilson, the gifted young member from West Virginia, is considered one of the strongest "dark horses" in the race. The able member from the Forsyth District, Hon. A. H. A. Williams, is too clever a man and too astute a politician to commit himself to any one until after Con gress assembles and the party caucus acts. Then 4 Baldy" Williams can be depended on to do -what is wisest for his State and constituents. He has few superiors among his col leagues, and nil he needs is experi ence. It is reported here that Captain Armand De Rosset has done the work of copying the North Carolina tax lists so well that he has been giv en a similar contract for Virginia, Georgia and South Carolina. By direction of the Secretary of War, Second Lieutenant John Lit tle, 34th Infantry, Professor of Mili tary Science and Tactics at the Bin ham School, Orange county, N. C, will proceed to Asheville, N. C, at such time as may be necessary for the purpose of continuing his duties in connection with the school, after its removal to that place. I think if Captain Davis would make applica tion through the proper channels he could have a West Point graduate detailed for similar duty at his school in your town. Much interest is felt here in the future of the alleged young "politi cal giant" born Friday at Cincin nati and immediately christened : "The Peoples Party of the United States of America." The safest po litical prophets think the bantling was born too soon, and that its de mise will occur before the campaign of JS92. It is composed of too mau3' heterogeneous patts, and while the platform on which it stands is good enouzb, perhaps it is no bettor than the one the full grown and healthy giant, known as the Democratic party can and will frame at the nominating convention and at the proper time. The Farmers Alli ance at the South wiil be found as usual, in the Democratic ranks when the fight come? off. GREKN B. RAUM", JR., Green B. Kaam, Jr., son of theCom missioner of Pensions and assistant chief clerk in the Pension Bureau, has resigned and his resignation has been accepted. For some time past ru mors affecting his official conduct have found their way to Secretary I Noble, but not until just before his departure for St. Louis about a week ago did he come into possession of facts that would warrant him in tak ing official action in the matter. He then learned that the assistant chief clerk had been a party to certain ir regular and unlawful proceedings m connection with three appointments to minor positions in the Pension Bureau.. The temporary appropria tion to his own uses of $72 belonging to the Government is also charged against him. Young Raum was not inclined to meet the demand for his resianation, but his father requested it of him and the father himself took the son's res ignation to the Department of Inte rior. Raum is charged with other crookedness in connection with his position and otherwise. Ever since the old man Raum has been in the Pension Office he has been in trouble. He was first arraigned himself on damaging charges in con nection with his patent refrigerator and now his son has been forced to resign under a cloud. Truly "The way of the transgressor is jiard." GENEKAL NEWS. PEBSOXAL 1SD POLITICAL. POISTS AXB COM M OUT AFFAIRS. Xe Kolca fallen From All Perl Ion or tbe Country and Quarters oftho Globe. This OermaaFtnaneeer on port. tbe Gold lm- When Quay has an interview with Mr. Harrison he has the fact mentioned in the newspapers two or three days ins advance. in tins way tjuay desires to as sure the public that lie is inti mate with the president. The truth is the Republican party en dorses Quay's rascality by kei p- ing him at the head of the organ ization. The Hanes Building !j Offers everything in the drug line at low prices. The stock is large and varied and the quality of our goods cannot be surpassed. . We offer tbe finest line ot domestic and foreign cigars ever shown in Winston. f ? ; We make wholesale prices to country merchants and others ' buying ia large quantities. Your friends, BROWN & BROWN, Has-the largest stock of Jewelry, Silverware, "Clocks, '. Gold Pens, Walking Canes, Umbrellas, &c, in tact, -everytnine that belongs to a Jewelry Store. His Spectacle De partment is complete. If you need a pair - of Spectacles you would do well by calling on him before buying eisewuere, as ne is we oniy I OPTICIAN In The Place. He is also prepared to do all kinds of Ensrravine. fancy and plain, and all styles of Monograms. He does all kinds of fine REPAIRING : and all work warranted. It is yet a matter of specula- ton as to whether Governor Hill will decide to take the United States Senatorship proffered him, or throw away that prize for the uncert ain one of re-election to the Uubernatonal chair. A sentence in a recent editorial inthe Albany limes would seem to muieate that he has made up his mind in favor of the Senatorship: "We have no idea," savs the Times, that Governor Hill has the sncrntest tnougrnt ot running again for Governor. The Peace Monumcut. The plan for the Peace monument and repository, to b erected on the highest point of Lookout mountain, has been accepted by the Lookout Mountain Company. The . monu ment will be the most magnificent one south of the Potomac, and will be built of white marble. The total height ot the monument from base to the figure on the shaft will be about two hundred and fifty feet. On top of the shaft will be the "Goddess of Peace," with an olive wreath in her .hand and a broken cannon at her feet. A t the base will be two statues, representing the blue and the gray shaking hands, and under this will be the Confederate and Federal flags crossed, with the emblems in, the centre. The large repository, 330 feet long, and built in the Greek styl or architecture, witn eignty piuars, will be just behind the monument. In the repository will be kept the old relics of the civil war for both the Confederate and Federal, armies. The cost of the monument and re pository, if the plans arecai ned out, will be over one million dollars. 1 Tha heavy imports of American gold into Europe in general and Ger many in particular have drawn the attention of financiers in Germany to the matter. Herr Bleichroder, the -yell-known banker, who shares the Rothsehilds' financial power on the continent of Europe, in an inter view on the subject to-day with a representative of the Associated Press, said : 'All the gold coining hero from England or from France isreshipped to Russia, which country has been draining heavily from Berlin and still heavier from London. In order to protect the Bank of England, and so as not to drain its resources, American gold was called for, but this was an unprofitable transaction. Tbe gold was bought at a loss, it is true, but we are willing to sacrifice something. Had the Russian de mand been met by the withdrawal of gold from Londjn and Berlin, the rate of discount of the banks of thes-e cities must have risen six or seven per cent. Under the present state of affairs this would simply mean ruin to thousands. We avoided it by buying American gold.": -v. Ground Froze OOO Feet Deep. Imperial Academy of Sciences at St. Petersburg sent a representative to lakutsk with instructions to as certain, if possible, how far the fro zen soil extended toward the centre of the earth at Yakutsk. The work of dijrsrintr was carried on until a depth of 332 feet had been reached, and then the scientific man gave up the nob, but carefully took the teux perature throughout tne well, itie conclusion he reached was that Ya kutsk stands upon ground which, except for a few feet at the surface that are thawed out by the summer sun, is perpetually frozen to a depth of over COO feet Of course, it can not be supposed that frost pene trates the earth for that enormous distance, and it is believed that in the' geological upbuilding of this re gion, layer alter layer or tne super imposed mass was in its turn frozen, and never had a chance to thaw out, even when hidden by a heavy blank et of rock above it. At a recent colored convention in Wilniincrton a vote of thanks was tendered John. H. Young Esq., (col.) for ''officiating in the fight and thus bringing the office of Collector within the reach of a colored man." Whnt a comfort! John" gets the thanks while collector Daucy carries off the . shekels. This is somewhat like the Reciprocity, idea. Secretary Blaine does, the work and then steps behind - the curtain while gratuitous boquets fall at the feet of the President. But Young may get -there when there's another Republican Presi dentand this will be a long, long, time. - , -,i - The Teachers Assembly Programme. Arrangements are rapidly being completed for the Assembly at More head this summer. We give below a brief synopsis of the programme:. . Rev. G. YV. Sanderliu makes the opening address June 17th, and President Charles D. Mclver the an nual address on the same date. The 18th will be Popular Education Day, and Rev. Dr. Talmagn will deliver an address that evening. The 19th is Classical Day, the 22d College Day, the 23d Eng'lish Literature Day, the 24th Physical and Vocal Culture Day, the 25th County Superintend ents' Day, the 2Gth Musical Contest Daw' the 27th Location Day, the 28th W. C. T. U. Dav, the 20th Pres Daw On Colleere Day-Hon. William T. Harris, United States Commis sioner of Education, will deliver an address. - Traclc Laying. Track-laving on the southern' ex tension: of the Atlantic Coast Line between here and "Rowland will be commenced in a few. days, all the tools and implements necessary for su:h operation'? having already ar rived at the Short Cut 'depot. It is currently rumored on our streets that the company contemplate the early erection of a handsome and commodious depot on the site of their present headquarters. Fay etteville Observer; ' : . ' , ' ' ! The "Coming Crisis." ''It is the consensus of humanity, say3 the prophetic ijieot. lot ten, that we are upon the threshold of & gigantic crisis." The gigantic crisis has always been a few days in ad vance since Noah was a sailor. It wiil be remembered that Mr. A. Ward, making a railway journey at a critical period oi our country's history, insisted that if any passen ger ia the car had a erisis concealed about his person he should produce it at once. It wasn't produced ; it never is, and it never will be. It is always coming, and it fails to con nect. A German immigrant, 103 years : old, has just reached New York. He will go West and grow up with the conntry. His fourth wife, aged 40, and a young and tender 70 year-old daughter accompany nim. - Sam Jones at Chattanooga. The biggest fool in tbis town is the one that asks God to help him to do things that he can do himself. "It is wonderful how we are equal ized in this country. 1 turned to a Methodist preacher the other day and asked bim what his salary was. He answered, '$1,500.' I turned to a Baptist and pat the same question to him. He answered, '$1,000.' I said : 'That is right ; you can travel a third cheaper by water than by land.' " . ..... Sunday Work. Stopped. Beginning last Sunday the Stan dard Oil Company will pump no wells on Sunday.' Their wells throughout the Ohio oil field were all shnt down Saturday night, thus giving employ ees a day's rest and setting an exam ple of Sunday observance which may be followed generally in the oil field. The Immigrant was Heeled. ; Aristeed Cronenberg, an ordinary looking emmigrant, landed at the barge office at New York on Satnr-; day. en route from Belgium to Ashe ville, N. C; and when asked if he had any money, produced a roll of $50 and $100 bills, amounting in all to flU,UUU. Delaware for Ballot reform makes the 25th state. Mr. Cleveland is to become a citi zen of Massachusetts ' Forty vessels bring $80,000 worth of sponges to Key West. - . The Yale Professor (Totton) has fixed the the time of the millenium before April, 1S92. Since January 1, 1S91, it is said. more than two hundred million dol lars have been invested in Southern enterprises. The warden and the cuard at the Pratt mine have been arrested on a charge of murder for the killing of he convict Lloyd. It is now deffinatelv understood that the Raleigh and Gaston R. R. Shops will be removed from Raleigh to some point further South. Mr. Henry H. Tate, a well known citizen of Greensboro, died at his home in that place Thursday night ot apoplexy, aged 56 years. One of the largest hospitals in the world, containing accommodations for from 1,000 to 1,500 patients, has been opened at Constantinople, Turkey. Mr. Blaine pays a hi eh tribute to Washington City as a place of resi dence. Is this in the nature of a poin ter? Son Russell should make haste and fetch out another caricature The suggestion is made that, when Eva Hamilton goes upon the stage it shall be with John L. Sullivan as her leading man, and that the play shall be "The Taming of the Shrew." Samuel J. Tilden made his will so plain that of the four judges who had it before them, two sustained it and two decided against it. A will that can hang a court must be a pretty strong document. Ihe President has issued a proc lamation opening to public settle ment under the law about 15.000,000 acres of land in Fort Berthold Indian Reservation in the northwestern part of North Dakota. The Davis bboe Company, a cor poration chartered in Maine which operates an extensive factory at the State penitentary, Richmond, Va., made an assignment Thursday. Lia bilities of the Richmond branch $12- 5,000. A monument to the late Heinrich Schliemann, the archaeologist, - wilt be erected in Schwerin. The Grand Duke of Mecklenburg, in accepting the patrouship, snt 1,0UU marks to tne committee's treasurer, Bank Di rector bteiner. General Raum insists that his son is more sinned against than sinning and that he has been morn a fool than a knave. Uncle Sam isn't quibbling about it. Either horn of the dilem ma would have lifted young Raum over the fence. Rev. Thos. Dixon, a native North Carolinian who has won success and renown in the Empire State, is book ed for a lecture in the Opera House Fayetteville sometime next month His theme will be his favorite sub ject, "back-bone." There is talk of getting up a music festival of purely North Carolina talent to be held in Raleigh just be fore the exposition. Prof. Pauli of this city Will be in charge. North Carolina can furnish supurb talent for the occasion. Jack Burke is the champion light weight pugilist of Texas. He won the title and a purseof $G00 lastMon- day night in a fiercely-fought battle of 43 rounds with Tom Monaghan, of Galveetou, who had never been beat en in the ring before. A Gainsville, Texas, dispatch says farmers arriving in the city from various parts of the section visited by hail storms Sunday, report the damage much more, than first sap posed. It is now believed the dam age to crops will reach $500,000. St. Louis is the mule market of the world and Chicago scoops crea tion for hogs and cattle, but it is on ly when one gets down into New York that he finds the great mart for Aldermen who have more of the 1 mule and hog to boast about than the best brands of other centres Horace Chilton,- whom Governor Hogg, of Texas, has appointed Senator in Mr. Reagan's place, is the first native Texan to hold that office, and, with the exception of William H. Cram, is probably the first to go to either House or Con gress. A man bearing the historic name of Louis Philippe and who claims to be a cousin of the late King, who once figured as plain "John Smith," recently arrived in New York with a pass for San Francisco and $3,500 in his wallet, with which he proposes to go into grape culture and wine pro ducing. While Armstead Homers and Cole man Perry, sheriff and deputy, re spectively, attempted to spill some whisky brought into the Indian Ter ritory by James bowman and his son Joe. near Antlers, the two latter rid dled Perry and Homers with ballets, killing them instantly. Ten years ago Tennessee potatoes were unknown in tne .Northern mar kets, while now the crops brings in to Middle Tennessee from $1,500,000 to $2,000,000 per annum. ' It is con fidently expected that the latter figure will be passed this year. The acreage is about twice as great as last year, when the outpmt was 150, 000 barrels or l,UUU carloads. One night last week A. P. Gorman. Maryland's Senior Senator, was ore- sented, in the city of Baltimore, with a splendid 6ilver service in honor of his efforts in the defeat of the force bill. Gotobed Fenn is the name of a farmer in Dickinson conntv. Kan. The editor of the local newspaper wants Mr. Fenn to name his first son "Riseup William," so as to even up things. Artist William L. ShenDard has been selected to design a bronze fig ure for a monument to Lieut. Gen. A. P. Hill. It will be eight feet tall, and rest npon a foundation twenty seven feet high. Thedvnamite explosion at Tarrv- town, N. Y., horribly mangled the bodies of thirty railroad laborers. Six are killed instantly; others have arms and legs blown off andsomeare disemboweled. The British and Foreign Bible So ciety has been established eighty- seven years. During its long period of existence ithas issued 124,000,000 coDies of scripture writings, transla ted into auu tongues. Jessie Ludlow, a clever, seventeen- year-old girl, residing in South Caro lina, wins the Manchester, England, Examiner and Times' prize for the best composition on "The Best Book and Why I Like It." Miss Ludlow selects Scott's "IvanhoeV The St. Louis Globe, a leadinc: Re publican paper, is down on Prince Harrison. It savs: "The course of i rank Leslie's Newspaper of late is showing how sharper than a serpent's tooth it is for a President, to have a foolish son." Dr. R. F. Michel, whom Gov. Jones has appointed surgeon general of Alabama, held the same position un- Anr flnrr "VV1 TT 1 ; 1 . vjui. j nctti. lit; was a. unguue surgeon during the late war, and stands m the front rank of his pro fession. Joseph Henry Brockmever. who died at Cincinnati a few davs aero. was aged one hundred years and ten months. Early in the centurv he served i the German army, and up. on coming to this country he served through the Mexican war, There a is difference of opinion as to young Raums'resignation between his father and Secretary Noble. The former says that he advised it : the latter asserts that he demanded iU Whichever speaks the truth, each one has condemned himself. The one thing certain about the Itata is that she is not puttitg into port at frequent intervals and using the telegraph wires freely to keep the United States Navy posted as to her whereabouts. She ooesn seem to care whether we are in touch with her or not. The House committee on appro priations in the Pennsylvania legis lature has decided to report $8,000, 000 for the maintenance of common schools during the next two years, an increase ot $4,000,000 as com pared with the appropriation of two years ago. The Postmaster-General has ar ranged for the establishment of a complete mail service with Alaska. This will be a great boon for the na tives when they learn to write. It is hoped that reindeers can be iifdueed to settle in the Territory and serve as letter carriers. By the retirement of Rear Admiral iraiue tne American navy loses a commander of experience, ability. and bravery, who has been in the naval service for nearly half a centu ry. He has well won his honors, and ne is enutieu to tne rest which we hope he will enjoy for many years We understand that near Fayette ville is the largest tea plantation in this country. There are about 500 of the plants, we are told, many of them growing among the pine trees and shrubbery, almost entirely un- cared for. With care, and by the use of proper apparatus for drying the leaves, this tea farm might be made profitable. HEW WINTER MILLINERY5 Is nov Arriving Daily at MRS. ADA MASTEN'S It s New and Prettv,. - Come and See. UPAH the Late New York Syles. SCHOULER'S Milliatry Misk&l. TniRD ST., SOUTH OF COl'KT IIOcSE -O- SUMMER OPENING, Of White Hats and pretty Lace Toques and Turbans Thnrsaay ana Eriftay,May 21, 22. We have a beautiful stock and cordially invite all to call and examine our novelties and our very Commenting on the proposed farm s' third party now being discussed in Cincinnati the Washington Star suggests a composite ticket, with Jerry Simpson, of Kansas, for first place, and T. V.fowderly, or Penn sylvania, for second. It thinks such a ticket would in no wise be treated with disrespect by either of the dom inant parties. Mr. W. H. Green, General Super intendent of the Richmond and Dan ville Railroad has telegraphed the Railroad Commission that arrange ments have been made to run tbe Morristown sleeper which now stops at Greensboro on through Raleigh to Goldsboro. The new arrangement is to go into eiieci e riaay. i ne sleeper now arrives at Greensboro in the morning and will go down on the noon train going through to Golds boro. John L. Sullivan was Thursday night expelled in .Louisville, Ky from tbe Order ot h.ias at a meeting of the National Board. The offence for the expulsion occurred some time ago. While drunk in a Cincinnati restaurant Sullivan insulted a wai tress. He was then a member of Newark, N. J., lodge of Elks, al though a resident of Boston. Char ees were preferred against him be fore the Grand, and he was expelled Despite the face that Mr. Henry Watterson decries lournalism as desirable profession, and laments that the editor, ."like the actor, dies and leaves no coffin" (whatever that actor means,) it is now authorita tively announced that "Ewing Wat terson. his eldest son. has purchased an interest in the Herald, a daily newspaper to be started this week at Middlesborough, Ky., and will have its editorial management." Low rices, A. F, ARNOLD, Life of ll'jhi Watch Co.) Watch-Maker -AXD- (Successor to t. 3. Roberts iC Co.) lUDER H UI MB. WArCHES, CLOCKS, CHAINS CHARMS, KINGS, BRACE LETS, NECKLACES, ETC., ETC. Of all kinds and of best qualit. """Next door and Shoe Store, House, WINSTO to Baify opposite s Hat Court "N T N C FOE SALE -o- A GOOD JOB OFFICE OUTFIT including: Two Good Job Presses AND ALL NECESSARY TYPE AND MATERIAL Or will consider propositions to run the office on shares from proper ly accredited parties. APPLY TO The Western Sentinel, WliTSTOlT.lT. C. TIMBER LANDS. I WILL BUY pine or bardarood timier lands, well located, in tracts not less than one thou sand acres, larger tracts preferred. Parties owning such property for salo, iilease mail me full description and all particulars. ' B. E. LTaumx, . April 23. Winston, N. C.