A ?A?HB FOR THE PEOPLE. DEVOTED TO- THi AND SMLOHEn PIEDMONT CAROLINA. fl - CIRCTJLATIITO T&roiilioat Korttwestera Carolina, THE SENTINEL Has No Superior as an Adver tising Medium. J. O. FOY Editor and Proprietor. A fJGKTH CAROLINA DEMOCRATIC FAMILY NEWSPAPER FOR NORTH CAROLINA PEOPLE, IN THE STATE AND OUT OFfIT SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $.EO PER YEAR Vol. xxxv. No. 27 WINSTON-SALEM, NYC, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1891. Roanoke College, SALE1I, VIRGINIA. THIRTY - NINTH YEAR. Healthfu Mountain Climate. Choice of Courses for Desrees; Commercial Department; Id brarv 17,0y volumes; working laboratory; Kooil morals: five churches. Expenses for 6 months ?154 to $3i (board, fees, &c.) In creasing patronage from many States, India Territorv. Mexico and Japan. North Caro lina well represented. Next session begins September tth. Illustrated Catalogue and illustrated book about Salem free. Addres3 Jcxics D. Dkeheb, President. SAVE LABOR By baying a Self Rake Reaper for $50Trom F. & IF. Fries, Wachovia Mills, Salem, N. C. -:- A FiSST-CLASS -'- BARBER THOMAS. NASH GENERAL. Commission Merchant, Dealer in Eggs, Peanuts and all Country Produce- 509 Crawford Street, PORTSMOUTH, VIRGINIA. Consignments Solicited. Reference Merchants and Farmers Bank. FORSYTH COUNTY EXHIBIT Tb3 Host AttFuCtive at t&8 Sontliern Exposition. Nofice of Administration. HAVING QUALIFIED as administra trix open the estate of Chas. A. Snipes, deceased, notice is hereby given to all pur ties holding claims against said estate to pre sent them to roe for paymtnent on or before the 20th day of April, 1892, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery, and all persons indebted to said estate are here by notified to make payment at once. ANNIE SNIPES, Administratrix. Watson & Boston, Attorneys. SHOP- apiU 20th 1891- SAM'LB.F.SWEHj IProp'r- Geutleuien who wish a r irit-c!ass Shave in a white man's F.ln.p shcill call on him. Everythir-; cr-at and clean J. L. LUDLOW, O. 33., IvI. S., Member N. C. Board of Health Ciyij a:sd Sanitary Engineer, W'KSTOM, n. c. B B. GLEN'S. CLEMENT MANLY Glenn &. Manly, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WIS3TON, - - - - N. C. Particular attention puid tosetiling estates and ad vising executors and administrators Will practice regular! j" in the counties of Forsvth, Rockingham, Stokes, Surry and Wiles and in the 'Tnited States Courts. E. A. GRIFFITH, Attorney at Law and Notary Public. (Offlce alKve Thompson's drug store.) WILL PRACTICE in Forsyth and ad joining counties. Special attention given to the settlement of estates. All legal papers carefully drawn, t'tles investigated and abstracts furnished- Loai3 negotiated r,n pood security. Special attention given to the collection of accounts and returns raade prompt'y. jar.22. , FARMERS furniture store BE SURE AND FIND IT A FULL SKD ACCJESTE MSC61PTI0J WANTEOJERBIOHTH. One Hundred Watches to Repair. Every fiftieth name on my w atch repair record I will give one stem wind anil set me watch, warranted a good time kcept-r. All watches, clocks anil jewelry promptly and neatly repaired and warranted. A good assortment of watch chains and spectacles for sale. T. J. BAXTER, In Singer Oifice. "WHEN TOU Come to Winston. Next to llinshaw fcMedearis store, nearly opposite the Piedmont Warehouse THE HEW EXCELSIOR COOK STOVE IS THE BEST ON THE MARKET. 8?It is not a new and untried Store. It's used by thousands of the best people in North Carolina. f3. have sold over 500 and never had a ingle complaint. I can eeil you this excellent Stove as CJeap as any good article on the market. Tin roofing &nd guttering done promptly at low prices. I aai handling car loads of Terra Cotta Piping for draics and chimney flues. It makes a che-ip. good chimney. Try it. GEO, STEWART, Slain Street. Eatt of Court House. BROWN'S PALACE DRUG-STORE X1T The Hanes Building! If you will go there to niake your purchases yon will find everything marked down to live and let live prices. I have a nice line of furn iture for you to select from. The goodar Be pretty and they are cheap: Remember the place and Come and see me. FARMERS FDMITUBE STORE W. T. VOGLER, Tbe Leading Offers everything iu the drug lin8 at low. prices. The stock w large and varied ' and the quality of our goods cannot be surpassed. - v " : We offer the finest line ot domestic and foreign cigars ever shown in Winston. We make wholesale prices to Country merchants and others buying ia large quantities. C . Your friends, BROWN & RBOW N OF WINSTON-SALEM, Has the largest stock of Jewelry, Silverware, Clocks, " Gold Pens, Walking Canes, Umbrellas, &c., in fact, everything that belongs to a Jewelry Store. His Spectacle 'De partment is complete. If you need a pair of Spectacles you would do well by calling on him before buying elsewhere, as he is the only OPTICIAN In The Place. Ho is also prepared to do all kinds of Engraving, fancy and plain, and all styles of' Monograms. He does all kinds of fine all work warranted. Dr. Klnr.i Br.sy All tiie "While Showing and Explaining Other Ex position Notes. Raleigh, Oct. 7. This is a gloomy day to te Forsjtk's special property, but it is brisrht in that corner o? the building where Dr. Blum presides The cereal display is particularly fine. There ate 13 varieties of whe,t in its growing state, and 11 varieties threshed; a fine collection of corn and. of cats, of potatoes, pumpkins, beets, squashes, turnips .and gourds. There are 2G varieties of crasses, and lo3 varieties ot woods. The products or the sou are represented by some fine specimens of pressed brick and fancy tile from the "Winston Brick and Tile Company, and the largest clay pipe m the ouildmar from D. T, Crouse and Son. Some of the fine iron vases from Salem Iron Woi'fcs are very ornamentally and usefully placed ia holdicgr bouquftts cf grasses. The de.sigu ia the centre of the ceil ing made from brooms of the Salem Steam Broom Works, is universally admired, v itk the dainty bt-Il suspen ded from it made of whisk broom On too of a huge bunch of cereal is the miniature wagon sent by J. C Spacii of Waughtown, which is the envv of all the little folks that enter the buiidinsr. F. & H. Fries have a display of flour, and a great namber of samples of their cotton and wool en goods most artistically arranged. Jenkins Bros, have sent specimen cans of All the fruits and vegetables, with wh:cn they have been busy all the summer. The ladies of Forsyth haye sent the finest display of canned fruits in glass that is to be found in the whoie building. There aro also 11 varieties of dried fruit. As might be expected there is a fine display of tobacco iiorn Win ston and neighboring towns, al though not all of the manufacturers are represented. The finest mahog any wrappers are a specialty hero. Ebert, Pa3-ne & Co., Mr. Ogburn, Shore, Adkins & Co., and one or two others have unique designs made of their tobaccos. B. F. Hanes has srst several boxes of fine chewing tobacco, which are to bo auctioned off and the proceeds given to the Soldiers' llme. Two largo gla.ss cases, hold the embroidery exhibit, principally from Salem, Femtile Academy, which is very much admired. Tha cases also contain specimen exhibits from the Commercial department of Salem Female Academy, and several curi osities in the way of old embroider ies and one glass case of flowers made of locks of hair of many for mer pupils. On the wall hangs Miss i Dirou's handsome pastel, some views of S. F. A., several fine pho tographs of Mr. Theo. Kimel's house and mcgnificent lily ponds, and maps of the yarious land com panies of V mston-Salem. I noticed besides some of Mr. A. Reich's patent churns, a patent pump from Mr. Warner, and the old Salem fire engine," the oldest in the United States. The outside dec oration is very handsome and artis tic, with a border around the ceiling of thatch work, which I tope For syth people will specially notice when they come, and a border be low made of the head labels of the tobacco manufacturers. I notice the arrivals of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Strupe and Dr. Ksruer, Mr. R. L. Cox and Mr. J. C. Spach from For syth. Mr. J. A. v ance has just ar rived with a largo exhibit "which is being placed in machinery hall. Narseries la the United States, The census bureau has issued a bul letin on nurseries, fom which it ap pears that there are in the United States 4,510 nurseries, valued at $41,799,835 80 and occupying 172,S07 acres of land, with an invested cap ital of $52,425,099 51, and giving employment to 45,657 men, 2,279 wo men and 14,200 animals, using in tho propagation and cultivation of trees and plants $990,006 04 worth of im plements. Of the acreage in nurser ies 95,035.42 W3re found to be used in growing trees, plants' shrubs, and vines of all ages, and the figures bas ed upon the best estimate of the nurserymen, make the grand total of plants and trees 3,375,855,778, of which 518,016,612 are fruit trees, 685,603,398 grape vines end small fruits, and the balance nut, decid uous and evergreen trees, grass and roses. The largest acreage is devot ed to the production of apple trees, viz. ,20. 232. 75 acres, numbering 240. 570,666 young trees, giving an aver age of 11,896 per acre, while the plum, pear and peach have, respect fully, 7,826.5, 6,854.35 and 3,357 ac res, producing 88,495,367, 77,223,402 and 49,S87,894 young trees, or an average of 11,307, 11,226 and 14,861 trees to the acre.' Farnell'a Dying Words. ' During Parnell's delirium, some hours before he died, he talked con stantly of Ireland, it is Baid, and told what he would do for her if he lived. In a brief lucid interval just before death he said and they were almost his last words "Let nay love be conf veyed to my colleagues and the Irish people.'.' When these words were subsequently'-communicated : to a meeting of the delegates - many of them burst into tears, OUTIAHS FOfSDISA CAVE. fSonav Hleers Aceidently Discover Their Krnileztoat. Springfield, Mo., Oct. 8. Depu ty United States Marshal Thomas of this city has just returned from Stone county, Mo., and corrms the sensational rumor of the adventure of the Colorado miners who discov ered a few cays ago a band of out lajws concealed in a cave at White River Hills, near the Arkansas bor der. They entered one of the numerous caves in the Fouthern part of Stone county in search of the traditional Spanish silver mines f south-west M:ssouri, which so many silver mi ners have sought in vain since the acquisition of this territory by the United States. While fivnWino' t ho - - - - i t-. cave 'the light from the torches of tuo miners suddenly revealed just ahead of the party four brieht Win chester rifles leaning against the rocky wall of the cavern. In an instant four well-dressed men sprang from a place of conceal ment, and, seizing the guns, levelled their gloamiug barrels at the ad vancing party and commanded the miners to nait. a oriet conference was held, in whieli the denizens of the cave informed the miners that the latter must retire. The treasure hunters obeyed promptly, but on reaching the mouth of tho cave one of tbe party was left to stand guard while the other men went out into the country to summon reenforcenaents for the con templated seizure. Soon men began to arrive at the cave, armed to the teeth, aud a constant guard has been maintained day and night since that time Sheriff Bookout of Stone cosnty was at the oavo yesterday. A deputy marshal is there with between thirty and forty well-armed men, resolved to keep up the siege till the subtrranfin.ri nnflstwi: nrs forced by hunger to capitulate. A Raleitfte Segro Crashed to Deatb. A Italeijrh special says : A colored man named Tom Robinson was kill ed in a shocking manner by a Rich mond and Danville shifting engine here last wet-k. The victim, who worked at tne Jbxposition srrounda. had starred to his work and was walking on th track of the Raleigh and Auruata Air Line railroad. An early freijrht started out and over took hini and signalled him, when he stepped off that track into the Rich mond and Danville track. The yard engine of the latter road was eroinjr out at the time to bring in signal lamps. Seeing the man on his track about thirty yards in advance the engineer also signalled and rang his bell, but ivobinson must evidently have thought it the Raleigh and Au gusta engine, for he paid no atten tion to it, l.'Ut stm continued walking till struck by tho tender, knocked down and run over. Robinson was instantlj- ki'h'd and torn to frag ments, ihe coroner s lurv at once held an inquest aad exonerated the railroad from blame. A Mn Living; with Broken Nark. What is stated to be among the most remarkable instances in the an nals of surgery is Miat of a man now being treated at the Jefferson Medi cal College Hospital. The man is Albert Patterson, aged thirty-three years. He was born in Bavarie, but came to this country about sixteen years ago. Some two years since he received employment as a waiter in a restaurant at Galveston, Texas. While attempting to climb tip the stairs one day he fell a distance of about twelve feet on his side, ruptu ring the sixth and seventh vertebra; below the neck. When picked up his wholebody was paralyzed. He'was taken to a hospital, where, upon ex amination, it was found he was alive. This was on May 23, 1891. The surgeon there, knowing the case to be desperate, decided on the bold plan to operate. He did so, and, after opening the back of the neck, inserted silver wires in a position by which the vertebrae were held .together. Strange to say, the man recovered, and his rgans again resumed their motion. He left the hospital. Is It Possible That Raleigh Can't Raise It? The trustees of the proposed Bap tist State Female University, to be erected in Raleigh, met in that city Wednesday and discussed the fail ure on the part of the city to raise the money subscribed and looked to steps in other .directions. After considerable discussion the question was talked .'till the Baptist State Convention in Goldsboro, when' it will be brought up and fully deter mined upon. It is strange that a city of Raleigh's size and dignity should make an appropriation and then fail to come to time with it. Other cities can and will, if she will move out. Tbe Motz 3f urder Case. This famous case came up from the grand jury of Lincoln county, on Tuesday, in the form of a true bill against the Motz brothers for killing their cousin, Samuel C. Motz. After formal arraignment of the defend ants, motion was made by their connsel for change of venue, which was gran ted. The judge has not yet designated a place for the trial, but a report in the Charlotte Chronicle says it is likely that Mecklenburg or Cleveland-will be the place. , The next Civil Service examination of applicants for positions in the Government service-will be held at Charlotte on the 22nd inst. ' The Court House Question. l?TV-rmvn O . -r, . - jjjjjii utc ojswxihel.: it would in deed be a fearful set-back to the prosperity and forward march of Winston-Salem if the proposition now pending should be defeated It has been said that Forsyth county is bo nave a new court bouse; Winston-Salem has been published as saying so. Now let the matter be defeated by apathy or indifference and the dam aging effect will fall upon this pro gressive city, ard may seriously re- iara its progrcia . It won't do to "rock -along" and take it for granted that matters will be all right if the result should be adverse, and the proposition voted down, there will be many found ready to say "I told you so," while othprs who are apparently indiffer ent nou- will admit that they thought the election should have been can vassed and properly worked up, so as to nuke success certain,, but it will tb ti be too late. These "sfter thougt.1"' people are generally clogs to the growth and prosperity of any community. We do not mean that there are any such here they live elsewhere; such do not flourish in the climate of Winston-Salem. But the fact still remains that this im portant matter should be put before the people of Forsyth county in its Tr:i!" ' Sight and it should be done &: r. e. yr.'s.v reasonable man can or will object to the new court house? Here is a county that stands little, if any, below any other in the entire State, in wealth and material prosperity a county entirely free from debt. The extra tax for the new building would hardly exceed, if as much as one tenth one per cent. The tax payer would hardly feel the addi tional increase, nor would he recog nize the difference in the aggrega tion of his State and county taxes if the tax list and his receipt did not show the specific levy. There were men who lived in North Carolina, in the long ago, who opposed the building of railroads, and who were 'against" internal improvements of any kind, and the descendants of all such have lived to see the folly of such a course. Ihe towns and communities who vejected railroads, and took plank roads in lieu thereof, have had the bitter reflection upon the mistake they made, while they have seen other places in favor of internal im provements sweep forward and keep time to the music of progress. The county of Forsyth will have vers' soon the metropolis of North Carolina as her (its) county seat. Winston-Salem is to-day one of the leading cities of the South. liet no sordid spirit, sentimental objection, or prejudice, have place in the minds of the good people of this county. Her people are patri otic, liberal minded, broad-guaged. ! It is their court bouse their enter prise. Jvery emotion of patriotic county pride should move ' them to carry on this work to successsul completion by voting for the propo sition to be submitted. Let the vote be as a unit on this all-important question, and let that vote be in fa-; vor of a court house building suita ble and commensurate with the name the fame the pride and the prosperity of Forsyth county. Citizen. Oillion and O'Brien Refuse to Talk. A London special states that John Dillion, a member of Parlaiment for East Mayo and William O'Brien, member of Perliament for East Cork who are both in Ireland, were seen yesterday and asked for an expres sing of views for publication in re gard to the death of Mr. Parnell. Both the gentlemen, referred to dis tinctly ref used to say anything upon tne subject. Mr. Timothy M. Healy, member of Parliament for North Longford, and probably Mr. Parnell's most bitter opponent, was asked to-day for an expression of opinion upon the polit ical situation, lie declined to say anythiBg regarding politics, remark ing: "As Mr. Harrington has declin ed to make a statement concerning the intention of i his party, we, for our part, are determined to main tain a truce for the present." Is Balmaceda Dead ? Is Balmaceda dead? This is the question raised by the Santiago cor respondent of Galignat's Messenger. The minor that the American minis ter put out the story in order the bet ter to conceal the fugitive Chilian president and that the latter is still alive and at the American legation may have important consequences. The story seems wholly improbable, but if it is believed, as stated, by the friends of the new administration, it may cause the mob to attack the le gation. Such an event would render very serious a situation already greatly complicated. Improvement in Electricity. Mr. Edison announces that he has solved the problem of the application of electricity as a motive power and expects to show the world how to run electric street, cars without either trolleys or storage" batteries. Mr. Edison has from timee to tim an nounced so many, important inven tions that never materialized that the news 'that he has put in his claim in this field also will have a discour aging effect. Still there can be no doubt that somebody will reach this result and it may as well be Edison as another. '" . - . : . The advent of the "Veiled' Proph ets" in St. Louis last night; was at tended by a gorgeousness never be- fore excelled. - , ' - .., THE CALL HAS BfflBSOED For a Hsstlag cf Ge Fatioaa! Republican Committee. NORTH CAR0L1SIMS IN WASHISGTOJ. Members to Visit tiie Southern Expo sition Tho Condition of Gen. L.3o-Oth3r Notes. i . - Washin-gtox, D. C, Oct. 9. Mr. John McCarthy, private secretary to Senator Leland Stanford, leaves this city to-morrow morning to attend tha Exposition at Raleigh. It will be well for our people to show him especial attention. The following call for a meeting of the Republican National Com mittee was issued yesterday after noon: "Washington, D. C, Oct. 8, '91. 'A meeting of the Republican Actional Committee is herebv called, to meet at the Arlington Hotel, in the city of Washington, oa Monday, the 23rd day of November, 1891, at the hour of 11 o'clock a. m. The duties of the committee at thi3 meeting will b-3 to act upon the res ignation of Hon. 7,1. S. Quay as chairman, fill thn va.cn.Twi.- nno.i.i i.-n- his resignation, to determine the time and place for holding the nest National IieDublic and to transact such other business a may propeny come before it. The committee is rtl!f--r1 moot ;n xr.-. vember instead of December, as heretofore, iu order that the Na tional Convention may bo held at an earlier date, or in the last week of the mocth cf May. if it shall bo deemed proper to do so, the rules imposed by the last National Con vention reauirin? that H pr.ll the convention shall be issued six months iu advance of the time set for its session. "J. S. Clarkson, "Chairman of tho Executive Com. 'J. Q. Fassett "Secretary of the National Com." "The bier ilpmwratiri n, r.nt n in New York rn'nvfts that PlBroUn.i'o star is stili in the ascendant," said a lxortn Carolina politician to me yes terday. He is SlK'h a strnn., land man that ha added, "I hope oven tne oauy will oe used as a fac tor to make him more popular!" The liilht house hoard lm nrmn1t- ed its estimates for tho expenses of the establishment for the iiscalyear 1893. They aggregate $2,233,900 and intlud.'d tha follon-ino- itoma Mantuckot, New South Shoals, light- snip, 5u,i;u; completing pedestal Statue of Liberty LirrM, New York Harbor, 50,000; St a ten Island ljigrimoiiso depot, .viO.OiiO; Hog Island station. Va.. $1 2u OOO- R..UL more station, $';o,60O; Cape Fear station, ;. u., :5i.J,0;u; Mount Cor nelia station, Fla., $175,000; tender for the ninth district, $95,000; Gray's Harbor station, Wash., ?(50,000, and St. Mary's station. Ai-jsfcn.. SHft - ooo. ' TCt-Minister t r T,i:r-Ir RinJtVi Bishnr .T. V.' TTors'l jit '.Tnl,,, r' Dr.ncv. ofNorMi Carihinn enlr.rtvl called upon Secretary Foster yester day morning to pry thfir respects. Congressman W. II. F. Lee it? much tetter. rx-uovernor u on a visit to him, and speaks encourag ingly of his condition. OFF TSiK COAST. Stemacr Asfiojrc la rpat P'rii Secre tary 'frocy r.n Eossrd. Baltimore, Oct. 10. Tho U.S. Steamer Dispatch i. ashore near Cape Charles on east coast of Virginia,. Secretary Tracy is on board. It in impossible to reach th steamer, and it is in great peril. It ia highly prob able now that the etea'mer will be wrecked and the c rew and passengers lost. '. 'v Sorrow Jii irelirnl. Dublin, Oct. 9. At a meeting to day of the corporation of the city of Dublin resolutions of regret at the death of Mr. Parnell were passed and the lord raavor and members of cor poration were empowered to attend the funeral to-morrow in their robes of State. American Enterprise in Nicaragua. "i. tie Nicaragua Canal is a suc cess. .Work is being carried en steadily, and if American capital refuses to complete the enterprise it will be done by the British capital ists, who. are only too eager to gain control' of this commercial Gibral- ter," said H. J. Strong, of -Nicara gua, in Chicago on. Sunday, accord ing to a dispatch to the New , York Tribune. Only One Joint Debate. The Ohio executive Democratic committee have solicited-eight more joint debates between Campbell and McKinley after the one at Ada, .Oo tober 8thV The " Republican execu tive committee have declined. It is surmised that the main, reason was that Major Mckinley did not want his silver record on the short dollar drawn upon him in the presence of so many Republicans, who, of course, would attend all such meetings. . No 'Cause for Kerret. ..' An Irishman who was .shingling a barn, got too near the edge and roll ed off and fell td the 'ground; "Oi wnz coomin1 down onvwav." he re plied. "Oi wug jist out o' nails." . Price 5 Cents The Great Chicago Fire, Twenty Years Ago Friaay. Twenty years ago Friday, on October 9lh, 1871, a combination of a broken lantern in a cow shed, high winds and fire-trap structures, brought the city of Chicago into a bright and blazing prominence, which is still referred to as "tne great fire;" the one seething, surg ing, sweeping baptism of flame which dimmed the historic splendor of the great fire of London, and which Boston, Lynn and other cen tres have since then vainly tried to emulate. But as there is only one Chicago the one Queen City of the West so there has only been one Chicago fire to go thundering down the ages as the greatest pyrotechnic effect since the time of Nero. It was on a Sunday evening, just a couple of decades ago, when the first spark sputtered into a flame that was to light a great and grow ing city to a temporary desolation and shroud its glories iu an ava lanche of ashes. Bright, breezy and pleasant had been that Indian summer Sabbath. People were re turning to their homes from joyous excursions and tho nh Tl T" Vi cu Via? just discharged their congregations aiter tne last services of the day, when the fire broke out, the alarm was sounded and a few firemen trot ted off laughingly to drown out a bit of a blaze which had started up in an old barn. But, as great events spring from small causes, so the mis erable little blaze which firt attract ed notice spread until it became a connagration over waich the world Stood aWAll anrl lialnloce ir tl sence of the demon of destruction. From the Sunday evening until tho following Tuesdav th rf.ot fim set human bravery and tried appli- ituoes at uenance. it swept on, un imneded in its tidn.1 vmrn nf luat.nA tion, until 2,100 acres of the heart ui tne city nad Deen reduced to rum; until 17,450 buildings had eled to the ground; until 98,500 per sons had been rendered homeless, and until 200 lives had been lost. Property amounting to upwards of $200,000,000 in value, and repre senting about one third of the entire property in the city, had vanished entirely; and a population of 320,000 became the obiacttt nf the civilized world, and their mis- iorrnnes opened a floodgate of help which, in its extent of hritv hue had no equal in its warmth and spontaneity. But Well Snfiftta tho PhMartolViIo Times, when it says: "Chicago did not snrinii or wituer under that dire affliction. Tho misfnrtnno xpViir.li had fallen upon her only seemed to orace ner to mgber and more ambi tious efforts. Troiihla nnlv Wnf out her mere heroic nature, and ere tne asnes ot ner liery cyclone had become cold she was busy at work rebuilding, expanding, growing big ger and brighter, and once more as suming her old proud position as the Queen of , the West.' " Prohibition in Iowa. Governor Boies squarely faces the prohibitory liquor law in his canvass t hrough Iowa. He says that the law has been fully and fairly tried, and that it must be pronounced ineffective. Its application is not, felt at all in many places and the efforts to enforce it anywhere are farcical. He believes that the people are tired of the burlesque business. Our Coal Product. Extra Census Bulletin No. 10 pla ces the total coal product of the United Slates in 1890 at 141,229,513 short tons, worth at the mines $160, 220,323, the increase in product over 18S0 being 97.5 per cent and in val ue 07.5 per cent. There were 45, 000,4S7 tons of anthracite, worth $05,879,514, and 95,629,020 tons of b:tuminous coal, worth $94,346,809. Ina Alliance Orgran In Mecklenburg'. The Charlotte News states that the eforts for a weekly Alliance organ in Mecklenburg are about to material ize and that the organ will be started in a few days, the matter now being in the bauds of its editor, manager, etc. Tne Teachers Trip to Cab. Col. E. G. Harrell, ot Raleigh, will take charge of a very pleasant party during the holidays, which will go to Cuba. The trip will oc cupy fifteen days and the total cost will be $75. That is certainly a cheap rate. Judge Ralph P. Buxton, of Fay etteville; is being recommended for Judge Seymour's position as Circuit Judge by his friends In this State irrespective of party. Judge Buxton is a pure man, learned in the law. An Asbevllle Family Polaened. The family of Mr. James Brown, of Asheville, including Miss Annie Gowan,. adopted daughter of Capt. William Brown, of Salisbury, who is boarding with them, were poisoned one day this week by eating padding. All of them are now doing well ex cept Mr. Brown and Miss Annie Gow an, who are still quite sick. Ex. The first joint meeting between Governor Campbell and Mr. McKin ley took plate this" a. m. at Ada, O. From the way Mr. Campbell handles Mr. McKinley this ought to add considerable to the Democratic vote. ' ' ' ' This seems to be a bad year for the B's, Balmaceda, Boulanger, and about a dozen balloonists have taken sudden departures. - TOTER MILLINERY Is nosv Arriving Daily at MRS. ADA MASTEN'S Its New and Pretty Come and See. iyrhe Latest New York styles. SCHOULER'S Milliitry Estiiikit. THIRD ST., SOUTH OF COURT HOC3S Millinerv ! The central fi the occasion. Every day this week, will be Millinery days here for we can no more crowd them all into the showings of three days, or even three weeks, than we can condense the panoramic glories ot Autumn. .Nev er have we more guccessfnllv. nmn- erly, and at all points happily caught Fashion's brightest Irion thn n in tlif Grand Showing we greet you with tnis week. Ihe choicest gems of the Millinery's Art are hero. The field is covered at every point ; ev erything the unique conceits or Paris Millinery, side by side with the product of our own skilled Mil- 1 ai-a - liners. 1'rices, you'll unci, are graded marvelously low. A. F.. ARNOLD, (Zcfe of Elgin Watch Co.) Watch-Maker -AND- (bnccessor to I. 31. Roberts Co.) mm i m prices. WArCHES, CLOCKS, CHAINS CHARMS, RINGS, BRACE LETS, NECKLACES, ETC., ETC. SILVERWARE Of all kinds and of be?t quality. Next door to Eaiiy's Ha and Shoe Store, opposite Court House, WINSTON, N C- FOE SALE ! A GOOD JOB OFFICE .OUTFIT ISCLXTDTSa Two Good Job Presses AND ALL XECS3AIiY TYPE AND MATERIAL Or will consider propositions to run the office on shares from proper y accredited parties. APPLY TO The Western Sentinel, "WliTSTOiT, IT. O. HEADQUARTERS For the best Coffee, Sugar, Syrups, Molas ses, Hay, Com, Meal, Kehlor Bros. Ship Stuffand Flour, Lime, Salt, best sola and upper Leather, colored and white Carpet Warp. Bod Laps, Pound Prints and five ondred yard Spool Cotton. -:- Just Received. Forty cases Mason's White Top Glass Fruit Cans, in three dozen tackrr. nt 1 m l ' o I - - 81.26 per dozen. ' JVe have the (oodj you need and a the right Drice. Come and see i and nnd your orders. H. U. rUINUtATER, WNSTON. - - - N. CAROLINA.