- i m in 0BGsaKxmmmmmmjmmmm9MBmM00nm0m0mm9M9 """bmmmhh DAYN. und ftbi-hle; Words by CLARENCE WALKER. A 7iftar.fr. Music by H. SOMERSET. Of all L7 inl other (T indicate thai Id land yet. j mends section should ! rhilir, at the osition. ipe soon to have tho pleasure Tiuouncingtliednte of Sain Joues' , isit- io Wiastoa rialeui. No mere help will.be extended by tho county to paupers outside the poor hoiiro, eay the commissioners. timatioQ that there v. ill be uo extra session of Corgreas ehouhi ppread a feeling .of relief over the country. There t-hould be no undue delay hi roiling the funds for the bronze eta ue of Vance, to be placed in the favilol t-quare, at Raleigh. V,"t: notice that Mr. McMackin, Superintendent of Roads in Wake county . contends that the adoption of vi Je tkrs for heavy vehicles 13 ts-Ff-nlial o good country roads. It tx-nis that the woild is growing sweeter, if not better. A chemical compound has been discovered in the Kent laboratory at the Chicago Uni versity whh sweetening powers crea'er than sacearhine. Wins fo; Salem viil be delighted to uu rubor Mrs. Z. 15. Vaace among Lor honored quests upon the occasion of tbn publi-i presentation of the Value ib'rnoritil Window, at the .Acado.'ny, during commencement week. A vill!xcess to make soaie per eo:v:i sicrihVe for thu public good is a sphit that raakes communities grow and prosper. Often what ap pears a personal sacrifice results in a personal benefit, through indirect ciiar.ru Tin: Southside Cotton Mill, soon to h established, and ".the proposed ii .nsirjg uihl, which has omino of Bue.-f.-?, ars siloiig the line of diversi fie 1 h.b!-t'ie.s, which will muku for our ctsnliuu erowtii find prosperi ty. K ep di vin r nlur-g this road. It s'luado funny to hear tb- Doug lassH-.s talking about.. "Democratic frauds" ii. the Legislature, when the Fai ; s: t;: had ;ib nit two thirds majority i i that body. The frauds nye equalled "fraw.l"' so long that it h:i h'co.ae siwond nature with them. The income tux dtcicion is said to be a disappointment to the adminis tration. Doubtless this"is true. Couid the decision have boon foreseen the law would, ruost likt ly, have not been enacted. As it is, it discrimi nates in fivorof many most able to come nnder its.operations. Tun railroads should provide specially low ratea for the unveiling of the Confederate Monument at Raleigh on th-3 20th of May. By so doing they will give opportunity to very many to attend who are unable to pay usu.il round trip rates and probably the railroads would find thereduoel prie.- equally as profit able. b:ansj of the mu jh larger sale of tickets. It is Loti;-;aMe that the mortality anion the negroes is greatly in ex eees o! the whites. From a report recently Nsud by the U. 3." Marine Hospital Surgeon General, jshowincr the number of deaths in ench one thousand cf the estimated popula tion in the larger cities, we find the following figures: Augusta, Ga., white, 11.36; colored, 23.41. Char leston, S C , white, 1G 58; colored, 35 80. Xaoxville, TVnn , white, 12.4; colored, 29.63. . New Orleans, La., white, 21.91; colored, 32.14. Do cotton, mills pay? Practical experience is a good answer to ques tions of this kind. Mr. John Inman, who is largely interested in mills in the South, in a letter to the Manu facturers' Record, says: "Cotton mills in all parts of the Sooth are working on full time, and are mak ing money." Indeed, some of the large mills in which 1 personally own stock, are notonly working full time, rnr, nro wrrl,-i ntr nirrh r. jvnrl rtn v naintr a double force of hands for this pur pose, and although they have ad vanced the price of their production, they still have more demand than they can eupply." - Tiie President was invited to at tend a meeting of Chicago business men to discuss the financial question. He declined the invitation, but wrote a long letter upon the situa tion. He ha? much to say about "sound money" and "safe currency," but fails to say exactly what consti tute these terms, i. e., whether it is gold monometallism or bimetallism. "What these terms do not imply, in his opinion, is set forth in the follow . ing declaration : "Disguise it as we may, the line of battle is drawn be tween the forces of eafe currency and those of silver mono metallism." We are persuaded that the masses want "eound inony," also, but they think thb consists of neither gold or .silver mono metallism, but of .bi metallismthe coinage of both gold and silver," o! early to take f-ters ak ing a creditable display roduets of thus section at the unta Exposition. Who will move ii the matter? What is everybody's b if-iness is nobody's businees. Some individual or pome organization must take the initiative. Suppose the Chamberof .Commerce do this This opportunity to brirg ourTre 80urces prominently" .btfoie the world should not be lost. . i VA.KCE MONUMENT. The people of North Carolina r.re culled upon to subscribe a bufficicnt sum lor the erection ot a riroEze statue of Zebulon I?. Var.ce in the Capitol Square at Raleigh. The memory of North Carolina's greatest son richly deserves such a tribute and the call should meet with a prompt and cheerful response from all over the State. It is too often thecase rthat such uncertakingse?rag elowly along, if they get along at all. We should deeply regret to see this move ment fall into euch a groove. It should not be necessary to issue fre quent and urgent appeals to the citizens of this State to contribute to the proposed testimonial to the honor and esteem in which the memory of the beloved., Vance id held by all true North Carolinians. The amount that will be required is estimated at eight thousand dol larsan average of less .than one hundred dollars for each county. Prompt and systematic efforts throughout the State should speedi ly result in securing every dollar that will be necessary for the purpose in hand. Winston Salem has the honor of being the first community in the State to establish a permanent testi monial to Vance the Memorial Window in the Salem Female Academy and in addition" to this we believe that Forsyth county muy be counted upon to contribute at least her quota to the bronzo statue. The work of raising the tubscrip tion will be prosecuted under the auspices of the Vance Memorial association, of which Governor Carr is President and Mr. Joseph G. Brown, of Italeigh, is treasuier. As a matter of convenience tothe ehizjrs of Winston nnd .Sa'.em, and of the county, Tue Sentinei-TwiII take X'leasure in receiving," acknowl edging and forwarding feubtcriptious to the Association. A NOBLE WORK. If kind friends away from here sV.oihl propose to contributn half the amount necessary to erect a new courthouse, an opera house, a cotton mill, or some other publk; building for the public comfort and conven ience, we imagine there would bs a stir among our people to accept the proposition and raise the other half. Then should we .not bo equaUy anxious to accept such a proposition when it relates to a church building? It may not be generally known, but it is a fact, that the Southern Synod of theLutheran church very generously proposed to the local congregation of that faith to pay one-halt the cost of a substantial and creditable church in , Winston. Whereupon, our Lutheran friends, with commendable energy, and we may say with remarkable ..faith md heroism, accepted the proposi tion and applied themselves to a task which has resulted ia the erection of that imposing structure on the corner of Fourth and Spruce streets, which is at once a credit to the city and to the noble little band of workers through, whose untiring efforts the apparently stupendous undertaking has been brought al most to completion. A The building, we are told, will cost between nine and ten thousand dol lars. Of this amount about ' four thousand dollars have already been paid by the Synod's Board of Church Extension, and the Board may be relied upon to come up fullyto its original proposition to pay a dollar for every dollar raised by the local congregation. The membership of the church here is small, with very little wealth amorg them, but their contributions to this cause, so near their hearts, have been comparative ly large. The railroads have been very liberal, too, ia the matter of freight rates upon material, and in dividuals here and elsewhere have shown gratifying interest of a tangi ble nature." Yet the little church has not been able to raise all of its half of the un dertaking and very many of our citizens have not rendered them assistance. Oar main object in writ ing this arfcla is to call attention to the fact that help is needed and to call upon our people of every denom ination to supplement the noble, efforts of our Lutheran friends, through whose instrumentality some five or six thousand dollars have been brought hre from other points and expended in adding to our Hty another handsome house of worship. Let our people generally show ap preciation of this energy and perse verance, and a desire to promote whatever tends to the betterment of humanity through the Christian re ligion. by aidiDg the Lutherans in completing the payments upon their church. - Young women, 'who complain of lanenor and loss of appetite, need A jer's Sarsapurillu. T- . - p - 1 -: . ' r 9-9-M. I I -rA: -so- crcs ' i rail dim p f i gpj: - f j-p- -gT.r r f Whon the That -& fy-;g z: as r. U in arc a oasso light, out And our With the f 1 i f 1 r y night, doubt. a tempo ffl-3-! gris , -' E&zzigrg jzdazS , IS j j. . i , cv-3-; zzggzzgazzizzzr;? & fT7irZ3 $ - u f-rQ- - tLZT !f: - ;55rj4S & 6T- kt& . ffg s iJg--L.p a JLU -L-p.-j.jgL- izz o 0 0 , 1 -::: i V t - , s. . ; a? 1 1 f 9 1 & h s 'y.r?; j?rzzzz-zzzzlZlJ -.zzizzi:EE " zz,,,. zzzz3zzzzzzzzl:.- ! . 1 l l-fc- . i"! a iC)P , ,s - 9 I rj J-. I 1 r mm , t a Q j . '-e&xzz irzzzzzzzsisz f lf ; -ZZ A. . rail g&ttp$ zx- zzzzz -EBlzczzzz : -3 y -?-- a t 1 I 1 a fempo - Z! rail way, Our lives may come to geth er In the dawn - iny of some me! No mis - er - y s. too great; - love, That brings me back to , , ; iv- I . ! T Is (fir13 O ZZi lzjl m. L.0-f .m g ) U 7 a temPo - J 1 rail r zkzzzzzzzzzzL-zzz rr-rzzzk l-t- I j 1 I I I w- ! ; 1 1- 1 dav. thee. Why People Love Yon. Because you don't find fault. Because you don't contradict peo ple, even if you're sure you are right. Because you are not inquisitive about the affairs of even your most intimate friend. Because you dont underrate any thing simply for the reason that you don't possess it. Because you don't believe that everybody else in the world is hap pier than you. . fgBecause you don't conclude that you have never had any opportunies in your life. ; Because you don't believe all the evil you Lear.. Because yon take pride in your town and all of her industries, and seek to promote the greatest good to the greatest number. Because you act from honest motives and do not undertake to practice deceit upon your fellows. - 1 : K&rl M'-H 1 I 49. - cres P. rail dim p ) ' 4' ' ? -9- -9-' -J- L S. k-9- A I -9-rS- - -P IT m 99 , 1 0 j i&7 I Tr HiZZzzzTfcTZiizpzzij MzzrPrj? -r - i ' j I I I ' ..' - Dawn. - ' 8 p-ile moon drowns the wide viii.vu ir.ay come. Ah! who ! zg: j ;3 -I .-s- 7&Z t sor - rows fall up -toil of life, and on us trou ble, Copyright, New York Musical Echo Co, 1S94. 9 til a tempo o Though earth i may stretch be - tween us. The fault was mine, my dar - - ling! Price Advanced London April 16. The English manager of the Standard Oil Company said today that the price of oil in Bug land wculd be advanced to correspond with the price In America. Pittsburg, Pa., April 16. Oil opened here this morning at a 240 bid. The Atlantic Rennining Company bas advanced the price of refined oil two cents per gallon. Pinnacle School. , The commencement exercises of Pinnazle School will occur Monday aad Tuesday, May 20th and 21st. The annual sermon will be preached by Rev. J. H. Lambeth, of Mt. Airy, and the literary address will be delivered by Rev. C. A. G. Thomas, of Greens boro. - j Poisoned by Matcnes. "We are informed that a three-year-old child of Mr. John Hutchinson, at Sandy Ridge, d!cd some days since f rom the effect of sucking the end.i of matches. - in England. I l.ooa or eii - ver ) ir.d us xftzv - iod ! -$ a-- In the si - lcr.ee of the With tho help - lcs,s-aess of And hope have flown a- May the pain come all to I A THIEF IM THE NIGHT, Consumption comes. A slight cold, with your system in tho scrofulous condition that's caused by impure blood, is enouch to fasten it upon you. Consumption 13 Lung Scrofula. You can prevent it, and you can cure it, if you haven't waiied too long, 'with Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical Discovery. For Scrofula, 'Weak Lungs, Bronchitis, Asthma, and all severe, lingering Coughs PnracB guaranteet a Cube. npfore taking th "Discovery" I would havo four or five bad coughing epella every day ana would cough up mouthfula of solid white froth, and beforo I took one bottle it stopped it. I could not walk across the room with the pain in my back and sides; but soon tho pain was aU rone, and 1 could sleep well at night. My general health is much better eince taken the "Golden Mas. Ziiircour. though I have been blind to work bard on a l'nrm. Mrs. JOHN LINCOLN. Glen Annan, Uurun Co OnU - t rail S-, N h i n m-) Because upon the Blood dn-pzvAs every organ ar.d liisuc of the Body. If the blood is thin and impure there is weakness, Nervousness, That Tired I INI1 Makes Pure Bleed That is why the Cures, by II S:ii5in.n.r?llr. firo TioTim-.ir.;!f rt'i.r. 1 not rest upon the insecure su; ; ; f temporary 6timulant, opiate or nerv 1: compound, but upon the solid founda tion of vitalized, enriched and puriii;-u blood. Read this : The euro of Olive Curl by IloodV rvn'snnnrilTfi. 1hq fpw ff:ii:il in meiM.':'! ! history. The testimonial v.-a 3 l'u-.-t published two j-ears .n-ro, .';nl a l.ile letter from her mother says Oli w con tinues in good health and Wo tn satisfied her remark ib.i care by llood's Sarsaparilla va- r-nua.i":!t." liriefiy stated tha case v. tis th;: "AVhen Olive waa 8 years old she had tho vhoop- I I enclose the x-hotofraph of my daugh- I and did bo. When I had iinihed the third ing cough and measles, followed by in- ! Ur and I thirk it U a i;eturo of perfect bottle I was so much hett-c tJiat I cou'i' tense pains in every joint in h-:r L-ody, f Jieallh. WLca I think how near ho wan eat things that I Lad ns.t dared to cat be like rheumatism. Physicians v.-c-ro pti:-- ; 10 death's door I cannot feel thankful fore for years. I have tr.'.eii fix bottl-.n zled, but after a consultation, pronounced ( enough for hT recovery." Sins. J. A. I and feel like n ciu.'' reut pel 011." Meb, the disease some form of I Ciii., Keyncldsville, Pennsylvania. Simox DucKEFi, JJur.-'f 1, lvnn yl , aula. i Constitutional 5oroft;!n. . The greater inelud'-s the less. Suc-b n care " r.ofreshin;,' h!-h) i- !r n n me by "When we began to usa Heed's G.irapa-1 m tl.o above must convinco you that I Hood's Karsaisari'ia a:id I now rent we'd rilla. she could nob ho reeved -.vi'hont T I food's SarsanarHla is a wonderful blood ! and do not feel i r 'd ia t ho inoi-ninsf as crying out with pale, and v, o were com-j A G11A1N FAIlt V AXTI'O. Just Like tho On JItd;l in Winston a i I-Vv Ycari A;v-'. j r.'nvs--o!id-nee of tho ironliaci ; ?.?axa, April Iti. In U g ijcrally ; tlr.URht tha-i much of tl: t'ruit hn's ' l e ii killed i'V the Ivttr chilly ; weut'uer. Th u -vi i-lai'in'r crop, : hhickherrie-, sire p'.vtty i-uro. Tii'j fiirnp.M----nr.; i'lil. v r.v J. tiles.; d:iy. ''?:? ; '. h- Mori' i,;itt r- ' pu-ir-tc h:i plauU-i th-dj-corn hut t :i!iin r-:-o: v t to i" ; .-5 :: .;. 1:1 . v- i v i:; ; ;( ; .) 1 - ready for tl:;i: t i;;r. ,!'..- fominji i:p veiy w but v : n is loo! w. ii. !';.!, ' ',. phi at s at " .1 !r v.-.-i;. i iiii- vrv bite in t-,; ; - a;: '1 i: s;;-: . r HOt 1 ' h;y Ml - : !;:. : I-., a t .,- act.'' TI;f poi.I- r - Hi i.- t-V .-.:! v int'.-iris In ii;. Mr. Stanly, of M-'rsou -i. v.-h.o hi, lux-Q on v !sitto iriend i ,-n' i : ; ; tives h r , 1 eturnod to .i- e,, ,1. ;-n home Mon.'ay. lio Uv.-it Hi 1 1 s county forty year? :;;ro. Mr. 1. 1j Kifrcr is now at wc 1 k on iiia fine dsveliin'i;. It will hi- a h.oid 8om? re-ido!;.-.' whoa coinplrtt1 1. Tyre (j'enn, of I ; 1 jji n c ! . ha sold hi f.srai her.' to A. .J. I!niv. ono of Yadliia'd su'id ii: -a. i; ten!. f-Otnid hiil;r over $,0fiO to ci. I' jze titles. This county n..! thi. IVn:.-s.l voiiia 'j'rra-ni fi! r.'oi 1 tVi ao- ton laucli Iifhiad in pror.-M-sivo f; 11 ;c ('au Tin: r'-:.TJ.N'i-:f. iai. v. (rk v.p nnother jrain fair to l! la 1-1 ia t !-.'. Twin City thi.-; suauacr ? Taer.' nothing Uiai. d:d h rauvli si'xtd to tho farmers as the o-a !r !d mcih. years njo ia Farn:''r,s' V.'ir i.o'dSi?. Such lairs jro a loivr way to iufusc life and cnterpri.-j-i ;co tho farn:::". element and a !.- your city ia iuoio anys than or.c-. L A; us hav an other this sn.-aiiv r. il. A Ns-v J im.incij .i'or iViaaal. Chiea'i laterinr. Spraki;.'! of yian-h, v.h'-a onoV shtrt-f-ont IiuIch liko u pout.-r-pifiCeon, when men nro nt n wear in rr silk handkerchiofs to protect (heir nrcks from their whirt collars, A n we take our cuffs dl an we do our plug: hat.s, is it not ahout liiao for the Genentl Assembly lo iuteriVrc for the einui.cipation ot the saintw? Let in havo n, hold-over committee on atarch. Matrimony is a Game ol Cards. Matrimony is a panic of cards. A n.au wins a v.oiiain's heart with his diamonds, then he beat her with a club and liually ends the frame hy dii: ying litr grave with a spade. 100 Evward. C100. The reader ( this paper wid he pleaiod to earn that there is at lcwt one droidtd distae 'hat ucieace ha3 been aMe t cr iu all Us tace, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Oa.'c s the only positive cu-o kne. u to tho lnej'a'i-j 1 ratrrnity. Catarrh !ing a c--,n-it!tu(ional d:s ase, reqiiires a c.nstitu-.inii.-t; treatment liiAl'? at-irr.i Cure is tak'n inierr.;d'y, aetiu.L' diro'ily n the mucoous .-iirfaee of tisc syatetn, lUm- y estroy thfl found at ion ot the disease, s nd rivieg he pationt streeqdi hy buiidi:;.. ui Lh i cryusti tation and aEi?iitiD; nature i-i doini; Im work. The proprietors have so raeath luitli iu its cura tive nnwers that they o3Vr One Hundred Dol lars fur any ease that it fails to cure. Seed for list of test nwiiial. Address, F. J. CHEXEY & CO., Toledo, O SSold by Druggists, 75c. It is Ileaily Dtregfcinfr- Oastonia !azetle. It is distrrs&in?:. ThccourUy Kan 60rn just raakinir h;s ih hutia Maxi can pocicty can't wear a collar "nor pull down his cuffs. It'.s b. its one on the back of his neck, the other on hia elbowv Weak nod Nervo-w, Siuiid'M Cured. Cl.Etf-)SSV:i.LS, X. C, Hue. 50, 189 4. My wjfbt-jn tskiu? Itojd'rf Srir-anardhi wh?i she w.'S so wosk ni l r.t rvoiu that sho j could bar-lly sit up irmi; cnoush to bava hjr ve t Euoue- o.-ie ir.e-t uiiiotc dt. ti ?cLr5 out tnp? did her but liulo good. Beforo sho h.-id fmish ed tho first battle cdlloo i'a fsr3.ip.-,rilia she was able to be up and did tho m.;st of h ;r housework. ; M. K. TiiKLri. Hood's Tilla cura indigestion, sic'S headache- "TTT ANTED A man in every town to VV paint signs. Xo experience required. Ouroutlit does the work . (?75 a month,) Patterns and full partiqvilars sojitupon re ceipt of 10c. -postage. Littleieli 6i Co. Adams, Kew ork. Is Found in k the lurity of ing", and 3 011 are he her.' tion which invites disease. If the blood is pure and healthy, you have sweet sleep, nerve strength, mental viVor, a t;ood appetite, and perfect digestion. roiled to cat her hair, as eho could not j ier.- ilia v.c--ht ci it. At first the change , ' l lie hct-Ur was very gradual; the : . .j-.ric-i to bo 1ct-s frexnient and tho FWi.Il ; ;;r in some of tha joials subfcided ttiicr '. usin2 about one bottle. Then improve- ! inciit v.-aa mere rapid and one niht she avrpriscd r.s greatly by teil-ng us that v.e sited not prop her up in bed as vre had cr.o fcr s?ver:tl ruonths, and next ziijrht ! BiXQ surprised 1:3 fit ill mora by roliiag over cere1:'! the bed. From that time on Improvement was Very Rap! J and eho teen began to creep about the hoae d.u-1 then to walk on crutches. Now she generflly uses but one crulch, the dis- t p.-e having left one leg crooked, and I fear it v.-II I mnain so. We feel that to Hood's j Sarsapaiiila we ov. e cur child's life. 1 y way li v.' Give it a trial this pxirin. The Best Sliocs X5l - V Tor Sale by 0. so.- f-ls- . : 'i' i - -5 Qt Ui Kr United States Life Insurance Co. IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK. til.UKtil 11. ll; SVM T. STANDKX, Act. All! lit u ( . rl.ilK i , ( iffhkr. JOHN V MUXX, Aletl. Diivctur. Gi:0. G. WILLIAMS, Preo. Cliem. Nat. Hank. .IAS. It. PLUM, Loather. JOHN J. 'i I CI Z I'll, lUiil.Ier. Fj. II. PLUKIXrf, Ju , Pres. Impoi tcib' and Trades n' Xat. Hank. " 7 Tho two most popular plans of LIFL INSURANCE mi' tli? CONTINUAl'LK TEU.U POLICY which givo.s to tla- insiiical tho t;rt -at.'-st pot-'siblo amount of indc-mrity in t lit cv nt of (h-alh, at the lowest possible present cali outlay; and tbv Cl'APANTIvLI) 1XCO.MIC IOLICV which embraces every vnlu.-iblo i'tattiie of in vest meat insurance, and which, in the event, of adversity overtak ing t ho injured, may be used as COLLATTKltAL SL-.T'IHTV- I'OK A LOAN, to the extent of the full h-ul reserve vah:o ii vi-uf. in ae eordanee with the terms and conditior..s of these polkv.t. P. E- JONES. in the City of Winston, Manager for North Carolina. Notice. I'.y virtue of a decree mi'de March 4, l "ii5 in a Kpet-ial proceedings before N. S. Wil son, C S. C, entitled 11 C. I.incback Aih ministrator of K. M. Conrad, deceased, ajrainst i li-n E. Conrad and others. The un designed will sell on Monday, the 0th day ofMav, 1S05, at one "o'clock p. m., at the Court house door in Winston, X. C , upon the following terms:i cash i in three, and 1 in sixjmoiuhs, takiiig bonds and approved se curity for deferred payments, the following described tracts of real estate, situated in Forsvth county, X. C. First lot. known as the dwelling house on which is situated the dwelling house of the late K. M. Conrad, de ceased, containing 1 ;-10 acres, encumbered with the widow's dower. Second traTt, known as the J. A. Transou tract, contain-. inp; 20 acres more or less, and adjoining the lands of Jno. Holder and others, consisting t f uplands. Third tract, known as theS. A. llauser tract, containing 3-Ji acres, consist ing of uplands and bottom lands, adjoining the lands of Jacob Mock and others. Fourth tract, known as the E. 1. llauser tract, con taining 31 i acres, consisting of uplands ami bottom lands, adjoining the lands of Jacob Mock and others. The above lands are lo cated in Vienna Township, on the waters of Muddy Creek. For further description, see boundaries of lands in petition on tile in the Clerk s ollico. April 1st 113. It. C. IdXEBACir. Adiu'r, cf K. M. Conrad. Y - in the condi ' I can't cat, I have r.o oppf .-tit?," ia the ccniplnsct of nary p'"erlcjust now. This ii l-t-cacsa tl-e Moo-l in in a sl'.vjgish end inipuie conditio;!. Vitalize find enrich it hy taking ilood'a i-crsararilia.aiid yoa will toon be hiti:;rry oil the time because your blood v. ill (:.nd proper euste uance ft era ocl fotd. ricrvoi;3 Dycpcpsia. " I suffered vciili whit t he doctors called nervous dy jk psia. I fouM h irdiy walk ar.d could hardly keen ai yt hin? on my stomach. I dectored for f-isor neven years bat the ciiff'.rc.it iacdieitK-3 did not do mo any (rood and I jrrew sieac':!;.- worr.c. I vould havosicfe hradaclso for three daya and nisht3 caufiac; n;o ptich fl;rony that it seemed as though I vould rather die than live. I waa told to try Ilood'a Sarsaparilla 5'? r. - 1 . .-. - as? H Wia used to." Joirs Utuvi V-yinerviilc, .Tafis r r, n Ws La klU'i:;v!,flS QZVZ? FIT FOR A 0 it die ?Ii:iluii aid r.-l- Shoes. . : o i '" we can. . vjr,Freucb - ; t !' Li l-iio. ' so'us. . ..';:kli;gmea's. : -.5 cvhocl Shoti ZZ and Sl.Vi. f " -vt ". .'- L. PeuQ-las, '; : ; 1 l.ion, .'.huK, A' r.tli- !.:.,(( . r . T!'."y plvi- ij 1 . ; v.,. : ; 1 t.i'.v qtlJtO. U. . r!t : : - . C " - V v; -0' -' "i ft t T j r.p..' J). SCHOULEI?. 1 SQS I'UIMI, l'n-.-ii 7 :o; NO MORE EYE-GLASSES, Ko fT... rtC;'--'" Weak - ..a. Jloro Eyes! A Certain Safs and Erieclivo Hcmody for SORE, WEAK and INFLAMED EYES, jVfittt HftHff t.n:i(-Kiffttftlnfnit. anil liCKtoriti ff tlK! Sight of the oUt. Cures Tear Drops, Oranulntion,Styo Tumors, Rod Eyes, Matted Eye Lashes, and pnonrcixo qtticic urliep ASD PEIU1AKKNT CURE. Also. iTnl1,v liirn-ions trn nHl f n MIkt itiit'ti an l lncrk, Fever Nurrw, 'i'liimtrN. Suit ttheiam. ItnriiN, l'lle. or micro kt inllaiuitmilitn rilnln, JUIOil LLSI SAUX may bo usvU to advantage. SOLO Bt fti.L DRUGGISTS AT 25 CENTS. 1 Ef?n ti 3 ! fi W7iIaTcey Habits i 2n H y, f " .-"i cured ut bomo wilU IV. tl ;-1 H t" ' outi.Hiu. Rjokofrar- H - K Vi 5"i1 tlclnrt Fr-nt ml: iwmm u. xi wnoi ipv m o jmfcmMitiM' it "rmirim mrr -Tin " ' ht,ia'-iErtiwTMiwMiiitf rn'mtrtiii in "-imiir r rii-Miiiiii I IMQHM DDIMT