XT An Independent h amily term . vwv- . .... .. .. ..." $ terest and to trie Industri- Q al development hi Piecl-$ A0 f)mont North Cardlina 0 . WUI I'tKEB,' Jr.. K'lltnr anil Hau-er A SEWST ASD TBIIirWdKTHV FH.T KEWSPAPF.K FOB HOBTH C1BOLINA PEOPLE, IH TB E STATE AM) OUT OF IT. VOL.XLII. NO. 7. WINSTON-SATJEM.JST.O., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22. 1898. l.OO PEKV Prici Case of Poisoning Hood's Sarssparilla Drives the Poi son from the System, Quiets the Nerve?, Relieves Dyspepsia and Catarrh. " While in the army I was poisoned in wardly with poison oalc, and I did not get well for 15 years. My blood became bo affected that I was taken with a hacking cough, and I was thought to be goinjj into consumption. I took many different medicines without avail, and finally re solved to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. When I had finished taking the first bottle the pimples beeran to disappear Horn my bo J v- and af tt-r I Lad taken three bottles I was well. I have also suffered with ca tarrh in the head and have been taking Hood's ParsapErilla for this trouble, and it helps me. In fact I take it for all ail ments and believe it has no equal as a blood purifier. It quiets the nerves and gives refreshing sleep. It has relieved me of dyspepsia and built me up." J. I. Holliday, Williamston, South Carolina. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the best in f. ttlip (Vie True lilood Purifier. Bold by all drup"4i.:ts. ?1 : six for ?". I Ibbj S uAe. easy to operate, sJe. Southern Kan way. THE . . . STANDARD RAILWAY OF theSOUTH The Direct Line to All Points Texas, California, Florida, Cuba and Porto Rico. Strictly First-Class Epuip rrjent on all Through and I o cal Trains: Pullnran Palace -cl?eping Cars on all Night Trains: Fast and Safe Sched ules. Travel by the Southern and you are as snrni a Safe? Cpnrfariahieanit E.vpe litious .Ion riieyX"" Apply to t:cket agents for ime tallies Tales and general information, or address RLVKItNOX. FK DARBY, T P A, O V A T A, Charlotte, N C. Asheville, N C. No Trimble to Annver Queslicns. FIMNKKUANNON, J M t'UI.P. 3d V I'te Gen Man. Traf Man. W A TURK, G PA, Washington, 1) C. HBosnm Schedule in Effect May 1 t. 1 B9H. WIVSTOM-SALEM DIVISION Leave Wit s ton-Salem 8 20a to. rally except Sumiay. Arrive Koanoke 1. 10 p. m. S.OJ a m. (mixed) daily except Sundsiy. for tCoaooke and intermediate points Arrive Koanoke li:40p. m. Leave Koanoke 7:30 a. m. (mixed) daliy except Sunday. Arrive W inston-'ialeni 6:4Sp.m. J.eave Lfranoke 4:38 p. m. dally xc;:pt Sunday. Arrive vtGstt n-. Salem 9:3 p. ?a. WBSTBOITND. LEAVE UOANOK1 DAILY 7:40 a. m. (Vestibuled Limited) for Itristol anr intermediate points, and Knoxvilic anr Chattanooga, all points South and West Pullman hieepcrs to Memphis at'd Ne' Orleans. 4:25 p m. for Bluefleld, Pocahontas, Kennvi Columbus iindC'hicago and ai! points wesi Pullman Hleepers from Roanoke to Col umbus, also for Radford, Hrfstol, Knox ville, Chattanooga and Intermediate points SOKTU KAsTBOUBr r,!VJ BiUSOKS DIL1. :4rp a f0r Petersburg, Kichmona and No: . loi. 1.40 m tor v. ashlnpton, i;ageistov.u, Hblu. delphia and Now York. ll:3fp. m. for Kichmond and Norfolk. Full man Sleeper Roanoke to Norfolk anr Lynchburg to Richmond. 11:00 p. m. (Vestibuled Limited) for Hagers lown, Washington r od New York. Pull man Sleepers to w astaington. Philadel phia and New York via Shenandoal Junction and H. and O Railroad. DURHAM DIVISION Leave Lynchburg dailj except Sundav, 4:00 p. m. (union sta tion) for Durham and all intermedial points. Leave Durham dally except Sunday, at 7:00 a m. for LyncbDurg ana iniermcaA.t' points. Cin 11 . 1 .1 4 1 innal tnfnrmatirtn ftnnlv At. . . oDice. or to M F. HK'.GH, vl B. I'.EVILLi Trav. 'as.. Awrt. GUILFORD - COLLEGE, NORTH CAROLINA. Five large buildings faculty of ten :abl teaebers courses of study leari- ioir lo degrees. Tuition for term $20 lo $25. Board and room S per month In clubs $1 per month. Total ex Dense fur year need not xwed $133 nnd can be easily reduced to W. Cor rfspopdence eoliciterj. 'Jililosrue ;rrer. Address GUILFOCD COLLEGE. - N. C. Attorney and Counselor at Law. Office S. W. CorneV 3rd and Liberty Sta., Winston, N. O. Will practice in all State Courts and in the Federal Court. All business will receive promot and earefull attention. Tie Kortl Carolina ColleiB of iiricnltnre flND . Mechanic Arts Will re-oDen September 1, 1898, with Improved equipment in every depart ment. Twenty-three experienced specialists fn Faculty-- uli courses id Agriculture. Science, Civil, Mechani cal and Electrical EnnineerinK. Ex penses very moderate. For catalogues addressl v PF.ES. A. Q HOLLIDAY, liaieiKh, N. C i SAYS BRITISH DID IT. l TURKS 1SSUK CIRCULAR TO I 1 IIF. POWERS. Protest Azaiusr Uoinbardiiient of f 'amlia I'ortc Refuses to With draw Turkish Troops In Spile of lcelsloii of the Admirals. CnxsTAXTlxoi'l.E. Sept. 14. The Turki.-h roviM'timt'nt has sent a eircn inr to tlx; powers iilletrinLr that thu ".ritish pi-.vokfd tin; disorders at ( 'and'ui, chiiinin the ptvsont Situation km adopted by the powers in Crete and proter-ting- against the bombard ment of Candia. Finally the 1'oite announces its refusal to withdraw the Turkish troops from Crete in spite of the decision of the Admirals that sueh a stop is absolutely necessary. The circular has made a bad impression in diplomatic circles. XO NKW DEVKLOPMKSTS. Candia, Sept. 14. There are no now developments in the situation here, which is peaceful. The Mussul men say they have decided to accept the ultimatum of Admiral Noel calling for disarmameat of the populace if the Admiral is sure he has suflicient force to overcome the Uashi Hahouks. Hherwistj they beg him to wait until further reinforcements arrive. WITH A PROVISO. Candia, Sept. 14. The Uashi ilahouks have consented to disarm, provided their arms are delivered to the Turkish authorities. M AY FALt TO 1MKCKS ; Prevailing Opinion as to War Inves tigation. Washington, Sept. It. Senator Davis and Whitelaw Keid had a con ference with the 1 'resident this morn ing, obviously t talk over the mis sion of the 1'caec Commissioners and to receive orally an outline of the ad ministration programme foi the Com mission's work inl'aris. I 'resident Tilman, of Johns TTop kius, was an early .aller on the Presi dent regarding the war investigation. I f the 1 'resident's explanation of the scoe of the Commissson's duties nake it practicable -lie is willing to serve. 1 he opinion prevails that the investigation will fall to pieces of its own weight. JAPAN AM) CHINA. Talk of Forming Offensive an.-l De fensive Alliance. I'KK.-Xii, Sept. 14. Marquis Ito, re- conUy I'remier. of Japan, has. arrived at Tien Tsin. It is believed Ins pur pose is to establish an offensive and defensive alliance. He is charged to examine into the possibility of the re coverv bv China of what she lost and becoming useful as an ally. No doubt there is strong bias lately imong leading Chinamen toward .lapan, whose reforms the Kmperor of China is attentively studying. Wi Crutr Iifield's Promotion. William G. Crutchlield son of ex- Ma vor (,'ruh-hlield, of this citv, who has had charge of the transfer busi ness for the Southern at Greensboro, has been appointed agent of the com pany at Salisbury and will take charge on the 20th. but his wife will remain in Greensboro until next prinsr. The Kecord savs that Air. Crutohlield started in the lowest round of the ladder and has gone steadily upward to his present position, one among the tjest along the line of the road, and he deserves it. for he has leen a worker, painstaking and care ful. He will le succeeded at Greens boro by J. F. Morton, the night man. In a Mudd e Over Tax Hooks. It appears that the Commissioners and Sheriff of Wilkes county are iu a "muddle" over the tax books, which, it is claimed, were irreurularl y turned over to Sheriff Call. The delinquent taxes had not been run up on the books, as was ordered to be done sev eral meetings ago. However, the books were turned over to the Sheriff and an order to that effect apjeared on the minutes, though three of the Commissioners say the order was put on the minutes without their knowledge or consent and they entered their pro test on the minutes. There will proba bly be trouble over the matter yet, says the Chronicle. Ilote liurned iu Danville. Hotel Normandie was destroyed bv fire in Danville Thursday nirht. It caught about 11 o'clock in an unused room on third floor of the building and the flames got up under the roof ano increased in volume until the twd upper stories were completely gutted. The building and hotel furniture was owned by Frank X. Burton, John L. Penn, and the Planters' National bank, who carried $12,000 insurance. E. H. and II. S. Ellyson, proprietors, loss on furnature, etc., $1,000. No in surance. Several of the regular board ers owned the furniture in their rooms and lost it all, but the value and in surance could not be obtained. Gof Club Tournament. The Golf Club held a business meet ing; at the Y. M. C. A. last week. It was decided to improve the grounds and get them in fine shape for a big tournament to be given shortly after the Tobacco Fair, before the visitors leave. A club from another city will oe invuea to taKe part in the tourna ment. The Club here has twenty mem- oers, an oi wnom are enthusiastic Misses Bessie Gray and Frances Con- arc! were elecled members last night. A. D. K. Wallace Discharged. A. D. K. Wallace, the chief clerk to Secretary of State Cy Thompson, has been discharged for drunkenness. Mr. Wallace,- it will be remembered, was in Winston several days during the spring of 1897 .helping the Public Printers distribute the laws and pub lic documents. As an extenuation it is claimed that Mr. Wallace is suffer ing on account of his wife's recent misfortune of having lost her mind in so much that she has been confined to the Central Hospital in Kaleigh. NO CURE NO PAY. 1 hat Is the -way all drngplsts sell GROVE'S TA&TELKSS CHILL TON1U lor thill and Fever and all forms of Malaria. H ia simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. Children love it- Adults prefer it to bitter, nauseating i onics, t rice, ;. PUT OUTFOLL TICKET WORK OF REPUBLICAN COUN TY CONVENTION. Kapp i-nl Wilson Renominated Mil ler and Kerner Defeated Ijinney Made a Speech After Adjourn ment of the Convention. The Republican County Convention was called to meet at 12 m. Saturday but it was 12:.r)0 when it convened. The delay was caused by the bosses havinr to caucus with a few of the "faithful in the witness rooms. "Brother John" Reynolds was the "ring-master" and chairman Jessup received his instructions before calling the convention to order. There was a bir crowd present but many were there as spectators Demo crats as well as Republicans. A few Populists were also in attendance. The bosses and delegates occupied seats within the bar. Several colored brethren were on hand. This is all the recognition they get in Forsyth. Chairman Jessup, not feeling equal to the occasion, called upon Mr. J. T. Benbow, of the law firm of Benbow & Hall, to act as temporary chairman. It might be stated that Mr. Benbow is a native of Yadkin and that he spends most of his time in that county. He stated the object of the meeting to nominate candidates for General As sembly and county officers. The Secretary called the roll of town ships. He then stated that all were represented and that there were no contests. The Chairman stated that this being true he did not deem it necessary to appoint a Committee on Credentials. On motion of John Reynolds, the temporary Chairman was made per manent, rxiitor Hall, of the Republi can, was elected assistant secretary. On motion of John Reynolds, Edgar Lineback was endorsed for the nomi nation for State Senator. Messrs. W. A. Lowrcy, of Kerners- ville, and James Carter, of Belews Creek, were nominated for the House of Representatives. sheriff Kapp and Clerk of the Gouri Wilson were renominated by acclama tion. Three candidates were put in nomi nation for Register of Deeds I' rank I'.verlv, J. F. Miller aud W. L. Tea grue The vote stood: Hyerly 41: Teajnie 20, and Miller 11. Byerly was declared the nominee. Iveson Crews and J. J. Kerner, of Kernersville, were put in nomination for County Treasurer. Crews got the plum, he receiving votes and Ker ner ;$.5v J. W. Jones and Dr. Linville were enominated by acclamation for Sur veyor and Coroner respectively. Ed. T. Linville, Joseph Ueeson and A.Vance were "named for County Commissioners. Shortly after the Convention met it was discovered that the "bosses" iixed the slate in the caucus held prior to the Convention. The Chairman appointed Lieut. Gov. Reynolds and Edgar Lineback to escort Congress man Linney into the Court-room. the Convention was then declared adjourned. While awaiting the ar- lval of Congressman L.inney, some one called upon G. W. Hawkins, col ored, to make a speech. He respond ed and announced that he was again n line with the Republican party. LIXNKY'S SPEECH. This writer has heard the "Bull of the Brushies" make several speeches, ut his effort Saturday was the weakest. He labored hard but his sieech fell Hat. Many Republicans left the room shortly after he began speaking. The Congressman made no direct allusion to the insurgents. He stated that there were not enough offices for all the Re publicans. He eulogized McKinley and his ad ministration for the victory won dur ing the recent war with Spain. He complimented Duke for giving $400, 000 to Trinity College, but he failed to tell his hearers that Mr. Duke is a member of a trust and the money was made out of the poor farmers. He also referred to the gift f Peck, an other Republican, to the Vance monu ment fund, but again he omitted to state that the giver was a member of the great oil trust. " i ou may throw me out," said l.in- ney, "but you may not get one who will watch your interests so closely as your humble servant." Liinney rode his "old hobby" fair elections and ballot box. Not a word was said about 5 cent cotton during his entire speech. May Postpone Their Trip. Mr. S. E. Hough, the photographer, was arranging to take a trip in No vember with his brother, Mr. E. K. Hough, formerly of this city, now of lew York, to either forto Rico or the British West Indies. On account of yellow fever in the first place and cyclones in the latter they may post pone their trip. Mr. K. K. Hough was going in the interest of bis health. A Sudden Death. Mrs. Charles Reavis, aged about seventy-eight years, died suddenly at Hamptonviile, Yadkin county on Sept. 11th. bhewas as well as usual Sunday evening. The girl with whom she was sleeping found that the eld lady's feet were cold some time after retiring and tried to arouse her.' She drew only one or two breaths after the discovery. Death of a Good Man. Mr. Allen Crater, one of Forsyth's good farmers and highly esteemed cit izens, died last week at Crater's, a few miles west of Wiuston. He was about 62 years old and had been sick some time with typhoid fever. He was an honored member of the New Philadelphia Moravian church. The funeral services will be held there at 11 o'clock tomorrow Yadkin County Ticket. The Yadkin Democrats held their convention Saturday and nominated the following ticket: House of Repre sentatives, Aquilla Shore; sheriff, SamjSpeas; register of deeds, F. D. Holcomb; clerk of court, J. D. Ham lin; coroner, H. W. Douglas; sur veyor, T. C. Myers; commissioners, N. S. C. -May, Daniel Angel, Wm. Shermer. r Valuable to Women. Especially valuable to women is Browns' Iron Bitters. . Backache vanishes, headache disappears, strength take the place of weakness, and the glow of health readily comes to the pallid cheek when this won derful remedy is taken. For sickly children or overworked men it has no equal. No home should be without this famous remedy. Browns' Iron Kitten ia sold hr all dealers. A RIOT ATST. LOUIS. ONE FATALLY SHOT; THREE OTHERS WOUNDED. I Precipitated by Striking Plasterers- Mounted Police Responded to Riot Call and Were Met by a Fusl lade of Bullets Arrests. St. Louis, Sept. 1.5. Striking plas terers precipitated a riot today in the western limits of the city, in which William Lane, a non-union worker, was fatally shot and three others se riously wounded. The mounted po lice responded to the riot call and were met by a fusilade of bullets from the strikers. The police replied with a number of shots and charged the crowd, disiersing them and resulting in the arrest of Nat Brown and Joe Lee, who are thought to be the ring leaders. CAPT. GLKNN IN PKNDKIt. He Makes a Fine Speech at a Big Democratic Rally. The Democrats of Pender county had a big rally on Sept. 12, at But gaw. Fifteen hundred people were in attendance, many of them being Popu lists. Eloquent speeches were made by Messrs. John D. Bellamy, W. II. Kitchin and Capt. R. B. Glenn, in the order named. The Wilmington Star gives an ex tended report of the meeting. The two concluding paragraphs are given below: The best and last speaker was Capt. R. B. Glenn, of Winston. It is need less to say to those who have heard "Bob" Glenn, or who know him by reputation, that he made a rattling speech.. It was characterized by every phase of oratory. Eloquence, pathos, argument, stinging sarcasm, wit and humor made up a combination that carried his audience tiy storm. Gray haired men, beardless boys arid charming girls all joined in the cren- erous and, at times, tumultous ap plause that shook the Courthouse building "from turret to foundation stone. " Mr. Glenn said that there would be no election this year for Governor, but he wished to God we had a Gov ernor to elect, so we could get rid of the present ineumljent who had brousrht disgrace upon the State. CONGRESSIONAL; CONVKN TIOM. Insurgents to Nominate Another Can didate on Sept. licit h. Mocks ville,, N. C, Sept. 1"), 1S!8. M. I. Stewart, Esq., Winston, N. C. Dear Sir: 1 have called our Con vention to meet in VVilkesboro on Monday, Sept. 2(ith. Please notity your delegates as I do not know either their names or postollices. Same del egates attend this that nominated Dr. Wilcox. We must nominate a man. Very truly yours. M. D. Kimhkougii. Chief Adams' Present. Chief of Police Adams received a present last week in the shape of a little dog, named "Gip. it was sent bv t friend in Greensboro and Baggage Master Collins brought it through without an accident. The lit tle animal has some beard, but no hair is to le seen on it elsewhere. It has been sheared to the skin. A tag around "Gip's" neck told where he was from. WIL.I.I SKTTliK ACCKPT? Predicted That the Committee Will Name Him for Judge. Judge Spencer B. Adams, who was recently nominated by the Republi cans for Congress in the Fifth district, stated while here this week that the Republican State Executive Comittee would put up a candidate forjudge in that district. This means that Mr. Adams will resign as judge and ac cept the nomination for Congress. A well informed gentleman predicts that Ex-Congressman Thos. Settle, who was defeated by Judge Adams for the Congressional nomination, will be named by the Committee for Judge, The question is asked: "Will Tom my accept?" This Is Good News ! A Southern Railway official tells the Raleigh News and Observer that he has good reason to believe that the Reidsville-Kernersville link will be built at an early day. The Ga3tonia-Mt. Mourne link, he thinks, will not be built for sometime yet, probably several years. Con struction of the Reidsville link will do away with the necessity for a double track between Salisbury and Greens boro, and will make the through line a few miles shorter. Opening of Salem Public Schools.'' Salem's public schools opened last week with an unusually large number of pupils. In Wesi Salem 138 pupils were present. Devotional exercises were conducted by Rev. A. Liehten thajler, after which appropriate talks were made by Messrs. K. A. X nomas, B. J. Pfohl, Rev. Lichtenthaeler and Dr. Davis. Tobacco Barn Burned. A barn of very fine tobacco belong ing- to Dr. W. L. Hill, of Arcadia, Davidson county, was totally destroyed bv fire Saturday evening Sept. 10th A defective flue was the cause of the con fl aeration. Dr. Hill was lust finishing curing the tobacco and says it was the nnest Darn ne nas raiseu wis year. Democrats in Good. Trim. Politics down in Guilford, accord ing: to a gentleman from that place, is getting red hot. Both parties have nominated their tickets and the battle is on. though the canvass will not otien for sonae weeks yet. The Demo crats are in better shape there than they nave been In some years. ,1 Verdict for $3,000. -' J. C." Buxton returned from, David son court last week. 'He appeared for the plaintiff in a suit against the Southern Railway for killing John Mendenhall. at Thomasville, last De cember. The jury returned a verdict for $3,000 against the railroad com pany. ' ...... TERRIBLE HURRICANE STRIKES WINDWARD GROUP OF ISLANDS. First Reports Were Not Kxaggerated Impossible to Aggregate Dam age at This Time Some Por tions Completely Devastated. London. Sept. 15. Advices this morning show that the first reports regarding the destruction of life and property by the hurricane which swept Barbudoes, St. Vincent, St. Lucia and other Islands of the Windward group, were not exagger ated. Iudeed, as appalling as the de tails are, they fail to present an ade quate idea "of the terrible havoc wrought by the storm. The estimated los of life is believed to le far short of the actual number killed, while the number rendered homeless is greater than at first stated. The aggregate damage to property cannot he estimated even approximately- as the winds, rainfall, tidal waves anu landslides have completely devastated the country. It is believed the dead at Kingston, capital of St. Vincent, which was totally destroyed, will reach three hundred and the num ber of homeless will reach twenty thousand. The British man-of-war Alert went to sea to escape the storm. There is heavy loss to shipping Guad eloupe suffering intensely. TWO N EGROES CAPTURED. Irviii Royal and Jim Patrick, Who Broke Jail. Irviu Royal, one of the four negroes who escaped from jail Monday night, September 12th, was arrested Tuesday near Dan river, beyond Walnut Cove, by Constable Joe Lewis, of the latter place. Rom Lewis, the assistant jailer, who was knocked down in the jab by Royal, went out to the Cove on the N. & W. freight train Tuesday after noon and returned with his prisoner on the passenger train at H:4l). Royal made several attempts to get away. Ollicer Lewis found the pistol on Royal which he took away from the assistant jailer. The negro tried to pawn the pistol yesterday to David Boyles, of Stokes. ft is said that Royal, as soon as he ;ot out of jail, took the road for Ger lanton. He went down the C. F. & Y. V. road to Walnut Cove yester day. He will now have three charges to answer for at the next term of court tealinir a bicycle from Mr. Swink. breaking jail and assaulting the as sistant taller with a deadly weapon. Constable Lewis found another negro with Roval and lie arrested both of them. He found pistols on bot.h of t.liem. Rovnl's nrtrtner was sent to Stokes jail to await trial for arrying a concealed weapon. Sheriff Kapp received a teleirram Thursday from Martinsville, in forming him that Jim Patrick, one of the negroes who escaped jail here last week, was arrested by one of the policemen Wednesday night, Sep tember 14th. Jailer Masten went after Patrick on Friday and returned with the prisoner that night. FROM ON K OF FORSYTH HOYS. Only the Olliccrs Wuiit to Go to Cuba Their Reason. One of Winston's business men re vived a letu r last week from a sol dier bov at Jacksonville. He savs that lie is like !). er cent, of the First North Carolina regiment ready and anxious to come home especially Company C and the members don't feci that their patriotic principles are owered the least bit by such a wish. The only men who wish to go to Cuba are the officer i and tins is on account f the big salaries they are receiving. The writer adds that they get very poor meat. Their ieef comes from Texas, a istate noted for raising "hair and hide," but very little beef. Con tinuing, he says: "I want a chew of tobacco so bad I am afraid I will chew my tongue off, as stubs of Pal metto are too drv and hard." Most of the boys are quite well; some are looking badly, while others are as fat as pigs but all are longing for home and the soil of old North Carolina, and a good drink of pure water. The water there is sulphur. Onexf the soldiers caught a big possum in the swamp on Sundav. Such is camp life. BIRDS ARK P 1j KSTI F U Li. Why Not Invite Sportsmen from the North? The bird hunting season will soon be on and it is reported that there are more partridges this year than usual. This means that the sport promises to be fine when the season opens. If people who have comfortable homes in good shooting sections would let the fact be known through out the Northern States, they would attract sportsmen who would beard with them, to the mutual advantage of all concerned, bportsmen are good fellows, too, and make the best of good company. Some of these North er men, wno come down ssoutn dur ing the bird hunting season, with their fine guns, can hardly hit a barn door. It is the outdoor life and novelty of the thing that catches them, and they don't mind paying for the pleasure oi it. Surry's Enthusiastic Convention. The Democrats of Surry met in Con ventien at Dobson Saturday and nom inated the following ticket: For the Legislature, W. F. Carter; Sheriff, J. E. Dobson; Clerk Superior Court, C. H. Haynes; IXegister af Deeds, J. A. Thompson; Coroner, N. B. S. Hill; Surveyor. W. M. Norman; Commis- ioners, A. G. Click, A. L. Bunker, Stephen Venable. S. P. Graves was re-elected Chairman of the County Democratic Executive Committee. The Convention was the largest anu most enthusiastic ever held in the county. Leaf Tobacco Sales. - ' North Carolina makes a fair show as to leaf tobacco this year. The sales on the 34 markets are reported to aggregate 125,000,000 pounds. There are 87 warehouses and 330 leaf dealers in the State. North Carolina grows much more than half the bright to bacco produced in the United States. WILL BE UNCLE SAM'S GROWING IMPRESSION REGARD ING THE P.1.LIPPINES. No Kseape From it and Conditions are Such There Is No A'ternatlve, Says Judge Day Peace "Com missioners iu New York. Washington, Sept. It;. The im pression is growing that when the l.'i'ms of peace with Spain are finally concluded they will lx; found to in clude provision for the practical own ership and certain control of the Phil ippines by Ameriea, although nothing official can be learned further than the statement of Judge Day last' night to a memiier of the administration. He said regarding the control of the Philippines: "There is no escape from it and the conditions are such there is no alternative." Senator Fry said the idea of holdinsr all the land secured by conquest is growing- It is Ix-heved the instructions to the Peace Commissioners sire not hard and fast, except, as to a general pol icy. They have discretion to deal with unexpected developments as they occur, t.enoral Merritt will meet them in Paris. It is ex inn-led he will irive the commission much informa tion which will largely determine their action. Chairman Dav and Senators Davis and Frye go to New York this after noon. There thev will join Grav i-nd Reid. PROF. RAPER'S LECTURF. An Account of Ilis I r.ivels in F.ng- land and Scotland. The l'u st of a series of lectures to le given monthly before the high school department of the Winston Graded Schools, was delivered last week iu the Y. M. C A. audi to ium bv Prof. Chas. L. Raper. late professor of history in Greensboro College. Prof. Raper is also well known in the State as the author of a book enti tled, "Church and Private Schools in North 'arolina." Ih' is a pleasing and impressive ;ite:i.ker and delivered a most excel lent lecture, taking as his them.! an noeount of his travels in hn rl and ami Scotland. After narratintr the events of the vovaire from N;w York to Liverpool, the speaker geographically deserilied thu il i (Terent, F.m-lish towns and cities he visited, including Liverpool, the present hom- of the distinguished wi'iteiv Tom M :iol areii. tile 1'itv of Oxford with its 20 colleges, Windsor, made Tamous ry won college anu uie royal home of the King and Queen of England, and lastly London, the greatest of all cities in the world. Tt, is lnterostimr to know that the present population of London equals that of North Carolina, South Caro lina and Georgia combined, and ex ceeds the combined population of Paris and New York. Mi- I In r tolil of Ills visits to tile old homes of Milton, Dryden, Shake speare, Carlyle. and other distin guished literary men, and of the places raaJe famous in the writings of Dickens and 1 haokerav. 1 le descri lied the old tower built by William the Conqueror, Westminster Ablx-y, with the tombs anil monuments, and the Iti-it.ish Museum, containim' the sec ond largest library in the world. One of the most interesting parts ol the lecture was tin account of the 'Queen's Jubilee" on the tiOth anni versary of her reign, the jnu nay f J line, l!S'.M, was the great day, and Mr. Raper was fortunate enough to Im; in London at the time. It is esti mated that seven and one half million people were in attendance upon this jivut event. Next, a line account of the sw-aker's rip to the highlands of Scotland was given, in which were doson Ix-d Ah- tott's Ford, the home of Walter rjcott, the famous lakes, rugged scenery and well known battle fields. Of all the nl aiios visited, the speaker remarked that Scotland was the most charming nnd inspiring. The lecture was highly annreciated by a large, and intelligent audience. Mr. llapei- expects to sp'iid the next fo vears in Columbia College in New York city, having l(e.n awarded a fellowship in that institu tion. BITRXKD TO !KATII. A Little Girl In Lexington Oil Can Kxplndrri. . While building a fire in a stove with kerosene oil, iu L-xington, last week, the eight-year-old daughter of Mrs. A. L. S:nitii, was so badly burned as to cause her death Wednes day night. The Dispatch says the little girl was pouring oil on a blaze when the oil in the can lH-came ignited and the can burst, catching her clothing on firo and almost in a moment she was in a mass of flames. The little girl ran out of the house and her screams at tracted the mother, who rushed to her rescue. Her clothes were enterely burned off, her body badly scorched, and her hair was on fire when Mrs. Smith reached her. The mother's hands were severely burred in endeavoring to extinguish the flames, and the little daughter was found lo be in a horrible -condition. Greensboro Soldiers Hurt. The Third North Carolina Regiment passed through Asheville last week on its way to Knoxville. The second coach in the second section jumped the track and fell on its side, near Azalea, a few miles east of Asheville. Corpo rals Watson, Law and Wm. Milton and Private George Jones, all of com pany E, of Greensboro, were injured, but not seriously. About a dozen others were slightly bruised. Kvangelist Gales In Atlanta. Evangelist Weston R. Gales, who at one time resided in Winston, is now in Atlanta, helping Dr. L. G. Brough ton, another North Carolinian, in a meeting that is being held at the Third Baptist, Dr. Broughton's church. Greensboro to Have Street Cars.. Greensboro, through its Industrial Association, is moving for an electric car line. A meeting held there Sep tember 15th took action which will, it is believed, have a practical result. WILL BE NO TROUBLE. BETWEEN AflERICAN AND SPAN ISH COMMISSIONERS. This is the Opinion of Chairman Day Thinks American Terms Will be Regarded as Reasonable and AV1II be No Useless Debate. Nkw York, Sept. 17. The Peace Commissioners have boarded the Cam pania and will sail this afternoon for Paris. Secretary Day said: "We had a conference with the Cabinet before we left Washington. We hold our first meeting aboard the steamer this afternoon. We all understand the wishes of the Cabinet, and believe there will 1m practically no change after our conference with the Spanish commis sioners. We think the American's terms will le regarded, as reasonable, and, therefore, we lielieve the work of the commission will not be impeded by useless discussion." PIEDMONT TOBACCO FAIR. President Alderman, of University, Will Make Opening Address Winston's coming Tobacco Fair is growing daily in importance and mag nitude. Secretary Webb says that great interest is leing taken by the outside world as well as by home peo ple. The commercial and industrial display will 1m: the most magnilicient that has ever be-on in North Carolina. Special efforts are bei ng made to make the leaf tobacco exhibit the lest the world has ever seen. Tobacco men are exjieeted here from all sections of the country. The list of amusements for the week will le varied and exten sive. There will Ih: a great Midway, bicycle parade, horse and live stock pa'-ade, balloon ascensions, horse run ning and t.-otting, football, fire works and free concerts, three special bands of music, etc. The Forsyth county Fair will lie in progress on Friday of Fair week. Brown Brits. Company was the highest bidder this morning and secured the center space, in Brown's warehouse for au exhibit. Their bid was $".". The University foot-ball team will play here one day during the fair. President Edwin A. Alderman, of the North Carolina University, will deliver the address at the opening of the Fair. An invitation was sent to him several days ago and a reply was received today notifying the committee of his acceptance. Dr. Alderman is an ornate speaker and his address will no d on lit be a gem. The Tobacco Fair Kxoutive Com mittee held an important and interest ing meeting last week. Nearly all A the members were present. Messrs. I). H. Blair, F. M. Roberts and Wingtield Young were appointed a committee to get up the bicycle parade. Secretary Webb was instructed to employ the Salem Cornet Band on the same U rms as last year. 1 he Secre tary was also reques od tit act with President M. D. Bailey, of the To bacco Board of Trade, in securing other bands. It was decided to have the white Graded School children give a parade one day during the I-air. Messrs. F. A. t'oleman. W. 15. Carter and Col. G. E. Webb wore ap pointeil a committee to seliN-t judges for the leaf tobacco to lie exhibited by Iarmers lor pri.i-s. Messrs. G. A. Follin, A. and Secretary Webb were get up the program for the 15. Gorroll chosen to Fair. Mr. John Mel'reary was suiterintend the live stock elected to -xhihit and parade. The committee discussed a numltor of points along the line of now feat ures for the coming exposition. A COMING MARRIAGK. Rev. Howard I; omll haler to Wed Miss Horiug, of Phildclphla. Invitations have boon received here for the marriage of Rev. Ilowaid Rondtiialer, of Salem, to Miss Kath arine Boring, of Philadelphia. The happy event will be celebrated in the First Moravian church, in Philadelphia, at six o'clock p. m. on Thursday, Soph-miter twenty-ninth. The ceremony will tte performed by the groom's father, Bishop Edward Rondtiialer, assisted by the pastor of the Philadelphia church, Rev. Mr. Nagle. After an extended bridal tour through the North, Rev. ami Mrs. Rondtiialer will Ih- at home iu West Salem after Novemlter the 8th. They will occupy the handsome new par sonage near Christ church. The groom-elect is one of the ablest and most popular divines in the Southern Province of the Moravian church. Miss Boring is said to lie highly cultured and a most charming young lady. Thk Skntinkl, in ad vance, extends congratulations to this popular couple for the brightest and happiest married life possible. Will the Postal Come Here? Last vear Postal Tele: it was talked that jrraph Co. wanted to the ex- tend its line from Raleigh to Win ston-Salem, but that the Southern re fused to allow the Postal a right of way along its line. The telegraph people entered suit and the Asheville Citizen says that Judge Simonton has hied his opinion in the case in whicn he holds with the plaintiff and directs that commissioners be appointed to assess damages in accordance with section 1W4.J of the code of xsortn Carolina. The plaintiff sought to condemn right of way along the line of the Southern in certain counties of the State in which, the Postal Company desired to erect poles for a parallel telegraph line. It is presumed that the case will be appealed. Will Not "Sport" With It. The Reidsville Weekly says that the stealing of Rev. Dr. H. A. Brown's baptizing suit and a collection plate Irom tne .r irsi uapiisi cnurcn, recalls the experience of Dr. B. F. Dixon, when he was supplying the pulpit of the Methodist church at Statesville several years ago. A suit of clothes was stolen from him and the genial divine announced that if the gentle man proposed to enter the ministry it was all right, but if he took his clothes to sport in he would kick. It may afford "Mr. Brown some comfort to know that the thief will hardly attempt to sport in his baptizing suit. l kama. Actual testa i POWDER Absolutely Pure OVAt BAKINfl POWOEN CO., NFW VOW. SHOT TO DEATH BY CITIZENS. A White Man Named Puckett, for an Attempted Assault. A drummer from Mt. Airy informed a Skntinkl reporter Wednesday, the 14th inst., that a white man attempt ed to assault two white ladies in that town on Tuesday and that a brother of one of the girls got a crowd of men, followed the assailant and shot him dead. The drummer could give no further particulars. A telegram was sent to the Mt. Airy News and the following- reulv was re ceived: "Lee Pickett, ( white ) who was recent ly released from jail at Stuart, Va., attempted to commit a horrible crime upon the lterson of two respectable young ladies in Virginia, but failed. On Monday he was taken from the officer and shot todeatn." X gentleman who form all v lived in Patrick county tells Thk Skntinkl that the trouble occurred near Friend's Mission, about ten miles from Mt. Airy. He says onlv one man has I teen hung in Patrick and the slowness f the courts, he thinks, is resnonsible for the action of the men who killed uckett. From another source it is learned that Puckett, about a year ago, was discharged from a prosecution for house-break ing upon the pica of lunacy. He was sent to au insane asylum, but oscaiK-d in a short time, and has since m-on going at large. While he was ou trial for attempting to assault the two ladies Puckett, was taken from the custod y of the deputy herilT by a mob, carried a short dis tance, and shot to death. It was all done in the day time and no altemnt was made at concealment. The names of the partie'irTfTils are well knijwu. No arrests naye. been made as vet. Tim-- pubic sq'iitimeiit in Patrick county str.gly tpproves of the action of the moll 1)AYII JONKS SHOT. A Danville Taylor Who Visits W!n- plon Frequently. David .loni-a Danville tailor who was in Winston recently and who pays frequ.-nt visits to the Twin-' ity, soliciting orders, wan. shot in Dan ville Thursday aftornofvn by Ed ard Rush, a journeyman tailor. Jones was shot in the mouth, t he- ball tearing away a part of the upper lip, two upper teeth, a part of the tongue and lodging in the throat or nook. The ball has not yet I teen ex tracted, and Mr. Jones' condition is considered vorv critical. The cause of the difficulty dates back several years when, it, is alleged, Rush had a difficulty with Jones in Lynchburg, assaulting him, for which ho was fined in the courts of that city. Rush was arrested, but he declined to discuss the affair. THK IU KltlCANK. It Is Believed That Many Vessels Were liOBt. 1 'III LA DF.Ll'll I A , Sept. Hi. The hur ricane which recently swept the Wind ward Islands was encountered Sunday by the Norwegian steamship A vena, which has arrived here. ('apt. Fi-e-stad said the storm lasted twelve hours, then a calm, followed by a re newed storm of twelve hours. The Captain Itelieves many vessels were unable to live in. the sea ami found ered and will never lie heard from. Between Winston and Jocksvllle.' The Davie Times is reliably inform ed that there is hardly any don lit now but that considerable worll done on the road between Mv and Winston and that the tween Koruersville and Reidsvi Ih; built and that the line will be an important one;. Considerab tie timlier is now Using placed4 Mocksville and Winston. Wli impossible to find out railroad and business yet we have good grounds for b-jlieving that the above work will be done at a very early day. Left for D. D. and B. Asylum. The following white children left here Thursday for the deaf, dumb and blind asylum, Raleigh: Ara Conrad, Carrie Bittting, Lillie Ilairston, Col man Hammons, "Nora Ogburn, Selah Conrad, Evan McKnight, John Dan ley, Carrie Bumgardner, Louise and Catharine Conrad. Wallace Wishon went to Morganton. Only One Issue Says Bradshaw. A gentleman whose veracity cannot be questioned tells TlIK SKNTINKL that Mr. G. S. Bradshaw, who was nominated by the Republicans in Guilford county the 10th inst. for the legislature, stated in Asheboro on the 8th inst. that "there is only one issue in this campaign and that is the white man and the negro and that there is but one side to this question." Brower In the Race for Congress. Ex-Congressman John M. Brower, of Mt. Airy, has announced himself an independent Republican candidate for Congress from this (the Hth ) dis trict against R. 'A. Linney, the Repub lican nominee. The death :f Dr. J. O. Wilcox does not mean that the In surgent Republicans will have no can didate. If they fail to endorse Mr. Brower they will nominate another man. To Gieanaelna System Effectively yet eently, when costive or bill llouj, to permanently overcome habitua constipation, to awaken the kidneys and ing or weakening them, to' dispell headaches i mi 1TW. Ve- illiAlll c 1 liiTftfs the UaUlornia r ig By rup u j, if - V