tv mm WIXSTON-SALEM, N. C.. TIIUUSDA Y. JANUARY LVM. P1U0E 5 CTS mm. mm .1 win-City's Progress )M FACTS AND FIGURES SHOWING THE' kpLENDID GROWTH AND PROSPERITY. J fine's in uuuhv ww umvuxv - j Mayors Eaton and Butner, ot 1 win-Uties;r resident j W-T Brown,' of Board of Trade;, President Sterling! Smith, of Tobacco Association, aud President J. H. City Real Estate. Past eYsr Ha Seen the Value Tf Winston-Salem Dirt Advance Alt the Way' From 25 to 100 Per Cent. In the Face of Thi Advance, However. Local Enterpri os'To Beautify City. A Splendid. Work, In ti e Line of Manufacturing Alone ' Fbcble' That nt i ncro r at Least Sixty Establish - went Here Manufacturing , VaViou , Product. Wiilc'n Are Soid in All Lei-'. Some of t'.-.e Aci.v;rd Char. lift o Winston, Oui the Btlldlng Movement Reached Part of the World Nearly Com-i a New High Record Proaosed i ..-plete. List of the ' ManL'f.irti:rmn New Railrccd and general Prosper-' ty of the City Have Caused Thi Advance The Growth of the City'! Suburb Has Been Phenomenal j Largo Amount of Money Invested in i the Moravian Reservation Car Line to East Winston Caused a Rise; in Value of Building Lots in That Section. Plan's in Winston-Sal" XVinston-fHMu, is constantly riow-I ns in ' us a hiar.uiactmir.g ;ea'.ro anil new manufacturing con- jprns are being established here air;- ihe while. During the piw.1 year sev- Women' CHbs Aj I T.e Ac ' tiO" Lookirg to BfJvt.'yino of Twin City Tnrough the Medium of a Civic! 'improvement Society Several La- j 'dies of Winston $ n C'.ve Tl'tii ! Views en. This .!;, ci. ConE.-.isu' of Opinion Dcir-j T::.-'. Ssmeiiiinei in Nature cf Civr. improvement' Club Gould Do Good V.'oik Here. Ot the many brain:', .'I v, .l ing Nine Mentha ot Its Existence, Has Dene Much Toward Dispensing Charily in Rational Way, Although Nunber of People Her Needing A sist-.nce is Cotncaratively Small Since its. Crganiiation Associated . Chav.tis-: Hsv Spent For Medicines pud Provisions, Distribu ted Mi torment and 148 Visit Have acsn Marie. .'.SlonK llf fll-U filU. i. nr. l.i- H-.n .... nummsw trre aiuii-j.auu-.'vtouH women's clubs of ! icverai csiaoiisnou enterprises were ' ono eiiwtrKuu. Scolt- of Merchant.' Association, Tell of Splendid , jj. i.j; JSSZ&ZZSXX, iCJlTrrF-Sr PropessHere. : ' - . : . : ' : ! HK S aid The Senlinol Lad iiu ' t i4ii5 at Km 1;.ti (liinnR use psifo- (,r l)UsinciiS. uoiow am l,.;lK3 shewins the extent rat; flje hutidrt'i! i ii,. i.. net i in.u it m n i. rnsi of Htiverai nitmn-tu u s. Tiii'do htHises were - . . , . . . nw.. ::i;is ti mc i- vcmn. -' ii t hi hi vi to business struc-T-,!s was l ie bt rfx:ord in Wt'h Ti!" "1 any rlty in Nortii a 'I hc number tf houses built i our fire RBjstrge :is in luii:i titles oi ir.e aiuic. .'IK pcimK on mm " i"i"- lj(STi'(-'.;!i'S ailO'.ll 11.111 , a : liuuiuu 11 i f.y- ii.i.- ,? 1'.. nr'apprty luereasn - tit ilurliiK omounted to hi'. TLils waa mors ihun iimvir. Waka and Mecklen- -i's corninnea ana was vi..;is ! w uiVHDle. hicrtasi i-ci;v i :. iifi' sine m hip vuvua T.itTi' wtia haruLv a C'i n . .. . .!.... A .1..., -U.. !j tilri'MIKi Hint t:4Muiiu U" nfe:- liiaiiiifiittiire of tuuacco here ar ri iu'Ih'u a new hiKh-water i:k' inoreaw In RMpramta of tacnuiil tobacco over prertous arcminuil .to over 2,'Hi.O00 Tin ve was a Rood increase in the't'.ns inili'.Kti-y new mills la")i'y ilniiiK very larKs'bnsinesa ::'y miii cf iitt ltinrt in lite Smith, snirnif.. -null nere is larseiy in- ii!g iis capacity with .new build- :al liio Din.'is . aro iiaving very, ijicnaso in trade. -----' seiiitrc trannfacittrlng IJno one l:-:ory iimrf a vtry large niisuiem; d ' (?--f sup. IPOS 'and Oth- antl tao Interbr.rban and hast m-in siirronnd.'nfr'coiin'lry; titon electric car line. Jlicse. propo- In a;i,,e wltb a real nutate aeent sitions uhould occupy the minds of our , gcnlinol m-n was informed that th'r leading men and should be ptisbed a 1:iv':ncc In value or real estaiu bas a siictidy and successful 'completion, i a! tjw wuy fnm 23 to 100 per Quid: and easy, facilities, for- travel- ?1!t nre Jaimarv 1, l!iu5. and traffic stimulates Rrowtli In a " while this increase has been no thor.sand ways. - i'aiafe never before nas tho cltv wit VA otir Btotto be: Fusil oa. achieve, , n,,.)Se, Mlch a' builditiK movement at. achieve. , . , it has experienced durinir tUe past O. B. EATON, j veai-rt l'ariies who purchased real e- Major of Winston. .y,te as- nu invewment have . been . " ' I ifit: lin'lv rpwnr.lpil .lany, wen's underear; Malino Knit Inp Mill, women nnd children's nn lerwear; Carolina Mills, hosiery; llo aeer 'Mnufitcturing: Co.. musline uu lerwear. ruriltitro Plants Winston Furni lire Company, roll-top and flat desk; )ak!aud "Furniture Comoauv. bedroom nuts and chiffonier: Forsvtb Furni-1 '"'' cmes. The : !;: , ,1 Charities Soclwv of c.unlry. 1 .Vlnsu.n v.-s orsaniwt last March at are more viiu! or far reaching nmsn meet.ns: nit.ndi d bv !u number In the dispen- rtiilonal and effuo iKiitiUaniltm has dono provlillns; adeijnalO iieedtmc It nnd In IoIiik nniih to rid the communitv of the pnifcKHtonal Ix-KKar. When llw Awioclnted Charltlwi -ere orKaulzcd the following; oMcors Kvt Hinted and these are serving; it th ptesent time: Vrtsldehl. .. i. U -Kii-,Rltw; First- Vlce President. stB. .Nor should wo confine our ef 'oi ts to our private lots. We hhould :ry to beaiitHy the tiply corners of 3tir town. Indeed, many a scheme re lult'.n In better civic conditions ahs t'til Iff jh.jih TU- : r- .v.r;. ur. n. uwu-. second vic i,ide n-iV,., .... m h".;." , '"I r. J. K. Xrn.Htr Third Vlc Pres v ....... 1 ui . nui. (triviia In the purity and cieanll- fnt, Uhk PROSPECTS EXTREMELY BRIGHT. ure Company, beilrooro sulu Hnd"u'is of our byways; tiio civic pride,. v. .-!t.,.T. .V.,-1 t. , 'In n.'Unnt,. It ... .1... I... !' r ,IO.lVlI ana wniia. .k...... ... , ... i, .. i mni nr.. k Tinv hn.v sol:, vpf rnerp jirn wimn i . - : ....."-....,. v..... ... ....... Mrs. J. J.'jt, Hogers; Secretary innip droKan; Treasuier, Mrs. Mayor S. E. Butner, of Saiem, Tollr oJ.Paat Year's Splendid Progress ' and. Future Opportunities. To tiio Editor of The Sentinel. ' Tiie past year lias been on;; xjf Rreat prosperity for Winston-Salem. Tho rit'.es have r;on forward aluiig all lines and besin the year WuO with splendid nrosofcts for future Krowth nnd development. . , During tho paaH,. year a -spirtt. of "0i1 Xiw,S' prevailed arron" the uupim. annes an ijiey 'rr.iiu'i. w wui. togt il r vitu . nn. hat Is needed for thlvelp' cat Is-the develonmentl -mi trt thn i m .a - intiy; balem Parlor Furniiuro Com , a.iy, j:ai-ior suiu. lonnnes and cuach. ) cs. vl,. ,m of tho nnlnlon tlmt S tl,a ' '""' '"'i' "UU ieu V.MI1 :o sell bus n'X yet arrived and arc Uohlinj? for siiil hipher fifmreci. . On ui.iri uuu.i, y.uuijs m 1 1. 1 uiui ' ill- it',,,.... ttn.,. ycs!in.-U:r tuoney in other cliamvlJ y f1" vl" E' r.i hi !. an thn rwit ..cin,., ,i,., i 1 Corapnn, . I. h. Msscn. nH f-.'r frtle ' ' ""-iJios.. - Msssn & Whites & ' Xot only ' has in bu'ldtns ' spidt-! llV"!!?- Ca' ?Jnsl,n AiU lMn ll.A -!,.. H.. .... ii.uii-. -.iim K uroper. but also In the suburbs. From . ned'ontf- i two of fully Mx .alios, the h , in I of ,-, ' h rr11 '" aclorie(,f h lianiu:..- lus been hi. ml rt. In " 'A '? 7 V,1Pan 1 ' n' riav out i ,.,.uiii.iirvniiTi, uiouu vtneei in naj oin. i (Sth,..-n..i..... . ill reaiiiiR of children. While l his branch of club work. tuts: ever bor n faUeu up in our Twin-City, : 1 will be 'cnl.v by ontanixed effort ' bat. pr fir.aiieTit, f(t' can tm areoin-! l!a'.it'il; Tim effect of oi-naiiltd J'eni- j nimt tiiTort haii been ttltt iiiilewoi-:hj i ")Cict!cs banded loRstbur for tnunlcl ! al l.n::rovi mciit bavo tuvnrd nilin I .. . . a iiiiiuiLirnf, ciiecri:ss -p;ac?i lr.10 i t r'rlllPi.fl1llH nf li". : Nr.r,,. tt ; I 1 ' " ' ..J.I I.' l.'i..' . N'isseii ; SpiieUj' ReiveKcntatlves from various hurcbes and chnrltuble societies wera tlecH'il uieUibei's of tho exocuttvi! Ouiiiililee as follows: Mesrdanie J.A. iittitig, .1. H. CumtuinttH,' 11. F. Horm J. IX Howtly..-C, M, .Thomas, 11. D. iose'.y, H, ii. I'lilltaii), .1. J. ltoddiek, tlentvnt. Manly. Morton. 1). A. Jwiiik, W. P. 11111,'A. V. Maslln, E. K. .;e.slck, O. W. .bines. Will Shepherd, . 'It. Fb teller, J. Jacobs, F. J. lllp '.?:t. D. N. Daltan. H, W. Folia, F, B .'did, T. I.. VaiiKhn. rii'ttln Woodruff m. " birth of 1900 finds a tlilebi? ,u "3i DMKm ceuuor voniuany; 2 .ivL S "t I win-Qty Excelsior Company; ' Win-witIV05Lhv,,!- Handlo Company, toot 'handles of an rplrit further tho Tw lanf. pi:: btiKlnes; . One about t bulIdinKpl many uiM erected m ton biuS EoatJtsidc r Pieter's creek and er. amtMint of nubile Hm hiiiBiftoe itt,-.r.X2"t re the baM" i jff nt ... .i rri,- ... . . . An rflv a. heniiH 9 '.ii. wnivi-i.o. miners, i o i ue east, oi ui. " ' . . r - . i . . . . i . .. .... - . . -- -i-T . miv oim m-iuuiiuKui ui j rut iracc . oi iann, . suraw; UCt, should have an itiino;'-: i-harrier that not ivl ,laSllfirMn tae ttiougnts ot every , now break down, but eventually it st year wast the great j mderbush noVflourlah. ess ne re. ot oniy were, in East Winston real ConiD ftw. "uacco Doxes; logie uroH. X- Jr'Vv'MtllB- mntnrint- Smith , 'company, uui;"-" : 7 : ..... Phillips. bviUldirtKs material; Miller Tlrnthfl-a hiMI.IInn-- Wi.WC-nai. i.. - v. .- - . . . . tvocKie maiiunc. uonrbk."-' t .. ... .... i u utruuwuu iBaiurep... .irft-- ....'troll most sigmncant tningses will stand where cornfields and ,wu.: rA:orWnR ma . 1 useir views; Uh rfV, 'tt ' Vonmaay - Mrs- cieweii, who is pres den . of 3hlBry.,ttC.:- V.A.-Vanco & ....r' be Civic lmmv,.mpn1 r.l.,l.-tn Rl,,m WlnBton Works Winston reai estate nasi ,, ' ..i,i T -"nery, " uirov:u)i valuable to tho mothers of men, whoso formative years are under ;he!r guidance arid who are largely esponslble for the Ideals that later ?u1de their lives. TbinkinB a concensus of opinion on this subject wouM be 'of Interest to mr readors, we have Interviewed sev ral ot our prominent, thouuhtful la- (IPS nr thA nlfv H-h, l.n..A - Vfrllu' . ....v. . UUIII.I . .1 , -,, h, ,.(.., ,,. , I JVflit IIS IIid ..Live. : I '... i.iwn ...... .111 llu tirnj lu .. ii.. ......... ... ... ,, nt.-Mj vf n nv nan bud (six eblliiien. Two orphan Jinjtir nnd aldermen, re,preHi'nttttiveit rom the minlHtorlal ttswHdatlon and 'ratrrnal orKaulzalions was named, Durlnx tho past nine months the As ioplated Cbarltle have, through tho ery efficient secretary, given consid jratlon to 3C1 applications for help.Of .hee 15H applicant were found to be indeservlng, Transportation was furnished a Had man ami hist wife who were ' "eit.ittito clrcntRsiancea, alno to a w idences of variou.i Hind ! ietn greatl f-:r- wcr nnn nrth win. .tto,nnr,n nti'm l nnlt-rvilln nnrl .n,,n.i ... 4 progress alone this line v h Mi,i nf ti, , -ompauy. .pumpB, Winston Cigarette iv as vc.ry.nfjKca. Mon. These portions of tho Twin-Citv U Ibo-ne car sees tho beginning, jffer many beautifal building sites. Of -work . m She Snuthhmind Rnil-wnv i,,. , i, .1 :!, notable-iniprotementa in ,,nd the ir.urbantro lev line his T", Z.r I - ( . - ' M1U II1U1IIUC JIMiril ,1UI1 -1J1 ii.nt .V i.U . tt, n nin 1 - ..t. . . 1 . , . i 1..111. ui IUo.v,, aa oiao.r parts, ; and others as an investment. - S. E. BUTXEftT Mayor-of Snlem. id rate. President n;s, . ile enlarwatenta of ..At : least jbum- trr.nttfacturlng plants :tn piujected. mi.-M2y. air:i:;nt of Trork has on the streets hero during tar sa-l n:ore work is conttm- i for the future.- Tho eflScicncv ih vprf v.s ..iltpartments of city aa'.i.i! .Us been notably "increaa Ktaffice nud revenue office A t.M'H increase in receipts. ioialuu p'ai-1 more internal awiax in 190; than all the rest is &ri;t roiubiiit'il. was. coed increase in whole- ud 1 wall business. In fact. as 1111 line ol business that fall- ss a subaiiintial Incrfass. veral nuw movements looking to (w:ur .fcrawtb and develonntent l Tnin-eitj- nut on foot dur- ile Vf nr. .l-nmn" Ihr-aa Tv.ol Ko iom-d-nrw hotel' ninn Tem. wotua Boiithkound -Railroad and Inter-;ur 8. PltrOiilV line. - Tin. urncncnla fnr Jlllie. ; I all ttese dufing the present ariMrry bright indeed. WTe are 10 City of ill:c tii.ii in h(. nntlrr llion? thlnira In' nnwnwt oils .futttre growth and proa- SPLETM Did PROGRESS LAST YEAR. N. T. Brown, of the Win- 'ng & Mill . Supply Company; Win iton Milt Supply Company. Other Factories Vlrglnia-Cnrolliia' Chemical Comparryl Union Guauo Co. he two factories shipping from twea of fertilize Eton-Sail n Board of Trade, Talks ' in a M. :t Enthi.siestic Manner of Twin-C e Progrotc. To the li '.or cf The Sentinel. e must lu.cit that the year 005 wail a prosperous one for Win ston-Sale ' ij tins city will witness tbb establish ana be a the his! are In . ' : lir:r, ru ,T ir: i ty. '-to twenty-ave cara C" ' r, J"..rl"; i 'ally during, the seasons; ur"a l iul- " OUUIUUOUUU I .f,,,, -irf,',' , o.l, fl. E-l I, Vnmon't'thh . C.M 'TnonT. A Co iceVactorr ailway "STbS fohed'tndl! Te"y,& V-OThon,,-to the amount of loo0 for .this ' 'on olgais; Kine & Shipley, harness oad. fully realizing the neccssitv for LaEler Coi?.,:any wh'sk,(tS.: c"ccke!" rich a railway in (Tie further progress -on,P?,nf; jman Meillcme Con,pf,- if this city aud aoclion. progreES ny; Ulabo Tonic, Company., pa enlj a, ,v i,..ii.,t , ' 'To3icines Koy-Hoe Company, toilet - .... mwvu niiu hllriren! .were caved for until they oubl be admitted Into tin orphaiinge. :')io officers have c(iiiblrctl It adv) iblc to pay transportation of deMiuilO jeoplo to he boine of their -relative rather than to help them here. It Is ound to be a cheaper and more ef-'octive- way. ; There have been ttpnnt for modi-:d.-,i n.ul provisions 9440.11. Help In arliiiui mhi r ways him also been pro- ...I., I .(!... r.. . i.i i - , -lilts A nn rl,,.,.,,.,,! I .- ' ' - aUVI I Ulivw ,,B"""" '-''"' '' ; teen funilsbed -to- poor people, while lustration of the 'f 1. ''8 4fi vIbIis have been made by offj tub, we would cite heer great Im- ... . .,.,,,,.. . . , .... ' - t ... " rovenieni wi on.n in v.... ... also, club In the hands of valuablo part of town Work done by htieii a K will unite the support of couiniii: iohc"8' trustees of varlot f organlr.n ionar,'i.,,' Indies -inxftnerAl. -thn men ml tboiv"ml people) of the town, 'he work't"" b." liem 1 nivrjiys ertu 'bmlcalJly t!"11L. the town Is benutl- p.l nil reeV.,v,1S the saillft liljenfliill inn 1 1 i i . - --- - - - - . , Wachovlal ! r l0A.T..rJ .he real estata p'.aciiaKed, the man of i ! powder; lAci Company, stock prejta rtuure hj:1 its environmc lls ho neat results attained ty' te win as'tets in Academy grounda n.. eem- wry in wiueu 10 riciKiiMt. ivukeo p;ii' . i in.irirf.d iiceu Hiiaine.rx ,,,),, The stibscvipiions thus far .have j imotmied to fl,lH.,S0. Tiienitro -III in; 'inborn o( tlit! Assmetateit Cliai'lties. '. i.'bere nliiiuid be at least six or nevon Tooms havsu S S-'jCandy. Com-: r.ent of. more enterprises) 'CB-""lu" "UJ iuu" association nas r imctr,, iim onv in renaerea vaiuauio am. y of the town. Our people ,-Thf Moravian Reservation ('twas a.) f tte'r coniliiion than ever ho-i ",u not nave been made a . . UI8 ...a "i: Hi w me-, v,AUnoR!l sul,H,.rl)t klllS for tltf-Work '., K ', ... . a. been lib.-r.n coiitrlbutfons art? al- Mr h. B. .loiien wys:- t niosl ml(! Tho ouutt hoIMM,-. eartily endorse-any raovemont !,!;. , pul' ftK1i a ,m,Venient for the es- ng towards the impToveu.en of ov.i ab,,f.llul(,,-, of a worU-house in this ufu, iiific in .ii vi ,i ui 4 '.ivi'ij iui ui' fore, lie future u.iptars bright and 1 miDllc park't 16 ""w totted with resl- pR0GRESS LAST YEAR. nv and 'with a united eff-irt I tellce3. ana 18 ne f the most d?isira th and prosperity will con- !jle residence sections in the city. It W. T. BROWX. fresident Hoard of .Trade. OUH TOBACCO INTERESTS. r Presidat Sterling Smith, of Tobacco Assojatiort, Tells of Large Increase in Sfpraents. To tfilKditor of The Sentinel sin from ow an increaso over last year 'illy in excess of 2,000,000 us will be ween from the ap iigiires: . .... 30.8ft5.994. pounds. '," .. .. . ... 33,008,5(11 pounds. nents of the maiiul'actured pro- in :s said that in the neighborhood of ; 1100,000 has been expended in that ; locality' during the pact. year. And so if is in even' nook and cor i corner of the city. Each succeeding j day finds now residences begun, new transfers' recorded and tho growth and prosperity or the Twin-City is thus placed on a firmer basis, with the sky of success as brisht as a spring day. year of si pounii ''Eiton' Call Attention to Some ant Facts Showing the City's "fHable Growth in 1905 and "did Prospects. . Kilor lif.Ttm Sentinel. : :; SIMM; ' vour rennrst t wttl ! peildd iii"'ms liiosress aloner all 1 1904. 1fwiuK ihp ..,,. I,, (.i.,..,i h!.sil905j 11 ill lier hiwlnrv Shi . - w - -- . ; I1'' toiihIs of dollars were in-'duct uvo Increased 100 per cent ,'" ""'lanital and eieaut , e.gbtjears, .,-..'. f '1 11. -W buin(mft linlprortKORl VVSl. thn !im,iimf r-f l..'.ro cnl.-.v. tn I pr!(ns- kitiils, A romnplent rnn.Irialpii prcnlpr ihun f.i- ni- wne pv. ; 'WtHWlt ft l'-vil .ni-n li..,i,lv,l i ...m.1 illi- fhu",.,. It,',.,)!.- chnrt ' ' rtil' t'-.."ivl In U'lnnlA UAlml nM,llll !,.,..,!.. . ,,. ...s j. .. iu ,i iimiKu-tniviii nun I it U.UU1J lam ,.-tun, viii.ii 1. ' I .-' map rence, harness. 1 As will be .seen fro the list printed, above there are -about sixty my nufac-i tiiring concerns here, employing -10.000 1 nanus at gooa wage.n. inese i-juiiiiy- ; ees receive In wages about $.1,500,000' annually. Many of the factories .here do an enormous business, thejr product be ing sokl in all parts of the world. The enterprises here have made Winston Salem the 'greatest flat plug tobacco market In the world; the leading wag on market; South of Kentucky; the principal Unit goods manufacturing point In North Carolina; the leading Hour manufacturing point in North Carolina; the-socond lnrgest furniture A prosperous, contented and happy ....... ,,'..., ,... ... v,, .,..uor or. nuvoenunei. ! people thus starts the New Year, full """'""" i" ents of manufactured tobacco s .,, h anil .coara,, well knowing ,lna' .' ' .nston-fcaiem for the calendar , u-,,.,,.n.s.1,,3m si rr...i,v. - ' lo.innf u on a jaasis so secure ami i ne mew caucauon. i , strontf that the waves of ailversitv I "Tho rt in Bfhnol1 to beautify bin own can but beat themselves in vain, t hours should not be how long they would urge that the sidewalks that anitsed effort . i -iiUi's .dlrt-ctUm. Ks;n- tally am I. tanime?d vitb. tiio ntcea Ity of permanent- vrork alonn this ".ne, both for our own eknmire , inni onifcrt as. well as t'w briR'!ituV.f,H it 'ring. Into .other peoplii'tt liven. Towns where effort has been mn;ie mvo entirely revolutionized- uiatters md made their waste places blossom is a roRo. Mrs. J. P. Taylor says: "All femi line organizations, whether patriotic yr civic, have passed far beyond the experimental period. Their--value has been proved by the accomplish T.ent of practical work, which coiild not hava been done so satisfactorily :h rough' other agencies. Indeed, noih 'ng can be done except through organ ization. All ought to Join together in Insisting on cleaner streets, espe cially around the" courthouse square. Each individual should make it a point premised. We AS TO TAXES. ii.n ua mmtii .mt fhr. p1.ii,i rntnln irsihuve not been paved be atlpnried to X j health,' but how abort they can be for! R wUI add materially both to looks .-thn nrmriqltlnn' nf knnwledeft which i and comfort.' Forsyth Citizens Pay $160,000 a Year, " for-" writes Dr. Grace P. ....... . , Muray in the Januarj' Delineaior. In nm mr n nn I nuun , , . .. 3 I no $115,0C0 of This Goe to the Cpunty ; jo This alone 17!of)ti0 pounds were soid. and the Balance to the' State, Sheriff Alspatisrh reports that tax .if.u.. ur population 2,500.! !"''Ulil-. i-nvi nnn offlna h-.nlei i T" l.,0..,.,u' iw,.i , . l.iUII , - fiuvu- in n mil u .(in (toil ni 1 4 STEUUXG SMITH. Pifuent Winston Tobacco Asso j( , ";" i'iiuin in uur 'uing anil indicates healthy Mntlnicn-tln ail "v""' '1;lfaes had plenty of ft.,,' M;:lr ilt Pd wages and .'' """iKi d and lmppy. . iiiuiimn ann pur- rr iwirs needs 0f our ! our baog men i lie ot In 'if ''niu,,irls..t,den!nhd ,,f l'f" and en rich In ir ,1,'-'s divine precepts.- work of the Now "'''i hearts, high hopes The. pulling ,t0-r;-lr.-sfntatlve men ac UI Me mist year and it t)!ir.. i """!!- wnicn are ilv" "J "'-"ii"- Winston-Salem fo T, '0 tfo. i-a.-; tri.if. ft.irr,Hi ':.-, :pra. " Mlilv i... 'nu-ove,r wUh th0 b0. Wic t nlv-' f,lil)liR ''""'ling m ,(, ' , otnec build i to is nothing as Im tn.."L "W year nn.t .1,.., m M K8' Kreater measure . - "Jibbonnri rf-iiin-,.. ilii ire I HAVE GOOD YEAR. ;iti I'll j ft n Hit- muii III JIUlllllIl VVCl lUt'tir cash these days, though he is well ttl J tVi with his--, collections.. . ei,l Forsyth people pay about $1(10,000 k.1 'n taxes every year. Of this amount : kt itne state gets anout 4b.uuu. l ue re-i,, mainmg siia.uuu goes tu- tno counry : i,,, Mrs. Walter Leak, who Is one of the most efficient of the West Kurt Uraib-rt School teachers, says: "Win- i stoii-Salt'in, at; we all know. Is dear o our betii-tn, but' in our om every I'biy rush, I fr-ar we git, careless about jtir Burcoundlngs. Ne4 even l ho most ne Thrv should know first of mli t-'-"'"-'"-'"' "'" .. u.. i ,'(,. ..,!. ,m. ( .iii,.!i tin- he does nut like to see beamifultbings, direction of briglng up children iiiarcnts show riic'ii iBTiorancc as in reyrtird to school Ijfe. Mothers should ie themw.ives .inlringcni upon iui stions r.ei'iaiiiina U . school hy- (ir.r.ty u 1111;' n-e wkiii and, for this .cawm . (iiptnita''.. eontribuilons are Iwtiys .-icee;.iiib..' . . ISvcrynne vtha vl'st Winston-Salent n atnick by trie fact-'hair the great injority of people heie are rimklng :ood iiv'nii,A and that thoSnnibor of iio.-irt itestlttitc is Indeed smrtl. The Visociated Charities is doing much the iiid that these may be bred 'or in an adixuutw manner... Tho wtrk of the first nine months of the organ, .niton's existence has indeed been T.'aiil'jing. ' EVENTS HERE THIS YEAR. A Number of Important Ones Ar Al .' ready Arranged. A number of event of Interest and Importance will tuke placo here this cnr'and will together nttVact tbous ands of visitors to Wlmrton-Salem. Among others may bo mentioned the following: Memorial Day celebration." Fourth of July celebration (possi bly.) : '."."! Forsyth County Fulr. .4 Hotne-Conilng Ww'k, : Moravian Easier celebration. ' Convemmn of Ituildlng and Loan As fioeiaiions. -. ;. E'.'eryboi'.y falls in love with bi irbcol-rt'nrnb'but none ever tries t ai.-irry her. " Idren ni'e fo stay from three to five, oeauiiii 1 taong us; j irs daily, is a fit place; thai the;" " ni ."'i' '"" ""T i -'' - ' ' ,00! is not overcrowded: that the !.;-aicm on oi me usi 1 uitiunu ci . ea , - - Lt nn'luv.-iHi k nffi-pn tlmt the inim- 11,0 iaie,.as u is acKiiowieuKcu w:n strong, ncaitny women ana in. PreJbnt 8cott. of Merchants Associ- malning $115,000 goes tu- tho county j hfc 'nf eehotn'rn m which a teacher can 1 e one of the wealthiest? Especially "I!ut by fur t'ae matter to be most. affi, Tells cf Splendid Progress. and Is divided under the heads of ralMd,t justice uhould bo not more than 'do wo desire to see It clean and considered Is the n.idoubted effect U' r a N. .. .1 .,!,. 1. I . ... .. . : tin. I hi- . lrw.Llntr n 1 1 rfi 1 1, rt lr. nr.MI. tlmt nmrnvuniAntu tf 111 u Icln .VI.rl ! roa u, coiiiiij iuriuen uiiu t.-uni:.uioii. t roji'tv. and' that u smaller numeer -.-....,.. - - ..... ........,....... , . In addition to this $lfio.-000 there are 'wJnnid be hitter: that each child t pective home-seekers, as an incentive upon the youth of our land., No man the town I axe's to be piifd, loo. This s Jltmld be allowed two hundred cubic 0 wca'lon. Editor of The Sentinel. hetail mercliants. of Winston-Sa lt Is conceded by our j has come Into, the world to live out emlive had a prosperous year's bu-1 brlng theVtdtal taxes paid In this I tJlt 0f space In the school room, other-! be,t educators that we lead in the j his Ufo alone, but to depend upon e-v. almost wlthom exception. nntv n. rimnirterni.iv above the 1200.-1.. Li... v,v ,m ( w c,nui....i ii. ! matter of schools, also, as far as loca-1 erything that comes In contact with amount of business has been qoo figure. ' I tfhat the tempemturfe should be ac-it,on ' concerned. In health. Now let: him contributing Its quota toward and we think trade conditions Forsvtb' is one of the largest tax- i-itnB- to th ihermnmefpr CB to f.8ius lead In beautifying our town." - (making up the whole of thl little proving genernlly. - , oavlng counties In the State. If is said I iiperees- that the light uhould fall I Mrs. E. A. Ebert says: "While In ; span we call life, lleallzing thereforo in; irii:iuu iiit'ir iq Kinnt iiccu iui i mill, t?nv ll ouniriii inn ui ivri .u--ww.u more enterprise along this lino, r.oth-ia, gnwt pHrt in -our lives)-tfe cannot- permanent can he dope, unless the; 'all to believe that a boy reared amid renter things In -the j ,0 bejll through' pensions, cduca-f r,mtT Ot windows tn the school room.!11 -co-operate with the women. beam If ui, clean, healthy surroundlnKH tional fii.ids. etc. JlEverv mother should Inform hernelf - ureatcT cieamincM anoum ne enjore- a nine cas-s ont -or ten win cry w . It might be well to mentlrfn bere!in alj tIle)w matters. It is due to lir-r'ei. unsightly . posters .kept off of, the live up to them. Hut the -quiwiioft that parties falling to pay their po' Children to see. that their education i ft'nct' hulldlngs, advert lM-ments arises. How are. we to get the iee. air nn or before Mav 1 of nextrvealr ' u mnri .inn. lino, whirl, r tha should be on sign boards only." wry improvements made? We might -.!- e- r. .-- , u,tiii Lum.n :ra ui tu- umi.. . w n.., - iPirces ; mat ino . llglll llUlllU 1.111 ! '19 re l:as been a great deal accom- that only about ono third of the nine-J j,ftcr the proper manner upon theiT i"eit through tho efforts of the ty.seVen counties In the State pay into .books which the child Is studvlng, In ; m01 ri Merchants AssoelHtlon.and we; tj,e State treasury more than is return orrtrr to do which there -should be : 'n le .tiil.or.e for oiiiK -ear. J. M. SCO IT. :;ent Retail Merchants Will Reside in" This City. week's Eikin Times says: Mr.! when a Polndcxter, who has been for led, . .... c-il.i irn-,t.: isf al vears wi.a iu. ";" jfti Comnanv. nas. acceiueu i- will not be allowed to vote next fa W, most beneficial, for their bodies full .county ticket is to eleijt-UcJl as for their -minds." im-.!(h inn Hrewn -Rogers Har"dware. ?or mn-. of Wins'on. and bestan -with, them Jnuuary We regrt; to , Mr. Poimlevier. Fe is a good: .. . &. t 41., n Imrtlnneo i Itrn und a ft" an ul. "uo ""'""0 The only New Year's ijsoluli j:,, 'that w-ill-be kept will bo by those w There Is something mighty n1 To Travel for Winston Firm. Etkln, Times. Mrs. S. O. Spencer nays: "When 1o ail In ottr tuiwrrbut we cannot joij. j we view he various standpoints from : trol our nelghfMirs? The only solu ! which we mlTht consider tho subject . tion to the problem seems to be in of civic Improvement, it seem to lis; rise legislation, both municipal and tthat two stand out. tn bold relief,' as! i ate-. We hall with delight the day ' by all odds! the wont far-rcaeulnjrand ! that, (.ball see the fruition of our chur- W. F. George came up Saturday last perhaps the uirist Important of them jnt a few dasrat home. - He re- all. rirst in order, though not In Im ! and spent I turned to Winston Tuesdaj;,, fiom'nortonce, we would consider thla mat ter from a sanitary point -of view. cei'whlc'a place he left Wednesday ven- ug !ns for Houston; Texaa,, wbere he goe ' ii ... 1 -1.,... n nlfl'itf n fcr n H'hon olio la Arl' ;,'ly'.. I.. f.,tt,er Dr. Turner, ,oitlt because ehe is nervofis over whethtVr'to sell tobacco Tor tbe it. J. Reynolds V a Mr Poln'dexteV. He Is a good you are going to kiss her against heiy ;Coinpnnr. He will travel in Teres and Cleanliness Is next to godliness. Wo cnnnoi fall lr eirriect clean. healthy, bejiiitlfn!, fri s - iiv-'- l';,: I. Il' d hopes." : ; ' '. These uro a few otNthe many 4n' swers given In resinmSo to thl Im- portuiit question. AH seem, ready to do their part 'n. this matter and It Is j t 9 n D 8 a h II I l.;w-.h.,i, hnme In Wlnston-Sslem wri

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