u mmtl )LXLV1I.-N0.41.; 2$ I ' -" - ECONVIGTED INAMEN CONNECTED WITH MAS- ACRE OF MISSIONARIES. . SIGNIFICANT STATEMENTS, of These, Including a Monk, De Beheaded. Arrests And ctions Largely Brought About Commission Appointed. Mas- pf Missionaries. Occurred In U.VGTOX, Jan. 13. A. full re 's btfii received by the stale oat from the commission !y Consul General Lay at Can ui investigated the massacre tnilur of the American mis ; ai Uea Chau Chan. . Thirty si :: ciaintnen, ,aa a result : fv?.:ty-flve iuii)llcatT4u thu were arrested. These In BmLiist Monk, who la said been especially prominent in he mob. Three of the mur trc sentenced to be beheaded. tlin .Vouk. - ; - . pirt contains the recommon- at a mtilal of honor and pen- j awarded one Chinaman who, ;K ot tiu l:te, rescued Miss i :r. I- piloted; her to a place . Mr. l.acy's reeommenda !e laid before the trustees rntgie hero fund. .. . T-MORE UNIFORMITY. Snopels of Talks on Labor Question . Made Before Piedmont Immigration Society by Mr'.,Q, w. Hinshaw, of This City, And Mr. Thomas Wood ruff, of Mt, Airy.. GREENSBORO, Jan". 13.-Aroons many Interesting and instructive facts recited by business men at the Immi gration AnrioKnn ..n.' . Thursday the . Btatcments made by Col. (j. w. Hinshaw. nf u-iu.. j Mr. Thomas Woodruff,, of .Mt Airr were significant, arfd furnished much food for thought. Colonel Hius'mw, who is interested in mining, railroads aJd ccelopment wk speaking of labor condition said that he hau: occasion to look over par rolls of Iaoor for the past several yeah and was surprised to find the number ot negro workmen, was as large as farm ers, though there are annnr,: scarcity of laborers and all work of ais kind was criculed fnr th ,..r-. .afcor W same names with mum- V.W (ii&3 were on the pay rolls. But here where ho. discovered that ' tr-a scarcity was tot la negro men but In their number of days work. He found al ' periorj when they : wers netting ,0 cent per day they worked five days in tho week, earning J3.50. When the-day wage had risen to SO cens they worked four days in the week, earning $3.20. W ih.fu : 1U proportion to the in crease of wages they work only three ias In the week, getting $3.00. Ev ery farmer, housekeeper and manufac turer knows that. Col. Hinct.W- THE ALLEN CO. IS INCORPORATED BY SECRET ARX CF STATE; CAPITAL, $25,000. Messrs., R. E. Dalton And W. E. Frank- .... hujf an interest In Mr. P. E. Al len's Gentlemen's Furnishing Bus iness, wmcn Will Ba Enlarged The Allen Company, of this city, was incorporated. Saturday by secret JifrnT1 the "Pita! stock be r3rl&nce. as t In Msk. Armu w .I.,-... i "... v " l -HOOKS. IS , ' j'-.o o, wn negroes as a rule. The same In Certain "ter Pay the?.' get The less work they ' the mors trifling they become -"''."Woodruff, who works largest granite quarry in the State if not in the South, Paid that during the work- ?nnf,8on .13 pay roll amounted to 51.000 per day for labor alone.. That ' ait, raW in getting all the white skilled workmen. sh . Cf, cutters, blacksmiths, etc., but that it was blaming a very serious matter to get sufficient unskilled labor to "Wirry the stone, and that vtrr .3vrry skilled -workman was im 'h,. fl, fi rough granite could not be supplies them bv th inwn,. .-.- too xaid the high prices had made uu- i u- , v imuie,- except, that which he had imported. His company larl b'S-e-a compelled tho nM,t t,nf w.plaC! an"or?" in Philadelphia for 100 unskilled whits laborers, growing the native. He alsoaik. w lions' the ;ts;. ....... xoto.v, n. c, Jan; 13 i of J hp medical depart ment iU'e'l State army and the jits nt the Inited States t nta'ls, to nave Identical : ann .trie same methads of ',m thero may be the same m tDcso tranches as'4here r respects ia tha military and ces. it is Jolt that if there Kituase in haying an Iden- e oi small arms, and the of ammunition ami tn e.Jif-an. enit;rgicy - ration, lit profitably . ho: simllnr ia thtv'mt'dical eoiHnniBiu al corps.' organization.. The hat: bum greatly Impressed oils rectived from the mlll vcrs in nanchtiria, and h3 at the Japaii'M0- had ' re-' tlAlln.. ;r- F"i'ij .vi uituuinuty to a irai ami profitable system. 1 that there may be a like to the medical branches of .Hera in tuts country) It Is uitre wui soon be de uie cuneiueiatlon of the nniiormity. a 1otnt rmv lard, composed, naturally, f the medical corps of the u meuical department of ail of whom aeree nn tho 14 Value Of th nmi , . f"l'VlU. a'so understood that' a methods which were tested Mese durine tho lat, Wgaly satisfactory, will be jomt medical service- "uu "y or the United !R tt ill -rtV...i., . . vviuiy not apply M et aseptic treatment, ""(lilt SU, The iucornorafora are : MPSSrS. P. jj. Alien. R. E. IX Uon aid WVE. Franklin. .The two last darned haire purchased an Interest in ,e"n'1. furnishing business ?ti Ai!en ha3 In this succfsl " year3 lth PolM . J.r P. E. Allen will bo ' president and treasurer of tho ur-ni. ., ."'?""'' ,,ue rtoni T 1 oe 01ecte vice-presl. The BtoVliich is located on Lib erty street. nexir-UrH rh, . will be closed for a few days for the purpose Of taklnir Eli, ., '.'".e ai. L0Ve to tno company. Mr. Allen (n o Th c.ii , r.. ' " - ocjiuur! n is me pur- nnvu j-if o,n . . "' r l" vuu'iiny-io .enrnrge the vioiiic.-)3, n-u : . . .. i Known m this community -"""cu-umiou or ,mem as cltt xens and business men Is unnecessary, UNIVERSITY BASEBALL GAMES. The Baseball Schedule for 1906 of the University, Champione of the South In 1905, Has Been Issued Other Games May be (Played. CHAPEL " HILL.' .Inn . .tk schelule of baseball games'to be plaj ,d,o?:,tuhe Vnivcrait' bas. baH teaml 1 IhAo STOVEEXPLODES ; ' COTTAGE OCCUPIED BY DEPUTY SHER IFF COFER IS BORNEO. The Officer, Who Was Sick In Bed, in His Effort to Save Hit Baby l Painfully Burned in the Face. Very Little Household Property Saved. pv.iit.mg was owne.-t bv Mj. s A Oit burn ami occupied by Deputy' Sheriff J- J. Cofcr. - who .Inst . n..t .. . . ofhli houwh! pmpert " fnr Cr7' wh3 bas b(,,a indisposed for several weeks, causal by rheumn t!sm. arose just before 9 o'clockTid put come coal iu the heater '.he? nhich he retired, m a -few .n, 2 jstove exi)kK'iit ikM-uj . - nreun the bed. whicnlcUy Ign" --- nutrrm, wno was n, n PRICE 5 CTS s hi mber, jumped up, grabbed his baby which was m the bed with him, and rushed out In bis night clothes The oOleer had his hair i.bhk- 4,ne ttes sustainlrig painful burns in his nuiT Cofer'' daSher of Uie i.oputy sheriff, wan inr c., atch -53, uist nn ln UPr ciotntng. Very little aLTuiiivi was ant-nri f.i .. member of the "famiu- : " h fCr and bl8 age(1 mother, bote of whom are quite feeWe. were r nioved to the home of Mr. J. S. Young n7 1, 7. Ul" "L,P"l neriff. The build net was in ,. " 'uiva nuva i Vf f",1 f wve ih? house from total destructioa. The cttnir. .,, Wt slda, owned-Wv 'Mr n."h,. ad b.'jn said about the undesiKfbilltv foreign riff-raff, etc. Kis compiml nai worked for several veain flfti- h. te foreigners. They had brought ..i. laiii-uvcB ana cau Decome excel ent citizens, prompt at their wm-k- conomical, sober a;nd faithful, were ,nwu w weir ramilies' needs and .uuiuLiou ana metr advance In life rfe said that dining ihn ,.' m . ton.; i .. . " - i" ."" ".-aiii i ,., ... - IT 6 cu utiow may oe play- " , a east end be ed. It will bo remembered that tho iff n'ar b!az3 firemen ar university team of last year were the ti. ' was tnrough their efforts or .tne South, defeating ' v "'Prty was not burned, Virgima twice. Coach Lawson, last w, t ? occupied, b-Mr. Co . (.uiitu, is oacit and he Is ready to get out'anoaier winning team He sidM Eltton. Cunningham hn lw.3 added to the pitching lint, giving Caio 'ina imost mngnlflcent "box " ,aa fol- v TWO BIG AUTO SHOWS. Most Important Ones Ever Held Now on In New York City. NEW YORK, 3au. l'l .-Kii..v ,.. will indeed relgu 'k beglpnlng todav Two of hl largest iutomoblle ss ny pa, i of lhe WorW hi in .il0. .A1),""1 !11.r!l through ae naiurany. Never before in he hlHtorS- of ,a amomouUe hi thw b..tn w coniplotfl au exposition at the most romarkaMe deve onrnVnt ot the automobile industry as offered to the public in this citv during the week Jgtening iofiay.-'ole St the warden, under the auspicts of the A- Itt the new StxtjMUnth Regiment Ar ry, on Uxington Avemle un.tr .he . audioes w the Automoblie Club Araw!c-. .,Tne "'Pttition between ;he two evhlbltlons is very ko,a znl ! STu,a of but! have made V1, u a largo and rep- "S';'8 n"!nb,'r of d manner "ie most atltrnctive -'nrt0if ;MePUrpOSC of tllls fthibltlon " '. "a.re- "eii has been V 8 rpKnIar fairyland. fifin . . . -py, consjsiiug of 12 "00 jnr.ls of skybluo material form MORE TROUBLE. REVOLT IN BALTIC PROVINCES IS STILL QUITE SERIOUS. Several Towns Have Been Practically Destroyed Aisd Outrages of Various Kinds Committed-Russian General AssassinatedOther New. . About Russian Suction. ST. l'ETEUSnruo.'jon 10. Little "IT u i ? bt"n today front Bnlilc provinces, but what info" trn ,hirJ lLa T" ,n'llftes' that th troublo there W still serloua. At Auts, a small vlllago, artillery wn. brought to bear on the toVn and a hich was filled with bombs PloU--rt All the revolutionists captured wore executed by the aobHers. , Wsquleting m.ws has also arrived rom adivostek. where It Is reported 'JUt: prl8on,, Wbeen d taiw V BDi 1116 )rl8incra re Another report from tho Ilaltlo provinces sava thai . .-. ...... ..." n.o..i... I i i. . ""I. mo the ceiiin? nf th lui-iiia i.vu opta- surrounded by the me ri iimsf ot tne enormous n.uin h.,n It rnvnlnilnni.i. lu" represotung the sky nd Bcnttered te town u me is.,wu stars formed of in candescent lights. The general color scheme of ,he interior decora? lons U white Hint gold. Th .!!.. J8 ed by white m..-"IV"" i , ,".ni3 ui h c as type, bear n a- wl.tta !aln hall, ! revolutionists who are In control of e town. . Arlvlf.., f.A.n T. ' - " : connrm me re- LessowRkl as8a88lntlm of Oeneral 'AbtiiiCcl!u,alf an attempt was made ie type. ,beari,r wi.T r .VK "or. but the at- . ... ? ,c .-u:es. irom ""'vi iuea. rue authorltli hv. nmv.U H1U USntinrilt ilnml. .1 1 r,rfJ. . u.. . . v"-" bearinfi' 11,. ,:' "." n:;.t J..",'ur", Penl0.n eon- exhibltinK Arms Thk 7" "l, v,re 1 " "uu l" "enrpt assassins- equal g BrmS. The luu-nln... K,... ro.wg ut incandescent lamps, which combined with th ih..-iL ' . ..LcB eleetrte lights distributed trough the building, make it as nh. . y,",;?1. w-ooden Door Is cfivr(ui 1 r : padded c arpet of a rich goide,; Ye color, tspeclally woven tr ti - -... ruunum is a Heroin ml mn. showiaigths flm. . SWALLOWED A DIAMOND. As a Consequence of Exhibition Roos ter's Greedy Act Thsre Has Been Considerable Litigation In Courts. v",l'i. Jnn . 16. One nf Wft Bin,.,! fi r. , , , fiiw, air. ogbmn hlnks that this amount win cover the PENNSYLVANIA LlAW MAKERS, i-uo liaziirn rnni Hnu 1 t k .. . ...... - i ''ed as a poster on th radvm.t ftmn, n L '"lng nttractlon. at the of the show. Unde? irS.. Fin" nnatl .Po!W and P Stock Iftt- ironing water, 1 umlnated hv . -1. ure,,CT1 Wy. li a. fountain of SENT UP TO SUPERIOR COURT. p HIS LEFT LEG. . an Old Neflro of David--ls With Seriou. If w. icdent While Retumin,, ston-Salem. an old rnlnr-A,l '' Jears f age, of David- tfl-w the-knee, , by O.e wville hut week. The a.it'fi-.ed bv ..h.oit S :"f hif borne in a ".min is scrnnit uti, it ' his injuries will Drove ;;"'cunte to Winslon-Sa- ha one of them ..i!Sii..y, to the ammint s- He returned to lSpt. Piirker'o t... 5:20 .. m Kt the' train fat In 0t!tetl that-the f uxiea ted iia (-1-.. t'-'.LM-in v .MUU tu i.!!!o irain h, . n tlw accident,, which' I I 1 1. f rnii 1. J t t "Uirowins oneof his the 1) P'itorm, but in his hf-fmd one n n tho 18 hitlilUCO !ln,l fll u m .... lc" ue- Drapi :,.i,.. . " .. "'"is - -I'Luiiv fllftin i 'NT pWF. VERNON." Ka"sas Insiitii. l A. i. " W OC F'01 the Tre,,.,... . . . 'OX. .!.,n ' . hf.i V resident w5':It-i to ..ppoit aa ''''isurv (r j Prof v T c of ,h. ' " "a's of ,-, prom- co,,ntry. The '0 l)r.f, . 'Rev.N. L. Glenn Given Preliminary r. caring on serioits Charges, xiev. a. u oienn,' the colored iivine who was arrested at Pittsburg, fa., and brought back here to answer tZ "-""-'be" 01 criminal asslult and auuucuon, committed while acting as pastor of a church In this city, was wearing Deroro Justices Leh man, Robinson and Wilson Saftirdav, The defendant was rrpem;t,i h,- w Maa'KT- coUmi, while Mr. Frank 1. naiawm prosecuted for the state T, fn,.,j ... .uuuniug wimesses were examined- for the state, all colored;' Rebec- 't ann name tauugton, Annie Jovce, Thoniton and 0(111 Hulrston, Maggie ioyce und Phoebe Johnson. . ' The defendant had nine witnesses -iimmoncd, hut only one of th fill won f on the stand. Glenn endeavored to prove by a colored woman that he was not in the citv at the time of the alkged assault. The "divine," in his testimony, emphatically denied all the allegations against him, saving : was an Innocent, man. He claimed that he was a native of South Carolina; that his wife was dead but that he had children v that state. The evidence was considered dam Aariiig in the extreme and the magis trates ordered that Glenn he commit ted to jail without bail, until the Feb ruary- term of Forsyth superior court ine schedule as issued I .ows: .'.- "hn;.ClrTm''ningham Maue) Jkt Warell r-I.ufayette at Chapel Hill Aiarch JlU"ake Fnrps ot d.i.i:i. K.prI' 8-Waka Forest at Chape; Uftr sessl,oa of ih la Ibilature Hil1- v Pennsylvania, called together bv Anrll .Hii 1 ... .... I Onvornno P,-,..i... vecuiU p t,T, '"KUBm tAsnevme) at , ; ; "'-'rv Rlr ,or te pur- Meet in Extra Session for Purpose of uonsiaerlng Certain Proposed "Re rurm Legislation. ' ".Utttlstit'KG, Pa.. Jail. IB Tho Chapel Hill at cS! Colina College Aprir 14 South Carolina College at jreensboro. " r,2 11- Easter Monday-St. John's ...0 ... wieensDoro or Wlnston-Sa 1cm. pr. 2? Davidson at Chapel Hill APjj 21-A. & M. at Raleigh. April 23-Vlrglnia at Richmond. April 24 Virginia at ,ri,.,w.. ville. April 25 Navy at Annapolis ' ' pr! 2St- Johti'a at Annapolis. April 2. Johns HoDkina at rtattt. more. , April 2S Georgetown ni woki' ton. .-. ".us- May 3 Virginia at Chapel Hill Way SGeorgetown at Richmond. MURDER MYSTERY in ruir. faf "vnww. Body of Mrs. B. E. Hollister. Mth. dist Choir Singer, Found -in Vacant Lot. CHICAGO, Jan. IS.- ing of the body of Mrs. Bess E. Mollis- j .v. ,a Meuioaist cnoir slDor and prominent In Northslde society, in a j vacant, lot this mornina." tho ,.ti are again confronted with a murdfr j -u..s.ti. a copper wire encircled the s nC11 w'th which she had niort important hfn. i ht i "Z"Z eea strangled or drawn i. I ta it. r,,,n.. "" u Mm Hniiu. - . 'ut.- . . iuus - or . -tne state; thrwifrofFr "e the printing hoUSa of HonrsVBroI MMln oose of considering certain proposed .t-slBUH.iU on various subjects, was opened here this morning with the customary ceremonies. Among the ,..UJC m ms ronsiuerea by the legis ature during the extra session are the following: A law to enable contlgu )us cities- in the same counties to be u. Cuiu ne municipality with a 1ew if decft-asing the cost of municipal ad- ,T ,, ,nla rwers to Oreater JtUburg bill, for the consolidation of !ttsburg and Allegheny. An act of ........ ..no imsocti' oy ao last legls- ,"u was declared unconstitu .0.1m o) tae supreme court, Anothet o.lct- io oe considered is. to Increase the Interest paid by banks, trust com panies and similar institutions for the use of state moneys, etc. Other sub jects are: , To reapportion the state Into senatorial and representative dis tricts; to provide for the personal reg- .c.-.ou. ,u ui v nu.-rs; to provide for the iw.eruiiK-nc 01 cities of the first class ami tne pmper distribution of the tower exercise. by such municipal; , rerers particularly to the icptm ot ine law known as the Phil aaeirnia Ripper." Among minor mat- ei 10 ue considered r.re a law to des ...a.u uiaur mciisTires In regard to diem as saiety may require and a law to. abolish fees in the offices of the ni-ofl M..1,,.. ".r. "-voi-1 rooster, wulch nramliu. ... :obby-a forest effect ZZT an Dy trees and shrubs. hii. . . ' "... l.CTraieo " the and ahrnh. t,.-u V. " , ' miraieo cair m the Jonea ."arried out in. tn " r.""' VK" vaw.- basement. The dorationa a e far ed in mnZJTtiotl"u more artistic and beautiful Vtln 'of H " ,llnW' l. ? . At lb anv 2n- thing bearYth ' " . t'"'" Ih, inement, which is intended toYu! .V-v""W! u iu cxainiiion naif ...... r.' " "rnapi not ao """."'niaii out equi ar as tho exhibit 0 lUc ttwte of the w.ith.- -,T. Ul" . . -s v, .. m, ui iu I TUWin ill rna nv n I lilt 1mm I.... . .., . iiiuron ze : thn d,...;u.i-1 .... .... . -......wu um , ivanv , v 1 u . "-vuwiinr v HirucK nia Ipnl HtftW.-.- The exhibition ine-Sixth "l?.. ch force lrnent Armory is nerhon. r u're aiamond, valnod 'll as Wnfflo"" n m.. 1-1. 1 k . 4UQ IVUI' are I a .... . " I 4 uo lum The main portlonfthe amTy buTd iSW Th M(1 ng consists of the enormous drm hi, 1 h ,L.TJ.th;M ret vMcSV . 'J? d:th;rh brick walls: Th tntn :Z,,'ria. " ro08 claiming thai It secretary of the commonwealth and De inMiirinr.o .,,,,ni... . . . ... .. wiuiiiiiaaiuiitT, une Ol oub uau oeen miKSlnar tn-olvn v,n,...o after leaving home, ostensibly to. at- iuU iiiS bi tne tuneral of a deail : 11 IL-ilU. aentation of AUeghen-y. ' LAWYER FINED $100. One of Counsel for Defense In Greene And Gaynor Trial Punished in This Way by Judge Speer. , i' . 8AVAN.VAH, Gn., Jail. 13, Hon. Alexander A. Lawrence, of the counsel for defense in the Greene and Gaynor case, was fined or.o hundred doilars this morning by ,Juge Spf er during argument In support of pleas in abate MR. LACY MUCH BETTER. irict niflnao !se t,i V- ,N 10 Post it"! ,J.,st! 'i'x'te sam- ;,',, "hl'i ?3,WI; per State Treasurer Expects to Spend a . Short While In the Treasury on Monday. . " t r KAbEIGH, Jac. 13. State Treas urer B. R. Lacy has so far improved from his severe attack of pneumonia tlit u,e expects to spend a 6hortwhVe In the state treasury Monday. ' Terrible, plagues, those itching, 7 catering-diseases of the skin. Put an end to misery. ' , Doan's ' Ointment cures. At any drug Btore. Hungarian Parliament Meets. Iil'DAPEST, Jan. 13.-Tho Hunga rian 1'arllnmcsnt JUa reconvened to day. Theru was considerable oxcite ment connected with the re-openlng of the sassion. ami the session was extremely stormy, but precaution had been taken to preserve the order. The announcement: was made at the open ing that a temporary agreement had been reached between the government and the opposition and that th ri.,n. nite srttlemcwt of the existing dilf ences would shortly follow. . This an nouncement had a somewhat quieting effect upon the malcontents, but did not suppress the irritation and excite ment altogether. In certain quarters doubt Is expressed that an nmlcuble seulctncdreaTi be reached. , - Death at Martinsville. Mrs. E. M. Dickerson died at Mar- tinsvtiL- last week at" the age of about 35 years. The deceased, who was a most estimable lady, was the daugh ter of Dr. J. ?. Smith, of Maning viiJp and leases a husband and seven children, besides a father and other relatives. Mrs. Dickerson was well known and had many friends in this city. She bad been ill for several weeks. , " ' . V " - Is WHICH HAS BEST CLAIM? Deceased Man's Fiancee or Mi. Brother And Sister Entitled to Bank Account Js Question to Be Decided by Court in New York. NEW YOKK, Jan, 15, An interest ing legal question Is involved in a case which came up in the city court today. The court is asked to decide whether a man's fiancee or his brothers and sisters have a stronger claim to his unui-,. vena Kjaij W8g engaged and shortly to be married to Frank Ryan who was killed In an awlm nu w miss nyan ms bank books, show lug i00 on deposit, his insurance poli cy and a deed tf his burial plot. She turned over the last two to his sister an! brothtr and kept the bank book. The suit which came up for trial to day has been- filed by the deceased man s Bister and brother, who demand the mouey deposited in their brother's name. The case is attracting consld- j.a.HH atiCTuion and the court lilies wun lawyers when the came up this morning. C? ,ro'!l!W,eJ ln tl'is exhlbi. iZ iL V uu nnoll8 them are four teen foreign concerns. Tho n.ni,f.,. thener,'l!Wt,1on 1110 S'ound lloor, nlle the ga led u, w.,.. .' the parts and accessories. Aa entirely new nnrt vcrv a(tra(,Uv1 fZ0t thl" '"lilon the exl'lb whVh AT Cm of America, )er of the same people who were the prime movers in in., tnumm. .. . Automobile Club nf imi.. ... I ., . ----- ... uil WHO I have hopes of being able to do as ! tor Her at nnv int nn .u.. lave for hlghwav tranun.lol., n-J. exhibit Includes i.!,ii,v,n. ... ' chines, alrshlns. nfr.ntn'nn ..i. lidlng machine. Hght-weiB-ht m..' propellers and wIiies find liiunu l viuiurea ana Books having bearing on aerial navigation. CHEROKEE IN BAD SHAPE. was not his foult that it... swallowed the diamond and th. he ,W88 mo;? ' .'". than U .......v..... ABDsas man went to he cotn-ta for the relief and for Lh f3t yfrtt C"H lm" been dragl55 through the state courts.' without any prospect of Jmmediato settlement. '"Si 'aoKov does not seem to mind the ness ha9 CaUiud by hl SHOT IN BOTH LEGS. George Leeper, a Wlnston-Salsm Ne il ro, uets into Trouble at Point Arrested Hers. High ; .IJ, L ... " me Ltyue Line o Z ui A"ore Saturday Will iuuiv, jau. 16. The Clyde Ine steamer Cherokee Is full of water u.B u.u.ning, according io a telegram received, at Maritime exchange and 'he chances are if amtthp.r at,... comes up tho vessel will be poundttd to pieces. Captain Archlhilii t. mates and tho ship's carpenter are dill, aboard.- but th members, of the lire saving station are rearlv t, ,.., and take them off should tb arrive, ; The Cherokw. an rfMinlt if it.. tempest, has moved tntnt.',i w .n... from the point where she first touched bottom. The vessel now re,t in t..n or twelve feet of water and so far In- Um wrersage tugs are unable to! , i u "le opln Wl Prevails that t will be next to ffnposalblc fo save the ship. . was case ANOTHER MAN ARRESTED. It Is Charged That He Is Connected witn Alleged Forgery of N. And W. Railway Stock. MSW YORK, " Jan. 15.-Samuel Humphries, said to be an Insurance -r. arresieo nere this morn ing in connection with alleged fonrerv OI & V. StOCk- Hlimnhrlo. I. u to have attempted to raise a loan of - luoUBBn(i Qouars on two forged certificates. W ANTED Men In each state to traV el, post signs, advertise and leave samples of our goods. Salarv $"5.ti0 per month. fi.W per dav foexpens es. Kuhiman Co., Dept. S., Atlas Rlock, Chicago. Champion Billiard Player v ,,b-.Jan' ,6-B5' defeating Maurice Mgnaux.here Willie Hoppe 19 years old, an American boy, be comes champion bllllardist of ih Zal ,7be. matc.11 wa Played ln the .'.lne Presence of a big) 25 to 30. Iran,: The latter rieT!he boy on I and'rF 8a'M t(morTO" wl" - their shoulders after ul victon. "Ctei "?en,: nooD " A negro named George Ieper waa arrestert on Hickorv trvi taZZ iy at the request of the chief of police at High 1'olfit, who telephcVed here that leeper was wanted there for gambling, retailing, assault with-a deadly weapon and carrying concealed i,'?T wa" Bet'n ' his cell at thu city lockup this afternoon. He has ; two painful wounds, one In each leg Indicted by pistol balui, firedby "1 dont know- who," said George. One ball weut through the left knee cap. L ,.?,.hPr one entere1 tne calf of the right loir and ... . ... .... ' High Point phyrcian " " " George stated that be and two or tnree other' neerntd mt im . i Sunftay morning and he admitted that i. 7 . W,VB "rtiiKlng. He loft Hlcb. Point Mosi'day mornlne t. .J.. fuS', uHf.hlred 8 man 10 brlng him through the country. . ' thi? ITZT.l0, ln("'ir- Ooorgo said that ho left th Ih - cin- tut u... Christmas and had' been there over, since. He will be carried back there tor trial. An officer win nmh.M come after him tonight or tomorrow. WIN8TON TOBACCO -MARKET. High Prices Paid for Common And Medium Grades, While Good Wrap. Pe,r DW'ne.--Competition Keen. All Seem Bent on Keeping prices -.. v..,uri i ouacco nign, 8ales were finished on the local market Tuseday at 11:30. Most of the offerings were from Foravtn couaty Prlcee continue high on the common and medium grades. Good wrappers sold rather low. The order of theleaf was wet. selling half cent under dry ordered piles. Prices for the day ranged as fol lows: Low grarte lugs 61 to medium 834 to 10; good lugs and cutters. 11 to 15: leaf CJ ' " WU1U4UU, T(a. W i ; lJlealum' 10 t0 !- Sood fillers J to 15; wrapDers common is tn ic. rood wrappers. 174 to 22. Fancr 1 111