OLXLV1I.-N0.4i: WINSTON-SALEM, i. C. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 1. 100G. PRICE 5 CIS Many New Buildings asiness Houses Being Built and to be Built Soon, Also a Number of Other Structures' Two New Churches Among Buildings to be EjectedThe Present Year Promises to be Record-Breaker in Erection of Hand some Buildings in Twin-City. . : Bond Proposition Order of Eagles. qui! . ntimiici of large buildings iimv i" I"'! oc ss of. erection here Thesis In-, Anions in- stat rea vurj hjuu bsi3( m structures . or various ls fliurfiti's ana eusuces 01 u &," nature- Buildings Now Being Erected. Airx-is" IB- several .. uiibw- .- (r,iv45 usif'.s fiora residences) In prvess of .co'sstfuction may nu-irle-ned the handsome 5100,ouu , built, the Caldwell Memo Bull -ling;' the Salem Academy Me nial Hall, the Use uuiiuiug, ttoeni- BuiKIns. -.Montague building.Shore iiins ut'.'l e.eejnc p-jer uuuk. To be Erected Soon. ;nr jmiiuings, . -wotk oh ich will .-be started soon, may be oiud the government building, M. (". A. building, Masonic Temple, intoiu Hank building, Gilmer birild Riiiklnail church, new church for iiurbuvc t- Baptist congregation, t county houiP.nuw Piedmont ware. te. Those structures are now pruc II v assurer! and work on them will liilfrs In begun as soon as preliui- ry ari.vtit.'nients are maae. Handsome New Hotel. Work on i he new hotel located on. j s net i? progressing at. a rapid . A law force of workmen is ;iiovei iwiil the building Is now up ire the first floor. Tills butldicK : be oCsray pressed brick, with itttte trimmings and will contain r use hundred' rooms, Riving Win--.Faii'm a modern hotel second to ,c in the State. . . Caldwell Memorial Building. As the mur.e implies the Caldwell mial BuiUiHUt-is -intended -a-s-t - tr.ui.a! to ih?. lamented Dr. H. E. Ir.o'i. Ii will be used for thu First j'jyU'iiuti Sunday school, ladies tors, 'etc.'. It is bring built, of red Mi wtilt "jrraniie trimmings and is my warm:; cnmpletion. ;..- S.' F. A. Memorial Hall, t litis building is located in front of Hnr. .Moravian church and is irly finished. !:: i;t built of red brick i granite ninuiilngs. it will be i b:.-t:!e Salem Female Academy hmbMj' hall. for special occasions ' similar r.u-toses. It is fun. sto i !iii!lr. Tlce Building. WTi building -.on Fourth streVt "U1 ii ji mwnrj the second story. It i be four .stories In' the- rear and e in finiii. it will 'be connected, in rear with t): on M;n s:rr for funds with which to erect a new church. New Baptist Church. The Broad Street Baptist, congrega tion has 'purchased the lot at corner of Fourth and Spring si reels and will erect a nice edifice there. New County Home. .,"'' Proposed Issue of $125,000 in Bonds - by "Salem for Purchase "of Water System Matter Has Received Con sideration of Board of Commission ers for Some Time and They Are Unanimous in Opinion That thu Bonds Should be Issued Will Bear 5 Per Cent. Interest and Become Payable 30 Years Hence. Believed That It Would be a Good Invest ment. . '. . . In a short time the proposition of a bond, issue lor the purchase of the piftscnt water system will be. submit ted to the voters fiv Salein. j This, action-was decided upon at the meeting of the Salem Board of Commissioners January H. The matter has been under consid eration tor some time .by the commis The, county commissioners will let'i8loner8 wnd' ar a ,m0etir;s .8onio Um0 contract soon for new county home plans for which have be?n drawn by Architect Milburn. New Piedmont Warehouse. The erection of the Masonic Tem ple will necessitate another building for the Piedmont warehouse. The new warehouse will be one of the largest and best in this entire section. Improvements. Extensive .improvements are being made on the interior of Jhe scores to be occupied soon by Fred. N. Day and trio Misses Martin's Ladies' Furnish ing Parlor. : The interior of the store now occu- ago a special committee was appoint ed to Investigate the matter and make such recommendations to the commissioners as they saw lit. This committee has reported and the recommendation in brief was thut the city Issue bonds to amount of $125.(100 for the purchase of the plant now owned and operated by the Salem Water Supply Company. The bonded debt of Sulera today is only $50,mio. This is probably the smallest debt of any town its size in the State, The Salem people have been content, to follow the plan of "pay as you go," but thpy now have a situation before them that will net- iilorl 1V l U f'tlnnrH will ha in,- proved 'and 'occupied -by the .Simpson5!'"'0 abandonment of this plan, iir.ir- r,,-.,- - t Hie Salem water works system Is v-Vin6ton-Salem Aerie, No. 733, Was - Organized in Mayr19C4,witn "a Membership of 63; Today There Art, Nearly Two Hundred Names on Its Roll The New' Home of the . Local Aerie Promises to be One of '. the Beet in the South Present Offi cers The Fraternal Order of Eag-j-les Was Organised in 1898. and To-! day There Are Over Half Million j Members in. United States. Some- , thing of the Work of the Order. Pu bl ic I m provements Much Work Has Been Planned byv the City Authorities for Spring,' Including Permanent Street Work, Exten sionof Sewerage and Water Systems, and Other Municipal Improvements. .... TALES OF "JOE" BLACKBURN. One of the most flourishing frater nal oig.'uiiz-jtloas iu the Twiu-Ciij U ' , . r Winrton-Salem Aerie, No. 7:;:!. Frnnr-1 0ne of the Most Picturesque Figures nnl O'rckr of Fagles, w hich was nihil-' iiv Washington Life. tftted May 1904. The lortal aerie started off on its mission of fraternal friendship v It h Haltiir.oio Sun. ' Senator Biaekhurn has nlways been reynrded as one of the most pictur- i o.enrueibnip oi i.o. since imu .iW psime Iluures in imhIIV. -Ilfo t Wh. M order has grown with nmiialiu; ra- lns,on. He hits been described bv one Ptdity .unt il tou'uy its membersMp has , oi his ft How Kentuckians as "a man reached 1.0. In addition, there areut lnipu!slv. ardent temperament, of ibont twenty applicants now umler-kr,,niali chivalrous" spirit. Inspiring en ionsidcralion. ! thusiastic friendsliip." The presemt. lodge rooms of the lo-j impulsive he cerlulnlv Is, and his ;a! aerie are on the t hird floor of the J political career has been marked bv jnuuus, minimis, uui tne large mci ease , nmnv neons stenei.is . of nnmliu.i: IJrug Company. The ;. addition to the P, HV Hanes Knitting .Miil . has - lteen complet ed, It will , enable--tills concern to largely'lncrease its capacity. V. H. Xliuard is having improve ments made at his new stnrid on Fourth street to be occupied by , hid wan paiier an ri painters s.ipply store, i An addition Is being built to the plant qf the Winston Mill Supply Com pany. Arrangements have been made to increiiss the capacity of several manu facturing jilanls here and work on the additions will be commenced soon. . Reciprocity Day. Written for The Sentinel. . Women's clubs lnvva truly come to be an Important factor in our social life. Tnough they have been satirized and criticized, tieticimced and under valued, they are probably here to stay. Kept in bounds, clubs, especially lit erary clubs, arc oi untold value. Busy women need something to make them keep abreast with the times. Clubs, with their carefully mapped out work, supply this need. Then there is an in timacy created that would possibly ex ist, so well under, no other ciicum ! lances. . To foster this feeling of good fellow ship and to juuge of the line of work Cone by each club a most 'charming program hits been planned for 1 next month at which time. there will be a Tise building front- representative from eacu federated The latter will be club in the Twin-Citj. As more than "Wt -Main' .street, even with half a year's work wilt have been f MlSVui m thai kiivoi nnil .n completed by then, and -many will front wiirim nut in. have finished i.i the way of nianti- Roedioer Buildinn scripts, wnat w as expected or them. P'!li; R-'l. il'iri-l- ti-.ililiur.- 'to tintnn-l lei at the nr::T ot Third and! .a stnr ts and work is now being ' "ii me third story. It is beln 4 nf irray-press.) "jriclf wit'n gran-H'lllilliiriK-;. Tiilie will nwihnlil - I in luisvateiUv-hitr' on first, flixir. :I5J, I."".,,,.- .... 1 rt... 1 i . , ' icouu uuor una Ns room ,a thorotighly good time is looked for ward to. b'orosis will be hostess at this time to the other clubs at the Carnegie Library. The members look for fine results from our "Reciprocity Day,'' as here tofore one club has had little idea of the line' of work of the other clubs. Sorosis and the Round Dozen have on me intra noor. K ,,.,., Pr , ml Austria as laid down in the Bay View course. This course has been espe cially interesting. The text books Montague Buildino. r,p ni.-w Mouiiiiriin . l,i,il,ltni fin 'JMutri.'ot. mxt to Lanier printing ". is ahi.ut completed. It has " Itick fioat -anil is two stories "'-'It. Till' first flnnr n-lll ha nn. ;!''Hiy Mi.. Fifer's millinerv estab- -Bent. , Shore Building.' H S-1-'t'C b lihlinu- Is novi tr thp titbit !ih,.,rv , - KU..... nullum UI lilHU ! w stories in height. r-;5' of whi( h will be occupied by s-!,"f prlntcry. New Power House. .- t .W'll'ip Tnxr, Imnaa er ttrik ;s iifarlv rnmnlotod it 1 : ''I end will hp iisort hv :iKn:i Power Coinnanv, . Public Building. . ";s'm ti:.. !m),i(. building wilfbe" i'h- need' of improvements,"- remarked. a citizen of that town, "and it. is time the people were thinking.; seriously about this question.". This citizen went on-to say that the eonipauy hat furnished a supply of good pure water, but that the company could not bo ex pected to run the mains in all sections of the town where i'. is needed. Furth er than his, ;h?f3 5 nr, 'il ti.-.is ui why the plant could not be made a source of revenue lathe town, as it Is said, to have been a profitable invest ment to the present owners.1 It has not been definitely decided when the proposition will be submit ted to a vote, though it will probably be in the near future. It is the unan imous opinion of the commissioners that, the plant 'should be owned and jr-tlius xpsai-4iiBMli-wi-M9 T-flk. thus. 'expresses himself on this sub ject: : "The question is an important one and of vital Interest 'to the future wel fare of Salem, and is considered not only a good, but a very profitable in vestment, as tlie water eomipany has passed the experience stage and is now. being operated upon a paying ba sis. The consumtion has doubled (hiring the past ten years and there i every reason to believe that it. will do the sumo during the next 10 years There should not be a dissenting vote on the bond question. livery commu nity should own its water supply. It is a public necessity and the advan tage is beyomquestion." The bonds proposed' will bear inter est at, the rate of 5 per cent. per. an num find are to be payable SO years from data of issuance. It is probable that a good premium' could be obtain ed and if the voters of Salem decide In favor of the bonds the town will have in the neighborhood of 140,(hio to expend on the system. a membership lias ti.ettciffiltated lurg :r quarters and the aerie has closed l contract wtth Mr. Ueorge lloediger ,'or thfl etnire second and third floors )f the handsop'.o new building nearing ?ompletion at tha corner of Third and Church streets. . . On the second floor the Eagles will have their gensual reception room, reading rooms, billiard room and baths: The third floor will be occu pied by the lodgo loom, ante-rooms tad parlor. The building will be handsomely furnished, and oh its com iletion the local aerie will have one )f the most elegantly appointed homes .n The South. The or,der of Eagles Is a fraternal jrganization In the broadest ssnso of tb9 wont. Its cardinal principles are iberty, Truth, Justice and Kqunlity. While the Eagles as an order are none to look upon the bright side of life, and 10 enjoy its pleasure, they, is individuals and as n organiza- ion, s.and ready at all times to aid Mankind when the hand of-affliction la visited upon them. Their sicK jomniittee Is required, by the lawg of -he order, to visit the sick members U least once a day, to see that noth ing is lacking that will add to the JpnifM't, pleasure und recovery of the Some j -em's ago he made the address at the funeral ' of n Kentucklan who It' the present plans of the city au thorltiea materialize there will bo II large amount of wonk done by the iijuniclpiillty during the coming spring and annum r. Street work of the per manent, variety: (Mention of the sew eruge and water system;: , further Im provenientH In the city schools and flro department ; opening of public cemetery, and, in fact, progress in ev. cry branch of public utilities. .., ., . Street Work. The present Hoard of Aldermen hail probably done more permanent work on the city's thoroughfares than. any of its predecessors, UtuWr the regime of the present board Fifth street, from had been shot to death bv the W 11-1 , ,vt, .' ",mniit has been macada liam Uoebel who mrbs.Hiuer.tlv became "i?'Jd;II' i"1, b,oc,k" '.'ve been put E.ivprn.ir nnil ' u- i,minif ' . !lu.ir.. ( hesinut, between Third and College Baseball. Written for The Sentinel. ' Now that spring lit approaching baseball is again becoming a topic foi conversation by thns-e who delight in this great American sport. Rfprtrts from different colleges with schedules of rames are being stmt out and-these would secpi to Indicate that all of the leading colleges have. -pretty ar!-.- i IV have been so delightfully written that ;'f,.t nmsnccts one does not realize she is studying Tlli, fniversitv of North Carolina's history, while the magazines with 1 3ensational finish last season was one their tine articles and beautiful -pict-1 of ;he notable things in college basc ures give a clear insight into the livesj ba!I (I1 lhis stlte. Carolina now has of the people as well as the physical th(s championship of thy South and geography of their country. i her wipporters are expecting the 190C The Monday Afternoon Book Club jteam t0 holl, thls n;)n0r. In addition has been studying 'Jiussia and Japan ;to sitTon Carolina's star box artist of Today." and hay- been making aof )ast v(,nr, Cunningham is at. Chapel feature besides of current events and , Hiil and these will make a formidable modern fiction. pair M twirlers. Several of the last The. Women's Reading Club of Sa- j season's players are back and a (hor icm has been deeply interested in the I ougbly-successful season is expected, study of Xorth Carolina history and i itiadher. who was considered by some excellent papers have been pre- n,anJ- l0 be the star college slabman pared by the members. f of the South last year, finished his The Embroidery. Club amf Whist j p:)S:-paluate coarse last year ami con Club . arc purely social organizations.'! s.-quiMitly is not back this year. Webb. iVll these meet semi-monthly, aniiWho did such excellent work last sea- all are rc -prest-nu d: except the Whist w V. M. c V. ,- s m. Is back' again, however, and in him Trinity will have a pitcher of the firsL rank. AUxkes from Trinity say. ..... .. . ail Hit' I I' -'1 ?',u: """"nS, Hub. on "Reriptocity Day." 11 .I, The. original Sorosis Club wa..or- " -- '"ugnr.ized in' li'S iu New York city. Ihlsj ,hat a fite team will be put out again. I was s arted by Mrs, Croly, "Jennie Davidson College, which made such A. Building. , Ijune." who was the:i the most prom- a fine showing, last year, is expected A. building will be j inent .woman cor.ntcted with the press. . t;, juake things lively again for the K. - i ne nrst noor a::e conreiveu tne iuea oi ui(,n..n,nin ii ;cr c;inej;t's. nevtrai in iiiv oni ',, l"' '' secretary's ofllce. la club thar should n..iuuge its own af- players are back and there is said b",,r'".!l!; 10 The second floor! fairs; one that would represent the , M. fnii,e promising new material. 1 ' f'"' "' ninasinm and audi-j leading women tf the day and their ' Vail will captain the (earn this, year. V. .. . rr.e third floor I active interests. . I n name, mkeu : u. jb sant mat reiser, ine star scn Me! lis ,..-, t, ,;: . :. iv ,. .K'V ri, - ," Pisiim. I ''f do; u; i mries. ' omc Temple. will i,e cures iii the . State j 1 the Masonic lodge t il!'ti ong. It will have "d other couven- nan:e. from thv Urvek S.jrensis, nieans an baseman will not play college ball this at'.grcgatinn. ami wnne nreaa in u ytur. Winston-Salem Aerie, No. 733. was he first aerie of ..this order to be In- siitred in this Slate. Since Its organ zatlbn the local aerie has been instru nental in Instituting aeries in Roa- toke, Salisbury and Wilmington. The 03al Eaglea attended the institution )f Salisbury and Roanoke aeries In a sod.v. The Fraternal- Order of Eagles was trganlzr d in Seattle. Washington, Feb ruary C. 1S98; Today there are over t.300 aeries, with n total nienrbership if a half million enthusiastic, men. L .luring the past three years the ordei '.ix3 maue a gain in meniuersmp oi iver I00.00O annually. Today there ue aeries in every State and Territo T of the Union. Its growth lias been 'ittlu short ot marvelous, and the-end 3 not yet. I ho last national convention was icld at -Denver. Colorado, Special ex cursion trains from as far west' as San '"hancUco and from New York and jiner eastern cities poured thousands )f visitors and delegates Into the mountain (it y on that occasion. leorge Winkler represented the local ieria-at. the convention. The next invention will meet, in Milwaukee, Wis., In August of this year. It is very probable that a number of local Ancles wili attend lhis reunion, , The pree,iit. officers of Winston-Sa-etn Aeile are: State Deputy Grand President C. lodenbumer. Past Worthy President W.fi. Crnn- ford. . Worthy President-II, "W. Maslen. Worthy Vice. President C. T, West moreland. Secretary A. C. Oreen. Treasurer E. E, Bailey. -Chaplain T. A, Brown. Conductor O. W. Hmchlns. Insid-e Guard V. L. Hester. Uijtsvide Guard S. M. Vernon. Trustees, c. McCann, F. T., White, A. SClones. . Aerie Phyfan Dr. J. L. Hanes. During its existence of lesVt than two years- Winston-Salem Aerie has nrogreshtjd evn beyond the expecta ions of Its organizers. The charita ile work of the lodge has not been taunted, before the publicgaze, but it has, In its quiet ami unassuming man ner, accomplished, an untold amount )f good, brought cheer Ttwl happiness to many! desolate homes and as the governor and was himself assassina ted. At the funeral .-Blackburn - de nounced Uoebel and said that he had loved the dead man as a brother and that It would be his first mission, in life to hunt down Oio man who had killed him. ' Only a few years later he made an address at the funeral of William Uoebel, in which he eulogized the dead governor profoundly. Yet so loy al are-Senator- Blackburn's friends that they would never admit that there had been anything Inconsistent in his altitude. Senator Blackburn Is a born orator. The less Intimately he is acquainted with a subject the more effectively he ?aa expatiate upon It. But he met his match when he was running for rep resentative in 1S74 against Ed Mar shall, a member of the famous . Ken tucky and Virginia family of that name and one of the most noted spell- Dimiers or that day. in those days the burning question was the condi tion of the country's finances. Black burn advocated the Issuance of 'greenback" currency as the certain jure for all cxlsilng ills. One night luring ihe campaign he made a sky rocket speech concerning the finan cial crisis. Marshall was present. At the close he rose and said: "My fellow citizens: When Joe dis fusses the broail and expansive question- of 'finance he reminds me of a luck swimming on the placid bosom yf a vast lake, drawing something leas than tvo Inches of water, creat ing not a- ripple on the surface and blissfully and defiantly unconscious of che fathomless depths beneath him." The joke was on Blackburn, but he carried the election, . " Apropos of Senator Blackburn's fondness for speech -making the fol lowing story is told of him: The senator, hud gone with a few of lis best friends on a Utile outing trip '.o Ihe banks of the Klkhorn, one of the tributniies of the Kentucky river. Ihe food provided could not have heen more satisfying to tire appetite, md there was plenty of liquid refresh ment n. well. Blackburn, however, did not seem to e enjoying himself. -One of his 'riends, noticing his moodiness, asked lini what wi.3 the matter. "I don't like this crowd," Blackburn responded-. Fourth and on Fourth between Church and Chestnut; Liberty street, from First to Third and Third from Liberty to Cherry have also been niacndumlx oil. In addition to this much good work has been done in oilier sections of the city and the streets of the city are in much better condition than ever before. .. It. is the intention of the authorities In pitKlLihegooii work-this spring, Among the contemplated Improve ments are the placing of Belgian blocks on Third' stret, from Church to Chestnut, and on Trade street, from Fourth to Fifth. Many miles of permanent sidewalks have also been laid and curbing has been placed by town for further ex tension of this work. The serious Injury received by 8 perlntendont of Streets I.ambe has In terfered with street, work during tin paid few months, but the efficient offi cer is now able to be out again. In talking with a Sentinel reporter Mr. Lambe mated that he thought raort work would be done On the street this year than ever before In the his tory of the' city. atwtrjjo oysiem ana water woiKt Now that the water works have been completed and the supply knows no bounds, the sewerage extension is to receive much attention-. 'Happily. Winston owns hdr watci plant. While other towns are discuss ing ways and means to obtain posse sUtn of this Important branch of public works Winston Is not only making ncr water system meet expenses, but the receipts are far In excess of all ex penses of the department. Larger piains have been laid In sev eral sections and plans are being made for still other improvements. Municipal ownership of water works Is ns far aa Winston has ad vanced along the lino of municipal ownership of public utilities, a ques tion now engaging the attention of the country, and It cannot be denied that the city Is more t ha nsatlsfled with thin Initial step. Graded Schools. Winston 1h proud indeed of her graded schools. They are second to none Itii North Carolina. Nothing Is dtmled them by the city that would I -ill ,1 t,, tnnA I...M. ,1...!.. "Whv. .toe" l,l f,-iA,,,1 m. i,n.l " "'""-" iMvureiw 0,t ii,;.u ,. ;,, , i ; : . ,.. . 8,11 '":? . clmt teachers. .... ,, .., .. Miteniiid rnr. i not die for you. "I know that," returned Blackburn, "It's not the 'quality I'm objecting to, but the quantity. The d crowd Is too big for an anecdote and not big ";ii(i".igh for a speech." One of the jokes of which Kenfitck ans never grow weary concerns Sen ltor Blackburn and his loyal appreciation- of the juice products of his na tive State. The Senator Imd gone to jay a visit to a friend of his who lived T.iiny miles away. His friend met the Senator when he alighted from the train. "How are you, Joe?" bis friend ask ed. "I'm. up against It,", was the reply., "I lo4 the best part of my baggage en route." "Did you misplace it ur was it stol on?'' his friend Inqitlrt" solicitously. "Neither."' said thu Senator. "The cork came out." It was Evangelist Dwight L. Moody who was responsible for Senatorlilacli burn's "geiring religion." Shortly al ter Mr. Moody hud begun a series of 'oca! aerie enters upon the new year! rvices In Washington, at which with such briirht. m-osnects. the mem- i Blackburn was a constant attendant. tiers are determined that 1!'"J stall be, a banner year for No. -733. The A. & M. College is expected to (men. 1 tits eilii:uai or"ani-iwuu "- ' nave jtnoiet-r summ iwm mis npnn. . '. . 'ii !... J...I lit,,rr- tt'iV ne r sD scope 1. U .l.u-..u,u .... "", i Bank Building, H'.tiU is to have a o; el'sfant future. drawu by Architect ' "f Columbia, S. C. V s p'Tr Gui,di"S-h-L.l'.::"!' f ' ect a three tlilul n. .... U . '"""'Kt church ho-, B"rkhe, this sjiring next ad Church.' as its membeis doctois. imnisters. Mr. St. Clair.- of btatesvilte, is mana teachers, and other public workers. It; gor nf the team while Mr. Knox I ilaids toiav for the club uua among t carftain. beverai o. last years team every member of the liiited States Senate received In his morning's mall a package of tracts, which bore the lo- PiDe Cost His Life.. tgenrl: "Compliments of J. C. S. Black- ' . -', bur.i." One of tbrsa tracts was bound BOSTON, Mass., Jan.. 10 Dennis j ,n rH(j,aml was eMlv.ed ."Strong Drink Mc.Mahon. aged 22. was burned toor ,h, T(Mnm,rancft S(111R in oixl's tleath yesterday in his room. He was(wrd." The other tracts were entitled an Invalid for some years and seldom ( resptctlvely "Happy Nancy" "The ?ver went out. It is supposed that hejs,,. of tllt: Sparrow" and "A Little was smoking his pipe and that In i Filsi im. me way the nRhes set flro to the bed I ' lohing. Two young women discover- plenilld facilities und. In fact, every thing needed' Is bestowed upon them. There, are three schools for whites and one for colored, with ao enroll ment, of about 1.&00. Their splendid facilities will .be increased from tlmo to time. Fire Department. Tho present .efficiency of the fire department Is not only to bo main tained, but from time to time such Im provements an are needed are to be nddr-fl-. The present equipment con sists tif two steamers in active ser vice, and one In reserve; two horse husw wagons, two hook and ladder trucks, one reel team, several thous and feet of huyp, eight bead of horses, and a membership f about one hun dred volunlt erinen. In addition to this apparatus, in case of necessity the Salem fire department Is at Win ston's service. City Cemetery. Ureintly the municipality has pur chased eleven acres of land north or the city to "be. useil as a public eeme-t.-ry. The location is well selected and it, is understood that the city will bestow much care In -the" administra tion of the mailers pertaining to It. The municipality as well as the df zi ns Individually are determined that lltiiG will nee that wheels of progress arc kept moving. d the fire. They noticed the shad- 3ws on the windows of a house across he street. Thinking that the fire was wh( Bait your hook wl'h.a gold brick n yrfii fi fish for suckers. women, the great Imtpiri r of the club.' will be in the game again this season, i somewhere else they nin out nnd saw the truth i ' i ne more n.sagrec ani 1 " ,v, ........ ..,:,,.. ,..1.,. I, i n:r0n er,t anil i.f the C.enet-iil Fe lera- Kitnidge. of the National League, will 't was-their home that was burn-) . " 1 ton nf Women's Club?. Soiosis has,ct,ac'i the A. & M. team. o.--1- Pitirii the "inoihir of clubs"; Guilford College, which ing, An attempt was made torfscnet" : 1 --- furnished V?Mahon by a patrolman, who was! 8 "" 'uture grows s'nee there Jtre more -then fifty elubs ;rxiie real surprises last ypar. among i nearny, act tne uense smoKe and tnej""" " "" named from it and runts of othe; a other thines shutting out ' the strong , dames drove him back. hea Jhe j '"-'h-i. !. dirfci'v 'raeeaVe to Us influence. Trinity team, is expected to maKp a i urenuu maiif uieir way h um room '". '. .....! In .,,,,. ,r ahiiirinr !!iin thi vpar J after mutine oih the fire ther fonnd -.ceTii Winston Sjlem.' tb- '.Monday !' It is probable that several colrege I the -victim's body badly bum'ed. Mc- j squeeze of a hand by ihe right per r'ernvn Pool; Club be ins the tildes' , baseball jtauits will be played here Jlanon hail about 11.500 m nis room in our m'irts't ,!iis season. Guilford and Davidson i andlt was also destroyed. As a rule fine work has been done a re scheduled to meet here. Carolina 11 ........... ,h. oiiiliai anil their innnenc.c E.ay uiay pi. ..uiin n ihhk. .i ...m..- ' -i"""" -i - -" Improvements on Sentinel's Horn. Extinsive Improvement 'are to be made upon the building occupied by The Sentinel. ' Bc-iides a pressed brick and pi'ate glass front, the inte rior wi;i be repainted and made mor attractive, while ihe frout room on the second floor will be fitted up for a business office. The plans have been drawn and the work will be done as scon as the weather will permit. Donnaha Notes. . V(KV. nerrePtlUe. as the years go! land. here, while Trinity will probably j loss l"cnuM even the best of men got DON'XAHA. Jan. 26. Mr. Jess Fulp's lit le son is quite sick wild There') a lot of w.ntimi-nt In the j pneumonia. Dr. Houser, of North Wilkesboro, has moved his family to this place. When a man has a pair- of hand cuffs on his wrists he knows wnat It means to be within the clutch of!,.,.. 6ellyour tobacco it Brown's Ware, house and get tht highest market

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