WINSTOX-SALEM, N. C. TIIlJKSDA Y. FEBRTJAR Y 6. l06- PRIOE5 GTS' IS FIXED. MORE FIELD SERVICE. OF STATE TO MEET iALElGH JUNE 12-15. IK . - ,- - . I : .. Assimbly to ; Be Heia t That Time. This Deciaca A!. -A f.,...'! if!-,. kyfcX.Cl.UVV v." t. Feb. 3. Official un it sas m.'ioo im munuus hat sts.-ion of North Cnro- . s5n:bly .will .do new ' j;jnp 12 to IB. This docls been made by the eeu- liltce, r;mFOseu 01 leauius yuy,zmd tiie state, ine capacity qf the city win uo ,-veral of She largest, boaru ' ,vn onun dormitories for nP -visiting teachers, of '.Vli.iv fifteen hundred will n, or-a reft at theso colleges i Jollar a day, including table Connor, of the assembly 5iv3 of the selection of :.c where, else can teachers SO Sliori U UIIW Ul nutu a rnsa so much . Information rtu Carolina, the executive :,t of the government, state library, suprtjico court, .:-:y affording more instruc- caa be fauna in an tne )( program Rill l3 announc- thc text tow uays. . CHRISTIAN'S DEATH. His Subjects Will Not Hear Monarch's De2th for Three I Hia ' Daughter Is Very III. ;mCKN, Feb. 2 The health, r V. rpr.-fs Maria,, of ter.of die late King Chris- :vins-iur relatives a . great i.vic.y. Th(! impress has tploiely overwhelmed wiU of the death of her ; wr.s not ahlo. even to at- QSuiii muss ai. me lvus.nau iors met ln.couneauon wun of Kins . Christian is--thtit of Crei'Blaa.t, .w:io wtrojiisi r,;:i not he able taJrfrn of for at '.east three months. nUadcrs will have celehrat- Gtriu'.an's, birthday, JKpril 8. y are informed of his death uion-of King Frederick. Huntlcy-Hill-Stockton Co. 0. Crotts. of the Twin-City 3. nss sold his entire bus is !i:ini!ey-H!i;-Stoekton Co. j iv.:uthe t;rm in the future, a-.e charge of the. stove de ot the Himtier-Hlll-Stockton Cro'.ts tiejra:i business here : jettrx ago and by close at-ttts'.tic-ss. built up- a goad ,'r, Crotts is an experienced uavmsr tasen several sieve building in the large inei .N'irth and in liirn the !-3:cck:on Co. secure the f a valuable man. The slovo at the. Huntley-Hlll-Stock-.":e is to bo enlarged and ii to any in the State. .cute THE JEWS. :r to bo St.irtad In Germany Will bo of a Mod Radical tmitic Nature. V Feb. 2.A new nnti-semU- V' . v.'tii be founded hero on proKete the most extreme ait the Jews. The progtam supporters of the naner will caih for the orohihition of "I, social, commercial or in- miercoiirsa between Jews ''fa; confiscation of all Jew- ty m Germany and event- e'P'j!4on of all Jews from l ie founder of the new na- men Vrrjran!. leader nf tho c ttovnr.ent in Austria. OF MRS. SARAH OETER. "cv. A. L. Oerter, Former of Home Moravian Church. rfer.'ivod hprfi aMtna fViot '311 Fi'tier flr-tor tulft rf u Ueter. flirrt nf norolvcio Y: Jlr-'-s.tiy si, at Graceham, T, ' r,r l, years. The re to Lilltz. Pa., where 'i -Us. Octr were residents S'-vcial years. The hus- l;smp Ilalmson as pastor of , -""."Man rhurcli. After the he Served lh enncrpaa- f-LEfi IS PARDONED. Rtosevslt Exercises Clt- Ca" oT'Miashipman" Con- "Jzinn, '"'-'. i !t;rr -N'. Pcb. 2. Tlit! nrosl: i.'i:, i! jlidsaipman John K utiicKy, ho was v.uisr. Pardon was to 1 aeconiance with rec l? Superintendent of . i; l secretary of tha '' ui'aeh state to trav u lvertise and leave foods. Salary f,5M per day ft r expens-('"-. Dept. S., Atlas portant Changes In Army Maneuv crs to B: Carried Out. WASHINGTON, Feb. 3. The army U recchiag -wlih tonsiderabie satii faction the Rimonnccrocnt . that th President has detcricined on more field work for tbo trooiis. tleucral Leoiiatd Wood impressed on the i'resi dent when he was ia Washington last siucmer the ccccsnlty of doing same thing special in military training un der actual field conditions, just as the navy works at soa. It is realized by the military authorities that tho army U composed for tho moat part of men who bav9 bad no experience In the field. The soldiers who are hardened by marches and camping have been retired or havo fallorl to re-en!lst. It is presumably out of the question to have elaborate manouevres freauently owing to. their great expoaoes, not only in the item of damage to property by the operations of troops, but by the cost of travel of the regular army Mid militia. The secretary of war and the President are In, favor of having joint manouevres1 !; tho present year, jut U'ere are 'Slgn3 of. opposition', to the plan In Congrcg?, and it Is likely that the department will abandon the effort to obtain fund's for. such an as sociation or the regulars and the Nat ional Guard. ' Ct!e . general officer yhese recouimendaifons have much eight with tho President, is in favor if having a change of stations tarouRliout Urn army once In twelve months, the change to bo made by marching ranter than, by use of rail- oads. It was- found that In the nearly '.000-mile .march between statlous of he Ctli battery, field artillery, that the transfer wa3 effected without much ilflieul.ty or many privations. Of course, there-were discomforts, es pecially as' the command: encountered bad weather, but the expense cf the ransfer was practically nothing above the regular cost of maintenance, while the gain In practical work was of great value to ,the hithorto inex perienced men. There will be mors of these marches In the coming year, and Infantry, cavalry and Hrht artil lery command will bo sent Into the field periodically for three days at a lime.' using the new three-day food packet and the emergency ration. In theso ihre-i; day tours of field duty there' will bo at least two camps, so that tho men may becomo accustomed to taking cam cf themselves at night and preparing their food away from tho garrison.. . . - ' '-'v..-. ; SUIT WITHDRAWN. Ono Instituted Against McLaughlin ...Bras. J3uac3l. -of S re rich Coao Stallion. The' suit instituted against Mc r.aur;hlin Bros, of Columbus, Ohio, as a result, of alleged misrepresentations In tto sale of a fine French coach stal lion to several citizen, has been with drawn by the owners, of the animal declaring the sale veld. It will be remembered that an agent cf McLaughlin Pros, brought the horss here a few weeks aso and placed the animal at Blum and Kleni Inq's livery stable. Tho agent pro ceeded to negotiate 'with' several citi zens for tho sale of the stallion, the price bointr. $3,000. The plan was for the purchasers to organize a com pany. After the agent left It developed iSdt thrra was some trouble about the nolo given. A kick followed and it terminated in a suit asarast the Ohio firm, who sent another represeu- 'ative hero n few days ago and de-Jlare-d the sale, made off. .The horse is all right and local par ties are nesotiailns with McLaughlin Eros, to buy him. ' FOR DEFENDANT. None But Character Witnesses Exam ined Tod'ay, Court Adjourning at Noon. Number of WJtnesses intro duced for Defense , in Last Few Days. ' ttRESNSRDRO. Feb. 3. There was tho tio.ial short Saturday morning ses sion cf federal court today, and none but character witnesses 'were esam iaed inllioTlJmuels case. ; ,; . Deputy CoIU'ctor J, JL Green, who was undergoins cross examination by tho distrfct attorney whea court ad journed yesterday, dbl ' not. set a chacce to complete bis testimony and will be . on the stand! again Monday morning. 1 - ' - " ' - Tha character witnesses were madei cross-examination by Mr. . Holton, lo take up so much time It was Satur day nboi recess hour before they were disposed of. Aside from character witnesses the defense so far ha had several wit uesa'6 to testify, most of them being rovenue officers or those who had hetn : revenue officers. Heading the list wau'Itevcmto Agent Chapman fol lowed by Samuels, ex-deputy , collec tors Siarky Hare and J.. W. Perkins, and present Deputy Collectors Sheek, Sheppard and Green. They all gave Samuels a good name and on one phase of the casa or the other cor roborated his statements and official reports. BENBOW IN THE RACE. I ygue That This City And Section Havo Better And Stronger Claims for tha Office Than Any Other In ths State. Meeting With Encour agement. John T. Tlenbow, a member of the law firm of Ben bow & Hall, this alty, has decided to put up a Tight for the collectorship of the Fifth iNorth Carolina district. Mr. Benbow has the tsslstance of many friends in his coAtest. He is makinsr no s edict of ttu fact that if hs secures thelappoiownent tho office will be moved om6heviIIe to Win stou-Salem. ' . V Mr. Benbow andrhl assistants are lecKrluj; some strong ondorsemcnts. 't'nese, with tho claims wbicli t'lis city and section Irava over all others for the, otflce will be filed with the propef authorities.. "Every claim we maka will be backed up with good evidence." re marked ono of Mr. Benbow.' suppes crs, who added that "wo are making aa open fljjlit for the collector's of fice auj have reason for believing that .v?r. Benbow has a good chance to win." , it might be stated that Posmaster C. A. Reynolds is not in tho race for tha collectorship -at least he Is not making a light for it. MAYOR'S COURT IN JANUARY. IF MINERS STRIKE. President Mitchell Thinks It Will Result in a Gnat Industrial Up heaval. INDIANAPOLIS. Ind., Feb. 3. President Mitchell believes that If a nrike occurs it will be the greatest industrial upheaval in the history of the country. lie saya that it means a national suspension of business- if a mining strike conies. Greentboro Postmastership. The Washington correspondent of the Industrial News says: As a result of letters just received from the State, the nomination of Cyrua P. Fraizer, the nostmastor at Greensboro, will be held no. Senator ' Simmons heard from persons in the slateWho desire to be heard before Yr. Fraizer's name is drawn up for confirmation. Negro Hanged In Washington. WASHINGTON, Feb. 2. Wm, H. Hamilton was hanged here this morn Insr for the murder of his wifo In June. 1904.: The condemned man occupied the same cell as Gileau. the assassin of Presiueut Ga'rStld, and died on the same gallows. 232 Christian Killed in Turkey in 1905. CONSTANTINOPLE. Feb. 2. Sta tistics just made public of tho Mas salum outrages upon Christians dur ing the year ltK'5 show that 232 per sons wero killed and IG wounded, in cluding many women ami children. Remarkable Case. A remarkable case is reported from the vicinity o'f relham. Caswell coun ty, A negro boy, 15 years old. struck rte side of " a house presumably at hi.? home. The Jar caused a gun in fail from a sack inside the haiiae and ,v:ninin Th . ctsjed throus'a tho house, struck tho boy in the tyi and killed him. Report Made by Chief of Police Crutchfleld Record of Each Officer. Cbrf;f of Police Crutchfleld's report for tha mouth of January shows there were ISO cases la the mayor's court, and of thl3 number 27 were bound over to the, superior court. Fiue3 and coses to t'ao amount of $9.20 were docketed and tho collections aggre gated $542.3fi. Of tho ISO cases before ttfe mayor. Policeman. W. T. Penry-had 21 con victed and 1 bound over; J. R. Hasten, 1.3 and V bound over; J.A. Thomas, 22 and 5 bound over; F. A. Martin, 20 and 3 bound over; W. A. Hartness, 17 and 5 bound over; R. W. Bryan, 2i and 1 bound over; M. C. Valentine, 14 and 0 bound over; C. A. Pratt, 22 and 1 bound over. . TO KILL THE SULTAN. He Receives Communication from "Young-Turks" Saying He Will Be Assassinated Soon by One of His Supposed Supporters. Sultan Hat Taken Extra Precautions. " . CONSTANTINOPLE, Feb. 3. The Sultau today received a telegram from 'eaders of the "Young Turk" party In Paris, reading as follows: "We have arranged all. You will soon be as sassinated by one of your supposedly devoted servants." The telegram "aused great excitement at Yeldiz Jiiirsk. The aultan summoned a con ference of tha highest police officials and ordered a strict Investigation to bo made of the doings of all the palace functionaries. TROUBLES IN RUSSIA. General Orioff Attacks Polytechnic School Immediately . on Arrival at Riga. " y RIGA. Russia. Feb. f.. Ooneral Or loff. who was sent to subdue the revo lutionists la the Baltic provinces, ar rived here yesterday. Without appar ent reason he at once proceeded to bombard a polytechnic school. Many were killed or wounded by the Bring. MR BAILEY HERE. While There Advance Man and His Counsel See Senator Pritchard Slate Chairman Rollins, Collector Harklns and A. T. Grant, Jr., Go to Washington. Mr. C. G. Bailey, of Advance! treas urer for the Republican State execu tive committee nd ono of the aspir ants for the collectorship of the Fifth North Carolina district, was a passes ser on the incoming train from 'iteensboro. ., "Been to Ashcville, I suppose? queried the reporter. "Ye3, I went up a few days ago," replied' iir. Bailey. - "Did they aiako you promise to keep tho revenue oaice at Ashevllle?" "I have no office to keep, any where." : . ,. -. . .. ., the reporter endeavored to per i iaac tnoAdvauce man, who by the way,; 1b a clever gentleman, to talk i.iot.t his chances for landing but be pcnea not UU mouth on that impor ; aut'BubJect. -':. vit may be significant, and it may not bo, but the public is entitled to whatever conclusion ; is proper from the tact that Mr. Bailey and Mr. A. T. Jrant, Jr. lils attorney, spent the woek in Ashflvllle; that while there they beld a little meeting with Sens or Pritchard and . that last night Messrs. Rollins, Harklns and Grant passed Greensboro going to Washing ton, and, to nso an expression of one who saw. them, "they had their heads t retty close together." BOND QUESTION. 'reposition Is for the Purchase of the Water Works Plant, Now Owned by Company. Reports of Committees at Regular Meeting of Board. Ar- . rests Made in Sale'm During Jan- i ary. : The Janlem commissioners , met In -eguiar monthly Session Friday night MayxJr Butner presided. Commission ers present: H. T, Shaftnor, it. A. ifldall, H. A. Pfohl and G. H. Rights. The Water and light committee re orfert (ire- limits established with property abutting CO feet from Salem square. Mr. W. S. Pfohl was appoint ..i fire Inspoctor. Chief of Police McGee reported that ho bait notified all parties where the firs Inspector bad reportod defects and the me would be attended to In t 'ltcbates- were allowed to Forsylli 'Airnlturo Co., due to error in listing axes. . The Standard Oil Company request d permislspn to erect additional oil anks at their storage quarters near :lio Southern Railway yards. The driveway at the foot of big fill. Cemetery street, was ordered to re vive attention at once uppn request A the cemetery commission. Tho complaint of l.'JC. Ebert was re ferred to the street committee, and also the sidewalk committee to de- Initely act upon. Tho sidewalk . on Belews' Creek 'trect leading to East Salem was re ported as fixed In fairly good condi tion by tho street overseer. Further work on same was referred to tho sidewalk committee. Tho question of running a sower from the ne-w Bennett property on Main street, was referred to the sani tary committee with power to act. The question of tho purchase of the Salem water plant was discussed and the board adjourned to meet again Wednesday night to take definite ac tion regarding tho calling of an elec tion, etc. Secretary and Treasurer Keehln re ported receipts for January at 13,- :2 1.72 ; disbursements at ?12,132.G3. Chief of Police McGee reported' for amiary: Cases tried, 17; convicted, 17; flues and costs, 157.95. . WANTS D.VOr.CE. Has Instituted Proceedings Asking for Divorce from Her Husband, Count Bon I de Cajtcllane. Countess Cas tellane Was Formarly Miss Gould. PARIS, Feb. 3. Countess Anna Could De Castcllane, Amcrlcau wifo of Count Botil De Castcllane, has In stituted legal proceedings for tho separation from the count. Tho coun tess rcmaina at the residence in Ave nue Dois Boulogne in churge ot hor children under permission of court The count has returned to his home in tho country. ' The trouble between tha count and counters, which has been brewing for several years, camo to a head thld week and as a result there has been an irremediable, breach which Is about to bo followed by legal separation. Tho countess learned that the count was paying attention to a noted society woman who' Is married. The countess necuscd Borri ot paying such attentions, and Created a. vtolon, scene. She doclared ahe bad often .'orffiven the count for his misdeed .it that this time she would demand i legal separation unless, be broke vita tho woman, The count at firs j-.ed to persuade the wife that Bhe .as simply absurdly jealous but failed .3 this. Then, seeing that Countess Anna was la deadly earnest, rathei han Imperil his slalm to the Gould millions, he consented to renounce lis acquaintance with the woman. The ioclety woman, iu whose smiles Boui ad bas-ktd, became furious at the diglit laid upon her and laid a trap .'or Bonl, . She requested him to call, vhlch he did. Tho countess learned ;f this visit and at once pat into effect er threat- to get a separations WOULD REQUIRE $5,000,000. . '"hat Is, If Sulzer Bill Providing foe Slocum Disaster Claims Is Passed. WASHINGTON. Feb. B. Fifteen epresentatlvos of families of tho General Slocum disaster are In VVashington to appear - beforo the ouse committee on claims . for tho ivirpose of advocating passage of Rep escntative Sulzer's bill providing for lalnis because of tho disaster of Juno 15, 1004, to present. them to the court of claims "because that court is to their reiVf. Tho RuIzvt bill aims to iiornflt all fheso who rightly havo t-wart) each sufferer such damage us way ho Just and etfiiltable. Tho Mil appropriates mi amount sufficient to cover uuch damngoj as tho couri may aw-urd. . 1 There were ono thousand nn.-l thirty '.-italltles. At a rato of minimum aluo placed on human life of $5,000 lalms of assigns of theso wtio met loath would aggregate more thnn five TilUlon dollars. The claims of those i'ljured would greatly Increase that sum. COMBS IN TOILS. WILKES COUNTY BLOCKADERyCAPTUR ED BY DEPUTY MARSHAL. Defendant for Whose Arrest the Gov ernment Offered a Reward of 1200, Carried to- Greensboro. -May Provt An Important Witness In th Sam uels Cass. v James Combs, charged, with oelng one of Wilkes county's noted blockad crs, and' for .whoso arrest the govern ment recently offered a re-ward of $200 vas captured last night by Deputy viarshal Goo. W. Ctatchfield and oar ied to Greensboro today by that of leer. It Is leurned that tho deputy :rahal found Combs in tho road bout seven miles from Wllkesboro. he defendant offered no rcsistanco. e was escorted to Wllkosooro, whera e was detained' until this morning, hen tho officer Jeft with him for veensboro. They were accompanied V Mr. W, W, Barber, counsel for 'onibs. It Is thought that Combs will - bo frmitted to give ball and return . ome after the trial of the -ex-revo-'me ofllccrs tinder Indictment. A re xirt Iras been current for some time hat Combs was. an Important witness 'or Samuels, whose trial la now In pro 'iesj, but that on account of the ln 'Ictment ngnlnst Combs for retailing .c'decllned to show up and has been lodging the officers for several weeks. During a ctobs examination Friday by District Attorney Holton In tho feddial court. It was stated by wit nese8 that stills which bad been run nln,i for months while Samuels was In charge were easily found when new officers arrived in J 905 and that H were destroyed In a few days, among them being three steam distilleries, operated by Jim Combs and his two brothers. It Is Bald that If Combs goes on the stan4 for Samuels District Attorney Holton 'will ask him soma "searching" questions in' the cross examination. It la also understood that the govern ment 1ms no use for Jim's evidence, mii1i- he becomes a witness for the defenre. DEBATE CLOSES WEDNESDAY. Dr. Moore May be Called.' The Sentinel's Greensboro corres pondent writes as follows: "There are well defined rumors that an effort is be' made to induce Rev. Dr. W. W. ?')ore. president of the Cclon The o'ogioal Seminary of Richmond, to re t'irn to his native State and become vast or of the First Presbyterian rhiirrh hf-re to fill the vacancy caus ed by the transfer of Rev. Dr. E. W. Smith to Louisville. Dr. Moore wiil preach in the church here next Suu Oay and Sunday night." MARLER-OALTON-GILMER CO. Annual Meeting of Stockholders And Directors. The stockholders of the Marler-Dal-on-Gllmer Co., one of tho largest wholesale firms In dry goods In the tate held their annual meeting Tues day In the company's office The reports of the officers were very gratifying. They showed that the -joncern's business the past year was entirely satisfactory. Tha old board of directors with one exception, was re-elected. The board Is composed of the following: W, H. Marler, R. E. Dalton, J.. I,, Gilmer, Powell Gilmer, E. C. Bowman, S. II. Taylor and II. F. Shnffner. Mr. Bow man Is tho new member. Tho directors re-elected Mr. Marler resident and Mr. Dalton treasurer. To Enforce Liquor Laws. Governor Glenn Issues a special per sonal letter to each sheriff la the State urging that they do everything "n their power to rigidly enforce and promptly execute all laws, es-jecially those arising under the Watts and Ward acts regulatiug or prohibiting tbe sale of liquor; as to the enforce ment of which, he says, numerous complaints are coining Into his office. Ho teils them tha besC way to sup press crime Is bring about quick de tection and sure pnnlshment. ' He also requests all newspapers and citizens who know of any officers re fusing or neglecting to discharge their duties to call bis. lh governor's sttention to it and be will at once put the matter In the hands of the solici tor of . the district for investigation, and If found to be true be would see that the officer is punished. Hepburn Railroad Rate Bill to Be Voted on Then. WASHINGTON, Feb. C When the house went into session today, and be Tore going Into a committee af tho whole to discuss tho Hepburn railroad rate bill it was agreed that the gon--ral dtbato on the bill should close at 1:30 p. m. Wednesday, Representa tive Burnett, Democrat, of Alabama, was the first sneaker today. Ho was in favor of tho bill. , - To 8tart Up April 1. . Tho Lcaksvllle Gazette learns that tho large textile plant known as the German-American Company, of which Mr. B. Frank Mebane Is president, and Mr. Arthur J. Draper is secretary and treasurer, is rapidly Installing its new machinery, and will bo ready to com mence operation by April 1. This Is me of the largest plants of the kind In the South. TO ENTERTAIN ON SHIP. . Secretary nf Navy And Mrs. Bona-; -parte to Give Formal State Dinner on Mayflower This Evening. WASHINGTON, Feb. 6. President and Mrs. Roosevelt 'will be the guests if honor of Secretary of tho Navy and Mrs, Bonaparte at a formal stale din nor on board tho United States ship Mayflower this evening. The dinner otiipuny will Include thirty guests, Aho will be received In tbe historic fabin whoro tho Presldont presented :tie Russian and Japanese plenipoten tiaries to each other on August 6 last This is tho first time the President rill como on board of the Mayflower .luce that memorable day. Secretary and Mrs. Bonaparte have i borne In Baltimore and a country placo In tbe suburbs of that city. They have rented apartments for the win ter in Washington and the Bocrtury- will simply follow the precedent es tablished by Secretary Long.who gave his cabinet dinner to tbe President on board the Do'phln. Lieut-Commander Andrew T, Jong, commanding tho Mayflower, has brought bis ship from Alexandria to the navy yard at Wash ington, where she Is berthed along side the landing. It was Intended that he Mayflower should come directly 'rom the navy yard at New York to iie wasumgton navy yam, out n was bund necessary to do considerable tredglng here before the Mayflower ould safely come in. ss - Holton Appointed Again As District Attorney. Millikan Appointed As Marshal for Western District and Claudius Dockery for Eastern District, These Ap pointments Being in The Nature of a Signal Victor . for "Third-Termers." , By Wlr to The SentineL liliun, who had made satisfactory WASHINGTON. Feb, !, President records. Roosevelt today sent the following A A '';" Rnc?T JT-StliT, ' day that the fight between ( halrma i names to tho Senate: Rollins and Congressman Blackburn To be I'nited States district attor- was responsible for Hoiton and Miilf ney, Alfred E. Holton; for the western knn retaining tholr jobs. "It reminds district of North Carolina; to be , "f ,h d f t0 , , , Ing over a bone and while the scrap Lniud 6 late marshal, James M. wa!t OIJ a f,jrd dog walked up wnd ran Milllktm for westc-rn district of North eff wltli It" said this Republican, whi . Carolina; Claudius Dockerv. for east-1 added that Mr. Roosevelt bfcame Jis- . em district of North Carolina, and A. over, tbe Republican -row In , I North Carolina and he proceeded to S. Brown for western district of Mr- j (ak(1 manern ln nlB own nandg and ginia. i m.ike appointments to suit blmself. , Th Impression has prevailed for ; The at;ovo appointmenu for North , me lime that Chairman Rollins ,.. ,.,-. . ... ..., ., wanted to be district attorney but up- Carjlma w: i not be a surpr o to , . . ,i. ,' ...... I on his return to Ashevllle from tvasn many, camithsianding they ar all ; ington lasl njRnt he tod , reporter ''third 'termers." Reports were si:nt i that he was not a candidate for ths! out from Washington Saturday t'6 the ; "met, or the collectorship. r. u,. u-j j- nit The queftion now arisen. What will effect that, the President bad decided Sp(1RceJ: do for Clln woner ot to lake the matter In hU own har.di gtitcsvllle. who was slated for the snd reappoint Messrs, Holtun and Mil- i marsbalshlp? ... 0

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