VXLV1I.-N0.41. WINSTON-SALEM, N.C.. THURSDAY. APRIL 5. 190(5. PRICE 5. GTS' MEETING l T TO INTERFERE TWH PERSONS DEADjBLAME ENGINEERS E mM EARLY VOTE NO 5116 HOUSE ence Between Anthra- nnerators ana min- s On In New York. m , i . It Is Not st Alt Probable ! Any Agreement WHT . Be Ld.yiners ' Will " Offer t Riidht Concessions, But It J L Known Just How Far They o in This. -t .... yOKK. April ' 3. Prospects . in the coal regions seem i,,dav and there Is little llkell- t (ho joint conference, of mln nnerators. which meets at ilay, will result in the adjust- dlflVrences unless the atti- I both sides undergoes a great .orators this morning say they yield an Inch In their position wllllrg to sign agreement to operatlop under award of tacitp rommisslon (or another years. The miner will abso- fu.se to enter Into 'another u -under the commission mi are willing to modify the demands for the sake of How' far these modifications a matter of speculation. ' NTA, Ga., March 28. The, e feast of the .Blue and the ine the third national gather um organization known as the Id the Gray," began here to- e organization, which is corn- civil war veterans bth of ion and Confederate armies. hied at the St. Louis fair on 1804, for the purpose of a great fraternal body, nation character, of the blue and the III SIFT HE hundred delegates, repro he 0. A. R., the Confederate Spanish War- Vetedans, the Id the Navy Union and other rgauizatlons, were iu attend n the session, wi-.b cnlled to Cfrnnal-Jultaa- S. Carr, the chairman, this morning. ' ' clcomej the delegates on bo- he Suite, while Major J. G. hi welcomed them on behalf y il Atlanta. Bishop F. Oai rennessee, said the prayers followed by E. Henry Byron!, ctic.it, who gave a review of ii ut the organization and a oui:t.of the meetings In . St. t Washington. Theu follow- ses of greeting by Gen. J. F. lt Con, V, p. Cameron, of pi; Commander Francis "B, Conectlcut; Gen. J. B. Polley, and others, to which replies wed by General Julian S. tjor John C. Ko&ter, Gen. R. en and Judge O. S. DeminK. kky, and others. "ill be another meeting this and a grand rally in tne "hen many prominent speak- fMc-nllng ihe blues as well frays, will deliver addresses. l also be two session tomor- e of the principal matters to wci uy tho meet n is the p to hold, 1u the near fn- rnd rally of American vete- Washing'.on, D. C. It Is pro at alt surviving veterans of ar, Doth from h ITnlnn and Iterate armies, veterans of 'in-American war and in fact ans of any American war. Believed Date For Vote On Rate Bill Can Be Decided On This Week. Question of Deciding on Date for Vote Has Been Postponed .Thu Far, Owing to Absence from Washington j of Senator Bailey, Who Has Been i Acting Democratic Leader During Illness of 8enator Gorman. . i WASHINGTON, March 31. Senate leaders hope they may be . able to teach, during .the coming week, an agreement on a date for the vote on the 'railroad ra l e bill. ' Senator Bailey, who, since the absence of Senator German, through sickness, has been Democratic leader, Will return to. Washington this even ng from the sad eTrnnd of burying Bis father. While he ha been away no earnest attempt has been made to bring the rate discussion to a -close. Senator Tillman made a suggestion to that effect, but the Henubllcan leader have preferred in this matter to deal with the Texan. ' Then, too. tney have not been Impatient for they recognise that the debate so far in the senate hag been Illuminating, in structive and most valuable in pre senting to tne country the jnany sided aspects of the subject under discussion. HORRIBLE CRIME OF A NEW YORK, March 31. That most detestable animal. Scrlggs, the negro enslaver of white women right under the noses or the policemen, got short shrift in court. The Jury look only a few minutes to reach a verdict, ana ie was sent to prison In a whirl where they will have to erect an an nex ou&ot jjeach of the other convicts m order sih&f! they mny maintain a alight feellua,of self-respect. What a terrible , crime ' his was ensnaring pure white women into vile dens. where once confined they were doom- President Will Not Have Any thing To Do With Coal Strike Controversy.' i At Least, He Will Not Take a Hand Unless Condition of Affair Ap i proache a National Calamity. This Policy 'Meet With 'General Approbation In Washington, Al though Some of HI Friend 'insiet That His Attitude Should Be Dif ferent. V WASHINGTON', Match 31. The president's determination to take no hand in the coal strike unless the con dition of affairs approaches a national calamity Is meeting with general ap probation here." Even some members of Congress 'who always criticise the executive, admit he ha take a the wisest course. " ;'" ; "The- president Is not nearly as Im pulsive as he used to be,'' commented one Southern congressman. " "III bet he was Just spoiling to get In the argu ment but his better judgment prevailed."- , . :,, ;' . ., Certain of the president's - friea.l. however, are disappointed because he does not step la and end tho troubles In the mining districts at once. He could do It without half trylagthey tell him in so many . words and he owes it to the country "to do some thing." Report Is Denied, NEW YORK. March 31. Official denial was made today of the report from Scranton that It Is purpose of the anthracite operators to meet the miners Tuesday and Inform them that unless the.rder calling men out is rescinded they will refuse to nego tiate differences in the hard coal Held. "That is nonsense." sld an anthracite operator this morning. 'iTM' td-';smy-8r sttrriy as slaves" to a slave pen in darkest Africa.' The win dows were barred and locked and the women were under the strictest guard ftnd had to go through the horrid life to which "he condemned them, with not a chance to appeal to any human being, and the government right near, and yet Tor The "purpose of redeeming or rescue as far away as the North Pole. Their story has made the Mood of citizens boil, but the women's lives are wrecked..- ..... - 1 One nest, of these vipers has been; ilscovered. Its walls torn apart, its secrets revealed to the public. How muiiy more such places are here? Prob ably a dozen. The city must Bet about destroying them, else citizens will nof sjecp o'nlghts. But in this case, as I'n many others, the. mysteries that nover .anout largo cities, an tnrow their sheltering arms about the scoun drels, and-hide the cancer from the pubjlc, ken. - .- ' , A third Was Fatally Injured Irt A Freight Wreck Sout V Of Charlotte. ' French Mining Commissioners Discuss Recent Disaster At Courrieres Mine. I Place Responsibility for Great Los of Life On Engineer Who Duty It Wa to See to Work of Rescue And Clear Mine. It I Alleged That Proper Effort Wer Not Mad to Sav Those Entombed. . . , ! . R. J. Reynolds Co. Will Erect One at Corner of Chestnut and Fifth Streets. Dead Men Wer Fireman And Brake- man of Freight That Collided With Runaway Car Fifty Mil 8uth of Charlotte. Engineer Wa Probably ( Fatally Injured.' j CHARLOTTE, March 31. In Wft&( nf Ttrnail River tifalls Hfivl nil',,1 south of Charlotte, at an early1 LEXS' Franc' Marth hourf this morning. Fireman J. w.imee,lnK of tn mlnin emission lurir of Oreenviiio R c v,t iWnki.i,hl mrnIK delegates unanimously maft. A. KtlTXXT XtFJFZ klllefl and Engineer O. L. Wooten was life n the cent dl fatalti- Iniured thouith hp U tlll '"K'ttuers whose duty it wa to see to aUw .."'-."! " 81,11 ! the work of rescue and to take charpo Th,js cause of the accident wo a collision between some wild car that broo' e loose at Blacksburg, 8. C, and rolltf t : fcur miles, when they met soutliljound frelRht No. 7!. ; The flack was cleared at uooa to-! day. i , v. .... t.j, : , - Chicken's Advice to a Duck. An exchange gives this' fable: A duck, who had faithfully stuck to bu siness durjng. the. summer and laid yeveial dozen lawn Colored eggs, com plained' that she was not appreciated. "See that old hen over' there," said the duck, "she has not lain so many eggs as I have, not so big, but she ias books written about her and vers es, composed' in her honor while no one says a word about me." - "The trouble with you Is," said a wise Buff Leghorn cock that was standing near, "that you do not tell the public what you have done. You lay an egg and ?o off without saying a word, while that sister of mine never lays one itt,, "1 '""r-without letting everybody In the - brtire ?hJ " JrLZt , "..nBighborhool know it. If you want i. inlnLPrl8 nt "5,lie to cut any ice in this community you -n suen-oprt .i?. must learn to fldvertiffe. w given to all needy vete- Health will permit them tlie meotlrg anJ participate "ado. , III WIK IT 1.L ui Lni ni iGlSES AT TUSKEGEE The Sr-ntlneL 'tE (Institute), Ala., April "f gathering here today al's f the South and some s'aus !0 be present at the r-t -the twenty-atth anni--' 'he foynding of Tuskegee 1 industrial Institute. " The a will continue three days uko part in the exer- 'e (;f the mas; prominent an 1 students of social a il? country. Secretary r??r.ni ;he president an'l r ''' address at the open- hen aold accidents have & CO. TO BUILD NEW WAREHOUSE E. C. Bowman Co. have been awarded the tract to build the new Pledmovt warehouse on Nora Trade street, next to Zielar's livery' stable. The building' will be of brick. 55x170 feet, one story with basement and will be the most up-to-date warehouse in ihe State. The excavation work is now in progress, an dthe contractors expect to begin laying brick in three weeks. Mr. Bowman tell The Sentinel that his firm Is arranging to establish a brick manufacturing plant at Bethania with a capacity of 3(Mno brick a d.iy. UerKs a bottle of Dr. -'':" Oil in the -medicine al . turn. Devil's Island Torture. Is no worse than the terrible case of piles that afflicted me two years. Then I was advised to apply Buck- 1.--- Aralnn CyiIcu 1HI tKJI thSU a ' 1CU S WO.-, Ibox permanently cured me, writes U Vaniir of Rueles. Ky. Meais mi ,r't rciief. cits, bruises, j iwounds. burns and sore like magic. 25c at V. O. Thompson's. Dpiggist. I6"'"!! mm operatives pass - tie city. Morhlnv eoins t .... lrl fnr iperatlves pass-j Any roan wno wouiu - i.--- --- Morhlny going 'breach of promise ought to be eon- TEN PER CENT BID PUT ON PLANT IN WILKES The plant of the Damask Manufac turing Company," consisting tif mill,. water-pweT(Mnit,i!,'-Mt 'lot-ate-" u Roailng River, Wilkes county, will be resold, a ten per cent bid having been Sled with Major 3, E.' : Alexander, referee in bankruptcy, who has made the following order:. . '. - . The report of the trustee as to a sale of the property of the bankrupt Ijelng considered, it appeared that since the said sale a ten per cent bid had been placed upon the property' by Messrs. N. B. Mills and J. S. Mc Rorie, of Statesville, and that' the sai.l sum, $77,00, had been deposited with the trustee, whereupon it was ordered that' the sale of .the property, to J. S. Patterson, of Spray, at the, sum of 17,000 be not confirmed and the trua: tee is directed to return to the said Patterson the money :', deposited by Mm.: It Is. further ordered and do creed that the said property shall be resold by the trustee for cash to the Highest bidder, at the , court house door in Winston, N. ' C.. on 6th day of May, 1906, at 10 o'clock, a. m., first giving thirty 4ays notice of the. time, piace and terms of sale In the Char lotte : Observer, Wilkesfooro " Hustler and the Twin-City Daily Sentinel. The auctioneer will begin said sale at the sum or price of $7700. All sales to be subject to the approval of the ,-eferee at a meeting of. creditors to )e held before the referee on the 12th lay of May, 1900, at 10 o'clock, a. m. in the office of the refgree lo Winston. DIOTES BETWEEN U.S. :.!J0 CANADA SETTLED of clearing the mine. They declared the engineers had -been guilty of oegll gence as delegates assert that nearly oight hundred of the victims could have been saved even a lat a a week after the explosion had the pro per effort been made to get them out N9RFLEET CAMP MAY RUN AN EXCURSION. ICEVV YORK, March 31. Earl and Lady Grey, accompanied by several members of the Governor-General's staff und a few cabinet ministers, ar rived, hefe this morning from Ottawa, , ,, ! utiuuuuvru mull' lULrui.luil Ui JUIIIIUB 0i?i.i,aiW"! the hosts of veterans on that oc- At'a meeting of Norfleet camp, Con federate veterans, on last Friday tho matter of attending the annual re union, at New Orleans April 2G, 27 and 28 was discussed. Several members announced their Intention of Joining Was rather quiet. Earl and Lady Grey were Conveyed to the residence on Madison avenue of-Mr. and Mrs. Mor ris K Jesup, whose guests they will be during their brief stay in this city. This evening they will be the guests of. honor at the dinner given In their honor at the Waldorf-Astoria by the easlon. The fare from this, city for the, round trip will be $17.20, The committee appointed at a former meot.Vig of the camp to col lect fund for the "Ladles' Memorial of the South," reported that $107.45 had been secured. A committee consisting of MaJ, J. Pilgrims, in the absence of Bishop' ,"' VnE.T 3" Dr, tr i.. ui. T. Bynum, was appointed to cor- fhTpi.m ? in UwA with the Southern Railway n-t l? tll ?Lar Pilgrlm8' wl" and see if a train could be secured for PrTh'eJd1nnehr 11 remarkable for!-. ?. Z1 Ch.r imore ilian one reason, it will be the,u,(. , ., i,.(,. i first -entertatame. of that nature "'"7" " :wB'?""' T which '-arl Grey Jiasjattended either ?r0pw h; tfMtZl -nual celebration ...ere on - May 10, TiA-mhni. .M.7..ui mf.a"uce .4rau.utls: cession wvr orable Is that on thatoccasioi, the rrComm!uee T'V Cronter a5f l"b'lc"a"n,?",n1c!ra.en.t ' i.fi"ai 1 ro6 B - R. Crawford ami BVLiit;iucui, tji tin umpuiB until wii iuv fprlr l-uoh Dominion and the United States wilir i,? be made In an address by Secretary of State Ellhu Root. Among the questions at Issue which have been, brought to a satisfactory settlement are the protection of the fisheries In International wntersf In truding the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence, the fur seal fisheries dis pute, the protection of tho Niagara Falls and the regulation of the water to' be taken, for power, the Newfound land fisheries and several minor boun dary disputes, ( Beside Earl Grey and Secretary Root there will be several other dis tinguished 'Speakers, among them Governor Iligglns, of N'ew York; form er Ambassadors Choato and Porter, and Sir. Mortimer Durand, the British Ambassador. . - t . . A Lucky Poetmlstr Is Mrs. Alexander, of Cary ,Me., who has found Dr. King's New Life Pills to be the best remedy she ever tried for . keeping the stomach, liver and bowels In perfect order. You'll agree with her If you try these painless purl tiers that Infuse new life. Guanantced by V. O. Thompson, druggist. - Price 25 cents. Finance Committee. Dr. , J. ' A Blum. ' ,. - Carriage Committee. P. H. Hanes, AUie Blum. Oscar Fisher, J. K. Ziglar and J. H. Vaughn. Table Committee. J. C. Miller, James Miller. Committee on 'Arrangement. Dr. J. A. Blum, D. P. Mast and George Deck. Committee on Badges. Z. T. By num. , Tho camp adjourned to meet at the call of the commander to receive re port from commute on securing a Wain for the excursion, FIRE IN BUFFALO, N J DOES WOO DAMAGE Capt. Guthrie had eight passes gers' Monday enroute to the far west, where all of them, expect to locate.. They boarded the Wllkeaboro train at Elkin. Andrew Carnegie. , . . liffV ' " :' :'':.'.:'.';":- ;v,-' TS A V 'i ' v I -r - - : -4 1 '? 14-. II BUFFALO, April 3. Fire early this morning destroyed the plant of the Evening Times. The loss is esti mated at two hundred thousand. The Times Is published by Norman E. Mack, Democratic national commit teeman. Mack was pn hi way to Detroit when the fire broke out. He was noti fied by telegraph. Nine linotype machines and two now presses, In stalled a few weeks ago, were ruined by heat. The Time will be published on the Express prese. IS ATTACKED BY A BULL From Tuesday's Dally. Robert Jordan, circulation'' managet of the Morning Journal, had a narrow escope this afterrxon from being ser iously gored by . an angry bull. Mr. Jordan, who resides. In East Winston, was returning to the office from din ner, when he did the "stunts" that saved him from- being severely wounded. ' A. M. Kerner, of Kernersvllle, had drlveci two beeves to tha'eUy. ' When he reached the corner of Maple and Fifth streets one of the animals fell down, probably from farigno. Sev eral bucket of water were thrown on It, but the animal, refused to re sume the Journey wntll Mr. Jordan came whizzing along or. his '"bike." It was at this Juncture that the buil became infuriated, and made a charge on him. Mr. Jordan dodged the ani mal three times. Once the beast's horns came wiJMn an Inch or two of hi left side. Mr. Jordan1 finally suc ceeded in passing and then began ths chase, bicycle is bull. A gentleman who witnessed the rae says that he nfvpr saw a man ride so fat in his WiJI Be Connected With Tobacc Manufacturing . Plant by Steel Arched Bridge Over Railroad And Chestnut Street New Structure t Be Six Storit High H. Q. Chat ham And A. H. Ellr Buy from ttt Heir of Late Dr. V. O. Thmpn Block On Liberty, Fifth And Main. 8trt for S21.000. t The R. J. .Reynolds Tobacco Com pany has purchased the lot-t the corner of Fifth ana" Chestnut streets, Just notth of Bailey ikot her' tobacco manufacturing plant, oil which-will be constructed a M mammoth storag house. .' ' -: '': '.", V?" -a-.-'-: The building will be six storle la height and will1 front 70 ' feet "oa Chestnut street, extending - back 140 feet on Fifth. Brick and concrete will be the material used. ' Iu tin. interview Saturday . with Mr, R J, Reynolds, president of the company. It was learned thathe new Uoiage house will be connected wlt) ho company' new largo manufactur ing plant by a large ateel. bridge, which will be built over tho railroad 'nd Chestnut, street, r , ,- Work on the storage house will be gin within the next tSf weeks. Tho plans are being drown by C, R, Make peace & Co., aruliltects of, Provlduce. R. I., and they are expected to b cctp- pieiea in aooiu two wees,' wnen mey will be submitted to contractor for bids, . - ,.';v.r ( ..' Mr. Reynolds stated that the pftw pectlve storage house 1 the one hi company, f!rtt contemplated building on the corner of CheBtnut and Seoond street or. the south ide of .the old iactory built, by Mr., Reynolds. The site- for the new storage plant was purchased from . MaJ. . Jamoa Scale?, R. D. Hay and W. A, Valkff. Another . Bin Real Eltata bsl' Mr. H. G. Chatham, of VEikln, Jk& Mr. A. H, Eller, of tills' city", hnva nurchaaed from the. heirs of Ih. lata. Dr. V. 6."f homlfea one of thim desirable pieces of real eute Iu tWi City. Tho property fronts 100 lettf inj IJbcrty street, JD8 feet on Fifth auU 100 feet on Main, and besides tha land Includes the large hrick;T9l' drace at the eorner'of Liberty an4 Fifth streets, now known a tfli Shnuse house,- for a number of year Doing Dc Thompson's home placai niso the brick store building i tb corner of Main and Fifth street. Th comUsraUon was $21,000. v Mr. Bller tells The Sentinel that bw and Mr. Clmthsm will improve tha property and that one or twe han-; some business houses may b erected thereon this year, t V';f' 'if," ' Mr. Chatham own the vacant Mt adjoining the Elks' Auditorium.; la iwiith 8i(le,- and IB is. his lnteatwo to put up a nice ones; structure nerv .-s', FREAK ITALIAN THIEF MPOSES ON FJAi'lK NAPLES, April 3. The - police, -of this city are looking for Giuseppe dl ' Magglo, a freak possessed of t' hearts, but, evidently, no conecleaceC Some time ago a medical Instltuta of New York, bought Magglo' body to be delivered after his death, for fS,000. With thl roonoy Magglo settled down n Naples and lived merrily on, his capital, which was soon spenL , lla In gratiated himself ipto the favor pt. wealthy landowner, whose slstel, he promised to marry, He pretended .that he was to receive a large sum of mon ey from America and supported , hi story wl.h a fraudulent cablegram. On the strength of his story he bor rowed money right and left. Including his prospective brother-in-law and then skipped. A warrant 1 out for his arresS ' RECORDS ARE BROKEN IN TARGET PRACTICE SAN DIEGO, Cal., April 3. Letter from the Pacific squadron tell of soma remarkable shooting don by crew of warships, which engaged via .xsneuve.is at Magdalen Bay last month. Buth torpedo boat destroyer Perry an.l Paul Jones, which are la :lars ccnipiting for the president's gunnery tropSy, broke all former recor lis. One of b records smashed was tbat cf the threeinch gun. J. XtUon. of the Paul Jones, male 11 hits out Of f0Si.lb!e 12. . -; A. H. Eller U attending Datla superior cynrt at Mocksvllle. He I on of the counsel for plaintiff In tSa Btauchamp will cas. to be tried at this term. Some of the heir ar desvoring to break the wUL ' The J ceisv! lift a Tliiih frm of r ' Coo! 'Iffempe.