. -.J itiiiAMmiipnl' lliit npnilTlliril ft 1 1 I 'll I F TO LESS THAN M PEQPLt : HliHIU I . mm I HtHt; flftrJI UU I AUK C1T IT WEST POINT; IN THE WEST POINT, N Y., Aprli 3. Gen-,; A Wronged Girl, Without Mon-, - M ; , . . V ev and Without Frlehds. Fourteen Men Entombed Jn A N Y.. April J.-ueu-. -t .nrrfirM(tA fa Statel eral A. U Mills, superintendent or me mwov --- . Military Academy, has administered by special otdfrs an unusual rebuke to a member of the first class, Cadet George It. Byrd, who was charged with using an expression which referr ed to an officer, and with the intention of showing disrespect" while walking noar him, The offending cadet will b conflneJ to certain limits of the rwertatron until June 10, and walk a stipulated number of punishment tours. .'' ' . " Genera! Mills, in commenting on the case, said: ,"In Imposing this punish ment the Superintendent wishes to call attention to the childishness of Cadet Byrd's offence, and his deplora ble lack of appreciation of the dignity of his position. For a little boy to attempt to hide his Identity In a group of hit fellow, or to conceal himself In any other way, and, so hidden, to call derisively at one of Tls instruct ors. It quite In haimony with what might be expected. For any cadet, especially one or the first class, to so far forget the dignity of his position Is to cast upon himself the grave sub- ' piclon of heing unaulted to undertake the responsibilities of the position he Is being trained to-recupy. To inten tionally try to wound the feelings of another man who Is simply doing his duty, and without giving him an op portunlty of knowing who It la that offers him such an Indignity, is a vio lation of the accepted idea of what constitutes a gentleman, a man dis tinguished for fine sense of honor, strict regard for . his obligations, and consideration for the rights and feel ings of others. ' . Returns to Her Girl-. , I It,, VlnaA - UUUU IIU1IIO. in Making of Brick Now.--; F,SH1N(J mE j Forty-Five Women In Penl-i . tentlary-Some of the Best;From Baturdi.yv.wiy. ' i 1 Yesterday Chief , Crutchfleld was) KnOWn rTISpnerS. usy writing at his desk, while over, ,..,,.,.. vt-u Th rnnn t- l"1 one corner sat n white woman wltb RALEIGH, March 81.Tho man,t- . . . . , wh fnr facture of brick Is the principal work tho day's-hews la his line ho turned! French MIneTwentyDays Ago Are Rescued. With One Exception the Rescued Miners Were Well Although They Could Not Have Lived Much Longer Had. They Not Been Found. After Food of Comrades Gave Out They Subsisted On Wheat And Oats, Water Also Being Found. : f LENS, " France, '; March ; 30. Four to which the convicts confined within ;over the pages In his court minutes the prison walla of the state penlten-; ana snowea a lew cases o minor tlary are subjected, the capacity of!",,,, -Hef ,. lh- ..inll,r. iteen miners, who were entombed la the kilns being abouV forty thousand "WTio's' that woman over there?" . the Courriercs'mlne at the time of the per day, although from one cause a-ad! "Go ask her, I can't got her to talk,". great fire disaster there March 11), another the full capacity record Is. replied the nead ot me oiue-coats. ; were taken from the mines alive this rarely if ever made. . UaWn mtlable oblect. Her clothes' nionrlng by a searching party which The-purifying action and curative properties of this treat ade S. S. S. For The Blood " a household wtyiua-, and tbau?' ma1 todav eniovin.? oerfect health owe their recovery from l,w,i zf- to this universally used blood medicine. - S. S. S. is inadff entirely ? herbs and barks which possess not only cleansing and healing; N but"building-up and strengtheninsf properties to keep the Ll'iJ'P'N order. No one can be well when the blood is impure ; t'ley !ack ft H and 'strength that is natural with health, the complexion become' 1 sallow, the vitality is weakened and they suffer from a general 'bro'- 1 condition. When the waste or refuse matter, which nature intentkT'1 thrown off, is left iu the system becauss of a sluggish; torpid -J?,! .; the expelling members, it is ahsorhi GUARANTEED blood, making this vital r;t.eam FDCC TDOH acnc1, and ,ts condltKi is manifested I,, REE FRO M pjmples, rashes,' blotches and other 7 MINERALS, the skin. S. S. S. goes into the 2$ ana removes cverv Dariicie nt mj . poison of every character, makes the blood fresh and strong and giv me Diooq uas Deen cieansea by S. S iT to the entire body. When i diseases ana eruptions pass away ana uie sraooiu, clear skin health, shows that the body is being nourished by rich, pure blood t viatic, ' (atfkrrh ' RftrpQ nnH TT1rr 5rrnflllfl. rnntnfrlftue t)lj .' S are all deep-seated blood disorders, and for their cure Jiothins c-n.wiJ a These bricks besides being' of very ; e rl gged and dirty. ' Her hair wasiwas exploring the mine. The men " does not injuriously ( affect the most delicate i parts of the bcxly KQ "'v uuwq ji THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, 44' since among the convicts who work In this department much of the time are such prisoners as Jim Wilcox, serving, twenty years for the killing of Miss Nell Cropsey at Elizabeth City, the most noted criminal case In this State In recent years; A. L. Bishop, thf Richmond trayeling man.iof soap and water so was Us clothes. ago declined to pardon from a sen tence of five years for shooting .0 death' Thomas Wilson at his home In Charlotte,, when Bishop was, in com pany with a woman' of the neighbor hood, drinking with Wilson's daughter and would not obey an order from vVIlson for him to leave the house, Ed. Utley, of Fayettevllle, who is serving a fifteen year sentence for killing Clerk Hb'llnsworta In the lob by of Hotel LaFayette, Fayettevllle. These m4n. do not work In the brick yard all the time but 'spend much of their time there. The fact Is all the convicts are , assigned to different work from time to time. Referring to noted prisoners tt is of interest to note that Thomas W. The County, commissioners met u 1 . , rpeclal sessionfMarch 28 t.j net i-.pon . , ' ' , , T, ., I cashier of the . Farmers' and Mer order issued by JuCse R. B. Peebles, .... . , . LIST OF JUflORS FOR MAY TERM OF CQURT excellent duality are made, many of 1 taneled and unkempt. A once gaudy 1 had lived for twentv davs deorived of them, by exceptionally noted people, j hat with varl-colored ribbons had lost I nt -nd Bmost Bhut oft from air. Ton heV ftTgVtYert wira rlwjWith onfe exception all were well but one of these prize-box trophies that they could not have lived much have for a settlng-a piece of glass longer. , , the size of . : dime but rue to, The searchers heard knocklngs and her sex she showed It to advantage.! ... . .. . She looked tired and worn-ln fact 8h,9'ly began diligent search. The appeared to be half asleep. On her .direction of the noise was soon lap lay a baby. Its face was In need j located. " ' . . When cut off by 'explosion the men whom Covernor Glenn a few weeks bowever If Tt were in some neat t00k tetae ,n the 8table U8ed for cradle.- It was as fat and healthy-1 mules. They had subsisted on lunches looking; as one of these Mellln's baby , of their dead comrades. When this food kids. . food was exhausted they resorted to 1 Iia tJnntlnnl nnn n An f as in iA.i, - " . u.ka i t wheat and oater Water was also buu asnvu 1 1 puis nun i iicim i, , m vi what was her object In visiting the police department, whether she lived here, or whither was she bound, had her husband , deserted her and her child, and in fact, about all hS knew to get her to tell him her story. At last she told a sad story if true. She had lived In Roanoke until two years ago when she came here to work. She was. betrayed by some scoundrel 3he gave no name. "I don't know! From Friday's Dally. . where he is," she said. The child was News was received here this morn nearly a year old now; she was going ilng that , a big. slide occurred last found and in this manner the miners managed ,t sustain their lives. Bid SLIDE 1 THE ' WESTERN N.C. ROAD back home to Roanoke. And then night near the Swauanoa tunnel, on say? Going back to her girlhood homethe Western .North Carolina railroad, this poor, wretched piece of human-' several miles this side of Ashevilie. lty, without - money and without s it is stated that trains on this line friends going back to the old haunts. wlll not able t0 run through before Ui iter cuuuuuu iiajB. While telline her story the -babyttomorrow unllB ont rngnhlliir nn ho niillnl o A laiCC fOTCO of men WaS DUt tO u j, w ,. - hHc pin from her collar. Chlld-Uke he put work this morning to remove the vaBrf1"" s ""i""" last Saturday inducting the county I f ?u IH Z " .! U ? hll T"th' S"3" assured the re-am0lint of dlrti which fc from tUe . riavrttlnir ViJu tlma in u-nrU 1n (ha nti'4. officials to have certain changes made,on UL The gevcnU is the court room before the May term , hag been much of court. Tne board passed upon - the conylcUs a this afternoon's tension arrangements wero made to comply with the order made by his honor. In other words Clerk Transou was authorised to have the Improvements made at. once as outKned by Judge Peebles. The board Instructed the sheriff to deposit . $2,636 with the Wachovia National bank to pay Interest on the c0ur bous$ bonds, dnr Iay . 1, 190C. The order also authorizes the Wacho via bank to take up $18,0jX of the court house bonds due Hay 1, 190C, payable at the National Park bank. New York. Jurors Drawn. i The following jurors were drawn tor the May term of court: , First Week: W. A. Lemly, John W. Shamel, W. V. Bodenhamer, R. L. Kndrlx, W. H. Leak, E. J. Roberson, Ohas. A. Jones, Jr., J. A. Southern; Root. R. Crowder, A. J. Linville, W. T. Moore, John F. Lashmlt, E. J. Hes ter, S. M. Greenfield, D. D. Schouler, C. Moore Ebert, Jas. E. Conrad, W. A. Whitman, M. B. Mecum, W. H. Gos- len,' Austin M. Charles, E. R. Messlck, R. a Click, 8. G. Nelson, John D. Wat kins, R. L. Finch, Hhiory A. Hester, R. D. Hay, Ernest Transou, O. C. Hlnes, Daniel A. Smith, J. M. Rogers, N. L. Cranford, R. 8. Galloway, Walt Martin, James W. Bcbouler. , . Second Week: Albert L, Motslnger, J. Allen Murray, J. Mack . Glasvoe, Hnrr E. lng, Af&ton N.- Linville, ,Ise. A. Rutt. D. E. McKsughan, 8. M. Kennedy. W. G. B'lnkley, R. A. Tal ley, 8. E. Duggins, W. Oscar Charles, , Ai B. 'Llvengoad, J. H. Butner, R. C. Hunter, T. M. Benton, M. Vance Fulp, Welter L Morris. . : CHINESE AND NEW YORK POLICE NEW tORK, March II. When the police came bringing In fifteen China men, taken In one raid, they felt very proud; 4s well they might, for they had '.played a trick upon the Heathen Chinee as cunnlr.g as the Chinee could Invent himself. Instead of going in and chasing the Chinamen through all the labyrinths their nimble feet took them, the police went all around the building and had every hole well guarded, and when the pigtails came rushing out of what they supposed to be undiscovered ex Its they found a force awaiting tiem with welcoming arms and eafcor lios- p'talltjv The .I!ini,s felt qititc cut j up nlMuit It, but weru tonipd'p.l to ad- j mlt that the polico for once h:id shown stratcg'. Whether ulx.ond eyed j wngs find thu ofiirtrs of tie lav.- are as Quick and cine as they arc lht-:n-! selves, they will bo more reserved In I their tricky operations. ! of la grippe and kindred sickness la Cldent to tho rough weather con dl tlaas. Dewey's health has been very goad the few months that ho has been In the prison. Major W. H. Martin, who Is serv ing ten years for the embezzlement j of $16,000 from the State Treasury, while he was clerk under State Treas urer W. H. Worth, has been for quite i while, in fact for--the past year or two doing service on the State farm. much of the time as steward of the convict camp there. ' ! There are less them, C50 convict's consigned to the penitentiary now and not more than 100 are In the central prison, the others being at work on the State farm and oa the Raleigh & Pamlico Sound Railroad, and other works of that kind. There are about 45 women, the great majority being negroes. The lat ter are kept at the farm, the work of those on the farm as well as those kopt In the prison being principally the making sad repairing of the i'lothcs worn by the convicts. Getting' back to the matter of the manufacture of brick In the prison itockade it li of Interest to note that during the past two or three months not less than 300,000 brick have bees loU by being damaged by freezing Mil by i'.c heay rains. These are of -o ase not a to.al loss since the spoil ed brick are reground and remolded, making thereby all the better brick Then they are finally successfully burned. ; Superintendent Mann has stacked away on the yard for use In the brick Wins and In the pHuon the largest lot of wood ever gotten together In these parts. He has five thousand cords of poner inai mere was no danger orIEl(le of lne mountain, covering the tne youngster swallowing it on, no. ;trach for gome stance. Just the same the inquisitor took i Excessive rains In that section Is tnat pin away from the youngster justigjVen as the cause of the slide. a soon as the young mother tuxneJi . ' ' her head. . -: - - .- ! Twas just one of those case that! REVISION OF MICHIGAN often come ocrore the city authorities to solve and about the only way to solve It Is to give the applicant a tick et to the home of her nearest rela tive. ' Wo may have a few more days of this rain and wind but It will not last long, for the spring time is almost here. Along, with the spring daye a coupie oi weens ago ine nrsi ner ald of the springtime the little pur ple violet came peepmg tOrth, and while Its face has sine been covered with a mantle of white, It -Is Just as welcome as if the sunshine had kiss ed It each morning. Our old friend Blum's Almanac tells us Spring was due to. arrive on the 21st and as It is a gray-haired veteran In the weather prognostication business we'll not deny Its statement. ' Just as soon ' as the "weather breaks," as the old folks put It. there is going to be a busy time out in the country. Already the Irish potato Is ready to push Itself upward and the tobacco plant beds are covered with the canvass cloth. Ground for tho corn and other crops must be broken, and It Is going to be hard on the farmer boy to keep his mind on the mule and plow while the flstt In the near-by stream are nibbling at the hook he threw m Just before starting tne turrow., ' If you have never been sent to the bottom to plow on a fine spring day, while the "old man" was "grubbing" on a hill a half-mile away;' you don't know what fun it Is to slip a hook and line in your pocket just before start ing and. In making the first furrow, pick up all tho stray worms you can And for bait. Then when you get. to a rood fishing-hole Just cut you a reed, put your line on, bait your hook and throw It out Into the stream. But you must not wait for the fish to bite. Just hurry back to the plow, grab the line, yell at old Mike and by the time ou get around again, holler "wah," and take a peep. at your hook." The fish taken with perfect safety by old or young medical advice desired without cliarge FIRE IN STATESV1LLE DOES 550,000 DAMAGE State8vllle was visited by a 50,000 conflagration March 27th. A special to the Charlotte Observer, says the fire started about 7 o'clock last night in a two-story brick building on West Broad : street -occupied ' by Wilson's tailor shop on the . first floor , and Leary's photograph gallery on the second floor. The rear of the build ing was occupied as a storage room by the Lazenby-Muntgomery Hard ware Co. The origin of the fire Is un known, but It had made such head way t'ant it could not be confined to this building. The Wilhelm Com pany's wholesale clothing store, on 'Me west, was so much higher than he burning building that it escaped and the wind carried the fire, east ward. The next building, occupied by W. P. McLean, with a stock of grocer ies and the hall on the second floor used os Salvation Army barracks, was the next to go. The next building was occupied by J.- O. Lnmprecht's plumbing and general repair shop. On the second floor was Capt.. P. C. Cart CONSTITUTION VOTED ON DETROIT. Mich. April 2. At the general election, held In this state to day tho voters of the state are votlns on the proposition to call and hold convention for the purpose of making a general revision of the constitution of this state. " The ballots upon which this question. Is submitted are sepa rate from all other ballots used at this election. If a InaJorlty of the qualified voters voting at this election should decide In favor of calling such a con vention, it will become the duty of the legislature at Its next session to provide by law for the election of delegates to such convention, whose duty It will be to prepare a gec.eral revision of the constitution, which shall be submitted to the qualified electors at some future time for adop tion or rejection. DOINO THEIR DUTY. Sfct foot splint pjne and estimates j would be a "glve-a-way" and serious that this will caj-ry the prison through j complications might follow. Just go the summer months In the burning of;bv old "Aunt Lucy's" and tell hex to brtck. . ' . fix you one on a piece of corn pone I and she may have the others. But along In the evening, just before sun (down, when the "old man" Is exnected ' it0 00016 by to see how much you Scores of Winston-Salem Readers Are 'nave plowed, there's got to be "some Learning the Duty of the Kidney, j walking about" by you and Mike to t ,u. v. 'a . .... . make good for that fun you had be To filter the blood Is tho kidney' ; fore dinner. Then it Is that old Mike duty. -shows his mulelsni, for he's had n When they fall to do this th id sood time all daf and don't see what's BeVg are sick. i the use of hurrying now. To add to j n i v . ... .... yoar annoyance your plow strikes Backache and many kidney ills fol ot, which files hack and "barks your low. Ichla." But It all is forgotten when Liinary trouble, diabetes. Doan' Mrs. Green street, Danville, Va., says. "I i RAPID PROGRESS BEING : MADE ON COUNTY HOME Fogle Bros. Co. Is making splendid progress In the construction of the new county horoe, two miles northeast of the city. The masons are now lay ing brick on the second story. Tho contractors expect to have the build ing completed July 1 'next. The old county home building, which is located Just east of the new 3ne, was erected about 60 years ago, the contractors being John Miller and Sandy Bevll, now deceased. They were assisted by our townsman, J. C. Miller, son of the first named. IN FEDERAL COURT Regular April Term Began Monday- With Judge, Boyd "Presiding. Is the Moon Inhabited? Science has proven, that the moon has an atmosphre, which makes life la some form possible ou that satel lite, but cot for human beings, who 'have every reason to think well of! ' ' Old-Time School Exhibition District Attorney Holton, Marshal Millikan And 8everal Deputy Mar shale Are Sworn In Today. Judge Boyd's Charge to Grand Jury About 88 Cases On the Docket. GREENSBORO, April - 2. At . the have a hard enough time on this earth of ours; especially those who don't know that electric bitters euro head ache, biliousness,' malaria, chills and fever, Jaundice, dyspepsia, dizziness, torpid liver, kidney complaints, gen eral debility and female wesknossta. aary trouble, diabetes. fu wet yourself at a supper I opening session of regular April term . K. F. Prledell, widow, of OW9 how to prepare. :ncJ" Holton. Marshal Millikan and sev eral deputies were sworn In. Judge Boyd's eharee wa hHf hut Loan's Kidney Pills. I used a bo CLEMMOXS, March 30. The pub- j comprehensive, there beine no sn-!al -.I.W . , . .. . . tip R'htvil at Miirirl-v OranV 1naAj , 1 ineui. .. Thn r-rioHhor hanH lenses. and preUed them very highly as a kid-, excellent music for the occasion. The! There are 88 cases on the docket aey remedy." exercises, especially the dialogues, , for trial, exclusive ot tho 33 cases Flenty more proof like this from were grsatly enjoyed by the crowd. ,raIn., ,ha -Winston-Salem people. Call at E. W.lThe recitations and dialogue had!f 1 Jevenue offic and die- fheoualled as a etneril lnnlr .nji.,.l . u,u -""J "Da MK woaijoeen stieciea wim care ana tne pupils- i appetiser for weak persons and espec- For sale by all dealers. Price 60 tally for the aged. It Induoee sound, cmf- Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. sleep. Fully guaranteed by V. Thompson, Druggist Price only 60c. V., sole agents for the United State : Remember the name Doan's and take no other. gave evidence that they had received excellent training by the. teacher. rroressor Anderson. Mts. H. B. Shoef. of Thomasvllle. Is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. IE. W. Mullcan. "moon -sh toe" variety. These have accumulated on account of having been side-tracked for tho last two term of court for the bigger cases. In which officers have been on trial. Ibrarv. The fourth building was oc cupied by Fry & Phifger, with a gen' eral stock, Clarke's cigar factory be ing on the second floor. Here -the fire was- stopped, leaving two more two-story brick buildings in the block on the east, Mill & Poston's department store and the Morrison & Sons Co.. wholesale grocers. The first two buildings burned comprised the old stand of Wallace Brothers. They were owned by Mrs. M. L, Gumi and It is understood that she carried oo insurance. The building In which the. fire started and tho one adjoining wei'e completely destroyed, the walls falling -down. The other buildings were gutted. The other two buildings burned were owned by Dr. J. J. Mott. If Is' understood 'that he carried $5,000 insurance. 1 The loss on ' buildings will reach $20,000 or more and the total gross loss Is possibly $10,000 or-$50,000. It is the biggest flre Statcsville has had In more than a dozen years. There was abundance of water. -and, - after desperate , work, firemen, volunteers and others, got the flre under control. Soon after the fire started help was TERRIBLE SCALP HUMOR Badly Affected With Sores and Crusts Extended Down Behind the Ears Some Years Later "painful and Itching Pustules Broke Out pn Lower Part 'of Body Son Also Affected. A TRIPLE CURE BY CUTICURA REMEDIES "About ten years ago my scalp be came badly affected with sore and itching humors, crusts, etc., and extend ing down behind the ears. My hair , came out in places also. I was greatly troubled; understood it was eczema. Tried various remedies, so called, with out effect. Saw your Cuticura adver tisement, and got them at once. Ap-" plied them as to directions, etc., and after two weeks, I think, of use, was clear as a whistlo. "I have to state also that late last fall, October and November. 1904, I was suddenly afflicted with a bad erup tion, painful and itching pustules over the lower part of the body. I suffered dreadfully. In two months, under the skilful treatment of my doctor, con joined with Cuticum Soap and Cuticura Ointment, I found myself cured. "Six years ago my son was kid up with a severe cold, a hard cough, and finally painful eruption all over the body. I procured the Cuticura Remedies as soon as possible, and after his faith ful use of same was as well as ever in two weeks, as well as I can recall. He has neve-, had a return' of the illness, as far as I know. - " I have always been pleased to com mend the Cut icura Remedies, and testify as to their efficacy. I am a veteran of the late CivU War, '6I-'65, between seventy and eighty years of age. Yours truly, H. M. F. Weiss, Kosemond, Christian Co., HI., Aug. 31, 1903." - CompWt Efltrml u4 Internal TrMtmnt tor rrrrf flamof , from ttntplft k t-nifi, from Intepry r Ac, eoMlrtlu rf Cullorm ftoap, Sc., Olnuiieiit, ns, tUTv. L toe. In na at (.'borolut ComtnJ 11IU, dr. per rW IT hed of all dniwl!. A tlrictc Ml often Mm . Uu rao dbuenliit cam hrn all cto filla, fttur Unt Oem. Corp., Holt ProfM BootoQ, Maa. mr MaUnl Fm, How to Cora Ertauu. Mtd "Alt AlwiUlAal,HS IHMIa,MHUt.'' ,q1va,1 frftm QalloUii.. . , ltq j . .a.v,oc nu- tii'TIl, UUt It (lid rive mini iuo nre was umlertsi Mayor Boydsn and sevorm c. citizens Came with the lire 100 men. Charlotte and S blnAR- nttaraA fhl , f OUR 8TREET CAR SERVtCi Winston-Salem Man Telia th; ; i '0e Observer About It, Charlotte Observer. j Several of the young met shop were lounging about Tue ternoon and talking of thlnnb' eral. The prime topic ot diwJ was me wonuenui growth oJChr, md Its superiority over all oife les In the State. A resident of Winston , quietly In one corner of the toot tenlng with evident Interest k' conversation. . .. "You may have the majority J town's beat said he, "but If yoi to see the very best street cut in tne state, you must go to m Salem. The conductors there nil ets six for 25 cents. Every atcd datlon Is given to the workiniJ and school children. Working J are sold eight tickets for B's which are good from C o'clock o'clock in the morning, from 12 O'clock at noon, and from 0 to the evening. Two special cars an every morning to accommofcti large number of passenger tto tne street cars in going to their i Any one can use these tickets. "School children are given ten els for 25 cents, or 40 tickets M These coupons are good at il! i of the day. This rate enabtai of the parents to send lheir ric! to school' on the cars, eipecid ul wrji.uci.. 1 HO rvui.iiuuor tent ' Is - operated by the Fries Hi facturlng & Power CompaM. Queen City may have a larger a car system, but Winston hols banner." ' T I ESTATE M It Mr. Arthur Coleman has pnrcha the Buxton-Shelton block, located the corner of Main and Third sttf It is understood that it reqn: 118.000 to make the transfer. The building Is two stories high. sides a basement. The three H rooms on the first floor are cecal by C. M. Phelps & Co., Henry Si and ft bowling alley. , The property was formerly ft owned by Mrs. E. E. Sheltoa oil J. O. Buxton. Mr. Coleman may make m. cide Improvements in the nt thM block In the near future. Col . A. C. Davis, who esiski the Davis school just west of tbj savral vears aeo. has purcta! property from the Bank of Wsri Goldaboro and a deal is s.'i"" for a sale of the buildings ! to parties In this city. "A Horse of Another Col A well known society woma anions; 1 other guests, a mat' greatest pride is in his stable. H lne of this, and wishing to pi some little compliment onfckl track successes, the hostess -that the Ices be molded lr.to tb of horse heads, and there brought on a group of hon from the same material. "Th.it I snnnfl.se." one of 1 remarked, pointlug to ihe the chef's oheval de bataille. ."Oh, no!" another chevaux de frlse!" Harper'i1 -. ..' Sale, : By virtue of authority co rlorf nf trim! from Joe H. Wl Brim, dated October 2V. MM recortld In. the register s oror sjlh county. I will sell forcl courthouso door In Winsto"- - 1 Monday, April tne o'clock, the following . ... u. hi tne w t erty, town: ijift - - . , Winston. N. C, beglnnin , on B street, H. Monwsue s runs thence south alo with said J. il. Crews I ne corner, tnence --. t .n Rtakn on a 1" i"" "j ..ut. ..m oiiot- ?i feet - liu oaau " " -. - stake, H. Montagues '" ,,,,. east with said Montis , - to tbe beglnclng. conta. BminrA et more or less- This March 8. 19 . ..fj aim-T nortlj

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