LXLV1I. -NO. 41. WINSTON-SALEM, N.C.. THURSDAY. APRIL "26. 190G. PRICE 50ENTS SHOCK T LARMSTRISGD 'Night Earthquake Shock ting a Few seconds Was Felt.. No Loss of Life or Property Cge l Reported as Result of Disturbance It ,na nau xi- L causing Much Uneaeineas People Leaving San Fran- -Estimated That 800 Bodies Been Burled Thue far. 30NVILLE, April 19, 9: 30 a. hintiy between Momeicy, v,o- aad Tajaro snow uniuisuuittui f the terriuie ieuvuius jco- n the upheaval oi me eurui.-- .inks 'extending aloug railroad ,i far us the eye can reach Iroui four to six rcei.iu aena m loft on I ho surface of the mule testimony oi imimai distance of nearly a mile the sunk into the earth. on Castroville and Monterey ksers have been Incited into spotting hot colored mua to a from ten to nueeu luei, building to building In a toad rush on ward. . ' v . ..",': J. V ;,'.,, -'. V. k ; Important Documents Destroyed. crept around the base of Telegraph mil, and loft but few houses s.andiiig, has crept back from west and Is now in full possession' of houses on bill ' I the rush during the destruction IU", rTZ J..,kT ot the city hall every document' of j i? w' Jl0?"btf h7? v 11 record was burned, i . KWn t0 th? front on Van e. Mechanics' Pavilion caught fire just as the last of the injured had .been carried from It. . Women fainted everywhere and the scenes enacted have made brave men weep. - Willing men were driven back oy the police while their homes were burned before them. : . Fire Making Way Eastward. The fire is still burning and Is mak ing Its way eastward. $50,000 for Relief Purposes.' NEW YORK. April 9.-11:46 a, m.-r-M. Guggenheiraer & Song, copper magnates, this morning wired $50,000 to Oakland' bank iwlth instructions to ston for relief purposes. Fire Reaches Knob Hill. SAN FRANCISCO, April 19. 11 a. m. Tho Are has reached Knob Hill, about the ' residence section of the i city. i The Fairmont Hotel, a new struc ture, erected by Mrs. Oclrlchs, Is now in names. Firemen Report City Doomed. WASHINGTON, April 19.-12:40 p. m. The Western Unlo received tie following telegram from San . Franc Cisco this morning: ; Outside cities havef been sending engines to assist In subduing the flama Kilt it Kna Kann fVTm A iinnlioo en the seaside and Del Monte fa aecount of no water and theM are Avenue end west ot there. "The main fire has reached Octavia street and Is going at fast rate, There Is no one In from the fire since mid night. At that time It had started afresh ou the south end of the line of fire and was burning fast. "The ferry buildings present a fear ful scene ot men, women and children and few articles .they have tried to save. They are all to leave the city on the first boat they can get away on." . ','-.- - . ..'., Road Strewn With Vehicles.' : ' NEW YORK, April 20, 11:30 o'clock The road leading from ferry north and around shore of bay as far as Fort Mason is strewn with all sorts r.l.nQ ii . r i I"' ".ic lum uan uruivtr:r uu SV: r; '3r' r "TUC,m ruufh heavy loads. he tracks were twisted until cmbJance of tracks disap- 100,000 People Homeless. HI.VGTO.V, April 19, 10 o'clock Ing is the first official report Department has had from Funston, commander of the States forces at San Francis etary of War, Washington, D. need thousands ot tents ana rations that can- be sent. The portion of the city is destroy about one hundred thousand arc homeless. The fire Is still The troops are all on duty, as- poliee. The loss of life is prob- thousand. The best part of rest- msLrict is not yet burned. 'FUNSTON. City Under Martial Law. r YORK, April 19, 10:19 a. m. is still raging. The city is lly destroyed. It Is too early Imarning there to learn defialte- ater fioat the exact Situation. and Biirburban roads are run schedule time except to Al- military are doing police duty. is under martial law. , Santa Rosa Destroyed. ANGELES, April 19, 10:33 -Santa Rosa has been des Ten thousand are homeless. ad may reach Into hundreds. a business building has been nding. Main street is one line red ruins. The buildings not d by earthquake were con- y fire. - people fled to hills and watch- destruction oi the city. People Leaving City. ', ANGELES, Cal..Anrll 19. 11:30 rA 'east two thousand llves 1st in Sun Francisco in earth- ad conflagration that follow- hospltals and improvised asy- e anie with difflculty to care injured, of whom hundreds en treated. stricken people, who have escaped injury, are preparing the city in large numbers. ft Attack Residence 8ection. flames ran along a rrnth In w circuit In the section, de- I and skipped In a dozen direc- ine residpnpA siwinn At 1 the fire had made its way :o North Reach nortlnn and 'fftS the Khinnln Rpctfnn ilnvn pay shore over hills and across mird and Townsend- streets'. ws and manufacturing plant lath. This rvuiintot&H tha listi let known an south of trtct. far south the flames extended wen told as that part of the on trom the city proper. to Golden Gate Park, "ark tb.3iisa.nilK f akin their wav with hlnnlreta int.. . . - r" provisions to Golden Gate MH'Uor. Those-in homes in Va''ey niled thnlr' hntmohnlil P the streets, from where they ny trucks and automo- "uioKirig of the city. p City Will Be Destroyed. ""J in' San Frtumluvw who feared to leave the city, be- "i oe totally destroyed. wn everything Is In ruins. "Intss hnuco . ii nin s nave been rrnmhlol and JW Plants are useless. f."1 reach 1150.000.000 or jf bu' nothing definite will until a partial aecountin Tlree Ghouls 8hot. side is death and suffer- P !te in the afternoon three ""not by soldiers as they in tne ruins. Fi8Mert Nearly Exhaueted. not itcOrnraJ ), m r'1" down bill tha ASA A F i mad rush of fiery element. 211 ,fire fighters, who aro t: "? 10 reliefs, are heinsr com- f ineir lon hattu wiih tha ,AII Bio Bullftln.. f. ')( UUHG. being returned to Oakland and other points. The firemen report the city doomed." ';. ,'-( Damage at Interior Points. LOS ANGELES, April 19. 1:00 p. m. At San- Jose Vendome Hotel an nex was wrecked and tea or fifteen persons were killed. The Doherty block was entirely consumed and one Woman killed. Every business build ing was demolished. Martial law has been declared. It Is estimated that fifty were killed here. Passengers arriving from other villages bring tid ings of death and disaster at Santa Cruz, Monterey, Gllroy and Holllster. Wall Street Firm's Subscription NEW YORK, April 19.-1:10 p. m. Brown Bros. & Co., of Wall street. subscribe ten thousand dollars for the earthquake sufferers. , City's Finest Structure Consumed. NEW YORK, April 19.-1:20 J; m. lock Island Railroad officials have received the following from San Fran cisco: ' .-'..: Day dawned on a scene of death and destruction. Flames have con sumed the city's finest structures and skipped In- a dozen different direc tions. Flames made their way ovei Into North Beach section and are springing out anew along the shipping section." None Alolwed to Enter City. NEW YORK, April 19.-2:00 p. m. -San, Fiancsco fire continues burn ing In a diagonal line-up tha hill. coiumerjclng at McAllister and end ing at Battery Stand on Mission as far as Sixteenth streets with rising wind and scarcity of water. No one is alolwed to enter the city and sol diers are distributing the water. Americans in London to Subscribe. LONDON, April 19.-2:07 p. m. Americans in London will hold meet ing tomorrow and subscribe to fuiid for relief of Bufferers In San Fran cisco. United States Ambassador Reid will collect subscriptions. . Mrs. Oelrlchs Prostrated. " NEW YORK. April 19. 1:10 p. m. "Practically all my property is In ruins. I can't give aid because now I'm as poor as anyone else." Thus spoke Mrs. Herman Oelrlchs this mcraing who, before her marriage, was Miss Fair, of California, who Is prostrated today at her Fifth avecue home over the anxiety for relatives and friends and loss of a great part of her fortune in San Francisco disaster. Seligmans Subscribe $10,000. NEW YORK, April 19.-2:10 p. m. J. and W, Seligman have subscribed $10,000 for the relief of sufferers. House Votes $600,000. , WASHINGTON, April 19.-2:10 p. m. Immediately after convening this morning the house voted an approp riation of fCOO.OOO for the relief of San Francisco sufferers, to be ex pended under the direction of Secre tary of War, who Is authorized to em ploy steamers and other means of transportation to carry supplies to the stricken city. OAKLAND, April 20. 2:30 a. m., (coast time) There Is no change for the better across the bay. The city is practically wiped out. First Newa Not Encouraging. SAN FRANCISCO, April 20. 9 a. m. There Is nothing encouraging from the scene of the conflagration thi3 morning. On the contrary, since midnight it has started afresh on the south end of the -line of fires and is burning fiercely. It nearly reaenca Fort Mason last, night and the big Fontana warehouse and nearby can neries, which will doubtless go today. It is believed the flames will make a clnan sweeD of everything as far as Gofden Gate Park with the prob ability of taking the eucalyptus trees around that line ana rannanaie rut to the ocean. . Cruiser Escape Injury. WASHINGTON, April 20. Jl a. m.. Th navy department has received a dispatch from Admiral McCalla. at Mare Island, stating that the armored cruisers South Dakota and California, now being constructed at Cnlon Iron Works, escaped Injury. He adds- that he has sent s tug toad of provisions to the city. Fir Started Afresh at Midnight. vrw YORK. A"r:t I'll a. m The fire came very close to Fort Mason last night and the big Fontana warehouse will no doubt go today. I thinlt the fire will make clean sweep of everything as far as Golden Gat Park. , - Aid front : Sacramento. .' : OAKLAND,' April 20.-11:34 a. m. River boats are arriving from Sacra mento and relief ! from hunger and thirst aro in slghtvfor limited number of sufferer. -..-'' Lack of Water'Very Seriou. WASHINGTON, April 20. 11 a. m. The War Department this morning received the following dispatch from Colonel Devol, department quarter master, 'San Francisco: ''Presidio. Cat.," April 20. "Quartermaster, Washington. "Answering yours am Issuing 3,000 common wall tents in store at Presi dio, also 1,000 buckets and 1,000 blankets. Will continue to Issue un til stock Is exhausted. Lack of water Is very serious. Can. probablyr take care of tonnage as fast as it arrives. No stoves needed. Warehouse in soma danger at Presidio. All military store houses in the city totally de stroyed with contents, except the storage of officers' effects.' Dock and all transports uninjured. Have mov ed records and office to Presidio." . . ,; City Practically In Ruin. OAKLAND, Cal., April 20.-2:00 p. m. San Francisco is a memory. Not a home remains and the peninsula,1 yesterday the home of nearly hall a1 million people.-Is now a ruin, . ' - Beside--Sb Francisco the Tit es of J OAKLAND, April 21, 10:30 a. Boston, Chicago and Baltimore seem Insignificant More people died in the Galveston flood, perhaps, but the de itructioa of property was far less; Mayor Schmidt' residence fell be "ore onslaught of the fire fiend and the executive and General Funston, work- . ig in perfect harmony from the same ifficea, were forced gradually back ward until today It is expected they .vill have to move into the military reservation. Itself ' ' There are left standing no hotels or msiness bouses but a few side s'reet alns thrust their mighty beams into :he smoke-clouded sky as if in de fiance of elements that, strove to wreak their destruction. The . steel frames are twisted and bent but re main faithful to the hopes of Inven tors who conceived, them. The United States mint stands deso late amid the ruins. The quaklngs oi mpry ntature did little - more than make the mammoth pile tremble and its stones defiled fire and remained. It Is impossible to estimate the number of dead. Five hundred may s near right ae five thousand. Estimates of ten thousand are com Two thousand refugees arrived at night at Sacramento and twenty thou sand more will be sent there today. Through the - night outcasts of earth, hyenas In the Image of man, plied their thieving, ghoulish calling in darkness. The soldiers shot many of them. Toiling up steep hill sides, drawing trunks and household goods over piles of debris, their faces blackened by smoke, lined by sufferings and re sembllng Imps from another world, men, followed by dazed families, sought .all night to find relief from the scenes of horror. The mournful procession of poor whites, orient peo ple of all nations, wended tragically from the rookeries they called home. Soldiers are administering affairs with all the justice of judge and all the devotion of heroes. It was the soldiers who prevented people from robbing fire-fighters of the last water. the soldiers who keep up courage ot the refugees and feed the hungry and serve the Injured. . ' Doctors, nurses and policemen are working without food and all work with patience. The great story of the San Fran cisco disaster Is yet to come. . It will never be all told. There will be as many versions of thousands of trage d.'es as there were people In the stricken city. "May Save Part of City. ' WASHINGTON, April 202:15 p. m. The War Department at noon re ceived the following from General Funston: "Fire situation at seven this morn ing was better. Fire baa been stop ped at Franklin street Hose la now being stretched from Franklin ' and Broadway toward Russian Hill and Telegraph Hill. It is hoped to stop the fire on that line. "South of Market street the fire has packed to west of Dolores street but norvb of Market street the entire line Is under control, from about Filmore and Market The region of city west of this line and north of Market will probably be saved. The weather continue fine. Sup plies are arriving and the situation appears a little better vma antici pated at midnignt. Much Effective Relief W-v. ' without relatives or funds were taken in charge by coarlUote organisations and made as comfortable as possible ir. parks, churches and hotels. Almost without discrimination tl.a destitutes were taken Into private homes for temporary succor, Ten to twenty , thousand Cnlnene are among those reaching west sldo of the buy. They hurried supplies and in main, found places for their Cf intrymeu. Hay citizens took special precaution t protect themselves from the law h ss element Organized; corps of special police patrol tho streets and guard the houses. All the people were ordered from the strews at 10 o'clock. Suspicious characters were arrest ed. Mayor Molt, of Oakland, served notice on storekeeper- that If ; they oharged exorbitant prices, thelrstocks would be confiscated for distribution by authorities. - , Unless more food than is In sight reaches here within 48 hours both the homeless in San Francisco and those of cither bay cities will suffer hunger. The soldiers are pressing Into ser vice all the men who come near Prefcldlo, forcing them to labor In burying -the dead. Corpses are piled so thick they have become a menace and orders were Issued to bury them at any cost. No attempt Is made to identify them. ,. Ex-Mayor Phelan, of San Francisco, on of tho heaviest losers. - headed tha subscription for relief of the dis tressed by giving one million dollars. All nearby towns are raising subscrip tions. ; No Water Famine Expected. 7 NEW YORK.' April 20.-3:45 p. m. -Western Union Bulletin says: y The - homeless peoplo are, concen trated in three . camps, one between Fort Macpn and Presidio, one in Gol den Gate Park, and a third south of the Protrcro In the hills. ' No water famine is anticipated. NEW YORK, April 21. 10 a. m.- A Western Union bulletin from San Francisco says: "The situation here is apparently no worsa. No ono seems to know what is going on except fa bis Im mediate neighborhood. ' f The wharf fire, which worried us alt night by spurting up at times, may. get away from the firemen. It men aces the sheds and warehouses on the water front, of . which about 15 are left, all being of wood," Diseases Break Out hospital servtc veceivoil T.o advices regarding tha reported outbreak ot smallpox and typhoid in Frisco. Hatf Population Slept in Parks. OAKLAND, Cal.. April 21. I2:t!0 To save the waUr front the law machine works were dyuaraitod.. It looks now as if fire , on water front will be checked w ljimbard street wharf. It is i3Wottti'd thnt ou-hiilf of the population of Frisco slept lu parks last night Aaide from the fire whlcli was creeping along tho river front from North Bench all sectlo.13 are In eon trol In thut portion of Mission tils trict. These are not touched bv the (lames and no damage has been done there, , " Relief Fund Etght Millions. NEW YORK, April 21.-1:15 o. m From reports at hand today It Is seen that the reiiet fund for San Fran Cisco sufferers aggregates vlght mil lions. .-'.;" New York alone this morning raised nearly fl,500,000. At the time of the Chicago conflagration this elty raised Sl,lO0,000. SAN FRANCISCO. April 23. The fall of ralu is aiding in clearing of tho streets and Hushing of sewers. Today will mark nd of the confla gratlon. unlera some untoward circum stances start It again In the residence section in western part of the city. Much Suffering Last Night. NEW YORK, April 23.The West ern Union received the following bul- plainly that Frisco Is a nervous wreck. The hist day,; wh!n lw big quukfs occurred, veiiplc waited for a tttw) shock that wo;:hl sink tho city, then for four days th?y hod, the chance to forgvt shesl.i ua mage of fire gv t.r.-wn saruetiilng else to think of. Now tfta siliptuest muvvr causes thum -rc.v;? their fares, .- No correot estimate el ths doait is possible.- its all eases it has been uec- exsaiy to bury botki at ov.e? and only five per ceut aro identified, it is estimated thiw 00 bodies Iwvo been burled thus far. Others are Lo ir? constantly . discovered bv men clearing away the uVibrls. Death List About 1,000. OAKLAND, April 24. Coroner Walsh state that his vdeputk UwK charge of 450 bodies tnk from the Frleco ruins, not Including thoso that were buried by police and military. It is beiiewa now the death- list wia be Ire the neighborhood of 1,000. Many . were cremated. i , . San Fiaraclsco stw.k exchange hsa opened temporary quarters. Action by Congress Expected. WASHINGTON. April 24. Follow. Ing precedents set In the cose ot the groat Chicago ami Boston fires Con gross Willi pms Wll authorising free Importation of structural steel and other butltling materials for use ut San Francisco. , The senate finance committee had a, meeting this mono ing but took no action on resolution to this effect, WMca wrvs lutroduoei yesterday by Senator Cullom for rea son that all measures affecting re vo let In this 'morning at 9:30 from San " " . uug rev Friinoiiww .... flues oilglnat in the hous. Conn uetice was, nowever, expressed bv m. Newspaper men who left San Francis- jo late last, night say smallpox and yphoid have broken out among the of -igees in parks. They &Id the :lty would be placed under quarantine , Conduct of People Good. WASHINGTON, April 21, 10:40 a. n. The dispatches this morning from Ainston say fire Is making no prog ess through west from Van Ness Av tni3.-' '- ;''. Wind of considerable force Is blow Ing. Indications are that part of city iouth of Van Ness and north of the bay will be destroyed. It will be impossible to establish proper sanitary conditions. Mucn sickcess must necessarily. beexpect ed. '. If city to west now standing remains intact there aro many good buildings thnt can be used as hospitals. The water supply Is encouraging. Supplies arriving are being distrib uted to people In the parks. The police, troops and firemen are almost exhausted. The conduct of the people In gener al has been admirable. Most of the casualties were in the poorer- sections south of Market street. Not many were killed In the other portion. - Many Pitiful Sight. NEW YORK, April 21. 11 a, m.- A Western Union bulletin, says: "I have never witnessed a worse condition of affairs. During the night when the cold wind sprang up the plight of the campers, men, women and children, must have been pitiful in the extreme. "The opinion Is that after the people have all Informed their friends of their condition there will be little business until rebuilding starts, end many express doubt as to when thavi will be," 150 Killed at San Jose. OAKLAND, April 21. News from points outside of San Francisco is still meagre. - It appears that disaster at San Jose has been underestimated and at Santa Rosa overestimated. . A brief dispatch direct from San Jose says 150 were killed and 200 In jured. In Agnew's Asylum the loss of life was 130. WeWstern Union Ready to Move. . NEW YORK, April 21. 11:16 a. m. The Western Union ofllce recelwd following bulletin from Frisco ofBce' at 11:15 this morning: I "Fire that started along water font last night, which was feared wmld consume Ferry House where the Western Union established headquart ers, is still burning but unless a -high wind comes we feel safe for the pres ent But as a precautionary measure to prevent the world, from being shut out 'from San Francisco we are ar ranging to carry cables working to Oakland to s point np the bay where we will be able to continue com munications rn case the ferry building Is destroyed." Russian and Telegraph Hills . Destroyed. OAKLAND,' April 21.-11:30 s. m Early this morning fury of the flames abated somewhat The fire completed the destruction on Russian and Tele graph Hills. The approach of firs to the ferry building caused the report that ferry was on fire. Relief was givea all who needed It and it H rrjiortei that there was not Franolsco "It has been raining- here since mid night, causing untold suffering among refugees." - ' - Encouraging Massage. . WASHINGTON, April 23. Encour aging dispatches from government officials in San Francisco are being r ceived almost hourly. The outlook for early resumption of federal bus iness Is very bright. With a new pust offlcs. mint and appraiser warehouse practically Intact th moBt valuable jf government property in the city vas saved and the biggest damage it v'll be railed upon to apr will bs thm tor repairs. :, Aeco.q.iig to messages received to day all government officials are hard at wcTk, bringing order out of Chios and establishing temporary quarters where old are out of commission. Word reached the treasury depart ment this monrlng that the steamship China from orient had arrived witii a arge cargo of supplies for Chinatown. Word was wired to admit the goods, Tree, at least for the present. li;e -upplles were not consigned to suf 'ereis and owners will be expected .o pay the duty after a while. Government Fund Increased. WASHINGTON, April 23. Tho gov eroment rellet fund for San Franclsoo was Increased a million and a luif dollars today, tho snnata adding to the house resolution half a .million. In accoi j'ance with the president's reo ommendaton It was provided that s W't sum as may be necessary could be diverted to payment of milCttse and other unusual expoimes Incmied in transportation of men and supplies. Few Cases of Smallpox. WASHINGTON, April 23. No re sent advices regarding outbreak ol smallpox have been received beyond official Information given out Itwi night that a few cases have been dis covered and that they had been Isohued. Pope Sends Donation. ROME, April 23. Pope Plus X has sent a letter to Archbishop Farley, of New York, requesting him to convey to tho American government the papa) condolence over tho San Fran cisco disaster. He also enclosed a donation for distribution among fam ilies cf unfortunates. ' Senator Aldrlch that the house would speedliliy take action In this direction. General Greeney's Report. WASHINGTON. April 24. The war department this morning gave out I'ts following telegraphdo report received1 from Major General Greeney, come mantling the Pacific division ot the rmy, who has Just arrived In Ban Francisco: . "I assumed command this morn lug. Have gon carefully over th situation with Colosel Jooelyn and Funston. Due largely to Fimjto' etKwrv and judgment and toot there ho been minimum of violence, even under most distressing conditions. Very .careful Investigation made by Captain' Winn today Indicates that the entire . San Francisco death not may not bs over 277 victims. Of thess about 60 aro unknown," IN MMIM OAKLAND, Cal., April 24 Another earthquake shock occurred at 10:10 last tight and increased the anxiety ot San Francisco's stricken people. It lasted but few seconds and no dam age was reported The shock, thodgh, caused many people to remain awake through fear of, further disturbances. The rain last night and new shock has caused maca- of the re fu trees to Oeave Frisco and exodus started again 1 .. v., - I I . 1- force. Transportation Is not bard to got. It is harder to get a loaf of Frrm Tuesday's Dally, f - Policeman Peary yesterday after noon arrested George Btults, alias George Sheffield:-a negro wanted In Martinsville for burglary. Stultz Hi rived here yesterday, hav ing come In from Greensboro and hs liad been hero only a few hours bi foie he was landed. pQllcsttittn Sttv en, of Martinsville was here Inst Friday, having learned that the negro had been seen here. In- company with local otliecrs lie visited several negro ' hetU-emenis, but George had left town. Pollceimin Stevens says George Is a bad negro. About a month ago b was sentenced to the Virginia peni tertiary for housebreaking. At 0" o'clock one evening he was placed In a new steel cell and when an offlcsf went to the cell at 7 o'clock be found that George had sawed out and skip ped. In a few weeks, however, George went back, to Martinsville sod with tho aid of a partner entered, a store one night and stole savers! sulu of clothes. George Imurs of his skill jin escaping from prisons, An- ofllcs arrived here from Martinsville today . to take him back. Clemmoncy Defeated Winston,' Special to The Sentinel. CLEMMONS, April 23. The repoil which came out lr The Sentinel in re gard to Clenuuons and Winston bait game was not correct, so please print the following: - The Clemraons baseball team de feated the Winston ball team on Cknv mons ground, April 19, by a score ol 24 to 2. bread than a railroad pas out of the I The difference between the' Ideals city. The Southern Pacific only asks of a girl and a boy is about the dif these questions: "Where do you want fcrence between whipped cream and to go?" "How mac.y In party?" The shock of last night shows lady lingers and broiled fried potatoes. steak and la mil GREATEST DISASTERS IN HISTORY. Pompeii and Herculaneum, destroyed by eruption of Mount Vesuvius; A. Q. 79; mors -thsn 2,000 lost Earthquake In Constantinople, thousand killed; 557. Catania, Sicily, 15,000 persons killed by earthquake; 1137. ' 8yrla, 20,000 killed by earthquake; 1158. - Cllcla, 20,000 killed by earthquake; 1268. ' Palermo, earthquake, 9,000 lost; 1726. Csnton, China, 100,000 lost by sartiquake; November 30, 1731. , Kuchan, North Persia, 40,000 lost, earthquake; 1765.' Lisbon, elty ruined by earthquake, 25,000 killed; November, 1755. Aleppo, destroyed by earthquake, thousands' killed; 1822. Canton, earthquake, 8,000 lost; May 27, 1830. Calabria, earthquake, 10,000 lost; 1857; ' v Island of Krakatoa, volcanic eruption, 38,380 live lost; May 27, 1883. Isle of Ischla, earthquake, 2,000 lost; 1883. Eruption of Mauna Loa, Hawaii, 7) killed; 1880. ' Charleston, 8. C, earthquake, 49 fi es lost; August 30, 1886, Bandaisan, volcanic eruption, 1,00 killed; July, 1888, Island of Hondo, Japan, sarthquaki, 10,000 killed; October, 1891. . Venezuela, earthquake, 3,000 killed; April 24, 1894. Guatemala, earthquake, loss of lifi not yet ascertained; April, 1902. 8t. Pierre, Martinique, May, 1902; loss of life 40,000. Veeuvian towns destroyed by eruption of volcano, April, 1906 ; 400 killed. all the