I LV1I.-N0.41. WINSTON-SALEM, C. THURSDAY. MAY 3. 1903. PRICE 5 CENT ANGISCO W REVIVING. ents For ine Ke- f thft cuv Arc J u ig Formulated. as vrc " n..noened for Business. Ly Structures Being Put Lccomodate Others. Re- Citv Ha Been Begun. .... Have Been Shot. ttween Military and ' the L.XCI9CO, April 25. At lonring conamcuu ueKau ,rmal aspect, each marts eniained tiururnea opsi. . j TVmrorary struc- tig run up to accomodate II evidence to put at. rest riseo would never an.se Li Oakland 1s assuming i, Tents. nowever. lie iliwwn up in Oakland, Alameda for tne constant refuses arriving from loads of potatoes arrived from Salt Uke City, tne renresKHlns the contrl- ttaol children of that city. ked to contribute rive of mulls continues. nf fbn lenetral commit- .ir:c reported the cits iidition absolutely under but. forty cases of small- p z:k? car lines are w Kixtv kW stations are in 3 cc.-.i!iscai;a:i of stores is nf busings except tne .'klseil by the major to tie between the state and i is growing niai serious RI.ES, April 25 Accurate lie devastation urmifif1;! at s-iacbv-br...Thc bush and J:a!f of the resl- m was (!emj3d -or ue- l-iss -will aggregate ejght Nineteen pirfccn wert hi Injured; M0 are honu- N'CISCO. April 25, Every comes from the coroner oUts of more persons ahot rnrmbors of cltlzena said ibis hiorntng xtot brother of. Jimmy Bri.t, !-r, had- leen killed. It was slw:t because he re- ve up his automobile to (wilting .tbenKelves as warned lo cany aid to wounded. . Brltt has oeen several days.. Failure iO to eonflim the report. friction between 'militia hag causal a strong da- he withdiawal of, stuae lani-eu arrested police- wm-j instances compelled o:t tlie streets. GREAT AT NW O S Thousands ot Confederate Veterans From Various' States Gather There. Splendid Program Arranged, This . Embracing Business and Social Sessions and Big . Parade. City Elaborately Decorated WiWth Con federate Flags Intertwined With ' Stare and Stripes. NEW ORLEANS 4prll 25. The sixtesnth annual dWrioa of the Urn Ited Confederate ve"twan opened In tl.Ca city this morning under the moat Hum E- Oiu wEEK ASSURED Will Be In October and Prom ises To Be A Great Occasion. For Good Reasons Jdea of Having Such an. Event Last . Year Was Abandoned But Matter Is to Be Taken Up in . Earnest Now. and Pushed to Successful Conclusion. 200,000 PEOPLE NOW CARED FOR Method of Distributing Sup plies To Them Quite A Problem In 'Frisco. General Greeley, on Hearing Reports of Extravagance and Waste In Dis tributing Provisions, Issued Orders Establishing New System of Caring for Needy. Unburned Part of City Divided Into Military Districts. CLEVELAND ACCEPTED IT Place As Chairman of Board of Advisers of the James town Exposition. " . charged of extravagance and waste In Already prcpaiations have been be gun for jjreatgala week which It w proposed to have hi Winston-Salem di. til 112 tiio first week of October. It ci un wun " ... . . . .!. H,...I 11 .,, aiMntaions cnndltinns. Tho fact that, will De in ue nature or a nomcom- mmyujnius Pires in oi- owlng to aia oversight, tbe dates ie-inS week and ic 1s proiwsed to raakelders bir -Gecieittl Greeley tolay, ets:i) lected for the reunion' eon dicta with tlie occas-ion one of the biyget eventa jl!ehlng a new system of caring for the date paleded. for the observance w uu Kjna ev?r nem ajare. ,tne avu.uua nceay people, ii was aeciacii mat suimmer lo-nave Board of Advisers Is Composed ol a Hundred Men Chosen from Various Professions. List of Some of Those I Representing Different Walks in i Life. - . NORFOLK. April 20. Announce ment Is made that; .former l'reUlcr.t SAN FRANCISCO, April . 30. The Cleveland has accepted tine position of PRESIDENT MAY E YET INTERVEN SnPPEAflS FROM I IT FRIEDBERG ftHe) received a telephone orn it;) correspondent at this county, today staling oyal Voosf?ey, ased about mysteriously disappeared onie yesterday and that .inies had bten out all toJay searching for him, ' trace has bee-a found. man staled k was feared pooseley has met vloteucc 1 suicide, A near-by poml redRetf but wUhmit reauV.. ahle excitement bus beonl nc neighborhood by the r Mr. Moo3?ley is a of Memorial Day in some Southern status, may have caused ome Con federate ve-terans to remain away from the reunion-, but their dropptag out luva caud ino notlcable d'lmir.u- tion of the crowvls w hich have come to this city for toe .reunion;. The city Is crowded wlt"i visitors fiom all parm of the United . States, particularly, of counse, the Southern: staites. All pub lic bui'KUngs and mar.iy busir.'ess hous 3 baid private vresidencca are hand- c'jtK-e-Iy dtecorated and Confederate flags are seen side by side with the' Stars and Stripes. . Many of the veterans, not accom pcriied by ladles, fat up oi the St. Lu! Hotel, wliera three thousand coija had been st u,p to afford slci'p lug accoiimitAiatlons to 'as, many Iiu peci.'Cf.wis vettraiw. Natlring will be charged to them tor ihe accomniojl'i tlons at Uuat hoa3a. The division beatf-rmai-tera are located at lie SI. Char:o3 Hotel. The cpen.ing meeting of the reusi lei was called to order by General 'tephert D. .Lee, Comma ndari of the United Confederate Veterans. Every Available space to the large hall was occupied by veterans and the gallery' j filled with ladlaa. aisd other vfsl- j tors. Welconilns addresses wre dellv-J are,! by Governor Dl-anchrad', ; M ayor Behmm and E. B. Kritttaciniu, chair- niaiv of -the general .executive eommiUi tee, wUo formally tendered the lary au-djlrtdum to Genmal-Lee. D'. Tiuxi. M. Owe.t. -oonwnmtideitn-chlef of .the j. Ilnltr.-I Sl'..,a nf fvnfwl.orit'trt VolJIfi'H . also delivered an address, at the con-1 ATIANTIO CITY. April 27. The elu:an c' which the basineKa SMiaolanla' convention-of the New Jersey hcB-iri Bankers' Association: opened here io- twb- rvpnino- nniPHninmpnt fur K' at (he Chelsea Hotel. The atten ihe. veterr.es will be riven at tho Audi-1 ,:mc !s ttsaally large , and more a home-coming week taat fait, but ow ing to toe fact that the hotel accow mcdations of the City at that time weie limited; it was decided that it would bo bet.-t cot to bold It at that time. This year, however, there will be travp'. hotel aceomaiodattona far the occasion and It Is proposed io make great efforts to make the event a most happy and Interesting occa t'iorj. One of the features of the week wli, be the format opening of Hotel For syth and It Is proposed: lo celebrate U.str occasion, wiitb a blgHbanquet, at wttlcb a number of distinguished men of this and other States win be tres'.'ntt and deliver addresses, Reduced rate, will be secured on all railroads for the week. The conn ty fair will be held during the period and w'M be another drawing card for lb occasion. The Hoard of Trade and similar or ganisations of the city and county will be asked to take up the matter and it la propo-med -to ha-v a meeting boot) at which time committee's will be ap pointed and other preliminary matters arranged llilllHIEEUNG torlum. This will pea with a driu by the schoal ca-da'ts of tiha city, fol lowed by a concert of. vocal and inetru- uiental music, contrlbited by local tal ent. A feature of the entertalnimen't will be tt-3 to.igis of the -r!ous South ern iau-.). ajug by girls dressed in the Cunfcde'.dte coicra. Miss Molile C. Btenchard, representing Dixie, will occupy -th'3 centre. The Southern Cio3s"drl)l will also be given. Tomw'.jw foreign tho bushUKa 93&j:ort of the reunion1 will bs cou-tfi-med. The grtac feature of Thurs day will be the great baH at the Audi torium in the evening. It will begin at. 8 o'clock with the grand march, led bv General Stephen D. Lee and his staff in full uniform All the oldLfah iowed (laix-es which can be glveni by the veterans will follow. At 10 o'clock there will be a cotillion, led Com mander Owen, of the Sons 'of Vete rans, f rom tnat rime me rouuu dances will be danced. Fiday will be closing day. The prin cipal feature of the day will be tue parade. During the parade all the school chlldre-iT will be massed 'ta the vicinity of the Iee monument and will Sing the old Confederate congs diur'.iig the entire time that the veterans are passing that point. iepresentn;lve than : ever before in the history of the association. The convention wilt last two days and lae piogram Ineludes some highly Inter eti.ing m.idiress'2-s and -pancTS, The annual banquet of the associa linn wll' take place this evening and besides, the mombers attending the convention- many prominent guesls, among them seveial members of the cabinet, aro espected to be present. Among those who have pronnlsed to deliver 'addresses at the banquet .ire Secretary of War Tafr, .Governor Stokes, r-.I!ed States Senator John K Dryden, Jr.hn R. Van Wormer, of ih Lincoln Safe Deposit Company, of New Ycrk City: David S. Walking, commKaion'sr of liuiikins and Insur anco of New Jersey, and Thomas P. Payton, editor of ' The Hanking t.aw Journal." T HANDS OF MOB. O'lTH. lev Inrll or. r.f. pnuU.in Clur.tv urn a.-v,iir. lut'y in srarch of a white faVa ,:c'1 ,he 1G'ar-!-;i J- W. Moare, a furmflr, ,a n. lo from haio. . The -"K f. n a Held when she -1 ar.( subjected to the "''. tujiment. She losl s ai;.i isniaining ic this 'wal hours, her continued "used the family and iu m a fieM srill unconscious. r'"-fd. She itsva An nr.- l'-in nf her assliant ils uiid:wbieUy be n i v . -jimsion. a young wmte ir,o!- attempted to emu ' 1 ' days ago, but was mm dniiig so by friends. r;fs'-d and given a trwl 'W ctmrt now la session. 1 t kIx tnonths on -;n i,.rrrr i . .. . . c, '" "-iM'-n, mil in mm f r sarh emTgvncies. 1; nm and henls the hurts. Ui?y ni& the tor- rf."- N thln helped Uoan's Ointnwnt. - II Permanently."! t. n T TO FORCRUELTYTOANIMALS Lee Martin, colored, was up befo:e 'Squire L?hm.-..' Monday on a warrant sworn out by Wlr.ee Rucker, l liveryman. Rucker conducts a livery stable on North Trade street and "Martin was employed at the stable. Easter 6anday the defendant airrled two colored people to Thomas ville. It.: was on this trip that the nlalnCtff alleges that the defendant abused the animal, causing its death some days later. The court lendered a decision of ?ullty and sentenced Martin to the roads for SO days. H. O. Sapp, attor ney for tho defendant, gave T.otlce of appeal. F. T. Baldwin and J. S. Fiats represented the plaintiff. All the at torneys made speeches. Floods the body with warm, glow ing vitality, makes the nerves stroua. quickens circulation, restores natural vigor, makes you feel like one born igaln. HolHster's Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents. For sale by O'Hanlon, Winston; t-andquist & Pfohl, Salem. We care not how yon suffered, nor what failed to cure you. Holtistcr'.-. Rockv .Mountain Tea makes the umiiest. weakest specimen of iua oi womanhood strong and healthy. cents. Tea or Tablets. ' For sale by O'Hanlnn, Winston. Ijindquit Pfohl. Salwn. ANNUAL MEETING OF y Sixty-five cars of frlrit;,.'T standlrs on th yards at High Pole. Thursday awaiting to be moved. A whipping doesn't hrt a, man so nM.rh the thoiichts of being wh.p- RALEIGH, April 27.-Vhe second annual meeting of the North Carolina Library Assoclatic" will open at toe Olivia Ransy Library Hall Mils after coon. Tlra attendance promises to be unusualiy large and au lute: csi lag progTanv lias been prepared. ? The session of the association, which will last two days, will be called to order this afternoon by the president, Mr j. Atinie Smith Ross, of Charlotte. Richard H. Battle, president of the Raney Library, will deliver an ad dress of welcome. After the secre tary and treasurer have submitted their reports,- the president, Mrs. Ross, will deliver her annual address. Many Interesting papers aud address es are c-n the program for the atlo;-n.oo.n- session.--- This evening thcie will be another session, when Mayor James I. Joho.son, of Raleigh, and Gov. R. R Glenn will deliver addresse of welcome. Many interesting and im-poita-Jt educational u.nd literary ques tions will be discussed during lids meeting. TOBACCO SHIPMENTS 2.D9B,105JLBS. IN APRIL The manufacturers, of this clt7 shipped 2.0SC.10S po'mds of tobacco last momh. The stamp sales rau as follows: On totwicco, $125.7Cfi.:'.il; -piiHs. $2.t.T,.CO; ciKar3. Total. ,$12S,T85.90. The unburned district of the city is divided' Into seven military districts. each subdivided Into a hundred relief stations, and responsible citizer-U will be placed In, .charge of each relief station, assisted by paid si;ff. Dally Inspections, will be made and steps taken to correct abuses. : IN THE ABDOMEN. Charle3 Jones, clerk In; the post- omce, was stabbed in the abdomen about ..'4. o'clock Mofiday by KJ- w-ard KdniuudJ, a young man In Lie employ of the Brown & Williamson Tobacco Co. Edmunds was at the postofflce to deliver some hvall when he and Jones got .Into., a controversy. ' The discus sloa 'resulted In both parties becom ing angry. Jones went into the lobby and young Kklmunds drew his knife and proceeded to slash Jones on the hand or arm, after which he. stabbed him. The wounded man went to ine office of Dr. H. -H.- Kapp. , Iiivcatlw lion provtd hat the wound' lr) the aouomea was- aoom one ana one- qitdivr dnchci deeji. It was sewed up. --While it l not considered- ser ious, upom the advice of the physic ian, Mr. Joneswill spendva. day; or two at the hospital. -! x chali-maa of the beard of advinora of the James own Exposition. The advisory board consists of a hundred peisous prominent In their respective professions. Among ihe army and navy advisors are Admiral Dew-ey oiHl Gsaerat Chaffee. Nlcluiaa Murray Butler and Woodnvw Wilson are of those who represent education, Mellvllle W. Fuller to one of the ndv vlsers rtprt'seiUCng law. Well knowa newspaper meti are among those seleciM as advisers on literature. They Include Hnry Watterson, John Temple Graves, J. B. Shale, Fiank B. Noyes and L. B. Holde.3.. Capital and labor are represented by Thomas F. Ryan, Cyrus H. McCormlck, ' Samuel Gompers and John Mitchell, SAN FRANCISCO FIRE COME NEXT SATURDAY Final arransemeiila have been- completed for the annual outing cl the Spencer excursionists at t'lin place next Saturday. There will be two trains, ar.ri between 1C00 and 2000 employees of the Southern Rail way will Spend the day in the Twiii- Clty. The first train will arrive at JO a. m. aiui the second some ten minutes later. Cars will be in waiting at tiie square to convey the visitors to tne park, where they will hnvo dk.ner and in the afternoon contest of an aJi letlc nature will je held A game of baseball will probably be played vt talrvlew paik. Dining the day tne Immense fuc. lories of th R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company will be thrown open to the visitors, who will be allowed to In- ipect the placiia from cellar to garret. Thev will return to Soencer at i o'clock in the evening, NEW YORK. April 30. Seldom has a conun-uiuiy been so avepty moved as New York has been by the terrible calamu.v that berell the metropolis of the Pacific coasi San Francisco. The sale of the newspapers wer enor mous, the editions being innumerable. Indeed, some of the .newapapni for got about the editions, and simpy sent extras as- f&iij as tho forms could bo changed. They all expreaMid I heir rdmliation - for the plucky newspaper men lit San FruncUco, who cUibbeil thjir fotces and got out one, new paper to be dJsirlbuted by all. The streats here were lined with people watching -hjljetlns and buy ing, extras, tho crowd ,exccjdii.-.ig that of any pre v1oas Oceanian since the death of Lin coln ana on election nights. There was no escaping the meaning of tho faces .that looked ait Ihe bulletins, they were all seilous, with a vela1 of sad-; nesM ubout them. Mny wore expres- KioiiH of rogiiet at die sad ftute t hat had befulWMi tho fair city by the Went em Sea, and many were the tears ex pressed that she1 would never arise from her ahei. Tho wound to confi dence wrought by an earthquake Is a fenible one. It lequlres steady nirvc to rebuild on such a shaky foundation, with every indication that, another Jiilam-Hy like the ono Just, enactetl is almost sure as fute. One thing Roosevelt May Offer Compro mise Plan In Hope of Averting Coal Strike. It Is Said Mr. Roosevelt Hat Kept Himself Thoroughly Informed as to the Situation and, If Strike Seems IneviUble, Will Try to Bring Opera tors and Minora Together en Soma Agreement." , WILKESBARREJ, April 30 latlnw tlona are heard this morning that President Roosevelt will Intervene at the last moment to prevent a hrd coul strike, which Impeiula because the two sides have been unable lo agroa as to method of application of arbitration to c:y quostlou of differ ence, demand for lncrenI wage. Mr. Roosevelt, has been kept Informal of every move tiuade In the negotia tion and when It Is seen that Um strike Is Inevitable it la tuild he will fciferfero and in joint note to opera tor omd minora polut the way Li which both aides may meet on com- ' mora basis of understanding a to how arbitration shall be applied to the ' question of wages. The hope for peace In coal reglow hut cot been abandoned though some plain talk Is heArd on every hand that . tmerators aro detornUned ot a irtrlk " but are disgusting tlvelr moves wua hopes that tlwdr punwso will b be . fogged in the mibllo ej-e, STRIKERS Ai TROOPS FIGHT. Rioting Breaks Out Again This Morning at Mt. Car-.. ; mel. Pennsylvania, - I When Detachment' of Xroopa ( Stat Constabulary Arrived from RUdfrtfc tg Preserve Order Trouble Segan, At Yet Troops Have Not Fired en Mob Because County Sheriff Hm Not Yet Arrived and Put Them In Charge of Situation. . MT. CARMKL, I'onn., April "30.-.. Rioting In oil out again today word the di!a.'hmnt of trp3 of the ttt consUbahry arrived from Reading to -pieserve trihr. -Tie mob and troop era are kMII flghilng In the atresia; Ridnfoiceimuilfli ure on the way front r Tnniuqua; - -' . Several lioipura have been Injured Death of Mrs. Braxton Craven. Mrs. Braxton Crave-ir, who passad peacefully away on Saturday, at her home at Trinity, was the oldest of twelve children, a woman of remark able activity, both mentally and phy sically, retaining both till death claim ed her In her elghty-fecond year. She was the wife of Dr. Braxton Craven. the efficient president of Trinity Col lege Jor so many years, and was a sister of Mrs. C. C. Dodson. of thlr lty. Of the tweive children ouly two survive, Mrs. Dodson and Mrs. Carr. All of those who have passed away had leached a ripe old age. Colcnel Aispaugii. Mrs. T. W. Pane and Mrs. Dodson attended the fuuetal which took place-Sunday. . const riietluci licieafier, tmatt btiilil- Ing having proved a daluMlon, it was a delight to witness how the gen erous prompting? of - sympathising he-art came to the surface. Money went leaping and rushing like, n lor rtir,'t lo lmlp the iKor follows on the Miast, and If money could plant thcin surely on their feet again It would be on hand In at iilme. What a comfort to feci that wo have a government that could supply 2ufl,0uO rations t" starviitig people almost at once. The occasion brings out the fact that the people of this country are very close ly allied' to each other,, that city Is bound to city, one section to another. so that .what, touches one touches all-. E fired no el'.oiu because of failure of the sheriff of tho county to put la bis apiX'jiance and give them amluv -rlty to take charge of the situation, f When tho iherlff arrives ha wlll-'glv j his oidem and troops will Are on tl.e rnyb If It btwo'iiies unruly. . . AT Marriage Licensed Issued. , Marriage iteiniil have leen i3sue,'. by the Register of Ieed as follows: Matthew MaJone to Julia Alke.!, of Winsiii.i. Jas. II. Maspy to Ada Anthony, both o. Rural Hall. Both those permits were to colored parties. A. license has also been is tsjed to a white couple, but by reque.t thctr names are withheld until the wedd Ine takes plaee, which Is slK-d THE CITY OP WARSAW WARSAW, Poland, May 1. Busi ness Interests of the city are demora- ized and !coplo generally thrown i,lo condition bordering on a panic as the result of agitation started by the Scialisla It hi ought about a gen eral strike and call issued to working men to make their grievances known by parading through the streets and holding public meetings. All factories tapped ihis morning, no tram car. rnr-'auig. no cais In operation, btrong patroli of soldiers aie guarding the streets. Troops have completely snr- By Wire to The 8entind. SPENCER. April SO. During a storm heie yesterday afternoon iiic residence of Mr. J. P. Crowell waa struck by lightning and conalderao,e dalnago was done to the bulUlin-g and the family was severely shocked. Tiic bolt took effect on the top and ran around the building. At the same hour the tekgraph wires of the Southeru Hallway Company were Kerknisly af fected on Its main UuB r.orth of Spencer and tho handling of trains was Interfered with. Caught 166 Pounds of Fish. Messrs, Luther McKenzle and R. T. Beck, of Germanton, were here thu wci'k, lUurnlng from a fishing expedition at b? Flies power house on the Yadkin river. Saturday night and this morning they canght I'iC pounds of suckers and othj-r. varlel Wr.. Tha largest 6ae weighed S'4 pounus. The linan1own eflisienj go home happy over their good luck. Death of a Child. The Maut boh of Mr. and Mr. W. J. Martin died on West Fourth street nim--1 the factory districts ami cut! about noon on Sunday. Its age wait I ben. off from other sec; Ions of tne city. Third Annual Tournament. The Wtnslon Gun Hub will be rep resented at the tbtrt ai'dual toira- mer."l of ttie North Carolina Tn- Shcoters AsocUuion to lie held at Witeon Thursday and Friday, May 24 and 25. From a copy of the program, received: hero. It Is learned that there will be 10 contents each day and $IW a day added money. The North Car olina rrampioTi-ihlp cor.teft will ociur 13 months. Deceased had been III for several weeks, caused by whooping cough and bronchitis. . The .remains were ;nt U Walnut Cove. A Mountain of Gold could not biinit as nmrh happlnes to Mrs. Lticia Wllke. of Caroline. Wls aa did dm 2fc bx of Ibieklfm'ji Ar nica Salve, wb'n It completely" cured a running sum ctj hr leg, which had tortured her 23 long ye.-vr. Greatest antiseptic beW of f!le, woundj and tores. -25c at V. O. Thompson's drug SATURDAY NIGHT FIRE A houoB occupied by a colored wo man nnd her children near -the South- side cotton mill, was destroyed by dre Saturday night. From what can be learned It ap pears that the womtt.) had gone from home and loft the children alone, and one of them upset a lamp. All the household goods were destroyed. It Is also said that $200 In money wait burned, the woman hsvlng that amount In a trunk. S. C, FEDERATION OF " WOMEN'S CLUBS MEET ROCK HILL, S. C. May 1 Tin eighth aiimial convention of Uio South. Ca-mllna Federation - .of 'Wo- ' men's Cbih ojvencd here tolay In the City hall. Tho executive- conmUter will hold a session this afternoon and later In live afternoon the credential ' commltteo will hold a sesMlon to re ceive the credential of the delegate to tike convention. The first, oneu CKlorj wUl bo held this evening, when the mayor will deliver bis weU ccuilng addre. A. s. Salk-y. Jr., aecretary of lae State Historical' conimiRlon, will de liver an nddrc-t on South Carolina' place In history.- There -will be excellent program f music nndoe lh dii-ectlon of the chairman of miistfi of th.- feleratlon. ' -.--.' The board of directors will meet to morrow morning, aud immediately after the close of this session the gen eral business iwrtlng of the tvwl,r Uon will be called to order for. the" transaction of roiUine btisluess. Re- , pt.Tis of chairmen and the Iqdriirlal ' school commit! e wilt be made at fbat sessI'Mi. which, will rkw.vi by mi"m-" or to I. exercises In booor of Mrs. Mar tha Orr Pafter,yn. The meeting will . a-ijouin on MMay. Thf-rf wlil be i numtw ,t oVliKb:ful social festur.'-w In honor of th-3 visiting delegates. , Mixed drtnka lava about tba am; effort on a manr as too trty I