wm&ma tLViL-NO. 41. WINSTON-SALEM, N. 0.. THURSDAY. MAY 17. 190G. PKICE5QENT V FID Led At Belews Creek fl That Shot ana fed Mr. Wiggfns. ....kinict in Southern .. ... s soencer, y" snoue . -. Ihe Street Car When the L, committed Between jnd Spencer, . aays i.ii Here Is the Guilty mu Re Held Here jcisonci , Time. jay's Daily. L ...,ottP.l by Mr. D, hrick yard near Belews ,lay and brought to jail av taeniuieu "toir of Conductor Wig- tiry three wee . painter, a machinist In Railway suops . Ani' nrlwifl io was oh .m v-"' took piace, .mi iu company with went 'to the jail where :v identified Davis, -V ". .. , wm probably ue nep !,c ikm term of Rowan , icward iif $550, offered rf. , Davis, ntau or . Ill til rt ,! arrested mm. 5 r he was arresi.eu imus h.it ho was ino "W" later tinned it. ho nas (inflicting stones since ins C. VOTE IS A TIE. Senate Committee on Panama Canal Did Not Agree On The Type. Five Members of Committee Favor Sea Level and Five Favor Lock Canal, Senator Simmons Being in Latter Class, Definite. Decision Probably Be Made About Tuesday, WASHINGTON, May 12. Advo cates of the sea level Panama canal will probably win. They came near scoring a victory In the senate canal committee. As . Jt Is, determination of: the Question of type of canal will be postponed until next Wednesday. when the question came up for consideration in executive session of the committee today the vote resulted in a tie. ' Following senators voted for the sea level canal: Kittredge. Piatt Anky, Morgan and Taliaferro. Those for lode type were Millard, Dryden Hopkins, Knox and Simmons. ARMED MANIAC ON AJAMPACE Georgia Telegraph Operator Becomes Suddenly Insane And Creates Trouble. ENTERTAINMENT BY liiWin Jail Yard. wiio arrived here at. on the Mooresvuie train, tbe station oy tnenn Ala- Painter stated mac ne hours last mailt and ate breakfast this morning. for time to get something going to see tne negro This request was 01 ted,, "'-'' Mr. Painter, in company leriff, Dr. E. Pulp, Capt. H. D. C. Taylor ana a en- kentative left tne . court he identification mission. bstion of. Mr. Painter, the is removed from nts ceii vard. "1 want to get a Iit that negro, so .that .there lander of being mistaken," inter. , "' 1 - the negro walked out" of lent door into the yard puia-h 'turned.'.' him. loose. had his back toward the Id when he turned around man and negro were only apart. - ' : ;. . -' .'- wic negro that shot. Mr. am confident, of that," ex- Painter as soon as his iipou the prisoner's face. In scrutinized the man who the name of Ed, Davis at Creek brickyard, and hs ftrat declaration that this an that murdered Condue- denied emphatically the H that he was a native le and-left there two' or ago. going to Belews re he found employment. why lie confessed to the working for and to Dr. E. he was arrested, that he WiRgins, the negro replied only joking when he made Sent, '--:-....-- Hr. Painter left the tail he would like to see the m In jail at. Snlishiirv and fir. Painter to tell her to him. " ,.-.,'-.. 1 ulian, of Rowan, has re- Miff Alsnahsh to hold the ontll he sends for him. iter, who wbr sent br hv iaa to identify the Davis native or Davidson county, m this city .for some time "K.to Spencer four year tne man sent, to Greens aays auo to kp if thn - at Heldsville was the Ho fold the Greensboro won as he looked unon per that ho. was Hot Uie u'l'il Mr. Wiggins ' er told Sheriff Alsnaiiirh 'tW' as soon aa hA arrived h felt confident he would man wanted as soon as he Because I was on the when The shoot ine occur red that. neero cIorpIv" ainter. iCHllilZ VERY ii-ii newyork m May 12.-The coturf. 1 "-nun is reported by iffiy s morning aa very critical. .ne uid not, expect he ,,e the d;iy. I DP COURT ENESNEXT MONDAY P term of Forsyth superior n next Monday. L , lf's wl!' preside. m , 'mui vases iu g then, being the indict- - Kobre, William . WMtbeck for the K"l)-e. last Janu Sii . L" G!nn, charged 1 .m Chester But- C Vc !" -ca".e? pn ill or " or nignway " "I ttlOiB defendant. .r. Tho etiU'Ttainment given In the Sa. lm Bays' school chapel last night ny tne Junior Endeavor . Society of trerist church was a pronounced sue CeSS. .. .; .:'..". . '.;.. :::.:'.:, Forty young people took part in rendering the pleasing program of songs, recitations and the musical play "The Gypsy." Tho Christ church Sunday school orchestra appeared for tho first, time before the public and made a very favorable Impression, The happy rendering of the various parts of the program reflected great credit upon the skill of Mrs. Kenneth Pfohl, the leader of the society, A large audience was in attendance and something more than $40 was rea lized, which will be used in placing stone steps it the southeast entrance to the church, . ROARING RIVER MILL - TO BE SOLD AGAIN. By reference to The Sentinel's ad vertising colum7is U will be seen that the Damask Manufacturing Com pany's mill plant and site at Roaring River, W ilkes county, is to be refold on May 24, a ten per cent bid having aeen filed with Maj. J. E, Alexander ,-eferee in bankruptcy, by the Greens joro National bank and the Carolina 3upply, Company, of Greenville, 8-. C. At the first sale the property was old oft by J. . Patterson, of Spray for $7,000 an dat the second sale, two weeks ago, N. B. Mills, of Statesvllle, was the purchaser for 17,700. The question of confirming the last sale came up before Major Alexander thla morning, at which-time the ten per cent bid was filed by President Nelll llington, of the Greensboro bank, 'and a representative of the Carolina Supply Co. NEAR BIG TRESTLE Tho crowd of Italian laborers that arrived here the first of the week fronj tho western part of the State, are still In camp near the big trestle on the Southern Railroad a mile southeast of the city. They are await ing the arrival of money from friends to pay their transportation- back to New York. Mr. W. P. Crutchfield,, agent for the Southern, has !een authorized to offer the men $1.25 a day to work on a rail road at Hillsboro. It Is also said that the .crowd could find employment on tine "Southbound railroad, but It ap pears that they aro determined to do nothing until thev can hear from New York. IN THE PILIPINES WASHINGTON, May I2.-Under the direction of the war department General Leonard Wood, commanding division of the Philippines, has begun a campaign oi morougu pii" of his troops for possible service. An order is issued by him providing ioi m elaborate system of target prac tice, field marches, sham battles, etc., all for the purpose, as be says, "that troops of this command may be fit for hard field service." This order was made public today. , KILLS ONE MAN AND SERIOUSLY HURTS FOUR Armed With Two Revolvers, Rifle and 200 Rounds of Ammunition insane Man StartcOut and Does Much Damage, Burning House Among Other Things. A Posse of . Citizens Now In Pursuit. ATLANTA. Ga May 15. A large armed posse is pursuing J. H. Clark, night telegraph, operator at Cliam blce, tWLlvo miles from here. Clark, while on duty last, night, n't crazy, "armed himself and went on tt rampage. He killed William J. Cheeks, of Dunwoody, seriously In jured Will Purcell, TO, S. Pureell and W'. S. Mast, all- of Chnmulee, and W J. Coker, 0f Dunwoody. Hails armed with two revolvers; a .rifle, two hun dred and fifty round of ammunition Busme.v'at" ChambWe Is suspended houses .closed and inhabitants living in mortal fear. Clark set fire to home of Purcolls When they came out he shot them and Maist, who came to help fight the flumes. At Dunwoody ho tried to buy ammunition - from Cheeks. - When he refused! ho thot"and Wiled Chetiks. An armed posse has left here and will probably succeed In capturing or killing the maniac. DOUulA TO MAKE .LI ANY DEMANDS NEW PAVEMENT FOR STREETS OE NEW YORK NEW YORK, May 12. Great Im provement In street paving Is in prog ress, in which elimination of noise w ' principal feature. Experiments have uaually been made on Broadway fht, but this time the new-improve ment, or pavement, was tried on min or streets, on. which,: however, heavy travel is tile regular lot and the pave ment has proven, remarkably success ful. .The new improvement Is a wood pavement,- and seems perfect where it has been down for some months, it showing no sign of wear, and there is no noise at all. It la smooth, reduc ing the haulage to a' minimum. It Is almost as smooth as asphalt, but has the advantage of affording slight jatching-polnts for tho toe-corks of the horses. It was not as slippery dur ing the winter as wa the aephalt. It is such a popular pavement with the teamsters that they go blocks out of their way in order to drive their trucks over it, if It takes them in their direction. . It Is easily repaired, and does not leave any unsightly and bad ly fitting spaces where the pavement has been torn up and relald after the repairs to gas, water, or other pipes have been made. The company that lays the pavement -does the repairing itself, so that it Is laid as it was first put down. Wor'.-mun have at last tackled Broadway to lay this pave ment, and will work from Vassy street to Bowling Green. They will work day and night right along In order to elieve the traveling public and the traffic In the street from as much In convenience and annoyance as possi ble. But a. block Is paved In a short time and when done Broadway, which used-'to resound to the thunders -of the 'busses and the trucks will- so be as auiet as it country road. The busi ness man. on Broadway specially re quested! that the authorities 'would give -them that particular noon or ab sence of the noise that had been tor menting them for so many years.' Of, coin-He the concern that lays the pave ment lias a huge profit, and there is undoubtedly some graft in It, but graft or no graft, the business men want the pavement. Russian Parliament Will Ask Amnesty For Prisoners And Other Things. REPLY TO THE CZAR'S ADDRESS BEING FRAMED Member's - of the Douma Are ' Now Working on This , Reply Which Will Probably Be Submitted to Czar In a Few Days. Outline of Some of Demands That Will Be Made. ST. PETERSBURG. May 15. Douma Is still discussing reply to the Oznr'a addrm from, the throne. While Uie entire text of. the document is not definitely decided upon some of the demands will be: Complete amnesty for political offenders, aboli tion of death penalaf', of martial law and other hindrances to political lib erty. Dtwimti members win go further In 'demand and will ask tho council of the empire that upper house of par liament as now organized he abolished and that the Czar shall revoke funda mental 'laws of April v 23,' Whereby autocracy la guaranteed. ; The douma will demand the right to interpellate miniBteisn The. compulsory appropria tkm of land will- also bu demanded as well as guarantee of liberty for professional-organizations. Another de mand will be for universal suffrage. TILLiNliiEO WASHINGTON, May 15. Speaking to a question of personal privilege when tha senate met today Mr. Till man denounced an, alleged interview which appeared in Washington news papers,' It quoted the senator as de daring that Senator Aldrlch. Repub Mean leader, thad m conversation with him and Mr, . Bailey urged him to abandon his negotiations with th president and joint with the Rhode lHland-pr.J!ecaiUs "you will be in the senate, long; arter that man has left the white House." to use a quotation Mr. Tillman said he was not. in the habit of glvtlng out private conversa tions. : Mr, Aldrlch expressed gratification at the announcement. "I am glad the senator has made a disclaimer," he said. PLAN PROPOSED EOR TAX ASSESSMENTS CRUSADE AGAINST HOT S THE SUNDAY SCHOOLS Christ church Sund.' school has announced its annual picnic ai -M&se" Park on June G. The other Sunday schools will douotless follow In one, in ordpr as in other years. These occasions are always enjoyed by the scholars, old ana oung. . might well be termed ' congregational picnics" for the entire membership is usually present. . WASHINGTON, May 14. In co operation with Governor Davis In at- temnt to abolish gamming at Hot Springe Secretary of Interior Hitch cock has uent to resort confidential Secretary W. Scott Smith. Besides Smfth it is understood special agents of the interior department will be sent to the springs to gather evidence against gamblers. v . APPEALS ARGUED IN THE SUPREME COURT. RALEIGH, May 15. The argument of appeals from tne fifteenth district, including Buncombe, Madison and Transvlvania counties began today in the supreme court, there being eleven ca!Wt.MUrrays Will case. Gudger vs. White, McAfee vs. Gregg( disposed of). Rumbongh vs. Sackett, McPheet ers vr. English. Hemphill vs. Lumber Co., Rhea vs. Craig. Burnett vs. Ly man. Gilliand vs. Board of Education, Merrick vs. Redford, Dunn vs. Rail road. . ; GREENSBORO, May 14. The board of county commissioners and the tax-listers of the county are hold Ing a joint session In the courthouse today. ," :. j The object of the conference Is to discuss the various schedules, become familiar with the requirements of the law- and come to some practical agree ment as to values to be placed on the assessments-v of personal property for taxation. Out of the 18 tax listers in the county, 17 are present. It Is a fine looking body, of Intelligent citi zens. . " , s- . . . ' Speaking of tho great practical value of this joint conference, Chair man Ragan, who Is nothing If not. progressive and practical, aid that he was so impressed with the advantages derived from these meetings, he thought U would be a good idea to provide by law for . representatives from1 each county in every congress ional district 1r - the State to have such conferences, and from these dis trict boards elct representatives to meet as a State Conference, and they together" with the Corporation Com mission confer together for the pur pose of, securing something more like uniformity of property assessment throughout the State. " It Is highly probable that a body Ilka this, composed of representative tax-li.sters, county commissioners and Corporation Conimi&sioners could do more towards securing practical uni formity of assessment then all the theories ever placed on the statute books have been able to do. 15 HOT ED. DAVIS. Supposed Murderer of W. A. Wiggins Says His Name Is. Charles Whltt. ICarl Ring, Who Was On the Street Car When 'the Shooting Occurred And Who Caught a Stray Bullet in Hia Left Arm, Says the Man in Jail Her le the Guilty Party Deputy Sheriff Moore, of Whitney, Says the Prisoner Is Not the Cd. Davis That Worked for Him. Prom Monday's Dally. The negro arrested at a brick yard near Belewa Cteek and In jail here, was re-Identified yesterday aa Ed. Dnvls,! the man who shot and killed Conductor W, A. Wiggln at Salisbury Sunday, April 29, Mr. Carl Ring, a son of Dr. J. W. Ring, of Elkiov who was on the street car at the tlmo Mr., Wiggins wa kill ed, and who w shot in the left arm by a stray bail fired by Davis, a-rrlved nere sumiay morning and in com pany with officers went to the lall. where ho pointed out ihe iigro( who was in the eel! with a number of other colored prlsoiitM-s) , . ldent ifled Saturday by J. E,, Painter as the gimiy man, Mr. King said ho was confident that the negro he Quick I v pointed out wa the right man, be cause when the shootling took place ae nao ampn? time to gather In his mind a good description of Davis. Mr. Ring,, who Is cleric in a hotel at. bulls-bury, relumed homo Sunday afternoon. The wound on his arm is still giving- him considerable pain. Another Identification, Early -til-is morning 'Sheriff ".Iiillan of Rowan county, telephoned to Chief n Police 'Crutchfield. requesting him to have the negro In 3id here sent to Greensboro on the 30:S0 train, saying (hat a maii, who .--worked with Ed. Davis- at ; the Whitney works, near Salisbury, would be sent there to meet. ind re-identlfy the 'prisoner. An hour later Sheriff Julian sent a similar re anca to Sheriff Alspaugh, but later he tailed up Clark O. W. Jones and an nounced that the man from Whitney would come direct to Winston-Snlem ind that the negro need not be re moved to Greensboro. Rowan superior court Is in session .ihiis week and if the party from Whit ney cay it Is Davlw, the negro may Iks carried to Salisbury nt. once for trial. v Says It Is Not Ed. Davis. i DEFENSE IDE President Not Defended On Floor of The Senate At Totjay's Session. Probable That No Explanation of Hie Course With Reference to Rate Bill Will Be Made Before That . Body in Reply to Tillman's Attack. President, Attorney General Moody and Senator Allison Have Conference. WASHINGTON, May 14. Sucre, tary Loeb announced this morning that there would be no public state ment today from the White House, re garding the Tlllmau-Ohandler charges and.it wag likely that none would be made on the floor of the senate on bahalf of the president. Senator Allison -.'.joined- Attorney General Moody in a conference at tho White House this morning . and tho above announcement was made ofier they left. Mr, Mtiod'y stated that there was no difference between tike president and himself in the matter. Mr, Allison, when ntrked whother he- could explain tho discrepancies between OhndlM''s statement and tho president's denial mado through Senator Iidge, said: "Yes, but it would lake too long nt tills I line." With that he took a cub (or tliu capltol, MAN IS LINED FOR OF TO OF RALEIGH, my 15."Gov. Glenn will go to Asheville Wednesday to delivrr tbe address of wt-lcome for aM.-ociation of cotton manufacturers of the United States and many tiom England as well. He will also address the association in the stead of Sen ator Lodge of Massachusetts, who is unable to fill his engagement. The governor aid this morning that he will SDDeal to the association for a closer alliance with the cotton grow-1 and that some people In the Salisbury Deputy Sheriff Moore, of Whiiney. arrived here at 10:40 this morning ind went direct to Hie Jail In com pany with two officers. After care fully viewing every negro In the prison, the ofllcer stated that Ed, Davis, who worked for him and who, t was alleged, was the slayer of Con itietor Wiggins, was not In that srowd. The man Identified by Messrs. Painter and Ring was then pointed out to Deputy Moore, who stated that this negro was too black for Kd. Davis. However, the doputy sheriff, who was sent here by Sheriff Julian, of Rowan, admits that he does not know, except from reports, that Kd. Davis was the negro that committed :h crime. i Sheriff Alspaugh baa been notified by Sheriff Julian and Solicitor Ham mer, who id In Salisbury, to hold the aegro In custody here for further in vestigation. Sheriff Alspaugh in response to an inquiry, received a letter today from Sheriff Pinnlx, of Rockingham, stat ing that the father (John or Henry An in) of the man arrested for Kd. Davis, was seen and his story was to the effect that his boy, Chas. Whltt, eft home, near Reldsvllle, two or three weeks ago to work at a saw mill. The father also told Sheriff Pinnlx that his boy's mind was un balanced and that he was released in January from the Virginia peniten tiary, having served a sentence for some crime. The boy told some of the officers here lnce his arrest that he got Into a shooting scrape in Virginia some thing over- a year ago and that while he did not know whether he killed the man that was shot, he did re member being tried- ami sentenced to the pen for 12 months. C;RK!?NSORO, Mav 14. There ' was quite a breoae In- city police court circles Saturday over a hearing May or. Mirphy allowed Mr. Julius Kessler, a South Elm street baker, and a most highly esteemed cltlzetu Mr. kesialer had been a witness be fore lila honor, In a trial or a party . accused of selling cider. The party charged with tho offense was c-loarod, and it set mi that the mayor was In dignant lit the manner lit which wit ms had testified. After dismissing the cam he made an announcement to the effect that he could look around the court room and see the old bloat .."' sitting around, and. pointing to Mr, Kcsrier, ald, "Why juet look at that t old Dutchman sitting there, yoti..,n , see cider In his face right now." At 'this the baker arose In the court to protect that his was not a cldored race, when hu was sternly commanded by the mayor to sit down. That night Mr. heMshir called tho mayor up over the phono and asked him to retract. Tho mayor refusing Kescler : asked him to iiK'et him next morning down the street. This the mayor took to mean a challenge to fight, and Ismiod a writ for contempt of court., Threo policemen arrested Kessler . next morning and he put up $25 court ap pearance bond. Saturday aftornoou, after a breezy trial, in which Kessler . Bled through his attorney many affi davits, an.,1 stated that ho had not meant to fight the mayor, but dsslrod apology for a public insult. Ho wa , declared guilty of contempt and fined $2f, No appeal was permitted, and Kessler's attorney advised him to go to' jail so that a writ of habeas aorpus could be sued out, but the Dutchman said he believed ' he, would pay tho money and not stop selling hia bread. Rather than suffer ignominy of any tlm-s-ln Jail, he paid the fine and costs to thf disgust of his i!awyers. CONNECTICUT CITY Deputy Sheriff J. M. Dcaton, of Ire dell county, who came here this af ternoon after the two negroes ar rested here yeterdy and wanted nt Mooresville for failure to comply with a contract with a farmer, by whom the defendants: were employed, told thil ronnrlcr thAt. luut h.'fnru lonrlnc Moo'rcsville th morning he arrested explosion. a negro wtio gave nts name as j'et-r Todd, suripected of 'being the party that shot ant! killed John Roach, a white man at Belfour granite quarry, several days ago. Deputy Dcaton stated that he did not - believe the report current' that the negro who murdered Mr. Roach was caught and. lynched a day or two after the crime. He admitted, how-, ever, that such a rumor was current BRIDGEPORT, Conn,, May 14. A tremendous explosion, which de molished two monster magazines of the Union Mefallo Cartridge Company at 4:25 o'clock this morning, shook all Brtdgei)ort and tho country for twenty-five miles around. People were shaken from their beds and their first impression was that an earth quake was the cause. Both magazines" were completely destroyed. Nothing was left, but two holes in the earth. Farm houses nearby were destroyed, in the east end of the city chimneys on nearly ail houses wwre -toppled over by the., explosion.. A huge. totie was burled! thtough the roof of Isolation Hospital, badly wrecking the building. Win dows were broken in stores and resi dences. Much oiher damage was done, Following the explosion many places within a radius of 25 miles of Brtdgepoit reported that their place had been visited by an earthquake and ho thought, nihil apprised of tho STATE AUDITOR FILLS ers In order that fair prices may be assured, and also for united action for the extension of the cotton market. He says he will lay down tbe proposi tion without fear of contradiction that whether the constitution follows the flag or the flag tbe constitution, It is certainly an established fact that clothing goes hand ir hand with clv HUaiion and Christianity, section believe It Is -true. RALEIGH, May 15. State Auditor B. F. Dixon went to Kayettevllle In the stead of Governor Glenn to de liver the address for the clpsln r of the graded schools there last night. It Is all right to taik about beauty j Governor Glenn was prevented from habits, but most women are too busy 1 filling tbe engagement by the unex hustling and have no time to cultivate ' pwted arrival oil his brother. Mr. E. beauty habits. Therefore they take T. B. Glenn, from Macon, Ga., to spend Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea, cents, tea tauablcts, For sale by OHanlon, Winston, Laudquiat ft PtobX, Salem. a few days with htm. The girl behind the glove countof knows how to handle kids, .