Jt lmkm intad XLViI.-N0.41 WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. THURSDAY. J UNE 7, 1 DOG. PRICE 5 CENT i ' i , i -. fin 1 " i uiiuiiiit. ririlMpVIUIHII o n n rLwiyiLyflinifl b. u. r. UonicsWill Be Very L m Compliance h His Request, llill Be io'"JU"-"-,J ' .. interment win us hlliii' lingto Pall Bearers. ' The Sentinel ...... ! In nr-rnl-d- lb(. terms of a sealed lettoi l0 hi5 son and not to be tn after his ileum, too iune;- ,i..,r,n -m hp lite snami "-" mil private as possime. 1 . . ...in i i,m,-i linal services i .man home on It street ana i icmk'd -limy y li'isiiiuu "" misi'il stntesmaii, meuiuu.s 'Hv aim '"e oiuciai uomuui.- littd by tllB senate aim iue i'.HtOl'S fUU lVfHL-.-:iiiuiivvo linmittco -will meet ui. nuu:i and mami in a ouy After i hi; services, wnicn 1 o'clock, the committee win the remains to uaK inn where the lntermeiH -win al will be conducted by ' ,..:.. .;.,.....' l- Vn.v PrtsbKonaii cnurcn. as- K;v. l-ri(lencK i. rowers, V-nv.oiit Avenue Presbyte v Rev. A. Ft. Bird, pastor .sbvt'criaii church al Laurel, Dr. I'M ward Everett Hale, ,f the Sena to: Ive pa!l-bar.:rs will be J. on. amlive.-. chainr.au or. uemo- c central committee of Ma in. .Spi-ncer.. Jones, uncu Mr. Frank A. Furst, of Bal- niher .De ir,ocra'.:c exetMit.lve of .Maryland: Hun. free!. Uithi-ivillc. Md..; Col. Bimli iev, Hiigerstown, Md.; and ,ua V. Miles, of Princess, ;ty. Mil., loimeriy ncpressn-- iMigrch;. lorary pall-benrsrs will be, or Jiilni Leu. Carroll. Ex Ellhu K. Jackson, Former Ger.eral 'John 1', Foe, Uer- r, of Kiiliimorij; F. I.. Vic- imaii, r,t Frederick; Thomas an, of VSa!tinior; I. Freeman Baltimore;- I)". .1. VV. Her-. Mminsti r; Thus. H. Hnnf, City: Kim. John R. McLean, Benmria'tlc- tiaiioa&Ncom $ Ohio; Hon. Jan, U Nor- ncratln national commlttee- the District, of Columbia, fuller, of New York, con Cy Wlro to The SontlnaL HARRISBl'RG, Penn., June C Tho principal features of the" Republican platfoun, read at tjie staMe conven tion today, were: . Endorsement of administration of Prpy;ii!--nt HoOKr-vrlt irivlnLi- inlt t-rpilit n.SList of Active AndjU) the j,,,,,.,, of the 'great indus trial enlerprism for their splendid achievements- but. condemning those iWho have misused their powers by un fair methods of competition; pub licity In' corporation affairs; approves railway rate bill; commends legisla tion pending in Congress providing for rigid examination of meat pro ducts; declares its devotion to the Republican doctrine, of the protection of American Industries; urges farther amendment .of immigration laws, so that undf slrahle fo"eign element, may be excluded from American citizen ship and acknowledges a debt of grati tude to the sailors and soldiers who fought, in wars of the country and recommends that pensions be granted-them. IKIED lETiKIM STATE B. & L. LEAGUE REPORT OF BUSINESS AND SOCIAL SESSIONS OF OR G ANIMATION COMPOSED OF TOWN-BUILDERS. President Wittkowsky's Annual Report New Members Add ed During Past Year Many Interesting and Profitable Discussions Reception and Smoker at Elks Club New Officers ElectedBanquet Tonight. PRESIDENT'S DAUGHTER By Wire to The-Sentinel. LONDON, June C .Whltelaw Raid, United States ambassador, is prepar ing a great" round of festivities for the entertainment of Mr. and Mrs. Long worth during their stay in London. The thief event will be a dinner on Juno 13, whin Kinr,- Edward and other royal". irs will be present. King Edward has expressed a Wish to meet" the president's daughter and will be riven an opportunity at this time. The dinner will be the most noteworthy affair of the season. No expense will be spared in tho prepara tions for the event. Grouse, Madams From Wednesday's Daily. The third annual convention ot the North Carolina IluIlding and Loan League opened In this city at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon with a business meeting, held atthe office ot tho Win- jston-Saierr. Association. President S. Wlttkowsky, of Char lotte, called tho meeting to-order, and a roll call by Secretary E. L. Keesler showed the following associations represented: Mooresville, Llncolnton, Burlington, Tarboro, Concord, Char lotte, Louisburg and Statesvllle. There are nineteen associations in the lea gue and 12 of these have representa tive.'; here. The report of President Wlttkowsky and Secretary Keesler were submit ter! and accepted. President Wltttkbwsky said In his report: "Gentlemen: I am sure that I voice your sentiment when 1 say that we deem it an honor and pleasure to meet here under the shades of the towerirg cedar of the good Twin-City, of. which one has a historical record justly to be proud of, and the other (he younger, for push, energy, thrift and success is the peer of any In the State, and I am sure that we will be impressed still more In their favor by sojourn in their midst and that our highest praise will be merited by' all that goes to make up the life of these Twin-Cities." Continuing the report , saya that In 1902, when a few began the agitation of the formation of a state league in this State, only 27 local associations, with "subscribed shares of 17.733 of a ramus u.hj omer ruujikib uuiu ureUi,, .i. f n 771 ndfi ,.,Mh i ion-! Convenf Garden opera have been erPTr , . ' 'A- '',., A tn gaged to sing at tho dinner, notwith standing the large figure .at which they estimated their services. IMPORTANT DECISON IN i The :ntlntd. YORK, Jump (..By the ar- this inmiing of a man giv an;e as Bernard C. Stewart, iliscnven-il ai'd overpdwereiLL aig to tub the room of Capt. Luml, a'--1 he Asor House, bi'lii vi: they have made an capture. The police say s really "Old Jack" Cannon, 'ip'lu-st. known crooks and vr-s in tho country, with a ciiriHH extending over 40 I a .string of aliases uti- Im in ally every case where as concerned there was i lit is said to bo nearly ears old. 'luif s happens that . defer mwri a man not ln.recogni s Kieatni ss, but because he siiky of it isn't. f-uple are Hko a worthlass nnrsr..- MJvvavs Vinvn trt lit '('a ii comes to pulling a load 8yW1rn-'t The Bfrrtln!.- JACKSOX, Miss., Juiie 6. A de cision of far-reaching importance and with-special reference to wry proiil bition state in the union has been rendered by Judge Niles, on a bill filed by the Harvey King Distilling Co., of Kansas City,' against the American Expiess Co., peeking to secure a mandatory injunction compelling I he express company to accept for deliv tty C. O. I), liquid puekages bKled to parties in this sia'e. Judge Niles sus irained the demurrer filed by the express- company, prohibitionists and the-law. officers of the"' stale and re iu.Bts to grant a mandatory -injunction. 1G REGEPT10N FDR 8 William Commercial By Wlro to Tho Sentinel. NEW YORK, Juno Hoge, .'president of the Travellers' . League, who has charge of the reception to be tendered Mr. Bryan upon his arrival from Europe, announced today the appointment of Governor Joseph Folk, of Missouri, as chairman of the reception committee. Arrangements fo-r the great, rally in honor of the former candidate are pro ceeding smoothly and there has been p. rush ef local politicians and others to identify themselves with the wel coming ceremonies. tlon as would prove advantageous to tho great town builders (lowed, Mr. S. WittkowKky, of Char jlottj, was elected president of the' Heague, and ho accepted in a short! ,t!llb nml ir,milcull .1.. V.I., t....., i.v fill tho duties of his office.- Mr. , A. Follin, ot this city, was next elei-ud Hint vlc-pii-.-iitlent. Mr. (loorse iHoldornwi, of ThiIidio, was chosen second vice president, Mr. E. U Kee.4rr. of Churlotle, was rOH'leeloii secntiiry and treasurer. In clortion cxccniive conmii'Uee, which followed O. A. Tompkins, of Cliai loMe, Dr. L. Harrll), of Sinlesvllle, .1. M. liendrlx. or Concord; T. J. Murphy, orjireeiia born, and J. R. Collie, of LoulsburK. woro chosen. Mr. Crowell nv.ived that a volo he extended to tho cltlions of Winston-Pal-.:m, tho clubs, the Winston-Salem Building and Loan Association n,nd to FARMFR S CHl fi I I IIIIIOIh.ll WUIUIUUU me piesiueni was aiso nuinonzeu tne mayor of Winston. It was moved to apoplnt three or more delegates to;that the bodv adlonrn mul I'l-esldem Wlttkowsky declared tho third annual represent the state league at national meeting In Cincinnati, July 2(, 27 and 28. ,, Messrs, R. E. Cochran, G. A. Fol Urt and J. M. Hendrlx were appointed to report the needed changes In the constitution and by-laws. meet lny adjourned. ' Trolley Ride, This afternoon the visitors were tem'.ercd a trolley rldo to Nlssen J " I had grown to 37 associations and to 20,232 shares of par value of $2,232,-; u-00, and In 3904 to 48 associations with shares . subscribed. 20,600 par valuo of $2,060,000, and at the begin ning ot the year 3000, we have -the gratifying result of having in exis tence 05 associations (of whom 13 have failed to make report) but the 52 reporting show the enormous lu 3teaso since t.he formation of thl? league, and which I assert has been :iaccuraplishcd, through the puhJiGli and persistence by It. of 85.427 shares o a par value of $8,542,700", or an in crease Of 400 per cent In three years. "Those present, knowing tho good and beneficent results these associa tions have accomplished in ojir respec tive communities, have cause for re joicing in the contemplation of the good these association will accom plish throughout the wholo State. At cur last meeting, this league had a membership of 13 associations, since which time the following have joined us, to-wlt: Llncolnton, Bine Ridge, Burlington, GaKonia and Kinston, to all of whom I am suro we extend the hand of fellowship and hearty welcome, and while we can show but IS association as composing br league, it Is gratifying. to know that they represent 5.000,000 shares of the par value of $5,1)00,000, which is 70 per cent of all the shares in force in tho State. "At two of our previous meeting I suggested njid urged Iho advisabilit' of having for this State a building and loan commission (as is in existence in many of the states lu the union) and now at our (thJrd meeting I am still more convinced than ever before of the necessity of such a commis sion. Most of you gentlemen will rem em iier that tho league endeavored tr hiive such a measure passed by our legislature, but finding opposition thereto from certain interested quar ters w-e. for the sake of harmony among ourselves, though very reluc tantly, waived tho passage of this measure and consented to place the Building and Loan interest In the care an1 supervision !n tho hands of very iuslnictiv our worthy, euorgete .commissioner teen ed t5e ui b of ir.purrtvce. but I am c.n;istrain"d tok'HV.t - Bryant B. Brooks. . Governor of Wyoming. Several of the delegates made brief nark wll'i'e elegant lunch was addresses, showing the workings' and jsel vml- :, ' uanquet lonignt. The banquet, at Hotel Phoenix l'j ulgh't will .culminate the. social fea tures of the convention, The-principal address on this oecaidou will be made by Mr. D. A. Tompkins, or Charlotte. There will also be Impromptu talks by delegates and guests. -List of Delegates. Among Uhose present for the meet iiif, were Messis. R. F. Stokes, E. I Koesler, R. E. Cochrane. II. N. Pharr, John R.' Pharr, A. L. Smith, S. WHt kowsky, J. II. Valines, Sr., G. Valcar, B. R. Coals and 1). A. Tompkins, of Charlotte; Jas. R. Young, of Raleigh; C. R. Brockman, of Greensboro: Geo. A. Holderness, of Tarboro; W. E Sliarpe, of Builiugton; J. M. Hendrlx. of Concord; ,. K. Colllv, of Umlsburg; H. B. Reld. of Llncolnton, and J, Crowell, of Concord. progress of their -respective assocla tlons, This feature proved Interest ing as well aa profitable to every delegate. Mr. Geo, A. Holderness,- of Tarboro, slated that a numbor ot ne groes in his town were taking stock lu the association there. Tho delegate from Llncolnton told how real estate had advanced in his town since the B, & J-,, was orgaub.ed. He said that a cltizan bought a block of lots three years ago for $S00; last year he sold half the block for $1,000 and today could get $3,CM) for the other half. The first Building and I)an Asso ciation of Statesvllle became mem ber of the state league at this session tn application being tiled py Dr. 1. Hiarrell, delegate, President .Wlttkowsky stated that Charlotte's three associations had practically 30,000 " shares and that they made loans aggregating $1,100, COt'. Secretary Folltri reported the Win- ston-Salem association in splendid shape. Secretary Keesler, of Charlotte, said Jie believed in advertising Build ing and Loan Associations, saying that the best and most effective plan of getting the people interested was through tho local newspapers. ft Mr. Holderness, of Tarboro, made a pleasing hit by saying that he had solved the labor or servant problem through the Building & Loan Associa tion ..in his town. He explained how h -dld this. "I took out. three shares and told the three negroes In my em ploy that If they would stay with me until the sharas matured each should have one. They are sticking" - and those negroes talk;--more about their tock: tliun I do," said Mr, .Holder- CLOSING BUSINESS SESSION. Addresses And Officers Elected. Winston-Salem Man Chosen First Vice-President. Next Convention to Be Held In Greensboro. Ban quet Tonight The second business meeting of the North Carolina Building and Loan Leaguo was called to order lu the court house by President S. Wltt kowsky, about. DM.'! this morning. Tiic minutes were read by Secretary Kees ler and approved. The reports of com mittees was called for and Mr. G. A. Follin niado tho report of the com mittee appointed for preparing amend ments to tho constitution and by-laws. After much dtacussion ino or more amendments were adopted.' Greensboro Next Year, An invitation for the Building and Loan Leaguo to meet, in Greensboro next year was accepted. Mayor Eaton'e Welcome. Mayor O. B. Eaton next lu a very happy and entertaining address wel comed the delegates of Iha leagurt. He praised the great work of the building and loan association- and spoke of the home being the baa' of society, and so these associations have-been a great. Mid to the upbuild- W.lliam Bohannon. of Yadkin County. Hanged Himself W.t'i a P.ow Line. Family And Financial Troubles Be- lieved to Have Been Cause of His Rsh Act. The Tragedy Occurred at His Home Near Rockford. From parties who rmne down on the murnlin: tuiln It was learned that Wil liam llohnunun, a farmer residing ' iho uige of Yadkin couiKy, near Rock I'.nd, committed sul'elde early jester morning by hanging himself with u plow line. Bohannon was 35 or 40 years old and had been married three times. Family and flmiueliil troubles Is given is i my causa oi nis rash act, If is said that Roluuion, who Is a brother of Edward Bohannon, agent for the Southern Railway at Doitnaha, arose t-arly this morning, wont to his barn,. fed his stock and then gaith erad a plow line, with which ho took, his own life. The line was thrown over a joist and then tied around his Beck. Th'o man leaped from a box or bairel, breaking his neck. : AT ELKS'- CLUB ROOMS. Social Session And Smoker in Honor or Visitors, i The reception and smoker at the Elks' Club looms last night, In honor of the vlaltlng delegates to the annual convention of thy Slate Building and Loan League, p-.ov.?d a most Interest ing and delightful event. The' attendance, was larceaiid sev eral impromptu addresses wen? made. Inspiring music was lurnislunl by the Winston orchestra. ,' Mayor O. H. F.aion, In behalf or the city and the Elks, welcomed tho visi tors in a pleasing and enthusiast liv addresK. - Mr, D. A. Tompkins, one, of Char lotte's most pro;;ii'fcxlve citizens and tiMSlness men, told of the, oi -RtiiilziitiiJrt in Philadaiphlu of the firs! building and loan afisoc'silon in America, ur.d how that. cMy had advanced thro;'rh tho association. Mr. Tompkins hi id that next to churches and whools It is the most, henctleial institution In tho country and that It wan doing moro for temperance and order than anything else. Mr. J. C. Dnxon spoke of tho local association, saying that, during lis 17 yen is 'existence only a pa, Mill loss of one loan had been Hiisialiiedi Hi afso eferird to foreign associations, tail ing how many of them took advan tage of Ignorant Investors and after fleecing them went Into bankruptcy. President WiilkowKky mado happy address. He said that Iho puriiotii of Bv Wire f T!i Sontliiel. PHILAHELI'IIIA, Juno 0. Addi tional evidence of grail: among the Pennsylvania Railroad olllelals de veloped al. today's Interstate com merce coal liming when Chief In quisitor Glasgow called .1. R. Bover, chief di rk to general miiierlhlemient, of nritive -power at Alfooim and under a nieicihi a ijiioKtlouiug showed 1lial Buyer wax Kcltlng rnoii-y In. nil direr .Uotvft from cout CDmpanl-s. Glasigow .showiHl niarveliHin faniillnrty with Iho witness' o-,;:i-,-il Ions and llojer, In his willingness lo admit hiH accpianco of tho in lie-off, :ven produei'd ii.nienm rnmlii lo nreU IiIh memory as to iho coniin.!-;! . had lio tulseu money fi'oin. Edwi-li-i! H. i-'iiKiri, of Philadelphia, wan nominated I'm- governor on tha first ballot ihi.-i afti-i-uoiin. - SAN FRANCISCO NEED KOTFEflR FOR LONE TIME By Who lo The Pen4liud. .'SAN FRANCISCO, June C Prof, (liniri. of Japan, the world's gri-.-ilent aiilhority on earthquakes, who arrived In Pan l-'rimuUeo it nmnlh after the distill lianeixAjjill H and since has bi t ti engaged in an exhaustive -study of tho Cannes an deff 1-pin of tho trem ble, stales that San Francisco need llavo no fear of further shocks of a s;-rIo!iK phnacler for u long time. H says the tremble of April )S was (he last of a selrm of heavy shocks, which lii-aan several years ago and havo now covered the wit Ira great the Stale league was to put foreign Paelfle and rarlliquako amo on the assoclalim-K out of business, savins: const of North and houth America. this was being accomplished. Impioniptu remarks were iiiado by II. N. Pharr, G. A. Follin and "jfpt. There- Is one way of sUii-lifg im Hie pathway to get rich which Is seldom traveled these days running a store and living over it. Patience Is that which you have to have with others, but which no one Is called upon to havo wllh you. Society Is a good deal like our rich kin we are mighty nice to Its face, but make fun o fit behind Its back. About, the third lime some people Dy W!rf In Th Bon'lnal. ' CHICAGO, Juno fi. The Associated Packers In tho Chicago papor thin morning published full page display Bdvt rtlw'iiipiits addressed -to all peo ple In the win Id, particularly visitors from abroad, Inviting a personal In spection of their plants and the pro ceases of preparing foitrlsluffa. Blnco Monday -She men- have worked day - a.airess again wcl r.Ui. He sp'd e of the (sources of Wle.ston-Saleni. :hink that the largo Increase of Insur-; Tl:c gtcct progress of .'his TwIn-Cty S.1CC companies la o ir State, together , I a-s bci u can led on by honn mo.ls)'. ith ccitaln un-avury deveV'Pmen; r,f l stid. aid no: by rore,ga capital. inn of society. His excellent address) war. much enjoyed. lahow vou a kindness you find they (and night to renu dy the evils exposed Mr. J. C. Buxton Speaks. , want to s'dl you tomethlng. hy the Neill-Heynolds report. Mr. J. C. Buxton, of this city. In a z. . " ;i i? 'ns-'iancr isewri na :o oc-Mipl-d the t'mo oi' the insurance coni ;nicSoncr tl-af tf. v.cs iriposrible f'ii' ilm to d-'ve e inat careful invejtl-;a-!oa of t"e modes and systems and 'cr.d tidns oi the H. ft L. Assoelafirfts ;n tie Slate, and which Is xtlil f :rlhrr tggravated by tho phenomlnal growth , g ' ' ,iafl kaawn mMt ,i Sot-a oycif laM,,iL- in iii.i StmI" nnn .. . .. hence we find in existence several -,ch institutions chartered by and Mi. Crowell Ftospord:. Mr. J. Lee Crowi II. of Cap-Mini, re s;;,,i;dei to these addi-.-s4.-g of wel come.' Fe wld tha the people of the SU-s, Blthmifrh they had ii-it been :: . . tad heard of ill:: lobscoe Indiu- irv, had known of the wins'on . opeiated In this State under features assuied'y oi the old BLim's Alnianac. Commissioner Jas. R. Young. . I::s:;ra':rr- '.ComwlPsimier .Ja.i. ,R. so pervertlve of the true economics , l onng uadrtsscd . tne league.', ue ui'derlving co-opcretlvo B. & L. prlncfc: spoke cf the 'fraudulent- companies pies, tiift it is a pt- they have been doing bu:-:ln"ss In North Carolina. An aermltted t- organise and., farther extmdiJ iliKus-j.Ion ' followed. The they ought not be allowed to cxls'nialn sabj-ict - cf the discussion waa, snotcr Cay; and right here, let me (whether Commissioner Young had point . out 'to you the utility of thislaw behivd him to put out the eas-ie: namely, one of -thesj oujac- c:oo:;tr. coiicei as. ;ionah!e listltutions has now been reed thicrth cut effir ta change three tin: lav.s. bu hance was f.,r the wiwce. but on thl n.es its constitution and !fo; ' tweri'tv.'tdjl'''V,'r! rt U'giet,to say that ; fcttlo-M "as-soeitt'tloA -uhj. i t 1 have preparm .-. sp.-c.a. : il:ii,n-.K and Loan Asiciaiioiis. It pare:' whcii 1 may read at tnis c-::'-:w, s b., pu. in iri:lf B,i snt to the .-fiKiou 'if time and opr.,.r.uniiy i jvCIt:fir,.g ln S;ate. Mr. foeh iivrmit." - -.. nine exobined the diff'renee he- lu coarplunce waa t..j p:riu,le.u s . aD,, jii,iing and Loan iiyes::.)!!. l e was anshiiHS'-d ap-1 ii.-.w.iaiions poiL' a c.iu n-,i::. e :f m l UlUuor Mr. K. ll Kessln. of Chail.Jtte. :tt(? m.n.U.s to at our" tne up t.:t ;n, ( ,3 g fw T(,mark, an, tht.n vute aiati.r ci &-ur:sj. : i;f -f " ! th inks v.as teadered S'aii C.im- r;d Uan roTiuu..o.i and lo !w !tU,Cmi:T (,t LiM.rai.ce Young, for uti.in ayaia.-t a;iy aMn-i.i...s um. maf bt? ooii:g- bdsines contrary to This committee will a.so be em Other Speakers. j E. Cosliraiie, if Charlotte. rs s cretaiy oi a nixt read an u- tlie workings of law. powered to go befoie the next gen eral assembly and secure sucli Iegl-da- if-.ivh.g his fifT.ee anil coming here on this xccasiin. G. A. Follin First Vice-President. In the election of officers which fol- i ,f " -dbAfr ' , ? K-.r',' ,- a - -. . - r : - f. David J. Brewer; Associate Justice of u Suprtmt Court ef the United States,