WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. THURSDAY. JUNE 14. 190(5. 1 ti. CnrAnaan io n i ,I,D "'"f"11 Lenient -To Suppress The Anarcnisis. L England And Switzerland Probably Hoia oonrcrenco w ,H.r Means of Riaoing rrnose of AnarchiM Will HO L conoreeeional Actlon ' lEVA, Switzerland, June 7. A alic movement, is anoat wr so conference to aiscuss L. for dealing with anarchiBts Lmrte of England.'Amenca ana tlanil In the matter, la tne most nt, as these are the only ,-coun- here anarchists receive protec- (ti effort is to be made to in hose three countries to Join te world for a suppression of w An Informal .exchange ; or is now proceeding between dip- nf each country. ' .;'-.' Luire Congressional Authority. H1XGTON, Juno 7. It 'Is pos- that congressional amnoruy required before the the close present session of Congress to the government to take part international conference, such suggested from Geneva, to means to deal with anarchists. r is no question that deep hy is held by this government (torts to suppress anarchists of lent type and to prevent such as that recently committed id. the present immigration laws 1,1 lie difficult for European Ists of known . tendencies, to- the use of violence to And re- this country and It r. - .re difficult for L2 whw nan ,fs of thi eli are nrnhahl.v mB to European police and if is to attempt to reach the States he would' . either be at the port of embarkation or point of arrival here. -, The system of tnRnecllnii nf Imtvil. to th'ia country regarded as ERICA TO ACT. SEVERAL ARE KILLED PRICE 5 CENTS Cyclone Swept Southern Min nesota4 and Wisconsin last Night. The Exact Number of Dead la Not Known, Though Four Persona Are Known to Have Been Killed And Many Injured, Some of Them ' Fatally,' LACROSSES, Wis., June ( t Day light this monring revealed a scene of devastation along the path of the cyclone which swept Southern Min nesota and Wisconsin last night.' ' Betweea Freeburg and Caledonia. the wife and two children of Peter Meyer were kiield; six members of the family of C. Z. Inglett Were in jured, some perhaps, fatally and the entire family of Lieutenant Jruger hurt and scones of farm houses were demolished. , Indications from present Incomplete reports indicate that many others were killed and injured. Near Stoddard, Wis.; a man named Halverson wa killed and the entire Sheck family Injured. Many Driuges in Tthe path of the storm were swept away. ,. ' DATES FOR VIRGINIA AND II. C. FAIRS DECIDED PO FJ TODAY. At Meeting of Secretaries of Various Fair Associations of the Two States Held Here This Morning, This and Other Mat ters Were Considered and Disposed of "Southern Race Circuit" Organliod. a competent offtnt tbr all the biacej In th0 wtktt : TROOPS WITHDRAW Those That Have Beeh Gtiafd' Ing Ohio Mine Prop erty Leave, III TO ACT US ' wlN'OTON, June 7. Jphn W. former secretary of State, has pointed by the Chinese gov. as Its representative at the Haguo conference. It said to be ono ether case rd where the Cilneie ov ra ps delected to a clf.zen of a country such Important dip'.r. unctions. That was In 18ffc Jr. Burliugatce . resigned his Aaietican minister at Pekin take nesotial'on3 of a nuai 'tittles far China. MISUSES ' AGRARIAN PROBLEM ETERSBl'RG, June D.-Df t sgrailan problem Is clairr. la'.tcnUou of douma to practlca' 1 ot all other subjects. E es;i:r has'1 brought I; the labor dcptles by i have been flooding then-, ''ers remanding that thej ra 'in the agrarian qjestlori" electors i'lso insist that im attention he civen tn reiiev- r bunions. The effect of tliit on par: of the big body of Iih.5 li-.pi! to stir abor depu nnsual exertions to see that shall take soms 'dEfintta ac- fat reforms which will bene l"asants. Evwy other subject f side-tracked to allow debate ian troublas to proceed. A as made today to Hmit time (fs In order to exnedite work fs rejected and the discussion "i length. 5 PDSRIRI F UEL FDR WARSHIPS ma O Ti a " i rr L , " " V. p as decided to make In- '" UI on as a possible fuel for r. It la P"i? in practical demoustra -""sements are being made ' t that vessel at Mare Is- .dra ror that purpose. wehants1 Association held iaic nwening; last lyifrht. e s' accessions to the or-- Principally routine busl- Lr rv'oia,i, and perhaps eb " win leave on "I nt ir ml. . i J - - mft murtfiit-au l"iJ the annual meeting of -aro.ina Retail Mcrchaius' PLOT BY THE BOERS - TO ENTABLISH REPUBLIC LISBON, June 7 Rumo-- - " to establish a P- --- ".WI m vmi 1 .afT' An.tV1 In lit Ttt. Veat tlenl vi eUeilfclOH, havg resulted In AHtliRViUdt taking aciive steps to :e'a that the scheme Is nod carried out." General Pienaar who took active part in the Anglo-Boer -war was the leader of the movement. Pienaar had been engaged by tha Portuguse a;ov crnment to command a. column of Boers In the Aflfcln tapettlUon against the ; revolted Ctuanham tribes. The connriraey watf'then-fo'rmed fbt. Boerd to establish themselves in districts of Humbe, Chlbia, HulUa and Lu- lango and sat cp a republic. It w :i'o int-n'l.'on to cleot Ctneral Pieaasr oisidnt and eitabliih a'cipltal s V,in!cdi?8. ' 'Tho. .'Boors ' lu JisVed Portugal would, not go to the great expense ct fitting out an expedition lo expel them, especially as they could count on support of native tribss and that tie government would therefore come to a friendly agreement with iiem. Hcwever, the plot was dlov 3:d in time .and ' steps have bean taksa to preven. it from. bin:; carrjed )ut. General Plsaaar and several :her Eoe s ,wto we;e concerned In I-e F'of. 1 ftve tal.23 refufS 'n German Ai'rica, From rridai1 Dally. ' A QMttUoe.for the organization of a Southern Race Circuit was held morning at the City Hall, the thjct of the meeting having been to ftVoU a conflicting of date on the mi 61 various fair association In Virgin! and North Carolina to adopt purses and ckasee for race which will be uniform, to employ a suitable starting Judge, to arrange for attrac tlons to go through the circuit, and to consider other matters of mutual ad vantage. . The following wtrt &raia rk G. B. Webb, representlna th," mvk' v-uuuij. rir Association; J, L. Kihoi iickuhuj uie ureensDoro Asaocia L Si C,yrU8 T Fox- nanatr of tho ivhuiuiu, va.. Association! n d Copenhaver.secretary tt th. tm.i.' Va fair ananHtotlnn. n r. ... lion, MO L. -,'.nrMill Bl......t wa- lr -'""tl?H?,Ul Nl 6- Mft Hi To fcUtfeOrised to .represent th feJr MSOclatlbft of RoaBiike. Va. It Is andtrttooA that ehftrteUe, N, Will a so come lntt the circdiu and bossi blL. 0 bt threte olnfe' Places-. Col. 6. a Wbe wU chbsen chalr-m,l-?Lte rang, m Cyrus T. Fox, ltea W lected ag follows: uaiajr, Va., September 5, C and 7. .Mierorj, Va., September H, 12. 13 and 14, . ; - . Taicwell, Va., September 19, 19 and RoaBokej.Va.,'. September" 25; 2 27 and 28. ' WlnRton-Salem, N. C, October 2, 3, 4 and 5. Greeimboro, N. C, October 9, 10, 11 and 12. ; - , . , Charlotte, N. C, October 1G, 17, 18 and 10. ' -."' Cyrus T.'Fox, who was made the circuit secretary,' was authorised lo correspond with several licensed start ing judges with the view of obtaining a to cias nft,MM f tha Bi llies. . W5 W m rtlr each class was cttfiMUfcred oulte liberal. Rnm i. 6s for looat horses can be kept under iui insure, wmie tne free-for-all can be made as much s $409 or and the average stl hi il&t exceeded, .d ,1T association uui arrange Its rac8 sehMm wh s PossiDi nft fbiwitrd the raa ) Secratarjr Tbt. The schedule win ve completed add a revised sched ule will b prepared tfl eniboety the """Y ;Ht;n. sssociaiion g scnea "1? fcnq then be returned for approval While It la n6t exnerUrl that Mi-h . sOtittlon will have exactly the same classes and nurses. It is honed to make them as nearlv uniform u nna. . . t SJDie. The aggregate amount of Burs as t eaen pmc, it is expected, win range irom i vj.iuu to 3,!0t). It wai afrreed thttt in attractive ad yettiiieittihl Of" thS circuit should be Iriserteti at titles In "Tha fillllwwrrt " ant that Inter oit a Joint advertise ment tr the I'scS seiieduia should ap DcAf 111 several of tha horse ' Secretary Fox was Instructed to en ter Into negotiations with" a number of the leading fair attractions that will be on the road, with a view of secur ing the best at a minimum cost to each association, All the associations represented at the meeting will become members of the National Trotting Association, if not already members, so as to ensure Better racing: under a strict enforce ment Of the rules. It was the consensus of opinion that an gambling features should be elim inated, bo as to provide for clean sport, which will be entirely unobject- lonaoic. ;. , j . : . . After some consideration had been given "to the matter of admission tick ets,' passes, , complimentaries, and charge for special privileges and space on the grounds, the meeting ad' Journed. ' t ' ' ' ' mm L NOTES. Mr. Jesse J. Adams Will Be A Candidate Before The Democratic Convention. PIRAl CO GIVE T.70UBLE. 'nfc:'. Sei in NciQl-fcorhrod o.' M.-co, P jrlueurs.i CI fr.v , I ISBON.' PartiiSMl, Ju'w II 0"1 b' "ports received by the roerum?"-! rem Mnrao, Poit'gi:ece Chins, s'ale hit plip'lral craft infest the sea In that nclEhborhood A number of trad ;ng steanera and small vessels, it. epjrted, have encountered the pi rates to tl fir own loss. Preparation! ire mw being made to sweep tlie Fe? robbei-s from the o?an. The Poitu tiirse sT'll'ig vessel Carolina was He Will Conte.-t for the Democratic Nomination for 8herif. Already Twc Csncidate-- In the Field Very Littla Intrrsrt B:lng Manifested In Convtnlion fs.- Si!oct:nj Dslegates to Var!-i Conveniiois The Con vntini '-.'c Nonlratl iq Cpjnty Can' did.'itc. Will Not Be Held Until Au A ew c-'diiia'e las eu'ered the 'o'Ulca! fte'd -and he is nure otner ren '.Prt'cf ran' 3. '.'. Adirrs. who 'iTr.ovnrf" t'at he will enter ths ?nn !;', fo1' rUu'ocia'ic no-MlmMort 't' s'r I.T : TVo nnouncenict i.' M" ' 'Tnr)",'.' T'ri''ticv was finite nnt p ted o-d ra-T-l c;in'!H"ra!)l It!1 n oil' iro v;o are keener .'eh o'lj se Ol t' al Kltnaticn li t'T roin'j'.l ice iojrn oj ins rny ror irany-.jcar 'nil w"a a moH etTIele'.i'. nfT.cer, lie pi a Itfe following in the rltv and "ill no ftTjh rrake U lu'ero'tinR for nthor candidates for thh offlre. So fur there were only two -nwed ANOTHER winy of the victims. She wag a." tacked and;'. for this- offl-". VDtt robbed of 1.200 poinds and cargo !of. WiK J. T. Thompxoa and Ur. S. E. d. gevc'n. British vessels complain of bolus pin-su?d and filed upon by pi rates. Orders have been teleeraphed to the Portuguese cruiser at Timar to proceed Immediately to the scene. WILL CO TO MOREHEAD. North Carolina Division, United Con federate Veterans,' To Co Into Camp There After State Guard Encamp ment. RALEIGH. June 11. Governor Glenn this morning, at the request of General Julian S. Carr and Major H. A. London, granted permission for North Carolina Divis4on, United Con federate Veterans, to go into camp on the state camp grounds at More head right after the encampment of the North Carolina Guard. August i. A much as possible of the encamp ment equipment will be left for the old soldiers. MEN WOULD NOT WORK. One Ohio Mining Company Tried To Resume Operations Today But With out Success. DILONSVILLE. Ohiojune 11. The attempt of M. A. Hanna Coal Company to start their mines failed. Not one miner responded to the entreaties or the company. Earlv this morning there was shoot ins; in' valley of mine tipple. Reports say forty shots were fired, but the watchman did not respond. The sn perlnteudent says the shots were to Intimidate rtose who Intended reftrn ing to work. Superintendent Hornic kle says strike breakers will be de ported and work immediately resumed In all the mines, . ZiKlr Politicians and politics have had a rttill wrrk for some reason or another. One politician Is authority for the statement, that the hot weather has had ronietnlng to do with this appa rent, inactivity, but others say that "ach candidate is waiting for the oth er tc chow his hand. The county convention for the se lection cf delegates to the State. Ju Hclal and congressional conventions, will meet the latter part of the month. Very little Interest Is being taken In this eonveotion. however, and it- Is very probable that Forsyth delegates to the State convention will go unin structed. i The only contest before the State convention will be for the offlco of railroad commissioner and it looks now as if McNeill will be nom inated on first ballot to succeed him self. As there is no opposition to Congresman W. W. Kltchin or. Solic itor Graves the congressional and Ju dicial conventions will only be formal ah'airs. The real the red-hot convention, for the nomination of county candi dates, will not be held until August, and it promises to be In keeping with the weather of that period. Predic tions as to the winners are of course being made, but as hardly any two men are aMe to agree on the winners It Is useless to give any ticket that the wise-acres say will be nominated. Saveral Foreign Consuls In vestigating the Chicago Packing Houses. , They Seem to Bo Much More Favor ably Imprsjtsd Than Government Commfsltoner.-. Who Recently Com pleted Incitilry ' Into- Conditlona If Packing. Mauser. And Stock Yards. CHICAGO; Joae 12 Ccusula In liicEgo of foreign countries are pre String report, ta Ihei.' respective gov einnenta on conditions of packing plants. It 'x as'rted on high authority hat they do net taar out the finding it IVli n-erno'ds report. None of tht f.-DJu!s will dlwsi ii'.quirlrs mad by. .hrm ' oilCieiish a number admit that tork yarl-J ere. under iuvcst'gation an J tfc-tt all tilings-It re'pnr!. of Prtrv wVX. R;xj,e'v:if3 .cjnitui.i lioncrs; n2 uol subs'si-tiitcl. That tl o CbicMgo parkct will suffer t pernianrt loss a( rxpoft tiade was tno opinio:: pressed by Andrew Forbej, H:i;i publlEher, who visited tho stuck ysrdt? t'orhes n-.wnages the buniiics depart ment of the Glasgow Record an'l Mail "After Inspection tour in planis of Swift and Company and Ltbby, Mc '111 and I.ibby, I came away an thusla&tic believer In efficiency and excellence of great Amerleau- Ia;igh tc houses." s.ild Mr. Kcrbes. "Ire making that statniren I want It to be understood I assumo that the Voernmer.t InepectoTS whom I saw at po&ts are performing their work in- an honorable. conscientious, Incorrupti ble manner. To suppose them other than I have ust said is Inconceivable to persona of our way of thinking In tho United Kingdom." Operators Appear Surprised at Orders ..Withdrawlni Troops, Saying t hey Had ti RsrHI Wrk Monday id Spite of 8trlka In Ohid Coal Flelda;, Oiiirt, jtln ti; In ae sordance wlthJiurdtTs Issued iast irlfhl by Adjutant tiencral Pughes all the troops (hat had Wii dvirdtng the property ot chill cdulitaillea art return ing home today. Operators Bay they cannot under stand why the troop should be taken twar at fliioh I CMtloal tlma hen ev ery arrangement has been made to r- iuma work Monday, company guards ire being rsassambled. Guards are obnoxious td the strikers and with their return to duty trouble is antici pated. CARRIED TO RALEIGH. Jim Sandara, Accomplice In Attempted Criminal Aatault on talma Lady, In Wak County Jail. Special to Tha Sentinel. RALEIGH. Juue II. Jim Banders, one of two negroes, who attempted to criminally assault Mlt Pearl Jones, night operator for ttie Southern Bell telephone exchange at Seima- Satur day might, was brought - here this morning nd committed to Wake jail for safe keeping. There was no overt act toward lynohlug tfoe negro, but re ports were flying around of such character that the authorittea deemed it beet to get h(m out of the way Deputy .Sheriff Sanders . -drove with ihe negro through tha country, a. dis tance of 27 miles, to Raleigh, rather than lo attemp to bring him publicly on ho train. Miss Jones, It wHI be remembered mortally wounded Merrltt'a accom nllce. Bud Richardson, when -she die- lovered tho negroes prowling In tfrie )ack lot and Richards made a confes- ilon that Merrill had been there Iwlce before for the purpose, but could ac complish nothlii by himself, there fore he Insisted upon Rtehardson tolng with him. In the estimation ot the Ribllc Merrill 1 guilty. He I about 10 yeara.old aud of ginger cake 50lo. Governor Glenn e condition IS re lort-ed lo be utilmoToved this morn n. Ma has been sbia to alt up very ttle yeaterdsy or tori-ay. He ; is vtak-er than at any time slnco he a ", taV?n sick r. weok ago. SEEKING I REMEDY "THIS IS 80 SUDDEN." Thus Spake Bryan When Informed That Several State Democratic Con ventions Had Endorsed Him For President. BERLIN, June 11. "Thta Is so sud den," said William J. Bryan with a laugh when told today of bla endorse ment by the recent Democratic con ventions for the presidency in 1908. "This Is the first announcement of the news to me." Mr. Bryan continued. "1 have been off the main caravan route for some time and have been absorb ed in what I have seen and have been doing." A to tbe possibility of his nomination he had Utile to say, de claring It is too early to apeak of that Question. New Masonic. Officers. ' , At the regular meeting of Winston Ix)dge No. It!". A. F. and A. M., Mon day nitcht. the following officers were elected: Worshipful ' Maffler, J, D. wnior warden. C. A. Jep- kiue; Junior warden. R. K. Jtauso , bed. of commuting an assault, died a treasurer R. K. Transou; acrela7,:4 o'clock tonight, Hlg accomplice T, L. Farrow. . , . . . J safe in JalL SEI.MA. June 11. Bud Richardson, the negro who was shot Satnrday n-iKht by Miss Pearl Jones, the Ions distance telephone operator bere bile he was endeavoring to gain an Viitrance to the central office, for Ihe purpose, as be confessed on bis death- WILL HAVE. AN ELECTION. Enough Signatures Secured In Raleigh For Election on Question of "Dis pensary" o. "Prohibition." RALEIGH. June 11. Rev. 8. J. 3etta, who has been working up pe- ltlons for tre failing oi an eioeuon n Raleigh On "dlsponsary" or "pio- libltion," U ilellunce of tbe opposition f mar-y ot the citizfns w.r.o lea lght agalns-l the optn saloons and favcf of the piOient diepeiyiry wo jca-s ago, an'iotmcei ha now s all the signers necesiary ia tore vb sldorniRi 'o esll the flection. At his request Mayor Johnson has made i:.iu .or a 6D :ial s?;on ot tne At- icrn-en Mondey night to receive the "tltionE. Mr. ft t3 ii'ims he Has '00 names on the petition. ADDICK5 WANTC IT. 8IIII it Candidal for the Smator. v ahl;i from Dcliwaro. . By Wire to The Sentinel. ' noVEit, 'I)-;Uwae, Jui'o 12.- "! will p a rsndidPte for .United Rtatcii -',n iter at the next regular seeeion of the D elaware le!:ila wre," declared J. Sdward Addict following la.", nlglit's .-aucus which nominated Col. Henry A. )j)oiit. AdtMcks further said: "I will be elected JtinlfH- United 3tatet s?rat3r from Delaware In 3un iar, 1907. Colonel Iipon!i and I reached an- agreement some tlmo ago by which we were tg stand for -m-inatifin before the caucus. The uc-cc-ssful n an was to receive the sup port of the other irr lu. Senatorial warfare In I)eiawaro Is at an end. ResuniDtlon of caucus rule will pre vent another deadl.wk In the elate." Asked what, would bccorr.o of Ben- ator AUj under operation of Dupon-t-Addlcks combine Addlcks said. "Oh, Ailee is eliminated In every contin gency." LARGE DEATH LIST. About 356 Persona Killed or Wounded In Warsaw. Russia, During Past Six Month a. WARSAW. Poland, June 12. Tbe prevalence of disorders and acdvKy of revolutionaries la wen Illustrated in reports of tbe Warsaw Ammilance Society for the last six month. Ac cording to tls report 356 persons were killed or wounded dtirtnaj tne period mentioned by bombs, fire arms or daggers In Warsaw. Of these vic tims of violence 108 were kMled ln- stantlr. It died In hospitals. Of the killed 31 were women. Aa a result- of depredations of terrorist am) rob bera a reign of terror practicatiy exists. Policemen and genderame dare not quell murderers for fear of being killed and higher officials are too lazy and corrupt to make any ef fort to protect lives- and propwty of citizens- ho that there Is no guarantee of safety. House Committee on Agricul ture is Considering Pro posed Laws. ' These Deal Etpsaialfy With Inapaa tlon of Packing HdUtas and Stock Vara Question As To Wha Shall Pay tha Goal ef lnaptln. - WASHINGTON, June 11,Tne com mittee on agriculture wnt Into exeeu tlv session this morning to consider loRlilstlnrt designed to correct evIU recently compialnsd of In packing; nonso business. ThOre ar three distinct measures before the committee, the Beverlilge amendment which places the cost of inspection on packers, the W'adsworth substitute which provides Inspection at government's expense and a com promise proposition embodied in bill suggested by Judge Cowan, represen tative ot cattlemen's Interests. The latter'a proposition Is that the govern ment appropriate two million dollars this year for Inspection and that neat year. If sufficient amount la not ap propriated, the secretary of agricul ture may make up the deficit by as sessing fees on the packers. . OYSTER CULTURE IN N. C. Report Coaling With This Matter Haa Bean Recently Issued. - There has recently been Issued by the North Carolina Geological Sur vey a preliminary report on oyster cul ture In North Carolina. The main ob ject of the present paper Is to anawer. aa far as practicable, certain questions that have been raised regarding oys ter cultivation In North Carolina. Tha' questions that are discussed In Retail in mis paper are:, - 1. Cn oyslera be profitably culti vated 1n Jorth Carolina waters?, ,, v z. is- oyster cultivation now an , In dustry of any Importance In North Carolina? 3, Can the Elate by inveetljtatloo or legislation encourage the develop ment of this intittMry, - The first question la answered ' In the affirmative,1 although this prelim inary report does not go Into I de tailed description of the experimental plantings ot oysters that have bean made in various parts of . PairrllOQ Sound. In" a later report there will be taken tip the result obtained frota those experimental beds that have -been kepi under observation and visited at interval of a few months,.. egardljig the set vt "spat;" rtt of growth; expansion of bed; and other motogicai and physical conditions." Tho . second qiueitlon would bive to - !o itr.jxered negatively, aot .because he uimm be profltahly cultl- vawd. but because the planted Is pro-toct-rd. The third question, anawerad, lp the affirmative, !s treated at soma otifrth and the f jr.damenal legislative 'on-dltlon-s that reem necessary for the building up ot the oyster planting Industry arr Indicated. -- . The cultivation of Ihe oyster offers implojmcf.'l and profit, to Mndlvlduaw vho will undertake planting. It will io nit only a sourre of direct reveitua o the S'ste. but idlrectly through he remiMlt'B Increne of taxable prop- rly aviwd cauaa large revenue. At no time In e hlstdry of the Watt has there hee't such a good oppor tunity as t the ptesent time for tha buijdlnr; up of a remunerative Indus- ry In the cuiNvatlon of the oytter nd this r.l'ould, within the rxt few it"i, brcouiu a p'fjfliable buslnewi- iilngl -!!. many dlwticts along tha o; ir.i th t Kiolina, , - Tl'-Tf will be piihllhed later In io fall more txhaitstlve report on . ytr cult.ire In North Carolina, which will dearth In detail tha csi-:ts of the extifTlmwaki made dur- ing the part three ycai. CASE OF INFANTICIDE. Body of White Male Infant Found In Small Stream In South Gratnsboro. (IREKNfiBORO, Juno 11. Yeler- la)''erday afternoie som-t children ho were catching cfawflKh tn a small ttroam that runs through Douglass Park In South Greensboro, found l- tig In the water, partly under, the bank, tho fully developed body of a white male Infant. Information of tbe discovery was roon furnished the po lice. They found the body nude, and tbe coroner's examination showed that the Infant was born alive and must have been cast In the water Saturday night or afternoon. Efforts are being made to locate the authors of this horrible crime, but there are yet no clues to the perpetrators. BOTH EXPECTED TO DIE. , an in Baltimore Shoot Woman And Than Shoot Himaalf. BALTIMORE. June 12. Charles Boom, aged 23, shot Mr. Anna Wltz, aged 23,. here this, morning and then sent a bullet into bis own bead and another under hi heart. The woman was shot In the tight temple. Both are in a precarious condition. Th couple came here a short time ago from Staunton, Va., wher tha woman has a husband. A quarrel proceeded tbe shooting. ' A penny saved Is a penny earned, bur In a fool'a pocket 'tis pocket burned. Mr. Huff' Office on Wheel. Mr. E. K. Huff, a well-known carrl-- age painter and trimmer, of Kernera ville, Is an artist. He recently com pleted a handsome uidk, or an "office on wheels." Mr. Hiff, who la In th employ cf Xi.sMn Roao.of this city. has bis studio, which t.i a beauty, at rhe eurnor of Third and Elm streets and In this he make bis hoine rinrln the week, upending til Sunday at Kernersville. The studio la entitled to the many compllmta bestowed by ail who have viewed It, ... ."