A mm. uu VlY1I.-N0.41 WINSTON -SALEM, N. C. THURSDAY. JUNE 28. 190(5. PRICE 5 CENTS DY TIE FIGHT. Who Will Prosecute trd Oil Company. re Gathering. Them Already In Washing ing Conferences With At- ieneral Moody Complete Itigatlon Is Being Outlined Various Lawyers and Mr. GTON, June 2U. umcers whose duty It wll be to litigation against the i Company are gathering onforciices with Attorney lody have begun. Plans, will for the attack on tlie oil niilviduals. ;! iipc of District Attorney If Cleveland, is considered living rise to , tne report the criminal prosecutions, lie chief one, will be com Kellogg, of St. Paul, and Morrison, of Chicago, hare yet. They .are special the prosecution and are morrow. A number or otn attorneys are here and will e personal direction of Mr. ENTERPRISE; YOUNG LADY RISK, X. C, June 25. The at this place yesterday did be to the tobacco. Some stones were as large as a Craver, a young lady who the highest esteem by the iiborhood, passed away Frl- her death being caused by She wait the daughter of (aver, of this place. During rm of Rem a Academy she medal contest and made h record in her studies. 1 services were conduct- .church at Reid's Cross rday afternoon. The large .sympathizing friends In at. showed how highly the was esteemed In this sec S' APPEAL E IGTOX. June 25. Samuel iresident of the American of Labor, in the Jul; rtum American Federation 1st, a appeal to all wage-earn-at re-election of Concrcs- ave shewn their unfrlendll- lllfftrence to the cause of urges cloction of labor possible, but wisdom for mations in the districts Incumbents have proved iness to labor. Id Speaker Cannon's name list of those Congressmen deration of Labor will en- tiefeat, as labor leaders de- is been very unfriendly to sislation.- -. v ,: PRK, June 25. Members of "lees of the National As- P State Insurance Commis- noaltng a meeting here free on the date and place "at convention and to hear f the committee on blanks been, considering the form to State insurance denart- ,n'e uniform system of re- pwst certain to be decided result of the committee's BieetlllL's toil a v glja cvffll. "hi"S is being given out as wdings. iiii IN WEST VIRGINIA ''"s of James C. Crouse ar Monrtay atternon from Eck " "here he died Saturday a result r.r ,.n . r. i m aviuciib uu e (it'CfHSrt v-ao 4 .-oar 1 the position of brakemau "SOD the Pnrhnnlo rfltHa. F'l Or :C tllrv.. c sustained Injuries el 'n his death. The body wnie.I by a delegation, of a.S Vl'llt tn U'lll.. hom e n the deceased, for Dth Record. ? Ji-il Monday night at I, .Hr G. A. Jones, at j GUI B. . lC """fluent will l P j' U iVcIm.b Innmrm. n mn died on Second 'sat and -a k.,-ij i.. ii.. rw this affprnnnn TWrH-GJTY MAY GET 2 INTEHRBAN LINES Two Philadelphia Capitalists Here In Interest of One to High Point Mass Meeting at Yadkinvllle Next Week Messrs. Benjamin Franklin and .W, T. Markee, of Philadelphia, members of the company be.t!"d th-i movement to miiid,,inter-urDan electric line rem Winston-Salem to High Point. ar.Iv ea in cne city ruesaay. in com. pany with Mr. D. H. Blair they drove out In the country several miles, over the line . now being surveyed by a corps of civil engineers. The visitors expressed their opinion that . the road will be built. . A letter received here from Yadkin ville today states that a delegation from Statesvllle will attend the big mass meeting at Yadkinville next Wednesday, My 4, the purpose of which I to get the people Interested In the proposition to build an InteMir ban road. Statesvllle Is anxious to se cure the road,- but Winston-Salem can get It it the business men go after It Mr, George P. Pell ant! perhaps sev' efal other citizens will attend the meeting next Wednesday. Mr. Pell has been asked to make an address on this occasion. E I Mr. Chap. Bodenhamer, State organ Izer, went to Charlotte last night to Institute an aerie of the Fraternal Or der of Eagles, but owing to some mis understanding with the State Commis sioner of Insurance In regard to a tax nothing was done and Mr. Bodenham. er returned this morning. A special irom Charlotte says: "In brief, State Insurance Commls sloner Young has decreed that the Eagles must take out a State license before they can do business In North Carolina, owing to the fact that the rder has a sick benefit feature. Gen eral Ad'Visor Woodward Carr.of Union town, Pa., has vainly attempted to con vlnoe Mr. Young that he la wrong, but the State official Is obdurate and the Eagles must take out the license or withdraw from the State, tl will require three weeks to procure the necessary papers." Mr. Bodenhamer says tW-tax wllii be paid and the aerie will be Institu ted with over 100 charter jnembers. GOVERNOR GLENN IS RALEIGH. June 26. Gov. Glenn is recovering rather slowly from his re cent sickness, but says he hopes to be abl eto make the trip to Kinston lune 27. when he is to deliver one of the address in connection with the olg Masonic Jubilee to. be held under the auspices of the Kinston and other lodges in that section. The governor says he has given up the Idea of go ing to the seashore for recreation, owing to press of official business. In fact he fears now that he will have to remain. In Raleigh all through the hot weather, dangerous as this may be for him in his over-worked condition. GOVERNOR GLENN TO SPEIKJERE JULY I At a meeting of the Ministerial As sociation held at the Y. M. C. A. this morning it was announced that Gov ernor R. B. Glenn had accepted tne Ministerial Association's Invitation to address a union meeting here on Sun day evening, July 8, at 8 p. m. His subject will De i erapemiiw, mm Order." The meeting will probably be held at one of warehouse, If not at Centenary M. E. church. TisiSTly lEnDERSJRE i nvnnv . Tune 25. Commander Booth Tucker, late commander of the a.iv.Hnn Armv in the t nttea suues, and Colonel Mary Reld, commanding the Army in Ireland, were married here today. General William Booth, commander-in-chief of the Army, con ducted the ceremony. Will Locate Here. Mr. Fred C Abbott has returned to ti, fmm NewDorr ;ew, icic h ho" hppn for several weeks. He will locate here and will have charge of the advertising and mall order de partments of the Meyers-Wwtbrook Comoanv. Mr. Abbott Is a clever gen tleman and a business man ot nne ability and we welcome him to the city. WORK OF CONGRESS It Will Probably I)e Completed Within the Next Few Pays. Present Session Ha Been Character ized By Some 'Notable Discussions, Among Them Being Debate on the Railroad Rate Bill Brief Review of the Happenings During the Session WASHINGTON, June 25. Coiv gress, which closes In a few days, has been remarkable for Its discussions. i The railroad rate fight ranks with any in the history of the Senate, and was enlivened by the veracity -Issue between the President, Tillman, Bal ley and Chandler. A compromise bill was finally adopted. The CDn'erence report has been adopted by the House and awaits action in the Sera's. The beef disclosures have been feat ures. An insprction bill will be pass- ed before the session's close. The law allowing tax free fir denatured al cohol in manufactures and arts and as fuel and ilhirrlnant was also Impor tant. Canal laglslatlon and adoption of tne lock type was another feature "Disarmament" faction won a victory In the postponement of the construe' tion of a ten million dollar warship. Ship subsidy W dead f w the session, anti-Injunction dyir$,. bill prohibiting campaign contributors hanging fire in tbe House and can pass, Consular force has been re-organlced, appropiia- tions for state militia increased from one to two millions, president allow, ed travelling expenses and 3,600 pen sion bills passed, beating the record by 2,000. MERCHANTS TO GUT OUT PROGRAM ADVERTISING The Winston-Salem Retail Mer chants' Association ' has resolved to discontinue program advertising and use the column's of the local newspa pers. ... The action was taken at the meet lug of the association last night when the following was unaulmously adopt ed: f 'Resolved', That we, the merchants of the Retail Merchants' Association of Winston-Salem, , as a body, do pledge ' ourselves not . to, place .any advertising. ' nor" To encourage the same), In any program, such as. pro grams for church entertainments, so cieties, operas, books or catalogues of any kind whatsoever." It was argued that program adver tising does not bring results and that the newspapers were the most legiti mate and profitable- mediums. The meeting was largely attended and the session Interesting and profi table. Mr. J. W. Carter and the other local delegates to the State Conven tion, made short addresses, giving a review of the business transacted by tha. State Association at Morehead City last week. Two local firms were added to the membership of the local association. 1 AT A TRUST. Four Ohio Ico Trust Men Tried ; And Sentenced to Prison. Fln of $5,000 snd One Year In Pen. Itentiary Imposed Upon Each One in Court at Toledo, Ohio Judge States That Sentence May Be Mod ified if certain Conditions Are Ful filled. TOLEDO, Ohio, Juno 25. The trusts received a blow today when R. A. Miller, R. A. Beard, R. H. Watton and P. H. Breinug, of the ice combine, were sentenced to pay a fine of $5,000 each and serv one year In the peni tentiary. The Judge announced that If truRt would lower price to that be fore the trust raised prices In March and ma ir tain that price until the pub lic gets !t money back, and then keep the price just where It was before the' raise was made he would con sider a request for modification of the sen-t.i-ce. QOGH ALDERMEN CUT GALL ELECTION Special to The Sentinel, RALEIGH, June 2C There will be a special session of the Raleigh Alder men tomorrow night for the purpose of passing on the question of caJling an election on the question of dispen sary or prohibition,. In compliance with the petitions gotten up by Rev. S. J. Betts and others. The commit tee report will show 4G4 qualified sign- era of the petitions when only 428 are necessary for calling the election. However, any citizen who signed the petition, will have an opportunity to have his name stricken off the petition during the meeting If he so desires. There Is a claim that the Watts law Is defective so that an election on "dls pensarif or "prohibition.' cannot be held. Also that no election under the Watts iaw can be held within thirty days o I aj legalized primary. Mayor Johnso i, declares that the course of the bo rd is to call the election and let the opposition appeal to the courts If they desire. The peclal commissioners appoint ed to appraise the damage to the Glennwood property by reason of the rlght-4'l..way .through, it for- the Ral eigh, &' Pamlico railroad have filed a report, naming , $25,384.95 as ' the amount that the Glenwood Company should receive. Either side has twen ty dtiya within which to take an ap peal from the findings of the commis sioners. SALEM'S ELECTION FOR WATER WORKS BONDS Proposition Will be Carried by Good Majority S 1 25. 000 Is the Amount of Bonds to be Issued. From Tuesday's. Dally. The bond election hold In Salem to day will bo carried by a safe majority. The proposition In favor of the Issu ance of $125,000 In bonds for the purchase and extension of the water works plant, now owned by a private corporation, had resolved ' lot) votes up to noon today, At that time only onie ballot had been cast against It. The special registration tor the cloc tion mimhercd 2tlt. i At 4:20 this afternoon 192 ballots had been cast. It was estimated that all but porhnpa three of four votes were for th bond issue. The judges expect at least 225 votes before the polls close at Bun-set, MINISTRY 11 BE FORMED At Conference Tomorrow Czar May Authorize a Popular Ministry. AIIISS PEARL JONES FIRES CJCERHT JLEM SQUARE JULY 4 A special from Selma to the Char lotte Observer says that between 1 and 12 o'clock Saturday night, at the home of her father In Selma, there was a bold attempt by some unknown person to enter the room of Mls Pearl Jones, but the attempt was felled by the use of a revolver In tire same steady hand that exactly two week before go successfully dispatched her would-be assailant. Miss Jones was relieved at the tele pnune omce snout u o clock, came home and had just eaten her mid night lunch and gone Into the sitting room, where she wag talking with the rest of the family, when the din ing room door was heard to open Her grandfather, who wiuj in the room at the time, looked Into the din Ing room; but found no ono there, so he securely fastened the door and re turned to the sitting room. Pretty soon, however, someone was heard walking on tha porch In 'front of Miss Pearl's bedroom and her room-mate Miss Josie Hunt, who had already re tired, saw the form of a man at the window of her room through the space between the bottom of the shade and the window sill, whereupon she called MlSB Pearl. , However, before Miss -Jones could Rl there with her p'stol the form had d'Bapepa.-ed. Ltt.e- they were again awaitenea uy someone Just outside their window and Miss Jones fired at the Intruder, who is believed to hae bMii a negro seek ing reverge for the death o flier as sallant, or hert on another crlmo. The citizens of Selma are thoroughly aroused and are determined to give the brave girl their hearty support. EOF w. Instructed for Blackburn. u n.n f Charlotte, who Is spending a few weeks t h ... pa rents at Elkin was here Mj.riuay He 1 1 nnni'iilltWtn II I cart fhP KPmifllK.'UU twu ftlbson Saturday Inst meted for Spen cer Blackburn for Congress and State chairman. Elkin township was for Adams for chairman, but the delega tion was put to flight. A well-known call to arms is "Come to My Arms, Nora, Darling." Special to The Sentinel, GREENSBORO, Juno 25. Samuel Osborne, a telegraph operator for' one of the Southern Railway s block sta- ions, six miles from Greensboro, was arrested Saturday on a warrant charg- ng him with bigamy. The trial was ,-, ....t, until Ontupilav flohnrna giving bond for his appearance. A few days ago he married tne oung daughter of County Surveyor Gilchrist. It devclopes that a few months ago he married a woman In Salisbury. Saturday, in asking for a continuance, Osborn's lawyers stated to the mayor that Osborn married the first wife in Salisbury while on a spree and had not seen her since the morn ing after. He said that the woman se cured the marriage license herself and had the knot tlod;that the woman had been twice married .. before and both her husbands were living, and for thiB reason Osborne did not con sider his -marriage to her to be legal, henca his second marriage before se curing a divorce. 72 or MADRID, June 26. During a'pyro- technic display last night at Granada a Ioteb fireworks bomb failed to ex plode until it allghter 1 nthe midst of the spectators. Seventy-two persons werp Injured, many of them seriously A panic followed and many were hurt In the rusn tor sareiy. To the Teachers of Forsyth County. A public examination for white teachers will be held Wednesday and Thursday, July 11 and 12, beginning at, 9:30 each morning, In the West Salem public school building. Friday and Saturday. July 13 and 14th a public examination for colored teaciWrs will .be. Held at the court house In my office, beginning at 9:30 a. m. (Mease reim-moer mese uaya anu dates. W. B. SPEAS. Co. Supt. 'Mum as au oyster" means little U th peddler and his clamor. The Alumnae Association of the Sa 1-cm Female Academy and Callcge held a meeting Monday afternoon and do- elded to glye the people of Winston- Salem an opportunity or attending a delightful event on the Salom Acade my campus on the evening of the "Glorious Fourth." It will be a grand concert of national music. The Salem Boys' Band and other lo cal musicians will take part. Mr. B, J. Pfohl, the director of the band,, has arranged a fine program for the cele bratloii. The alumnae association will serve lea cream and cake. Program. ; ' Wagner "Hall Bright Abode," (March from Tannhauser.) ' Part I. Selections representing the great Nations of the Past, emphasized by the closing march. Gounod "Woe unto thee, Babylon, mighty city, for the day of thy fall is nigh." Costa-rDanasciiB Triumphal March (from Oratorio Naamao, Assyria). Gounod Roman Triumphal March, (Ancient Rome): "The Bonnie. Blue Flag." (The Confederacy.) Finale. Handel Dead March In Saul, (israel). intermission. Part It. introduction. DeKoveu Recessional , (Kipling), Maki voices. -National Airs of the Present Hall, Columbia. The Marseilles Hymn. The Red. White and Blue. Russian Na tional Hymn. The Star Spangled Ban ner. The Watch by the Rhine. "God Save the King." America. "Unto Thee. O the God of Our Fathers." The Old North State. Dixie Land. ' . Finale. Beethoven "The Heavens proclaim Him in ceaseless devotion, The Crea tor's voice o'er alt Is heard." OF T IS FILED GREENSBORO, June 25. Late Sat urday afternoon a deed of trust of $1,000,000 was filed here 'In the office of the register of deeds. It Is to se cure a first mortgage bond, made by the Empire Trust. Company, of Now York, to the Randolph and Cumber land Railroad Company, Th railroad company is new corporation Hint, re cently acquired the road from Came ron to Carthage and from Carthago to Halilson. The railroad - Is evidently heading for some point In Guilford county, but its promoters are saying nothing, but are sawing wood. At This Conference the Ctsr and His Advisers and Government Officials Will Be Preient Believed Cisr Will Yield To Clamor For Popular Ministry and That All Ministers With Two Exceptions Witt Com From the Assembly. ST, PETKRSm'RO, June 2(5. A conference Is called to meet, at the Poterhof tomorrow between the Csar, the government officials and the Cxar'a advisors, it la believed that the Csar Is ready at last to yield t the clamor for a popular ministry and will ask MouromsU'ff, president of the Douma, to form a cabinet, all members except the ministers of war and ma rine to be selected from the assembly. DEATH OF CAPTAIN -SILAS C. DODSON GREENSBORO, June 25 Early yes terday morning Captain Silas C. DorV son, one of the oldost and most esti mable citlxens of this city,, departed this life, aged 78. The funeral services will be held from West Market Street church tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. Mrs. W. G. Crutchflold, the only surviving child, will arrive to night from Mobile, Ala. Captain Podsou is also survived by his wife. . He had been mayor ot Greensboro for several terms, making an excellent officer, and for over thirty-five years, antll he retired on ac count of age was cashier of the old, Richmond & Danville Railroad, after wards for the Southern Railway at Greensboro. He war a sntmiilld man and a nonu- lar officer, and his loss Is keenly teC by his thousands of friends and ac quaintances here .and elsewhere, I JULY WEATHER RALKIOH, Jiths 25.A number of the State officials have received a July weather prognostication from A. J. Devon, who stylos himself "meteo rologist," with office at Hackensa-ck. N. ,),, and the officials say it Is grat ifying that failure of the DeVoe prog nostications In the past to materialise make it unnecessary for anyone in North Carolina to be especially appre hensive. The forecast Just received says: July will' enter with a hot wave over the Western Btatos; the centre of this wave will roach the Atlantic coast States by the fourth, followed by very violent, thunder storms on the fifth and cold wave for several days. We will have heavy rains and thunder storms each week, but on the ulne- ecnth a groat, storm will form over the .Mississippi valley, Increasing lit ' energy as It, moves eastward causing cyclone along our Atlantic coast be- ween tho 21st and 24th. I send you this notices In ordor that you may pre puro for It." CHARTER FOR 6IG ASHEVILLE CONCERN RALEIGH, June 20. A charter was Issued this morning for the Harrts Barnett Dry Goods Co., of Ashevllle. csplial $100,000 authorized, and $25. omi subscribed, by Guy Hreen. P. H. Thlest and large number of other stockholders. Death of Mrs. J. D. Hamlin. Mrs. Hamlin, wife of Mr. J. D. Ham lin, ex-sherlff of Yadkin county, died at Kockford Thursday night after a lingering illness of several months. The interment will be at Yadkinvllle, former home of deceased Saturday. IS CHOKED TO DEATH NEW YORK, June 25. Charles Ed wards, a business man, while eating lunch in a Park Row restaurant, chok ed on a bone that became lodged In his windpipe und he strangled to death before It could be extricated. News Items From Kink. Special to The Sentinel. KING, June 20.t-We are having heavy thunder storms almost every day. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Wilcox, of Win ston, visited at S. M. Goff's Sunday. Miss B. L. Grabs and Ed. Shultz, of Roanoke, were here Sunday. Miss Stacy Love returned home Saturday after spending several weeks In the city of Durham. 1 Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Boyle, of Win ston-Salem, visited at L. 8. Grabs' Sunday. Mr, Reuben Guuter returned .borne yesterday after spending seven weeks In the hospital at Greensboro. Misses Hattie Grabs and Addie Kl- ger are spending a few days at Mr. W. H. Scbaub s, near Old Town. Mrs. Lula Pulllam and Mrs. Alice Newsoin went to Greensboro yester day. " . A nice program has been arranged for children's day at Trinity church next Sunday morning. N. A. Slate, of High Point, spent Friday and Saturday at home Monument Site 8lected. FREDERICK. Md., June 2fi. A com mission of survivors of the Fourteenth New Jersey Infantry Including John C. Pattersou, of Ocean Grove, who in major of the regiment, have telwt ed a site for a monument on Monday battlefield, where the regiment lost heavily In tje battle of July 9, lXfit. CAUCASUS DISTRICT BT, PETERSBURG, -June 25. The delegates elected to the Douma from the Caucuses districts have Just ar rived. They report conditions there deplorable, unceasing bloodshed pre vails and the Inhabitants are ruined financially, espoclally the Musselmen, Armenians and Georgians. The dele gates declare this state of affairs Is . due to the system Initiated by the St. Petersburg bureaucracy for "Russia cation or the country. The delegates will Insist not, only on the establish- : ment of a ministry responsible to the Douma, but also of a ministry to which the people can appeal for reme dies of their conditions. FOUR ARE DROWNED . IN VERMONT LAKE NEWPORT, Vermont, June 25. Four were drowned In the overturning of a canoe, on Lake Nomphromagog. They were Mr. and Mrs. Fred 8. Pa quln, .Miss Ethel Paquin, Fred's sis ter, snd George Daily. All are well-, known here, tl Is supposed the move ment of some one of the party caused the canoe to overturn. Free Subscription to "Fashions." In their spare In this Issue Rosen bacher tt Bio. publish a coupon good when mailed to the Busy Store, for vlx months' subscription to "Fashions.' When a man gets a chance to dis pose of his troubles he always heaps up tlie nieaeure. It, sometimes happens thut'a shady character hssks In the sunshine of popularity,