tfe offer libqr?! terms The Western Senti- net is the oldest week ly paper in the Pied mont section of N. C. V dob lists. Write for Lrticulars and sample opies OTU YEAR. WINSTON -SALEM, N. C., THUltSDAY, DECEMBKR IS, 1906. PRIOR 5 CENTS; Fnaineer and. Unknown L Lost Lives In Collision yy This Morning., : ; : Inger : Hla. rillVI I.Ms liwirn.tnt- hut thnt tirisu Train No. a ana rrciBni uviUff concealwd. So eoullrmntica hi ... nn.IK'h t I,, 1, , ii Irje Kinney B5i"fl mmc-U v- "."" I, Brother or n. , Who Had Aimosi miracu lnev, L Escape from Deai.t m Jieceni L Near Lynchburg TELEGRAPHIC NEWS ITEMS PUCES FROM VARIOUS MALONK. N. Y., Dec. 8. The tlicr-l mometer registered 25 degrees below i' zero here tills morning. ; . Shah Reoorted Dead. BERLIN", Dee. S. It is reported ..ore via Paris that (he Shah of Per- LIE! SCENES ; IN THE STORES. Holiday Trade , Has"1 Begun and Local Merchants are Better Prepared For It Than Ever. . Paying Honor To Dead. ITHACA, X. Y., Dec. S. Cornell l'n Iverslty Is today paying honor to tlie mv'vcu victims of yesterday' Cl)l l'sl Irutcralty house fire. All the Injured are expected-'to' re cover except Clarence J. Pope, ot East Orange, X. J.: Oliver Schmuck and 'o!oct ill's morning a runway n thn i-ai'in in ijih OCIU.IV" ... . j Inning lrirt'hnn Ir Wilting In the instant ueam oi r-" r. , , ;M, and injuries tt a numoer or r k nnr- of wjom will me. Their Stock Ar Now Larger and A Greater Variety of Good I Offered Local Merchant Wide-Awake and Progressive -The Local Merchants And the Northern Mail Order Con cernEarly Shopping Advised, v ' EXHIBITS If WANTED Those Who Have Historical .'. Relics Are Asked to Send . Them for Display. ' - k -' It I Desired By Those Having The Matter In Charge That This Stat - Make a Historical Display Second To None At tho Jamestown Expo sition -Winston-Salem People Who Hav( Relics Asked To Exhibit Them. . The Jamestown Exposition In mo? Is to bo pre-eminently an historical j DEVELOPMENTS IN THE THRW CASE . XKW YOltK. lce. 5. vVlth A sud den c!;m,"e of front, liie lawyers (or Harry K. Thaw have decided they do uot want coiiimtarlon to examine siK.U witnesses if tU eshootlng of Mr. Stanford white as arc now out of tho Slate,. The defendant' lawyers told .Itfclgo Xewburger, - In tho Criminal Uruuch of the Suprrnie Conn. few lay no they le.Kl"'' comtnlHsUm lo lako the testimony of Tnixtpu Iknilo and Thomas McCuleh, both of whom! in Run Praiiclsco. Hut. today Clif ford W. Hai1;lK( Rent letter to the JifclfcO wlthdrawhiK ' nppllcnllon. lone. .All the States, and especially the There Is little doubt (.m Thaw him LARGEST BIDS EIIEIOFFEREO Estimates on the Building of the Panama Canal To Be Submitted Wednesday. This Will Be Biggest Government Work Ever Let To ContrctPlan Sent To 2,000 Contractor But Ow ing To Gigantic Proportion of The Job Comparatively Pew of Th Are Expected To Submit Estimates. WASIUXdTOX. Oee. 7. Urgent Oeorw Kinney,- of Jacmiclws but went back Into the ' ,)art ot thfl timc Wlln 0wir J momentous n(rn ,,w ;sUlto, x. c, and an unknown "JZ! theDIS,elve9 of i1" "nhorml weak , probably a tramp who body Urim offered In Chrltmas t.) ThM Xow that CUrlstitiaa is near at band, (nrlslnnl thirteen, are concentrating lf' l mtseh to do wlti thin iletei'-;1nu ver mibmlMcd for gmerntnent the holiday trade e tae vartotwM-si'hoir oiwreles ou a display that i,'li"ali,on0" ,,ho iurt of his lawyer.:.!, w)1, ,o recorded Wednwdny nas ueaun wim a rusn. -and. as ft . ""' " wni snurw ec-n owb nnd In; the settlement and rtovelon men t of tbc conntrj- and' Inter In that Two of the tlead students are ro-1 sequence, the retail mercantiw estab vcred as heroes. They could have sav-ilishmcnts of the TwIn-CIU: aro BlUxl too, that tho lawyers saw they uindo a mUnko In niUiiK for the efimmlssloiii, uh this River. IJU- tvlct Attorney Jerome tho opp:rtuulty last Udcd :nd burned beyond rec acdue:! ncctrred on Ui'f mmn kbea No. "A, a mixed passenger Ihtllnwi, ' cras-hed into a frMght isaa-ilnc on the (.rack.'' Xo. 34 Lihiud time and was running at I of ne-d of 2 j miles an hour. morrow ' Annual Bicycle Race. N15VV YOUK. lrc. S. Tho annnal six-day bicycle race begins in Madison Square Garden tomorrow nicht. Six teen teams will compete and trainers and riders are btwy today preparing their camps for the. ffruellinf; grind. U checked up when comlnj? intojltohby Walthour and Paul OuiRnard I foliowc.i Uie wreckage and four fcerc burned. - e Fold, the negro flremnn, Is jiuiconsrious at the hospital bore 111 die. jwlll meet tonight In a ten-mile motor paced- race for tho world's champion- hlp ns a preliminary to the big race. Two Men Fined. XKW YOIIIC, Dec. S. John Wach mer and Hichard Paiuchko were fined Danville live department Is now j one hundred nr. fifty dollars respec scene, but the names,; wticlj tively for .'circulating postal cards burn both which were regarded by the court as insulting Mrs. Alice Itoosevelt Long- as ir taey women sre under control. names of the injured have noti-orih and Mr. Xlcholas Longworth socured but they included sev-j i-wxiCE. Doc. C Marconi, the In- postal clerks on Xo. 24 and & Ventor of wireless telegraphy, -an-iot of pa vsengets. They , we:re!I10lllt.PS a ,llew iT0tem . discovery a aim urmsctt up anu are noi wierchv autoniohiles niav exe'uiiiirr, mm as ocuig senousiy .aim, -,- m ssnges whK traveling. Tho invon. a is tne opposite oi .u, me i Hon may 0e ft0ptei. by various g- mcu iresmeu. . e.Mucvr occu- Uvrnmcnta a a war eorvoiiie.nce w.ctt he was killed sevral dnys I - Id Lawwr ff. - Uugiueer - Oeorge ft was n brother of w..A. Kin-i lie engineer on Xo. 97, tho train! rau iu o -ut ojn'iivt.s, n cur, sou bad swii a rema' escnps told. ., "v .- (tthner rotnrned this .afternoon ja irip n::rt,i. . He was delayed a pours by t!w wreck at Danville, iitmer learned' that the' euglreer fremt-n of the psussengcr train, and fnian ai:i brnkeman of the freight (load. .. - . : FOBTY FAOTQBY One Man Kills Another. KIX, v. Va.. IK'C. 8. In a fluar- ver ."moonshine" of their own facmre K. Arbodas was killed by m tjunliert. The -men- had1 auar- previoiisly ana settled the trou-itrwl-jg not to open ttte -keg iu ': Arbodaa broke ihe nledue. ftieuds. to siimple the keg. i' ; enter; nluing them Ijinibert ap- and emptied his shotgun into prt and theai snrreudercd." '..ST. I'liTERSIU-KO, Dec. 11. Forty factory workers were drowned this moniing while crossing tbe.Ncya Riv er on the ice,' on their way to their work. The Ice collapsed when one hundred men were In the center of the stream. Sixty saved themselves, but the others were washed away under tho ice. , Kernertville Revival Closes. ' ' 8XERSVII J.E, ; Dee. ;. Tbc iig whit-d has been in progress e Methodist church here tor near- o weeks closed lat night, . It was ftteit l the pastor and Evnnge prMsford. of Danville. Mnnv neo- ave been converted at the (Utar. pransfotd's earnest gospel oreacii- s proven a great blessing to wsville. vice president of the New (amj 'n forms of kidney and bladder trouble. E. W. O'Hanlon. fe Country's Railroad Revenues W lOltK, Dee. -10. Mr. J. J. Kitiiroud. issued a mtm- May which shows' that the reve f the liffi-roads of the country utrrj'Imr ihe ag--loiiiirni r...t,,ta year amounted to I52t.7fi3.fl25. pnng out the earning! '. whlcll to the trausnorln'tion comnnnies e products of the soli, the total. Production and its value at cur- rcarket prices, are takea into con- puon as wen as the average rail- Aim earnings per year. BISHOP MCABE HAS STROKE OF APOPLEXY XKW YORK, Ouc. jl. Dls-jop ChflH. C McC'abo, of PliilKdelphia, Methodist bishop, was strick-n -vith apoplexy ou the streets hero tc-fcay. ' He was tuken ;to the Xow York Hospital, There It is said his condition is favorable. ' . t" : i Passed Examination Successfully. James Donahue, New Britain, Conn., writes, "I tried several kidney reme dies, and; was treated by our best phy sicians for diabetes, but did not Im prove until I took Foley's Kidney Cure. Afier the second bottle I showed my Improvement, and five bottles cured oio completely. I have since passed a rigid examination for life insurance." Foley's Kidney Cure cures back acne 45,000 PEOPLE Ntox. I)'C. lOP-irtv-flve 1hws- p'on mill operatives In Western " avtmglujf an even one-half Tht exact rata- In New Bed- 4 ill fHtin.'A t n ,h. nniutlnn .... ui.w.,iiraii. autniiv. Gvernment Offers Bonds. HIxTOX. Dec lO.-Tho Bn- Inxtlar Affairs of the -War De tm ''lay received sealed bids ,.,, tt. to mny 4 ''t supply and sewerage bonds , tT5 0f M"nl!- By act of Con- !o Prevent a specnl'tioii ccr '!rk f 2 !er cenL of the ac of each aid had to be de- j Rft T. J A.tA- . . . . : ii, j - " 1 - . . vi mariium lilt?, at jhe Phoenix last night Millions of bottles of Foley's Honey and Tar have been sold without liny person ever having experienced any other than beneficial results from Its use for couglis, colds and lung trou bles. This is because theenulne Fo ley's Honey and Tar 'ifl the yellow package confalns no opiates or other harmful drugs. Guard your health by refusing any but the genuine. E. W. O'Hanlon. ITUUI SILOON . KEEPER KIllEO XKW f ORK, Dec. 11. The Italian quarter is shocked by the most revolt ing murder of years. Salvatore sier lorta, a saloon keeper. Is the victim. The assassin drew a circle on the glass door of the saloon as a target, then called Sterloiia. As the saloon keeper's body covered the target the ast-ai'sin fired with a shot-gun loaded with sluss. minie bulla and shot. The man's head and chest were literally, olown to pieces. plies for thcrf' own m or articles suitable for Christmas gift, a. , ' Already the various shopping p'acr.t present a holiday appearance, ; T.ioy have been mado uuitsually ftttractlve, extra help has been empioyed in a ma jority of (hem-and tho air of even more than ordinary hustle Indicate thnt the Christmas shoppers arc out In full force and1 will be tm"' after Cltriat mas of 190C Is numbered with, tho events of the past. One notable thing Jhat attracts the attention of the visitors to the stores of tho Twin-City.-' now Is tho fact that the Mocks in all lines seem more com plete and bettor selected, In a majority of cases, than, ever before. Never have Wlnston-Snlem holiday shoppers bad such large andt well-chosen stocks to select from. Every merchant seema to Jiava'matle a special effort to buy srooda for Christmas selling that would appeal to tho btyln public. . '"There lias, been va notable change :.u tho stocks Handled "by Wlnstou-8ft-em merchants iu 'the -past. year, or , wo." remarked! a. lady the other clai-, ifier completing ,a round of (he -various Rtores. . "A. better class of goods is .handled tluin ever before and there is a far greater' variety to select from. Tho merennuts here. are' alive and pro gressive, aivd are keeping pace wit!) cue rapid growth t the city. ' And this is the gneral opinion of the buy ing public iu Wtnstou-Salent today... V The enterprise of Wlneton-Salem merchants and their desire to keep abreast with the times has done much to reduce the mail-order business, got :en ftom this city by out-of-town con cerns, to a small fraction of what it ace . was,. A few , years , ago' at this jeason .Northern mail-orSer concerns ere seciiriug many orders from Wln- ston-Salem people some people here tiiouKht. they could not. get what they wanted at homes ..-.Today. a great ma jority of tho shopiers realise that !hc-y can get what, they want here and ', . get it here, and .by buying here keep their money at home Instead of send ing It away to some Northern city. ; . Those people who still buy, things from mall order concerns will do well to visit the local stoi-es during the nest tew days and see if what they want cannot be secured here just as cheaply and more antlsfactorily than from out- of-town merchants who have no inter est In this city or Its people. We be lieve anyone who makes the test will be convinced that tho home merchants are capable of handling the home trade ami are entitled to it. . It would work to tho advantage of all concerned, we believe, If holiday shoppers would make purchases early whenever "possible, instead of waiting until the big nwh starts just before Christmas. By purchasing now you have larger and more complete stocks to select from,, you have more time to select Just what you want, without being rushc.-l. and the clerks have more time to wait on you satisfactorily, to say nothing of other advantages. Everything wouW seem to indicate that the present holiday shopping sea son is to be the most successful in the history of Wineton-Salem, both from the standpoint of the merchants and the buying public. Long Tennessee Fight. For twenty year W. U Rawls, of Bells, Tenn., fought nasal catarrh. He writes: "The swelling and sorenens In side my nose was 'earful, till I began aplylng Bncklen's Arnica Salve io t!'J sore surface; this caused the soreness and swelling to disappear, never to re tnrn." Hest salve in existence. 25 at Thompson's drug store colonies into a each olnfma the liou'w, shsire- in that transformation. goes wkhot'.t saying. What Is of more rrniMuienco, eneh Stato In planning lo ppove lis faith by Its works, and prr$ Hs works by its exhibits at Jti.mnjHrtwn. Pen iw viva nla ban already tpen; thotiriatids of d.illain on her his toric exsibit. and wjll spend thousand more; . Virginia tw.sho can't com pete with North Carolina, either ag rl Iturally or In manufacture, hut In her historic exhibit-she, will- lead the country, Sa tho itcry goes, with but one exception NoiAh Carolina heav- en) I) k wing attend her and she Is Kitting, down peacefully, with her knit ting wondering why other Stales know so little of her past. For the, first time In her: existence an opportunity has come; to her to set right once and for all time the mistakes and sneers ot Ig norance, Her State pride a well a a "decent .regitTd for opinions of man kind," should maHe her send' such an1 exhibit that her brave, faithful, mod est past shall be glory of her future and that hereafter pien shall not come t Nortiti Cac6Hpa,taeach,hut to learn The daughter of the Ameftcnn Kev- oujJen are making 'an effort to' gather tofjether a ptear jiistoric. exiumt." wrj 1t Is not forthelr order they are work ing It, is fot- their. State and they ask all patriotic organizations, as well' a all patriotic men 'and- women, to Join with them.: bey .cannot do the work alone;, they, would' be "ashamed (o do it if ther could,' wouldi be an ad mission that .' patriotism was sleeping or dead. ,Tbat they are leading In the matter Is a mere happening, and they would: be 4ust n proud to follow, for they are North Carolinians first and Daughters afterwards.. . ' The ladle ask he loan of anything that wilj illustrate the history of the State and particularly the life ot co lonial and revolutionary days letters, -manuscript, school books, furniture, portraits, clothing:, maps, .silver, china, etc. All articles will be sent to Ral eigh. $nd put in tho care of. ah exper ienced-' "person, who will see to their packing and shipping; tholr arrange-i uient, in locked cases at Jamestown; be with thuni during the exposition and. then repack them , afterwards. They will of course while there. b Ui a fire-proof building. The nmourit al lowed' the ladles for gotiiug up the, ex hibit Is so small that they fear the success of tholr efforts will bo ham pered by the necessity for strict econ omy, but they will try to make the wiseet popslblo expenditure of the funds at their disposal. Each town in the Stale Is asked to take part In this exhibit, but Winston Salem can ' do more than take part; she can lead-. She has never failed yet In an undertaking, and this- is no time to begin Ith England j to reiptefft that the commissions exam ine for the prosecution wl'nesseR whom he cannot bring Into thtj State. They are Mrs. C. V. llolman. mother of Thaw's wife; Howard Ne.ililt the wife's brother, 'and others. Not only was Thaw disgusted who nho learned that b1a trial would be furtier delayed by these commissions, but his IfiWyers did not want to let the District Attor ney Introduce the tsdnwtiy cf tin rel stives of Mrs. Thaw. , Mr. Jerome has not decided whether he will oppose tho witmlrimnl of the application for tho onmilsHiouM, , al though It Is said that ai the oj-dor ere alln; them ban been signal. he can do little. But, In any event Thaw will not be called on to face trial for several months. The district attorney, be lieves the man's lawyers are not rlay Ing fair with him. In addition to tble, when It was believed mat thn com missions were wanted, and that much time' would be take'i In getting Ihe testimony of tho absent JVitnoPKes, he auide' other arrang-jnu ;itn . f.u' Axb taivt DKstriet ' Attorae (latvk'i, who: when offers are received for Imlidinir tho Panama Canal. Two thonsaud ceiiies of the plane have been sent to contract:.' hut not many blds wlll H' submitted owing to the 'magnitude t; the work. ' Several foreign flrntK and ptohubly a dnieh American will likely compote. A gnarantee of $2t,000 must accompany the bids. " V ' " L OAY AT BIPTISTJ.lHTIO:i CrHEKNSUOItO, Deo. 7,-Thl la M.I ucational,Day at the Haptlst State con. ventiotr, and the 'sessions are the most Interesting" of the week, All of the delegate have arrived and the attend ance is larger that It ha been on any. preceding day. ' Many Greensboro' people were present this morning and the - largd auditorium 1 of the k- church was crowded when the conven tion, was called to order. ;- v Another feature of today' tension. Was the dlmiUHMlon nt th ronnil nt ia ... cuh u. i jmui.uio.4uii ji ujc Ho,p Mission Hoard. The report , case .and. . without , whose;. nsi,'iiace wb(ttitt4 , t the' acajaott ' mtnliut Mr. Jeronie woultl, jmi, Jetrvtto. hjeve, motll,wi tMvdtseuwton" post' for trial, Mr., Carum ha ' 'flxned. to' titlter.' trial. . aniong' i hein hetof Col, WlUlam d'AI ii Mami. ttt town i opics, wjo is ennrgpo- win perjury.-. Tjlte-caito wilj tyjle'iill :Wm xirne utiTii me ene ot :Tiirtui-rv,.u learn. ,.- .,;', .. ,;;. Af('"'M' ? ' Mr. uurirlUKO gives u. his resoijH r wlthdiawlua; Ma requ..: t or lii'i ooniiulSHions the, fact Uiat he Ijoixts in have lxth lnoiv here, in .time fur ihe trial, saying that .nie bvMlvvea to-be Mr. Ucule, Id ou Hi w:iv here now Both Mr. Be.ale.and Mr. MeCulob ilit txl with Thaw and his wife ou night of the shooting and afterwards accom panied them to 'he Madlivt Rsnare oof garden! Ida V. Slyioiiton, the wtller, whom fomd until today, - The reiwrt. w; dlsciiHsed nl Jenfct.ii by Hiate BecreUry Livingston Jotiftnon t.nd others aa( adopted.- ' ". 1 ' r ,,". ; -.- - EOEIIT 10ID0N LABDR MEETING LONDON, Dec, 8. At a great labor . meeting In By! park today at which- tbe Countess of Warwick spoke the Rev. F. a Myers, a ihiptlst mlnlKter,, in rarlewlnir the lgn of the time ', predlhied thw extinction of the lMe' clatwes In the near future.-. There w MnKl.lndsay Patterson, Chairman of Jamestown Historical Committee; Mrs. William X. Reynolds, Chair man Winston Committee; Mrs. Eu gene' Ebert, Chairman Salem Committee. ROCKEFELLER'S INCOME IS M i MINUTE NEW YORK. Dec. 11. John D. Rockefeller' income for this year will be sixty million dollars, according to comp;Hatlon by Henry Rogers and John Archibald, Rockefeller's closest friends. This means a dally Income of $lfilS3. or $114 a minute. A Western Wonder. Tber's a Hill at Bow:e, Tex . that's twice as big as last year. This wonder is W. I. Hill, who from a weight of 90 pound' has grown io over ISO. He says: "X suffered with terrible cough, and doctor gave me up to die of con- DlBtript Attorney, Jfionu wanted ua.e no netd.'he'wili!, 16 arglio that hinaun. witness, is not in so.t'.i Anie. stti,y-Kflelpt.y. was pasKlng" through. om tt tho greuiuHt rcvoltitlonn n mstory. .IN wa ft'remarkabl' fcict,(hot;the move- mni wa pot'- identified with thA iead--(fshlp 6f -any oW man :a It-'wa-1 , rnoVontertt ot thS eopli. iloveremetlt: by party -was IxiconilPIt , dlfficn . as lyenf were, becoming Imbued with., the Idea of soclaf unity, CollectlvenefiH. .wa looking over the houlde of Indl' Vanillism;' eoinpetliloft w behtg' etJ aside by cecperatlooi lbepirlt j elal nervine was, asserting .Itself on 'all: Klrit-H, ii nd while the people , of the dmTrt set wefe iwtrtlrig their llvei lti Mjlf-indulgence the trade classer ere: coming to the front. The Countess of , Warwick during h-r adilless'prerflcUd a bright, and bappy, future". for-. Ui. " British laborer. - , .. , - , . '.ng tlie laiiguuge" iof moiikey,, s. n ported several, days ap.o. lmt was In New York last iilglit. n said lo aaye made a stat viifiit to 'As1sfnnt District Attorney tlaiv-ni' MicorHlng the Thaw case. - , . ,i ' ' It Is said that JfiSK Simoni'jn tvent to Pari tbi rcnuest of . Stanford White to se Evelyn Nesblt and her mother' b;fre'.Thaw and SIIss Xesblt were married' She has Intel;' beep living In Plttsbijrg with her brother.' CHARGE 18 MURDER. Wiat Adam ate. not what be drank. U' ' r.terlia KM Liniruuiinivn, . tuuniio Now. after taking 12 bot- .Discovery Public Soeaker Interrupted. terS.ircc3r,,5Thu Yon needle !fd not hannen f Folev s Honey and sap of Hfe into your syU-m and for tZ Verl take " Jt "cures coughs tify you from all diseases. HollWcrs Lcoll and pVevent pneumonia Rocky Mountain Tea recognized as package. E. W. OH.nloa. and Landqulst Pfohl. II lir iimu " - i . , , E. W. O'Hanlon, t: PfoW. Salem. weight and. am complete.- curei." On ly sure cough and cola cure. Guaran teed by Thompson . druggist. 50c and $1.00 bottles. Trial bottle free. Herbert Iwry returned to Kerners vllle yesterday from a visit to bis pa rents at ML Airy. , Southern Railway Operators and Flag man Accused of Responsibility for Wreck. DANVIU.E, Va.. Dec. 11. South ern Railway Operators Clemmer and Skinner ahd Flagman Mull, who are accused of responKihllity for tho wreck in the yards here Friday, were arrest ed late yesterday nfi.rrn.jon. The war rants against the men charge' them with murder. They were Issued at the Instigation of Commonwealth's Attor ney Thomae. Hamlin. Clemmer and Skinner, were arraigned before Mayor Harry Wooding and balled for their ap pea ranee at an investigation to be held on Thursday. Flagman Mull, who was seriously hurt. Is. still confined at- the General Hospital. He will be able, It is thought,, to be out In time to attend the investigation. . . The coroner's jury which viewed the wreck, adjourned until Tuesday to con clude the innnett.' The Jury will prob ably resume session, Thursday, In view of the action of th Commonwealth Attorney. If the evldeno' show the men to bo guilty of 'criminal negli gence ihe grand jury maf be asked to return indictments. The three Injured In the wreck are still at the fpspla' here. Indications are that they will all recover except Robert Ford, the "gro. fireman, who Jumped front his post. ' The body of George C. Kinney, the engineer, was taken to home at Tbom asvllle, for Interment. Kinney wa about forty rears of age and leaves besides . IiIm parents, several brother and sisters,. . Among the brothers Is Will A Kinney, engineer In the wreck at Lawyers. ' , ' New Cur for Epilepsy J.' B. Waterman, of Watnrtowa, C. rural ' free delivery writes! "My daughter, '-afflicted for yea" wiiji cpii. lepsy, was cured by Dr, Kin' New, ' Life Pills, She has not huj an attack, for over two years." Best body cWfins. ers and life-giving pl'i .'n earth, arc at Thompson's tlni stora. . 1 i Notice to Our Customers., . W are pleased to announce that Foley' Honey and Tar for 'cough, colds and- lung troubles i not affect- ed by the National Pure Food and Drug iaw, a It contains no opiates or other harmful drugs, and we recom mend it a a safe remedy for children and adult. E. V, O'Hanlon, Only Seventeen Day More. Th: SenllneJ' offer te , give' th Daily Sentinel nd .Woman' Horn Companion bo.h for $.1.25 expire Jan uary 1. leaving -only seventeen day' In which to take, advantage of this 11 tv eral proposition.."'.-".." . ' '. - ; Mravt. M. ,Jordon. went to.Dalton Ibis morning to spend a, week or two with her parents. Rev. anit Mrs.' P. Her, After the holiday she -wlK go to Asheyllle where Mr. ; Gorti boids' a poblilon in the inrernal reve. nue office. ' '' ; ' ,', ,- , 1 1 , , ... i f rf ' 4 charred boees and aube. .The .discov ery of King's body was pathetic. Bet? eral of the sisterg of the young man were at the scene of the wreck shortly The headless body of W. B. King. , after It occurred. They were attracted- who was killed In the wreck, was buried today. Effort to find the head of the young man proved futile. The corpse is nothing mor than a pile ot merely out of curiosity, and the net er knew that the trunk pulled out of the wreck wa their Ma until eversi houraJater.'-L 1

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