EH MHN TS DURING YEAR JUST CLOSING if summary or wnai nas Been Done Along inese f" . .... . Lines in winston-aaiem. ljn.Sl,l,.nl i,a son forward iu ,u.r j . improve i ilmiiiL' the ara!ii8tJrf4e'. ,nott,aer .. . . tka . .... Art : t':l.l eiiVS loll lJ V" ; ., . " (frtl that tacse wen ' P- ..... itv of Wins'1"1 " ""u'""""- street Impiovcmonis. ivmij ., sit mm' 1ui3 been " ' , , i,up.ov'ine'!ls. suuu af Belgian block lias been teld IfJ h:.:1 t'nesuiui si.iww. . is have (e?n graueu rbeda-Jrt sidewalks have been on,:,!..ii)U w-urK oetu ,ii!t streets, lncnming me j oidltmace recently, ,,!- i;o:ud of aldermen rel-, 'it,, :9,vii of tanereie side icciuiin streets when present . ..! u-uaits lias resulted :jj1b f quite a S'Jd deal of concrete sidewalk. Not only on busl ness etrects but In seme of the resi dence sect ions o Winston concrete sidewalks- have been placed. Sewer lines have been extended In various parts of 'the city during the year; - - . . . ' ' A good many additional lights have been put . lu. .. -. ; Additional water mains have been li.italled. ' ' ,-.'-. , The metal signs for street corners arrived yesterday and tire being put up: . ' - The a'.doruien have decided to pro vide a pattol wagon un. ambulance. A horse for the police .department has been purchased. , The beard of aldermen have -decided to launch an extensive movement fol better (streets at an early date." - Salem has made quite a number o' municipal improvements during th" year. Streets 4iave been Improved the city lras-voted bondsfcrthe pur chase of the water plant audi other forward movements have been made 111 C PAL 1 POLITICAL TALK 3 not Ue long now befcr-e the rives far. the discussion of ma poliiics. A mayor and bcaiJ rim-ii of Winston ard to be nexf Slay, (the latter chocsing omen, ami " iiireac-y various ire beiir,' mentioned. ' More ue man has arranged an alder- ticket that he would like to see nd the street-corner discus- rt now changing from the Y, M. LiuHng campaign -and the , do- f Cutatess' to a "discussion" of with ihc discussion or canot- iliere is considerable talkfof. a iii'in to'crtirte the1 cilice of, re ar trial jiisiice. thus relieving an who liolfls Uie position of of part of his duties and, ih- lly, of a. part of his salary. The ;icn ha.-, both supporters and sts as everv proposition Iras. ally with a discussion of these lla-re 'm a goud" deal of street- dsbaic as to the best plan to lined in making extensive street nients. Some contend that issue is the only right plan "Jots sue a bond issue is not jr" and that other means of it fclwultl be adopted. not b many weeks flow pe iucal liolllical not will beain In earnest." or' at least some pruisnMlicaiurs say so. WORKHOUSE P H COUNTY? f 4 :0 "',.- i .,; t i . ' . ''' : i ::' ammmmmmiimmmtmmeAmmmtmJmmmaM mil mm u ,m-- mfrtm ITiIi mm "- F. J.LIIPFERT, Elected President of the Board of Trade at the November Meeting. To Enforce Ordinance. If of P.ilioi Thomas has been in- fit tu the anti-spittluK nte tin t tie sidewalks- and he- pi"P jk-s to Jo his duty in the Ti:,Sf wiia'do not wish to ap- lore the mayor and pay a flue wii warnfii. to be careful where speelorate. There are quite a number of peopli in Wiiuton-Salein who believe that 8 wc:klie of the things need'ed M'tQ. This mutter has" been frequent Ty (lisctisned but the authorities hav( never carried It, beyond the talking staje.; . :'- OffeiidHiis against the law are -constantly being arraigned on one charge and 4tiKither. In most cases there U ery little trouble , in deciding what to do wit.h deufendant If he is found uUJ&In.,4, jlood-jmanx. casej how ever, there Js trouble. Women and men who cannot be sent to ?ecounty roads ami boy often preseut a pus hing problem. It there were a work house in this coutity their cases coulti be handled all right. Without a work house they often have to be put it) jail at' a dead expense to the county dismissed. " The advocates of a work-house claim that such an institution could be located on land: near the city and those confuted therein be requir ed" to" do useful wwk. They say th i-ttv nnd county . should get togethct on some plan for the establishment of a work house. '"'"."" IS GRITIGJUXr IU '6 at the wartiiouses lasted, un- yt-li-Klay. LONDON', Dec. 13. A dispatch re celved liere from Stockholm says King Oscar II. of Sweden is critical!:, ill with heart trouble. King Oscar is seventy-seven years old and it is fear ed the attack will go hard with htm. A number of cases on the conn calendar for this term were continue-yesterday. V-; A R.W.GdRRELL, ted First Vice-President of Board of Trade at November Meeting. OF TRADE OP THIS CITY ACTIVELY AT Organization Conducting a Vigorous Campaign in Interest ' of tne Twin-City. The Winston-Salem Board of Trade President. F. J.'l.llpfert; first vice Is actlvelv at work -now with a. view' residenc,-R.' W. Gortell: second vice to ptopeny advert,. the c.t knd J WATER SUPPLY FURNISHED THE CITY OF WINSTON SALEM il Abundanco of Good Water Is Provided Winston's Splendid New Water Plant Other Notes.' i ; T'.iu water e. jiply of Wlnston-Paleni is one of the many thluK.-i of whlorr the Tln-C'Hy bus oamw to be j.ioud. Tld' supply is sufficient tor ail emergencies and tire system of supplying it qut'o satisfactory, Winston's Water Plant The Winston- water work, system ha been notably Improved the past two. or three yeais and fuculNltes u gcod exntiiki of a well-eomlueted I -ant Mi-.der the nmtiicipal' ownership plan. '.'.''' ' i The Winston water plant, la sltualed about two and a half mile iHrHust of -the, city. The tHHirres of the supply are siiMill streams, which are held, by a musoery tarn In a reservoir of 'seventy-two million KiiMelis available. The InUke of the dam Is adjustable bo that water -may bo taken from any point within ten feet ef ll-ft surface'..- Ftotn the pond th water llow by gravity thrwigh eat plw to a BlMi.dOO gallon-, .concrete-lined, settling baln, wliei e a cotiRUlcut Is dlfftued unions It, and the precipitation is such that the water leaves the basin nearly clear and flows through' mechanical filters, where It is biH.ugbt to a sparkling clearness, lo a two and one-half mil lion gallon concrete-Hiitd- clear water basin, from which It, Is drawn as pumped to the city. The pump house is of brick. The boilers of steel are bedded lu a batte ry. The pumps are two brass-trimmed compound duplex Smith pump of one halt million gallon capacity each, and one compound condensing duplex Mc Gowan of two million gallon. They are operated continually In relays. In t'e 'u'-vurdiuK to tho nvil of tho VicnUly fiani 12 indie to 4 tncbot. One l;.in;irc J and Kcvcnty flve hy : rants and tJiftv drinking troughs and ii llorlii lairka lo aewtra ar lnytallMl. The new,plut was built, three ywra ago, iM the oM one abatKlouod, which in wr(h about. $25,000. The canH rm-lpU from the; water works syitem are about 'equal ii all opei.iilug ami mainuilnAuco expense and intereU ou uoihIihI Indebtedness. iu addition to this the- city furulshea water to alt aldnrmetr, churches. wheels, fcospltals, and Y, M..! C, A.; free water for all flro protection by hydrant, iand-plpe, aprlnkler or flr pumps to all buildings desiring It; tho city hai no hydrant rental or cower flushing to pay for. These collectively would cest ubout $7,500 per year It ob tained from . water company.. It la thus seen that our municipal water works sjstem is elf-upK)rtltrg, inTi interest on bonded Indebtedness and saves the city anrt Individual about $7.50t a year. This city's xperlmout with munlelpal ownership of Us water-works system has been eminently satisfactory and has the approval of t!ie pcoplo of Winston. Capt. Henry, the efficient, city engineer, has super vision of the water-works system and It has been well conducted during tho past year., J Salem's Watsr Plant. '.; ' Salem bus recently -oted $l2'.,ooo lu boudrt for the inircliaso anil Im provement of the water-works plant owned by a private company,. This glees ,'ufflcUmily large supply of good watt r In satisfatrtory manner biiutwii .desirable. pt"oil. ,Uejt4, to en giige'iu Its indusiriaf life. Quite a large "amount of attractive printed matter- has been gotten out-reeently and in being sent through the mail and distributed" at the depot and about the hotels. Practically every visitor to the Twin-City is furnished with In formation relating to Winston-Salem's jdvantnges. Various movements hav ing for .their object the advancement jf the: city's interest have been put on foot and splendid results are expected 'rom them. The secretary's offices in the Tlss dock are supplied with -attractive 'fold-, rs and other informal ton relating to A'iiifcton-Saleiu and these can be se .itrod by those Interested in the city's ;rowth und progress. Uoard1 of Trade meetings are nowi tiel j monthly and nwch Interest is be ing takeii In the organization's work. The number of members is now more' chan 260. The officers of the organization are as follows: The presldeat decided not lo appoint taiid'ing committees for the year. In stead of this commlttees are to be ap pointed to deal w-lMi various questions as they arise.' Following are some or the committees now considering va rious matters: Passenger Service J. K. Nor fleet, chainua-n; J.; E. Kavanaugb, J. L. Qrahani, W, D. Currln, Sterling Smith : Publicity 'and, Advertising Col. G IS. Webb, chairman; Oco. P. Pell, II. R, Dwlre, J. B. WhiUiker, S. E. Hall, It. E. Canniehael. Freight. Rates, El c.F. S. Vemey, ohainnan; I- (irabam, R. F. Jen kins, Powell Gilmer. Summer Rctfort Rates, Etc. W. D. Currin, chairman; W. F. Shaffii-er, C. G. HH1, J. E. Kavanaugb. Express Company .1. J. Norman chairman; W. A. Wilkinson, Geo. T. Rrowu, 'Telephone, Service H. W. O'llftii Ion. chairman; R. C. Norlleet, V. P, Motr. ;. The analysis by the Sta.le 'chemist and the niuule'lpal ownership plan re- shows a very pure, soft water. jCently authorized promises to be em The pipe system Jn the city vailes jlr.ently gneccssful. RECORD OF THE ASSOCIATED V ; , DURIflC. THE;. YEAR Na'rjclety. that has been, orgaulied rtions. There are enough societies In CHRISTMAS THE TWIN-CITY Already Extensive Prepara tions Are Being Made for the Happy Event Some' of the Ways in Which Christ mas Will Be Celebrated Here. Chrisk.nias is' rapidly approaching. &lrnilv the small bov and 'feirl have assumed an air of expectancy and suntu runs La the unoermost tonic of' discussion in many liomes vf the Twin-City. Chi is! mas is always celebrated iu an appropriate manner iu Winston-Salem amd this yea'r will be no exception. Practically all the Sunday schools wciil have entertainments, there will bt Christmas sermons and Christmas mu sic at. the churches; there will be huutirg parties and visits fioin rela tives and a -relaxation after a ar oi business care: there will be social af- w ami emisiderable charitable WorK. r,. k.iv nolhine of the usual quota of 'tnrnfd out bv horns and fire crackers under the direction of trra lr- E pressible small boy. Klalmrate nrociams are already be ing arranged for (he Christmas emer- iumcut-s. At some oi tnese i?iuia) nm. wilt be a centre of attraclion.j At all of them r-editable piogranwi various kinds will be rendered. , Christinas will be a gla 1 seasnn iiij i., tutu. The vr has been a; -oad one in various ways and the-av-l erase citizen is in the proiK-r frame of, ,,i Mr a eemiine. whole-soniea en-, ioiment of the Chrtstmas season. A, usual a majority of the maniifactur-j .... u.ttt .....m,l wiiri i .. estabiisnuienic in '""i""" : Kiua SPLENDID GROWTH THE PAST YEAH Winston-Salem Retail Mer chants Association Has Gone Forward Rapidly Dur ing That Time and Now Leads State in Membership. The : Winston-Salem Relail Mer- charts' Association is not an old or ganization but U has accompanied much during the time it has been in ex isience. It is now the banner asso ciation of the SisU? in ' membership a:;d jn practical result it baa accom nlUhed a treat fi'.al. During the iait year the Iot a! asso ciation's membusiilp lias InciiiSci from about 45 to about 215 and its use fulness has Increased iu like propor tions. It haa been broadening ail the while and enlarging its fieW of en deavor rapidly. The association! is sue of which its mtnibeis have good reason to be proud. wit:;lr the last, decade has met so ful ly the demands of the needy poor, or systematized lilofe perfectly the dis tribution of dsarlty; than 'haa tho As sociated CJiari ties. In the year and thrue-qiuirters since the itUu ia conceived und put In exe cution, Ml.-. Atmio tiiogan, the effi cient secretary, has earnestly worked for the advancement of the cause. The great need of tho society Is a district nurse. Iu cases of sickuess, much suf fering could1 be alleviated', contagious diesuises kept under control, and san itary Ideas disseminated, If such could be feasible. Why could not each church assume tho cxK'iise for a deft uite period of such a desirable per son? It would be nrce.-sary to coiuti 111' direct touch with .many of the oases and enter the homes of many of lbs poor among the working class lo ap preciate the great need of iutelllgen! nursing to supplement, the dwdor's vis Its, especially 'In pulmonary cases, where It is hard (o convince the pan ties of lt contagious character, ami the absoiuto need of sanitary p'sCiu- the, -oily liii the different olurwhCK, which, If Interested In the work, coti lit e;i assist In dotaiying a uurse'a ex penses. The following report, which oompar es favorably with Hint of the previous year, and shows that, tho work !has been Splendidly bundled, Is given by MIm (irogan: .Amontit subserlbed from April, 1800, to December 19nfi, $1,009.50. . " , During ililrt time rx:t persons have applied for help, Oil " beltt found wortliy, wero HlHted; "tho other 72, bring unworthy of help, . were turned down,- thl being one of tho wry ex cellent fialurca of this organization. Tlnee hundred garments huvo been tl.'slri bitted since April. Tho amount of cxpenKea lias been $74(1.19. Tho Mibscrlptlonti liuve fallen below those of lust, year, while the expense an: much heavier. The whiter Ih now here, and the holidays are near, so the officers wish to make an earnest appeal to IIhwo, who are blessed with plenty lo remember those who are less fortunate. of w in for while and there will be of relaxalion in various ways. Christmas shopping W now ou "ariitst. All (he stores of the Twin C'liy ai-e crowded with holiday shp iMjrs who want to get --just the thing" for papa or niaiii" sister or brother or somebody else. A metciiarit ie:nnrk ed lhe other dav that he has been sell ing mote Christmas gifts than ever be fore. Anrt others will doubt Ire i say the same thing. Tne vaiiotis local deal ers have made a ft'ie seiertkin of Cbrisima'artiele Hini thy ate beingi rewaided by good trade. It may nm te out of place to sugg st again lhat shnpieni visit (he various stores early and thus avoid the rush of the last few days before Cbiittruas. Shopping w win be found much more satis- no factory In every way. - o : ' t't ;(-"' v.,i -. , . r: v 4 1 1 1 ' 1 1 t I 1 't r" . ; . t ; B.F.HUNTLEY, Elected Second Vice-President of Board of Trade at November Meeting.

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