'; V."- ,-s ... . -" ..; s ' , ' ' ' ' ? ... "- '.!' ;' .-V- " . ." ' ' . . : - ' 'U ? -V ' l ... .: s '- . ' .;...;:;..,;. V -."V , .goffer liberal terms The Western Senti nel is the oldest week ly paper in the Pied mont section of N. C. !rClublists.Writefor, Oculars and sample jpies. Vfll YEAH WINSTQNSALEMyK THURSDAY, DEGEMBERTylOOG; pr:.ge 5 cents; Sale ft ist; i of New York's Present ney General to Be Wuedpy His Successor Lion. Being Perfected For Ag L Uegal Warfare Again the Tpu,tPreldent of Concern m I,,,, n Hi Heirrsnw-f .w... ,nv Publishers' Press),'.; ; i LvnnK. IX. 27. Tho Ameri- L Company Is In buslaiiese for I Tllty re not in lor auyuuus ,w that, soys Wesley M. Oler, LtoMlw Awerlcan Ice Convpa ." frwclv for; publication Lie it clear that prices would f. ..mi though the crop, may n-t in vrars. y - Lracy General Mayer has started Ustlgatlou into me ice wuw m U,r will continue we invewuB- 1 ..-1 . m..r iioeliu-cd the compa- ,1 Mt charged a bit wo muca ior BLUM-HESTER WEDDING CELEBRATED RECENTLY 1GURE FOUND Waal buggy belonging ito the itey-HilWHockton Co., was stolen iM stable last night The aal- and vehicle were" not missed un- is morning. The officers were no Sheriff Ziglar was advised by tone hat a niattj and woman ihrouch that town early this Lit In a biiSK' driving a horse onus tin? description of the one L sheriff Zielar then wnt a tel- Eto King, in which 'girectlojb'ttw were eoIuk. reauesting. that itll he arri ved. The ftbeiiff , iied bv J. Frank MoitIs. of Mantle j-HUI-Stocktott Co.;-wejj id l. ft. II '-.. m..t., tWn . . ter fho horse and bURgy belong- to the Humiey-HiU'StocKwnt to. (bund today in a section known SDag Trot," in the extreme wosteni lol the chy. Th e condition of the I indicated that It hadi booir In) hard by some one anj then W loose. - : ; dt'Telooed that the horset aiid bUK- passing through Hura! Hall mornliig wcto not Iho propnrty or HuntKn'-HUI-Etockton Co. V . J PRESENTED . . TD MPT, PEYTON PPt. G. V. Peyton! assistant super- 'Mfttt of tliia division of the South- Railway, was presented on' Decern- Sth, with a $ 1M diamond rlns by fluploj-eei of the A. & Y.:aud Wilk- p branches uod friends in : the at Greenioro a a marie of es- p and appreciation of hl kind and fieous treatment of the emplo-es ft Unies. The Recordi ay that, the Mseoibled in another office and Peyton was sent for, ami the i rlns PTteented by Conductor d H. Me, one of the oldest and most jir conductors on the. branch ti.. .'..i.. , . y. . in- untie a oriei ana oeauiuui Md II r. Peyton replied-.-with ap- pnate remarks of ftppreciation. IN CITY OE LONDON (Special to The Sentinel.) U.DOX. T-r- !TA-t mullnn if Mthroplsts in Exeter Hall-today iwh Lord Kjjwh presided, it was d ihat 11230,000 had! been "willed to the Chinese Famine fUv Jucd. it was staled by Re-. Dr. "i". of the China Missionary Socl ; at upwaixls of tweuty niiUion "'s were on the verpe of tana the province of Kuen Len and ElPd With Crown Prince. Un'l!al lo T he Sentinel.) ' ShELS, ih;.. 27.-Tho marriage J: face irro today of Professor aL0"' a Bnw!cian- 'bx receiv 0sl nm-nvIaWo notoriety three by taking advantage- of the Porary mrtltal aberration of the Crow n irince8s saxony to n- tj- elope with him to Genera. nriorn features of this unfortn- 'he crown of the queen of "hi the loss of her -cWKiren, in s expulsion from the Impe- "" l Hapsburg, to which she n y uirth. are famUiar. She 'n;or of her sobs at Dreeden, rh her-, wfchin three months binh to the UtUe girl who Princess Anna Monica of Sax- mn has wed Fran Bthl Bod On the 18th of October Mr. Thos. A. niilm, of this city, and Miss Nora Hes ter, of CleuuiHiiis, . were married, th?i ceremony UiUR performed ty Re.i K. Mendon'mH. Tui roung pcp' kept their marriu jo a becret ;. utilil la&t eveulnK, the tim? set for t'ao maitiaRft, and only a-few very IctEiuato friends were awaro .vf !Vir marring 3 until todav. " . , ' ' Both the joinit people aro Wt-11 known in this city anJ county. - The bride is a daughter of Mr. and; Mrs, John Hester, of Clouimoiw, a ad is a beauUfur youiig "woman. 1 he groom is a son of Dr. and Mrs. J, A Biuw, of Wltuston-Saleui. .- Mr. and Mrs. Blum will reside In, this city. . J TO ISSUE OP KIUEOJI FIGHT Four Americans and Four Mexicans Known to Have Been Slaughtered by YaquI Indians. Fight Occurred. 8aturoVy Night. In Mtxlco Near the Border Complete Detail Are Lacking But It Seems Certain That At Leatt Eight Per son Were Killed By the Indian. (Special to The Sentinel.) : NEW YORK, Dec 27. At a meet ing of the stockholders of the Mobile, Jackson & Kansas City railroad today, it was decided to sreate a second mortgage to secure $:i,0O0,0O0 5 per oont. short term bonds. The mortgage will also cover the Gulf & Chicago road, and the shareholders of the lat ter company will meet tomorrow to authorize the mortgage. THE OTTAWA VALLEY Y n (Special to The Sentinel.) LONDON, Dec. 27-fbe Ottawa Val ley railway project ha leen success--fully financed here and: the construct ion of the line from Montreal to the Great XAkes will be proceedod with at once.; At a special meeting of the di rectors today it -was announced that all the capita) required had been over subscribedv . : Mr.A.F. Young ha purchased Mr. W. L. O'Brien's interest 4n tho business of the Simpson Drug Company, wWch was organized last spring. This .means that Mr. Young and his family will continue their residence in this city. For five yeais or more Mr. Young was the popular manager of Hotel Phoe nix. Ho has had several years' ex perience in the drug business. i. Mr.. Young will vwoeed Mr. O'Brien as president of the company. Tho lat :er will devote his entire time In the future to the insurance business, . EOUR-YEAR-OLO GIRL BURNED TO DEATH Th four-year-old daughter of Air. ami Mrs. T. M. Nuan. Of Walkertown, was , bin ned ,'to -death this momlng. The-'chiW was out in the back yard with' her mother who was 4 burning kme leaves and trash. The little one's clothes' ignited and soon her body was wrapped in flames. ; Effort was made to extinguish the Are, but the child's clothing was practicallj burned off before the flames were ex tinguishedShe died In a fow minutes. Mr. Nunn is manager of a flouring mill and is a highly esteemed citizen Of Walkertown. By Publishers' Press.) LOS ANGELES, Dec. 27. Reports 'row Mexico say a terrible Iudiau up rising has occurred. A band of Ya--pils, oce of the most ferocious tribes, attacked- a number of Mexicans and Vmerlcans, resulting in a fierce en ionnter. Four Americans were killed, several outbreaks are reported but de aiia are lacking as to tie number Of lead. : ;; ---j -:-v-.: ' .' . Later Col. H. E. Maxsou, vice pres. dent of the national Irrigation con Tresb and secret av of education, of teno, Nevada, brings a graphic sury 'rom SoroUa, Mexico, of the Indian -rouble. Eight Mexicans and Anierl aus were massacred1 in a little town rt Lanco Saturday night. The ataUan igent ami jiife escaped from death by boarding a . work-train. Maxtton1 and party had' bceto gone from the town n hour when the band of Yaquis swooped down on the little party of Mexicans and butchered four. The sta tion house was burned. Not many nlles from Lanco four more men were massacred by the warliko Indians. The iemairJng member of the company rc tused to leave, faying they could atan0 (T the Indians till next day when an officer would arrive to deal summarily with the guilty if captured. . COST OF! LIVING INCRERSES MORE It Has Advanced to a Greater Extent Than Wages in 1 -'Out of 20 States of Union. 8ome. Interesting 8ttiti:ii On Thit 8ubjeet Iniiana, Tthodi Ucnd and Wl6onin the bnly Stat-. Whert : It it Claimed r.gei Have Advanced More Rapidly f nan the Cost of Llv- : Ing. t . 'v.. . . . ,. (By I'liullimcrs Press.) -. NEW YORK, Dec. 27. The World today publlshesj 'tni Utics . from coi respondents in Various states ahowluj :ht cost of living has luc rvnaerf mort hai wages ha, Ve advanced. Twenty States reiKirtedi but only liMliaua, Wis consln aud Rhode Island shovgreatet Increase-of wage than of prices. Georjrli', JlaryJaud and Virginia are the Southern' States quoted, Virginia estimated thxt wages increased an averaRe of 2 per eeut,, while cost of Mvlug increased 10 to 15 per cent in Bvo y a; s. ' . OeWB'ia estimates tliat vages Iwreastd 20 per' cent. The tar.lnir ;MH Vas poor as previous a .'-.. (srrreH'pr)'.': lw- Commodl les -have risen v more rapidly In Maryland prices advanced about 15 per eeut, while only skilled labor 1 receiving higlMf ' ages, this averag ing 10 per ceut. . - , WOUNDED MAN SAYS E IS The man who was ( snot Monday light by John GorUou now cUiltats that ia name Is U!H VJitind'aam ana not Jrauuum, as he flret told the offlc-r. Vfter the shootlug Ilrundluun stated ,liat his home wt at Big Stone Oap, sa., and thH his mother' a name waa ilrs.- Naitule IMtou. Patrolman J. T. rtionipson wiri"d' M. Helton that her ou naa weii shot. This morning a ncKsage came from Big Stone Oap laying thai no one by that, name re- Ided there. BtAudbam (tow says that ti mother . mnrHed a man by the tame of Mamlwl . Itichcr and ihat hey reside at Big Stone (hip. ; Brandhain's condition Is rt'garded ritieal, . Pneumonia has developed on cth sides. " . .. , I ' I I" I I TRAVELING MEN'S T ELMST.SUNDAY-5CH00L ORGANIZE WHOLESALE -. GROCERY COMPANY U. W- flgbura.'vof MoWlo, Ala., is 3 pending a tew diy here. Mr. ,Og burii, who was) with the R. J.; Reynolds Tobaeco C6. fori several year &i trav eling; salesman, 'Is ioi. engaged ,4u iuslnees for himself.,? On September 5th last he and Mr. J. C. Griffin, ail other former salesman for tho ; Rey nolds Compnuy, organized and dnoor porated the Ogburn-Urifflil Giticery Oo. ai wholesale concern, at Mobile, and Mr. Ogburn reports thaji they have met with splendid success. "' ' Mr. A A. Mey-s, of the Meyers Westbrook Co., rave an elegant sup per in the Elks' Home . building last light, complimentary 'to a number of Wends. The spread was sumptuous vnd greatly enjoyed. '-Cod, J. A. Dean vas toast-master,,' Toasts were re sponded to by Mayor, O. B. Eaton-, Col. W. A Blair and others. The menu consisted of tufkey, 'possum, quail, Brunswick stew, etc.- ; INDICTMENTS AREEXPECTED It Is Believed Several Will Result From Recent Inves : : tlgatlon of New, York Life. It I Quite PoMlble.Ther Will Be One or Mero;-1ndletment For orgs ry In Conectlon With Grand Jury' Inquiry tto h 'Company' Affair. (By Publishjerg" - Pre,) ;,' NKtV . YORK,; D.i'2);rreverl..-'fU' dlctruonta" for forgery vara ex pec ltd when tho grand. Juryvotmpieto itit in vestigatlon , the New YJrk Life In surance Company. Today Dlsiriot At torney Jerome, In summlnij up tho evi dence, went .over evorythins in the greatest' detail. It l believed that In-dictme-nits for foreery In the '.hlrd de gree .have been found and that they were based on deals with subsidiary companies. ; . ,. It is understood that Jerome advis ed the grand Jury that sufficient evi dence had been predated to warrant indictments for forgery in tho third d gree. ; Conductor Johsou, of the N'. t V. roud, says holiday travel is still on lie handled 400 passengers today be tivcen Roanoke anil AV Uuston Saleut. AJ-largo and epnreclative audliice vltiietned a pleasing Cliristmuh eu ertainment given by Elm Street 8un 'ay school last night. The program vas aa follows: t ' Choruftliig Cory. Scripture and P-.yer. Chorus Sing ai'd Light. ' Recitation Tho Blessed Morn. Solo and Duet Over Bethlehem' Hillside. Chonla Arise. Exercises by Primary Department. Song Tho Ahgelsi' Song. Solo Selected. Semi-Chorus O Jwlah, Talw Thy Harp. .: ' . t Clvonw--Welcome Mom. ' . , Duet O City Fuir. . .. Redtation ilected. Song The Birth Song of Jesun. . Choru-TlyaJ Hearts and True. Offering. - I Choir Selected. -. t Address.- ' ' - ' Choru'sT-Send. Forth the Evangel. : Doxoiogy.; -. ..- v f; .-(-,. , ; Benedjcrion. ,.'.-'; ' ''. '; '" '' , ' A very , Enjoyable feature "ef tho en ertaiMneni..waa the son. "My iDoUie' y JitU M1f Jva,Nadtti, daughter Of Hr,.nd Mwt.,J, ,II .ading.v '.k . to punjp.'iiior Annual Event of Post ,B, of the Travelers' Protective Association. Is to Be, Held , T at the Hotel Ziniendort. . , - 'S.-l An Attractive Menu Ha Been Arraitg. , ed And Appropriate Toast Wilt Be Oeljvered By Vartou pekr Annvl Banqut Promise To Be, A Nouble Bucce In Every Rpt. l"ost B. North . CftroHmv " dlvisioii Travelers Pjvtectlte Association yof Atnerlca, win Rive it seventh annuiil banquet at, Hotel 2Huxendorf at 9 ;tc nlght. A large number oMovltit'.ooa have been iMUed and th occWcn. piumliwa to be both delightful bod in teresting.- . ; a. ' Toasts will bo reepouded ti aa M- lows: ' , ''.'. ;': 'I'- Our Visitors M ay or 0. B.. BaWa. " ' ifotelw W.: t, UarveyA , ' " , Our Work w. R, Leak. , : . ;. ; The Occasion Hon. Clement Maaiy T. P. A. of V. 8. A B. It. Marh, The Tar Heel Drummer C. C Me- Ieau. ,. .'',.. - Our Wive and &CHhirt CoL W. A. Blair, . -. . , , .: ',.. Th Menu. , , ...Oyster Cocktail ; :. '. . .-' , ; Orape Fruit ' ' ; . ' Cream Corn Queen Ollvs 1 Ctlu f Mixed Pickles . ; Filet of Sole, Sauce Oenevolse ' Oyster Pttle ,, - i Roaat Turkey . Cranberry- Saoe 1 Punch Dolmonlco . Roast Quail en Blauiuettes of Bacoa TRAINJSPATCHERS Capt; Newell, tf Aslievllle, who is to bo superlutcndent of the new Moresnllle division, Soutliern Railway, with hoadquarierettn this dty, i here to meet Mr. W. G. Thrweatt, of Rich mondv Va., who arrived this afternoon to arrange for puttiagj up wires in the Tim? building for the new-train, din oatchers to be brought here for the Winston and Mowvlle divlalons. Mr. rbrwtatt is inspector for the Western L'nion Telegraph C ,. J. T. Benbow went to Yadklu couuty dav. ' - ' '' T YEAR BY RAILROADS (Specla: to The Scntine;.) WASHINGTON, Dte. 27. It is esU niated that the American , railroads will pay iuriug the current fiscal year si .032.000.000 in wges, the highest in the history of the country, while the amount, owing to existing construc tion in all directions, will largely in crease annually. ' ' POLICE NOTED NEW YORK. Dec. 27. Tbe police are guarding Dr. Marker D. Dadirrian, a noted physician, wno is inreaieueu with assassination by unknown ene mies unless be pays them ten thous and dollars. He has received letters signed by the Black Hand. Mrs. Susan' Hanes, of Davidsou.who hn". been visiting her sons, D. J. and UR. L. Hanes, returned home yesterday.J Bernle Mclver, of Lynchburg, Va who has been visiting relatives and frleydg Jure, retimed home today. M " MAkahrotna ' tx-ttuce,' en. Mayonnaise ' " ; . "Aswitod Cake t -?i . Cheese , 1 . Cnwkew Cafo Nolr. '. ' : ' ; -' TMn urronrc cudt '; I II U IILOIIULU UIIUI iiiLii'nn'iiii oiDTirc sUi,uiiftiiUiiii rfiiiiiLa . Busle' Crawfotd, a cotortx) , wtmui, tmpleyd as cook in- Mr.-taod Mr Chats. K. Shelton and Joe Roddy, ttrlyv r for Dr. H. ' H. Hal, .colored. frr ihot and wounded last night nef the orner.of ,Chetnut and 8eventh '' itreeta while returning from on enter. tainmeut ghei at OttisoW Hall PT thef colored Odd Follow' LodRW. The womaw waa rthot In the ankle, ,. the ball ranging don-trwwrd in the foot." It hi twen leca-tnd ind will probably Se removed this evening. , The woman a removed to the Slater hoepiul tbi afternoou. The wound iu gtv4U8 her much pain. . . - Roddy wae.ftbo twice. One ball took effect In the right ankle and ta , mpposed Ik ii' his foot, it has not lei located, .. The other ball struck hylclan' home, Uil nks It rebounded, the back of his head and Dr. Hall, who i attending ht iVriver, at tile Both' wound, while painful,, are not ' regarded mrtotte. '-.,;''"?:.,' The two partle .hot, ' wltb oth solored people, ptwsed a rowdy crowd, of men or boys near Caspei' place, OS . Chestnut street, Just before Jlhe hoo( Ing occurred; They have no Wea'aa to the "name of the guilty parties, , The officers are making an lnyeti nU(m aodi hope to arrest the parties who did tlie shooting. KEPT MARRIAGE SECRET. SINCE AUGUST: 23 Mr. Cut E. Hlne and Ml Ethel M. Thomas, two popular yountf people of Old Town. thl country wore .mar ried at the First Baptist parsonage lu Greensboro Auguet 23 last by Rev. Henry W, Battle. D. D., pastor of the Orenboro church, and they kept the weddlnc a Drofound' eeeret ' until 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon, when tile ee-remonv wa aootumc-! to be per- I formed by Wfchop RonnKbalor'lB the Moravian' church aUOld Town.1- A lurge crowd of relative and friends had assembled to wltn.th oupUftls. The couple appealed and yth wedding march waa beaotlfull' ren dered by Mr. Ira Hinc, brother of the groom. The -bride, ettlred In ifrey , irilk, carried lovely buoeh of carna tions. Accompanied by tho groon, h aevatxed in front of toe chancel, when the Bishop aroeo and to the gen- jlDft erprift of the parent f both bride eed groom read the aurrtiw cer tificate a filled out by Dr. Battle, pastor of tho First Baptist church In Greensboro. Dr. Battle had been 10- vited by Mr. Hlne to be present yes terday and'wltnesa the "pogam hut llines prevortMi brni from aewptint Mr. anl Mr. H'ne wlK board wiut tt groom's parim. r. aoa akrs.' LuUicr C. Hlue until thMr new horn?, iin course of coostrnctloo near the Mo ravian church, i completed. The bride BnBves eet t iHSlS TtZ in sa"ry:U the thought that , hey should feeilnjh,- oeenorgenM at thin church duty W"inl to increase their qtwta ot f. talk. 3 sejeralyear,-(lj

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