CHARGES AGAINS T FEBE1IDGE? l llffsihlnntnn Thif CpOll IK UJIuyHVII I nut Charges win oq rreseniea Against pmcnara wnen Congress meets. Report States That Unwarranted Interference mm ouui nuinoruyj Will Be Aliegco in yvmiiainv "j , ...tu,ni.....j"i. Matter Being rrni uikwhi in WMhlngton. ., - ;. - ASHINGTON, July 24. As a re- 0f tthe bitter Judicial content be- f In Worth fTamltniL hAtWAon waKu iu - ' - ., ate SDd (FUeiiu luiuuiiuca vici me ethod ol entorcins putie rue law, Intimated that Immediately upon reassembling of Congress In De- ember rormai cuni.-- uns eated against juage rriicuara; mat complaint will be signed by State (Uclals and memoers oi iue juuiciary contend that the circuit Judge s rtlon was a grusa iiuiouuu oi ins errlde tne wisues oi mo peopie, to hiin the legal macuiuery vi me tate and ninoer iub mwuuh power the State in me enrorcemem oi . An Arkansas Decision. i . . . .. - The Wasnmgton correspondence oi odivs industrial news cuoinins me llowing: . case was filed In the Supreme otlrt of tne unii-a - outies toaay hlch Is of interest Decause me unit- States Circuit juage tor tne East- District of Arkansas take an op- It view from judge - jeter u STATE COUNCIL ii k.''iif iiT r"t a - -. - , .-. ETING TODAY (Continued on Page 3) 1 IN OF.'EIDDINGS IS CONSIDERED HDPEFU eiieved Now That the Old Man Will Rteovar - Attending -physician Says the Old Man Did Not Drink Whole Eottle of Cart9liof,Atd. . Thomas GldditUBS Owjjlik man muo tempted to. shoot ist eldest daugh yesterday mornlnjf and' afterward, he claimed.' drank' a bottle of rar- illc acid, had a very, xood day and Lockett, ; the attending physician, me chancea are tua- re- ver. .- - .,.-'..-. Dr. Lockett Bav Mia olri man nvl- ntly did drink. a small amount of luted carbolic acid . but '.. had he drunk the amount he claimed to e swallowpri. It wnlilrt hnvA result. in his death In a vrv nhort Ump A ruard is kent'-vlth fllrtriines at hospital. . i FAMOUS 80NQ WRITER DEAD. rote Orlalnal Worrii a ni-i-" and Composed "Molly Darling." . LOUISVILLE Ki.. i-Tnlv 24 Tol ill S. fTavn mnt vrff anil ru f "0 at his homn hr' nf vortlro used hv a stroke of naralvala auffpr- 1D the Irnnlmlc Ihaitrn flro In rM. 9. HA Van thA rlclnl aithhf nf words of "Dixie " and claimed: to T sones. Inrhidlna ."."iWoJlv - rtar. FILIBUSTERING TODAY. fwntntl of Gorl ; atmtm. Driklkl. ion Bill nau..iR. TLiu.. t. u. ... wviMjiuy Tiifiyv ill in oute. -. ' TLANTA -B'8 Are InHnv flllk..ctarlnn ...In.l owe prohibition bill and will de- its passage. IS HAYWOOD TODAY 'SE, July 24. Attn'mnv " Dar'mw argument to the Jury-today. ' Rlaklntr a flr, -. a vi. 'he jury will a th a'hv md of the week-., : -. . COMPANY, CHARTERED ; , i lmProve and Develop' Mt. Vernon Sprlnas.' ' ' ' fcEENSRORO, Ju!yiC'24.-Mesrs,: "'Kg and J, p. Sandefaof'thls PlircbasPlI : nWnriinir In. ' In the Mt Vernon .Springs'; at ana have filed-papeis with Wcretarr or stata Ik011.?' a new company, capital of ' l iioonnn with unnnn Tile new IVimn.n.. will mlia in1prov'ments at the Springs -'e noiei and In addition to "a office of the new conypany ' opened in Oreenghoro a dellt- 'm win also be established Ih t.!W S J"n9on. one of the "niiictors for the Noi pas- Roa- alnc- folk ... " U1C AUI l , :.- ulg CUJ. ana r ' J'Kht on account of serious I Of Ilia iter. 8he waI 0DAf. Is Considering the Railroad Rate Controversy In Called session. v""ea ' consider a Propo- on prom Assistant Attorney General 8anford, Who Is Now In Asheville. . RALEIGH, July 24-At three o'clock the council of 8tate has been called iu special session and Governor Glenn Is conferring with them on the prposition submitted this morning by Assistant Attorney General Sanford, mrougn solicitor Brown. The propo- oiuuu uues not include putting the 2V wul "iw enect, However, as er roneousiy stated. Action will not be taaen tin late, but Is expected to be most Important. At the meeting of the council of otate it is learned an ausweer to the proposition of Assistant Attorney Gen eral Sanford 1b being prepared. It is probably a counter proposition . and will demand the putting into effect of the Z cent rate, pending the two ap peals. . . V. .. . . ... riucBBia. .AycocK ana justice are with the Council of State at the moet- ing., Following is the proposition of As slstant . Attorney General Sanford as amended and transmitted through So licitor Mark Brown: . in view of the two decisions by Judge Pritchard and Judge Lone. which fully presents the contentions both of the State and the rallwav company as to the effect of the lnjunc tloh In the railway rate case, an order ly and speedy termination of the ques tion Involved can be obtained In the following manner: that the the appeal of the State In the habeas corpus be fore Judge Pritchard be prosecuted to the Supreme Court of the United States and application made to ad vance the hearing; thatt he railway company- also take an appeal to the Supreme Court ot North Carolina In the Wake". --county case 'of the State against the Southern Railway Co.,' In accordance .with Y governor's sugges tion in yesterday's Interview and if this case goes-by Writ of error to Su prcme Court of the United States that like application' be made to advance this suit' also. ;.... - .. ? It Is also ' suggested that in the meantime the original rate case be diligently iproceeded with on Its mer its and that no other suits or prosecu tions for penalties growing out of the statutes In controversy be Instituted by either side pending the determina tion by the Supreme Court of the questions involved. This would take up to the Supreme Court of the Unit ed States the question of the effect of Judge Prltchard's injunction for final determination In an orderly manner In the two cases, one going through the Federal and the other through the State court and would speed the final decision of all questions. MYSTERY SURROUNDS DEATH. A Brakeman Killed at Salisbury in a Manner Which Cannot Be Account de For Run Over By No. 38. 1 SALISBURY, July 23. B. M. Car ter, a white brakeman on southbound freight train No. 75, was killed here tonight shortly before 12 o clock oy belne run over by northobund fast mall No. 38. There Is a great deal or mvatorv ahnnt the death or tne young man. The freight train was on a siding waiting for 38 to pass, the trainmen sitting on the track talking during the wait. When the train was approaching all the men got up. the engineer -saying that ne saw varn-r get up from the track. It was not known thaUhe had been struck till his body was found after 38 had pass ed. Carter was about 25 years oi as and was well thought of by all wno knew him. DEATH OF A GOOD NEGRO. Charles Williams Dies n City of Ral eigh Today. miranH Inlv 24. Chas. Wil liams, orlncipal of the colored deaf. dumb and blind Institution here, died fodav of .apoplexy. He was the best negroes in the State.; ,' Now Charter. .' o i trmw inlv 4 A charter was Issued -today for Turner Cotton Mills Co.. of. East Monbo. Iredell county. in nnn. hv W- D. Burns, J. C. Steu and SonSamucl Turner. C. L. Turner Monbo Manufacturing Company, Scb Shelton. of Cbarflotte, and others. Thp Bank of Asnpoie cu-uk. name to Bank of Fairmount. A. a. Thompson Is president. i" "i- is $6,700. rv. n i summer was summoned to Waynesvllle this afternoon to see Judge Starbuck s baby. n..n ported to be mneh worse. j A Mr load of a il-arrived here today. One or 111 .T." Dr. J. L. Hanea and is a beaut). a u.if of Charlotte. one of PRICE 5 CENTS- SEABOARD'S SGOPE TO BEJEfJLARGED Ryan Planning " to Make It One of Largest Coal car riers In U. S. Big Million Aero Field of Coal Land Bought By Seaboard In Virginia la To Bs Opened Connection With South and Western In This State to Play Important Part In Scheme). RICHMOND, Va., July 24.-An en couraglng piece of news Is the state ment given out today that Ryan aad his financial as'soclates, George Ca.T ter, Norman Ream, Blair & Co., fend others, have on foot a plan to make the Seaboard one or the largest coal carriers In the country, and that this Is to be done by opening a big mil lion acre field1 of coal lands bought by the Seaboard In Virginia. The con nection with the Sotith and Western Railroad In North Carolina will play a most important part In the scheme. . SECOND WIFE A NEGRESS. Evidence Relative to Hie Father's Widow Given By United States Com missioner of Penelone Warner., j CLINTON, - Illinois. July 24. In !a suit, over a will Involving one and a half million dollars, United States Commissioner of .Pensions Warner to day testified that hlB father's second wife Is a negress; that the taint from bis stepmother courses through the veins of his half sisters, both married women. Warner adds that bis father would not have married his present widow had he known she had, negro blood. -1 RED HOT RAIL THROUGH BODY. One of Best Known Is Killed. Iron Rollers PITT8BURO, Pa.," July 23 Oliver P. Benson, 51 years old, ope of the best known Iron rollers n the country, met a ' horrible 'death at the Carnegie Steel Company at Braddock ' - ' , Benson was standing In-froht Jf the rolls wfeen-ai ntige etFrJi; ; red hot, came out f H wllere and i pasted through his body. -Death-was Instanta neous. ; ' , ' '..., ; EIGHT RAILROADS HAVIWG MEETING Considering Wisdom of Reduc ing Passenger Rates to Two Cents a Mile. " 8eaboard Air Line and Baltimore and Ohio the Only Railroads Having Trackage In the South ' That Are Represented In the Meeting. : v NEW .YORK. July 24. Considering the wisdom of reducing . passenger raes to two cents a mile, representa tives of the New York Central, Erie, Jersey Central, Lackawana, Delaware and Hudson, New Haven, Boston and' Maine, Baltimore and Ohio, and Sea board Air Line Railroads, are in ses sion today In the office of President Underwood, of the Erie,. The New York Central Is -understood to favor reduction, while the Pennsylvania op poses It. HISTORICAL HOUSE BURNED. James J. Corbett Instrumental In Res- cuing a Person. NEW YORK, July' 24. A house at Bay Side, Long Island, which was the hiding-place of "Boss Tweed" for two weeks before he fled to Cuba to es cape punishment for robbing the city, was destroyed by Ore today. -The pu gilist, James1 J. Corbett, was instru mental in rescuing a person, v. : . CONDUCTOR KILLED. Five Persons 8eriously And a Dozen Slightly Injured. GREENVILLE, Pa., July 24. As a result of a head-on collision on the Bessemer and Lake Erie Railroad, be tween a special passenger and a light engine, due to misunderstanding - of orders, F. S. Shafstall, a passenger conductor, wss killed, five persons se riously and a dozen slightly Injured. JAP8 AFTER CHINA'S TRADE. . Outstripping Other Natlone In the Con- test In Manchuria. ' . WASHINGTON, July 23. Hints of the intensity of the Japknese cam paign for predominance in the mar kets of Manchuria are contained in the reports dally received from American consular officers In that part of the world. ' ' . " " - m Although It has been officially de nied that the Japanese have received preferential freight rates on tlw South Mnnchurlan RaHwtir,: William SlnilKlii, ..nierlcn . oonru1 goners I ut Mukden, , reev In , consular repot Just made pu'jilc by the bureau i f man ufacturei to the exceptional trans- portatlqp faclI'Mis' which the Jupa ese are acjvdf.d. The bur.-iu of maniitacturos gives great prom',u"ii e to these vi.-orts rf Japanese aiilvlly In Manchuria, In ,.'o hope of eroislni Anieiicat coun t clal interacts to a realisation of the fact that they are driven out of these markets to whlcn American diplomacy secured the open" door of epal opportu- tity.-1 The latest move - of 'the Japa nese ftt tq exten setnj-offielal, govern mental .banking operatlona. to Man churia J lend money to the farmers. TJils ,Is expected, to glye .tbe Japanese mi.urBUf a nuenciui num upon me peo pie , .The Rugso-Chlnese. Bank was ource oi great help to Russia. ' MUREE1EIIGEII1 rill R01M1D REAR1 It Is Thought That the Case Will Hardly; Be Completed This Evening." Prosecution .Is Endeavoring To Prove That Dr. Rowland Bought Poison of wnoiesaie urug House Three or Four Days Before Strange'a Death. i. AT JER8EY 'CITY. Over Forty Automobiles That Partlcl -. peted In Glidden Tour-There Today, JERSEY CITT, N. J., July 24 Over forty automobiles, which participated In; the Glidden tour,' arrived here at noon today and proceeded to New York; They will finish this afternoon the tour from Cleveland to New York, a distance of fifteen hundred miles. PALMER WRIGHT. Daughter of Former Governor of the Philippines to Wed. MEMPHIS, Tenn.,- July 24. The engagement of Miss Katrlna Wright daughter of former Governor Wright, of the Philippines, and- Charles Palm er, vice president of the Internation al Bank of Manilla, Is announced. The marriage will take place at the Amer ican embassy In Toklo. - .' " COLLISION OF TWO SHIPS, CAUSING THE DEATH OF MORE THAN 100 PEOPLE, TO BE INVESTIGATED SAN FRANCISCO, July 24. Steps are already being taken for Inquiry Into the loss of the steamship Columr bla with bvtf a hundred lives'. ,wit nesses have been summoned for tbe bearing. Independent Investigations will be conducted by State and Feder al authorltles.underwrlters and steam ship company. There is still uncer tainty concerning the number of lives lost, and the total cannot be known until later news is received from the scene of the disaster. Vp to date, 9b persons are missing. Survivors say six boats and three life rafts were launched before the Columbia went down, but w far as. known -only. one of these reached land..- The occupants of tlie others may! have- bon; picked however, by ships. ': from wnicn nothing haa yet been, heard. ' Act of Heroism. ,,. r SAX FRANCISCO. Cal.t July -.M- . . . A I l.t I n Hawse tnira omcer oi, iup steamer Columbia, aaid he'was In his the time of the' wreck. ud he noted the shock and heard the alarm i Amlol atatpmpnt I that the Columbia floated eleven niln utes after 1 he San. Pedro struck her. Officer Hawse tells of the heroic, res cite, cf : a lady passenger by Mabello Watwa, who -resides In Berkeley. Miss Watson was in one of the small boats with about ttenty: of -the pas sengers and crew. The boat capsized when f!6 ship went tinder, and ,tL-ey alj -wet.t down, -tmiy" ohoiit ter-or twelve, v ho had ;.it . Iif preaerv-ers cuHieunw' Mse Wjttxjij-, I. id beep in the. water thirty,,. uilnute -whiiO' yot:i:g woman apealad to, her for belli. :-8he held the. girl's hear1 -above the water .for almost two hou-a,;The gl'l was, unr-ons'cious - most of .; the time. Whru Ofcer:Haw.ap''-iMH"h'-J :ln a boat ctf'l asked Mlas Wtoi to (,ive him, her hand so he could . help-here In she reti ;d -as'istancc "n.ll bd lifted i.'-r; t.niiotieclous n on board !; 'r.f two p.r were taken on iVd ;'tf San P"l;-j the doctors d; lr-t -ut Miss ,'n's companion was beyond reepvery,-bot then they worked desperately, mm the young wo man' revived and is now- all rltht. given. He makes the official statement Miss Watson is only 16 year old. PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT OID NOT SEND ASSISTANT- ATTORNEY GENERAL SANFDi ID ASHEVILLE OYSTER BAY, July 24 Lt to an nounced here today that the Presi dent had nothing to do wieh sending Assistant Attorney General Sanford to Asheville In regar to the clash between Federal State . Courts over the rate law: that the President has turned the matter over to the De partment of Justice and Attorney Gen eral Bonaparte will act in whatever is done by tbe administration. "RALEIQH. July 14. The Rowland hearing Is still In, progress and It Is doubtful if It will be completed this evening. The efforts of the prosecu tion having failed yesterday to prove Dr. Rowland a train-wrecker are today directed towards proving that he bought 'poIbob of a wholesale drug house here three or four days before Strange'a death. - Mrs. Rowland's char acter is being attacked -every day mostly by female witnesses. In the .Rowland investigation this afternoon tbe State proved by dru clerk Allison and a telegram sent or dering It that Rowland ordered the deadly poison aconitlne March 19 that .the drug store got It for him April 1 and it was delivered to Dr. Rowland April 4K (wo days before St range's sud deft death. : Dr. Royster testified that enough of It could be dissolved and ad ministered in water hypodermlcatly to kill. This Is the hardest blow that has been struck by the State yet. The hearing will go on tomorrow. ' f- Testimony Yesterday.' Following Is part of the testimony given at the Rowland hearing yes terday: :. : - . ' Mr. C. B. Puaey, round-nouse fore man of the Seaboard Ah. Line, knew Engineer-Strange,' who was a -very healthy man physically, and ' never complained of being sick. Met Mrs. Strange last winter at her home. Had visited Dr. Rowland before the doctor came to see witness. Dr. Rowland came at different . hours during the night Asked the doctor this:' - "What in the world are you doing here-so.much.','Doc.r "v".. ';Dr. Rowland said he had a bad case ot.4JHtherlt -over- (n the tritll town Dr; Rowland . wottUr . ask- when' trains went On night at -11:30 came down , an d ' asked w hea . Engineer Strange "was golng.1togot,- out. ? Dr. Rowland never, came down -again -To1d."vDr.vRowIahd' that Strange would got out on No.34. At 1,50. that night - No., 84. was .wrecked. . Thirty- four should ' have gone ahead of 84 but the latter that night went out first. . . -. Had seen Rowland come from tow ard Strange's house on several occa sions. The morning before Engineer Strange died next day, saw hi in- and he looked "as well as I evernaw him In my life." On cross-examination said he did not tell Strange, that Dr. Rowland came from his home, "because I didn't have nothing to tell." NO WRITTEN MESSAGES MERCHANDISE PACKAGES WASHINGTON, July 24. The pos tal laws prohibit placing written Dies sages In merchandise packages or let ters on which less tha ntwo cents an ounce haa been paid, and the provis ions of this statute admit of no waiver of the penalty provided. During the last fiscal year poatoffice Inspectors collected 159,065 for such violations. In thousands of cases short note or memorandum was plac ed inside a package of .merchandise on which postage was paid at one cent an ounce, while the written- matter made it necessary, that two cents-an ounce . should have been paid. Finding that In a great number of cases the offense was due to Ignorance of the law, and that the collection of the fine usually works a hardship to the very poor, especially where writ ten messages are made In returning coupons, tags and certificates for pre miums: PostmaBter General Meyer has directed that proper notices be placed in ' " postofflcps warning the public against the plactlce. ,. . FOR NORTH CAROLINA WEEK. ' ' - . " -. - Arranging For Program and Social Events At Jamestown. ' ' RAt.KlfJH Julv 24 RtKDa am now ielog, taken, to", arrange for the pro gram and social events at Jamestown urlng North Carolina wek. .which begins on'the twelfth of August Preparing for this,. Hon. E. L Daughtrldge, of Edgecombe, of) the North Carolina Jamestown Commis sion was in the city yesterday, and with' Col. Joseph E. Pogue, the com missioner-general, he held a confer ence with Governor Glenn.,' As soon as finally determined announcement of tne program will be made. i Opens Tomorrow, Tbe Piedmont, the new up-town drug store to be conducted by the 8impaon Drug Company, at the corner ef Fifth and Liberty streets, will be opened for business tomorrow. The new drag store will be a very attrac tive place. The phone number is 422. fIG STRIKE . i If! MINNESOTA Iron Miners In One District : Quit and Much Trouble Results. Governor Johnson Is On the Scene and Says He Will Call Out Troops At Any Time They Are Needed Situa tion Constantly Growing Worse. ' -V DULUTH, Mtnn.t July 24. Deport-' tions, Industrial parades, disruption of business on Iron ranges, are some ot the Tesults of Industrial disturbance here. Governor Johnson Is on . the ground, saying he can have troops n the field within eight hours. The growing breach between the Iron min ers and owners in this district la in. , deed serious. Several mass meetings: have been held, denouncing tne strike and adopting resolutions for arrest of any man offering Intlmlda-i Hon to workers. Two agitators were arrested at Bo vey and armed cltlaens are looking; for others. GRAND JIM'S 1'IK ' IS A8DDTG0LIPLETED Visits Jail, Convict Camp and County Home Trial of White Man and Ne i grass on the Charge ef f. and a. l- The trial of Charles Self, a white man, and Prlacltla Tatum, a negress, taken up In the Superior Court yes-' terday afternoon, will not be conclud ed until late this afternoon. The in dictment charges the defendants Iwito -f. and a. The taking of evidence was concluded about 12 o'clock today. The penlng argument was made by Mr. J. 8. Grogan for - the prosecution.' Three other speeches were made thl ' afternoon by Messrs. D M. Bwlnk and Lindsay - Patterson, t tor the d. fense and- Solicitor Oram for the prosecution. ' ? i ..' v'k. 'I . . . There are several otfcr fnortntf cases to W tried at this term''fend,lt fepueara now that , court1.:, wilt . last throngli-1 weeKl fed - Moiitgotmyry oen- ' vtcttxt of oarrylng ootwealed weapons, ; was' discharged- on-payment of one-' half 'the costs'.- he 'being anabie to work on. the county roads on account of.Jila health. , , i , t y Grand Jury' Work.'-"-" . The grand Jury hopes . to complete Its work this afternoon or tomorrow. A committee . v'lslted fend Inspected the county Jail last evening. The en tire body will rikoly go to the convict camp and county home. A member stated this morning that he deemed It wise for the entire Jury to vUlt tbe convict camp and make a thorough Investigation, In view of the' many re- ports that have been current in the past. It will be remembered that the for mer grand Jury made recommenda tions regarding the sleeping pa rat- men ts at the -camp which resulted In Foreman Shore being summoned to appear before the county commission- . era for an explanation. He made a written statement which was publish ed few days later. The present graud Jury has not had the usually large number ot bills to pass upon at this term.' The light docket, as before stated, In these coN umns, was caused by the recorder' . court, which now disposes of nearly everything that comes up. ' ' Yestsrdsy's Proceedings.' Jackson Crews and John and Jim Webster, convicted of assault were released on payment of one third of the costs each. ' 'The afternoon session was occupied In the trial of Chas. Self and Prlscltia Tatum,' charged with fornication and adultery. Chas. Self, a young white mart about 25 years old, runs a grocery store on Old Town or Oak street.- He Is married, but the couple have not been on peaceful terms for some time. .- He employed Prtscllla Tatum, negress. In his store In the capacity of clerk, and it Is alleged that their conduct was unlawful. '' ,'. ADVERTISES FOR A CHURCH. ' " i . ' - 't ' ' Minister Tries Church Paper, and Ex pects to Try Dallies,; PITT8BURG. July. 24. In the '. free want col:ins of tbe Christian. Work er, the official organ of the .Christian church, appears the following: "I shall be available for pulpit sun- ply during August, and oo September 1 I will be ready, to take a pastoral.." The advertisement . Is, signed by Rev. Geo.. A. Jones, who lives In Mt Oliver Station, a suburb. Rev. Mr. Jones said today that be had been out of pulpit work for some time and when he tried to get back found plac es filled. Believing in advertising, be used the church paper. If this does not bring results, he Intends to use the dallies. In tbe same column are wo other sdvertpvmenu ot a aiminar nature, but tbe applicants do not sign their names. , . Several denominations In Pittsburg ave bureaus to secure pulpits for their ministers. This is the first time In this city that printer's Ink has been ased to advertise for a Job In pulpit, Winston-Sal-Va tWIoti to4ay. r PPend4ciUs.

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