nSlURDERER OF TONIGHT OR SATURDAY ... Thomas wired The : "2? that h. nd P,rty 0U'd 6- .... in. W BWMbly on in- n ' ......linn raoidly and . .... .,.,.. thev COUld Lid no deiy - - late rnuy . 0 the early evemng v" .1. . .can from according M w" "-- -rTMma, ChrUty, en... inJ Warren, du --""-J" trunk alKfletl to have contained deld body Of warren irom .. a l ela&M mAaa AN . dmtfflt House, n. . that he turned ins ., to Clifford Stoneatreet, now . th. county Jail, at the Sixth U home of the latter, ana. the hack back to tne Ipartntty, from the message re- eil, Christy m"7 that the trunk containeo 1 ...til . ..Ak dead body ana wi( v claim that he waa mer-iy lug for omor. i . - denies all the sensational evi-v . I t ' t ket ' given against mm or Leitreet, hia wife and Mrs.War. concerning the trip to the let . ' ",::...' hiaf Thomas add that Chrie- hai a young wife In Grand Sa- , , , it has already been learned i The Sentinel. She was for. ,; riy i schoolmate of Mra. Stone. eriff. Flytit and Chief of Police i ia arrived in Grand Saline, et 8 o'clock Wednesday alter-1 and iust a few hours later were leir way back to Winston-Salem j 8. P. Christy, charged with the murder of G. J. Warren in this j last August, In their custody. The aer, barring accidents, should -Del behind She conflnes of the For. itiunty Jail before Sunday. as the kouumed less time than wag ex- i when the officers left. ' Returni Willingly. lity expressed a willingness to back to wlnstou-Saletn without lile and it was this willingness enabled the local officers to make fast time. The men left Win. Salem without waiting for the ex- f.ion papers, which were not la- by Got. Craig until the day at- lie local officers were on their way eias. The papers were forward- luesday, however, and would have In Grand Saline today, had the per reEusd to come without After learning thru press dis pel, however, that they had been fi and realizing that a delay of hoars would not have been, of Isllihtest beneftt, Christy wllltnelv N to lean by the first train, an- mtiy amfous to have the affair 'ko as soon as possible. . M Christy refused to conie hnA lout the papers, it is probable it n nave been tomorrow at th aar. whes the party would have set (or home, for after receiving the N at Grand Saline they would usu io nave been served on. the jeroor of Texas and thru him on sneritf at Grand Saline. WaJvlnir ilia right, therefore, enabled Chris ad the officers to lose no time in Uag back and they should be here Aaay. in that event it Is aulte 1 the preliminary hearing will be l Monday or Tuesday mnmln 'Parties In jail are anxious tor the ' Binary trial to be heM . mriv possible so that h nimc. 4. - - - t,v fuvut IV LI. U r y ne determined. no new developments in the ve expected lief- th. .i i , u? iciuiaij vi snsrill and oolice phinf. niihlii in r tlmies to run high and many e ong ncard on the streets fioii that another k- VJ?f0 case is Anally pre- sympathy for Mr. s y afternoon Mrs. Stonestreet by a Sentinel reporter, but she m to make v o-. YiT 5? lent to the county out: nuriafaH 4t.na, m.ii . w Hi til, HUB coma call what ha hA ir" annhlng of lhe incidents ua'ng the crlmo fn.i ' few daVH "7, " ' H 0 the ,;Jw 0' y.:w" W th9 Ptedn""t Warding which WM n.n 1 1 . t k . THSr.prior t0 her arrest. It bht iu,i , "cr "uula wiui ner her ,n VmonUuww Aangbter ft V """ tae MTdanipa of I A. J!? trouble froro nuiwmnrir 8 irom n8' P Jail it,,i i "UUOB- y nushand h ,f8 lh boarders will come RsblAr-.r L"'.' To Texa. Officii . : .-inorlties hav nniifi 7.: r i BI Cm.j . . s va- valine mat they should keep a close watch upon their prisoner. ' In response to messAgec sent Monday afternoon the following message waa received from Mr. A. S. Tunneli city marshall of Grand Saline: "Am holding K earns here for you." From tills telegram tt 1b indicated that Christy re living under the assumed name of Kearne, instead of Hearn, as has been published. " - Vs'; The arrest of the persona connected with the commitelon of the crime, and those who have aided in concealing it, is worthy of the highest commenda tion. While Sheriff Flynt and. Chief Thomas, heads of the departments, have been most aotive in the rapid de. velopment of some of tha most mate rial facta during the past few days, they accord much credit to the depu ties and members of the police depart ment who have been active in laying the ground work, starting upon a clue obtained immediately ', following the finding of the body. The solving of the mystery of eight months' standing is a credit to the efficiency of the police department and the sheriff and his dep uties, i : , ANOTHER U S: SHIP ORDERED INTO PIE COURT . London,-April 15. The American steamer Joseph W. Fordney and tier cargo- have been tarown into the prize court at rKirkweli. The admiralty charges that the (earner attempted to evade search while bound with a cargo of forage from Jlalmo, Sweden. - The Fordney sailed from New lork March 20 for Mahno, and was taken Into Kirkwell April 8. A British prise crew took charge of her off the Nor wegian, coast;' :?:' '-i',-' V-i- Tbe Swedish steamer' Hllding, from New York March 10 for Copennagen, which was detained at Kirkwell March 31,; wa taken to LettJh April . The admiralty charges that the vessel had copper In 'her cargo which .was not on her manifest ..'". -V'.;:-Wv vV -; The Norwegian steamer Sorland, which sailed from New York Maroh. 17 for Gothenburg, Sweden, and was de tained u Kirkwell April 7,' was taxen to Hartlepool last Sunday. The steamer will discharge several shipments in prize court. , CHRISTY'S MARRIAGE AND RECORD IN IREDELL To the Editor: , . , , In reading an article In The Senti nel I was . reminded of some things 1 heard over in Statesville yesterday. Every one hi talking the Muddy Creek tragedy and the parties concerned- It seems S. P. Christy's life has not at- waya been bad. Up to the time that he. came over on the Winston-Salem division to work on a section and came in contact with Ida Ball, he was so far as any one knew a good husband and father, and his record as a young man over in Iredell county is good. . - Christy met his wife where tney were both working on the ; County farm h as farm hand,' and she as cook. ' Both wore of poor but honest families.- She was a Miss Beaver.' It wae her j3tep-mother who was murdered by a negro, in Iredell codn ty some years ago, and Whose hody was found in the well by the, father upon his return from town where he had been to sell a load of produce. The negro was convicted of the crime and executed in Statesville, which was, I think,' that county's last' hang ing. . .- .::- -',"'v:, r- After Christy eloped with Ida Ball, Mrs. Christy did her hest to earn i a living for her familyi1 working, I think, for awhile in Han es' mill in this city. She is now on .her father's farm In Iredell county and has as an assistant her oldest eon, a boy about 13, and it is on these Innocent' ones the blow will fall most heavily. , B. EGGS FRIED BY STROKE OF ERRATIC LIGHTNING Winsted, Conn., April 15. In. enter ing one of his hen houses yesterday B. E. iMoore, at the Oaks Highland take, says he was puzzled on finding three fried eggs in a nest. He looked at his white leghorns and discovered that the. tails and wings of most of them were singed. ' Further investigation revealed the fact that a bolt of lightning had en tered the house during the storm Sun day night. There were 40 hens in the building and none was killed. BRITISH CASUALTIES TO THIS TIME 139,347 ' London, April 16. The total of Brit, ish casualties in the war from the be ginning up to April 11 is 139,347 men, according to announcement in) ' tbe house of commons today by Harold J Trent; tinder secretary of war. . SEVEN ARE INDICTED AS ''NIGHT RIDERS" Cape Xliradeau, Mo ; April 15. Seven men have been indicted as "night riders" by the federal grand Jury.- . " - ' ' PERSONAL AND OTHER NEWS NpTES FROM WALNUT COVE 'Walnut Cove, April lS.The musical recital given Friday night at the high school building by the music students, under the direction of Miss Kate Mc Phergon, was very much enjoyed. Mr. W. B. Fluharty, of Greensboro, was here Monday doing some civil en gineering work for Mr. P. W. Davu. Mr. Wyatt Vaughn was able to re turn to Winston-Salem Monday. : Mr. Sain Stewart spent Monday night with relatives In Danbury. . Mr. S. .W. Gentry visited WinBton Salem Monday. . v-',;':-t -V. Messrs. 3. Will- East and Saunders Rleraon, Jr., and Misses Stella Kler son. Bailie Fulton and Lillie Joyce spent a few hours In the Twin-City Tuesday night, making the trip in an automobile. The high school building was wired last week, and is now enjoying elec tric lights. - - ''..' Mr. R. L. Murphy and little daugh ter, Louise, visited Winston-Salem last week. , , There will be services at ChriBt Episcopal church Sunday morning and at night, April, IS, conducted by the minister, Rev. Mr,' Taylor, of Mayo dan, '..'. .. 1 ."J- ' - k- A good numoer of our town people are suffering from a second attack of grippe, owing to recent cold snap in the weather. .. , ' ' - Mr. Q. W. Naff, of Roanoke, was in town Monday. MANY PEOPLE KILLED IN , TROLLEY CAR COLLISION KRONPRINZ WILHELM WAS SAVIOR OF TWENTY CATS Newport News, Va.. April 16. The German sea raider Kronprins Wllhelm, which came into port here Sunday, has twenty cats aboard. It was a rule of Captain Thierfelder that no living thing should perish on any of the ships he sent to the bottom and in every case but one all of the seamen's peU were saved. .'':.'.-. '- One cat waa lost as a result of his owner's failure to ask permission to bring him aboard the Kronprins Wil helm. ,- . . - v . OPERATION UPON MRS. THEODORE ROOSEVELT New York, April 15. Mra. Theodore Roosevelt was operated upon today at the Roosevelt hospital. WILSON IS NOW A REAL BALTIMORE "NEWSBOY" Washington. April 15. The Presi dent of the United States has been made a member of tdie Ancient and Honorable Order of Newsboya of Bal timore if there is such an order. At any rate, he received a badge of the child labor bureau of the Monument City, which will Dermlt him to sell newspapers la the city's streets if na sees flu ,'v -;'.". i The presentation of the badge was made by Samuel Fried el, 17; George Harrison, 16; -William G. McQulnn, 15, and Jesse Rosensteln, 14, all news boys of Baltimore. They called on the President to thank him for a letter which he recently wrote to the news boys of Baltimore, t 4 ' ' '';' Detroit,:' Mich;.' April ' 15. Fifteen persons were killed and about 20 in jured late yesterday ih" a collision between a Detroit city street car and a string- of freight cars pushed by a switch angina on the Detroit, Toledo and Ironton railroad, i Most of the dead lived in Detroit's foreign quarter. - Four are women. v The street car,1 crowded-with pas sengers, stopped as it approached th railroad, crossing and the conductor ran ahead to see if the track -was clear. - He signalled the motorman to wait, but apparently the latter mis understood his meaning. " He applied the power and . the car ' ran rapidly down an incline and onto the railroad tracka. , ; .; . . t- SOME 8PELLER8 WERE , AT THE CHARITY FAIR MRND MRS. G. J. WARREN 1 j V ..1 Mr. Warren was the man alleged to city. His wife is In the county jail have been murdered last August in charged with being an accessory after the Piedmont Boarding House in this the fact in the murder. ' - S. P. CHRISTY MARRIED ;; MISS SHARP IN TEXAS Man Under Arrest at Grand Saline Claims That Warren, Man Al leged to Have Been Murdered, Eloped With Christy's Wife ; and Daughter, Together With His Life's Savings Declines to Make Statement Until He: Is Furnished With Particulars of Charges Made Against Him Mrs. Stonestreet Thought Christy , Was Her Father. ' . , That S. P. Christy, alias Keains.who Is being held for the Winston-Salem i authorities .at Grand Saline, Texas, on the charge of murdering G. i. Warren in this city last August,' recently mar rled a young woman in Texas and that , Christy since takiuK, up tils last residence la Texas bad secured a good position and was well thought of In the community was the startling iufor-; mation conveyed to The Sentinel in a special received "Tuesday taiglit from Grand Saline, , where en investigation of the man was made at the request of this paper. ; According to news re ceived here by The Senitinel, Christy, who .was living under the name of Kearns, has the sympathy of the peo ple down there with him In his latest trouble. ." .What Will Christy Claim? , Just what story Christy will tell when he reburns It la. impossible to learn as yet. That it must be either a complete denial of the whole affair or a: frank confession. la apparent to those - who 1 are following the case carefully. Whether ha will admit that ho klfled Warren, as alleged) or wheth er he will deny all connection with the case temams to be seen. When Men at his cell in the Jail at Grand Saline, under heavy guard, Christy refused to make a statement to The Sentinel cor respondent until he received full par. Uculars of the case against him. These particulars were forwarded last night Immediately upon receipt of advices requesting them. ? .- " Saye Warren Eloped With Wife. According to the story that Christy told in his cell at Grawl Saline, Tues- ably be determined on the return of the officers now en route to the TeKia town to bring Christy back.' ' Christy has been living. In' Texas un. dear the name of Kearns. Ha refuses positively to make any definite -statement concerning the murder, either denial or confession, until he returns. MRS; STONESTREET THOUGHT v CHRISTY WAS HER FATHER. When told of the message concern ing Christy this morning Mra. Stone street, daughter of Mrs. Warren, stat ed to The Sentinel that until Chief Thomas told her differently a tew days ago she bail always thought and un derstood that Christy was her father. Sue -could not tell for certain, , tUo, woollier her mother and Christy were ever really . married, but she had al ways supposed they were. She and her - mother, accompanied by Warren, the murdered man, came back to North Carolina when Mm. Stonestreet was eleven years old, she says. Whether any divorce was secured or what hap pened in the family, she says she waa too young to recall. ' ' Miss Callle Sharp, whom Christy married not long ago in Texas, ac cording to the news received Tues day by The Sentinel, was a schoolmate of Mrs. Stonestreet et Grand Saline, she says. ' Mrs. Stonestreet says that Christy, when vlalting here last Aug ust, at the time of the murder, was already married to Miss Sharp and had told Mrs. Stonestreet of the facti Tlifs new phase of the case is quite in teresting und important, apparently, tor If Christy had remarried In Texas apd was living happily down there, as indicated by the dispatches from there day, he claims that O. J. Warren, the Tuesday, what motive could he have murdered man, eloped with Christy's had to have slain Warrant It hardly wife eiid daughter, together with his appears that love for the woman would llfe'sfsavlngs, while , boarding with have prompted the act if he waa hap- THREE-WEEKS-OLD CIDER NO LONGER SOFT DRINK Wheeling, W. Va, April 16. Cider ceases to become a soft drink three weeks after tt has been made, accord ing to 1 a ruling by Prohibition Com missioner X). F. Blue. He holds that the sale of eider aTter that time is a violation of the slate prohibition law. 'Gtteensboro, April 15 Providing rich fun and spelling amid the nil arity of the onlookers, about 60 of Greensboro's hest disciples of Web ster's Blue Back Tuesday night engag ed In an old-fashioned spelling bee, this being one of entertainment fea tures of Elks' Charity Fair.? Prof., Thomas R, Foust was master and G. , S. Bradshaw and Leon J.. Brandt the respective captains. The match re sulted in a draw, Mrs. E. R. Michaux upholding the honors . for the Brandt team and young George Brandt, son of the opposing captain,: maintaining the reputation of Col. Bradshaw aa a good general. Such redoubtable spell era as Edgar Broadhurst, O. L. 6app, Julian. Price, Mra. O. S. Bradshaw, Mra. L. J. Brandt, J. M. MUlikan, Dr. Fox, Charlie Gold and a long line of others went down before the splitters Which Master Foust gave ouL Cap taina -Brandt and Bradshaw . were quickly disposed of. . For a long time it was nip and tuck with Mrs. Mich aux and young Brandt. f ' Wantad In 8tateevllte. d Clarke and Fred Adams were placed under arrest la this city last night upon an-' thority of the officers of Statesville. The charge against the men there Is gambling. They save bonds In the sum of t-5 eaoh for their appearance at Statesville on Saturday morning for tirlaL ' . - - Christy and family, tho it Is alleged by Mrs. Warren that she and Christy were" never married, altho they were together In the West after Christy de serted bis wife and family near Clew tuons. ' Section Foreman., . -After going to Texas last tall after alleged murder of Warren, Christy be. came a section foreman tor the Texas and Faciflc Railway and bore a good reputation . among the people with whom he came In contact. He was ap parently greatly surprised and over coma at his arrest. When the officers came for him he waa at Handler, Tex as, a email station sear Grand saline. From information sent Tha Sentinel he has been, a model prisoner, offering no trouble .and expressing a willing ness to go back to Winston-Salem without trouble of any kind. The sym pathy of the people 19 with him and while a guard is being maintained at the request of the Forsyth officers, he is being shown every consideration possible under the circumstances. ; , .. . Married Mis 8harp. Since going back to Texas Christy has been married to Miss Gallie Sharp, ot Grand Saline. This fact has added interest to the case, not only from the local standpoint, but to Toe Texas peo ple as welt The Sentinel wa asked by wire whether Mrs. G. J. Warren was Christy's divorced wife. As far aa has been learned by tha local of ficials, and according to stories told by Mrs. Wanvn, she and Christy were never married, altho they lived togeth er for some months.- Whether, they really were married or not will prob- NEGRO WAS KNOCKED STEEL? BRIDGE OVER SENSELESS WITH A PITCHER will Simmons, colored, hi in tha city hospital for the colored people in an unconscious condition, the re sult of injuries . received about mid night Wednesday nliht. when It. la al leged that he attempted to burglarise the home of W. A. Souther, No. 622 East Fourth street. . When discovered the negro was In tha house, and waa'' bending over tha bed in the southeast corner of tha house. The room waa, occupied by Messrs. Charles Bryant and Shuford Jarvls. It was over tha letter's bed that he was seen as Jarvia awoka. and upon an Inquiry as to what he wanted the negro commanded Jarvia to keep still, other occupants ot the house were aroused by tha excited conversation of the two and as they began to gather in tha room tha negro prepared to force his escape. De manding that "everybody stand back1 ha made a dash for the back door, ana as he passed out Mr. Bryant land ed a blow on Simmons' head with a pitcher, which contained about a gal lon ot water. Tha negro fell down the back steps In an unconscious neap. :.,-, 4.. j ,.-.-; Sergeant Thompson, at police head quarters, waa notified of tha trouble and he want at onca to the scene. Ha found that the negro's skull had been crushed In, and tho breathing heavily seemed not to be in Immediate dan ger of death. . About tha body of the man were pieces of the pitcher, which was broken by the blow, and the porch and steps were wet with the water. Vogler's ambulance was called and City Physician V. M. Long summoned to attend the negro, who was rushed to the colored municipal hospital. Tha negro was found to ba suffering from concussion of the brain, and about 11 o'clock this morning ha had not yet shown any sign of returning to con sciousness. This afternoon Dr. Long will operate to relieve the pressure on the brain. .Reports from the hos pital this afternoon stated that before the negro went to tha operating room ha showed some improvement In gen eral conditions, and while tha result cannot ba Intelligently given at this time Simmons has a good chance for recovery, - He will be kept under close watch and when sufficiently strong to attend trial he will be given a hearing in tha municipal court on tha charge ot burg lary. On the person of the negro were letters from his wife, who Uvea at West Newton, Mass. The letters in dicate that Simmons had gotten into some trouble before leaving that place and that he has only been In this section a short while. He is unknown here,; ;: ,-. ; -. v v ,r;:'V:l-ri. ..";.; YADKIN BETWEEN FORSYTH-YADKIII FOR EAST CAROLINA oily married to Mlas Sharp In Texas. Regarding the section of tha state ment of Cbriety that Warren eloped with Mrs. Christy and daughter and life avings, Mrs. Stoneatreet 1 of course, was too young, she says, to re member clearly. It, Is possible that revenge for taking bis savings, If such really happened, might have lad to the terrible murder. This is the more logical deduction from the chain of evidence that is slowly being un raveled. Meanwhile, there is some specula tion as to whether Mrs. Warren, then Ida Ball, was legally married to Chris ty wheB they lived in. Grand Saline years -ago. - Apparently Christy be lieves they were, -while Mrs. Warren has positively stated that they were not. s V ; : '" a ' -' " : : . Christy Had Been in Iredell Jail. . ' The Statesville Landmark says: Christy is originally from the Trout- man section or mis county, imh ago he ran off with Ida Ball and in 1909 his wife swore out a warrant for him chanting abandonment Sheriff Deaton arrested Christy and placed him in lall. but before a preliminary hearing could be held Mrs. Christy asked that the warrant be withdrawn. She left Statesville with Chrtaty, who had a railroad pass to a point in Ohio. Cnrutfv again deserted her at the Winston-Salem railway station and she returned to Iredell. About a year ago Mrs. Christy secured a divorce from her husband In Iredell Super ior court New Bern, April 16. B. E. Rice, land and Industrial agent of the Nor folk Southern Railway company, is now in tha Northwestern part ot the united states collecting a party of two hundred and fifty home-seeker whom he will bring to Eastern North Carolina at an early data. At; the regular meeting of the chamber of commerce held laat night, Secretary George Oreen stated that ba waa In receipt of a letter from Mr. Rice in forming him of hla work in regard to thla matter and asking that the local organisation arrange to furnish a lo cation for a tent when the home- seekers reached New Bern. Mr, Rice stated that tha party will carry along with them a large tent and that they will live In thla while on their tour. A crew of cooks and attendants Is to ba carried along and the trip will ' be unique in every feature. The party will stop here for three or four days, making this their - headquarters tor this section and paying short visits to Morehead City. Beaufort, points - In Pamlico county and up on the Ktnston ami Goldsboro end of the line. The organization discussed the matter and Secretary Oreen waa ordered to notify Mr, Rice that there would be adequate accommodations prepared and that New Bern would do its part In an tertalntng the visitors. The exact data on which the party will arrive haa not been announced, -Mr. Rica stating that he would let thla be known within a few days. 2 WEDDINGS REPORTED: . TO REJOIN U. S. ARMY . King, April 16. Mr. Harden Lam berU aged about twenty-one years, and Miss Viola Butner, aged about eighteen were united in the holy bonds of mat rimony Sunday afternoon. 'Squire H B. Holder, of Tobaccoville, officiating, Mr. William Boylea left Tuesday for Roanoke, Va where he will re-enllat in the U. S. army. Ha has served one enlistment In the army. Mr. Fletcher Klger, aged thirtyi-four, and Miss Martha TuUle, aged about twenty-four; were quietly married. Tuesday and started immediately for . Washington, D. C Where they will spend several days. -, - -, Mr. C. 8. Newsum's new residence is nearlng completion, ? Tha present cold amp did not turt tha fruit ' in this section -and there promises to be an abundance of it Attorney N. O. Petree, ot Danbury. was here on business yesterday, - The members of the Forjyth High way Commission, left. Thursday af ternoon for Conrad V Ferry, on tha Yadkin river, at which, point tha new , Yadktn-Forayth at eel bridge la being erected by the Vlncemvea Bridge Com.' pany. The commission. IH ateo' con fer during their visit to the river wlUi Messrs. Conrad about the location, ot the road leading from Pfafftown thru . the property ot the Messrs. Conrad to the bridge site. Tha route has been surveyed, eliminating the heavy grades ' on ui old roaa. locating the new route along the crest ot a hill, direct to the bridge. It Is understood that there is . some dissatisfaction with the new route nd tt la for tha purposa ot coming to some agreement with tha person Interested that the commis sion made the trip to the river to day. - . ' Engineer Harmon returned to the - city today from a trip over tha High Point highway, having acent aeverai days staking out the route for the link ' ot about two miles of thla road to complete tha Improved road from this V city to that place. . Mr. Harmon state that ha found the property owners along the route anxious to oo-operate with tha commission in the completion of tha road, He states that the grad ing on tha un constructed link will be very light, and It can be constructed - quickly and at a low cost He eatl- mated .that tha convict force, which will be moved to thla work from South. , side, can probably have tha road com. ' pleted and open tor traffic within six ty days, with favorable weather con- . dltlona. He found that there la an : abundant- of soil conveniently located along the rout tor th construction . force. : .'.;?.. i-,t .; - f;;'- -r v: Mr, Harmon this morning exoreaaed ihjs surprise at th amount of traino on thla road, He declares that "auto, mobiles kept the road hot all along tha line, and one cannot realise the extent of rural travel carried by this road i unless he stations . himself at soma point along tha road and observes for --. tha day.", , i . , , VERDICT FOR CONES ' 1N A $30,00 SUIT 'Greensboro, April' 13. The Jury In the case ot Alfred 6. Wyllle, trustee in bankruptcy ot tha TrolMnWood Manu facturing company,' ot Haw River, vs -' tha Cona Export and Commission Co.' ' yesterday afternoon returned a ver- - diet in favor of tha defendant, after being out only a few minutes. The plaintiff was suing for (30,000 claimed -as a preference on account of the de , , livery to the defendant ot a. large quantity ot manufactured goods Just r prior to tb Trolllnwood company go ing Into bankruptcy. - The dufendant' was. the selling agont of the TroWn- wood company, , ' - . , Injunction Dlasolvad. , -.Judge Lyon yesterday, afternoon signed an order dissolving tha lnjunc tlon in the matter or James A. Tur ner and wife or High Point against tha Carolina Yadkin Valley Rail way, tha North Carolina Publlo Br ice company and the City of High Point. 'This aotlon was brought to prevent tha defendant from contin uing tha construction ' ot a Una ot street railway in front of plaintiff' residence, over which it 1 proposed to ran both electric cars for passenger and freight car carried by electric en gines. ' While the Injunction Is dis solved, the court did not pass upon th question of whether or not tha plain tiff is entitled to damage. Southern to Take up Option. High officials of the Southern Rail way company are here today to fore close the options and take over the large block ot property between East Washington street and the Southern Railway company, which the company ha decided to buy for th use of the two new freight depots on for in coming and ona for outgoing freight Thla property waa needed to carry out the company's extensive Improvement soon to ba made, which also include a new paasenger station and aa under pass for Davie street, i ; t ,' - GEN. CARR TO DELIVER , ADDRESS AT OAK RIDGE Oak Ridge, April 18. Gen. Julian S. Carr will be th principal apeaker at the commencement of Oak Ridge Institute this year, Tuesday, ' May ISth. Gen. Carr waa to have been the orator ot last year commencement, but on account of the Confederate Te uton at Jacksonville, Fla,, mad con flict; hla selesctloav accordingly, va deferred till thla year. r - Th commencement Jhl year is to b a "House Warming," or celebra tion of th erection ot th new hand ing. .., .',.".-; ,; ..: ;';-,;. y, v;t;.;-' The state will b represented ' by the Hon. E. L. DaughtrMge, lieutenant governor, who will deliver the diplo- -maa. - . , ., ' r .. - .. v ;. . . . Hon. J. Y. Joj tier haa been Invited to attend, and the, colleges to send representatives. " i Mr. J. W. Hester, of Oxford, will de. liver th alumni address which this year will b on th Life and Work of Prof. M. H. Holt. . s. ,: . . Ber. A. O. Dixon, an alumnus of the Institution, will preach the. sermon. Public School exhibition. ' There will, be a public exhibition at Clifton' Grove' school about tour Attorney Thomas Kallam, of Pilot miles east Of Kernersvllle next Satur- Mountaln. waa here looking after some ' day, April 17. Public la cordially In legal matters Tuesday.: , ; v .. vited. v '-t U ' '. " k