LEAF TOBACCO ElillGT PIEDMONT W ARE 0USE Officially tbe Winston tobacco max Vet. will oien next Tuesday morning, but It is very doubtful whether there win b. much if any tobacco on tbe market, as the farmers are very busy Just now and there Js apparently no good reason tor tnem coming io mar ket vat awhile. ' i ,Just how many of the buyers will be out remains to be seen. Until the breaks become pf sufficient size to tempt the buyers there will be little doing Jn the way of securing any idea of. Just, lib w prices on the. new crop may. he,- ' ;' . . Unless the growers are very much mistaken, the new crop' IS about the biggest and best ever produced- In this Bection. Every grower one pees these days reports his crop good. Quite & lot of primings -have been cured and they are rar aDove me av erage it Is said. . The matter of triple sales for the Winston market has not been settled definitely, but it is .hardly probable tbe triple sales will be put on, at leaaj. not for several months. - i " The warehousemen' are getting; the houses in shape" and In a week or to the country will be full of warehouse men visiting the trade. v v ... TTIE DURHAM 1IAKKET 1 .'. r WILL OPEN SEPT. 15 Durham, Aug. 17. The tobacco board of trade has decided to open the Durham market for the 191$ sea son on September 15, That is tbe time all of the buyers for' the bg companies want to go to work, and since titers Is no special need for opening the market earlier the ware housemen and others Interested in the Durham 'market decided not to open" the' first of next month as Is usually dons, r Durham: -wlH have tour abuses next year. Since the close of last season new brick house has been erected and is now or will be ready for the sales when the market opens. The Banner warehouse has been enlarged so that it win be able to take care of, ... much larger amount of tobacco, than ever before. - The market will have facilities for handling 20,000,000 pounds this year,, but the indications are that the maf- ' fcet viU hardly pome up to that mark. , REIDSVILLE LEAF TOBACCO , Beidsvills, Aug. 17. The local to- oacco mantei opened yesterday, jsacn of the three warehouses had a sale mu me Dreaas wore miner small. . rncea nere ery encouraging and a liUle batter than the warehousemen had been led to hope for. Sales will """"Devdry Hght,or' some" weeks' ief as very few primings are ' being saved ' this year. The offerings yesterday consisted wholly pf sand lugs. .TOBACCO MARK IT. AT BOCKV MOUNT GOOD - Rocky Mount, Aug. 18. Surpassed only by circus day was the attendance v from ell sections at the opening of . . the Rocky Mount tobacco market yes- -. terday. .with, double sales from tbe . t. . . 1 . nnA AAA pounds of the bright leaf1 disposed of . during the sale which lasted thru tbe ' morning. - : . -' The average price ' paid for the bright leaf was; about . $8 to. 8.20 a hundred according to the figures available at this time and. there has been much favorable comment upon the gratifying showing of the market CORNER-STONE LAYING AT NEWSOM AUG. 26 The corner-stone laying of tba Pries Reeves Institute at Newsom, N. C- 04 Thursday, August 26, la going to be a red letter day in tbe l)istory of that enterprises' little Southbound 'lty. The Southbound Railway has already announced a special train front Wlpi-ton-Salem and reduced . rates from Wadesboro on that date to accommo date the crowds expected to attend from all cities , on : the railway sys tem. Inasmuch as the institute is named for a distinguished Winston Salem citizen, this city and its repre sentatives will -have a prominent part (a the events of the day. The comer-etone is to be laid by the Masonle lodges and the main speech of the day will be delivered by Dr. Howard E." Rondthaler of this city at 12 o'clock noon. This will be followed by a picnic dinner for all visitors at 1 o'clock and at 2 o'clock a baseball game Is announced. Oth er diversions of the afternoon will be Oshing, bathing, boating, mountain climbing, etc.. "That- will be musle all day by a brass, band which will be engaged.-, ' ;; The committee bt-Newsom citizen? who have arranged the most tempt ing program and who wilt see that everybody has a good time in Newsorn on the 26th is composed of Messrs. J. W. Newsotn, A. I Newsom, J. P. Stokes, T. A. Bulla and H. Vail Pad gett. . .. J ... . - ' ', wil be H5e open giptiing for the? sale of Tuesday, Au M. tobacco h, euSf 24t Co., pro f WHOLE TOWN OUT TO SEE KISSING OF GIRL 5. . ... 11. 1 1.1 ' Berwick, Pa , Aug. 19. Declining the attentions of a dozen Berwick fun gibles, Miss Leah Eerr, one of the town's most popular1 girls, met, along with nearly everybody In town; Fayel U. swnebraiker, 01 uiarinua, lowa, upon his arrival at the railroad sta tion. ; It was last December thai Miss Derr sent her name, address and pho tograph to a Kansas City correspond- eue cuiu, huu ii was not ions ptiur she heard from Btonebraker, who went into raptures oyer bar beauty. As evidence of good faith he re turned what he t&ousbt was her Pho tograph, which bad been sent biro by the correspondence club, but it . bat) attached her nam to, another's pic ture. When she sent a photograph to correct the false impressions, his love increased, and be wanted tp visit her at once. But Miss Derr was receiving let ters from men of many mlnd from au over uie vona. it was to uione 60.00Q POUNDS OP LEAF i. Off GREENVILLE MARKET Greenville, Aug. 18. That the open ing break of Greenville tobacco mar ket should be over fifty thousand pounds was a surprise to all Inter ested in the market. It was not thought half that had been graded and that prices should average near ten cents was greater surprise. Much curing yet la to be done. Farmers baff bo time for grading. (Highest prices went up into twen ties. There was largest crowd for opening In several years. Sellers, buy ers and warehouses were well pleas ed. It Js expected prices will be good soon," as gome good tobacco can be put on the' market, People from all adjoin ing counties and even further away were here. Other markets had repre sentatives and all said prices were good.' 1 light sales are expected, as tobacco is late and it will be Septem ber or later before re-curing is finish ed. i 1 1 . 1 .d 1 FARMERS' INSTITUTE? v . ' '-ot mountain praker, thai ha t w turned her . it 11 . t . , . . anpeuons, a 041 n wrivtsi ibis wee. A telegram ' . brought the - news; "Throw your baggage down when . I come, because I am going to kiss you," and the town was out to see him make good. Jtla did. MAY NO LONGER HONOR REQUISITIONS' FROM GEORGIA , Chicago, Aug. 19. Edward J. Dodd. president of the Calcagi Patrolmen's association, announced that because ha considered the lynching of Leo M. Frank indicated Georgia was pot cap able of self-government, be would ask Governor Dunne not to honor requisi tion papers sent him in future by the governor of that state. He added he would appeal to tba heads -of all po licemen'f organisation in tba coun try to make similar request! of the governors of their respective states. GIRL DRINKS THREE v -XfJ PINTS, OF WHISIpSy fipartanburg, 8. C, Aug.-19,- Drink ing three pints of whiskey in a very short while without becoming Intoxi cated was the unusual experience of Mies Benlak Bowe, of Caroleen, N."C Sunday afternoon. The young lady; a guest in the home pf Sam Elders at Cliftotf -No. VI : Mill, blje: wWking about, garde A was bitten on the foot by a ppisonpus snake of the copperhead variety, -id spue 01 me snciioa ana whiskey treatments as well as other local remedies recomroended by neigh bors, the wound swelled so as to be quite alarming, bu at last repoxta tbe young' lady was doing welL and no bad results are expected. , r t Just why the whiskey did not 19 duce Jntoxicatiort is a bit mysteiiOB, tho physicians claim a person- bitten by a snake Is more able to withstand tbe etrpcts 01 mm$. . Z. T; Bytfum,' left today for Pilot Mountain, Aug. 18. The Farm era' and Woman's Institutes were held in Pilot yesterday. The farmers occur Died the Primitive BaDtist church while' the women held forth in tbo Methodist church.' Both gatherings were well attended and the lectures and demonstrations were given the closest attention. Other News Notes. Monday night and also last night the children of tbe Oxford orphanage appeared: In their concert in the Met!:- odlst church. They gave an interest ing entertainment and tba institution they represent is one of the most de serving.. v . In the Friends church a series of meetings are in progress, conducted by Revs. Reece and Smith, of Greens boro, with Miss Fields, also of Greensboro, as organist. Large crowds attend and much interest is belns manifested. ' 'Mr. and Mrs. Lyon and children, who have been , the guests : of Mrs. Lyon's father, Mr. A. 3. Harrell. have returned to their homes In OxforJ, N.'C. 1 ..... . NEGRO BOY 13 HELD FOR SERIOUS CRIME Lexington, Aug. 18. Howard De lap, the 18-year-old negro boy who (s charged with assaulting Mrs. Robert Motslnger atjier home fa Thomas vflle last week,' was given a preliminary hearing before 'Squire H. H. Koonts and bound over to Superior' court un der bond of 82,000. He has been un able to give it and is in jail. DEEDS RECORDED. P. W. Tennllle to Mrs. Riddle B. Wlmbisb, tract pf land in Forsyth county for 1600. John L. Wlmbisb to 1. A, Mackle, tract of land in Forsyth county for SliiOO. . . ,W. O. Crotts to P. T. Harris, lot north of the city for 1525. W. A. Williams to J. W. Fpy. lot on the east sjde of. Sink street for 56U. . . NAM ORSYTH E OF F HEAD OF STATE JUNIORORDER TRCp, ACHINd MUSCLES RCLIBVEO Hard work. ovr-jwrt4on. msaa attrr. sore muclps Sloanlinlment llg-titly ap plied, a .little atffot. nd rr soreneas diwPPr 11 mujl. NaCtilng Vr belpedlike JrtSur 91oanX4aliuiiirl can nevrthant you euneli wpne on aratetuVUMr.. mop uiraHnsr aches ui'I pains. An ezcauent ooanfef irritant, bet ter and cleaner than mustard. AU Drug mt, 25c. Ont a bottle toUajr. Penetrates without rabbins. ; A COUGH REMEDY THAT BELIEVES It's prepared rrm the healtnc PJae Balsam. Tr and Honey el) mixed An a geaeant, scxtthlnrf Cough ByTUpoalled r. Bell's PlnTa"t)ne. Tnousanifi have hertsflted yf y Its use need of your inuunnKfjnaic mnnoYWK rlsklns a danrtrouyCpld'.Gc amir, m tor a zic onsmai Bell's i-ine-Tar-Wojy. start udnr at nnn nnn tt rll M your Conrn and CnVt Cousii or io lo vour unfer Bynum antra city. New York and Washington, to spend sever al days. ehedue practlve Nov. 92. LEAVEWlNSTON-aALEM : a. m.jiaauy for Roanoks and Inter mediate itstlon. coftMoUn with through oar northof Roanre. ) . . ; 2:04 a. m.dAii. jmroort train stop- Blag osTyr WartldsvUie and Rocky louot-VarrylhK aleeVpink ear 10 Barris burs, Philadelphlamnd frew fork, dlnlns t eel trains NortI, East and West witS Pullman steeper and dlnlns ear. . f:M p. ra. dSU sxcepi ysunday, for llarUpfVlUe atM lntecineaia stations. Train arrival WilUton-Saleaf 19:20 1 V . . . x m. local: nwn m. tnrguu eioppina ( . .l ; , only ,at Bpokv Mount jmy MartlnwiU ' " vr nua w H iub viauuor Charlotte, Aug. JJ. At the business session of the , Junior Qrder United American Mechanics, held yesterday evening, during which time and up un til midnight tbe election of officers and representatives was In, order, Mr. Charles Alexander, of this city, was chosen state vice councilor, an honor which Is regarded as among the high est within the gift of the organiza tion. ,- The election of officers began yes terday afternoon at a business session started at 2 o'clock. The balloting' be came general at the start and t was evident that tbe task of naming the official roster of tbe state convention was. going to De somewnat proiongeu. it was deefded that the convention wouia not aiiow true feature or bui ness to interfere with the pleasure at- tunaant upon tbe bearing of Congress man Burnett at Lakewood Park last night, and for this reason the conclu sion of this element of business was postponed until after the address of congressma'n J. L. Burnett. At the conclusion, of the part ot the program he rendered at Lakewood Park, the delegates returned to the ball of the Charlotte council, where the business oi namyig omcers was concluded. The Officers. In addition to Mr. Alexander, the following officers were selected for th- er omcers, 01 me Nona uaronna Mun- cli ; : w. A. Cooper, of Raleigh, . No. I, state councilor; Charles F. Alexan der, of Charlotte, No. 444, state vice cauncilor; Sam F. Vance, of Win-ston-Saleni No.H9, secretary; I, P, Da vlsl of Milton. No. 387, assistant eecre- tary; George V. Fulk, Jr., of Kerners vilc, Np. 64, treasurer; C, L.. Sands, of tteiaavuie, No. 9, conductor; w. B. Stanley pf l)urbanj, Np. 88, warden; C W TaMey, of Hickory Grove, Nq. 324, inside sentinel; B. F. BritUin, pf Wilmington, No. 63, outside sentl- ueL , ; : ; (Sir.- Cooper, the new head of the State Council, is a native of Clemmons, Forsyth county. He resided in Win- ston-Ssilem during his early mapbood, Coini. tp Raleigh from here several yeari ego. He Is a member of the firm of Cooper Bros, which conducts a Bupeeseful marble business.) V. Goldsboro Next. The . entire afternoon of yesterday was given over to business of the convention. One of the more import ant leamres was tne selection ot a Place for the 1316 convention, aud Goldsboro at once sent in its bid. It early became evident during tbe after noon that this would be the fortunate towjj chosen and definite announce ment to this effect was made last oigut. ' Reports of standing committees were submitted at this morning's session: The attendance at the convention was augmented up to nearly 1,000 delegates, according to the official ros Ur of delegates yesterday. The morn ing trains added to tbe number already hero several hundred and expectations have already been met. Delegates are attending the convention from all parts of the state. Anticipations Met. State Councilor Jones, pf Tarboro, who, by virtue of his office, is presid BASEBALL GAMES THIS WEEK. Monday. flmM Iw innlnflrs: 11. Ralpieh .. 2KKHM1 01ft S Winston-Salem .... t20 000 0021 fvnra hv Inminizo: R. Durham , ... 000 flflfl 1033 Charlotte .. 01 00O ol i Score by lnnlnas: . R; i.hvHll. .. 401 01(f lOx 1 Greenaboro .. .. .. ... 010 00O 000 I Tuesday Score by lnnlnas: Winston -Salem Raleigh .. .... .. . ttcore by Innlnsrs: Greepoboro . . . . . . Ashevlile Score bylnnings: Uhuriotte 000 100 000 Ol 000 001 000 1 K. , . 000 000 0000 ooi ioo oox : K, 020 020 001 5 Durham , . 00O 300 000: Wednesday SLvm-a hv Innlnfira: R. Wlnston.alem 000 000 0000 Hulelirh .. 020 000 O0X : Hrare lv lnnlncB : K. Greendboro 200 30 0 0106 Ahevllle 003 whi uwo -t &inrt bv Inninffs: H. Charlotte 320 000 0005 Durham 000 100 0091 STANDING OF THE CLUBS NORTH CAROLINA W. li. Asheville 21 Ralrterh 20 Durham 20 Charlotte 18 Winston-Salem 16 Greensboro .. 16 Pol .5S3 .626 .626 .600 .43 .412 AN EA8Y. PLEASANT LAXATIVE One or two Dr. King's New Life Pills with a tumbler of water at night. No bad, nauseating taste: no belching gas. Go right to bed. Wake un In tbe mom- and feel fine all day. Dr. King's New Life Pills are sold by all Druggists, 16 In an original cackane. for 2sc Get bottle today enjoy this easy, pleasant YOUR KIDNEYS. ft-t n n . Inpjll JT J t : jr. HAumuiun niv.' V7. r. m I . a. . t, . wshston-ealem, N. a W. B, bhv iupwi. Traf. -jut. w f r a TrVr.Fi 4 rbm T Art r HE TO " ALL THE TIME " Want to sell yo crop tobacco. Tuesday, A us your ratuers W.w 7 it-J i it r rw pnmings aiiuyour Our sles begin" ust 24th. Bring rstjoad to 9s rr and we will dof eh6ugh for ou to get to sell ypuf whole crop; . Yoil Fricrid! GORJIELIROS, ttpn, stated prior to the opening of tbe convention that be looked for the best attendance ever recorded at any state meeting and be was able to declare yesterday that bis anticipations had boen realized. Not only Is the conven tion In point of numbers one of tbe most successful ever held, but tbe pro gram is regarded as one or unparaiiei ed strength. Winston-Salem Residents Must Learn tne importance or Keeping Them Well. Perfect health means that every or Kan of tbe bods Is performing Its functions DrooeriV. Perfect bealt cannot.be enjoyed If the kidneys ar weak and disordered Thousands sestlfy. tbat Ooan's Kid ney Pills haw a reliving action on weak kidney What thlsremed has done in so many cases of tls kind Is the best proof of it Bead the folleVinej. It's testimony W . M ' gratefully give by a resident of this locality: I North Wilkesboro to be bothered consider tdder trouble. I had a de- Iss the kidney secretions while. Nights I had to ept. times. Often when rstoon- ea i coma; nerdiy straighten up, as my back was so stiff and lame. The first bo of Doan's Kidney Pills gave me re lief and after I had finln)ieH ohnt eight boxes, I was rid of the bladder irouDie ano my DacK Decame strong er. Price 50c. at all HpaWo rvn't simply ask for a kidney remedy get uoan s Kianey puis the same that Mr. Ramsey had. Foster-Millburn Co. Props., Buffalo, N. Y. J. A. says: ably witi sire toi every H up sev! DON'T VI9IT Wlnston-SaleaJ i without taking W :poitndf of LJ r4kELMNY8 bur res "More, dips to thfe nbund. 8uaar rat Cost re . (j,p,KennyCfl. LI HE iiBROTHEl MOTOR CAR coii HAVE YOU EVER The AUTOMOBILE With otheautomobil whichreaidto bet tne samerciass.'1 s THE DOB Has genuine leathvr upholstering, genuine curl hair, floating rear axles, Timken hearings throughwrtrk east starting and lighting fystem, eiserman hieh tot: magneto, Petrfijt self-luWipali springs (guarantd 2 years), speedometerJfiriTrom transmission mlij from front wheel jfisjf There areany other things that make the K Bros.' automobile Idperior to the average popular (tit car, but, the above are easy for you to compare, fii jip jui iu hiv iu uciuunaii anvil aiiu wane uuniwu. at any time. A few extra good bargains in "trade in" cars, fn for price list. m OfOB WINSTON-SALEM LAWYERS VS. TEACHERS j IN BASEBALL BATTLE iflor,, five innings Tuesday there was a battle waged at Prince Albert park that was second only to tbe Eu ropean war. The legal lights of the city , stacked up against the county school teachers and while we are not going to offer any comment on the playing, we don't mind telling thai at Mlfi end of the nrth inning (it seem ed like the fifth year to the partlo. pants) the score Stood 4 to 3 in favor of the attorneys. Both sides seemed to be about played out when the fifth round terminated so after a consulta tion Referees Apple and . Vernay de cided to call the bout. .: The flght put up by both teams was a mot creditable one. The attorneys, minus the serviced ot their star bat tery, Hon. Cy Watson and Judge E. B. Jones, battled brilliantly against odds, but superior team work turned the trick and the teachers went down defeated. - . Ovid Jones pitched for the lawyers in piace or Hon. cy watson. who U reported to have Jumped. to the Feds just before the game began, while Xir. George W. Orr performed behind the bat For the teachers, Goslin pitch ed a nice game and tbe .other mem bers ot tba team worked hard ami showed plenty of "pep." . ioere was considerable trouble in selecting an umpire. . Dr. R. O. Apple was a candidate for the position as was Mr. F. 8. Varnar. so in Ardor keep the defeated candidate from getting peeved It was decided to use both. Soma folks say thev umnlra4 ana some say toey diun t. Great Introductory Sale of AWJet With, the Celebrated Chase-HackleLme of Piano Z EyEKTDNE CAN QWN A PANO-If you have juu. iim.. i rum nme io tune, because the usual price reach, nlenc fnrtrof i,a. - i. . .. - - 'vin mi icoauu lyug cnougn io see Wl We want the citizens of Winston-Salem and see us. wVitkai- UrSth VAll Allrl wr A A. F m A " "c ni you io necome muf assj J Ino i Irt it on i arrest . . . cataipgaj ... , jL. MitrllSJll n nnttinir nrr vnr too high, or terms beyond jj we can do for you. ting towns and country to w want to become acquJH1 ie merits of our goods. W -Thosi terms .... in nearby towns and surrou co nvhpthpr Diano r- take old pianos or organs as OUT OF TOWN CUST03 country, please write for one piano desired. LINES WE HANDLE rWe" are dtribftfrs for Chase Bros-Hackley, Boltwood, pianos, player pianoakndbtherg. THIS SALE AKDTRICES CONTINUE 30 DAYS J.W. MELTON, Factory Disfribo West Fourth St., Corner Hm lYinsf pn-Salem. W. t ( The proceeds will be given tp the iku vBseoau associauonj

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