THE WESTERN SENTINEL, JUNE 20 BUXt1iEIIMTED STATES DIDN'T GO TO WAR. Tuesday and Friday IlITlItL PUBUSHIHE CBSSPWI i.. . . Publishers SUBSCRIPTION RATES: i:i'ninni Yiavc hpn n trite Some Republican bSa in handling free in their criticisms of .Wnrmis." in their foreign problems h e has no have been lost at ocinion. They refer to the Ammcan live ad sea and in Mexico aurinB iv ..-- t to ministration should have taken a finn posit or, p such outrages." ney ao .7", state3 should have TViev deDlore President It'll ll,Ul,l"vvui v Wilson's peace policy a m r Louig convention In his admiraoie .r , vh- AMvered some telling . Ob Tear ..$1.00 .r.nvprnnrGlvnn.OtJNeW lOIK, ueiivi.. ----- -. .. .so yesieiuBj,. - r . Mn handlnJt our loreign raa- """.V. -"Wows at this course entirely in keeping tions, msicieni '"b.rsome of the nation's greatest presi with the policies , a d d mnb where American lives dents, ne "T v,;trrv of the country, under the Vu,d boon taken during the past history ot tne co uri i , three Month ; The publisher. 'f i? r.l.V-t any communication tney ym EKf beet. Un.lrn.ed. communication. S-n had been taken during rpvered by present day ah communication. Jt'inS !: administration ol men V..u- -h matter had been wm.;N:" Sat InotherVords, President Wilson P as second-ciaas r:;.eNov.m-b"3o. Rpnnblicans. and show : ettled without going to war. jn tions has a precedent in Republican inht" ' I e pleased to call his "un-Amcncan. vac 1 a UT AUTO TIRES TmRS. CHARLES E. HUGHESAND DAUGHTER LEAD 10 TRIAL Tnterestine Episode In Iredell County 13 Related In a Mag istrate's Court for what his critics illatine;. weak policy There are some parts of Mr. IMPOBTANT HOT1CB brlbr. In lrln Tke tfe.ttnel rkK from , dr... to anotber, ma.t , Ktn tbrlr ml poetofllce well tbelr mw addrwe. rtic jv. - .;io with reference to sue. que ; mind " be so sorely aggrieved be- ciauyuy uiuc r--- . Hiirmir the past tnree cause this nation has ueeu i war between Spain and the Span- ii I ; iPir niim v c 1112 ,M, Wert indies, a KXZ to cMhtoi shot the captain of years: .,,,. "When Grant was prisimm, " - . A THOUGHT FOft THE DAY To understand all is to be come very lenient. Madame de StThose readiest to criticize are orten least able to appre ciate. Joubert. Tin not what man does wnlcn exalts him. but what man would do. Robert Drowning. Arnpriran flap a" niinum. f th nasaenKers. ie -Virpinius: thirty-six of the e - by negotiatlon Just But we dian t " tps , trv!nR to do today. . , as tne preHiiiui" . ., ,a nroBi,ient the people 01 i.iuu "Wlu-n Ilenjanun ,u""r"'" .:, .,. in.,ic;tehce upon neutrality ciurms iolont dislike to the United Staten of our inM.ten p otnrer ...i: it'lion T IK trim .... ..t.nntn the t'liilian revoiuuuu - - - wn8 killed outright in viv from the Vnited States warsh p Bait ore w onfj ftprw ,f Valparaiso and sixteen f our bb 1 on won 8Upp0-rted by Secretary messaKe to Congress on January io , ie . ol), Rvans o Suite James G. Maine, and on cvi.i. re a MIlU on our l,onor U Winfl,h! Scott Schley W; p 'o Aor. of the United States had its origin in the hostility to these n en i ,nuividual act of per- earlnR the un.form of the governn e nt a fld not may pypnt &n Lnal "'sit tt"d that ,t:!!J "1, a a msion of its 'international of its rtgius aim u'6"J ... . .... .n..v.ioa hv negotiation t war. Harrison setueu ou. UUl B " " , fraction right Tlv i ..-!je,.f rho Uni' juntas tne P .rf wav witli reference .. . r. mr nf Slate tnai owicww . them at one ana i "-"" ,,.,., settled our . - ,u,' tn war, just as the president is 5 hundreds of our ships When Jefferson was Pent " n a historians say England i,,.,irorta more, rrom iiM.iu oia and sixty Napoleon hundreds more. Q. O. P. TRIBUTE TO WILSON. in discussing ' the nomination by the Republicans ot Mr. Charles E. Hughes for the presidency the New York World says in that action the O O. P. paid to Woodrow Wilson the highest compliment it was capable of that partv selected as their stand ard-bearer the one man of ail the can- thousand American didates who is most like the presi dent, yet, as the New York Times says, "inferior to the latter in capac ity and experience." n .1,0 uonnhllcans had really Ik . r' thought the president's foreign poli cies were detrimental to the best interests of the country, that a course in contrast to the one he has pursued was needed and that a different kind of man should be chief executive ol this nation, the logical thing would have been to nominate Colonel Roose velt, for he has represented most clearly and persistently the opposi tion to the president's 'policies. And, for that matter, almost any of the other candidates would have been more eligible, from this standpoint, as the nominee. But they dared not choose any of these. They selected the one man among their leaders who had not voiced opposition to the president's plan ot keeping the na tion at peace with honor. They chose as their standard bearer a man who had criticized none ot the president's policies. The idea is plain, me n i - . . jn &ny preseniaiivco ycy- -- . , r"1'" .... tn An tndav ted States i -- , fnrcn 11. v. - , ... .. ... nrpmnem. Bcvn' .i.n4 ...hun .ml Mill r - Mr. Glvnn pointeu oui umu "-- . ,Inited states government nations acted in such a way w. n tQ g() tQ w wIth all 0i troubles by negotiation and and essels and sixty mil aiuireas iuoio. ,,tirprt American vessels aim ther captured sixteen l.u nirj J. a compelled over two llona of dollars' worth 01 ai their wUl in the Kngnsu ...y stntoRville. June 17. But for Just one feature the cutting ot an auto: mobile tiro the story of "X very inu.r Mtini enlsndn which occurred at hhn . . .- :.,l.t wnori Sunday night a weet never have become public property iii tim cutting of the tire caused a:i ,.n.,Hnn hv lhn owner of the mconbn"n "j ---- - . m.xhinn. resnltine in the case be ing aired In a magistrate's court here yesterday. As the result of the hoar 1.,. n v r'.nmhH. a farmer living at Kimwood. and his sons, Kverett and McKinley, were fined $5 lor an aiv sault on Gurney Pierce find Floyd nunrtlnv. and C. W. ana u-vuirn nlnced under bond for n,i,!t!iffi at Superior court t anuivpr a charce of willful an ininrv tn nrnnartv. viz: cut- automobile tires. The hearing, which was held before Justice W. J. Lazenby, toon pm' o h annnvinr nnnrt. room anl was at . . . . 9 t'lmurnnll tended by a largo crowu ji ..u..---people, supplemented by Sl.itesville people who had , become interested in thn case. There was a big array r,f lcral talent for both sides. Ac cording to the testimony the story runs about thus: Sunday night a week ago while the Misses i'ombs three daughters of C. W Combs were cn route uuuic church Floyd Hendley, the 15-year- old son of A. V, Henuiey, auu uu. ney Tierce, a neighbor, riding in Mr. umwi .v'l wnra murine car. tim vouiib ladies, wno wbib to get in and ride, ana accept When the Combs home was reached one of the girls suggested that they get out, but the boys wanteu mem go further ana me car i ped. The party proceeded to Barber Junction, a few miles away, and then returned to the Comos nome. iu i. mQantime McKinlev COlliDS uau " frnm church and made a report. And when the automobile oWv arrived at the Combs home the young men were given a rather warm and undesiraoie recepiu.u. soon as the three young ladies had ioft n.o nr the father and two broth ers made a dive tor it., uie iai, lmmeniaieiy ana i 11 iv" A- -7 fife jlfwr ! fill rtff; : fill .1 s.l4Hir4 fr &An I V MitfjM til ' ,; v--r -S'fi MISS rlELEH HUGHES c w rnmhs. fiscation of American ships where- pj j who wa9 , the rear seat IlbC.Llllli prows ... into the Z7sZ ordoreV the seizure andcon.uon "port, our crews kv'ett Combs bounced into the ;ver found. Our shipping rotted at ev,daneRiect. The British ship front Beat with y0ung Hendley Ac- wVre cast Into prison and left to die of , American waters, f0ralng t0 the testimony of bo h de; Leonard fir" d upon the American cru aer native-born American f(jndant8 and prosecutors the "boys u W and wounded several of our "orB- tklleln Halifax. , were given no Warning further than killed ann w"u"u haneed one of meiu -ntlntlon - tmM tho Combs as to why iibii off the i-neBayraBo Mio nur trounies j a luc"'lu" ""- - Zwt BE ELECTED." inated Mr. KllLl'll ' they had taken the girls -out riding at (v,at tiinn of night. And before expla- nation could be mauo me nBt " . ttia wrath on. fierce auempieu w uc v.w f Ma hbkb ants, but ail uireo ou- tacked him at the same time, desert ing young Hendley, wno is a uic.o A Story for Boys and Girls POULTRY PROFITABLE IN NORTH CAROLINA Since the national Republican . th re has natur- 1)0By wwie the two eider Combs rhirlw E Hughes for the presidency t&k tne y rno re or less speculation regarding the poss 0 y yQ ; Plprted to that high position ux-- " t and oua .y. fy -""-j Tthe at. uv ...u olwnva BUDDortea.ine uw"' " - ,ofo nTlf1 .c: " iir managed to cans. Wliu iiavv. i. rf - - . f hf li li. 1. caiiu-'"v"- uwiius , laVs Wm,areloud . ta their P"-; , November, make his escape and ran a short in their Pactions tn" ""'ublican victory and they aireauy of the flght the wit, Thpv ran see nothing but nepuiH . ,q1 r0Unter. fnr hoth sides testified about ----- , j,, ,T0nrci 9 , tile uvi ! - . . . ,. i"-u" - . . ... r have visions 01 anouiei luu, -- f enthusiasuc the same, but there is a - v-iw in a time like this, the preaicwoiw " , that, statements as to the not chapter. . "f rpqtpit va ue. It IS 10 ue "17 7, Pirce and Tlendley .claim nart sans are not of the greatest vd u his party will naJ v tVrted the enthusiastic Ilepubhcan P""J politician will think "p' who -.led to end,e; Win, and that the enthusiastic fl It ig much the drive on after him with the car; " !.j incr the chances of his own pariy. . car 8tarted c. w. with Pa or-nM ft . that one of the rtKrttS ' In the llgni m buu "--'vr' i f 0 aitnation and tor an whIl.h resulted in an explosion ann 1 i 4- nnlr Tnr ail eswiii- t. that the to follow Hendley to and and The tn look for an estimate vi u.c owa. fl..tin nf one of the tires. Lie Ky 1, a n thP f ) Umn m it Bio" ..v.- ? . ., ty,at hov cut "X; " frPP from too much bias is in the coiur The nepubn- - . . , anv sense a party organ of paying him, for the rep They admit hearing the 1L. tl.AI ,,Uw ... 7v - - - , T. While it nas seen ,,. thfi ..,)low out,' nut claim reamed President' wusous OUui a ncr-"!'- . ,ir;Y u U Tint nndulv partisan ana IT. nas they were not responsiuie " IJ I t-. ,1 UiSiirllltf T rlil' ' 1 1 t'l 1 IU f'w , cans reaiuca rrwiumn uu-.. ---r-. ,,.., -f ja M.,i.ritir nnri thev a so real- ic in annnnrt, President vv uu" . tv,. mnttors --- - "" "''t , v,. j . j rriono nhnnt noiiticai auu uiu .,.. k . nr ir- a spirit occiaj" he Times has looked at the situation from 07Them kept ,ui.t Mas well. Ihe editor Ol tne xhc ,,,. nn,;m on. and has . ,.,.,f h,,i tau,n nlace. Likewise turned away many Republicans who vari0U3 angles , in the light 01 tne ',u ... . . 0i0pfPH " Thp Lt, rn,h familv also remained r,,,rnvft of the nresident's course. By rnmp r, the conclusion that Mr. liUgnes win - Hendley couldn't un- '!.... mo f ,hfi Wilson tvpe In tho Times on the subject a lew Ua W - " ,,prstand -how come" his tires were Pierce and Hendley ized that Roosevelt or one of tne other candidates named would have I ag wey they hoped to get the votes of those L.jthout interest just here: members ot their party who uo noi "The nominauo ... . th. t),,r.u.vlilan deuun lhad a meaning '""...r.;::,; ri-d 1.11. and made CiailOll Ol lH aum. ..."" However, there Is no reason to be lieve the voters change at President a good margin The New of the Re oln nlements supporting him for the so badly cut and his aUon of Theodore Roosevelt by the Republicans would ave Ul0 sto,.v from the bo. Hear to every American mind. That candidacy would have thore WM a dlfip09iUon t ImiZ the issue of opposition to Woodrow Wilson on maUer ot an(l tne offic iraiseu iiik" , . , t,i r statement. It would nave lueuiu . iftrn ,f it until a lew aa 1,1 rnuiiiisi that mane it "i""1" ' .. . i, i .. ..j.i ,... .i c,. la nn reason to be- Rmiblican party the Uniiea &uiie8 uB. v w- "Warrants were acforuu.B. " " I thai in iiib juuRM.c.. r - . t r WIln meXico, or of this nation want a e engaBcd in the European war. that it ought to be a nomtnation of present time and. il as a conquerer actually in possess on Ui ' to an ex- investigation boys. But to keep ers did few days ago the Wiison is not reelected by Mr. . t't,-.ntration of Woodrow WHson e am , all signs win ..... - - conservative, deliberate. a-. " .V- ' York World, in speaking th() ronHWlUeni.e, of hta acts, never ras, ne j - - publican nominee and cer- Hwayed by the teat of passion, yeiw iki. """'. ' ,.. to Con- Hsible to imagine ir. It is impo the three Combs ana were neivcu Monday, tho trial being set for yes terday. , . The three young latiies mvoiveu . .. .. jt nurnrn were in court aim as witnesses, but were never piaceu on tho stand. One or more of n,o notvhhnra was in court uui SVnV. naval, mi.ltary preparation aa n?tca?.?d to the stan All I llOKU III Wl u in - - 1 ,. nmanfi nv n v tmm l nai,uu . presidency, comments on the situation wause of the invasion of Belgium or ine uesu uc- " 1 111 n. vcii n.ii tion in oart as follows "A shattered and discredited Re publican machine has again turned to rharles E. Hughes. The Republican bosses hate him now as they hated him when he was governor ot New York. They have takcu him up as they took him up in If "0 only in the desperate hope that he will win for them and establish thorn in iower. i. t. .hrmlii he elected, they will fight his national administration as bitterly as they fought his New York administration. "There was no good faith back ot the nomination of Hughes for gov ernor. There is no good faith back f the nomination of Hughes for presi dent. He is again the candidate of a bankrupt party gambling for power this time with the aid of the German rote, which insisted upon liugnes rumination. Hia high character, his .,11.1 ,nnl of nublic service, his .notteaa Integrity and his devotion to duty are aordidly capitalized by an old guard that is in partnership with Privilege and Plutocracy for the restabllshment of reactionary gov ernment and by hyphenated Amen cana who are determined to avenge thamselves upon President Wilson for hi patriotic refusal t6 aubmit to -.nrAomn anhmarine w4r- uenuau luu."'... ----7 fir. - - rrM hmi the highest respect t war uermauy - ; . ... doe9 not enable us to see good characters. r.f ti.n .us inn n. I u uuuuo. k,..v.... - - - ., , . ..i.n.. i ivmi " . -. , The n ctiirn wouio uo wiiunj-1 n i him asking t ongress 10 unvmio ; - - nnrterstoood that Combs had forbidden Pierce calling on his daugh- . . . . .1. - nnH in. nppHHiiiu. 1 . . , imaginary, laise 10 u.e ... w nn nther issue upon which with any Iters and that this was me reai caum: Yet the Republicans have absolutely no other issue 1 upon w trouble. Considerable feeling degree of force and consls ency .ey - - r T bpeil aronK(Hl "'.lir un - r-ly'th; : Adjectives of the language but their nouns ana , , --7 order that they may "Th nepuoncaiis wui iu ..." u,.iji ti,ov Iibvp . .. . .. 1.. nnn uriii.h t lev can speak boldly. 1 hey nave no otVo T ey " i h candidates from a historical period long past ". 0""!;.ll "?ul . th. r-ountrv save what would have been meant .r. nun.. ...;.. r, -----...- , ,.annMfWv of Mr. Fair by any oiner ciiwcu ... w.i nto. nf . . ki.t.. than tllfl llOTtn 1)1 WIIIHUIK ,-, v" ' " Winks meaus uuuiun ... , tM, h mn who are irMimii nrt a few other States wncre ne in m-m n... v... , - -- Indiana ana a "" fc ci ions. Platform and candidates unaware that anyuni.s "B,'r .. , ... hurts and . iin iAnu niu'Hri null. ntiMiiip. - ----- rlke rfulbrrga,n for the .U liousehold of those who sought tn ri. trov it has no new or vital message w u.;ur. ... r n.ichca w ill not ne eiecieu. m u:i-. w . many FOREST 2,000 YEARS YOUNG IN YEAR OF CRUCIFIXION (National IJeographle Mazazlne.) Towering a giant among giants, the oldest living thing that connects the present with the dim past, majestic in Its mien. Its rtimiitv and Its world-olit exnerlence. the "General btierman Tree ' isthe patriarch ol me sequoia National part of California. It was already 2.(0V vears old when Christ ,va born. In tho age when tne bHA. unrhl rnnVini. tn the three j .onn that th Invasion nf I . .. . j ,ht r.i...r rpasnns. tor this gooo aim buhh;ioiiv i.o"" lor tne 1 rojan wars ana ihb imc i" . . - - in Bflnrrh nr r .eaaer. now i . . . r the surireme oourt a cnamoer uy nemj .i..."..." -- - i inmory leim us maraeu uib.cauiu.b ..i or tb . first time in American history auccessfully accomplished, may be re- he Hebrews from Kgypt, this greatest buked and made a precedent too dangerous for following The w"e "'a ot aequola glgantea was a flourlshina we have been taught to believe snouia loucu " ' '"'" LTI must not be donned for a few seasons' wear to be 'V onhy ,eba i party convention forcing its wearer mio uie uusi uu .u.u.v... v. r lie servant. There is nobody in pub lic life tor whom we have a higher personal regard, but we can find no reason why he should be elected President in place of Woodrow Wil son. We can find innumerable rea sons whv the sinister and tin-American interests that are trying to use him for their own purposes should be overwhelmed at the polls. "Hut even if the Influences behind Mr. Hughes were different, this la no ima tnr the American people to make no time to change administrations Thin la no time to take needless risks. This is the worst of all times to give European nations the impression mm the United States lacks political sol idarlty and that it is ready to trifle with the vital question of peace with honor. -The welfare of American people at home and abroad, the highest and . I.I.M.H of the republic in this critical period of civilisation, demand sanling of some 2't or 30 feet In height. and truly under the especial care of the Creator, who held it safe from the lightnings of His wrath as he did from the attacks of earthly enemies. The "General Sherman" was discov ered in 1S79 by James Wolverton, a hunter, and named by him in honor oi General William T. Sherman. It tow ers 279.8 feet into the sky; its base circumference is 102.8 feet: its great est diameter 31.5 feet, and it has de veloped a diameter of 17.7 feet at a peint 100 feet above the ground. Can Old Vau. uatr rnnaiStt Won't C rt Hi ort ceJ)0 fn.ttrr of howlonf ttarfdlnu ire tared W tMraidfuK-l Rhabie Dt PVrttrWjfatlKpticyHemlici J-K relieve rlaaadUcalatthV$9time. ,Mc, Tiger was a kitten, and from his name you can, of course, guess what he looked like, lie was a very smart kitten, too, and caught as' many mice as his mother. Tiger loved to eat, and when the milk was put in a saucer in the morn ing for his mother and another dish for Tiger and his brothers, Tiger kept hla fives on both dishes and if the mitt .-!ia almost izone from nis qimi Tiger would rim to his mother's dish and try to lap as much as he could of hers. , Sometimes he ran back and forth so often he did not get all he might have eaten if he had stayed in one place. "You will learn some day that you are better off to- stick to one dish," said his mother, giving Tiger a box on the ears. One day in the barn Tiger almost had a mouse in his paws, when he aaw two mice run into a hole. Quick as a flash Tiger went for them, letting the mouse he nearly caught escape, and though ho sat very still and watched a long time the two little mice did not come out again, and so Tiger did not get any. "Tieer." said his mother, "remem ber that 'a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush'; stick to tho mouse you have and don't leave it for two next time." Tiger didn't see what that had to do with mice. "Mice don t live in bushes," he said; "but, perhaps, I can catch a bird even if I have lost the mice." Tiger crawled close to the bushes under a big tree where he knew Robin Redbreast lived and watched. By and by Robin flew down to get a crumb, and he did not see Tiger, al though usually Robin's bright eyes snicd Tiger and any of his family. Nearer and nearer ne came where Tiger was hiding, and Tiger had all he could do not to spring be fore it was time, lie was so anxious to catch Robin, and show his mother ho could catch birds, if not mice, that day. Robin hopped closer to tho bush and Tiger was just making ready to spring when he saw something in the bushes that made his eyes grow even bigger than they were then. Two little birds sat right close to gether under the bushes, and all Tiger would have hail to do would be to turn carefully and reach out his paw and grab them both at once. Just thou Robin Redbreast saw Tiger and quicker than you can think he was on tho top of the tallest bush, where he could plainly see Tiger and all his movements. Tiger could hardly keep bis tail from swinging at the very thought of catching two birds, but ho did and turned very slowly so as not to be seen, and then lie made bis spring, landing with both paws ou the two birds. He waited a minute, for them to move and try to get away, but not a chirp or motion did they make, so Tiger carefully lifted his paw a tiny bit and looked at them. "Guess I struck too hard. I have killed them," he said. Then Tiger noticed they did not feel warm and soft as the other birds he bad caught, so ho sniffed them with his pink nose. This time Tiger lifted his paws oft of the two little birds and stared hard at them once, and only once did he poke them with his nose, and then he knew- they were not real birds. lie looked about to be sure no one saw him and was just sneaking out from tinder the bushes when Robin Redbreast, who had watched a'.l from flie bush overhead, screamed a Tiger as he fiew away. "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. Tiper my boy!" "I know what that means now.' said Tiger, as he kept close to the bushes on his way back to the barn, "but I didn't this morning. "1 wisli those children would not leave their toys anions uio Those birds certainly did look though." real, DIVORCE CASE WILL NOT -BE CONTESTED Durham, June 17. Dr. George A. err we.ll known Durham surgeon dentist, will obtain absolute divorce c.vm h'i wife. Mrs. Betue Hunt carr. without a legal contest. When the case is called on Monday, with Judge Harry Whedbee presiding, tho proof urat-rstntine a separation will, it is i.,in,eri hv tilaintiff's counsel, be es tablished by the plaintiff unhampered ii,- fhn attorney of the defendant, ix 11. Sykes. Dr. h. M. Kdwards, a den tist of Durham, has been named co respondent. The law firm of Manning, Kverett & Kitchin will place upon the stand such witnesses as are absolute ly necessary to maintain tno ciauna for divorce. Dr. Carr has recently returned from Richmond, where he has been under teatmciit at the Hy geia Hospital. Mrs. Carr will not re turn to Durham as a personal de fendant in the case. Tho examination of half a dozen witnesses, by the at torneys for Dr. Carr will bring a rather abrupt end to the suit. URGE HANK WHERE POOR CAN GET HELP Charlotte, June 17.-Recommcndlng that a law be enacted that will give to the city and county a banking in stitution where the poor and unfortu nate may obtain loans at reasonable rates or interest upon small securit; and easy terms and furthermore thai a more rigid enforcement of the stat ute regarding the sale of cigarettes to minors be emphasized, the grand jury of Mefkhmtiiiretr. criminal court, with ex-Sheriff Z. T. Smith, foreman, sub niitted its report vesterdav- and ad journed. This grand jury was in strucled by Judge Frank Carter to consider the loan shark evil In the city and hence its recommendation. The concluding suggestion of an oilier enactment that will keep six of the retiring grand jury on the incoming board in order that the new body might know where the old left off is regarded as a most excellent one. The finding that as much as 240 per cent interest, had been charged by loan sharks was corroborative of what Judge Carter himself discovered In a recent action for usury, in this county. DOG STEALS KITTENS; FIERCE BATTLES FOLLOW. One poultry plant in westen North Carolina has found egg prodi Hon a nrofltable venture. A boiiM was constructed of sufficient size accommodate 1.000 birds U square feet floor snace ner bird) and the bird! (Single Comt wnite tjegnorn) pirn chased at live months of age at head. The birds were hatchel thQ intter nart of Aoril and the lore nnrt nf Mav and were not lorce ten Thev were nurchased the first of Octo. . . . ii,. ... . u ers and the flock contracted colds llowed to roost in a buildiu u-hieit h;wl anniA cracks in the back n at tim rnnst level. Tiiserrorwu ,.Kr.teri hv mnklne the roof enai and back tight. During this month flfis MrzH. The bird. u pro fed the following ration: Rrrntch Feed Corn. 2 parts; wheat, 2 narts: oats. 1 part. Drv MashCorn meal, 6 parts; flr e. imrto. hran. 3 narts: bed scrap, 5 parts; ground aiiana, ii n-i. n..,in waQ oriven mnrninir. nooa i.,v,t- in nttc on the. nn a ten Mllll lllKIll. ill Wv ,.,.mll. (r acratch. The total l-Vlll UUIVU fcV " .rrtn ner hen was20UHC .law nniv nod sound best grade MWJ. -v..-., o eram and other feed was used. i, !.. en.l in a rifV IJiaSll 1,,, m.l linr MPTftrft 111 P. U11U3 llUfJifCl WU all times. Green feed as capiwMj iimls tender alfalfa, clover ana , , ,. nu ..ienn nnPA a anv. UUfi wtflrmiik was triven to each 100 firont nnrA ailU ITKUUHU of all timps both mwi wntprinfr. i uu iicua hniisft on October 1. nir, ar.a , .ri,i ha muse at . , t,-i horn 1 1 TYl C I tlH 1 1 ii l L lliWlUt" 1 f r.nnliP' It AL 111"" .-, ,.,., from in ine nrsi bia her, 191-5, to May, 1910, this l.W laid49,fiJ2 eggs, or 4,1 M dozen. fee,i nr labor for this pPriod .. ,,. .... . .. kr it i-'i cents fSUd.jS, or a u' ...... , This is a low producliif, raiP Mrs. denrge Zahnlo is undecided whether to appeal to the police, call upon the hociety for tho Prevention of Cruelty to Animals or rciuest the services of the State board of arbitra tion. litr home is in a turmoil because Josephine has stolen the four chil dren of. Clara, and Clara doesn't like it a bit. Josephine is a lady dog and Clara is a lady cat. and they have both been living in the basement of Mrs. Xah lile'B home on West I'ark avenue, Chi cago. Trouble started when Clara gave birth to fonr kittens, she was hap py. Josephine was desolate so she appropriated Clara's offspring. Josephine has leenth and Clara has Claws, and the kittens are having; an awful time jf it. j;rs zahi0 wants advice and help Richmond Journal. The Strone Withstand the Heat of Summer Better Than the Weak Old poplewho aflTfceble, aoUyonnget people whv are weak ,wffc be strengthened and enablti'Eo throdih 4he depress ing heat Of SUmmrr hv fxfrinfT rllarl-u Grove'sTastclessChttlToBiCr ItfMfi6e nd enriches the blood anil build nn l -,1c nrft ninrr .udu StHULl v. . ... . ... ,..rort l ffi nhtain. A veariy ... .. .n t rnhnm -arras Willi luaiiy vi- .-" - . ...... .... .,UoriiilTlfi. )0.-r inft MHlB. UV Mttunw. , . ... ,,r and private famines, bu-iuuh' -resorts and others for eggs W round "next day laid." 1 .i.i. a 1iq same day or ;irt i 1 vt i tii i.. . .M-ifPS r ninrnhlir ThCSO COIlliacl i...--- :S ..n u ner Aom prtm :.i i-. in ii r-- ...j ...... 57 1.'! cents Pf" mis iiiHiaiice . , nr fhdon neTlH VMJlliU ... ' ... i iM os which alter "'"" .. TV ,T ",1 feed llie ni they Daais caicuwu g tnO lirSL hlA uiuui... " ... flnfl . !, . Tiinni ns iur o" ' c t uniii.pu vwu, n " - - . e .rkiirRO HI IM'""- VllK O 11U IA.V,. 1 " .pu. Hi. olinrt .niirKpa ill 'w1"-. ' D""'.v. . ... ,w during past college year , w stud v.; classes, wnu " - . . ..... . .,.ii ,j K412 student urn iiib nnll a but S classes, 77 stuuci.. f liniirS. ' crease ol u vi -v incrpft i o n nor i-i iii, ciasBCT, ; .1 create t. rrn lie" siuoeiii. uuuia. heint house started wsi i-" pleted and new eV""v B. F. KAU I, rat! Poultry lnvcsugauu -.--- TRANSFER REAL taiit . ...... tn tne tor o inc. iui. ship, for 1500. c,0e. M. E. Itenegar to i- on the Walkertown roaa i other considerations. tvpf. X. V. Teterson to ,,,.r on Fifth street for l ar'11 siderations. . n. A. Bro" A. is. iiiinmiii" Jacob F. Ueich to tract of land in Forsyth co-1656. .TTwrimems in government. This la the re-eiecuon 01 rrwiuom for Mr. IJugaeB H 1 V' 1

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