THE WESTERN SENTINEL, JUNE 20 LITTLE SENTINELS I D..ion8 Pastorate. Rev. A. L. Mc Re? B hia .itv. has tendered his Sation as pastor of the Baptist chcM, Order For ChlnaBoyles Trade street clothing mer Ss, lave recently filled an order nh.ttfu nisninss . customer in Shanghai. China. The order was re eved last week from a representa tive of the British-American Tobacco Company- w.v, Patrolman.-Mr. H. B. llolden, whn resides in West Salem, has been Stated to a position a spatrolman tith the Winston-Salem police depnrt !it The addition of Mr. Holden Is , connection with the recent lncreas S appropriation providing three new 1 ere for the department. Mr. llolden i a native of Yadkin county. Verdict for $20.-nThe jury in the p of II A. Tatem vs S. W. Apperson nni lered 'a verdict late Thursday af ,rnoo allowing the plaintiff to recov er of the defendant the sum of 120 ,0 cover injury to the plaintiff's' auto in an ai'itleni which tohcu I M-'hlalHI S Several lliwumo of,". Died in Richmond Mr. J. W. Wise .,, iust neen huvibu vl mo ouuwuu , nr Mr. Or. J. Newman, at Rich- Land, Va, last week. Mr. Newman ... w vears a resiueut 01 in is ,itv and he and family: have man THENEWHEALTH ORDINANCES HERE . vy ' ; .i . i Ljends here. During hia residence R h ere he was foreman of the cane L (i.tiirini? department of the m aiiiuv ii."r - . t. Horn company. He is survived by li9 wife and young uaugnier. me in- erment was at hia home ai L,yncn- nire, Va. To Join His Company. Henry Have, who is well known in Winston- t .ipni will leave at 8: 60 this evening " ' . .. , rv n tor Front uoym, va., iu - bf the Second Regiment or ttie Vir ginia State tiuard, in wmcn ne ennsi- Ia ,mo months aeo. It Is understood I hat Mr. Daye.'who was summoned .. hi' nmmnndfiie 'officer to Front iloyal by a telegram this morning, is f anted to join his company m re-' ponse to President Wilson's call of list night. To Attend Convention. Among hose who will leave this morn Cis; for Wrlghtsville Beach to attend u vnrth Carolina Good Roads con- ieution will bo Messrs. P. H. Hanes, K. Xortieet, James A.. Gray, Jr., of thn Korsvth hiehway limmlssion; R. J. Reynolds and Mrs. leynolds, A. II. Eller, W. M. itey- lilds, Ned Shore, D. W. Harmon, i.imiv engineer: W. E. Lehman. ember highway commission; E. W. Hanton, of the Rotary chid; i: . Inau P R Masten and Col. J. L. Imllow, president of the Winston-Sa- m Hoard of Trade. Knocked Down By Truck. Rev. A. Massev. colored, was knocKed jwri by an auto delivery truck of in w. ( Tise hottnnff worKa on list Fourth street on Monday! about ociock. ine true was en route the plant and when near the cor- lr nf Vino jiiui Fourth struck tne an. who was in the act 'of crossing : street. He was taken to tne nos- ital for treatment. His injuries are it serious, though he suffered a linfiil injury to his hip and other k'ht injuries. Eye witnesses say :tt tho p;tr was mnvitip- nt a nlow lie of speed, and that Massey who lis looKing hacKward taming to some ie. suddenly stopped. It was lm- icsihlp to tnn til A one fltrlk- L the man, acrordlng ot reports by rties who saw the accident. ICa n Recover Horse. Col. J. C. Issent.Justice of Peace.Friday heard ' ciaim anu aeuvery proceenings p-iiiuieii ny r. 1j. Jones against sner- George V. Flynt. The nlaintiff Is seeking to recover a horse and : of harness which he rlaimed were lirnnet'lv nnft u;l,lh wrr.o QoivnH hv jtrolman Kllisnn and Captain Early, uie pone luepartment, several lys ago, while in the nossession of pmey Langford, who was arrested. joins stated that lie aid not fit the horse to Lanirford. hut that latter came to him and offered pun base the animal and that he the horse on trial wlipn arrested. lone ltoi; M,lnmrl that the lintiff should recover the horse iind rness umiii the navnient nf the feed iluring the time, it was in the i!y of Sheriff Klynt. fATH OF MR. CHARLES C. PARKS ON SUNDAY thaiies c. Parks, twenty-three ts old, of Tenth street, died Sun- inoriiiiig at 5 o'clock at the City 's-pital, where he had been for one P'k, Sllfferinir with tvnhnld fever was ill a week before entering hospital. piirnvinc; aro the parents, Mr. and M. Parks, the widow, three rs, Misses Alice. Claude and Val- i'arks, and two brothers. Messra. flianl and Anderson Parks, or several years the deceased had 11 a faithful member of Burkhead f- "nur. h. The body was taken l'iie eslahlisbniniit tt I'ranli Vnclnr runs and l:er removed to the late l!'"nc ,, Tenth street, from which Mineral service will be held this "us in eleven nelnck enn- ed hy itov. o. C. Brinkman. The rrment 00 in tne Kernersville 'Herv. INERAL WILL BE AT MOUNT PLEASANT CHURCH ;ler 'men! services over the body of n i 1 roxler, who died at her n 'lanviiie sundav mehr. follow "U opiTatinn. nerformed some airo, w in i,e held from the Mount r t (hurch. near Winston-Salem. 'ri'f; O t lock lliia oftftntnnn inn. I ' d by Rev. Mr. Arthur, oastor 1 ircn. nlB interment will occur il'- f llir, I, A niv;ilL'. in addition to Mr. Troxl siliall Ch Id 1 tho father Mr. 1'' llllrv uhn ,ci,ln. milOi r1 f ti. ,.j(yi (our Sjstergi jirs. 'lonias, Mrs. John Fletcher, Mrs. 1 -"'rri't and Mr. Thnmo W'hifk. ' and Charles Pen'dry. DES FROM INJURIES. ; ' r' 'nne ".While going from 1 lit !! ireilcnn maw lT ... ' rMinuil U H t l vai vii 1 "atani-a and Yadkin River Rail- (! -mpany with a brother and J; her young men, for a doctor. '"ny. receiving injuries from Adopted By Aldermen In Regu lar Weekly Session Sum mary of New Laws At the meeting of the board of al dermen Friday night Chairman G. E. Webb, of the health committee, pre sented the draft of ordinances under which the new health department of the city will be operated. The ordinances aa recommended by the health department and approved by the ordinance committee were read and formally adopted. Under the new ordinances the health board is composed of tlie mayor as ex-officio member, the chair men of tho water, sewer and Mnance committees. These shall recommend to tho board of aldermen a suitable person for the office of city health of ficer and these, together with the latter's assistant, who shall be the city physician, shall complete the board. Tho committee shall promulgate such regulations as shall secure the greatest efficiency in the conduct of the department and control of the health of the community. A Boction of the ordinances pre scribe the regulations for the control of communicable diseases, requiring tho report to the department of all cases as soon as they appear, isola tion of patients suffering from con tageous diseases, and the conduct of persons in the household in which the disease is extant. The superin tendent of public schools shall be no tified of all cases appearing during school term, and all persona suffer ing from thera must refrain from at tending church, school, theatres, rid ing in public vehicles, or attending any public gathering until they have been discharged by the health offi cer. A section of the ordinances places all persons, firms or corporations sell ing milk to consumers in the city un der the vigilance of the department. Proper inspection of dairies is pro vided, an annual test of cattle for tuberculosis, watch over the physical conditon and health of persons hand ling milk, manner in which milk is to be delivered, arrangement for scor ing dairies according to their attain ment to the standard required by the State board of health, the filing of a list of all persons served by dairies every sixty days, and many other details giving the department the closest watch upon the milk business for the protection of the health of the people are required in that section. The name of the meat and milk in spector was changed to food inspec tor and he will be under the direc tion of the city health officer. A section of the ordinances deals with the wells and springs in the city that are found to be polluted or detri mental to health, the water from which is being used for domestic pur poses. It gives the officer the au thority to condemn the well and to require the owner, agent, lessee or occupant of the premises forthwith to close same, and to post notice ot warning to the public that the well is condemned and that to drink the water from the said well or spring will cause disease. When a well or spring is suspected of being polluted the officer may so placard thera as a wanning to those using it to boil the water until the result of the final analysis of the water is known. Another division of the ordinances provides the manner in which garbage (including all meats and vegetame matter used for foods that are de cayed), trash',, and all refuse, ashes, and dead animals not killed for food, shall be cared for and places upon tJie owners, or occupants of the prem ises the responsibility of keeping them in a sanitary condition. The care of stables in the city is, also included, giving the regulations that must be complied with by the owner, lessee, or agent in charge ot the premises. Section 401 of the city ordinances under the department of health, re ferring to the care of stables reads as follows: "It shall be unlawful for any per son, firm or corporation who owns, operates or maintains a stable in the corporate limits or VMnsion-aamm, in which horses, mules or cows are kent not to keen such stables in Clean and sanitary condition. There shall bo provided a bin, or pit whlcir snail be water tight and so arranged that it is Hy proof, or a water tight barrel with close fitting lid. "Manure accumulating In such sta ble shall be placed in bin, pit or bar rel, each day and the same shall be removed from such stable at inter nals not longer than five days, begin ning on March 15 and continuing until September 15 of each year, and at intervals of one week, from Septem ber 16 to March 14 of each year. "Anv violation of this ordinance Is a misdemeanor and will be punished on conviction by a fine of not more than $50." Ordinance Modified. Mayor Eaton reported to the board that some objection had been made to the ordinance eliminating produce wagons from the congested business districts of the city, and after some discussion it was decided to modify to ordinance passed some weeks ago to allow farmers to station their wag ons on Main street from Fourth street north, and on Fifth street from Liber ty street east. Tho pwir committee was instructed to proceed with the work of laying 6ewer lines on Thirteenth and Thirteen and a Half streets, ana aiso on n-ui- lin street. nATlTn r.RDP BRINGS LOTS OF MONEY OLD NICK WILLIAMS WHISKEY CO. CASE STILL ON DOCKET BBS District Attorney V. C. Hammer was in the city Thursday afternoon conferring with locaf counsel inter ested in the original litigation in the case of the United States vs. the Old Nick Williams Whisky Company, of Yadkin county. It was a libel case in which civil action was taken against property of the company ag gregating $17,000. The property was attached by the Federal government in 1!)03, but the proceedings were not officially started until 1904. When the property was attached a surety company bonded the defendant cor poration to the government, and the case was docketed in regular order. It has remained on the Federal court docket since, but during the trial of the criminal issues against the com pany started at the same time, and which terminated only a year or two ago, the civil action was lost sight or. Since coming Into the office of dis trict attorney to succeed Attorney A. E. Holton, Mr. Hammer has been making an effort to clean up some of the cases which have been dormant, and he has now taken up this case for final disposition. It has been placed on the docket for the next term of Federal court at Greensboro in regular order. Some who have discussed the caso believe that the court will refuse to hear a claim for judgment against the estate ot Mr. N. Glenn Williams for the reason that it was originally an action against the company vjhich was controlled by him, and that the company is not now in existence. It is suggested that the court will not sign a judgment against the company anyway undess the defendant can ap pear in court in his own behalf, and the non-existence of the company at this time stays any further prosecu tion on the part of the District Attor ney. Just what the outcome will be is not suggested. Attorneys C. B. Watson and J. E. Alexander were the counsel for the defendant company in the original action. Anti-Typhoid and Hookworm Dispensaries FOR the Purpose of Administering Anti-Typhoid Vaccine, and the Eradication of Hookworm Disease,! Will Meet the Citizens of the County at trie Following Times and Places: NAOMI SCALES GETS A VERDICT FOR $250 The jury In the case, of Naomi Scales vs. Frank Lewellyn and the City of Winston-Salem laBt Saturday returned a verGici making both de fendants liable for the injuries suf fered in a fall sustained by the plaintiff when a porch connected with a house which waa being raised by Mr. Lewellyn under contract with the city, gave way, precipitating the plain tiff several feet to the ground. The accident occurred on East Third street several months ago. The plaintiff waa allowed the sum of $250 by the jury. Judgments have been signed as fol lows: American Agricultural Chemi cal Company et ai, vs. V. P. Dobson. et ai, plaintiff allowed 365.05 with interest from November 1, 1915. N. F. Fulton and L. C. Bruce, trad ing as the B. B. Laundry, vs. Boss Newsom, rompromise effected out of court and plaintiff took non-suit. Upon failure of the defendant to answer to complaint in the case of Peoples National Bank vs. C. L. Mc Gee Judgment for the plaintiff was entered for $475.54, with interest from May 5, 1916. Judgment for the plaintiff for the same cause" was entered in the case of J. A. and H. Vance vs. J. G. Huff, the court allowing the recovery from the defendant of $218.97 with interest from June 12, 1916, In the case of Bowen & Brother vs. G. H. Powell, et al, Mr. H. W. Spaugh was appointed commissioner to sell a piano given as security to apply on a judgment previously entered against the defendant for $150. The report of the commissioners of the sale of property aggregating $530 under order of the court in the case of Peoples National Bank vs. W. A. Smith was made and confirmed by the court. The commissioner was in structed to apply same, less the costs of sale, on the judgment previously-entered. The term will close this afternoon. the week having been a busy one, a goodly number of cases having been disposed of. Rocky Mount, June 17 Upwards of a hundred cars oi irwu i"ii""" - dav are being omuBiit -fort. Washington. Pitt. Craven Pam ' A Inrtin and other ad lico. iiyuK am . oining counties by the Atlantic Coast ttnft and It IS ukuctoi u -i line anu " handled by a a many or uiwio - Se other system in that section while schooners and saiiDoais .c uC... MR. JAMES A. CRAY, JR., IS ONE OF VICE-PRESIDENTS Aslipvllle. June 17. The 20th annual session of the North Carolina Bankers' Assrw-hitkin adjourned here vesterdav afternoon, after having been in session for three days. W. S. Blankeney, of Monroe, was elected president; W. B. Drake, of Unlpitrh vicp.nresldent James A, Grav. Jr.,of Winston-Salem, second vice-president; and in a spirited contest, J. B. Ramsey, or Rocky Mount, aereateu ai hert Mvers. of Gastonia. for third vice- president. William A. Hunt, of Hen derson, continues as secretary and treasurer. The executive committee is as follows: T. C. Turnage, J. H. Alex ander, J. B. Blades, Graham H. An drews, Neil Ellington, r. i-oweu, Hintou James, F. B. Bunch, Geo. Blan ton and Erwin Sluder. The association went on record as opposing sections 13 and 16 of the federal reserve bank act, it being the sense of the convention that each mem" ber of the association and all stock holders of the banks affiliated with the association take the matter up at once with the North Carolina senators and congressmen to have them vote to modify these sections. The association refused the sugges tion of a Western bank association that it join in litigation to oppose the Dlan. but held that it would oppose that section of the plan which did not appeal to it, oy legim tion. LAWN PARTY. The Old Town Tomato Club will eive a lawn party June 24 at the home of Mr. A. J. Shouse on the good a- i0riinir tn Ptethania and Pfaff- I UflUO ' ....... o ' town. Proceeds for the benefit of the club. The publlq M coraiau ibtubu. Lewisvilie, June 19, 26, July 3 from 2 (o 5 p.m. Belews Creek June 20, 27, July 4 from 9 to 12 a.m. Goodwill, S. H., June 20, 27, July 4 from 2 to 5 p.m. Rural Hall, June 21, 28, July 5 .from 2 to 5 p.m. Dosier, June 22, 29, July 6 . . .from 9 to 12 a.m. Donnaha, June 23, 30, July 7 V, . .from2to5 p.m. Clemmons, July 10, 17, 24 .from.2 to 5p.m. Dennis, July 11, 18, 24 from 9 to 12 a.Ta Walkertown, July 11, 18, 24 from 2 to 5 p.m. Spanish Grove, S. II., July 12, 19, 25., from 2 to Kcthania, July 13, 20, 26 from 9 to Tobaccoville, July 13, 20, 26 .from 2 to Kernersville, July 14, 21, 27.... from 2 to Centerville, S. H., July 15, 22, 28 from 2 to Inverness Mills, July 31, August 7, 14. .from 2 to Hanes Mills, August 1, 8, 15 from 2 to Southside Mills. August 2. 9, 16 from 2 to uuice, vourt House, June 24, July 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, ' A 1J from 2 to 5 p.m. 12 a.m. 5 p.m. 5 p.m. 5 p.m. 5 p.m. 5 p.m. 5 p.m. August 5 p.m. At each appointment, on the first named date, I will make atalk to the citizens on Sanitation and Preventive Medi cine, with special reference to Typhoid Fever and Hookworm disease. Come out and bring your family to the nearest Dispensary and hear these important matters discussed. Anti-Typhoid immunization has eradicated Typhoid Fever from the U. S. Army and Navy, and saved the armies of Europe from this dangerous and deadly disease. The results are no less encouraging in civic practice, as has been fully demonstrated in our own State and County. Immunity lasts from three to four years, perhaps longer. As Three Treatments ArqNecessary, Do Not Fail to Meet Me On the First Date warned For Your Dispensary. The State furnishes the vaccine and the county the services, free of charge. All physicians are cordially invited to attend the Dispensaries. E. F. STRICKLAND, M. D. Forsyth County Health Officer 11 CAMPAIGN AGAINST TYPHOID S BEGUN . Dr. E.F. Strickland started Monday on his summer campaign against ty phoid fevef, and, in connection with the dispensaries for the administration of typhoid vaccine, he, will make an Investigation for hookworm. lie will have associated with him Dr. Norburn, of Ashevjlle, who will conduct the hookworm Investigation. This Is one of the most important programs of the year and will do much to improve, health conditions in the county. While advocating typhoid vaccination for im munity from that disease, and admin istering the vaccine. Dr. Strickland will deliver addresses on sanitation in an effort to remedy conditions through out the county that promote disease. Each year it is stated that about 15,1)00 North Carolinians suffer with typhoid, and nearly ten per cent of them die. As an economic measure it has been figured that each person suf fering from typhoid loses from one to two months' time, and pays at least 1100 physicians' and drug bills. This is the expense of the nine-tenths of those who get well, but for the 1,000 or more that die coffins must be bought and funeral expenses de frayed. Typhoid can be prevented, .and this Is what Dr. Strickland will instruct those who attend the free dispensaries about. Vaccination against it, proper disposal of human excrement and screening the house against files have stamped it out of the U. S. army, and by these methods it is hoped to stamp it out of Forsyth county. On thous eund persons have already been vac cii.ated in Forsyth during the past year or two, and not a case has developed among those who took the treatment. The treatment is free to all who desire to take it. In another column is a list of the dispensaries and the dates upon which they are to be opened, and the people of the county are urged to attend the one most con enient. It is essential that they at tend the first day and the two succeed ing days for the same dispensary, as three treatments are necessary to ren der a person immune. A pcrsoa tak ing the treatment is safe for three years. ' ' GREGORY-HORTON MARRIAGE BEAUTIFUL CHURCH EVENT A marriage of unusual beauty and brilliance was celebrated on Saturday evening at eight o'clock In Calvary Moravian church, when Miss Mary Adele Horton, second daughter of Dr. Hamilton V. Horton, was united in marriage to Mr. Andrew Jackson Gregory, ot Lancaster, SVC. The church was elaborately decor ated in palms and a profusion of field daisies. . A triple arch of clusters of daisies and ferns marked the chan cel, while pedestals of white, bearing Dresden vases of daisies, designated the bridal aisle. Preceding the ceremony, Mrs, E. L. Starr sang with exquisite sweetness, Cadman's "At Dawning," and D'ilarde- lot's "Because, Miss Rosa Dean ren dering the accompaniments. As the strains of the Bridal chorus from "Lohengrin" were heard, the ushers, Messrs. Hamilton Horton, Jr., Watt Martin, Jr., James Cobb and Thomas Barber entered. They were follpwed by the brides maids and groomsmen entering in the following order: Misses Margaret Blair and Ernestine Lott; Messrs Bruce Williams and Charles Pratt; Misses Emily Gray and Emma Wil son; Messrs. Jno. Wylie and Toy Rhea; Miss Leila Gregory and Mr. Chauncey Gregory. The bridesmaids wore exquisite costumes of white organdie with sashes of yellow taffeta ribbon and carried colonial bouquets of yellow marguerites tied with broad yellow satin ribbon. Misses Louise and Nell Horton, sis ters of the bride, were maids of honor. They were beautifully gowned in yellow taffeta with bodice drapery of silver lace and carried arm bouquets of Shasta daisies tied with embroid ered chiffon ribbon. Entering from the vestry were Rev. E. S. Crosland and Rev. J. K. Pfohl wearing white surplices, and Mr. An drew Gregory, attended by his best man, Mr. Thurlow Gregory. The ring was carried on a white satin cushion by Master James Stonoy Drake, Jr., of Atlanta, Ga., nephew of the groom. Grouped around the chancel in semi-circle, the bridal party awaited tho coming of the bride, who entered on the arm of her father, Dr. II. V. Horton. The youthful beauty of the bride was enhanced by her exquisite bridal robe of ivory duchess satin with cor sage drapery of rose point lace em broidered in seed pearls. Her long train was of filmy tulle, and a coronet of orange blossoms held the tulle bridal veil. She carried an exquisite bouquet of lavender orchids shower ed with lilies of the valley. During the ceremony, Miss Dean played BOftly, "Love Strains." Rev. E. S. Crosland performed the ceremony according to the beautiful ring ceremony of the Moravian church, Rev. J. K. Pfohl Invoking the blessing. Immediately after the ceremony Mr and Mrs. Gregory left for an extended tour embracing points of interest in New York State, Canada and the Great Lakes. ACCIDENTS CAUSED BY "RUNAWAY" CAR A "runaway" freight car on the yards of the Norfolk St Western Rail way on Sunday precipitated painful accidents, though none of the per sons Injured were seriously injured, it is thought. The freight car broke loose from the train while shifting and as ft sped down the track it was derailed on the lower end of the yard, tumbling down a steen embankment. The wreck cran was brought nto action to replace the car on tho track, and as it was being lifted up the em bankment the chain broke. Mr. F. M. Click, membor of the wreck crew, was in line of the descent of tho car and was pinioned under some of the debris, receiving painful Injuries on the back and neck. He fortunately escaped the crushing weight of the car, and, though the exact extent of his injuries cannot be told at this time, he is reported resting well to day. Immediately after the accidout Mr. Click was rushed to the hospital, but was later permitted to be taken to his home in East Winston, Mr. W. M. Cofer, a brakeman with the company, was later attempting to couplo up some cars, also working with the wreck crew, when an ex haust threw steam over, his body, badly scalding him. His injuries, though painful, are not serious. He is also reported doing nlcoly today and will be out in a short time. BIG INCREASE IN RESOURCE9 OF NATIONAL BANKS Resources of national banks in the United States Continue to Increase rapidly. Their growth In tho period between March 7 and May 1, Comp troller Williams announces, was $250,- 000,000, pushing the total up to more than 14 billion dollars. Deposits in the time covered In creased $:!4l,000,fM0, reaching a to tal of sllghtlyi more than 11 billion dollars. Circulation decreased 13 mil lion dollars, although on May 1 It still was larger by 42 millions than a year ago. Reserves showed a reduction of $127,000,000, but a net Increase with in the year of $386,000,000. The year s increase in total re sources is given as slightly more than two and one-half billions. CAN SELL IC E, MILK AND BREAD ON SUNDAY Richmond, June 19. Police Judge Crutcbfield today, following arrests made yesterday under the new ouster law, held the following wre neces sities and could be sold on Sunday: Ice, milk and bread. He specified als operation of street cars, telephones, telegraph, express companies, cold storage plants and the cleaning of railroad cars. The court fined three shoeshine men and a hotel and hotel musicians. The court took under advisement Jitneys, newspapers and baggage transfers. SENTENCE OF THREE 1 YEARS FOR KLINGMAN Greensboro, June 19. The verdict of guilty In tho case against O. C. Kllngman, charged with embezzle ment from tho J. I. Case Threshing Machine company, returned by tho Jury early Sunday morning five minutes after midnight, to be exuet was somewhat of a surprise to peo ple who had followed tho case rather closley and expected the verdict to be the opposite. The motions for a new trial, notice of appeal if the mov tlon is denied and other formalities connected with taking the case to the Supreme court went over till today. Judge (.'line did not care to handle these matters after midnight, and on Sunday, at that. The trial of the case was com menced Friday morning, and the tak ing of testimony was concluded Sat urday at noon. Klingmnn had made a good witness for himself. Argu; ments of counsel were concluded at 6:30 in the evoning at 7:30 Saturday evening Judge Cline concluded bis charge and the Jury retired. They deliberated an hour, then went to sup per, returned to tho court bouse at . 6:30 In the evening. At 7:30 Saturday announced thai they had ii greed on a verdict. Today Kllngman was given a sent ence of three years. An appeal was taken and bond in tho sum of $7,500 given, . DEATH SATURDAY OF LITTLE LOUISE HALEY. JUDGE CALL9 "SUICIDE" BLUFF; WIFE-BEATER, JOHN SEAMAN. Kansas City, Mo., June 17. "If I ever get out of here I am going to kill myself," declared John Seaman, ar rested for beating his wife, in police court. i "All right; you're a free man," said Judge H. B. Brady. "Your case is con. tiuued until tomorrow night. Meantime the police are ordered to let you alone, especially not to interfere with any suicide attempt yon make. The river is at the foot of that street out the window; or 1'U give you any amount you require to purchase poison. Your wffe and baby and everybody else con cerned would be a whole lot better off if you were dead.' Seaman did not reply to Judge Bra dy's otter, Louise, the four-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wr. A. Haley, died Saturday night at 8:20 o'clock at tho borne of tho parents on East Four teenth street. The little girl had been burned the latter part of January ana was in a hospital for some time and later moved back home. Brights dis ease developed, as a result of which she died. Mr. and Mrs. Haley have many friends In the City who Join them in the grief over the loss of the litt!3 girl. The funeral services were conduct ed at the home Sunday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock by Rev. George W. Leo, pastor of the North Winston Freshy terian church, and interment followed, in Woodland cemetery. Mr ami Mm K. T. Slrr will liwvn thila week for Chicago to snend some time wits, rotathresfc LKAVB 'Wl'10.-IAI.Kir ftrbrdale ITcrrlv Ortoher St. :0 a. in. putty for Boanoks and In termediate Stations, connecting wltix through car north of Roanoke. 1:10 p. ip., tlHfc thrntisn ram tton plnw only at .arb-villt and Rofky Mount, carrying aleefHeif car to Har. rlsburr. Philadelphia alid New York, uteel trains North, lias and Weat witb Pullman aleepers ap dining cars. 4:15 P- m-, daitr for Roanoke and Intermediate Motions. Pullman sleep- ""Trains Strive Winston-Salem, local: 11-10 a. m-l 1 :10 p. m. through Mop ping onlyvat Rocky Mount and Martins ville. P." C F. BATJBKfWffWrOr P. T. A. WNatwn Hal em. N. C W. B. BE VI 1,1 Past, Traf. Mgr. W. C. BAUNDEiia. Geo, PkM, AgU - v mca eoon afterward.