a cnia That is Looked for Every XlL k-t4AV JL lit : Summer by the Thousands of People Throughout the Carolinas Come With the Crowds We will have a hundred extra sales people and check girls on duty Thurs day morning when store opens and everybody will be waited on promptly. Keep This Price Sheet Rememoer this sale continues for 15 days. Retain this price sheet for future reference. Not Advertised Specials To list all the specials we have for this sale it would fill up the entire edition of The Evening Sentinel, so come expecting great bargains and you will not be disappointed. Sale Starts FridayMorning,June,23 at Nine O'clock Closes Saturday Night July 8th Friday, June 23 d Days Saturday, July 8 Store Closed all day Thursday, jJ ANNUAL MidrSummer Prices Oh All Ladies' Rcady-to-War Children's Muslin Underwear At greatly reduced prices.,. 25 dozen pairs children's 10c Muslin Dresses, limit 4 pair to a customer. No phone , or mail orders. Pair 50 Children's 25c Muslin Gowns Drawers, skirts and bodys all included in this special sale. Each 100 Efirds 5c Counter Has No Com petition Second Floor Light and dark Calicos 5 i Apron and Dress Ginghams 5 38-inch Domestis 54 8c Curtain Scrim 54 Slips Indies' Suits Ladies' Muslin Underwear And Middy Blouses Ladies' $1 colored Batiste Princess. -top Teddy Bear Combination 48 i oHIoq- nlain and embroidered French envelope combination suits ... ' ...-0 to 50 doz. Middy Blouse for women and children, made in every known style. Solid white stripes, and white with colored collars. This sale 480 to 980 ' ' Pretv New Skirts , Specially priced for this sale. Big tUiipraent just received for this sale. They are made of serge, poplin, fancy weaves, plaid and stripes. ( Special gale (rice $4.98 Big sample lot of skirts: In all the new weave s, shades and stripes. Investi gate these and you will invest. Price;. ..$1.98 and $2.98 25 doz. white and twining- stripe skirts ' rnade of gabardine, poplin and em broidery cloth ... -980 fcl-2c Counter 2nd Floor 6 l-2c Merchandise on this counter unmatch able in price. Genuine domfno apron Gingham' Rj No. 350 English long cloth ..!... .J fcross barred Muslin and Dimity fl.J Danville Coton Checks.. . 10c Dress Gingham .'...6.1 Simpson Prints 6.1 36-ln. heavy Domestic 6.J 10c Curtain Scrim 6.10 Grand Display of New Waists We have them in all the new ma terials including silks, crepe de chines, voiles, etc., and to suit every taste; and Efird'B price always less. 480, 980, $1.98. $2.98 Efirds Extra Specials Second Floor ,". Children's 39c Rompers 3."0 Best quality 25c 5-4 Oil Cloth... 190 Children's 10c Drawers 50 $2.98 and $3.98 ladies' white Dresses, slightly Boiled 980 39c. Linen Window Shades.. .'...250 11.50 tan colored Middy Suits ...090 Ladies' 25c Muslin Drawers 140 Ladies 25c Corset Covers 140 Good feather Pillows, 6 lbs. to pair $1.48 Coats Suits Sacrificed ' ; ' :i priaes on all Coat Suits 'sacrificed . for the special sale. Let yonr- Suit .nma frrm F.flrd's and there won't be any other regrets. Safety first is the idea at this store always. $10.98 and $12.50 Suits, only, . ..... t - $14.80 and $16.50 Suits, only r $18.50 and $21j.0O Suits,, ..only.. "$22.80 and $25.00 Suits, only sale price .JI$7.98 sale price . .,, $9.73 salt' prtit ..$14.5fr sale price $5.98 and $6.98 Palm Beach Suits for only1 ... ! ...$4.08 j - - ' Big Corset Specials t Special, prices on all La-Reine Corsets to close out $1.50 La Relne Corsets $2.00" La Reine Corsets $2.50' La Reine Corsets . $3.00 La Reine Corsets . s.nn 1a Reine Corsets . 50c full boned corsets, made ot good heavy contil ... 354 Crepe Kimonos 75 dozen Crepe Kimonas, bought 50c on the dollar-nuff said-dlviden into three lots. EFIRDS PRICE 480, 980, $1.48 Half Price WHITE GOODS White Skirt Goods .. 100 12'20 1220 .. 110 .. 180 12 0 Royal Linon No 250 Royal Linon Cannon Soft Finish Skirting ... 36-inch Irish Linen Finish Skirting 25c White Gaberdine ' l I- T I ' K ! DnmnPr P lit tl S2-1UCII VYIIIIO .v...H- " . Best Twilled White Ualetea VJ'2C "u "v Special prices on sheer quality White Dimit.es, Swisses, Piques, etc, during this sale. Embroidered Voiles 36-inch Embroidered Voiles, white ground with White, Light Blue, Rose, Pink. Heliotrope ond Lavender embroidery work, regular 59c Sale nrtce . J. A . . y ) Nvelty White 'V i '7A, r.ahprdine. Piaue and Ratine UTO IU,,...". -f.- Goods Skirts 1. r. '.iiv natinp Qkirts.: big pockets listton trimmed, fete . ' tlC ' .-;ft ! . , whiiP Organdies and Voiles 25c quality Mercerized Voiles .1-40 40-inch very sheer Organdies "l? 40-inch Mercerized Linaire, 25c quality 180 40-inch Marquisette Voiles 180 25c 40-inc hOrgandies lP Linen Cambrics and Dress Goods 36-inch Linen Cambric, special 39c Linen Cambric 36-inch French Linen, heavyweight . Verv fine count of Linen Cambric.. . 36-inch Tan Motor Linen, 25c quality 190 250 890 480 180 White Goods V T J ' ' in inch 25c eed Voiles 12-1 BeSul quality Mercerized Seed Voiles 180 Piqot,Stripe Voiles :l&- Shadow Check Voiles.... 0 Mercerized Novelty Waisting 150 40-inch Mercerized Linaire., ... 40-inch full Mercerized Baiste, 2Bc quality 180 s Black Silk Heavy Silk Hi etc $1.50 hearts and White m Heavy While Ing 50c Silk Stocd Ifeavy Silk etc ... .... Fiber Silk HJ Children's FJ Missesf' File Hose ...... Misses' Silk Misses' full W Fine Ribteia $1.98 $2.98 . . . .iS . t . . . - . " i 1 1 ; i I Dimity 'and Crbchet Quilts at ; . ' . Sale Prices 82x90 Double Bed Krlnkle Dimity Quilts at.t ' ..'$1.10 72x90 Krlnkle Pimity Quilts.. .,..950 Full size Crochet Counterpanes, .. 050 Heavy C(ochiet 'Counterpanes, extra size, worth up. to $1.25 ..1.-790 11-4 heavyweight Crochet Counterpanes at .;. :- -'$1.10 The famous Clarendon $1.50 Crochet Counterpanes $1.18 Pillow Cases Full size 42x36 Pillow Cases 60 Best 10c Pillow Cases 80 Sleepy Hollow Pillow Cases 12.J0 tltica 45x36 Pillow CaBes, slightly, soiled with mill stains ...150 Lonsdale 25c Pillow Cases.. ... ..180 Mohawk Pillow Cases.. ... ... ...180 Mohawk Hemstitched Pillow Cases 3JJ0 A Pillow Cases ;at Lower Prices Than They.Caio Be Manufactured for loday 81x9Q seamless XuU bleached Sheets,J75c value... ... 81x90 heavyweight Seamless Sneets, torn and hemmed, 85c value.. '. .. 570 Utlca Mohawk 81x90 Seamless 89c Sheets 790 L'tica Mohawk 81x99 extra heavy Seam- . less Sheets, $1.00 value 890 10-4 Sheeting 81-inch Unbleached Seamless it. Sheeting 190 White Rock Mills 81-inch Bleached gheeting, 30c quality 22.J0 Pillow Tubing 45-inch 16c' Pillow Tubing 12 0 45-inch heavyweight best Seamlegs Tub ing -150 AU Towels Go b 10e Red Border Hitl Oof Bnrhfir Towell. Best 10c Bleached id 12 l-2c Huck Tnrffi iSc T.uest Towels.. ' 19 i-2c Colored Boris 25c Large Turkish IH Colored Bow 22x42 Tnwolc. 25c Linen Finish TO Bt 50c Pure Linen ToH 50c Pure Linen lo Seamed Sheets it 79nn Seamed Shefi Tulip 72x90 Blea . Orchard 72x!)0 Heap at Daisy 81x90 Seamt ColorcdWashGoods Amoskeag' Madras, 10c - ; 32-inch Amoskeag Bleached Madras in all shirting styles. Sale price . " " Amoskeag 32 inch Romper Cloth in all plain colors and every color stripe made that would be worth more if bought today. Sale price 'I-4C 10c Dress Ginghams, 7 l-2c About 6,000 vards regular 10c Dress uingbams in all the new plaids, stripes, etc., in every color imaginable, warranted Jast colors, at . 4 Foulards and Batiste at 9c 15c Mercerized Foulards and Colored Batiste. Organdies, Lawns, etc., all new patterns. Sale price 90 40-inch Stripe Voile at 9c 40-inch Awning Stripe in the narrow and wide stripes, all colors. 90 25c Stripe Voiles, 18c All the newest patterns and Snort Stripes in Volle3 and Or gandies, tGc qualities, to go in this sale at 180 Lace Curtains 25c About 500 Iiace Curtains, mismated and slightly soiled, all equalities, to clean up quick ' 250 No'mail orders. Hickory Shirtings, 7 l-2c Blue and Brown Srtpie Hickory Shirting ... ... ... 7.J0 Heavy Stripe Cheviot for shirts at.; 8.J0 15j bftairy Blue Stripe Hickory Shirting... ....... ... ...110 Bed Tickings Good Mattress Tick 8J0 Amoskeag A. Q. A. 25c Ticking at!. -.16 C30 THE EFIRDS pCQAIN President Supenders35c The original President 50c Suspenders during this sale OV at 350 One lot genuine President Suspenders 250 Regular 25c Suspenders 180 $1.00 Corduroy 49c WMe Wale White, Rose, Cope, Washable Corduroya, $1 qualities, daring this sale at... , . 49 Longcloth 5c Yard wide English Longcloth, 10c quality, in Bhort lengths; for Thurs day and Monday mornings from 9 until 11 o'clock, per yard 50 No mail orders. Laces 2 l-2c Several thousand yards Laces, In cluding Shadows, Nets, Torchons, Round Thread Linens, Vals, Lace Bands, etc., qualities worth from 5c to 25c per yard; to go on sale Thursda ymorning at 2.J0 Orientals and Net Bands, values worth up to 25c, at per yard.. 50 No mail orders filled on the above laces. Voiles and Organdies at 10c Perfect 10 20 yard lengths Mercer ized Voiles, Organdies and Batistes, qualities worth up to 25c, to go on Bale in Dry Goods Department on first floor, per yard 100 Ladies' Handkerchiefs lc One lot Ladies' regular 5c Handker chiefs, embroidered corners, plain white, hemstitched, etc 210 Regular 10c Handkerchiefs, Includ ing pure linen, embroidered cor ners, mercerized batiste handker- chlfes, etc.. 50 Silk Crepe dp Chine and other 25c Handkerchiefs 100 . Paris Garters 10c Friday and Saturday morning from 9 to 9:30 we will sell the gen uine Paris Garters to men only, per pair 100 Nb mall orders. Wholesale Stock All goods from our Wholesale Department will be turned loose In this sale at less than merchandise prices. Palmolive Soap 6c Palmolive Toilet Soap for the first three days of this sale, 15c cakes, at 0 Palmolive 50c Vanishing Cream or Face Powder and 3 cakes of Palm olive Soap every day of the sale, 80c value, at 140 Two Big Sheet Specials For the first four mournings of this sale, including Monday morn ing from 9 o'clock until 10 o'clock, we will sell two of the biggest bar gains In Sheets thath as ever been sold in Winston-Salem. Limtt four to a customer. 31x90 Seamless Heavy Weight Full Bleached Sheets 190 82x90 Bleached Seamled Sheets at 250 Birdseye Pieces put up In 10 yard lengths, best absorbent quality. 24-inch width 710 27-inch width.. .....HHt 30-Inch width , ... ..80 3 4 square Rubber Sheeting. 1-yard square Rubber Sheeting 180 40-Inch Sheeting 5c 40-lnch fine smooth quality Sea Island Sheeting, worth 1 l-2c, at 50 ; ; Silk Jersey Coats $6.50 All Silk Jersey Sport Coats in rose, green, blue; also green and rose stripes, the $10 and $12.50 kind. Sale price.. $(1.50 $1.00 Shirt Waists 79c One counter of our best $t Shirt Waists, slightly soiled,- all the new est styles , 790 Dry Goods 3 l-2c Thousands of yards of Apron Checks Colored tawns. Calicos and remnants of all kinds of white and wash goods to go on Hig Bargain Counter, second floor :$.J0 No mall orders. White Bargains 40-inch Mercerized Organdies and Voiles, short lengths of Mercerized Pride of the West Baiste and other Novelty Whlto Goods in perfect short lengths, qualities worth up to 25c per yard, to go on sale in Rem nant Department on second floor when store opens Thursday morn ing s.. 0 No mail orders. To Mail Order Customers We will fill all mail orders for goods ordered during this sale with the exception of the items as stated in ad. Including 5c and 6 1 2c Dry Goods Specials. Cut Prices on Table Linens 58-inch pure white Table Damask Sale Specials for lc 1 dozen good Pearl Buttons Ladies' White Hemstitched Handkerchiefs. 1-Paper Pins. . ... ... . . . '. ... 2 Thimbles , ,-. . 2 dozen Wire Hair Pins i ... Bleached uslins Yard wide fair quality Bleached Domestic 10c. quality Cambric at V.. 33-inch Embroidered Cloth., .i. 4- 12 l-2c Cambric 36 inch Bleached Cambric at. .. ISC 64 lnch Mercerized Table Damask with blue border. 29o Best 50c quality full Mercerized Damask IMc 72-inch heavy weight Damask 45 Efird's Sell Women's $4.09 Pumps and ' Oxfords, $2.98, $4.00 $4.00 $4.00 $4.00 $4.00 $4.00 $4.00 $4.00 at... $4.00 at... Pumps and Oxfords.. .... Pat. Leather Plain Pump . . Dull Kid Spol Heel Pump.. Gun Metal Cuban Heel Pump Pat Kid White Piped Pump Bronze Pump. Tan English Oxford.. .... PaL Leather Two-Strap Pat. Leather Louis Heel $2.1W $2.98 $2.98 $2.98 $2.98 $2.98 $2.98 Tump $2.9S Pump $2.98 Won"' $2.50 W $2.50 P J2.50 at $2.50 $2.50 $2.50 $:jor; J2.50 1 J2.50 J2.50 1 $2.50 V at.- 9 Friday June 23d i 1, D ays Saturday, July 8 arking Down Goods for this Sale I W III W II II ' ' m I I V V Jl JL Y JXJJL-4 JUL Vk. SALE It is the custom of rmr n,ain U 1J villain ui JIUIC5 IU hold a Mid-Summer Sale in June Each Year The Sale we are advertising this time promises to surpass all previous events in BIG.' BARGAINS Sale Starts FridayMorning,June23 at Nine O'clock Closes Saturday Night July 8th Bought for This Sale Our buyers made a apeclal trip to New York last week buying special gods for this sale, and was fortunate In picking up forty cases of Remnant White Goods from one of the Eastern Finishers at almost a song. These gods are here and wtjl be among our biggest specials when the store opens Thursday morning at nine o'clock. As the Sale Goes On Remember, this sale continues for 15 days and wo will continually add new specials to make every day a big one. Shop Early Store opens Thurcday morning at nine o'clock and eai'h morning after at olght o'clock. OSIER Y Gauze Stockings :iRc Mercerized Lisle Hose, slightly imperfect, niack and White 12'2 25c Mercerized Lisle Hose, garter top, Black and White. 2 pairs for 35 A spcial quality White Cotton Hose 10 Ladies' Boot Silk Hose, 15c inn dozen Ladies' Black Bot Silk Hose, slightly seconds, gale price ... ... ; J5 Indies' 25c Mercerized Black and White Hose slightly imperfect 12! Kayser's Italian Silk Hose at $1.15 Kayo's Italian Glove Silk and Wonderfot Silk Stockings in Navy, Sand, Purple, Tan, ('ape, etc., sold the world over at $1.60. Sale nrite ... $1.15 New Neckwear A new lot Ladies' Neckwear, including every thing in the new Organdy, Lace and Sport Colars, Cuff Sets, etc ... 23, 190 and 48 All Silks, at Cut Prices 10-Inch Taffeta Silk at $1.29 inch Black Taffeta Silk, special quall- in black only, J1.50 value; at $1.18 Inch All Silk Black Taffeta ...n$6 Colored Taffeta Silks. 98c H wide Taffeta Silks, navy blues. blacks, rose, browns, etc. Special f Price .. ..OS " " y $1.50 Taffeta at $1.19 pvyweight Navy Blue. Black. Rose. m and other colors in our best quall laffeta silks go In this sale at $1.19 1.50 Georirette Crene at $1.25 f full range of colors Including Black ' "iie georgette Crepes, our $1.60 'ity. at . . . 01 ... ... . JT M. V Silk Crepe de Chine 79c 5 $1.00 quality all Silk Crepe !de Chine In black, white, pink, rose, corn color .blues, e'e ' 4 ...1.-79 $1.25 and $1.39 best heavy quality of Silk Crepe de Chine, colors flesh, maise, rose, helio, lavender, pink, black,1 white, etc. Sale price .-.$1.10 Silk Shirtings, 29c 32-inch Silk Shirtings In 25 new patterns and colorings, 50c quality. Sale price 29 Silk at 38c One big counter of odd pieces of short length Silks, Including some of the very kind carried in pur store, to go on sale Thursday when store opens; yard 38 ' ' - ... ' j r i-'j.: , ; , ' : 1 1 ; -''""I All ing Men and To Go Boys' Cloth- At Sale Prices New .50c Neck wear,38c AU Men's 60c Neckwear ... ... Igj 26c Neckwear .. . ... 18 $1.00 Overalls, 75c 200 dozen of the best made heavy weight $1.00 Overalls with coats to match, ale price ... ... ... 75 . boys' old time-, indigo Blue Overalls. Sale Price ....... ...... ... ... 59 . Men's Silk Hose, 15c Men's 36c Silk Boot JHose. blacks, tans, (etc; ,. . , ... , 15 60c Hk'HoBe, black, navy, grey, with dots,. rlnigs, stripes, iBtc. r.. ... 38 " f ' ." : '" I Straw Hats, 5c Men'$ and Boys' Mexican Straw Hats. Sale price ...5 One lot Men's $1.00 Sailor Straw Hats. Sale 'price ... ..... ... ..- .... 48 Work Shirts i '. - pne lot i Men's and Boys' Blue Work Shirts, all sizes ... ... 18 Long ohn and other regular 50c Work Shirts . -.svtt Solid Blue and Khaki Work Shirts t0T .. 37a Silk Shirts Men's extra heavy weight aSUIlk, Satin Stripe Dress Shirts, the kind that is usually sold at high price stores from $4 to $5. Special $2-95 Sport Shirts, 39c Men's and Boys'Sport Shirts In all the new loud patterns, 'best 60c num bers at 30, Shirts, 19c Men'B Percale Dress Shirts and Blue Chambray Work Shirts. Price 19 Boston and Ivory Garters, 18c The genuine Boston and Ivory Gart ers, every day ot this sale 18 Samuel Rosethal's Rochester Special Clothing Cut in Price About 100 of Rosenthal's Rochester Specla Suits for men, all this season's 1 latest styles and patterns, etc., in Fancy Flannels, Serges, Mlxteures, Fancy Worsteds, etc., sold regularly from $17.60 to $22.50, to go at one price for all $14.75 Goods at Sale Prices $12.50 Suits, $8.75 One big counter Men's $10.00 and $12.60 SultB, some of all materials and sizes H 7Ji $10.00 Worsted Suits ........... $5.75 Palm Beach Suits Men's Panama Suits at $3 BO Genuine Palm Beach 8ult3 worth up' to $7.60, In light and dark colors at ... $4.98 Boys' Beach Suits at $1.48 Boys' Beach Cloth Suits, washable, all sizes Irom 8 to 17. 8nl price ... ... ... $1.48 Boys' Suits worth up to $2.60 at ... $1 5 One 8peclal Lot Boys' S"lts fo'.lX Boys' Suits worth up to $5.00 oa . . . $3.75 Big Boys' Novelty Suits, slr.es up to ID, for ... ... $5.98 Boys Pants J Boys' 50n Khaki Pants ... ... ... . Boys' Hoavy weight Khaki Pants ,. Men's Dress Pants : Several hundred pairs Men's Dress values worth up to $2.50 at ... Blue Sorge and Fancy Worsted Pants Men's $4,00 Pants . . ....... ... .,; Finest quality Blue Serge and other worsted rants . , j ... ... Work Pants Men'g Khaki Work Pants with belt Heavy weight Khaki Pants Work Pants Worth up to $1.25 at . 48 85 Pants, $1.SK $1.98 $2.98 Fancy $2.98 .. 9rt 98 98 Children's White Dreses $2.00 White Dresses at.' $1.48 Two special lots Children's fine quality Ginghams and Percale Dresses, fast col ors, all sizes 2 to 14. One lot at ....48 Misses' $2.98 White Dresses at... $1.98 The other at ., ... ,..98 Specials ... 5 5 5 ; r 10 4 5 l'- yds. wide for 10 sizes Kpn on card. Rale price. . lied lira id. . Sea Island Tissue, 11c Woven Sea Inland Tissue or Voile In every new pat tern made this season. 15o quality.. ... .; Marcella Mercerized Mulls and Voiles in stripes, floral "air Pins 5 patterns, etc.. . ... . Crochet and Embroidery Cottons Mercerized Crochet Cottons, white and colors.. Mercerized Crochet Cottons, white and colors... C. M. C. Crochet Cotton Dexter's Darning Cotton.. ... . Dexter'g Knitting Cotton, per ball.. 11 4 4 8 2 4 Men's and Boys' Underwear Men's Athletic quarter sleeve shirts and knee ength drawers to match for .., ... 35 Men's. best 50c Athletic quarter sleeve fine or broad check shirts with knee drawerg to match ... 372 Boys' Athletic Union SSuits . . . 25t' Men's 75c Athletic Union Suits ..,48 $1.00 Athletic Union Suits . 75 Night Shirts Boys' Soft Cambric Nffeht Shirts 39' Men's Delmar , fine quality Cambric Muslin full sUe Night Shirts . . . 48 Boys' one-piece Check Pajamas 48 :i Negligee Shirts Men's Laundered Negligee Shirts, the same size and dimensions as $1 shirts, in 20 new styles and colorings, ' all sizes. 48 Men's New Sport Shirts .-39 Boys' Wash Suits and. Blouses One lot Boys' two-piece Wash Sultg fr . ' ... 25 The Little One Rompers and Blouses for ... ... ... ... 39 Boys' Pongee Blouses ... . . . . . 39 Rarllng Sporting Blouses.. ,.,.48 Boys 60c Sport Shirts 3D Boys solid White and Striped Wash Suits.. 48 Boys' Best White and Striped Galatea Wash Suits at Q8 Special values in White Wash Suits at... ... ... ... T.. ..$1.23 Dress Shirts $1.00 Dress Shirts, 69c Fine Negligee Dress Shirts, including odd lots in Lion Brand and other regu lar $1.00 Shirts, all this season's patr terns, some of all sizes. Specla! to C'P " ... ... 69. ( Dress Shirts, 98c -In this lot you will find several of Lion Brand $1.60 numbers, but have only a few sizes of a number, and -other regular $1.60 Shirts In the finest quality Cambrics, Percales, Pongees, etc., a great value at ., . ..... 08 less Profit Carolinas Pat. Leather Cuban Heel Pump ;, ....$1.98 t'lin Metal English Oxford $1.98 Uhie Kid Leather Pump... $1.98 v'l i Blucher Oxford $1.98 Plain Toe Vicl Oxford $1 j)8 Oun M,tal Low Heel Pump $1.98 Xntiii Kvenlng Slippers - in pink, fed and white. ...... ..$1.98 ' counter will be found tan. pat- "athpr. gnn tllptnl hirttnn hltir.ho ""fish last, very special at $1.98 lot of Men's $2.50 Oxfords f patent leather and gun met- pid all good styles, extra special 1.98. (;"n M. tal Bluclier Oxford ''t. Leather Button Oxfords Tan Kngiish Oxford... ... .. Ti"i Button Oxford un .Metal Button Oxford .. leather English Oxford 'at. Leather Blucher Oxford iiluchpr Oxford 11 1 Comfort Oxford $1.98 $1.98 $1.98 $1.98 $1.98 $1.98 $1.98 $1.98 $1.98 " ' ' 1 Than Any Store In The Barefoot Sandals in AH Sizes at Barefoot Sandals in All Sizes at Special-Prices Special Prices $2.60 Boys' Tan Button Oxford. . .$1.98 $1.50 Women's Sandals... ... ..$1.34 $2 50 Boys' Gun Metal Button Oxford $1.25 Women's Sandals 98 at $1.98 l-25 Women's Sandals 98 I25n Rovs' Tan Blucher Oxford. .1.98 li!5 Ml88es' nd s' Sandals.. 98 , V a m 1-00 Children's Sandals.. ... 74 - f r $2.00 Youths' Tan Button Oxford $1.48 lr ... , . , . , , ' .... . , n , . l.Z 75c M,88ea ttnd Sandals '-..59 J4.00 Tan Calf Blucher Oxford ... $2.98 $2.00 Youths' Gun Metal Oxford $1.48 7Bc children's Sandals 49 ,4.00 Dark Tan Button Oxford. . .$2.98 $2.00 Youths' Tan Blucner Oxford $1.48 Black and White Tennis Oxfords.. 48 4.oo Tan Rubber Sole Oxford.... $2. 08 $1.50 Little Gents' Gun Metal Oxford . " $4.00 Black Calf Rubber Sole Oxford $1.24 at $2.98 $1.50 Little Gents' tan Oxford... $1.24 $4.00 Values, $2.98 $1.25 Little Gents' Gun Metal Oxford 90 . . . no Extra special values In Men's Shoes $1.25 Little Gents' vici uxtora...Hf Qxfo TheM 0xforu are abac- i ca nitr rmmtor 1 q One counter Men s Oxfords, worth up to (Jtey ,oid ,eath,rf flood workmanship i.oiy counter i.o $5.00, good sizes and good styles. This and the very begt ,tyea. r " sale $2.98 Dn this counter will be found a great Big counter Men's Oxfords, worth $2.60 $4-00 Tan English Last $2.98 Tarlety 0f styles and all sizes Women's and $3.00, will go In this sale at $1.98 $4.00 Pat Leather Button Oxford $2.98 j.ump8 ,nd Oxfords, worth up to $3 and $4.00 Pat. Leather Blucher Oxford $2.98 $4; exlra fecial for this sale. . . .$1.69 , $4.00 Black Calfskin English Oxford at ...$2 98 B1 Bargain Counters of Sample 00, Women's Oxfords 98c $4.00 Tan Calf Button Oxford.... $2.98 Pump" .nd .lford8 J"8t eWed. A big vac Women s j.iui , . " ' manufacturer s complete line -of samples, . w'. Pumos and Ox- 14 00 Gun Metel Butt0n Oxford-3.0 which will go In this sale at about one- Dne counter obm Fump8 $4.00 Gun Metal Blucher Oxford.. $2.98 half price;, all styles and all sizes at fords, extra good values in small sizes Oxford... ...$2.98 49 "P- j 33c HEATH SHEETING 19c 10-4 best (rrade Unbleached Sheeting, 33c grade. Special at ... ... ...29 10c LONG CLOTH 6 l-2c No. 400 Long Cloth, 10c grade, Friday and Saturday 10c POE MILLS BLEACH 6 l-2c Friday and Saturday morning, 9 to 9:30, we will sell Poe Mills Bleach, 10c grade . .6 $1.00 AMERICA ALARM CLOCKS 33c Friday morning, 9:30 to 10, we will sell best $1 Alarm Clocks, every oneg uaranteed, at 33 Summer Curtain Materials 10c White and Ecru Curtain Elamlne with colored borders ...fS 12 l-2c Plain White and Ecru Etamlne on,y ... ... 25c White Marquisettes and Voiles ,or 16 Lace Curtains We offer three extra specials In lace curtains for this sale. $1.00 Lace Curtains, th rftA VArri Inns good strong net, colors ecru only 59 60 pairs white and ecru lace curtains, full 2 1-2 yards long, reguar 60c val ues, in this sale for nnj. 50 pairs, 3 1-2 yards ong, curntals. tor mis saie only, pair ... ... $1.25 Linen Tnwela I8v 20 dozes Dure Linen Da mail lr Tnvola They wluld be worth if bought today, 75c. Sale price ' " Uf7 One-Half Price One lot ladles' and Junior's $1.00 Crepe, Lawn and Gingham Dresses, long as they last we offer them at 4 8 10 dozea children's $1.00 and $1.25 white Madras Dresses, slightly soiled, sale price 48 Children's $1.00 Middy Blouses, solid white and white with red and blue collars, sale price 4 8

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