4. THE WESTERN SENTINEL AUGUST 15. VESTERH SE11TI1IEL TUESDAY and FRIDAY THE SENTINEL PUBLISHING CO, PUBLISHERS Office; Liberty Street, Near Third St. SUBSCRIPTION BATES One Year . Six Months .......... Threa Months ... ... ... Ths publishers reserv the right to reject any communication they may deem beet. Unsigned communications will not be published. Name of the writer will be withheld upon request. All communications should be ad dressed: THE WESTERN SENTINEU Winston-Salem. N. C. Entered at Postofflce at 'Winston Salem. N. C, as second-class mail mat ter. November to, 1S07. ... A THOUGHT FOR THE DAY There are people who go bout the world looking for slights and they are necessarily miserable, for they find them at every turn. Henry Drum mond. Endeavor to be paltent in bearing with the defects and infirmities of others, of whatso ever they be, for that thyself also hast many failings, which most be borne with by others. Thomas a Kempis. - SHOULD MAKE PROVISION" FOR ' LARGER USEFULNESS. Of course, the next legislature, just as Vvery other law-making body," will be confronted by demands for increased appropriations for various purposes.. It is always quite a problem for such a body to supply the most urgent needs with the money at hand and it is often necessary to turn down propositions that would doubt less be adopted but for the lack of the necessary funds. That will probably be the case at the session of the General Assembly which convenes in January. " 1 " i However, it is earnestly to be hoped that the law-makers will find some way to make provision for the extension of the excel lent work being done by the State Sanatorium for the treatment of tubercular patients at Montrose. That institution, which is per forming a most, useful service under present conditions, could do k great deal more if the funds were available.' , As it is, it is nec essary to turn down many desiring admission and frequently those who are to be admitted have to wait a considerable time for a va cancy. With money at hand sufficient for the erection of an other building or two, many more patients could be accommo dated and consequently greater results accomplished along the line of work for which the institution was founded. 1 We feel sure the people at large do not realize the great work being done by Dr. L. B. McBrayer and his associates at the State Sanatorium, not only in the treatment of the patients there but in the dissemination of useful advice to those suffering with tuber culosis at home. We weremuch impressed with an article on the subject in Charity and Children by Mr. Archibald Johnson, who recently was a visitor at the institution. Certainly we feel that the State can well afford to be as liberal as possible in providing for its needs. . BAINBRIDGE COLBY OUT FOR PRESIDENT WILSON. A NOTABLE DEVELOPMENT. The Sentinel has referred several ' times recently to the growth of the meat packing industry in the South J Almost every week one or more new industries of that type are reported. The movement is one that will doubt less continue to expand and we be lieve ft will mean much for the South. Prominent 1n the Southern indus trial news of the' past week, detailed In the Manufacturers' Record, are an nouncements of plans for meat-pack-' ing establishments. Five new pack- ing companies are reported, with a combined capitalization of ,$505,000, three having $100,000 each and one having- $150,000, with another to in-j vest $55,000." t Other important announcements are ' contracts awarded for a $300,000 cot ton factory and Tillage In South Caro lina, a' $300,000 telephone exchange and office building in Tennessee, a ' $150,000 brick manufacturing compa ny in North Carolina, a $100,000 fish ery company In North -Carolina,' an $85,000 silk mill in Tennessee, a $70, 000 hosiery mill In North Carolina, a $50,000 cotton mill addition in Ala 1 bama, a silk-throwing mill in Virginia, : " a shipbuilding plant in Florida, etc. ' From the numerous detailed reports ' to the Manufacturers' Record are taken the following essential statements: Hamilton Carhartt Cotton Mills, Rock Hill, ,8. C, will build $300,000 cotton factory and village in three units; contracts have been awarded for first $100,000 unit, to Include 3600 - spindles, 11S looms,'' dyehouse, etc., "'with weekly capacity of 26,000 yards of cloth. : . Cumberland Telephone & Tele- . graph Co, Nashville, Tenn., awarded ' contract for $300,000 exchange and office building; four stories high and 107 feet square. ;''. Union Stockyards & Packing Co., Chattanooga, Tenn., incorporated with : $150,000 capital to build plant .with Initial dally capacity of 200 hogs, 50 head of cattle and 60 head of sheep. r , . Andrew Ramsey Company, Mt Sav- - age, N. C incoporated with $150,000 ' capital to manufacture bricks. W. W. Greer, Wilmington, N. C is organizing $100,000 company to build ' packing plant with daily capacity 150 to 200 hogs and 30 cattle. . " Humanson Super - Heater Co., Shreveport, ' La., Incorporated ' with - $100,000 capital to manufacture super theaters for motor cars. ; " Neptune Fisheries Co., Southport, N. C, organized with $100,000 capital to establish fishery in Brunswick f county on Cape Fear river. . Leon-Ferenbach Silk Co, Wilkes ' ' Barre, Pa announced plans for silk mill at Johnson City, Tenn., the equlp ment to Include 10,000 spindles with electric drive, costing $60,000, install ed in two-story 200x48-foot building costing $25,000. '."":".' ... Kllson Hosiery MM, Connelly's Springs, N. C, Incorporated with $70, 000 capital to knit hosiery. Waycross Packing Plant, Waycross, Ga, organized to construct meat-packing plant, building to cost $40,000 and machinery to cost $15,000. Independent Telephone Co., Graham, K- C Incorporated with $50,000 capl- tal -to establish-rural telephone sys . tem. --:- -'' ' ' Abingdon Cotton Mills. Huntsville, Ala, will build $50,000 addition. Lafayette Manufacturing Co, Fay- ettevllle, N. C, Incorporated with $50. 000 capital for manufacturing pur. poses. iMiffllne-Hood Pottery Clay Products Co, Daisy, Tenn, organized to build $40(00p plant for manufacturing shale .add tower rings and blocks, roofing tile, flooring tile. etc. KloU Thowing Co, -Carbondale, Pa, win build silk mill at Alexandria- One of the most notable developments in the national political situation recently is found in the fact that quite a number of prom inent Progressive leaders have come out in favor of President Wil son. Following closely upon the endorsement of California Pro gressives, the chairman of the party in New Jersey and also a leader of the New York organization holding a -similar position came out for President Wilson. And now Bainbridge Colby, who placed Col. Roosevelt in nomination for the presidency at the Pro gressive national convention in Chicago, has announced that he favors the re-election of our present chief executive.- In announcing his decision Mr. Colby, who is one of the strong est men in the Progressive party, makes some rather significant observations. - He is quoted as saying that the opposition to the president's re-election "proceeds from an unregenerate Republi canism," of which Charles E. Hughes is a "decoy and reliever." He adds that, if Mr. Hughes were elected, the old guard would "rope him and tie him, as they did. when he was governor, reduc ing him to plaintive futility." ; ..-v t ;. Not only are many former Progressive leaders for President Wilson but they will doubtless be followed by thousands of the rank and file of the party, who feel that Mr. Wilson comes much nearer representing the principles in which they believe than does Mr. Hughes. Indeed the latter, although referred to by G. O. P. leaders as a representative of progressive Republicanism, has shown himself to be much more acceptable to the Old Guard than to those members of the party who belong to the other wing of the organization. The Springfield Republican said of his accept ance speech that it could have come just as well from "Uncle Joe" Cannon or any of the other "standpatters" as from the Republican candidate. .-.'.'..-: , Many Progressives feel the same way about it. , And when the time for the November election comes they are going to express their views in an unmistakable manner in favor of Woodrow Wil son and the policies for which he stands. , Va, contract having been awarded for 100x60-foot two-story structure. Dunn & Hillyer Corporation, Jack sonville, Fla, organized to bnild ship building .plant. '.!,; Smith Bros., San Antonio, Texas, contemplate establishing electric 130 dozen brooms; plant to include two lBOxJO-foot and one 100x30-foot buildings, anL 20x30-foot bleaching house; all of concrete construction. THE AMENDMENTS Col. Al Fairbrother, the versatile editor of Everything, is "agin" the tour proposed constitutional amend ments. Hear him: "Many men are now telling the voters that the four different amend ments to the Constitution should be voted on favorably this fall, and that they should -pass. This, however. Is all buncombe. North Carolina doesn't need any change of Constitution, She needs to enforce what laws she has and all will be well. The Ten Sacred Amendments which the intelligent people happily - swatted two 'years ago would have done no good. The four proposed this go round are not what we want. The proposition to make it unlawful to grant special charters to towns in the state when about half the towns already enjoy special charters is not- honest and It will not carry If the voter exer cises his intelligence.' We feel sure the Colonel is wrong about this matter. We are not In favor of changing the Constitution or anything else merely tor the sake ot a change, but there are times when conditions amply Justify alterations even in such a sacred document aa a Constitution, and when such a time arrives the amendment should be made, despite the protest - of those who seem to think that -he old is necessarily the best, We would not be in favor of an agitation every year or two for the amendment ot the Constitution And we suppose there are very few who would desire that. However, judging from the past, there Is no danger of this. The North Carolina Constitu tion has suffered about as little change as any document of the kind of which we have any knowledge, and a few alterations it this time would not hurt it On the contrary, they are very much needed. In our opin ion. . Aa to the proposed amendment to relieve the legislature of the neces sity of handling so many local mat ters that. It seems to us. would be, as we have said before, especially ad vantageous. ' A good deal has been said -on this proposition but we have not yet seen a real argument advanc ed against it. Why the State legisla ture should be compelled to give time and attention. to matters ot purely local Importance, which could naturally be handled to much better advantage by local officials, has nev er been ' explained satisfactorily to us. Of ' course, ' this amendment should be adopted, whether the oth ers are favorably acted upon or not TRYING TO AVERT STRIKE The country Is Indeed to be con gratulated upon the decision of those engaged In the controversy between the railway managers and the train men to give the Federal Board ot Mediation and Conciliation an oppor tunity to seek to avert the threatened strike. And while there seems to be a deadlock in the negotiations at present, we. cannot but feel that an amicable adjustment will be reached eventually. The Board of Mediation ' and Con- dilation has been instrumental in the settlement of some vexing indus trial difficulties in the past and there is reason to believe the .members ot that body will ' be able to overcome the obstacles that present themselves in the present situation. Certainly the threatened strike should be avert ed If there is any way to do it, and we believe the railroads, the train men and the mediators will do every thing that Is possible along that line. And, ff the present effort falls, there is still a chance that President Wil son may be able to accomplish some thing. We cannot think that there will be a strike, although the outlook is certainly gloomy at times. t MISS INEZ KING AND BROTHER, ROYSTON KING, ENTERTAIN Pilot Mountain, Aug. 12. Monday evening at Hotel Marion Miss Inez King, the accomplished daughter ot Mrs. Ada M. King, proprietress of the hotel, with her brother, Mr. Royston King, entertained a large number ot invited - guests from 8:30 to 11 o'clock. Dancing was engaged In, inter spersed with musical selections ren dered by Miss Haithcox of Winston Salem, and Miss Inez King, the host ess. Delicious Ice cream was served during the evening. Among the out of town guest were Misses Haithcox and Goldston, Winston-Salem; Miss King, Charlestown, W. Va.; Miss Hasklns. High Point; Miss Thomas, Burlington, Miss New man,' Elon College. ' . - - Here On Furlough Cossie Adams, brother of Jim, who conducts the Prince Albert billiard parlor on North Liberty street, and who until the state militia was ordered to Camp Glenn, was associated with bis 'broth er, is In the-city for a few days on a furlough. Cossie says that the boy are having a pretty nice time but that the majority of them would rather be back home if they dont have to go to war. He wUl return to Camp Glenn next Monday. One Forsyth County Pig Brought $113.25 to lis Owner Miss Rachal Speas Gives Experience in Raising North Carolina's Prize Pig All Eyes of Many States Turned Toward the Work of Agricultural Club Members Important Factor in Improv ing Rural Life. . They are efforts of business men to Im prove rural life. ". 1: s "Besides being a club member this year, I am serving as a sub-agent in canning work. It is Indeed Interesting to note the enthusiasm aroused by in troducing the new methods ot doing the work. Learning how to pack and seal cans Is vevy Interesting, and in fact fascinating, but packing in glass containers for exhibition seems to be more fascinating. . ' "The inspiration derived through club work urged me to take a rural supervisor's course when 1 went away to school. I - had trouble finding a school offering such a course, but finally succeeded. The course I am now taking Is In preparation for this home demonstration work. While in school we are taught actual garden ing, just the same as in the club work, so you see the experiences we have in our club work will be of value to us In our school work. - "Not only do the directors of the club notice our work, but people of every class are noting our progress. Pardon m for being so personal, but since my picture and the statement about the prize pig were published, I have had some little distinction as a pig raiser. I have been receiving letters of con gratulation from various? parts of the country, from Georgia, Ohio, Florida, Illinois, Kentucky, etc. "About the most interesting one was from a stock raiser of Illinois. Be sides relating many Interesting inci dents about swine and stock raising he told of the efforts his brother is mak ing to produce a new breed of swine to be known as the Amalgamated breed. He is doing this by raising five breeds the Yorkshire and Tamworth as bacon types and the Poland China, Duroc Jersey and Berkshire as the lard types. - "Another letter was from a Middle Atlantic State stock raiser, who is now a soldier on the border in New Mexi co. . "I could tell of many others, but this is sufficient to prove that our work is being watched everywhere. I be lieve that through the agricultural clubs the basis of future development of rural life is being laid. The club boys and girls of today are to be the farmers of tomorrow. So if we are to be the farmers of the future let's learn to do things In an efficient and progres sive manner. We must thus rally to the support of the future of our na tion." , The following history of Agricultur al Club work, giving some personal experiences, was read at the recent an nual picnic of Forsyth Club members at Nissen park by Miss Rachael Speag, of Winston-Salem, Route 7.: "It was through the Progressive Farmer that I first became interested in club work. We had corn clubs In our county, but the work did not ap peal to me as tomato club work did.- I read of the success others were hav ing and It made me eager to have one near that I might Join. However, the next spring I ventured into tomato growing without the organization and help of a club. "I planted . 61 plants and worked with thenr. faithfully until the mature fruit appeared. Every tomato that came on the vines decayed and finally I gave up the patch as hopeless. But toward the latter part of August I took new courage and harvested a good crop the latter part ot Septem ber. ; , ; ,' . "The next year a club wag organized and my. work, was more interesting. Besides harvesting a better crop, I learned that there were other advan tages besides' earning a little 'pin money.' Club work teaches-self-confidence, and the work and persever ance bring results. By having a lim ited space In which to do our work we get the idea of intensive agricul ture, and that grand idea of landscape gardening. "The third year 1 found that the to mato club work could be made more profitable by supplementing the work of the pig club. So I purchased a Tamworth pig. The first night Tam worth came home it escaped from the pen and caused a Sunday morning search by every member of the family, but it. could not be found. Finally, af ter a long stroll, it returned of its own accord. . "By having a pig I felt that I could feed it the refuse from the cannery, and thus utilize the waste. My Tam worth fed mostly on clover and milk until the middle of August, when the feedstuff was Increased slowly. By September 15 it was Increased rap idly to get the pig in shape forthe fair. With plentiful supply of food and fre quent scrubbing and oiling the pig be came so plump and beautiful that when it was exhibited at the Winston Salem and Greensboro fairs it copped first prizes, and at last at the State Fair a separator, valued at $40, was awarded to me for scoring the highest in the work in North Carolina. I then sold the pig for pork, having received through prizes and for the porker a to. tal ot $113.25. "Now don't think that this pig Just grew to be famous from no cause. It was untiring an unceasing effort that developed this pig. We must remem ber that the more we put into a thing the more we get out of it a So it Is with a pig. It did not stand in the middle of the pen like a statue and just grow without any attention. It took many a stroll to the distant corn field to cut down stalks after the corn had been used for the table. Perhaps In the hottest part ot the day I carried the corn to my pig.,; I could tell you lots of things that were done In rais ing that piK, but time will not permit Just bear in mind that we must work. We get no marked results without work.. . ' "To further increase my Interest 1 club work the county has given me trip to the agricultural club conven tion to be held the latter part of Aug ust. In this way I can learn more about the work and become acquaint ed with those people who are. exerting every effort to promote It. -: Last year, in the interest of the Canning Clubs of the county the Wa chovia Bank and Trust Company made a generous donation of a $1 deposit to every club girl making an exhibit at the county fair. Besides encouraging the girls to work to attain success, it creates the idea of saving. Such do nations are more than advertisements. BETHANIA SOCIAL NOTES. Colds "nipped in the r if allowed to run ed, serious results ollow. Numerous f consumption, pneu- and other fatal dis- can be traced back to At the first sign of a coldi protect yourself by thoroughly cleansing your m with a tew noses of may I cases e monia. f eases IS. a col srtft theots DMll theold livfe retiabia, vegetable oowder. Mr. Chas. AJ Rafland, o Madison Heiehis. !-. says: "I hart been usjhg Thed- ford'i Black-prtught for stomach troubled indiges tion, and coids,:flbd find it to be the very best medicine I ever used. It makes an old man fed like a rouns one. Insist on Tpedlord's, the orWnal and renulae. Bethania, Aug. 12. On Thursday afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock the Bethania Embroidery Club met with Mrs. Bruce Anderson at her home in Bethania and enjoyed an afternoon ef sewing and bright converse. . - With the . play just given and the one to be given Saturday, .26th, ' and other interesting subjects to discuss the afternoon was all too short. Iced tea and sandwiches were served by the hostess and her sisters, Misses Alice and Rachel Speas. Miss Speas gave several beautiful vocal se lections and with Mrs. Anderson a number of piano duets. ' The club meets in September with . t Tr k r v. nx i im- avia Farm." friaay evening Mr. and Mrs. Ander son entertained for their house' guests, Misses Anderson and Duncan, of Vir ginia, and a number of young people from Bethania and vicinity. Saturday evening, 6th, the Dramatic Club gave a play in which the whole cast worked well togther and made it a success. The next play to be given by the club will be Saturday night August the 26th. This play, "Green Stockings," was given in WinstonrSalem in, February by professionals and was also seen in the "movies" during the spring. It is a clever clean little love story, and there is opportunity for a lot of good acting. We hope to have many of our Winston-Salem friends out to hear it, and we hope -they will not only nnng tneir autos mil of friends a one. but their hearts full of chariy for our attempts at giving a show so recently played in that city by professionals. We all Intend to do faithful work, and while we do not aspire to be profes sionals or to do professional acting, we Bre going to give as good a show as it is possible for amateurs to pre sent. We fully realize there is work ahead of us if we intend our audiences to witness a good show. The play is an English love story and we hope the whole case and especially the two who develop Into lovers quite un expectedly to themselves will make their audience realize that "all the world loves a lover" and is always in terested in a lova story. There are also several laughable scenes which we know will be enjoyed. The play will last an hour and forty-five min utes, and begins promptly at eight p. m. The cast of characters fol lows: . . S?.',-SmitJL-- j Claude Pfa William Faraday Marion Pfaff Admiral Grice Walter Slrupe i, 0,:Br - ..Virgil Wilson BOND ELECTION FOR GOOD ROADS IN WILKES COUNTY ' ' -.1 .:':' - , Mnrfh Wilkesboro. Aug. 12. Urge crowd attended a good roads meeting held in the Wilkes county onnrt house Monday. Many of the prominent citizens ot the county are deeply lnterestea in mo u h tlon, and hope for the success of the proposed bond issue. Mr. R. N. Hackett, who explained the purpose of the meeting, pointed out that under the present law every man of road age was required to give six days work to the roads 'each year and pay a tax of ten cents per. $100 worth of property besides. In case of a bond issue the free work would be eliminated, and the ten cenFtax alone would pay the principal wnmu thirtv of their issuance. Fol lowing this explanation, Mr. Hackett continued his address by presenting rnments in favor of the bond issue and setting forth the need ot better roads in the county ana me import nr of seizing the present opportuni ty of making their construction a spe cial and immediate advantage to the nnni ThA migration from the Mum nt neonle who have been ren Harari dnntitute by the floods and the necessity of furnishing employment to- worthy citizens in order to keep them, was made a strong point in the argument. ' Mr. R. Don Laws then made a mo tion that the meeting elect a central committee of twelve memDers ana two committeemen from each town hin in the county to cooperate with the central committee in organizing the county for the campaign for the good roads Dona election iur iov,v, This motion was carried and the fol lowing committees were eiecteu. Central. Committee J. h. Hemphill, F. C. Forester. R m WM-katt. T. S. Hubbard. F. B. Hen- dren, D. J. Brookshlre, E. M. Black burn,- E. B. BarKiey, J. a. nomi, H. Cowles, J. H. Johnson, and A. O Hendren. Townshln Committeemen Antioch J. C. Hubbard and Simon Curry, Jr. - Beaver Crek J. T. James and Thos. Ferguson. Boomer J. E. Phillips and W. U Forester. Brushv Mount J. J. Hendren and T. C. Tevepaugh. . ' upwards W. E. Sales and C. H. nrnenwood. Elk F. J. Hartley and S. J. Bar rett. Jobs Cabin G. M. Baker and W. S, Church. C. Lewis Fork W. O. Forster and R L. Profflt. I-nvelace R. N. Gamer and H. M Anderson. ' Moravian Falls D. Rountree and R. Don Laws. Mulberry R. E. Faw and George Sebastian. Newcastle W. A. Hendrix and D. Morris. N. Wilkesboro J. D. Moore and L. Vvne. Reddles River C. C. Faw and'H C. Kilby. Rock Creek R. L. Church and A Brewer. Somers L. W. Lunsford and J. M. Prevette. Stanton W. E. Fletcher and G. W. Welch. Trap Hill-MX C. McCenn and L. A, Harris. Union J. L. Whlttington and R. Miller. ' Walnut Grove George E. Blevlns and W. F. HaU. Wilkesboro W, S. Pearson and C. C. Grambill. In order that there might be no partisan feeling in the campaign one Democrat and one Republican was selected from each township. Election Ordered On Thursday' the Wilkes county commissioners met in regular session and ordered the election for a bond issue for good roads to be held Sep tember 16. All the commissioners are in favor of the bond issue. The number of intelligent citizens who are taking an active interest in Its passage and the convincing argu ments in its favor seem to point the way to its success. SAYS HE WAS SPANKED; SUIT AGAINST WOODMEN Henry Steel James Raleigh. Martin Major Trent. . Brown Tommy .Chas. Norburne .DeWitt Llnville ..Harold Butner ..Chas. Griffith Raymond Butner Mrs. Chlsholm Faraday. .Ellen Ebert Celia Faraday Anna Pfaff Mrs. Rockingham.. .. ..Susie Pfaff ck',, TTnchard ' w"holmina Wilson Phyllis Faraday ..Erma Kapp Received Dischargs-E. G. Dixon a former member of the Winston-Salem police department but who for the past month or so has been at Camp Glenn with the Forsvth Rifle, men returned to the city this mom 8' ,heJ granted a married man's discharge a few days ago. G. V. Cowper, a member ot the Kinston bar, has returned from Ply-. mouth, where he appeared in superior court in the novel case of Jesse Ange vs. the Sovereign Camp of Woodmen or the World. A Kinston correspon aeni relates mis story: Ange was asking $3,000 damage for alleged per manent injury sustained from the em ployment of an electrical appliance in an initiation. The presiding Judge or dered a non-suit. If anyone was re sponsible it was the Individuals who initiated Ange, and not the sovereign camp, it was pointed out; in the rit ual and instructions to subordinate camps of the latter no such treatment of a candidate was authorized, it was said. The manufacturer of the devlc stated that it was impossible for Ange to have been injured as alleged, and medical men's testimony was against his contention. Ange said he had been caused to have fits, etc. The ap pliance described was an affair with two handles. Ange said he was in structed to stoop, to pull the handles, and that with considerable energy, so that the "result that was registered" could be sent in to headquarters. When Ange pulled the handles, he said, ho received a shocking electrical voltage and was spanked by, a part ot the contrivance that had previously been Innocently lying idle. The case was probably the first of tho kind ever heard in the state. - Improving The many friends of 11 PuluJ. Principal of the thady Mount school, near the .city, will be glad to know that he Is im proving from an attack ot blood pois on, with which he has been suffering for the ptst ten days. MUM II Enthusiastic Crowd 0f i Evinced Much Interest' Bond ,IssueProposition Br. p- B. ABBOTT) The "goon joads rally," 'J Hillsville Thursday with th. J, interesting the voters of Carroll nectlng with the Mt. Airv In the matter of voting bond, t stats line, had every aDDeml crowd ,00 tendance was estimated at S i no not minK the estimate ,T gant. Both sides ot the main of the town were lined for tiL believable lengths with auw wagons, buggies, ox-carts and Z are any other vehicles in w,r whether we saw them or not The principal speech of th. ion was made by Dr. Joseph Pratt secretary! of the Stau way Commission. The addresi plain, practical business talk. """" ncnucuujr laierruptij, speaker with hearty appW Pratt Is thoroughly converaatt uyoij inuio ui iub good roadi non, aim ms aaaress was ot k urable educational value to tli pie iuu uoaru mm, ; id It w umbiuuuj guess to say till may revusuizea its value. v Picnic Dinnsr. After Dr. Pratt's addre . flcent picnic dinner was sem ine laaies or rniisvnie, and tl( ou uuuuain.D iur me great nm visitors from all parts of Uw If I could describe a dinner n as I can eat one I would try i scribe that picnic dinner r,( if I faithfully portrayed it, yocr ers wouia nauer me by sayl-. I had drawn on my imagination wiu aesisi. Speeches Made. After' dinner Judze D w chairman of the meetlnz. imJ Mr?John Draper who spoke J ruiasM allegation. Speectel made oy Messrs. w. B. Keel- resenting Wytheville. Joasnk' and S.' M. Pace, representing JH Judge Allen, renresentln? el boro, 3. E. Hall and P. B. Abboi resenting Winston-Salem, tail numner or local men. Tha kJ were all listened to with mafo .......... . Ai, laresi, ouu mi were generoM plauded. I Mt Air Won Ball Gatml Tnere was a ball game M Hillsville and Mt. Airy team resulted in a score ot 2 to 1 lil Of Mt. Airy. But the interest I good roads proposition waj rl that only a few fans witneia game. And Hillsville is a I town. Now I don't think U anything stronger than that I cate the interest that was : In the meeting. The leading business men u: ers of the county are very as to the result of the election J bond question. The only terk position, so far as I could led from the Quaker Gap section. I the people claim that they i Quaker Gap road in getting t ket, and that a road through t ter ot the county would not i them. ' . The meeting was attended H delegations from Mt. Airy, boro. Winston-Salem, Galai, 1 ville, Pulaski Citj. and by kq and hundreds of farmers wittl families. ' Road From Mt Airy to Hilt If anything could disclose t of a good road from Mt. Airy I ville,. a trip, from Mt. Airy i ville would do it After im Mt. Airv road at the State t road for miles and miles li but a succession of mudM rock piles. A large number 9 mobiles did make the trip i Alnr and back, but it i mimHn. To eo over tie i would hardly believe a yoke could draw an empty log wf it But the rocks and mud ' mnmt lnat alirht nf in the tOtC 4UVD. . "J . ' w u tn - - - . I waa ihnim In S. BOoA TO&i I the line. Just after leaving of the mountain a iare n. young ladies and childral tcTuiinff hv thn roadside to tit An Thfiv were as well drsf nv vnu wnuid see in the one of the ladies carried States flag. Just as we pn tie girl about ten years of handkerchief , and shouted tnr nod woads!" All alon there were large cheering men, women and children. the sentiment may be in ". of the county, it is evident sentiment along the line -is unanimous for bonds. Winston-Salem .i The Winston-Salem delegacy annreciated the. cour."-i them by the citizens i o i n ell a. the very cordis corded tnem oy vine. nuLHiuio"." .- a W and we came away f?. ty with a sincere - pie would speedily $ as wuuiu t , again in the near future - .Threap Bui for uarnayc. - . Mpsrs. Thomas Rfi X a Nance. Matilda ,stratrlx,ot A. M- MftA has filed tne CY.T suit entitled Matilda MM tratrix of A. m- , . iir c Tise. traoius ... superior court ThuV for damages in the J" 4 j the alleged wrongful" J plaintiffs husband, a. j was mi over and wf truck, the property oi some weeks ago. iU l that injuries Z caused the death ot

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