PcnnlDQ Hnlumn 'DR. NORBURN SURGEON I uUpiVU VUIMIIIII I ; yOJl SALE TWO FRESH MII.K COW9. Near Qoodwlll. CABIUGK AND COI.I.ARD PLANTS BY miuiI oast fifty Cents hundred. A. vv. Clin.. Wlnaton-SaJ.m, Walnut etreet 7-20 SM ACRlSS OP GOOD BANDY. BOIL ' Una on two rood rndi In i mllea ?' j"kn Sprin. .i.tlon. &. acres In , cultivation. Two ". " YV ' -t fwo three-room dvrelllnss. tarn, feed barn, crib, atore house. ''i; ' eitra Una tobacoo and peach Utade. rnce . 3.S(l.e, on. third eah balance In one ' and two reere. Ml eoree undevel oped sand? aoll lands on rood road. In .i miles of Wert End. Very fine o- . herro and peach Unda. Frlca P" . .era. (or ealo by A. a. Marti. SOME BARGAINS IN USED Tracks, first come, first serv ed. RepubJ, & Auto Co.. cor. Trade street: , N.C. 7-27 FARM WA TO LEASE (arm au tllM:. Jocat- . ad not ml II K (torn Viin- v eton-Bale: nA 'Drice for the rtaht ich. Flastsrer, Wlneton-Si 1. T-I FOR SAL Brand new . touring car, Telephone No. si: - tf 8302. FOR SALE -This week only. Dodge touring, excellent con dition. Demonstration giv . en. C. IL Sebring, Y. M. C. A. ;;o-r.v:,' - . 2t TOBACCO DUST FOR SALE We have on hand a ldf of to bacco dust suitablefor fer tilizer, which we yll sell for $5.00 Pd Ton fuishing sacks. Winstbfi - Salem Leaf Tobacco Co. 12th and Oak Streets. Horses Mules nd i you buy. or trade for Horse, Mule or Team, come to see us. We can save you money, and our personal guar antee goes with every sale. . Ziglar & Waggoner , WrXSTOX.SAXEM, N. C, Cbet-ry Street, Backr of Piedmont ? : v . Warehouse. - ' Saves lh Cost In a easeesy LQey its coat k tba br mvw tana nwoe on th aMfal JmaSgat The Motor Co. DMHrrntori Wlnston-rifllcm, If. f V7.. ... iff J i I 'II I.VSURB TOlfe Fr -tlRBB AbARJJINO Bookkeapli and Shon1Wln OrMna boro Comrierclai SchsfcLKfrfrnsboro. N. C. Writ for cat! )ota.ff - . r r - Ira than iTnlli .. ... r r '"' -n (iifSdtead of ancTtount oiKHf When you wanro near 1 la tto-m!. i Ug he MrwJ &ntrK I It hm done of and labor arxB tana, v I fall Men a fJari hg? 1 f ' l faff in n'Tsiit apfnaal .i.ia el aaj.aw laaiip. M $ ji i is oaxia liil n us jm fci im. siaaw i"TTf Lna!aAan.7aVr". if: IN NAVAL HOSPITAL Former Assistant Health Offi cer Doing Major Surgery In Philadelphia Friends of Dr. C. S. Norburn In this eity and Forsyth bounty, will he Interested to learn of his 'rapid pro motion in the service of the medical division of the United States navy. In 1917 Dr. Norburn enlisted for service and was assigned to duty on the hospital ship "Comfort" He set-red on that vessel during the war, rising to chief of the surgical staff. When that ship was dismant led Dr. Norburn was assigned to duty In Washington, and recently completed a course of special train ing with the famous Mayo clinics at Minneapolis. Upon the comple tion of that work he was assigned to Philadelphia where he was as signed to duty at the naval hospital In charge of major surgery in that institution. Dr. .Norburn was assistant county health officer in Forsyth health de partment in 1816, and did special work under the state board of health in anti-typhoid and hook worm campaigns. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Norburn, of Asheville, and a nephew of Dr. and Mrs. E. F. Strickland, of Bethania, this county. He is a young man and will be well remembered because of his activity In pubiio health work here. WOMEN AND GIRLS TAUGHT CARE or MlJt ix tiu.nia Atlanta. July 19. Five , thousand five hundred and five people in the southeast, most of them women and girls, have been taught in the past year how to care for tha sick in their own homes. The instruction was given by the American Red Crow thru "classes in home hygiene and care of the sick instituted in Its various chap ters. "The report lor the year end ing June 30, shows that 3,233 more people were given in is instruction in that year than received it in the twelve months from June, 1818, to June 1919. ,. WILSON TOBACCO BUYERS OFF TO PALMETTO MARKETS Wilson. July 19. The following Wilson tobacconists will be. present at the opening of the tobacco mar kets in Mulllns, Lake City, Florence and other South Carolina towns this week; W. T. Clark, R. P. Watson, A, O. Davis, C. R. S win son, R. W. Macfarland. M. Z. Moore, O. A. Clor- er, Sid TP, Clark, V. C. Dickinson and T. L. Hodges. . The markets open in South Carolina and Georgia next Tuesday." Mr, Jo Wilson, of this city, will be on the Georgia markets. $1,000 Cash Secures Farm in Tobacco Section acres on Improved road, near We R R. town, . In section tobacco - any baana, vetch rape, alfalfa, clover, wheat; loam ftelda. aprins-watered pasture, wood; nearly new bunaalow; bis plana, aprins tar, tefapnone; av xi. oarn; owner un able ocoupy, quick-auction price only $5,000, one-fiftn eaah, balance easy terms Details this and good peach belt farm tor 11.(00 pace tl Strovta BIk Illustrated Catalog Farm Baritalns tl states. Copy free. Strom fr'arm Agency - 2bi A. a. Chandler Bldf., Atlanta. City Memorial A general hospital, a cation of nurses. - Training of North Carolina, ; Three paid 125 a month, also boi Practical experience in all br; of hospital. Write for partlcula: sHospitaL F tmrdlng exY hool t yaun cjur iraV anal re. IF You Are Easily Tired Out, Your Blood Needs Purifying nttsjWffl uaa- t Th first symptoms are Imity iosa ai appetite, louowed 1 gradual lessening; of energ s rat em becomes weaker A Amy, tintfl ro feel roaraeU on !rrge of breakdown. f Ths w whole Oonditinn U tinf reerdt of Lupmlilaa in th tlut gbow. that patart Beedc m. i--,, al L.... 1 Ikaaff QUICK RESULTS BAN The Pathfinder give fall particnlai ' dollars en yon. Write f IC I Name Offices: P: CERSBU ny Bank ClesVEm la a Yaasr H. r.iTTP BuildingMaierial Of All Sorp and Grades ASKFOiy OUR PWCEJ5 Foglros.Gb. inSBaenBeeBSBBaoBSSBBSBBBBSBSJSSBBBBSBSaSSSSaeBS m. a. - mm ... El VI Realty Bond Co, WAton-Salem, N.C. Local Contract APPALLING LOSS OF LIFE BY ACCIDENTS More Than 1,1106 Dcatlis In Tennes see During 11, H Voing By AntomohllQ , The appalling loss of life in this country thru accidents has never re ceived the amount of attention the subjects deserves. Some progress has been made, it is true, in the matter of educating people to a. higher re gard for "safety-first," and a multi tude of safety devices have contri buted substantially to the protection of certain classes against loss of limb. But, after all. there Is little apparent reductions in the number of persons who come to serious trouble thru the misadventures class ed as accidents, says the Wilmington Star, which gives this report: The following which appeared un der a Knoxville date line yesterday, relating, it should be noted, to the casualties In only one state of the Union, constitutes a significant re minder of the grevlous toll taken by mischance annually: More than 1,200 deaths In Tennessee during the year of 1919 were due to accidents, ac cording to a report made by a state board. . Automobile accidents proved fatal to 116 persons, and 129 were killed in railroad and street car accidents. All other fatal accidents com bined numbered 9SS, making the total number of deaths from ac cident 1.22S. Assembling ten newspapers at ran dom, wen consulted the front pages. Allowance was made in every case for duplication of an !item. The ten front pages revealed accounts of fourteen accidents In whlcn one per son or more had been killed. Only two of the ten pages were devoid of any mention of a fatal accident. BEE-KKEPEDS SOL VTSQ HIGH COST OF PRESERVING Manhattan, Kan., July 19. Kan sas bee-keepers are solving the high cost of preserving fruit this year by substituting honey for sugar, ac cording to state been Inspectors who met here for a two-day conference with Dr. J. H. Merrill, assistant en tomologist of the Kansas agricultur al experiment station. While it require slightly more honey for preserving fruits, bee keepers can save money by using the product of bees since the cost of manufacturing It is almost nothing, the inspectors pointed out. ' They said thousands of dollars worth of honey from the clover and alfalfa fields of the state goes to waste an nually because comparatively tvm farmers keep bees. WORLD PRODUCES LESS GOLD; , PRODUCT IN UNITED TSATES Less gold was produced thruout the world last year than in 1918, and indications are that the 1920 output also will show a reduction, accord ing to the geological survey, which on incomplete returns places the 1919 production at from $845,000,000 to $850,000,000. , World production in 191$ was al most $381,000,000, of which the United States produced $58,286,196. Returns for tha first six months of this year indicated the United States production for 1920 probably will be lees than $50,000,000. The reports showed shortage of water for placer mining and many stamp mills Jlosed. inston-Salem, N. C ' ptional advantages for the edu nurses registered with the State se offered to women. Students room in splendid nurse home. es of nursing if gained In ward tictaace In givlnsr tha syitem a general houiecleanlng. H ' i Kearly everybodV juit now needs lew Bottles of S. S. S. to deans tbi sntem of Imnuritiet. . . K a. s. U without an equal at a aeral tonic and system, builder. improves the appetite and givei strength and vitality to both and Tonnar. ull Infocmatlen and valnabl literature caa be had by writing to. Swift Sxwcinc Co, Atlanta, Ca. L-t I I wm are aacA-ad by our Modern AmetUm MmUxM CITY LOTS and 8UBUR- ROPERTIES wiU sell now. it may be worth hundreds of it TODAY. ' . COAST REALTY CO. Th Jaatinee Tor Con&oaace i, VA. or GREENVILLE, N. C Patarsbmrg, Vn. er Orsaorrine, N.C Representative. WESTERN SENTINEL, vTNSTON-S ALEM. N. C, JULY 23, FEDERAL OFFICERS V ATTEND FUNERAL Parent of Dead Moonshiner, Invite Uncle Sam's Agent To Have Din , , nor following Service , ' Roanoke, .-Va,, July 19. The pa rent o Posey Thomas, alleged to be the king of . moonshiner in Franklin : county, welcomed Chief Raiding Officer W B. . Slusser and Federal' Agent H. G. Stuts to their home following the funeral service of their son Saturday at . Leather wood, in Henry, oounty. ' Seated around the family table, filled with sumptuous food, the father of the dead son declared: ' 'Why should we have hard feelings toward each other when we know that; moon shining is a dangerous, game, and federal officers are compelled to do their duty?" ; v; , Both officer on their return to the city said the hospitality of the old people was not to be ' surpass ed, and even other relatives and hundreds' of friends greeted them when they appeared at the funeral services. - v. 1 .;---v-:-;.' At the grave the minister conduct ing the services said: "The young man came to his death as a result of disobeying the laws of the coun try and will have to answer to his God for his disobedience." - He aiBo added, "the man who killed Thomas will have to answer to his God for a greater crime." The ceremony was sad, according to Mrs. Slusser, but the mother, he said, stood in silence and without shedding aitear saw her son go under the sod. . Altho it la not positively known who killed young Thomas, much re gret was expressed by the raiding officers returning from the funeral. No one has yet been indicted for the killing of Thomas, according to the officers..-.;. NEWS NOTES REPORTED FROM DAVIDSON COUNTY Midway, July 20. Wheat thresh ing is the ordef of the day in this section. The crop is one of the best In many years, according ,to state ments made by many farmers. The recent rains have put new life In corn and tobacco and both are looking very promising at pres ent . : r ' Mrs. .Werner , and daughter and sixteen children of the Crescent Or phanage visited Hebron and Beth lehem Reformed : churches last week. The children presented the play, "A Representation of a Ship of Life," and it was exceptionally good. A collection of $3.40 was taken for them. I Friends of Mr. Charlie Sink and family gave them a general pound ing last Saturday evening, they hav ing recently moved into tmeir new home on the national highway. Rev. D. E. Bowers, of Waugh town, began a series of meetings at Hebron Reformed church Sunday night. It will continue until next Sunday. Misses Nora Leonard and Vivian Hartman are attending the summer school at Lexington, for teachers. Rev. C. C. Williams will begin a series of gospel meetings at Mid way Methodist church the first Sun day In August. -- Mesrs. Albert Nifong and Sam Coggins and children, of Winston Salem, visited Mr. D. E. Nifong and family, Sunday. - r 00 PER CENT HARVESTERS SAW MILITARY SERVICE Oklahoma City, Okla., July 20. Evidence that young men of the na tion who saw military service in the world war have heard the call 'of the country this summer is con tained in a: report on harvest hands issued here by Claude B. Connally, state commissioner of labor. l- The report state that SO per cent of this year's harvesters in Okla homa had been in military service during the wary-that 10 per cent were college students, and the remaining 30 per cent "floating", labor. . The report, based on incomplete returns, shows 8,705 harvest hands were sup plied to farmers this year, with, the least delay of any other year in the history of the state labor depart ment. PROPERTY VALUATION IN ROWAN COUNTY Real and Personal Totals About 152, 000,000; Mncb Found Not Hereto fore On the Tax Book , Salisbury, July 20. Revaluation gives Rowan county a property valu ation, real and personal, of about $52,000,000. The tax commissioners figures stand at a round figure of $48,000,000 t. of railroad property which the commission doe not han dle at all, this being entirely In the hands of the corporation commis sioner, with this added to tha $48, 000,000 there wiU be a grand total Of $52,000,000. . This sum is set down against a valuation of $18,000,000 of the year prior to this valuation, according to the old figure of valuation, under the old plan system. . This larger increase mean that the rate can be very materially re duced and the amoont of money re ceived from taxes be as large or lar ger than ever before. It means a greatly increased valuation on all Dronerty and much property brought to light, much put on the tax books that has heretofore escaped tne pages of the tax records. The same Is true of 99 other counties in North Caro lina, where the revaluation has brought to th front millions of dol lars not heretofore taxed and in an earnest attempt to get all on the books and at a full value, equal ev erywhere and eooal Justice being the rule among- counties and among property owners and tax payera The revaluation machinery has been functioning for a year or more and th great task is nearlng com pletion. Governor Blckett is calling the legislature in extra session to hear the report of the revaluation officials and-make such plana and tax rates as will give to the state an adequate revenue based on the new valuation of all properties in the 100 counties In the state. ' SEVEN MINERS ARE ' ENTOMBED BY BLAST . Pittsburgh, July 1 John Lute matin, night foreman, two fir bosses, two pumper and three la borers were entombed by an ex plosion in the nlne of the Union Collieries Company at Renton, 18 mile from here, at 3:80 o'clock thla ntorntng. The explosion blew the cage out of the shaft and a soon a repairs to the hoisting ap paratus can be made,- rescue crews from the Ittaburgb station of the Bureau of Mine and similar crews from adjoining coal properties will endeavor to find the burled men. FEDERAL PRIVILEGE - TAXJSJiOWDUE Assessments Made By Congress Mmilar To Municipal Taxes Must Be Paid Special or privilege taxe levied under the -revenue act passed at the last session of congress, very simi lar In character of privilege taxe levied by municipalities, fall due this month," and altogether are ex. pected to bring some hundreds of millions of dollar into the federal treasury. Blanks for making re turns for taxation are . now avail able at the internal revenue office. ; Heavy penalities. Including fine or imprisonment or both, are pro vided for persons who willingly or thru negligence, evade payment of the taxes,' or to make returns. Be low is a digest of the provisions of the act, together with the rate fix ed for the various classes of taxes. The capital stock tax applies to every corporation carrying on or doing business in the United States. The tax on domestic corporations Is $1 for each $1,000 of so much of the fair average value of its capital stock tor the preceding year ended June 30 as is in excess of $5,000. Foreign corporations are required to pay a tax of 31 for each 81.000 of the average amount of its capital empioyea in transaction of Its busi ness in the United States during the preceding year ended June 30, with out the benefit of the $5,000 deduc tion.. . : .. , . . , :, The tax on brokers -whose busi ness it is to negotiate purchases or oat or. stocks, bonds, exchange, bullion, ' coined money, promissory notes or other securities, and pro duce or merchandise is $50 a year. If the broker is a member of the stock exchange, produce exchange; board of trade or similar organiza tion which sell produce or mer chandise and the average value on June 30 of a seat or membership in such organization was $2,000 and not more than $5,000, ha is requir ed to pay an additional tax of $100. ir uch value was more than $5,000 tX. eirei t4 Pv an additional w J16, Pawnbroker are sub ject to a special tax of $100 a year. hi . .0n Bhlp Ulcers whose ia, to VWtiato freights and """" "uomess ior tne owners of .,10 or ior consignors or con frelht carried by ves eeis is 50 a year, : busT.. tT'", brokera whose ll' 8 8ntrle nd other cus- h, "r. pBp"r" '.or transact tV il r"y P0" of entry relat og ttha importtlon r exporta a -nat l0?" ? mwrchandtae. pay ' Kf of $50 a year, P haria tZr'l mu.8eum and concert are taxed according to their T Vhf P01. and the population of the city or town In which they are located. Those having a seating Sf':! "ot more than 2 so art , Ut: aetln capacity of more than i 260 and not exceeding 600, wVaf1" 500 nd not ing oo, $160; In excess of 200 $200 The tax in cities or tot. i. ' than 6.000 inhabitants Is one-half of ".o amounts, xnts tax is paid by the proprietor. The special lax on circuses is $100. . Persons Carrying on the business Of renting or operating passenger automobiles for hire are requited to pay a tax of $10 for each such au tomobile having a seating capacity of more than two and not more than seven and $20 for each such auto mobile having a Beating capacity of more than seven. " The special tax on tobacco sales by ths manufacturer are as follows: Not over 60,000 pounds, $; in excess of 60,000 pounds and not over 100,000 pounds, $12; in excess of 100,000 pounds and not over 200,000 pounds, $24; in excess of 200,000 pounds, $24 and at the rate ot It cents per thousand pounds or fraction thereof in respect to such excesa Manufacturers of cigars are sub Ject also to a special tax with reap to sates as louowa; jsot to exote 6,000,-$4; in exoess of 60,000a; not to exceed 100,000, $(; inyxc of 100,000 and not to exceB 2 000, $12; In exoess of 20000 ind not to exceed 400,000, $24 In e: of 400,000, $24, and at he rat 10 cents a thousand j6r fra thereof in respect to sch excen Manufacturers of cigarettes, eluding small cigars weighing more than three peunds per tl sand are taxed at the rate of 8 for every 10,009 cigarette or tion thereof. . The tobacco taxes are compuVd on the basis of sale for the yel ended June 80. ' The tax on pleasure boats, yachts. power boats and sailing vessels Is rated according to the length and tonnage. , Wholesale liquor dealers Who have qualified as such under the national prohibition act engaged In the sale of distilled spirits and wines for non Intoxloated beverage - purposes are subject to a special tax of $100 a year. Retail liquor dealers confined strictly to dispensing pharmacists who can sell distilled spirits and wine on prescriptions authorized under the national prohibition act are subject to a special tax of $25. , Manufacturers and wholesale and retail dealers In oleomargarine, adulterated butter, Ailed cheese, and persons engaged in the manu facture of mixed fiouc also are sub ject to special taxus. ANNUAL COMMUNION SERVICE AT WALNUT COVE CHURCH Walnut Cove, July 20. The an-' mial communion service of the Prim itive Baptist church here Sunday was attended by an unusually large congregation, many ootnlng for miles to attend. Mr Oliver E. Doub, of Hastings, Fla., spent Sunday and Monday here with his sister, Mrs. R. F. Reynolds. Mr. Doub has been in Florida for a little over eight years, and talks of soon returning to North Carolina. Rev. J. W. Kennedy filled his ap pointments at Pine Hall and Forest Chapel Sunday. This section was visited by at splen did shower yesterday afternoon, which was badly needed, as the weather has been very dry for some time and crops were suffering In this immediate section. The teacher's summer school open ed yesterday morning with Prof. El B. Carroll In charge and a large en rollment. Th session will last for six week. , . . v I IT. H20 II women.Learntovote Twelve Hundred at University Summer School, Preparing For Woman Suffrage Chapel - Hill. . July - 19. Twelve hundred students at the Universi ty of North Carolina Bummer school, IncludingVgOO women, are going to learn how to vote by the practical method of voting itself. Discard ing lectures and books on the sub ject they are preparing , for woman suffrage by taking part in a politi cal campaign at the summer school and by going thru every step that is required of their fathers, broth ers, husbands, and sweethearts, from paying a poll tax and registering thru campaign - meetings, joint de bates, and secret political confer ences down to and' including the actual placing of a ballot into a bal lot box. It is all a part of the course In citizenship at the summer school. They have lectures and readings in plenty, but Dr. N. W. Walker, of the summer school, and Miss Gertrude Weil, chairman of the North Caro lina branch of the Equal Suffrage League, have arranged for the women to learn by definite exper ience exactly what they will have to do when they actually do vote. The question that has been pick ed as the campaign issue is the liv est political question in the state to day: Shall North Carolina ratify the Susan B. Anthony Amendment? The town and campus have been divided into eight precincts, regis trars and poll holders have been provided, and registration has actu ally begun. The books will close at sundown oh July 24. The vote it self will come one week later, July 81. Meantime both sides are prepar ing for a hot campaign. Campaign committees have been appointed, campaign managers chosen (ama teur Homer Cummlngses and Will H. Hayses), and all the machinery of a campaign and an election has been oiled and tested and declared fit for use, even by folk whp have never used such machinery before and are not exactly certain what will happen to them if they fall to give their correct age. "If they don't learn something about voting in this method, then I give up," said Director Walker, of the summer school. But the women have already shown that they know a thing or two. One sharp politician has already an nounced that she is going to chal lenge the vote of a school teach er who registered in Precinct 3 (the South building), whereas she should have registered in Precinct 5 (the Carr dormitory) because she has been living in Precinct 3 less than a week. "If those antls think they can put a raw deal like that over on us, they have a lot to learn about pres ent day politics," said the would be challenger, who thinks th world will not be fit to live InA unless onn uaroiina lives up tf the ap- yem ui ins ijemocrati' national convention. . WE CHARGE ALLY FORD ECTRIC- GNET0S When in town to have your ys call around orage battery tested and wate added to ths solution FEE OF CHARGE. Let us give you benefit of our experience in and automobll storage battery electric troublea All work posi. vsly guaranteed. JARVIS )RAGE BAT- yCO. L. J. JOHNSON G. O. JARVIS Opposite Salem Iron Work tL UA alrth Ef the P " ' W: 7SM.ll ST . ay anJk' ' i . nil w-.n qui u i m ,t ui j sna i m s 'it' Kiess I. A . - . I of K W jF lon 1 V : rf f : I in- I J i InmsifDOMESTictm wour a t eioAnsT1? iljWJ I tin "-a . ' f aT ar STAMINA AND LONGUfe' make Goodyear Fabric ClinrV I ,Tire8 decidedly p0pUlar ) , . " - .Ynil ran fill vnn, m-J. ; . Double Cure All-Weather W. S Single Cure' Anti-Skid Trj IS Flf af A II ,T l 1 Nl"11 IAA)ill If I .1CMi H kW rr mar tar 1 1 i si m m a m WW Wo Have Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tuba If any member of your family is in n TRUSSES AND CRUTCE tve urge you to see our lineAefore bif Our, Expert Fitter is at your servic! We have also a complete stocki ELASTIC BANDAGES ELASHC STOCKINGS Come to our stVe,the next time arc hi Thompson Drug ( .Winston-Salem, N. C. I Allison James Frank HI The Western SentinelSlid ra4 A a T T f? Mie1!4-rr V pert blend of choice TurKj choice Domestic tobaccos most wonaemus1 Lt ever crew inioyuui i . I. . trx nfOVt Ana. tne way r- . j -j.- e fri compare puff-by-putf with any ctfrt tho wonaii i Camels i3 as n Yet,th They, never Cam I ,meadrniaoartoal Leetrae Winatoa-SaJaOB, N. & M We hav th. i'. wrinr ir. ... t Serviog to offer you thati sujwortn getting oeVtL.1 ...:i.t lieu wiin, er sizes and type, J otock. niversalAutoCo' . Tire Service Dept Winston-Salem, N. C Too !re No sir-ee.be. No Dremiums with Camels aUjc amildmello Trrtti as it is esirkffi'bod xlnava reform e your taste. p leave nu-Tttf, to nor unviw" -- -, w y-so about Camels 1 rvMotn) TOBACCO CO. (1

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