i 1 liiiib e -s "-.-. " a. ... S-" . -i.-mnllv . e-.y.ia 1 7::;3tcn'-c.! ' n. c. tu: aw, july 27, k r - r r Vj, i ... ? " ....... ii ' I a 1 iSUPLfii'S lllffli MO VProposal For Arm. - Jnition By Allies tENCEISPROPOSED I MakeTsuclT Suggestion ,f la Predicament (j, i the house of M lodnf, conttrmed ttat the Russian soviet laent tad Bl1t' iveranieiit cccpt Jrert Britain's proposal We conference In ton Mwceti the soviet and the t&gipA in hostile ac lalnst the Soviets, or aup- each action. ' July 86. The" Proposal by lias (ovlet government for a ce in Umdon with- all the reported in last night' dis wlU be the subject, of ah ex it views between France and Mate, ft 'Possible that Lloyd George and Millerand t during the present week tusion ot Hie reply to be Moscow. ,", , , - ed here the soviet govern- s aelied th allied demand armistice with Poland as a Sor a return to the' original impaiffn ton official recogni Jhe Moscow government -and I circles In Paris regard the r as a skillful one which has feme of the allies, particular. -ie, In delicate position. k has not ceased to consider Inmtnt ah Irregular one, foiled by the free will of the taiid consequently dt has re- ill action with reference to that might even remotely be jtd m recognition; '" ' -pointed out . that .Premier icorge spoke for all the al fever, when he commuvswit I the soviet authorities, do i that they stop, the forward -in, iw me ru'isii 4i -uncntr nuu jhm to arrange an 'arnilKtka, iIloed by a conference of from all the countries bor- GOV COX CAUGHT IN A HAPPY MOOD L, t II Ih 1 IU.,. ! I v 'V: il-ineetf Ad'--Di! jr.;; i. V.hich V.'U t.l Oa 'I! t D:ite '4 , 1'laiiUliu I). Koohi ii si. This Is a. brand 'new picture of Governor Cox's running mme, and was takfn lrj. WaHh'inrtoii a few days aco winl be im . e IconwlertriiiK coniarrat ultiUoiis shouted at him from windows-1n the navy department. Xir. Koo' 't Iris boon istant sec retary nf the navy since ,1 ill 8. I'arton, O., July. 26. Sonator Harcliug took an easier stride in hi campaign work .today. .lie had a few callers on his appointment list, but most of the day he five over to correspondence and recrea .-on. With in a day or two ha expecta to be;, hi preparation of his speech to ba made here Sunday to a dele&atlon from Mansfield. O. BAILEY LEA D3 IN RACE ion covei:noh cf texac Dallas, Texas. July 26. When countlnK of ballots of tiaturdny's Uemooratior primary ' was resumed today, Joseph VVcldon liailey, former United states senator from Texas, wag leading his nearest opponent, I'ut M. Nell', by approximately 5,000 voles for the gubernatorial nomina tion.' . V" -."-'.:.. . With 333.322 of the estimated to tal vote of between 650,000 and tt00, 000 tabulated, the vote stood: Bailey, 11 2,6o; Looney, 36.98S; Keff, 107, m Thomason, 74,949. A second primary will be hold August 28. Political observers de clare this will b necessary to decida the gubernatorial content between l.ailey and Neft and the races foi nomination for lieutenant governor and- justice of the state aupreme court.. , v J4 f " f " Wa-Unj-'Jon, July at!. I'nr; ' -t't.n by h Vn d tialos In any '. ferenre by n preseulaihe-i ( C e l ii un anil a! 1 goxernn onls 1 V In.? to a r-'foration of - e 1 to. rolmul and I'm s ''t f-ovcruti l was rvr .. .. 'I hero (-' us I !Ti' ;.:.' but in tln ahviuv ot all but t 9 scant! t of 11 D devo!iim mo t ofiieln dined to ;;.- l',o nmiu r. ' ,', . rr.-Mjont WUr-on Is iiiiilerstood to lie kcrplng lit rloce personal lom-U with the new I jinmrim ci i U am! Use (jiiestlon of American partlclpat n Ju Uo I upose-.l confen !n w ill lie n.!y for his dvMon. The i iiolis's today suited tliit nei otiadous were In progress reRMs U Ing the time ami i-l.ico ln-twcn the P.'t -slan nd Tollh rcprewiitatlvetj, but no I 11 mat Ion had come from the American embassy or (he IWht-h foreign oilioc t'. nt Iluv U had f Kfriteted conference of allied, (tovern in, in.-t. " ' .. ."".!,'."..,. .''''.' '' ''''"'.':'''' Amcrlcn'a peculiar Interest In the welfare and perpetuity of the Polish government, It was arRiiel, inlrh't make It diiiicult for her to re main oiiinIcIo tho' conferencct notwhh-iUindlnj the constant manner In which she has refused to enter into r ltd Ions with the aovtct resliue. S ' G?.ANI) JIIIIY I.OO..S INTO ALLEGED CONEI'KJACY ifl in poiutoal Circles here, i im-c miiy oe iorcea into a where she will be broufrht ifXA thm artiatAfai hut O ' .In. ! fce will do so only after due pnm given mat tne ; kus iga debt will be paid. . , . jPoles MuM Disarm a. July W.It is reported in illy reliable quarters here flrst (tlpulation the Bolshe I require of the Poles before I toto peace negotations will pe Poles disarm completely, I th negotiationi mitfht not jtogain time or to await the jot Prejich or British .retp wils. , . , NrnilnsiOB at' Warsaw " (w, July 25 Nineteen mem- pecle:i firitish . and nilmions, sent here to . look nd iDilnary situation and r with the government au I trrlved in Warsaw today I remainder of the day: was f official calls and visit- ffllon is heaoed iyr Jules ! ch-Wb8dorr Jto f Suteawho i la .Europe t,b8enc,?' and . Lord r0B. British embassador to J"?.1" L Effect July 2 ttI ?,r-Th Pe con- II m.Ihegln "t. Barano b '8 .Tthw8t of "Mos l,L. 'he rmlstiBce will hrUtv::thA-0Clated- (jf .?fori .boundary Hne iii b7!-m,u,- ; vatH VJa. - . j . ; ABOUT READY I' vKKENDER AGAIN Vim . t ... H :: ahic ,Zt oftDma Jloday I mIth renc wlth Gen. I JUrtinea, coramaBd.r trJX" .r his ke M Mvlees- re- R..u " mues rasa, r"nCiT!-i"-' a l.i .J UK:....-.. WasMnrrton, July 26. The Dis trict ,of Columbia grand Jury today took up lnvesttRatlon-of alleged con spiracy of, certain employes of the war risk insurance bureau to de fraud "disabled service men end their dependents of compensation legally dUI.V-'i-'ri-' :":' "'"".''.- f ''?.. Officials of the treasury secret ser vice were prepared to lay before the jury evidence they had obtained re garding, the conspiracy by which it has been stated that, scores, if not hundreds, of veterans of the world war were defrauded of considerable sums of money. Ten persons al roady have been arrested and It was f!ZTOf'T:;iIE r i i A: 1 V."ill Lv ie 1 rt tr it ,t lew I -ay ton, - O., July . Rouffh drafting ot his address accepting the Democratic, party's nomination for president was the Immediate . task today of Governor Cox following completion of major plans for the no tlflcaUon 'ceremonies August " 7. These, it ha been decided, will' be at the Montgomery fair' grounds in this city, Instead of at Trail End, the governor's home, In order to ao commodate crowds expected. : ; Altho ; Governor jCo ; had : many Important features of . his , address outlined mentally he had on his desk today formidable piles of data, in cluding" many volunteer suggestions to digest, lie planned to lock him self in hi library and. 'It possible, Bend his address to the printer by Trn r; imn,! 1 1 : ? i iiit,. I, Li todav that additional arrests mirht result from the revelations , betora Ih-e grand Jury. t -: , . v.ojian e: ' ' . in af::il; .:ae d , and ir8" Persons mX nded to of r-, ema11 town m I p2aana.tanla- " five I 'orcwl their wav tt'!?n(wl'h the dirnri-heTry-" Th Jths oc '""PPressed JuWArehblshop . ; f - Melbourne. allowed in "ilei rZl? 5 "Ports la ,f- BrT probably "f WUlk? to near future. i . ." M te the Vr'.:3 V.'afrrf" .'.yNrtlT :.:.yf-i r lioiaL .- eEue lo L- ': of Cl er. czh . - Washiimlon, July J6.'-r-The water supply of more than JO. 000, 000 city residents is .in Imminent danger of becoming"difease-infected because of the ' impossiblHty 'of' obtaining the necessary, purifying . ehemlcals, . the public health-service announced to day. :';r'.i''f.J- V''. Emergency Appeal , ha been , re ceived by the service from 10. states and. numerous city, hoards of health it was said, for railroad priorities oh the movement of alum and chlorine, the chemicals largelyusAd In ridding water, of dangerous disease-'germs. Due to the congested traffic situation the announcement said, an acuta shortage of these' chemicals has ex isted for several- months," and at one of the largest chemical plants only eight cars of raw material for' the manufacture ot alum are being; re ceived a month,. . althe'120 ears monthly, are require. . -f - t "Otlicers of the United States pub lic health1 service view the situation with .alarm, as do health officers thruout the country," said Surgeon General Cummings. "The summer is always a critical, time in dealing with water-borne dineases, for the demands on munlcipal"water systems are then so great, that usually every available sourc of water.has to be utl'ized." , ' '' '-'"' Only a few Targe citiofl. Dr. Cum minKS said, , have- , water supplies which do j.bt'ueed to be artificially piirinrd thru filteration withalum or t..--iiifection With chlorine. ON CHICAGO BUCKET ; Thlcaeo. July 26. Severe breaks In the grai nand provisions market todav accompanied disturbing fi nancial and industrial developments especially reports from the closing down of a large motor enterprise on account of inability to sell its pro duct. W heat dropped as much as ei.:ht cents a bushel and corn lit cents. hnnk reports about ind'eated by secret service o cratlvPs ,.xt Friday, when Dayton's "home- coraii'" amenities will be tendered him. ; A 'non-partisan civic demon stration is plunned . as a personal tribute; , " ;. ' ; -The only Interruption expected by Governor Cox. In work on his h .iure-w was a conference today or tomorrow with .'Senator- Pomerene. of Ohio, a member of the senate political ex Denditures Investlirating commutes, regarding continuance of its inquiry. The governor W. Oerrard BtnhiiHssnilor to Germany, who prom Ised to campaign vigorously and told the governor that the went was a particularly favorable field. Chaltanooirn, Tcnn., July 26. T'e body of a young woman, believed to be a AIiss Hot-ton, ot tirandvlew, Tenn., was found in a gulch near Graysville, Tenn., late. Saturday, ac cording to Information received here today. . Indications were that the woman had been dead for several months. ; : . ' !: .'''. - Miss Horton had been miBing from Grandview, which is 25 miles from Graysville, since April. -Itlentliictl 1 y Father . Chattanooga, Tenn,, July 26 W. B. Horton, of Grandview, Tenn., this afternoon positively identified the body of a young woman found in a gulch near Graysville, Tenn., Satur day night, as that of his daughter, Katherine, a schoolteacher, who. left home several months ago .following an attack of influenza. Itj is believ ed that the woman. despond-it and weakened, wandered into the gulch, lost her way, and died of hunger and exposure. There were no evidences of touljplay. ' .y" i'i,,'. ABItIAN0PL!2 HAS . J-4: BEEN TAKEN EY GREEICS ' -' ' if By Aolat(l Prws) -'- -' Athens, Greece, July - 26. Adrl anople fell to the Greeks thi even ing, according to an official state ment issued tonight. . ,i , King Alexander Intends to enter Adrianople Monday, the statement says. .''"' ' "-. ' '..;.;; j PlTRTIAM LAOS WW I)t KLT.tva WITH UJiEIiY I- A TAI KKSHA'S Durham", July ' 26. Don Roszel, seven-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. It. ' J. Roszel, of this city, shot and probably fatally .wounded William Jones, seven-year-old son of Mrs. 1 J. Jones, also of Durham, in a. play duel at the Roszel home Saturday. The Roszel boy used his father's .SS caliber revolver, w hile the Jones bov snapped the triusjer of his toy piHtol. The bullet form the real n-A volver passed entirely thru the Jones boy's body. He is in the hospital..; AFTFTl Tl'RME YF.H'S I OYI.1S BllOS. TO H4VE Si'UC LUj SALE Three years ago this past spring the Boyles Bros. Clothing Co. con first sitting early next week, clearance sales, at the same time making the announcement that for at least three years not another snle would be held. The three years have parsed and now t-.e firm announces one of their old-tnne out price clear ances to hi-i:in We.lm-s iay afternoon Bftrrrt C.7. - Have Clue; Loiv IJcr.i; lei ps T! -t lira. E Lcrcy, cf 'lhat City Detroit, July S6. The woman, whose mutilated body was shipped In a trunk from New York, today has been positively Identified by the Detroit police as Mrs., B. Leroy, formerly Miss Katherine 'Jackson, of Starkvtlle, ' Hiss,, , Police,' Inspector James McCarty asserted today. ' The next Immediate evlopment In the case McCarty said, may come from Chicago where 1'atroliiian Leo Trumbull, of the local department has gone to assist In ideuti! ' ng a, man held Mere on suspliiion to.it he may be the husband of the alain woman. .; '.. . ": ; - - : " "Clothinn fotmd In the trunk with the body has been positively .Identi fied by. I atrolnisn Trumbull and his wife as having belonrred Mrs. i.i tcy," t.i inspector sacl. im bull and hin wife were hiU. ...tety acquainted with the Ieroys, A report from Trumbull Is ex pected some time this afternoon In spector McCarty said. ; "A detective from the Detroit de partment has gone to New York to seek fuijthe clues in tho case., lie may asi that the body of thj wo man ,b brought to Detroit," he added! - ''.' i"" " ; ' -'?"." Tafum Reports to Pollro BlrmibKhani. Ala., July 26. A - ,. mm I'" - t fill J" Aihl.il. ii.. 11 t yesterdav saw J unes Picture land detailed description of of New T.,.k formerl Allan i Tatum, t...,ct.her - with, a ho nromJ statemeht by him -was- today for. wardedlto, the. Detroit police by the local detective bureau, following; the declaration by Talum that he be lieved the Voman whose body was found in a. trunk in N"W York was Katherine Jackson, of Btarkviila, miss. , ' , . . " -).- "TatuM, who works for a tilrmlnftr hain publishing house, was told by friends that his name had been 'men tioned In connection with tlie truuli murderf mystery. He went to police headquarters and volunteered tne information that he whs acquainted with tl) ,Jackson woman whom he had mat "in this city, that he.had gone (o Detroit to see tier at her own invitation and that he knew she had niarried a man named leroy. Tstftum sal4 he had never met l.e roy, but that the young woman had toid h" her husband was Jealous of her. The statements of Tatum gave rise to the' police theory that l eroy :had discovered his wile's In terest n Tatum, that he killed hr aid tlaen shipped the body to "A. A. Tatum" to incriminate the man y hom he thought to be his riv No charge has been placed against Tatum and has been allowed his liberty', ' It was stated at pni.ee headquarters that nothing furiner would be done in the matter with out Instructions from the Detroit police., . ' 'I failed To Identify Man Chicago, July 2t. i-.iforts to con nect Itoy Mlllert, a former army avi ator, with the mysterious JUetrolt trunk murder, faiied today when Patrolman Trumbull, of the Detroit police denartment, was unable to identify 2,1 11 Ion as the tniwmng "Eu gene Leroy." I'uknown at StarkviHe, Mi-. Jackson, Miss., July 2. Careful Berlin. July 4.-1 he Lokal An- . -., f,.il,d to .;i,nh the zeiger says today that the -govern-) ld,.ntlty f Katherine Jackson, said ment of Karl I lltnan premier ori h Uetr(nt poU.e to be the victim Iietvia. has ordered all foreigners to ! . th. frnk murder mvsterv. A family named Jackson, conslMt Ing of a brother and three sisters, resided there about ten years axo and a f w members are still living there. The aiirls have married and are now residing In Greenwood, Miss., and vicinity. None was named Katherine. - lit ! 1 At I :.;ccral C" ah In Pan's, A Iter. Jed By Large jNuail.rr of Nolalk3 -'-. . , - Paris July 26. Funeral services for the late William K. Vanderbilt, who died here, on Thursday last, were held this morning ii ihe American Church of the Holy Trin ity. The eimple Episcopal service was read-by the Rev. Stanley Blunt, pastor of the church, attended by members of the British embassy. The floral tributes were magnifi cent, including -pieces from tie Aero Club of America, the BaFav ette Flying Corps and many French racing societies. After the services which were at tended by all the employes of the Vanderbiit rscins stables, as well as the American and British ambas sadors, French and American nota bles particularly members of the French racing societies, the body was carried to the mortuary chapel beneath the church. The body will remain in the chapel until it is sent to the United (-"fates. ; :. ro: to c: I-.-. I--iM ,-r,n , :T CUT CP LETVIA leave that country. The order, which I was whollv unexpected, will affect a large number of neutrals and en tente ettlzens engaged In business. Only a few Oermans are reported to be residing In Letvia as the peace treaty wtii Germany has not yet been ratified. An Km'.iih torpedo bent flotilH has arrived at I: ma. according to d -patches received toil V. it.,l siarted the grain j at 2:30 sharp. It is well remembered err-, . . : . mat act n..-mar,l. but lowest prices came aiu-r word had been circulated of weakness In the (.i n k market and of Industrial difficulties. Prices on exchange here finished at the lowest point t-f the d;-v, with December de livery o corn down to 12 8 In eotne coses aealnst 1.37 - at the close o Saturday. Kxtreme declines in wheat amoume.1 to nine cents a bushel for March delivery. Pork fell 32.00 a barrel and lard more than 11.90 a hundre- -vei-ht. Much of the sell-in-:, bo n in grain and provisions, came from distressed holders, There was also heavy speculative . .pit s i unusual lack o" buying f ; r vi t- how popular the J.oyles Bros, sales used to be in the pre-war days ami hen they announce- a j-.-.le it at tracts more than ordinary attention. Iii'counts of from 2t to 4 0 per cent are announced for this 1920 event, wi which will nrobably be the last for.ch A- for l.i t I! !UI7!;!on, price, I " O, 1 t ourt of 1 - 1,-rni in 1. del e'' i ' e of T Term In Vahi el.. Juiy 2b J.i: -es ided In va:n in 1 .- -ins 1 r a ho : t WetKlmui-e to .-t tl,e if bis s- -iTeni. Price, who n- i l to ot tiers on a stf-a:-! t1 -e b.irre s of an-t t -.en another three years. All odds and potato--. ni.eu ends are being off-red at a big dis-.on'v 10 liiontt.s In tne .,. hii thpre will he a suh-' lie is a brotner of I -,i.l .aiiffir.n fin everv article in 1 who esoi-peit from the house.. The store ,oti Trade , nrrt'ltui. In ha e hiwv rilai-e m. T-e , y . ...... ... ... i m n i r ... -.nn W.tnsiiav afferniMin. A llhoniHS 1.. , impi cau-d in the sf.iay in w ... a Mr. and Mrs. lavid C. Gordon Z-bity met his cHth, wss exoner thav returned to their home onated of bin me. Ite told Juilse l.tt-n P-tith Broad e'reet a';er a vtit to' he tv -it l " (n-niis in Charlotte. ea y t -r a 1 mini i the w ot i- - : last 1 -t-tfi" t-r w tule nndei- I sentence 1 ' T 1-iaJ intf pK -e -. hl-v, James, w ;i- 1 1 GWLATCX r 'ATl.N l"' ijy :.;ciali.::j, he says T i-w York, July 26. AHml.'v. n. l I,c -us t.'JXiilier, rharaed too ay - . t Harlem court that he had : I., en ;ttH.ked and .annulled by a i-M-ii.;..-t strong arm snuad," a-i-k-I ;,t rev en it noon him lor his le; -s-ii.ii.ve aetivities last winter In tne oiisttt-.' of the five Pociaiint sssem I Nt men nt Albany, In the encount .'. i. ' ,i occurred ahout two weeks ' . r. imi!i-r. who sat as a 1 ,, , , f the tribunal which heard ..,e - i " case, said he lost two . c . i ati'i his eje glasses were brok- ''Ti 'P!" r' TOLlESSPQIiS V. " 5 Tpesk at Blstrlct Picnic At L l.in Aiijiist 4; Personal . ! News Notes Eikln, July U.The Maanna ,e( the 'Thlrty-flrttt and Thirty -second Afasnnlo districts, composing twenty Iodises in Surry and Yadkin eoun ties, will picnic at Elkln Wednesday, August 4. The members of the lo cal lodge are planning to have '.,. erythlng in shape for a big time and a big crowd. A brass band has'heen secured, to make, musla and there will be several addresses.: The prin cipal one ; will be by Rev, Tom P. i nilson, of WinstonBalem., ;" A class from the Oxford Orphanage wilt ba present to add Interest to the oc casion.. The net proceeds of the day will go' to the home' at Oxford. C. G. Ainifletd and Dr, R. B. Hur rell, went to Blowing Rock Bstur day to spend tne week-end. 'Mm, R. M. Chatham and children went to the White Sulphur Sprint's, near Mount Airy, Saturday to spend a week or ten days, en loving the cooling breezes and healthful water of that pbpular- summer resoit. IiRSt week was a week of Intense heat, the mercury ey-ry day ret N terms; from 94 to 102 degrees In the shade. 'Heavy rains have fallen In tho country near by, but they failed to allay the heat. Ciopa have never bean better In this section than nt present and if nothing happens to them there -dill be an abundant harvest. The wheat crop was unusually good and the only regrets heard from the farmeis are that they didn't sow more last fall.; Com Is In tine shape, a great deal of It now beinir in the silk and tassellng starie. Thete is a laree crop of tobacco growing and the farmers are busy giving It their at tention. All kinds nt eg( table--, such as beans, potatoes, ttsbliHge. tnniRtORS, etc., are in abundance ev erywhere and all find a ready mm ket at good prices. Large quantities of tin runs are being taken to the country every day, furnished by the Blltln ("suiting Company and the Forrester ( tiinimt Company, They are filled lv smtiU canners with berriei, f i I vegetahW In the count tv . . t'irnetl . to ( companies lm i t ui o fiiutii per; can f-i i The people In the country-ami on the farms are laving eventhi' -nothing is allowed to pt to v. Messrs. Recce and T.t .a h Uiir day sold their store building to J. (. l ay for $11,000.- TlieJ.t, w 2a lv feet and the building two wnrh a, with bnaementi ,. located on boinh .i. n S'reet, near the Boulh-rii d -pot. They bought the binltltnrt in March, paying $10,000 for It. this partly shows what demand tu-"-!s for buildings In -Elkln At th time there-is not a s'tiu'e busliie-s house nor vacant dwelling house In tho town. There are four menbanis here doing business In basements tnder other stores and a number of families occupying rooms over siotes. fiice homes and business houses are lm v needed. ' , ' i m two-months-old duttghtrr of y: 8nd Mrs.: 8. G. llolcomn. of Jnn-Hvllle,1 died Thursday morning in i f rui illness of forty-eight hours w eh colitis. Tho remains were in t .red in the, cemetery , at .Knob' ci nri'it Friday at-11 a. lit. i itov Fttout, who Is an operator in tie "hli-gest towel factory" in Ihe world, located - at Kannapolls, rt. turned to work Saturday after spend li ' his -racaUmf with hl poronts, & ,-. and Mrs. A. D, Btout, in Jonea vi 'e. :;..-e ?-." - ' i SLATED TO 1! E AB J PVTEIAN LCI V V. 1 hoinas VN . ;' ' -mil ot i Miio, Is an Id tn 1 suited to h mains) ot I vihie- oruer. i hold its nnttnnal convention land. Mm tiuil, -who la ae Is a ivutior r-neriil of the 1 i coimiiunil of 4,000. III. , I I I. . I i j i i .: "? -? t : , V (. v. l ii -! .1-':;!nii. July 2ti.--ln r-i Governor 1-ickott's etatcuient, cciitly niii.la that po outttido t tutlon wontd he permitted to 1 tiijate i'i.-.."n rou,iit:ens lu J Cari'iina,- E, R. IHIil.ih- i--of the Piiaoiiers Belief ;": '. mm-teed today that Such inc. Hoi's had already been made I y ' socb-'y. '"i'hn i. . lr of conditions c- re. wl i-Miiti-s and pi -.on cf , :! ,!': 1 W US l-l Ol, lit t til ii,. ci (,,...rnor i -eli.-tt a , :. Mr. I 'lliiilil': - ' erlte -mis nlliitlim 1-' cntet l niel w i, hit-it l'fi"ii liini.n -r i -:-ti, c ( f t he tr. .intent of I t t 1 icve- - -1 1 . , 1 i ') v " lll..i I I lit r i - S I IH 1 t Of I Is I I II in i n 1 thi i t t .- i, (. ml if t 4 i I o e-ll ., Wliriacl V Wi!i I -l ''!''? t!ll 1- - -.on of (no i..ri it ,, en- n t t' s t. s.-,. II. 1 .,-x li. i "I' licit to ! -V ii t "1 It'll.' I e .'lu- f I i , Hill " J ii i - n, SO Ion m !l ins own i i i I.I re i j I . 1 1 I a - ' a 1 1 i I i' t o I r of a i - t.. , 1 u et-n-r 1 it It -n ii a a .1 i-H-i I t .iiVet-ll.il- 1 : . if nut a I" - l . , , ii s It II 'Mi t I 1:1 llil f -. l.i. CV It), of f ond result I t - 1 1 y i ! ' n( ii 1 i ii, , lCllly llllllllIM, li-- (1 uV- of Or. Caii- t: it u i t i i u t i ; i i i, tiu u i i ,i I ii i, h ts In Ipt 1 t i kp-p down ti - rlMu nf th i.r ' it I. i -S V- i. Ii Im i liri) n 1 the i II 1 lulu f I I - t II I 1 - i-r but I I V. -Ilj lli li TJj',,3 rll 1 (r v.: I old reform ntorej'' his defem tei-m in i-1'.si- n. no sas etni Tlie assemblyman described the -mack as being largely brought on ng a client recently aiiy attacked . "-n Pittfl, Ayed About 13, "i IEs Life While P th-i.-,? Sunday Aflernoon William- Pitts aged about U years, son of for and Mrs. J. H. f'U'a. pf l- --t Winston, -waa r drowned In Clnf'dde lake, Just outside the otiy, on the , alisbury road, about 3:30 Sim. iay afternoon.-', '" .' . f Young Pills, with 71 or 100 oth ers were in the lake at the time. He was regarded a good swimmer and so far as known, made no ap-M-al for help, lie was diving with oth ers, and was seen to- come up once Just before ths drowning occurred. Nl. k Carter, who is employed tn life-s.-iv.r.' was on duty. He and two iMipg men, -Messrs. ,-Ragland and Oriibhs, dived after the body and It was found by one of the par ties. Medical -aid wa summoned and Mr. Vogler, the i undertaker, was sent for. A pulmotor was used to remove the water . from the lungs, but very little is reported to hsve been found. - The managr of the take states that t'lt-re is no spring It It. eho there is one ebove it and the water from it flows into the pond. Borne think teat young Pitta rams in con tai t . n a coni streak from the -r and that it affected his heart. -. . ., ,,,e.,rul . rviee will be con- 'dit. t.,1 item the home on Dunleith (avenue at two o'clock Tuesday aft ernoon nod iniermeni wm i V- in', I cemetery. . ; , FEDI IIAB OFFICH18 ON . liO.VD OP ,000 EACH 'Danville. Va. July i.--Th- fed eral officers who were remanded to Ji-r.-V tminty JailThursday after h,.ng in iicted for the murder ef h.mea 1 nomas, an alleged bootleg ger, were admitted to 15.900 bail each bv Federal Judge Henry Clay McDowell in Dynchbura fcaturdey afternoon. That, Flint t Is betiia accoiitt! fuiiils in . d I y 'J milk and ice for the . mphatlo opi ton, city health t 1 In iltll l OIHiil r uititiK r ! t. ( 'i it ' i ' i i 1 1 1 o i t ' i ; llihii fi 1 I .. . 111V III I kill S Hi 1 I I SO f I' t K ml been no i .ittv i h i null tl I in I ii ill previo-n.-i ee,.,.,,. If f e pll tit I H I I to ti I hp i ii i r llil leillilt II r- Col d twlStl.ilFhe,!." . "1 n to this tim am ie -.- t,i ..a . hi ,, .r niilli .in. i ii ,. i-hlliiK'it i t 1- cay cii-i-iiiii but ilie SieilliMf h:lH M-VCI Of probably- Inten i-l v hot yet to com. I un.l very I i eonsnlnroble aiimunt will I by nurses -if our deii.-u-i nn -i Assfiimted ( enrMh-s tn imv lee -piles neeiled hv bn lues.' . '"t he., b.e.ei ill riime sl.i' i I next riafuiuiiy by inn i-. l. . s-1 tors has tn very heanv einnnsee of tho h-alth ileiiti-tiiteiii. A -I could not. be spent to bei..-r i.m, Site- plea -iii ii w ill be ili'i h e ,--Siienilirur of R in tm w.-v h:,,i tlnlntf ei iiiuili good 1 1 -r a worthy -sin -in is iniiiio pn , Kill- .t,IS J', (.,.. I ll : i The hem inel s it. ill a tut : " i v bus been swcii-d to ft'" i f four doll, is ihru tne i.;.,- i i ? eral liitte -.u-ih who urn su i ths bahies of tn- e.iv I- e -t, with sn aiuine Hiiii.iiiii nt t most necessnrv thlu-e of ttie-e li a 1 heso little ((i-iis i -1 a t . . i-tltle-1 "l-'iiilt In Th Cm. 1 I friclay evening on t - las., t i home of Mrs. C. h. lally i n ; ,n ii Poplar street. The plav iva - -n,-,. and (I irect eil hv ,M I i n i lv. Ihe cast of ciiii-nf ie. 1 t e fairy Queen, f-tars ('i,nier: , princess, Joanna Ciim: .:- en. Brownie. Baurn. ( iitiinil t . ,,n; fairies, Catharine 'I at v. " n- T ally, Annie Iconise aenee, . .,,.,.( parnell,, Hazel hurch ami I.oui- Crim . The play-was witnessed by nude a number of friends of the June girls. - The re-t-'pt of five dnli s from George P. Palmer is a n . inv edged and the money has I- t, d over to the Irranuri-- of i,.,. t , -, .j. t e ml I V I (lit t I I I liii'l I sV-0 lo ie i I I inn i ions itl'O inve.:' Inn ciHimrv, I I.I. II thO ill"! I it - f. bnl -Old ! ' I I ' ( . .I 'V . i a I H I joint I I recoil i V took I- limn Ic y It. V id i ii only in' .- i f ma i V a II rei-i-lil, li. I c , n v ."- 'i l t n- ( lu 1,1 I l tn C i, i em it i ti t i a I tO till) ( -: t was f I ' 1 1 ' ' i i Ii nd 'I tin n is b- i f t MANDASIL'S C ' BE IILAEI) , . : DAY ' Wiishiilgton, J-.il- By agree--! ment Chief , J uuuee i ..v, of the district court, today i i)n(.j hear ing on the request of I, n-ry A. Mc Cartner for a ma , . n, ns outer to compel Secretary eji-v to d Iare officially that a pi., f p-m- exist a between. ti e l'i.it-d Mates and Ger many. 1 ne he.!,irS wss et for Wednesd - - ", C-'-E. ; I .- ....... Fari, J , f( lie health of Pre mier IJoyd G-ro'-e of Great I ii h,n, is causing uneamese, accordn to a messfige receiv -i here to ! v. n : prime ministers phjuieians i. eau to have ordered an Imme-i ca abso lute rest for him. MRS. V. M. T ' y i ! f ! "' AT hunt) l.S J , .(.r.y ' Ballsbury, July 14. J' -s. D. Jf. Beardsley, aged 81, w " if the ri s trict manager of i. e r tt-wmg Machine companv, i i m r i,,n Sunday at her h- i - ' I ' roe sireeu - W II I'li :-- 11 con tele : ' I : S I'l 1 ll ( - r I -' i rtniHe ( ; 1 1 1 1 1 -r t .1 pint . i . ,,e seitlement , 'I t " nun-i s r d ,.ci m ite.l f- In 1 1, a :; , n a ' it II l.iM .. I 1 Al' 1 Dm ham, July 2. Tho c"y n-boa-' of what la said to I e tne o I-- id fire Insurance coint nev i-i t t ii, led Htai'-s, the Bankets i iie 1 am -nice omoany havieir tu en , r ei - d h-ie nn a cm 1 of i'iiu. W. G. Pearson, ot tins i v (,ii al-nt of the new ori-iii win. a liie oih-r oihcers come i -this state ami Vitfiiila. Ine backers of the new con are piacticlly the same m thoe,, of tne North Carolina itiulu 1 i. 1 :i--iii ince Company p -;o loe i I , the hit (."st ne. ro hie Insm -, t-uiiipauy in tne world. , r n i c ( ,.,- .i-noi -P. . i ...li .1 I 1 - :-- I i one o ' c- r, 1 -r. 1 j: eHV- t t ' e I r j; ,i i v i4. (ily A ; teen seam-a l ..rrctt, lost t in- ' on nf the ro r, Ale - - to t art, i i -i t u ii a mine to l near the entid I ' ana, A I or r. W. S. " of J-.ooe. In. I., Is v , ' : z r- nd fi nil of t -i :ii-ii, i r " ) --- J- '- i l and b is i ..-ei ( !.. i ,n w .. a bus h.va. Msr-e-ir-r J "-, n.c.r mons. ir. :'ier-is a nma 1 rotjnty but has bren a r liope for many y-ats. b-g nicmt of bis time new t . t-io be Is a turw-i ' r bv t has two sons in i are p .inning to r; - ( kii.I s . ' a in i v -i trie r v - 1 t - ' II

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