"(OLES ) ' , ' WINSTON-SALEM. N. C. TUESDAY, JAN. 3, 1922 - ,- -' . 1;.,. ' . ' V. v V I - J -1 !-.' s -. i -' . - - - f " . " , . .'.' i ' - "" r , Ha , 4 a. ... LLiuniiu,-- aft H -a f!pEi : i . . ill r UTOPvSINCOI . Knsv ' J Experts " ; . . , ;ef tears Day oUV j Btion Treaty ' jOURN ABOUT JAN. 15th .-.HUB w i.M Unexpecti. 1 ,, the Far " Mflt .1 Tba Wt To Be Set prlngtl Meeting.', Aiir-toa, H? Hard To Complete the Draft ofalu That May Eh To Adjourn SI: ' DEflTII DFSEEJjfJElV YEr. id AND GALE BREAK NON-STOP RECORD Plylnif tut twnty-ev(m hur tilo nrfnutos and Jiftv Mnr,ili in r,n mnuJiniTc, wuiu vii nuiiiii. siiiuiiiiw rsuura lor aircraft t Mineola, f.' The triumphant AmJ-ican hviatorg ar Edward Stlnuan and JJoyd Bortaua. stinsou . ws m cire h tne Diane, assimurt ,hv RortmM - nvlutnnt tnnli nff at 8:EA a. n. anAI landAjl th. nv. Nl,nni. M ...wv- Desplta the;At tha start of thelif' trip -iff wira confronted by a heavy now storm. Hon Of the government' plant and water power IJuscle Shoals. .Tftey that . the would - proceed - - - ' pieteu ror .a conieince fii not to delayed beyond two.' ,.,,,. . a tet made definite arrange-' nu (or their departure at the end tint Um. ' : . . - Slberlaa QoosUon. lr Florence," Ala.; Jan. I-C. ; C Tinkler and ' Fred Hlteb:k, offl eers of 'the- Construction .lompany Of North America, a San in;iaco institution, "today betran ankamlna- n urate tea at mounced Wash es com th 8ec In incUon with Far Kastotn f estioni the Siberian question has Job toought suddenly Into, prornlr nee today thru publication-by the iedal dlgition here from the Far Men republic of copies of alleged )mmiiiiloailona ketweon the Japan hi French sivemments covering e propowt that the two govern ienti act In concert at the Wash txtoi conference with respect . to tbltshmnt of a Japanese otcctorita over Siberia. Aluwngh the documents were imptly dtclared by a member of e Jiianeae delegation to be a nalicloia fabrication" and char i iermxi by a French delegate as jorpriea, stupidly contrived,"1 there tilt ccmlderible speculation. ' today (hether the accusation would be nitit formally before the Confer ic by th Chinesd or some nlhur lecation when the Siberian quesV un up on tne agenda. The far lutera representatives thorn tlVH an onlv not mnmWt nt th& bnftrrac, but are speaking for an sirecogiilna government whiuh left I Mlirely uncertain hh tn whnf 'entases might be taken of the VW. , " .... AttROADS TO RATTI.lf. WITH COL. A. D. WATTS Orwmboro, Jan. s n'n. nt WW iegal battles now looming nn : .tTS?"n,or th coming year is : touthem. AUanUo Coast m fcrahtn railway, againgt W,lofrhTuVtentate. whmlo on their property. arTirhJT, etand at this n tiitM .ni brilUant afy of le- MB 01 J WCAVE-IN Wither iho company 4h" repro- ! kota. the rankin HepubMcfln-'wem-rdetotJnretl nt will become a compJive bid-f ber. and -the mim..W . 7KrS:'rt!iH??.fiffiKM der for the- gpvernmfils 'later nitrate plant with the id of op erating it or wnetner in oroDosal has to do- wlttt the conetruotion work lie stated. .Henry Font w ir, Washington. Jan. a.H offer to purchase .and le; " 1 i-iw .. naval xoet?tB ! when the storm stopped a 1 ' !w .v n their task of of the night the machine fa buffeted In a gale of 60 miles an. hour. 141 , rf the naval lmf-iBtft un."" an" aUa re anmy aviators during the war, , Btinsort's , inj outseUlls of me , ' homo la in McKeesport, 11 jBertaud spent two years In the armv air 'no WD1CB' " . , servwu, ntiwru if"'i hciu, : wasnington, and at Love field, mJ'treaty form by the end of Dallas, Texas. The above lustration show the type of plane used in the i i wh so dlfBculty anaci" i rwjoru-urEBivuiB m mp. pumun, wuo puoiea tne machine. m forming the necessary ,ir4l adjuatmenu to cover such Allocs as replacement and scrap- of skips there was general ,m, today that the; end of the k may toft another plenary ses n of the conference for announce-. t of another formal flve-power tf covering the naval limitation w ,' Vitb thb prospect for final dls .tm ot the naval program there . a itneral expectation -among the filiom today that ia the fqllow- settlement covering, the r K&sta field would be taken up mitilng the conference Upon cement te adjours about the mid- o( the month. Several trouble ie iesuee which apparently -are ; to bi cleared away in that branoh ibeargoUaJons Include the Shan- mwntbiTi unon which the Jap- and Chinese . are now dead- J : : i 4 ' ! -ffn: nrcn mn FO ULOULUIlUii THRIFT IS NEED f OF THE MATIOn lie ip; V WW San Francisco Comparl Invest igating the Alabamajroper. ' ty Henry Ford Wta ''-: UNTIL WEDNESDAY l iMn linsiisasaiL - ',f Resolution on Death of Senator Penrose Will Feature Brief . Session on Tuesday ,: , ; ; t , v f Washington, Jan. 2. Member' of the Senate finance committee, of which -the late Senator Penrose was chairman, met Informally today with the expectation that ail members of the committee would go to Phila delphia for "the' funeral. The ex pressed wish of the lfcte senator's family- that the funeral be private had been Communicated v to Sena.or McCumber, of North I'; TEflBILLIOilOF DOLLARS GMG Noted Financier Says America Needs To Save To Become j World's Greatest Country. SUFFERED AMID PLENTY ! nnnoral Ease of ' Conditions Will I'ollow th Carrying Out of Re olvw to Work Hard and Sav AU . Surplus . During - Year Just , Started, states Mrf. Mooro. v , . Chicago, Jarl. -That tha naUon needs a New Tear resolution directed 1 t4 thrift and sanity in its tonduot of business Is the opinion, of W. J.J Moore, financier, Of Chicago and New: Tork. ' i - y ; ,, J -J'Now that w have plumbed the ' depths ot depression and are well on: our. way toward v recovery and . the normal.M aald Mr.; Moore, "Is the tima for the people of America to take stock of themselves and see wherein they have been remiss in th past, ! 1 ' , Following the war,' when money was easy . to almost , everyone, we had the usual 'spending spree, which w always hav under lust such con i dltibns. .; Then cams the , Inevitable Illinois Sfariff Is Implicated In ': A Big Robbery M"1"0. ni- '1,un- -'Vrrwt of KiMMiff John Ultoon and six "'ht nPT In connootlnii with Urn ISl.OOtt rohawry of the. Panama Sato Bank c ixwHltxd front dis. rkisoros of a woman' who lin plUmled tier taasbaixl. It was an. Mottitoed today by Mate's Attot y Kanyy. Mrs. Jrtry Brown, r."10" altnrnt f "W. made a ttauilcd sutvntcat of the am of her homo as a rt'ittfrSTona by the ftlleaml rohbrra . , . , Bmry said Mrs. Rrovra do. J vtiiru in what ah ktsow after lr hnsband luid mwt tite moiMy the robbwrs had glvnn Mm nd (htMitod, Ww aaM the m to In her homo near Ureenvllie. IntT' bad made prevloua agree, inoiit with hr haHband and when they appeared after the robbery Kvo him $700,. The real of Um . aerordlng to tT aexiry, was Bind into seven parts. ' '' Kherlff Wilson was rleaMd late today vin $10,000 bond. The six other nien wnrier arreat are held to the qounty jail here. , PfiinostTJiis Fiao f i f . I I J iid.r Hdw Uncle Sam Shall Collect 'pertod "tifingency, and instead of It; What Disposition Will Be Made Worrying Folks Washington, Jan. 8. Unusual in profiting from our gains in the 'flush and 'easy v: times of the preceding two years, -the American people really underwent great hardship, There was no sane rea.-ton for it. (M0 European nation would suffer to WW TERY STILL UNSOLVED axpected nnlet'ng bqt been iy Ford's the ni- United States In the Silled Jrrnverri, ment has been evldoneed thruout the country during the- past few weeks, treasury officials said today. Man letters have reached the treasury atsklns- fr-r informnilon nn the subect and offerlnfts advice while , Maoon, Qa., Jan. 1,-rFrom infor mation obtained by local officers, A. P, Sexton, business man, was . last seen alive at Athens at jo o'clock last Friday morning, when it la sold he left fnk Maf.nn t. .i,AKtii- beqause real thrift 1 lhgralned In I ... w . . . T course. Europe has suffered much one1 automobile was found near a more in the past few years than we local bridge covered with blood and have, because the war was harder a Costal card arrive . i... quarters stating that he had been klUed and the body thrown In tho torest in iha ultimate disposition of i HJ"1"," likle'l'ih lel; Am'Lr'0I thfl iinnnnoAn a kl j. . " d'dt given elmilar conditions. That 1 J JX?0 i.0..- r"!5 "a thrift I lhgralned in , noil it, and it never really recovered "But we did recover, i and were prosperous to a degree, theretofore unknown-, -and yet we suffered, right trate and . water ' power Inject at Muscle Shoals, Ala., . stall - alone along the w.dely differenlroposals received from nitrate uresis oy which the government wiJ .entire ly rid itself of future xltructton expenses incident to the bipletion and Immediate ; cparatioj ot , the project, 'I ur tne outer proposareceivea and contemplated . by w depart ment officials. Including It of G. C. Tinkler, of San Fran Jo, none can be construed in the- vpetitlve sense as being com para t to that made bjc Mr. Ford. WhiU r. Tlnk let and his agents are sc uled to lay their t offer , before icretary weeks In ' detail ' this vwe depart ment officials are of the o ion that it will prove to be more c bid for contract construction wor han for private : possessions and t opera tion of the properties In ed. - -Secretary Weeks has eatedly declared In favor of dlspc ; of the properties in a way that relieve .the government of respoi Ility for their completion, and i same time Insure' the operatl of the plants by private managelt to the industrial advantage of ti ountry. lie has also declared' frJntly his opposition to,ask(ng vclesH- for further appropriation ' Jhat : the government ' might - cor te . the projects and operate the a a gov ernment owned and con ed busi ness. Under the Tlnk proposal as interpreted 'in' part; the de partment the governme roultl at least become a'. ' half K er and would have, to make a ible the money necessary to f'nii ie work, which is var'ously-eatlm Su,OSO-,000 up, ber, and th ommi i. thr.nV.' iT - par ut - unKuown-, -ana yet we surrered, right raWdSfttK ffl "e behalLJlnd ihe ov- no VoviJon for the stern;; Hon Milch are to hJ ernment -requiring payment, of the time, sure to arrive. .This could not PrlIclPa' n est f the. debt happen to a really thrifty nation and row, wnen convenes tomor under various plans. ; . . jthsevenvs ot. the past 'year have ' Owing to the absMiea of nntnJ . .hat wfre dee!rlbea as ."nut let- proved again, and more strikingly CrowoViolleaZ, ef3nr pK'?" re also com ng to the treasury than ever before, that America, a. a owing to his Illness It was xtvVti 1 , . m""n? P' country, is totally lacking In tnrtft. n... cIJ "i. Xf?. was expected tainlng payment of the debt under "We must face the fanr thai w. set would m'sk. th nnn7,.T" chemos of varying complexiflea and have been a spendthrift nation In the of Mr. Penrtfce Vdea h In th, s7nV: . PeP'oa or y,,ir tn iwooeeds paS;, and remedy it; We have seen mt. f." . r?! J aBa-h h.the Menata, trt he.nsRd hv th srnvarnment- for as lh torrlhl. Mranta Af'-t -th.lftL..- xt rnT"1': y Mtt projects. aaopi resolutions with respect to the memory of its late member and ad Journ to th following day. . ' ' GUARDS III 1ST ness. We have suffered; in this Meanwhile 'officials deolared - the' country, amid plenty, - There was no solution of ,tbe allied debt problem real reason for it, except our spend awaits the action of Congress upon thrift habits. Now, at the dawn of tho legislation now pending to eu- a new year, is the time for the mak- thorlze negotiations with the. foreign mg or a national ana individual reso dobtor governments tor. winding up lu.lon and keeping it. The nation their war time financial - tramjao., needs the resolution as much as do tions with this country. AGAIN FACE JURYiPROTEST AGAINST Nine Members, of Alatamal Troops Charged With Mur der To Be Tried Again ai from Ml SI IP1 iu LIEFi Hamilton, Ala..' Jan. 2. Nine members of Company. M, : Alabama national guard, charged with mur der In connection with the lvnchins of William Baird, a miner near Jas per, January 3 last year were ar. raigned here today a-id their trials set for January . The guardsmen were brought here last night -from the Bessemer jail where they have been confined awaiting trial. Thev will be tried separately, .' Tear's spectacle he marched between Sergeant Hobert.I Lancaster, one or. me aeiennants nas Deen placed p.-i- .n t.I.t . iPAllAnHtif, ii M,f.f1.i1'k rS11"14" motion for continuance was granted last July when the case was re called. second time as a result of newspaper articles? Jn , this county, allege to have been written by one of the prosecuting attorneys. - - , Th case has 'been hard fought from . the outset and there is prom ise that the . trial next week will WEASED RATES , -'i i . - - Form Suggested By State, Cor poration Commission to Traf fic Organizations ' ' iBy JKaX ABKRNKTHT.) Raleigh, Jan. 3 Tho State Cor poration Commission . is expecting considerable -reaction to its appeal yesterday -to traffic ' organisations and chambers ot commerce In North Carolina for aid in protesting against the Increased freight ' rates pro. posid by - the ' rallroadH ; between points .in North. Carojlna , and Vlr- practically -all of us as individual Americans. - It is to practice proper economy, xo conserve, not tonly na tlonal resources, but the v national wealth and our Individual resources. If we were thrifty, taxes would be lower and 'good times', would return more readily afer every - period ot depression. Besides, -'there Would oe lower depression periods. : "America, as - a nation, ' needs thrift, and If the New Tear thrift resolution is made and kept, we shall unquestionably .wltnents a hew and welcome era In the lilstory of this land,- when - the Vondertul bounty of nature will be reflected in general ease of conditions, tot. merely in -nuan times- out ail tne time." OFFICIALS TRAVEL A : LOG WAYS TO GAME VERY SUDDE.i Chairman o,f Finance Commit tee 'and 'Leader For Many Years in National Affairs BURIAL IN PHILADELPHIA By Cbrpresnrd JRoqnest His Fnnenal Will Be Strictly IT. vat; llnd Ung , Caroer as Pebllo Ortlrlal And . Wae Held In High Kstccim By . COlloa-ruesj in Cougretw. - , H llMtsaaatsnaBSHf, & t ( I'hUadelphla, Jan. i.Ar- ' rangemente tor the funeral ot , Senator renrose were H1 in- oomplete today. It , was def. ; Ihltely decided, however, that it ' shouW be etrlctly private, in ac . hl oft-expl-eased i JiJ? thta nnunomet -. i.slghton C. Taylor, for many v years the senator's private sec retary, said that only members of the family and friends of tho ) family woull be present. The date for burial would be fixed, Mr. Taylor said, after hearing from relutlves In the west. Meanwhile the body of h former sena.or, encased In -a metalllo oodln covered with pur . Pis cloth, lav. in hi. , 'ulT. .. home her. No crepe or tlowei k1l 'h P".wence of death In . the old-fashioned brick- house , where from a sick bed he had ' tflFZ by,,l8Pone with na Kapubllcan lenders at the Fhl.c5?, C0,,vntJ'" which nom- Inated President Harding. Every 'Jven. fr. lmBlc,t h -Governor Spro'u aaia had hot decided upon Senator fen rose s successor. Un.lpr the law - ths governor Is empowered to make an, appointrnt-jit to nil the' ' vacancy iti.tll the nrxt general . e eUt,rt, -whioh Will bo hi Id In November. tn. ath.n. h... i. ol.ll-r - "snawr wuwvsuvu, t untuvrs . viiruDi, oi f'ennsyivanla who stated, in bringing Sexton's move- 5f?b",n ,n hea(th Tor 'more menw up to 10 o'clock ot the day from lfTJ 11? how wltl-n d-aih safely In Athens and was seen to dSTJh ,Vwn Jr leave that olty last Friday morning Jffll",? " ""a ''ri in both at 10 o'clock; The abandoned Sf g?et a, 1 dJth VSm 0f.rs' waa nnt -,. i,u. .. n r01 " death of the I'enncvlva. nia statesman, . ,., ., j. Both branchea of Congress," upon reconvening. Tuesday, win. adjourn Georgia Police Baffled In At tempts To Find Body of Man Thought To Be Murdered ; swamps near Macon. - I,-A - 'Searching parUsa along ths road from Koyston tq Athflhs, and Macon was not seen near 'the bridge until early Saturday morning. Before leaving Athens Sexton, of ficers here say. endeavored en a-et some one there to ride with him to Macon,, matting inquiries of Mrs. J. U. Stone, manager of a local hi.tei En route to Maoon,, it is believed hv ciuuein, mat no pioxea up some one. . rewara oi izuu has been tered for the body of Sexton h P. Bowers, of Royston, a brother-ln taw. for the day out of . rsspect to the late senator, but will forego other vo.niiiunies. A request of Senator Penrose that his funeral j'rjvaie and that no con- T.vf.r'P rnir"M Inalltll liiiLL ...i ajany Social Events Feature The IloWayj Coven :.t.c :,t , Machinery t Star.: '."I White house rect.itiox Hm Time x, Y,,lr, r Offloa! Wafc.lBm. - Thp,v"T Aitcpi Imluitli.n To . Call ami pttv It,,KH-t. - Rouse ,.,,. Wpre Jh.0vn o dy to omclal Washington and the general public a. ,vr)i . , rp(.eiv the Nrv Tear's greeting of 'Pres.. dent and Mrs, Harding, tloln ocra- 001" miendiir the New ' j!l lnfL to; W''",0" ln.initrUtl..n hrneyesers!nitd,,UV " thc j The morning hours of ih'roo.-i. .Wer" all"l'1' " caller 'Tn t .e official group memhei of tlin rubi nt and thelt" f.m.ini rititiillcN. mxl governmenfMl offln-rs. ' l-'iom oni t. four tlin While Utilise Win i i, ttpen to the general pubilo, Imiiipj the morning lU;al iilllt-fr of the ). triotto and votornn sitliils vine In- ,iuu in me rwt'iitlim, limn, In former itnya frequontly tnore lh'anj 1, 000 hvn been greeted ,r thn eMc Utlvo during ths public rtvt-initm. Members of tho (ilfiluniui ip corps callliiK to greet the Hieltltnt, In cluded Karl Lung and Kdwtr A. (I. Proohnnlk, elmrg tl'arTulrs for r,er. many and . Austria, rest tlvelv, whoso letter! of rmdepre were pre sented to Secretary : iiughe limt Week. ' - . SlliiflrnirT. OFKL RESULT BOND ISSUES OF BILOON DOLLARS Shipping Board Wilte Them For Sending Graih The Suffering Eurdns 'trident Wiped Out En- . ot Workmen In ! S3 Mis. ef Mexlco.In Rl fj- ' ' ' - RayTom ctn t?!1' -"hihuahit ,' f net knnL hTh "umber .of in ' Newport, News, Va., J ty shipping board steani in James Kwer axe to btvds ready for sea at once and rid in- the itusslan relief service, well founded .reports li Shipping -- board cfl stand that the. ships a to -carry, grain to the sians. - - The steamers 'are James River .off Camp -i-Thlr- anchored rdlng to under lie usedji ihg Rue-' hored' in Ms where the shipping board hasf 800 of mem waiting 'to go in flee. - . l Marine men at this issty ship-, Png is showing eigne 1 eater ac-! tivity than it has in set months.. -Nino steamers were c red here: last week and are bein i de rendj" for Trane-Atlantic a ooostwUfo service. , ' - , . The chartering of tt ships re sulted in more than . hundred idle seamen at. this securing work after wait ot nla- GOVERNOR SPROUL; MAY MAKE RAGE t f V II ,- ' - Urged To Be Candidate For Senate To Succeed Senator - Penrose Deceased ' ' Jhring together an array ,of 'legal tal-, 'mKi tariffs I..C. C. 6S0 and I. C. em, iMti 1O.J1083 to apply between points in thtf states. of Virginia and North Carolina antj petitions J'oiir honor able commission to suspend all rates published in said tariffs to apply be tween the points In the states kif Virginia and North Carolina for a period or is oays ana require -the carriers to Justify the Increase In rate contained . therein: v and for such other' and r further ' relief a may be due the . undersigned com plainants." ' ' The tariffs referred to are to be. come effective on January 15, 1922, 'and protests Will not be considered by .thb . Washington '. commission which are received later than- Jan uary 8. ' The- claws of the "Wild-cat" pro motion schemes in North Carolina have been clipped; the State Depart ment of Insurance think$V At any rate there are "virtually no reports reaching the department of get-rich-quick proposals such as have been offered to the pnbllo six. twelve and ' 18 -months ago,-. Inmir auce i Commissioner Wade think that his department thru the help of the daily papers has about driven the wlld-catters out of the state. . This, it' is pointed out, could not have been done without the aid of the newspapers whictts manned the I icuns for the .insurance deoartmeot. i Spokane, Wash., Jan.- 2. Approx imately 17,820 mites wilt -be covered by the four officials at today's foot ball game at Pasadena ; between Washington and Jefferson and Cali fornia ITniVAmtfv In trMtPina tn ihalw ruwiiai luuiCTt has miciuy homes and oacK again, it te estl made' by the state-commission and mated here. ; ., pigment thi. he comn4sion ug- the officials, will cover th greater '!0 be responsible for the large num gears me iouuwiuk ltnm tor use inin.stance lourneylng aooroximatenr i " v. """" """'"""" sending in protests: ' 1 8,868 m le , to reach Pasadena. "The undersigned protests against Walter - Kckergall, of Chicago, an the increase in rates published in . other official, will cover about 2,774 J. J. Cottrell's I. C. C 847 and in mle. George M.. Varnell, of 8po Norfolk and Western Railway. Com- kane, the referee, will r'de 1,700 miles and H. H. Hubble. San Fran cisco, will travel about C00 miles to reach the Held. . -f; After the game they will return r. ofl!,,r"',ln,n,,i "Jnm'tt'e should he an. hv fl oln was communicated to Vice-sr-in. Er"?' CooI',,, a"? PeskerQi. b.i aim v'uueuiriwiii oe followed. Senator Penrose's body rn taken Dnndy , m?rnin ,l ' " home at Philadelphia, accompanied . by his brother, I)r, Charles B, Penrose, and the senator's secretary. Funeral ar. rangemenU are to.b mad at Phil, adelphla. - A special meeting of the senate finance committee is to b held today-to determine moans nt bmiu. Ing Senator Penrose, who had been its chairman for several year and an Influential member of tho com nilttee -for a generation. Th pn. gylvania delegation in Congress also ia to meet for appropriate action. Capital flags will fly at half mast fnr se 'rinva. and thj, lAf. ...... i New Torki Jn. 2i Bond issue !at on the front row-of the un.i. of states, countries, cities and smnll- I chamber will b draped in. mourn er political divisions exceeded fl,. I lng. - 000,000,000 in lai, 'aoeordliig tol- Th Impress of Senator Penrose's statlstfcs compiled , by the , Dally great force of character on legists Buyer. .-Thi sets a now high record, tive and political events was voiced - Financing for. hle-hwav. nnnnrnm.. generally In statements bv bin .i. tlon and sold'ers bonuses and the leagues, Including leaders' of both high coat of building are believed parties.' v , , . ,. New. High Record Established For the Year; Just Closed Due To Several Causes ' ' Harrisburg, Pal," Jan. 2. Cover nor Sproul today received numerous messagea by telegraph and telephone concerning his course in naming a successor to the late Senator . Pen rose. He -declined to make any statement." , ' ,' One' class of message' urged him to resign a governor so that he could be appointed senator by Lieut. Oov. E. B. - ttelddleman, - who would succeed him, while other suggested that he make a temporary appoint ment and become a candidate him self in November forvthe remainder of the Penrose term. ' Mr. Sprout's term a governor expire next Jan uary, over the same distance. ATLANTIC FLEET WILL , SOON MOVE SOUTHWARD Newport . News, Va., ' Jan. "i. -A wireless-controlled airplane will be taken south with the Atlantic fleet when it leaves for winter maneuvers at Guantanamo Bay, according to reliable report current in naval clr-: eles here. Ship of the Atlantic fleet now are preparing , ror theirs cruise southward, th last cruise for prac tice some of them "Will every, tnake, If the disarmament program goes thru, i . - . -4 ,';. SPOILED HOLIDAY DANCE BY SHOOTING - HIMSELF , , i ii n i -, t Raet Orange, N. J., Jan. S.--xcus-lng himself in the -midst of a dance at a New Tear's Eve celebration in hi sister-in-law's home, Ueot-ge W. Taylor, age 37, an employe of J. P. Morgan and comruny, bankers, stepped Into a bedruom and com mitted suicide by shootinir. Mn ap parently had been in the - btt of spirits and those present couUl a sign no reason lor his act BIG PRODUCTION FOR , MEXICAN OIL FIELDS Mexico uty, jan. Z. Petroleum fields along -the gulf 'coast mads a new record for production during Deoember. There was a to at output vi is.vuv.vvu varrei,' JJ.UUU.OOO be ing produced by the Tot eco and the Cerro' Aul lots alone. Thirty-four new wells' were started during the :t f w - Inet month. AQUINALDO HONORED ; , IN HIS NATIVE LAND '.'Manilla, ' Jan. 2.Em!lio ' Aquin aide, former president of th Phil ippine insurrection and leader of the Philippine insurrection, today waa elected president of the Association of Philippine Veterans of the revo lution succeeding General Manuel Conception, Manuel Quezon, presi dent of the Philippine senate, was elected vie president. BELFAST RIOTING IS , BECOMING SERIOUS Belfast," Jan, . Sporadic , ex. changes of shot that had boon pro ceeding for twenty-four-; hours be tween, members of the rival factions here without serious result became graver today. In' the early hours two. men were . shot ' and badly wounded.U - Another ' was Slightly wounded when a bullet) grazed bio neck. '.--,-' LUSTf OR IflEY caused mm i i, . - Wealthy Italian Woman And Adopted . Daughter Victims Of Nephews Police Believe London, Jan. 1, Mnie,' Cogo. th wealthy: Italian woman whose mur dered body and that of her adooted daughter were (found recently In their home by the Home Police, left the bulk of her large fortune to her three nephews, now under . arrest. charged with the murders, says a Home despatch to tne central News today. Ths will left only a small um to the adopted daughter. - yv .t - The arrest . of the nephew, ac cording to the Ilomo athicen, result ed from testimony of Mine. Cogo's servant girl, who; charged th three brothers, the police stated, ' with breaking luto the Cogo .apartments, stifling the 'two women, in ' their bed .and then dressing the bodies and placing them in .chair ia the dining room which was thn set ablaze to- make- It appear thoy had been suffocated. The -witness attrib uted the alleged act of the brothet-a to the faur that their aunt would leave her fortune to the ;adouteil t.rn.- . i. -t ,.f. jl American and Italian,' Jackie Mix Things Up In Shanghai ' And Lose Shore Leave ' " Shattghtll. Jltn. 8" Ki.l-limi. tenn. ble between stillnrs from Italian and American warships .hfN developed today when a luted of Italian sailors surprised and attuukeit - about -a dozen . Anierlcnn ' Inekiea in a cafe and then went from him enf to another Seeking out und Mltarktng Isnluted group of Amorirnn. Five Americans ustnlned knlfs wounds, ' two Of thnm being seVloiiHly slabbed. - The attacks were tin- niitirrovtlli of a trilling brawl In a rare, follow ing which the Italians gathered Intu a raiding party which w armed with kutvcii and several revolvers. The Amorlenn are declared to hitve been UHlirmud. , All -shore liberty' f.'om . the war era ft ha bsn suspended In conae. . aunnco of the trouble, . .... . , vnti ur me wountied Amerle.ntt ' Sliilnrs. E. J, .Ueeliy, (if the Ounhout vvnmtngton, tlietl Lit tmliiy from, hi Injuries. VIOLENT DEATHS "MARK NEW YORK'S HOLIDAY t ' ' ' II l , 'New Totk, Jan, 2,-Thieo deaths by viiilont-e were recorded oft police New Tear's blotters todav. Hlanohe Keller and Charles Hlmor, bhrH 11H. Were fiiund dead of bullet ' wounds In Hlnier'a lodging house room thi niornl.-it,-. The police sre working on a murder and sulcldo ' theory, . .- Thomas s Jfenny,-. proprietor of a soft drink parlor, was shot ami killed in his. establishment. Peter i'a riant, a state prohibition enforce, men agent, was arrested on a charge Of hortitctdP. ' Five moro victim of tmlsnnmia drink were taken to hospital in a err icm eonuuion oetore noon today. ' Two were women, one of whom was found lying .unconscious in an 1 apartment huse entrance. , Busiilslia;. : mmmi Henry Ford Altrilutes Prcs J perity For 1922 to DorirJ '.'. On Price ReJt: ns Iron Mountain, Mich., J:m. 2. industrial conditions diirln-r the New Tear will be-den-riuined i .rgeiy bv the trend of re .-ul prln-s, 'f-nr'v Ford declared lu-re - In n ii.. ,.,.' on the outleok for l .. itic adjiiKlriien'H m man were made last yenr ami woi wholly reponmt,!it fur fhi mints recordeii, tin-. Airt. There a'ro .'i 1 i added, in which ti not become appar, . .' "Existing '(,.- j," . "the tftiief im-ims in i-condition).- When in i ducctl basine-'s ill 1 1 FXirt (n -ve- JtulatitU! i-r Y lilies. Ini i-tnent li.i-l 1 at r? '1 tt' ff nn II

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