Wi. .oiCN-SALEM. N. U. JAN. 5. 1922 CUfGHLSAYTHE fimib Future of Business and Finance In United States Encourag-t I in To tne liaruters v j THE WORST NOW BEHIND Roadjaacmrat to the Now Order Of Things 8mns Conipletfd ana ' Hk All Set For BmmpUo:, Of "Bljc Basin' on KcaJe ,' ; - Ratccwtlng Fat; Kcuords. J v Trt rWwi: 11 Bnitnen r prospects for Hit art i to eensra.1 hopeful, accorolng to statement by proponent banker toads ' public to-, day by the American, Banker A"- ' soclatton. 1 ' "The future of business and finance In the United States is encouraging." said Thomas B. MeAdama president . of the association. ' He'mphaxed the importance of this country in teresting itself In the problems of Rurnn in nrdef that American pros- h nerttv may be maintained. , He sal thai slthn some leadtns politicians and newspapers opposed extending aid to Europe' at this time, "future prosperity depended on .the, way financial America, answers the call. -Th worst is behind and 12Z should see us well on our way to nrnxneritv hr the middle of the ..r dl1 John C Lonsclalw tires lilent of th National Bank of Commerce of BU Louis. "All of the ihinn nnvuim o betterment seem to have been set In motion so that '.Hit should see the beginning of nnr moat solden orosnertty." Pros perity among our farmers, manufaei ' turer and merchants is directly f - fected by the unsettled condition of Hnmnnm aitd ttolitics in Enron, ac cording to i. A. House, pre dent of th (runt romoanv division and Guardian -Saving and ; Trust Com . unv of .Cleveland.-- : : V,'"'- -Thi. must ha remembered." he added. "It h apparent, al- itbat : arrikea for hlsher wares are certain ly in keeping wiii the present order of things.. Labor must bear Its fair share In future deflation.", ;;.' Mr. House emphasised the need of rehabilitation of the railroads and Hid that conarress Should eass equit able' tax laws to encourage the flow of ' capital thru channels : wnicn would mean investment, "'. " '' I John Puslicher.' vice president of the American Bankers' Association, said the trend was toward easier ' money rates and there was nothing to indicate that this would hot con tinue. .. Ait-'-iiir.v;- ,-" "The strongest factor In the pres ent situation is the growlnr strength of the banks." he declared, "It is our- belief." declared R. 8. Hecht, president of the state bank' divllson of the American Bankers' Association "that . we will not ajrain have real prosperity in this count y until some kind of economic 1 restoration - has . been accomplished In Europe and a table basin -for international trade Unemployment Is, Fast Decreasing In -Jtht Auto Business h- ': Cteveland, Dec. Si, rnwnplojr, meat in the automobile industry in Cleveland is bring . materially relieved, according to local mau-arartnrr-r. . - , OOidala of the Chandler Motor Car Company, one of the) large manafactnrers, slate that its fac tory rnnUlmrnt haa -been In creased more than 100 percent In the last two weeks and that by February 1 today nenrra will be dan bled. Order now booked, company officials say, assare pro dnctioa tor the n qaartrr of 121 la --KCrH ol the similar period thl jttt. , t r ear. Bo it is shown make unparalleled among the churches of the More Than 60,000 Mailed Out By State Department Of Revenue ;?-' ' - ' ,X WDUAt NCOfiE . Records Substantiate " State ment That Business Depress sion Had little Effect Here worked out.' IB'nWHIOI , SCHOOL IS FINISHED Supt. Speas' Announces"' The Duilding Will Be Occupied Monday, January 9 - Prof. W. B. Bpeas, county superin tendent of education, ' today , an nounced that the newWauKhtowu . school Is - about i completed and i will be ready - tor occupancy on . v i'OJj MAX ABKRNETHT-l :'. , : , Raleigh, Dec; U. The' state de partment of revenue has afcout com pleted its work of mailing out more than, sixty thousand tnqiviauar; in come tax return mantes wnicn are to be returned to the Raleigh office between January 1- and Marcn to, isaa.'with check or money order covering taxes due or the calendar VMr . instructions are inciuaea as a pari, ol the blank form which calls ior ah affidavit regarding the amount of tncomasthat has been earnea aunng the last twelve months, deductions on dividend not taxable by the state and income from business ouuaae of North Carolina included In the federal return. The Income tax is based upon the following calcuia itnnt- ....;. ( . 1 "One or ceni on the first. $t,500 or fraction' thereof, of et taxable income; one and bne-half per cent on second 11.500. 'or fraction there of, of net taxable Income; two per cent, on third a,Su or fraction thereof, of net taxable Incomes two and one-half per , cent; on : fourth 2.600, or fraction thereof, of net taxable income, and three per cent on all above H0.000.'' - The follow ing instructions are given as a guiae to filling put the tax returns: - 'c s Every resident or 1 non-resident having a net income "during the In come year taxable In this state of 11,009 and over. If single, er, ti mar ried and not living with huaband or wife, or every resident or non-resident having net Income for the in come year of $i,00 or over. If mar ried and living with husband or wife, shall make a return. ' "If a husband and wife living to gether having an aggregate net in come of f 1,000 or over, each shall make such a return, unless the in come of each Is Included in a single joint return. If a separate return la mada by each (husband and wife) the .exemption rvhall be 11,000 (or each. .. . "The status on the last day of the income year - shall determine the right to exemptions provided ill this section: .'Provided,, that a taxpayer shall be en.ltled to such exemptions for husband or wife or dependent who has diet) during the Income year.-' ... v ... ; "All returns should be made be tween January 1 and March li, 1922. Each return together with the check covering tax should be mailed to the commlasionet of revenue. Rat-i-lshi or handed ta the deputy com- misMioner of th state department of revenue: 300" HOMES WERE BtJILT Advances Hare Been Stado 'Along All lime of Ctvio Progress, Oom merrtaily, - RptigiouMly, Socially, . , " iMluc-ouoottiiy and Indusoriai-- ; ly; Public Works Kxpanded yYi Winston-Salem has closed another year of progress and with confidence is facing the Kew: Year.. The com- mercial,reUriou. social, educational and Industrial activities ,have been continuously bearing the. dty on ward, and there are scores of projects- affecting .the - further-"developments of every phase at th . city's Ufa .well under, -way now for con summation during the year 1(23. "W hile the . building aggregate, ' so far as value la concerned,, has not bean. up to several record years of the paat, ' those years fnarklng the wonderful development of Winston -Salem's induanrlal plan -with build ings costing halt million dollars ana more, some of them covering a solid block, there has been a contin uous building activity la the con struction of home,, both in the city and in the suburbs. "While it la esti mated that there have been v con structed within the city limit "300 residences valued at about a mil lion, and score of business houses- ranging in coot from 12,500 to twen-ty-aw thousand dollars. It Is esti mated that probably mora than this amount In homes has been expended in the suburbs, within a radius oi Salem ' College.. Bulldlua." : '.' X Extensive building operation have been launched at tsatera College this year, made possible by the liberal endowment -, fund, provided some months aKO. A lu rv itnrmitnrv building la now under construction. and during next year it Is expected that other additions will be made to the school facilities.! The dormi tory now being built will be ready for occupancy , for the fall . term Hz.- - ." ' '-;,.;.. " 5 Y. M. C A. Activity .The aotlvitr of the- T.'. it. VeJ a. ha never assumed the proportions that. It program during the , past year has witnessed. . It has reached out to the utmost ends of. the city, touching every phase of community me. -in new year will start with a "Forward Movement" for thla In stitution, during which the sum of 50,000 will be raised, and that wltn- en the next ten days; for, th purpose Of broadening Its service to the com munity during- the Incoming year, f s Trartlo and TraneportaUoci ' Improvement In tratflo and trans portation '.' : facilities is " contem plated for' the new year,: including the construction of the much-talked- of and greatly-deatred new union passenger station, it 1 also pro posed that extension ot the street railway "win be another accomplish ment of the new year, is ew streets) will be opened, upon recommenda tion of the City Planning Commis sion, including a 'boulevard skirting the city on the west from north to south, and another on the eastern aide of the city from north to south, - The School System v'W .; Work baa already started on the academic building for the city high school, to be completed for the open ing of the Sail term of 1922, and contract are to be let thla month for the ., construction ot the Reynolda memorial buildings and the Sterling Smith memorial annex to the City Memorial hospital, to be completed at the same time. .' r-V. Work. 1 also nrosTessinir nicely oh the two' dormitory buildings tor the Slater formal and Industrial schoot for colored student in the eastern lea than a mile of the city limit. in building 1021 has been a great I section of the city, these to be corn year in that it ha witnessed ths con-1 piBted also by the opening of the version of hundred of centers. Into home owners, hundreds .. : oV homes havine been constructed, thus reliev ing the much complained of scarcity of living quarters ior tne people. ' . ..iw," i , Htrrrt Work '.')!;: ; The" past year has witnessed a won derful ' development In street pave ment, new thorofare penetrating many new sections of the" city, and important , connection . have been made, thus not only serving the con venience and comfort of the .people residing oa streets improved but the work has already proven at great economic value to the business men of the city, merchants, jobber,, coal dealer, and every other phase of the city's business Interests. It ha not only been a good year in extension of street naivement. but the depart. ment or public works or tne city broke all previous records in the exe cution of contract this year. .."With i late start -the department, was able to overcome many . handicap and execute a normal year' work-, In about one-halt the time which is generally allotted for this work. ' r Hard Surfaced County Roads The rear has witnessed the launch ing of "the- hard-surfaced, highway connecting Winston-Salem and High point, and the letting of tne con. tract for the construction ' ot i the Northwest Highway from this city to tne county line toward wiikesnoro and Sparta and Boone, over the lllue Ridge and Into the Lost Provinces. Another contract ha been recently let tor the construction of a hard- surfaced highway toward MocksviUs, Davie county to the county --' 4ine, these' two highways connecting the Forsyth county seat with Yadkin and Davie. Htokes county, on the north, is to be recognise-a handicap or to face a dimcalt problem wlih the confidence that a solution can be found. ' The year has been marked by a mini mum of business complications, the aggregate in. finance involved in' the few . failure which - have ,. been credited to the year im In thla city being a very insignificant sum compared with the million ot dol lars Invested , In Us Indus! lai and mercantile enterprises. The busi ness record of Winston-Salem 1 on of .which the entire cltlxenshlp may well be proud. While business has not assumed a pre-war proportion, still it ha been very satisfactory, and from report much better than In soma other portion ot the stats and many, sections of the South. ' It , 1 said by those who know most Intlma.ely the business Interests of Winston-Salem that there will be very tew changes In business In Wln-ton-Salem this new . year, and In 1122 considerable expansion ot the business district may be expected.' Mlilii"; HOLD SOCIAL SESSION Members of Baptist Church, In ' Informal Meet ins;; Two i'." -: '. : ; Aged Sisters El kin, "Dec. II: Wednesday eve ning front f :80 to 10:28 .the Bap- tiat congregation held an informal entertainment in the church, the ob ject of which waa to get better a, qualnted with " each . other and ex. change greeting . ot the :, season. About S tO persons, were present, representing , all ages and . classes, tmrm th orra v.hnlrttd fathers -. and mother down to the IlUle trft in- their mothers' arms. Short addresses were made, by the pastor and differ ent members of ths church and a number of readings and recitations wi m ;ev concerns CHARTERED LAST Charters Are Issued For Varii Uoes With Aggregate Auj thorized Capital f 4,930,00t Fifty pew business concerns w chartered during the past year to business in .Winston-Salem, reprl senUng total authorized .'capital $4,120,000.; A number of these co cern began business early -in t year and are now doing a thrlvii busbies. In addition to the new chartered companies, a large nun ber of the eetabllshed nrms increase. their capital in order to expand i business. I ." The fact that Winston-Salem' h. many: attractive advantages, to offe baauiesB concerns desiring location Ur proven bir the record stated in th foregoing paragraph.-. fia city With out-spme unusual advantages woul draw ilfty new establishment with in on year.'' ..'M.r-'. "... Beginning wlth thei llrst. of ith year, the newly chartered concern are listed a follows, together wit; th authorized1 eanital of each: .-. I i Tha-V Felta '. Company, $125,000 Nlchola and' Company. fSO.OOv; Th. COiiFK FEE Secretary President's t Of Agriciies Washington, at the direction oi rding Secretary Walli g in. vitation today nixa tion antf.repr Indus trie associated Teeny With agrlcultur 'tionaj conference ne" a month t uggwa or Improvement I jm cultural depre thru out the land.1 The PreiH a conferenc I nouncedyeatel1 secretary in wf- whlj no one :tng 'y of I Ti- i Jru-; tAat at tne present-conditio w-i been avoided none ot o . filling , to agree that there ougtfv ,m to be some correct and censtrucjBve step taken: tn retf-eav the p-lere -hardshlDs in- dec which nfi!portant a portion of the counify. hi struggling." J it .-. ... The conrerence win aiviae it work Lacy-Wagner- ' Company, $50,000;f.'nto; tW soctlons, one for consider Porter plumbing Company, $2S,00;Uon of '.'our present day aiffleultiM" Carver Clothing Company, 125,0Q;land 4e other to worl 'out, general Joyce Bros, i Conpany, , 100,000;lpolicleB for the future, v. , t , i. Pyr25oroTo; "TwlnTcuyTAlhle D IS-' company, f 100,000; American wu Company, $106,000; Versailles Chem ical Company, 1125,000; Magie-No-I jjacon,' Ga., Deo. 21. Saved from ble Company, l,00,000;v HomelVna gmiows at Gray. Oa.. yesterday Builders Company, 1125,000; Wln-Sby a npits order from U.S, Judge ton Hardwood Company, 100,000; I Beveffly I. Evans, - John Bonner, North State Film Company, 265,000; lnegrol oonvictea ot murder and Sen- 3 . V. ! 1 1 I. , . Unit 1. W. , . . . v ... iwuwtamo xvvaity unvpaiijf, ftv,,,,, itencef lo . nuitr in . connection Wltn SHOT AVOIDING ESCAPE iDunnagan --Brokerage K Company, were giveby the younger mem- JJS'b" f "t8D.MQ,"n v;oT, ber... Delightful musle which- had N-Proflt Gf oceryoci- been specially , arranged ior ,ne occasion was rendered by the Choir, iaht refreshment ; , were - then served, after which the-congrega atlon, $50,000; - Martis-Hill ' Candy Company, 275,900; Winston-Salem Advertising Club, $1,000; barber printing Company, " IlOO.OOor Hin rn dlsbamled "wit' th' hope7of ; J11 i fall term and giving room for . a largely increased registration of pu pils. ' Th city l also arranging tor the' immediate constmotion of . a' twelvs-room colored . high school building on property , owned by th city school 'commission adjacent to the state sctiool for eoiorea normal student. : Thl will be completed In 22. - i . '-,.' fit :-'y: The school authorlne al have in hand plan for several other school building wtuch wni have oe conr tructed a rapidly as practicable. bond ror wnion nave aireaoy oee voted by the people. ;'.,'':V ;i': i Mnnldpal Heerouyoa 1021 has witnessed a great expan sion of faculties for municipal recre ation. Kew public playground have been opened and th number ol sup ervisors necessary - to care for each hav been provided. They are doing a wonderfully efficient service under the direction or tn city aeparuneni meeting again during the Christmas season ot Wd. -. -v .. ?-;:"' 'Mr. and Mrs. J; A. Johnson left, yesterday . for their home in Wei'! don, after: spending the past -Week here with their s daughter, .Mr. B. C, Jame. -:'."." ?,--' .;,..f. : '.J", - B. I- Harris, of Winston-Salem, spent several days ne. thl?I y,e with hi parents, ur, an m-im , . W. Harrl In WmA-mkin.tii'WiSi; On Christmas afternoon the mem ber ot Bryan Ipdg I. O. O. F. ot this place wetnt In a body to the home of the two McHargue sister in Wert Elkhv carrying many good thing to gladden the hearta pf these good , womeni j It - has beeh the custom ' of the Lodge here to look after the need of these two sister for a number of year and every Chrlstma to visit them 4n a body. One of them i 4 and the other tt year old.. On Chrlstma day Mr.; John lnc j - ui.a tin - Carter, -ol . State T-.ii . -t veoterdav Mr. Ernest j Darnell, of Elkln. and Miss Beulah of park and playgrounds. The most j 0:,j, - state Road, " were uvuiuw. uuwwn . united In marriage,, i. a,, t"wa is the Skarland recreation fleld, tn the eastern part ot the city. It 1 located east ot Memorial hospital and ha permanently constructed .tennis and basketball courts, foot and base ball fields, in addition to otner taciu tlea. Plan for the substantial - Im- orovement of thla and all otoer piay- ground In the city, under the direc tion of tn munioipai , aepartment during the- coming year are. under way. t , . . ; Protection. ?. 1 . Protection of life and property ha been given careful consideration by the city .' administration, under the J. p., officiating for botn coupies. T Tonight a - watch-night servloe wiU b held in the Methodist church here rom 10 o'clock . until mid night. An appropriate program has been prepared . andowttl . be ren dered by the young people of the congregation. " ' .- 3 ' - ' f ciixWrfraiAS visitors j- i TO THE GRANITE CITY Mt, Airy.' Dec Mr. and Mr J. H. Bparger and , daughter,, . Mia Alma Snarser. of Grenaooro, and 8. direction of Mayor Jamek O. Hane.)W. Sparger, of Dwham, are ueet Under tbe dtreoUon of th publio of Mr. and Mr B. H..Kochtitky,., safatv csmmlttee of the board of! Mis Helen Smltb, ot Greenaborot connected with a aldermcrt in co-operation witli the is the gueet ot.her tamer. A.. .B. town to the- county line. These three If any taxpayer fail to ffle aUnntrart will airsrvsato. a eost nf return of Income or pay th tax,: if about three quarters of a million dol- M t)V 1la ttflTttln tU rtavti fir t n tlrriA i i.a. . ii m nta x. i ... , , --- irUII MHUf-l w 1 W , MIVU. VI. i.cr schedule, in the old'bulidlng, but the new building: will not, be used until the following week, t K w Work on this new school building was started some time during: the first of ths summer, and its comple tion will frea.ly aid in the efficient work of th echool. ':"..-,. : -''. DR. TAYLOR MUST FACE NEW CRIMINAL CHARGE Oreensboro; Dec.w 81 -A special term ot Guilford superior Court for the trial 'of criminal case will con vene here on Monday morning, with Judge ' Garland S. Ferguson, of Waynesville.' presiding. The , court will be in session for two week. ; -; Solicitor John C. Bower has ah- nounoed that Dr. J. WV Taylor ami Mra J. H. Harrll will be tried on a i charge of Immqrallty at this terra of the court. The announcement creord : onme interest her, coming an It did shortly after Dr. Taylor d been ac quitted en a similar, charge .when ar raigned with hi secretary. Mis Ca "lar Saunders, early in December, . . ; The- trial of -the, case occupied. three days and was the center of in terest during that time. In the coun ty. . ' .'. Dr; Taylor, one of the most yli i ly known eye speclallsia of the tt. waa at one time president of the North Carolina Society of Optom etrists, and .also: for, . many tmrn served as secretary of the state brwrfl ' of examiners in -.optometry. Mis. liarrell was neighbor of the Taylor family. - . UNIQUE RUSE GIVES CONVICT HIS FREEDOM Montgomery. Ala.j-DB."I1.-C, B. Ion alius K. W. Jones, serving from: two to three years in state's prison" for second degree forgery, forged hi way to freedom from ifce- Aiancui , prison camp yes'erday, according to , tiifl slate convict department. . ' S :; Ijpob was hospital steward at the i:ui.l. Ho obtained otiicial order' va tile and orawd :the" name of a 1-aroled convict, substituting hie own, It waa accepted by the authorities at iae camp and Leon walked out on- a ten day parole. - . i ' Leon was convicted in Montgom ery county and began serving bis !ntence February ti. ' v." VCUNG PANAMA GIRL ' MAKES FINE RECORD ..... i :- Panama. Dec. J1.-A new recefd '.,r women pedestrian In Panama r, as heen efrtablished by Alba Mann, will open on January the second a' revenue act, the tax shall be doubled and such, double tax shall be in creased by one - per -cent for each monh or fraction of a month from the time the tax was originally due to the date of th payment. . :: : "The words 'gros Income' include gains, profits and income derived from salaries, wage or compensa tion of personal eervtce - whatever kind and In whatever form paid, or from professions, vocations, trades, business, Commerce or sale or deal ings in property, whether real or personal, growing out of the owner ship on use of or interest in such property;: also from interest, ;' rent, derived," securities, or the transac tion of any business carried oa for .gain pr profit, or gain or profit and income aerjvca irom any source wnatever.- s . 1 1 - . : tiroes Income does not include th following which is exempted under the etate act: .: i 3 ; The proceeds ; of : life Insurance policies; value' of property acquired by gift or bequest (but the lucome from such property must be in cluded In the gross income) : In terest npon obligations of United State or of the state; salaries, wages or other pay received from United . to.1: npproxv rounding the figures mately 11,000.000. M ; -.:. " -f, Improvemenia AU tiTCr Town. i ' The Improvements in street eon struction and the building of honaar and business houses has been con fined to no one-section of the city. Every section of the city has' boenLwien advancing- with notable rapidity an ewure ox nuinrs nnvti onvn cujr structed in the northern aeotloDot the city, scores in the westernnwc tion, ' especially In : the western suburbs, great improvement ha also been noted in, the outhwt. the southern section and east, While the city has been spreading in every direction vacant property inside has been , ' nndergoing transformation thru the construction of new homes. and extension of the . business dis trict of the city.. : j . Resideatial section showing un usual development : are Mont view snd Whitevlew on the North-; West Highlands. Buena VIsLa and Ard more and Crafton' Height on th West; Granville in Salem, and Cen tral Terrace and Longview on the South. ' - .; j . Xew ChorcheH. " "Many churches of the city have expandea then- tacllltle for pro- water supply has been increased 'o Mis Virginia Galloway, of Greens care for the city in the most extreme 1 bore, i the guest of Miss France period of drought additional pump . Foy. - ' ' v are being Installed at the water sta- J. I Harrison spent the past wsek tton an orders have rl end with his brother, Js Harrleon, ths onStructlotv5uauionaTrclkp Fayettevllle. "i , " main to ctx,' the water j taTVe (Vmi Lilly Ma Crott. of Wlneton- city, .Inj oration with the polkjs!m 1 th guest of frlenQ ana IVe here, rthe force 1 rengthened 1 Ifent operation Installed. ' Ox , ansion olin Stales by ofllclats or employee ther-rooting the work of the church and ounutt, iiuu,v. wmiv oiaer congre gations have either practically com pleted new plants Or have plans well under way for construction work to begin some time . during Uie new year.- Th new bouse of worship of the Fourth Btreet Christian congrega tion ha been practically comnleted during the year; the 8alem Baptist have materially oxpanded their equipment; the Salem Methodists have practically completed one of the handsomest and most spacious cnurcn piani in tne city ana elab orate. Improvement have been made at the. Christ Moravian church plant. -"-; , -i: IV- -. - Centenary ; Methodist church is awaiting favorable i. condition for building a large addition to their of, including persons in military or naval forces; any. amounts received through accident or health insur ance or under wotk ytien s com--pensatlon act. r . .. . ,':'.' :.Th "net income" Is defined a th "gross Income of the taxpayer, les the .deductions allowed" under , the act. : '1 ' ' ' ' ... : ' -:': t ... a For the present the elate depart ment or revenue announces that it has adopted the .same rulings In reference to depletion and deprecia tion as adopted by the United States government, ; . Exemptions allowed are as tot lows: "in the case of a single in dividual a personal exemption of $1, 000. In the case Of a married man with wife . living with him. f 2.800. Itt the case of a widow or. widower having minor child or ii y ars oil. wno waixeo xnryjuie , r.al zone from ocait to oc n; a . nce of HinroxlmaMiy 50 mlMMn is roui I 2$ i minute actual his nine,' an average '.of, j about - i,i!. n hour. Mif -MaiHiif'whp yoiti.eest irirl . t underi'ukv. im holds the ranal, jmnc - i n.tinpjor.shfps f'jr higii and w . i. c and swimmli g. r ton.: children i """"" " iw meir ratural or adopted. J.OOO." An ex-,Pih. wi-SZ iXSrK e i-tAA iAm. ,i ! m hand; the North Winston Baptist dependent upon and receiving chief support fronvth taxpayer, it under 18 year or ie Incapable ot support because mentally or physically de fective, other than husband' or wife. . Beabow and Beck, bksy&ee and accessories. .They save jo? moasy. Orapbopbone ot all wake; repaired, gunsmitba, locksmitb. saw- flllng, lawn mower oC)ykind harpened and kept in perfect repair, making them hurt. twice long. They do the largest amount of repair , work In Wlnton-8alem, Liberty atreet. Adv. '.' V, -' -".f' ': Wv-;;"Xs.'.-?;'::: ;i t Zi ...-.-.: -v'.- 1 i ' . it i ."."-'-' - - S. Krtxmr, - ready-to-wtar tot men, women and boy. - The store out of the hUh rent district la fur nutting th ladies and men and boy witli ready -to-wr suits at unheard of low price tow quality suit. .Ex amine the Dually -of the suit and fyou Will agr with oa- Adv - their plant during the coming year; Fairriew Moravian .congregation is hoping in the new year . to make elaborate improvement in the facil ities of their church during the com ing year; - the Southside Baptists already eecured a lot and plans for a new cnurcn otiuaing, tne iund for which Is already practically assured, it Is understood; Calvary Moravian church I snaking fin progress In accumulating i' building food for a new church, Vhien doubt! will be begun early In the new year Greenwood - Avenue Baptists also have plans In hand and ' a liberal sum in- its building tuna, tor a new houne of worship, and - Burkhead Methodist church has been sold by tut trustee and plans are being re. cured for a new building to be lo icated on property nhcudv acquired I by them. i . They . have agreed " to i vacate -their present' - home during a been and factlltie: f the- depart eclal lnteres: ool organi: ing clt: d a n.i wa: flghUtijrtacillt f She 'tf Jn cutoperation with re deparunenr, 'chief, and onnectioh It ay well be Aated hat the cltf has experienced an usually low fir damage pjsrbrd this -Many -alarm rar been re ded to, the numhfjrbeing rac- tlcaltstriormal, M.priie damage baa been ulra)wlaili several months being o efficiently eared for as to attract; th attention of the state in-t surancf commission and prompt him in most highly commending the local nre department ior it wora. . Mil lion of dollar ot property in build ings sad contents have been at risk, with damage of compare tVrsly a few dollar. .' .'.,--::-.v.i..f..-...-.v Social Activities. ' l ' Thm year has been one of unusual social-activity. Thruout th year the city ha beeh Oiled with die tlngutohed -visitor,'- social ... guests, buslnas visitors, distinguished busi ness men ai)d statesmen, aervlng not only to strengthen . the spirit . of brotherhood and ' good fellowship in the cKy, but served also to broaden th people and scatter the fame of the city as " a good place in which to live and do business" thruout the nation. The local club are alert to the value of recreation for It mem cerstand ha v also , recognised It resparisibllity In city building In mak ing visitors in in city feel at noma, i Th Various ctvio club, for both men and 1 women, have brought dis tinguished visitors to the city in per forming It function of making the city iti better place In which to live and "the state the beat In , th South. Poring th comma- year all ree- ord In thl Una are expected tp be orosen tnru tn entertainment of varteaa conventions, a large number! of which have already been booked. The) first for the New Tear la. the (atBoring of the North Carolina edi tor for their . mid-winter meeting her next week, to be followed closely the last of the month by the mH-winter meeting ot the oora metcial secretaries association ot the .ate., Elaborate entertainment plans are) under way, and these two, with all tot her bodies esserabUna- In Wln- stofa-8alem next year are promised a our am. . ,1 ' A lb-cord Ycr.' . tti spite of the a-eneral crv of btul. Be depression Wlntiion-Salem has torsrea anead during the nast vear. and it ha been gratifying to hear ins c:mmn or -the . raveling pun lit ftboul the prosperous Condition In H button-Salem snd ': -vlrlnltw. TK elty I full of optimist, ready tot 317 Main. see Prather I In Baltimore on "sobotta. Of Kansas City, Mo., wueet of Mr. and Mr, i John ott. on Pin treet." t tt u rimham. of Tarboro, la e gueet of her parent. Judge and Mr. T. B. McCargo.', ' Mrs. R, R. Jackson la visiuiuj Southern Iron and Steel Corporation, 150,000; Jojice-Woodward Company, sso.eoo;; S. and W. Csffeteria, 000; Liberty Baking Company, 1100, 000; Vance-Walker Shoe Company, $100,000: The Phvlos Club. 115.000; The Robert E. Lee 'Hotel Company, IZ00,000;Wlnton Leaf Tobacco and Storage Company, 1115,000; Walk ertown;, Milling ;; Company,, f 14,000; Pilot.' t Candv , Comoanv. 150.000: Longview sj ... Inveotmi , t Company, 1100,000;- Buena Vista Annex. Inc. f 100,000; Domestic Coal Company, $10,000; Imperial Gas and Oil Com pany, $50,000;. Growers Exchange Company, i $50.000; :' Vogler-Knouse Comoanr. S100.000: Crystal , Candy Company,. $100,000; Barber Photo and Office Supply Company, $50,000; Standard Home Company, $100,000; Warren Bales Remedy Corporation, $250,000; Taylor -Brother 'Coot, pany, $750,000; H. H. Hall and Com pany, $10,000; Tuttle Transfer Com pany, $10,000; Motor Bus Transpor tation Company, $100,000; Thomp son Detective Agency, $10,000; Reil- ley-Wllllanw' Motor Company, $50, 000; National '"Hatchery Company, $100,000; Jarvis Storage Battery Company, $50,000. , . SHIPLOAD OF LIQUOR " OFF CAROLINA COAST Lt , . " 1 ;i Washington, Dec. : 81. -Seirure of the British schooner Messenger of Peace -with a cargo of liquor. . off the North .Carolina coast Was re ported to Assistant 'Secretary of the Treasury Clifford today by the coast guard station at, lfillxabetn . City, North- Carolina. The ship, the report said, was stranded on Okra Bar oft the coast of North Carolina, but -was floated yesterday. , ATTOnXET GEWTRAL SAYS RETAIL PRICES TOO HICU Federal 1nVestlgatlon, of '"retail prices charged (n' various part ot the country, for food, fuel, shoos and clothing,' has beon Initiated by At torney General Daugherty. He gave orders-to Director Burns, of the bu reau investigation of the justice de Dartment, to assign a force of men at once to the duty of obtaining data on ' retail prices In different TncAlltlea. :.-i. '.' - s Mr. Daugherty: declared that prices ,? of - necessary commodities were too high and that In some in stances the profits of retailers were "unconscionable." It would never be possible, he asserted, to get the the killing of A. a Jones, a wealthy reclue. attemoted to make his ea. capp,iomers said,' -while he waa, be-'i ing touunerrea rrom tne uibb county jail a irain to oe i&Hen to At antaror safekepine at an early hour P odaJand was shot, and wounded tn ItothfeCt. ., Sheriff J. - C, Middle Wools, ot Jones- county, who had chard ot the prisoner, - suffered teverl bruise and laceration he re- reive in. a struggle with the negro in a tal bin of a local hotel. :".... r Thlo'Hanlop Drug . -tor f -mj takesijtie lead with all Rexail 'Rm edlea'ac0 Ciam. Taloum 'Powder and choit Perfume, fragrant, iastlnfaad dqjikhtful. ' Try thsm and f j - will rJvay us t them. They Lav no wrual. Everyone th gold nandard 'of values. 100 cents oil twdollar. Adv. - , f II. II I.I . mi fl ThDlxle Electric Company still- take ha lead -with th finest jlne of eMricai auppiie of all - km.t Ltmi shades, fans; Olectria heat. Ur tit take tad chill off your bad room our oinina room, your sitting room! See :ouiV'ctrle Iron, th khoulbe in. - every home. four iiousfvlrsd'by u will satisfy, ys save fcu'.money.-Adv. i t !3IDS3QE3Q33Dnnr E othsrri U Indigestion ranj. persopt, iirou and healUir, Ijopred , occaaionally . fisestloa. The ettectg dlrdered tomch sjora an ' uangeron rfnpt treatment n to Important njlclne I have : h something to f and clean .1. Mr. rrei Kinney, Tex: medicine. U -'t' . w: i :Thed(:nl's aUve in ureensporo., - - - - - ' ' to lh8 Dr.e.war level but S6 -tKVage. lowered and the cost of college. 1 the guest ot na parem Attorney and Mrs. w. sr. carter. Misses Nettle Allred .and Estelle Leonard wUI leave Monday to visit Miss Louise Edwards In High Point Rev. W. M. Wall, of Mayodan, ent iled relative here the flnrt of the week." ,. - -: . ". i M. L, Dean lert yveaneooar mi k..-ia .in in Richmond. V " HIMIIKW - ',- . ' . . . . -, Mis France Leenara visueu; . A. D. Baldrldgs, during tne noii day. in Greensboro. , ; Daniel Dean, student of UieSnen- erfdoah Collegiate Inatltute, at Day ton, Va., Is the guest or nig spreuuj, Mr." and Mrs. so. u.' mw. ' j-'i i , i . mi Mr., E. H. Wrenn, Jr., ot ReldsvUle, spent the holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mr. R.,M. Mrs. Jo Cartel; and lltle daugh ter. Jean ' and Elixabeth, spent Christina with relative In Washlng- rnnAintfx reduced he was v deter. mined to learn whether the present "badly proportioned", retail, price should be maintained. i t,-. i , t .- 1 1 1 - - Jo Jacob Clothing' Company has given the people th gold standard of value. 100 cents strictly nrt oiasa, ty ClOUllUg auu ing bag, valises, wholesale price. th dependable at. tomer, always a what ths people th dollar In grade auall- ihlngs, travel- lea than r to trkdo at 'One a cue- :ustomef. that's . Ad. i uu man uif easss. Li-paj ofe. T i I rodireaUT S Lbla el I ier fouw4 tT aW arm u ofcpldlge- W "la only p Deaea has - did dire- U ihe. liver," c Sg Ashby, a w n, -. urmar. W ! ' ,v,... a RAUGII 1 n and stomach ty kind. I bay ajfythlng that :bea the pot, like Black- lught - I take K In broken i after meals. For a long 1 k I tried pllla, which grip. I land didn't give the good hits. ' . Black-Draught liver llcine to easy to taka, as7 keep, InexpenalTe." ; , . ; i t a packag from yonr jbflat today Ask tor and 1 1st upon Thedford' tt. 1 I fanulna.-; I ?t tt today. WAR SAVINGS STAMPS . FOR NEAR EAST RELIEF i RalebJh, .Dec,:$lWar" avlng stampsvar -being received with con tributions to the Near ' East Relief Fund tor lta Work ot child-saving in Armenia and Assyria. It wa an nounced today by CoL George H. niiBmv tat chairman. ,.. These stamps win w u i 1 money in purchasing and sending; food and clothing to th thousands ) of starving orphan, . and refugee still unable to care for themselves la th Bible land. ; - ' - With 'the Turk now unven. out u Armenia as aoon a' the crop can be raised the refugees are expected to be able to take care of them selves. Cot ' Bellamy pointed ut.- Among the contribution sent In response to the Chrlstma appeal to the Neat- East Relief- to 'Josephu Diniela, 'Honorary State Chairman, wa one from a prisoner In th state penitentiary. Jack Hall, who la erring a wentence for bigamy sent la a one dollar bill, one ot the first contribution to b received in re sponse, to. Mr. Daniel' ppeL . . ,D& M. BasebaO Goods -; Special diMOWtt tn Schools, Clubs aiCd CoHcttes , HKNRT HARRIS I , n the Sqaare SAMSON TRtlCS larger- Dollar Value ; - - -Your handling; cost tfiust v minimum. The truck you use - ; for. your dollar. - s ' - Samson TruckVare desigii ' the utmost in transsudation 1 is, small.- : Their operaYngicostl - . .: SfimoAn Tiniilra kasTAy imnfl construction that maketjieni '. for farm work. ' It is th trif ' should buy i Our new plan of fin; gives you an opportunity ijruck Mileage ftpt 'to the. absolute give you full value - id built to eive you 11 Their original cost ceedingly low. , elusive features of .' eiimely well adapted 4l at every farmer -you use it. You have a year for h r truck" purchase nr your work whiles li opay. - .i : , Corner Liberty and Third treel inston-Salem, N. C- .mi iPEGIAl W$ offer you an t uual merchan event ju$t before lake inventory. v item Ve offer i a Valu OUTING GOWK : 89c ' . SWEATERS S1.00,$1.5f Sl,75vS2.4? v ... suns; 89c, LADIES' UNION ; suits, rvxw noriDic UNION SUITS 69c an98 BOYS? CAPS m CtifL DRIB'S AND 'CAT MEN'S SHIRTS 98cand$L4 BOYS' SHIRTS 98c 1 ROYS'- OVERAlf MEN'S OVERAU 79caniJSl.l CHILDREN'S ? HOSIERY 15c, 25c and 39c mm '?i'?-l';''''.'V'W.i - Sample i Store I 421 TradeStr i r