rite ONLY REALLY INDEPENDENT WEEKLY in MerV a it burg County for a Weekly, Its Readers Represent the LARGEST BUYING POWER in Charlotte Official Organ Central, Labor Union; standing for j the A. F. of L. Che Charlotte labor Journal Patronise oar Adver-1 Users. They make YOUR paper possible by their eo- [ operation. Truthfvl, Honest, Impartial AND DIXIE FARM NEWS Endeavoring to Serve the Masses VoL VL—No. 16 You* advert iscmcnt im Tni journal is a •ooo CHARLOTTE, N. C„ THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 1936 IOURNAL AOVCRVIKRR Odtnvk CON SI O KM A ▼ ION 09 £«) V_ thi raadir i cr I CRT >.0