Wm. S. Green, Close Observer, Says Building and Work Getting Better Reactionary Editorial More Tolerant FARMS BECOMING MORE PRODUCTIVE, DUE TO SCIEN TIFIC RESEARCH—TWO LARGE OCEANS SEPARATE FIELDS—“WE HAVE THE HIGHEST STANDARD OF LIVING OF ANY COUNTRY IN THE WORLD," THAT IS WHY WE HAVE CONFIDENCE. To the Charlotte Labor Journal: Business and work is getting bet ter. And it is going to continue to get better and better, because funda mentally, we have the basis for aj great expansion. ,,, . Demand is rowing steadily for our manufactured and agricultural prod ucts and this demand is being aided by big business instead of hindered as it was a few months ago. Big business realised before it was too late they were destroying the confi dence of the buying public, by howl ing “Wolf” at too many of the gov ernment’s actions. The editorial policies of many re actionary papers have become more tolerant, for the time being. The actions of extremists on the other side have been squelched due to their followers being brought face to face with hard times instead of rosy dreams. The population of the United States is growing more rapidly within our own boundaries, rather than by immi gration, upon which we were largely dependent in the older days. This growth will some day take up the slack in employment caused by our improved techono logical processes of manufacture. On the other hand, our farms are becoming more productive per acre, due to scientific research in entom ology—bugs to you. Everyone knows if you control the boll weevil you get more cotton. The same applies to every farm product raised. The soils are also getting moie favorable treatment. Two large oceans separate us from European and Asiatic war fields. A constitution that guarantees us per sonal freedom has stood tests of many decades. An expanded educational system gives to youth that most necessary knowledge, to carry on our Institutions in accord with our under lying principles of government. A free radio and free press give us all sides of any controversy which arises. Social security and old age laws have been passed, designed to give every bne more confidence in our ability to live and eat. We have the highest standard of living of any country in the world. We have the most radios. We have the most automobiles. That is why we have confidence. WM. S. GREENE. Central Labor Union Meeting One of Interest and Well Attended; Paul Aymon Gives Good Advice Charlotte Central Labor Union went all the gates last night (Wed nesday) with nothing left to be de sired as far as discussion went. While the business transacted was mostly of a personal nature, it nevertheless meant much to organized labor in Charlotte under the A. F. of L. ban ners. Paul J. Aymon, Carolinas director of the A. F. of L. forces, was pres ent and gave wise counsel on some of tbe questions which were before the BRIDGES DEPORTATION PROCEEDINGS HALTED WASHINGTON, D. C.—The U. S. Labor Department ordered postpone ment of th edeportation proceedings against Harry Bridges, San Francisco representative of the C. I. O. longs shoremen’s union, pending an appeal of the recent decision of the Circuit Court of Appeals for the fifth judic ial circuit which held that member ship in the Communist party is not sufficient grounds to order an alien deported. The decision freed J. G. Strecker, a restaurant keeper of Hot Springs, Arkansas, who admitted membership in the Communist party and bad been ordered deported. The deportation hearing had been sched uled to begin in San Francisco on April 26. Action against Bridges was asked on the ground that he is a mem ber of tbe Communist party. He is a naturalized Australian, and has lived *in the United States many years with out having taken out naturalization papers. MANY N. Y. FIRMS SEEK SMALL BUSINESS LOANS NEW YORK.—The first day’s ses sion of the Smaller Business Associa tion of New York District, Inc., au thorized to administer the new statute under which the Reconstruction Finance Corporation is empowered to lend up to $1,500,0,00,000 to persons owning small businesses, received ap proximately one thousand applications for loans varying from $1,000 to $5,000 an dtotaling about $2,600,000. Under the Glass-Steagall law, recent ly enacted by Congress, an applicant may have as long as fourteen years in which to complete payment of the loan. Most of those seeking Federal aid said there were conducting suc cessful businesses, but that a loan would enable them to replenish stocks or purchase improved equipment. Most of them said the loans would en able them to employ more workers. body, clearing up many doubts that may have been on the minds of the delegates. The Woman’s Union Label League is preparing for its open meeting the second Wednesday in May, and Miss Vernette Threatt, the president, made a good report as to activities and ask ed the co-operation of members of the affiliated locals in the work they are doing. The meeting went beyond the usual time limit, but it was enjoyed by all present, and the hall was filled with delegates. President H. L, Kiser pre sided. The meetings are now being held at 8 P. M. instead of 7:30. The Women’s Label League will meet next Thursday night at 8 o’clock with Mrs. A. J. Dumas, No. 530 W. South street. PATRONIZE JOURNAL ADVERTISERS . OH. CONGRATULATIONS! “Still engaged to Maude?” “No." “Good!” “What?” “Good; how did you get rid of her?’ “What?" “How did you drop the old hag?" “I married her.” MIGHT TRY IT Prof. Pilcher: “Now, Mr. Bjonea. can you give the class an example of wasted energy?” Frosh Bjonea: “Yes, sir—telling a hair-raising story to a bald-headed man.” SssasJ' Dili TUUN GIHL Claire Trevor Donald Woods Alan Dinehart Charlotte’s Pioneer Optometrist—Eye-sight Specialists DR. SAM LEVY Eyes Examined — Glasses Fitted Since ISM 1MK SMth Gharck MnS, Communists Lose In Senatorial Election In DL CHICAGO.—The Communist par ty of the United States furnished a large part of the dynamite exploded in the Illinois primary election cam paign, which came to a dose April 12. Again it was demonstrated that it does not pay to be suspected of con torting with the Reds. Thev are “pixen,” politically and otherwise, it is proved once more. With establishment of the Mid west Daily Record in Chicago Febru ary 12, the Communists not only re newed their "boring from within" tac tics in organised labor, but broadened out to include the Democratic party in the State of Illinois. The Comrades got themselves all “balled up” and caused anguish and great grief among the old line politicians who attempted to win a few additional votes by ac cepting Communist support, which is negligible because the Communists are nearly all foreign born persons who have no vote. m will find much of interest in a frank discussion of the prob lems of ESTATE ADMINIS TRATION ... one of the prin cipal services offered by the Trust Department of this Bank. Come in at your convenience and talk it over with our offi cials. Commercial National Bank PlDIRAt RISBRV1 >Y>T»M^ MI»AI HmitUilMlAMO ★REMEMBER . You Always Save at Balk Bros.! Give Yourself <i A New Feeling of Style And Comfort In A Belk Straw Sennit Sailors . . . . 82.95 Lightweight, comfortable straw* that look like much more expen sive model*. Also plenty of new ventilated straws. Genuine Panamas . 82.95 Good quality panama* at a popular price. Take your choice from the newest pinch front styles, optimos and hi-lo models |— Sailors and Soil St rates 97c anti 81.45 A value-giving selection of straws that you cannot afford to over look. Sennit sailors and flexible straws in natural, grey or tan. OTHER SAILORS AND FLEXIBLE STRAWS, $1-85 Stetson Sailors . . . . 83.95 Look for the name Stetson . . . synoymous with q-u-a-l-i-t-y! These are fashioned from high grade sennit straw. In the wmted shapes. Ecuadorian Panamas 83.95 84.85 87.50 The last word in flexible brimmed panamas. They stand up under the hardest wear, yet they always look well. See them! Men’s Hat*—Street Floor BELK BROS. CO. CHARLOTTE. N. C—“THE FRIENDLY CITY” PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS THE LITTLE POOR LADY The Little Poor Lady— She hadn’t the gold, Nor the silver belike To handle and hold; But meekly and mildly She brought her wee mite,— And the Little Poor Lady Was rich in God’s sight. The Little Poor Lady— She hadn’t a thought Past gift and the firing Of honor or aught; But freely and gladly She gave her last mite,— And the Little Poor Lady Was great in God’s sight. —Liam P. Clancy. Catholic World. The Uaiea Label aaeure. * jar chaser that he ia putting his moaey Trade Unionism. °* GET A GOOD ONE “My husband’s a second story man.” "You don’t say." "Yes, his first story never fools ne.” JATRONIZE THOSE WHO ADVERTISE IN THE JOURNAL QUALITY DRY CLEANING Called for and Ddhmd F. C. Campbell (Member To—of— aad Chaaffem Lmrf) Tit LrnriM in. Pkoat MSI It Pan to Aaia WMk Doggett Lumber Co. PATRONIZE THOSE WHO ADVERTISE IN THE JOURNAL 'HURSDAY NIGHT •s Airnily ni£ht ai Catetcria SAFETY — COMFORT — ECONOMY Mecklenburg Hotel RADIO AND ELECTRIC FAN IN EVERY ROOM Pender Stores ECONOMY* AT® QUALITY ANDREWS MUSIC CO. “EVERYTHING MUSICAL” 2*1 N. Tryon St. F. C ROBERTS OPTOMETRIST 114J4 8. Tryo» St, Phone 2-3214 Chnrlotte, N. C. Victor Shaw Co. BATTERY SERVICE :H: 11| i «th sad Collet* Sto, Phone Till DOUBLE OR NOTHING “My aunt chinned the bar twenty times.” “Nonsense! Ten times.” “I said twenty. She has a double chin.” PATRONIZE ADVERTISERS JOURNAL IP YOUR SUBSCRIPTION IS IN ARREARS SEND IN A CHECK ROSELAND FLORAL CO. SO# N. Tryon—Corner Try on •ad Sixth Streets PHONES mi AND tit] DeVONDE’fc 24—HOUR SERVICE—24 Cleaning and Pressing SN’SSUn'S - COATS - HATS LADIES SUITS - DRESSES COATS - HATS 5 PHONE 3-5125 eVonde Band Box Cleaners, Inc. 304 North Tryon Street Southern Feed Co. NOW LOCATED AT 212 S. COLLEGE ST. Were at Caraer 4th tad College Sum Line Ft 'eed, Sot Chicks OF COURSE A colored man said he had a cousin who used to bootleg and one night while he was there, the place was raided and the officers went through the beds, trunks, woodbox, stoves, iash pans, in fact tore the place up. “They didn’t. find any, then?” I asked. “No sir, they never found a drop and he had plenty there,” he remark ed. “Well, where did he have it hid den?” I asked. “I don’t know,” he replied, “that boy was sure a heap smarter than me. Why dawgone, he done sold a pint while the police was turning their car around out in front.” EITHER IS OK In order to get a man these days, a girl dosen’t have to make pies like mother used to make. All she has to do is make eyes like mother used to make. ONE THING AT A TIME to marry your Suitor: “I wish daughter, sir.” Dad: “Do you drink, young man?” Suitor: “Jhanks a lot, but let’s settle this other thing first.” ^Southern Dairies, Isi Ice Cream «W Want Fifth S tract CHAHLOTT* N. C. Teiaphaoa 1-11*4 REX RECREATION AND BOWLING ALLEY Where Union Ken Meet 125-117 & TRTON ST. Tsar Roaad Ah CanManai

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