ONLY REAJULY INDEPENDENT WEEKLY to M*ikkpm£muto you* AavnTMncMT m Tnc jovmma m a imvi V CHARLOTTE, N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1940 oring to Senjrtke Mosses . f 9 ■ -Jl $2.00 Per' Year Truthful, Honest, Impartial Official Orgaa Central Labor Unkm; •loading for •iio A. P. of L. VOL. IX—No. 33 BALANCED BOOKS FOR THE A. F.OF L IN THE SOUTH SHOW THAT BODY MADE GREATEST GAIN IN HISTORY Bjr GEORGE L. GOOGE S«»tS«m KitmwUUw Amrlcu F*4*rati«a ti UkN ATLANTA, Ga., Jan. 8.—Balanc ing of the books and completion of the reports of our activities in the South during 1039, show that the past year witnessed the greatest growth of the American Federation of Labor in the South than in any one year of our history. Our records for the past year show substantial increases and adavncements in the following phases of our activities: More labor unions were organised in 1939 than in any other year of our history. Established local unions throughout the South show greater increases in membership than ever before. Wage increases obtained through collective bargaining and peaceful ne gotiations were much larger in 1939 than ever before, millions of dollars having been so obtained for our mem beisnip through these wage in creases. Renewal of agreements with out employers far exceeds any year in past history. New agreements obtained with em ployers more than doubled the num ber of any year in the history of our movement. And what 1 consider of greater im portance in these agreements, both renewals and new, we obtained vaca irons with pay for tens of thousands of our meuiDera who had never before enjoyed this beneficial and manifest ly just consideration. 1 cannot stress the importance of vacations with pay too emphatically. This provision pro motes health and happiness, provides test and recreation, all of which tend to lengthen life and increase effi ciency. Employers have found that it is to their best interests to provide their regular employes with vacations with pay. We have emphasized this feature of agreements in all negotia tions during the past year. All of our City Central Labor Un ions, Building and Metal Trades Councils, Joint Councils of group or WHO S WHO IN UNIONS MATTHEW WOLL MATTHEW WOLb Mawiaew WoU, Vice President of the American Federation of Labor, is also President of the Union Label Trades Department. He has been a member of the In ternational Photo-Engravers’ Union of North America for over 40 yean and served as International President of this organization from 1906 to 1929. He is also Presi dent of the Labor Press of Amer ica, Worken’ Educational Bureau, American Wage Earners’ Protec tive Conference and the Union Labor Life Insurance Company. Mr.: WoU was admitted to the practice of law in 1904 and is one of the outstanding authorities on , Labor legislation. In addition to his organized . Labor activities, Mr. Woll has 1 played an important part in civic organizations as well as interna tional conferences. He was the fraternal delegate to the British Trades Union Congress in 1916. He served as a member of the War Labor Board and as assistant to Samuel Gompers, Chairman of the Committee on Labor of the Na tional Defense Council, during the World War in 1917. He has been a leader in civic, social, charitable and other welfare organizations throughout his active career. He is well known as a writer and speaker on Labor and economic topics. * His address is, Mr. Matthew Woll, President, Union Label Trades Department, 670 L ‘-gton Ave., New York, N. Y. For further information regarding Union' Labels, Shop Cards and Service Buttons write Mr. I. M. Omburn. Secretary-Treasurer, Union Label Trades Department, American Federation of Labor Building, Washington, D. CL ganisations, and our splendid State Federations of Labor, nave reported tremendous growth ill 198$,- greater by far than ever before. CREDIT WHIRS CREDIT DOR These advancements in Labors ranks, these elevations in Labor standards, these accomplishments which mean so much to all of us, did not come of their own accord. In each state in our great southland the of ficers of the State Federation of La bor led their movements with such devotion to duty and in a spirit of fearlessness and determination so marked that their leadership was an inspiration to workers everywhere. In the cities the officers and dele gates in the Cetnral Labor Unions, Trades Counids and District meet ings gave of their time and means and presented such unified forceful ness that victory came as a natural consequence. Aiding these officers and members were our A. F. of L. representatives and the field repre sentatives of our affiliated National and International Unions, all work ing in co-operative and harmonious manner. Backing up these many forces and influences just mentioned, and most powerful in its constant support of of them, were the labor papers of the south—great agencies whose editors and publishers make sacrifices $66 days in the year in such splendid manner as to challenge the admira tion of every member of organbted labor. SOUTH ATTRACTING NATIONAL ATTEN TION. So great has been the progress made in the South by our A. F. of L. movement that plans are now being1 perfected for a great meeting to be held at an early date, at which all of our Southeastern State Federations of Labor, District Councils, Central Labor Unins, and all Local Unions will have representatives. Attending as invited guests will be all ranking officers of the American Federation of Labor and a large number of In ternational Union officials. The pro gram is being so arranged that each and every local union from all f* CENTRAL LABOR WILL SPONSOR SKATING AREA FOR CHILDREN; GO FORWARD IN 1940 ORGANIZATION Central Labor Union handled much business at it* meeting last night (Wednesday), with a fur attendance of delegates present. The organisa tion committee will start off with Ha program January 29th at the Team sters and Chauffeurs Hall. Pegram and Belmont Avenue, at which time efforts will be put forth for the more thorough organisation of the city, county and state highway workers. T. A. Wilson, chairman of the Work men's Compensation board is expected to be the chief speaker. Brother J. A. Moore, of the Ma chinists Union and a member of the Parkp and Recreation Commission, gave a few figures and facts as to the activities of that body daring the past year, which were both enlight ening and encouraging, showing that, body to be functioning 100 per cent Brother Moore is Labor’s representa tive on the board, and next week The Journal will carry an article which will go into details as to this endeavor, Which organized labor in Charlotte is supporting 100 per cent Particular attention was given to the children and their play ground 'area, skating coming in for a full portion of talk. The Park and Rec reation Commission has a plan map ped out which if it comes to a sue (eessful termination, will be given to tour readers later. tiona of the south will have opportun ity to present its ease directly to the highest officials in the Amehican Fed eration of Labor and its affiliated In ternational Unions. Plans are being made for a large attendance of southern labor representatives at this meeting. All of which is for the purpose of making still greater gains in the south in 1940, than were made in 1939, to emphasise as never before that there is but one legitimate labor move ment in the United States, and to adopt a program for 1940 in the south that will make it possible for our leaders in all communities to work more closely together than ever before. In thanldng everyone who haa helped our movement to reach its pin nacle in 1939, I am asking for each one’s continued support in 1940 in full confidence that it will be enthusiasti cally forthcoming. In closing, may I stress the request recently made by President Green that we of the Amer ican Federation of Labor must not lend our support to the political schemes of John L. Lewis ana his so called "Labor’s Non-Partisan Politi cal League.” The CIO has no stand ing in the south, and this being elec tion year, the few leaders they have in Dude are making strenuous effort to make some kind of a showing by engaging in political activities under Lewis’ Non-Partisan League. They will make every effort to set member* of our American Federation of Labor Unions into their political schemes in order to lend some degree of dignity and respectability to their campaign. I am confident that President Green will have no cause for alarm insofar as our southern unions are concerned. Further details of the meeting men tioned above will be made public at an early date. » William S. Greene On the Up-Turn William S. Greene, the affable and popular secretary of Charlotte Cen tral Labor Union, the secretary of the Musicians local and The Journal’s “I Question” columnist, while is re cuprating is still numberd among the “flu” victims. He says there may be worse things than the “flu” but its doubtful. Here's hoping that he will be out on the job again, full time, in the near future. (And he showed up a little pale, but on the job at Central body meeting Wednesday night). AS USUAL I paid flOO for that dog. He’s part collie and part bull. What part is bull? jk The part about 91100. r! i m MMjyT^rtfJP ISamM |jp^ p ... pi Bp 4nUt ■ &wfeN&; v;:.>. PP * 1 : v P fi li Ml 11 IV T !! ■i Victor Bo»to« CoU«f* In theXottao Bowl It Belas, Texas, by « score of 6 to 3, valiant Clerason OoUega rf Sooth Carolina neehred » trowondooa ovation fro* Texans whan tha trophy of victory waa awarded New Taac'a night. friends of John Nance Gamer, the flrat dtixen of Texas, ware hoata at a gala dinner whan Many Hu»hee (left), vice chairman of the Garner-for-Preaident committee, presented the magnificent trophy to Joe Vice President of the dotles to The also him telegraphed attending a MEANY BECAME A. F. L. SECRETARY ON JAN. 1, SUCCEEDING MORRISON; GREEN BEGINS SIXTEENTH TERM WASHINGTON. D. , totaled 8,600—a number approached only at a dinner in honor of Charles A. Lindbergh in 1927 following his flight to Paris. The assemblage included William Green, president of the American Federation of. Labor; Frank Morrison, BAKERS USE THREE BILLION UNION LABKIJt CHICAGO, 111.—In less than a year three billion and a quarte of union labels on bread and bread wrappers rafter'd "kmes Workers’ International Union ox America. The period covered war January 1 to October 1, 1939. The international union, through these gains in union local output, heads a large number of American Federa tion of labor unions using union Ia GEORGE KNEW Teacher: George, can you tell me what the four seasons are 7 Pupil: Pepper, salt, mustard and vinegar. mwmsmnsmmmmmmswmmm the beloved veteran of the labor movement, who ha* just retired after 43 years of splendid service; Third Vice-President Matthew Wall, Fourth Vice-President John Coefield, Presi dent John P. Coyne, of the Budding and Construction Jrads Dpartmem, President John Possehl, of the Inter national Union of Operating Ehgin eers, President Joseph A. Mullaney, of the Asbestos Workers interns tional Association and scores of other national, state and local leaders of or ganized labor. Also present were Governor Her bert H. Lehman, Mayor F. H. U Guardia, Lieutenant-Governor Charles Poletti, State Industrial Commis sioner Frieda S. Miller, Mrs. Anna M. Rosenberg, regional director of the Social Security Board, and scores of other notables of public life. GREEN BEGINS SIXTEENTH TERM AS A. F. L CHIEF WASHINGTON, D. C.—William Green began his sixteenth year as president of the American Federation of Labor on January 1, 1840. In December, 1834, he was appoint ed president of the American Federa tion of Labor by the A. F. of L. ex ecutive council following the death of Samuel Gompers and was elected president by the 1835 A, F. of L. con vention. Since 183b the has. Been elected President eg|ry, year without opposition. UNION MAKES BIG DON ATION The general executive beard of the International Ladies’ Garment Work ers’ Union has allocated $336,000 to refugee relief organisations. The board described toe donation, raised through half-pay gifts by the mem bership, as the largest fund ever raised by an American' labor - union for humanitarian, purposes. The money will be distributed to relief distribution agencies in several for eign countries. -... -... .I. i. in i i . Monday in Jan. :. The Women’s Auxiliary of Char lotte Typographical Union will-have their next meeting with Mrs. Buiord L. Green, 1716 Garden Terrace, on Monday, January 39th. The ladies had a very successful year in 1838, and are looking forward to greater activity in 1948. Mrs. Green as host ess will be assisted by Mrs. Louis H. Dosh and Mrs. W. M. Witter as joint hostesses. THE UNWOK&ED MINE Frank Crane gave us this woriBerful article—wisdom to one and alL YOU MUST KNOW YOURSELF before you can determine whether you are a failure or not, and even then you are not a failure. Each one must DIG, throwing aside the dross, seeking the gold that is hidden within us. Frank Crane was one of the oest writers oi our time; to have read, and to read, after him in the compiled collection of hia writings, gives one a true insight into living and the Joy of it alL “The Unworked Mine” is but a sample of the genius of Frank Crane. THE UNWORKED MINE IS YOURSELF. You have hidden in yon unknown treasures. On the surface you may look barren—nothing but sand and rocks. Others paining nay think you uninteresting. You may think so yoar aelf. Yon say: MI am commonplace. I am good for nothing. I have no charac ter, no force, I can do nothing excellently. I see this genius play the violin, and that one sing, and another build, and other amass, money or speak eloquently or write charmingly, but my hands are 'trifling. I am next to impotence.” “A is beautiful; B in strong; C is learned, and D is famous. But I—I am nothing.” Well, many had gone over the ground and despised it until one day Stratton dug there and found one of the moat amaxing gold mines in the world. U|l How do you know wthat’s in yon until, you dig and see? In you is Power. It may lie deep. You have never touched its vein. It will stay there unsuspected and useless until you die, if you don’t dig for it. In you in beauty. Every soul is beautiful—somewhere. Down there within you is loveliness, charm, a wonderful, divine order and sym metry. It is worth searching for. DIG! In you is wisdom. There is no real wisdom outside of you, none that will do you any good. It is within you. You can find it in the long hours of silence when yon seek among the caverns of your soul. You can find it, gems of H, like diamonds, lying in the ledges, if you use diligently the shovel of meditation. !■ you is goodness. The granite rocks that underlie every soul good. Go after what is in you. There is peace and contentment uad^ righteousness and loyalty and love. They are all within you. And there is God. There is heaven itself. Did not the Wise One say “You shall not say, Lo, here nor Lo, there, for the Kingdom of Heaven Is within you”? How can I come at it? DIGI Seek and ye shall find. No books, no teachers, no events can give you what you want, ns you work your own mine. Th« answer to the starry sky is the infinite within you. DIG! o You will find within you Riches and Force and Passion and Joy. For these are mixed in the clay of ail soui». And He who made man’s body out of the dust of the earth mixed strange treasures