The Charlotte Labor Journal AMD DIXIE FARM NEWS M2 South College Street (Soc—i Floor) PHONE MN4 *.uund «• —onit-rw— umm. leteer U. 1M1. at (fee Peat Otttw at GaoMt, M. O. oatr Out Aet ut MaroO *. W. M. WITTKE-.Editor and Publish** CHAKLUTTE, N. C„ THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 1940 ATLANTA LABOR MEETING OF GREAT IMPORTANCE The labor meeting in Atlanta on Saturday and Sunday is one oi great importance not only to the worxers but the entire citizen ship of the South, as it is a gathering composed of the cream of our citizenship—men versed in both professions and trade crafts being brought together in one of the largest gatherings ever held in mis section of the country unuer tne auspices of the A. t\ of L. to discuss and solve problems, and to formulate a system for bet ter organization of tne woraers and a more morough understand ing between tnem ana tneir employers. William Green is sched uled lor an address saturuuy evening, which will be a national urujaacast from i :3U to »:uu o cioca, central standard time. There are many dignitaries on tne program, both civic, executive and men mgn in me ranas of labor, r his even maras the beginning ui me aoum of an organizing campaign by tne a. t\ of la. that wm oe pushed with vigor, ana win doubtless add thousands upon uiousanus to the already large memoersnip existing at present, inis campaign win ue conducted by tne soutnern omce, headed uy ueorge L>. Gouge, in Atlanta, and win oe pusued to iruition by Ule elate reuerauon, Central caoor unions auu tne locals of ail , miniated crafts. I'KLs. MOOKL SAfS CENTRAL BODY IS f tNCTlOJNlNli "UAltHUIJM 1UllSLY” J. A. Moore, newly elected president of Central body gave out the loliowing statement Saturday to tne press regarding an* nouncement made of the teamsters and Cnautieurs witholding their per capita tax until ' things got to running more smoothly” in Central Labor Union: ' Only one incident has occurred recently that would possibly cause any dissesnsion,” said Mr. tuoore, “ano that was the suspen sion 01 tne Charlotte Typographical union, which was ordered by me American federation 01 Labor and was, therefore, mandatory upon the local Central Labor union to fulfill. \ "it is not necessary lor me to say that the Charlotte Central Labor union exceedingly regretted to see the suspension of the printers," Mr. Moore aeciared. ”We had honored that organiza tion witn two of the highest offices within our power to confer, ' * muse 01 presiuent and vice-president having been held by Henry a. stalls and W. JML. Witter, respectively, 01 tne printers’ union, we sun regard them highly anu look forward to the time when our printer lnends may again be in our fold.” EMPLOYER AND CJ.O. AMENDMENTS TO LABOR RELATIONS ACT ARE OP POSED BY A. F. OF L. SAYS WM. GREEN Vigorous opposition to the amend ments to the National Labor Rela tions Act proposed by the C. I. O. and employers’ associations was ex pressed by President William Green, of the American Federaiton of Labor in a recent address before the Satur day Discussions Committee of the Na Ci’ty*1 Repub,ican c,ub of New York After criticizing the National La bor Relations Board for its malad ministration of the National Labor Re lations Act and explaining the con structive amendments to the act pro posed by the A. F. of L., Mr. Green said: “Now, I want to make clear the po sition taken by the American Feder ation of Labor with regard to certain amendments proposed and sponsored by some employers’ associations. We are against them. We will oppose them with our full strength. And this CHARLOTTE Fri.-Sat. I SHE'S THE CAT’S! The CAT and the CANARY"] Theres murder in the black heart of the “Cat” ... and his claws reach out for the white throat of a beautiful heiress whose * worth a million dollars to him . . . DEAD! MMMMAMMMMMM McEwen Mutual Burial Ass’n, Inc. Nearly 50,000 paid op members. The oldest, largest aad strongest in this section. Call or phone our office today for information. Telephone S-3870 507 Eut Trade Street Typo. Auxiliary Meets - Donates To “Skating Area” The Typographical Auxiliary met Monday night with Mrs. Robt. white, 1512 High street. The card party held recently, given at the Sally Sothern, netted a neat sum for the W. I. A. week of the Auxiliary. The ladies donated $6 to the skating area project being sponsored by Central Labor Union. is our reason—the purpose of such amendments is to weaken and destroy the fundamental principles of the act. The American Federation of Labor believes whole-heartedly in the funda mental principles of the National La bor Relations Act and will do all that lies within its power to protect and preserve them. “For similar reasons we oppose the amendments belatedly suggested by the C. I. 0. Perhaps you will remem ber that only a year ago the represen tatives of the C. I. 0. stormed the Capitol and bombarded the press with hysterical statements to the effect that the Wagner Act was sacred and its administration perfect and that any attempt ot amend the law was a foul and dastardly plot against the work ers. Well, today they are asking for amendments, too. And what amend ments! “Let us take a brief look at them. “The first would provide jail sen tences for employers found guilty by the Labor Board of violating the act. We are against this amendment be cause we feel it is contrary to the spirit of the act. It was never the purpose or the intent of the National Labor Relations Act to promote class hatreds and strife. Its object was to bring about industrial peace. We do not think putting employers in jail will promote industrial peace or pros perny. un me contrary, sucn an amendment would be more likely to create fear and apprehension and thus throtle business expansion. Further more, the whole procedure would be obnoxious in criminal cases. “Now, I have never sympathized with the charge that the Labor Board is a prosecutor, judge and jury rolled into one and its procedure therefore un-American. The Federal Trade Commission follows the same proce dure, and we hear no complaints about it. That jis because it operates in a judicial way as a fact-finding body. The Labor Board should func tion in the same manner. It is no more than a fact-finding body, and it has no punitive powers under the law. The chief reason why the Labor Board has forfeited public confidence is because it has failed to conduct it self in a judicial way. But, obviously, no matter how com pletely the Labor Board is reformed in personnel and attitude, its present procedure would be impossible in criminal cases. If some of the party comrades in the C. I. 0. could get this amendment adopted they surely would have something to write home about<— to Moscow, I mean. Because if the Labor Board had the power to send people to jail, even Messrs. Stalin and and Hitler would look upon such an agency with envy. “The second major C. I. O. amend ment would require the Labor Board to fixe an industrial collective bar gaining unit in all cases, regardless of the wishes o fthe workers. In my opinion, this amendment is just as unreasonable as the other one and has just as little chance of ever being adopted. “In fact, when one analyzes the C. I. O. program of amendments the thought inevitably occurs that they were not seriously proposed. Instead, it becomes obvious that heir sole pur pose is to create confusion in order to prevetn those who honestly were in terested in constructive amendments, which would strengthen the law and make it an instrument of justice rather than favoritsim, from achiev ing their purpose.” Patronize Journal Advertisers It Pays to Trade With Doggett Lumber Co. Ill E. Park Are. Phone 8179 ZORIC Dry Cleaning DOMESTIC LAUNDRY Ph0M 817S ANDREWS MUSIC CO. -RYRRYTBING MUSICAL” 981 N. Try*. SL ITR-E-IL! A Pair Of Genuine Lee Overalls (YOUR SIZE) WILL BE GIVEN AWAY SATURDAY TO THE PERSON WHO GUESSES NEAREST TO THE NUMBER OF YARDS OF THREAD USED IN SEWING - -GUESSING CONTEST— My Guess is there are_Yards of Sewing Thread Used in Sewing the Largest Overall in the World. (Now on Exhibition) MADE BY LEE NAME....1. STREET_1.-. . CITY OR TOWN.... _The«World’s Largest Overall (Made by Lee) NOW DISPLAYED OUTSIDE OUR STORE — TOO BIG TO GET INSIDE DO NOT MISS SEEING THIS AMAZING OVERALL! SPECIAL PRICES ON LEE OVERALLS AND JACKETS We want YOU to TRY a pair of these splendid OVER ALLS for THIRTY DAYS, give them the HARDEST KIND OF WEAR and if you do not think them the best OVERALLS you have ever bought, bring them back and GET YOUR MONEY. THE LEE GUARANTEE If you do not find these to be the most satisfactory * and best value-giving Overalls you have ever worn, you can get a new pair or your money back. THE H. D. LEE MERCANTILE CO„ Trenton, N. J. Demonstration Sale ONE WEEK ONLY MARTIN’S DEPT’ STORE CHARLOTTE, N. C. Free Bandanna with each Lee Overall purchased on Saturday. ■ i 'i '**♦.» 4 TRUSTEE’S NOTICE OF REAL ESTATE North Carolina, Mecklenburg County. Under and by virtue of the power and au thority contained in that certain deed of truat eexcuted and delivered by Hn. Montrose D. Phifer, widow, to the undersigned as Trustee, dated the 18th day of June. 1929, and recorded in the public register of Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, in Book 752 at Page 52. and because of default in the payment of indcted ness thereby secured and failure to carry out and perform the stipulations and agreements therein contained and, pursuant to demand of the owner and holder of the indebtedness se cured by said deed of trust, - the undersigned trustee will expose for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the usual place of sale in the Court House of Mecklenburg County in the City of Charlotte, North Caro lina, at 12 o'clock, noon, on Monday the 18th day of March, 1940. all of those three lots of land lying and being in the City of Charlotte and more particularly described as follows: Lots 14 ,15 and M, in Square 9 as shown on map of the W. W. Phifer property record ed in the Register's office in Book 812 at page 95. Said lots fronting on tha northerly side of East 16th Street. This Sale is made subject to all taxes, assess ments or encumbrances which may now or in the future constitute a lien against the said property. This sale will be held open for ten days for increased bid as by law required. This the 4th day of February. 1940. J. LAURENCE JONES. Trustee. Feb. 15, 22, 29; March 7. NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PUBLICATION North Carolina, Mecklenburg County. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Nelda Lee Griggs EngTam, Plaintiff. vs. Joseph Lee Engram, Defendant. The defendant. Joseph Lee Engram, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced In the Superior Court of Mecklenburg County. North Carolina, for an absolute divorce by the plaintiff from the said defendant upon the ground of two years’ separation of the parties; And the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County in the Court House in Charlotte, North Carolina, on the 5th day id April. 1940, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief outlined in the said complaint as provided by law. This the 17th day of February, 1940. J. A. RUSSELL. Assistant Clerk of Superior Court. Fab. 22-29: Mch. 7-14-F. Martinis Dept.&Store RELIABLE MERCHANDISE ALWAYS AT LOW PRICES OUR NEW STORE NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS WITH A COMPLETE STOCK OF SPRING AND SUMMER MERCHANDISE. i FLOUR 24 & 75c 24*T85c PINTO BEANS PEA BEANS 3 4 4 CHEESE OUEO STRING BEANS ~ PRESERVES 's 8 O’CLOCK A&P BREAD 3 4 4 3 2 2 - 17c - 19c - 15c » 19c - 10c 5-* 25c 5-* 29c sj 25c 15c 39c 15c 19c A&P FOOD STORES

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