TWOMLT REALLY MDEFENDENT WERSLT In Modthnlwa For a Wmk* be the LAROE9T BPTOO POWER la CWrtrtti Official Organ La Opt Vika; n**A. F* of 1* TnUhfvl, Honest, Impartial ■ w Chartotlf Patronise aar Afw> They Maka YOU* paper possible by co-operation Endorsed by the N. C. State Federa tion of ' ‘ AND DDU* FARM NEWS Endeavoring to Serve the M VOL. IX—No. 43 V«f« ASVIStlS Tub JOUiNAk M * CHARLOTTE, N. C, TH^MDAY, MARCH 14, IMO 3X00 For Y< LABOR’S CONFERENCE AT ATLANTA MARCH 2 AND 3, MATTER OF HISTORY; BUT AFTER EFFECTS WILL BE FELT ATLANTA, Ga., March II.—His tory was made in the meeting of the the great Southern Labor Conference held here on March 2 and 3. A new chapter in the South’s progreta wait written by that great event. A defi nite turning point in the South’* phil osophy wa* reached and successfully negotiated on March 2 and 3, 1940. The South’* finest citizenship came to Atlanta on those days for a very definite purpose, and that purpose was accomplished in Buch emphasized manner that future historians will give to the Southern Labor Confer ence of 1940 a prominent place in the « South’s history. From Norfolk, Va., to Shreveport, La., 1239 miles due east and west, and from Frankfort, Ky., to Miami, Fla., 1109 miles north and south, came del egations representing State Federa tions of Labor, City Central Labor Unions, Building Trades Councils, Metal Trades Councils, District Coun cils, Railroad Systems, Union Label Leagues, Women's Auxiliaries and Local Unions, to gather in Atlanta for the greatest American Federation of Labor gathering ever held in the history of this powerful organiza tion. Southern hospitality has never been lavished upon any gathering of people in more whole-hearted and gen uine manner than that showered upon the visiting American Federation of Labor officials and delegations. From the moment of the arrival of the train bearing President Wm. Green and his official family at the Terminal Sta tion early Saturday morning, March 2, until Mr. Green left the city at 6:20 Sunday evening, Atlanta and the South shouted a great welcome to him. That President Green was hail ed as a hymbol of honesty and right eousness as the leader of an Amer ican institution based upon honesty and righteousness and impressed upon him every moment that he re main in the city. As early as 7 o’clock on that Sat urday morning the people bqput gathering at the Terminal Station, and when the train bearing President G een and his party arrived an hour later, thousands of people had as sembled at the station to welcome him and his isjueiates. At his first ap? pea’ance Atlanta's own Union band si-- uek up the strains of Dixie’s wel tumf. and the assembled thousands added their hearty applause to the welcoming notes of the band. Offi cially meeting and greteing President Green were Georgia’s Governor E. D. Rivers. Atlanta’s Mayor W. D. Harts fiold, George L. Googe, southern rep " entative of the American Federa tion of Labor; Charles B. Grambling, oresident of the Atlanta Federation of Trades, and Albert W. Gossett, chair man of the Committee on Arrange ments. It was an auspicious moment when President Grene, walking between the Governor of Geo* gia and the Mayor of Atlanta, and flanked on both sides by thousands of cheering men and women, traversed the long corridor of the Terminal Station and passed through the spacious waiting room to enter the Mayor’s automobile in wait ing to bear him to his hotel. Adding to the scene was the uniformed offi ci ! escort of six men who had been n* med by the state and city to be at t’ service of President Green dur . i* bis stay in Atlanta. He was then t 1. n to the Henry Grady Hotel, where the Roosevelt suite at that fa ir us hostelry had been placed at his disposal. While the visiting A. F. of L. offi cials were checking into rooms that had been reserved for them in the leading hotels of the city, the delega tions from the ten states comprising the Southren Labor Conference were registering at the City Auditorium and depositing credentials with their respective state secretaries. At 10 o'clock the Conference was formally opened and after add: esses of welcome by the Governor ami Mayor, the bus iness of the Conference began. At the noon hour another expres sion of appreciation and confidence in the American Federaiton of Labor was manifested in impressive manner at a luncheon given by Mr. Freston S. Arkwright, President oft he Geor gia Power Company, to President Green, his associates, and the officers and leaders in industry, business, and finance and one hundred labor offi cials, including the executive officers of the Stale Federaitons in the ten Southern States. Mr. Arkwrght, as President of the Georgia Power Com pany, is recognized as the largest employer of union labor in the State of Georgia, and his address at the luncheon inspired the labor officials and challenged the admiration of the representatives of business attending the luncheon. Mr. Arkwright related his pleasure and profitable expel ience during the past 20 years in dealing with unions of which his employes are members, and declared that he would not con sider for a moment any attempt to op erate with non-union or unorganized j workers, and praised President Green’s leadership of the American j Federation of Labor. The afternoon sesison of the Con-! ference in the City Auditorium con ttinued almost to the hour of the ban quet that had been prepared by the Atlanta Fede.aiton of Trades. This banquet was held at the Ansley Hotel where 900 people crowded into the Louis J. Dinkier room for the occa sion. Further evidences of the South’s welcome to the American Federaton of Labor and its officials were «m phasized at the banquet, which was given in honor of Seeretai y-Emt . i tus Frank Morrison and Sec, eta y Treasurer George '.!. ’»uy , J&i***'*™' Green was the principal «p3#J:V at this banquet and hi- address was cai-j ried over a nation-wide hook-up by the National Broadcasting Company, through the facilities of WSB He was introduced by GoveiH-e £. D Rivers, and in this introductory b. the Governor the nati- a was infointed of the South’s exp essions of W' V 'HI' to the American Federation of Labor and its leaders. Frank Morrison, to 43 years Secretary of the A. F. of L., has alwuys been popular among the southern people, and the ovation given him at the banquet attested that his name is still a magic wo'd in any gatheiing of southern woik ers. Secretary-Treasurer Meany, elected to this office upon retirement of for mer Secretary Monison at the Cin cinnati convention last October, was introduced at the banquet to his first southern audience. A native of New York, Mr. Meany was for many years president of the New York State Fed eration of Labor, and it was his out standing leadership in that work which made him the unanimous choice of the Cincinnati convention as suc cessor to the beloved Frank Morris son. Mr. Meany did not make a long speech, nor did ne attempt any flights of oratory, yet his address to that TKS MAftCd Of LABOR Mis MMMI4T /fcOMMOM *IOUMNOSOFANK’CM<| SlS*fjpm (HVUDMW •OSSTfSl «IM(TM« AWY| mi r>< in r (i*c liAb WSIOm o, ssssssar MAM HUH MS •YS* .It IS UHNUSMKttK _WMMSf MS —M«» CSUlMlW Sfe&s Of AMUlCA MMMM tr M •« great assembly gars him a place high in the esteem of the people of tie South. Honesty, sincerity, capaMUto. devotion to duty and a high sense M fair play and fair dealings, weft readily recognised by the audkjft as outstanding characteristics of Mr. Meany’s nature. Never has Southern audiences accepted any one with more spontaneous and enthusiastic welcome than was manifested for Secretory Meany at this meeting. Dewey L. Johnson, president of the Atlanta Federation of Trades, aeetofc i mini till business* "ubllc Ufa hot ed by George L. _ many notable men in the professions i Governor Rivers, Congressman Ban..— -- —— tor Keatingt Chief Justice Charles S. Reid, and nnmerous other outstand ing leaders. A touching seenet was enacted when Jerome Jones, the “Samuel Gompers of the South,” was presented. As he arose, his frail body speaking elo quently of his long years of labor leadership in the South, the crowd rose as one man and the ...__is men *nd women of all ranks in life joined in one mighty burst of applause h recognition of the lift and work and worth of the South’s own Jerome (ones. In addition to the regular conference program during the day, the banquet Saturday night, and the luncheon at :he noon hour, many group meetings were caller, several of which weed lield Friday night even before the ■onference started. International of ficers met with their own organisers mid local union officials, thus bring ing the International and the Local unions of the South into personal md intimate contact and conference, rhose group meetings lasted through out Sunday, and many were held ou .Monday, after adjournment of the general Conference. One of the pre Conference events of noteworthy im portance was a raido broadcast Fri day night in which President Johnson and Judge Joseph A. Padway par . c: pa ted. The Atlanta Journal's '‘Editorial Hour” on WSB was given over to Labor Friday night preced ing the opening of the Conference, and a highly important chapter of the Conference was written at that time. On Sunday morning ^resident ur filled the pulpit at Druid Hills Bap* list church. Rev. Dr. Louie D. New ton, pastor, having invited Mr. Green to speak from his pulpit. The large edifice was filled to overflowing with a membership and victors anxious. »o hear the president of the InA can Federation TX, Liber. The ad dress was broadcasts and tens of thou sands in the radio audiflhce also heard labor's chieftain speaking front the pulpit of the noted Druid n ils Baptist church. Lute in the afternoon President Green spoke at the Conference proper and the thousands who heard him in the dosing session of the two-days’. ..lifting declared that hit presenta tion of the record of achievements of the American Federation of Labor was the most powerful address of the popular leader’s career. Time and, time again his address was inter-1 rupted by such spontaneous and en-l thusiastic applause that no room for| any doubt was left in the mind of any one that' President Wm. Green is Southein Labor’s ideal in labor leadership and statesmanship. He left the Auditorium soon after com pletion 01 his address to board a train for Washington, and a great host of friends accompanied him to the sta tion, happy in having had the great leader in the Southland, yet reluc tant to see him leave. President Green’i recqptidn in Atlanta, the am which execution or the ruil program i had been arranged for Sim, a pro - am that taxed his strength and en durance, the manifold honors that were heaped upon him throughout his all too brief stay in this city, the clamoring crowd of enthusiastic friends gathered about him for a last word of farewell or to make the final good wish for his safe journey back to his office in Washington, consti tuted an emphatic and unassailable answer to all of Mr. Green’s critics. The Southern Labor Conference gave to the South its opportunity to say to the world that the South la wholly dedicated to the high prin ciples of the American Federation of Labor upon which it has stood for three score years. Because Preaidant Green has had the courage, **■* III the face of concentrete<L^vicious at tacks upon him by combinations of destructionists, to stand firmly by tbo established principles of tbs Ameri can Federation of Labor, the South received him with these signal honors. It was the South’s manner of ex pressing its gratitude to President Green and its eternal loyn% to tin high and holy and human* of the American Federa ‘ DR. LEVY'S TOMB8TO] TO BE DEDICATI JEWISH CKHE* Hfor the tomb svy, late Char* 1 Me held next t 9 oMMt In enburg will be AU irienas ut fue^S Dr. Levy are invited to attend the aerviooa, KINNEY SHOE CO, TO PA' NEARLY RUN ‘ TO EMPLOYES “Jjfc THIS WEEK Bonuses amounting to _ being distributed this week'to ployees of the 340 Kinney Shoe Stores in accordance with the company's profit sharing plan. This year's bonus represents an in* crease of 68 per cent ever the WHAT ABOUT YOUR NEIGHBOR BY rwABT.Bg STELZLE The world is dosing in on the measure of “personal liberty" you may enjoy. It was never truer than it is today that “no man liveth unto dmadf." This is certainly true in he countries which are now engaged in war. And restrictions of the se rerest character are plso being placed apoa those who live in so-called neu tral countries. We may talk as we please about nir Bill of Rights and our Constitu tional privileges, but there are some things of which even these do not treat and they are things which affect as in our everyday life. They are to personal that in many cases they mnnot be reached by the law. The A'hoie doctrine of law has been re luced by Blackstone, one of the world’s greatest legal authorities to :his simple formula: “first, that we ihould live honestly; second, that we inrt nobody; and third, that we should render to every one his due." And his formula applies to bosses as well is to workers. The application of these principles o social relationships, to the labor iroblem, to forms of government, and o international affairs, would settle (very legal question which gdisturbs he world today. Unfortunately the corking out of these principles if if ten overshadowed by covetousneas, ligotry, hatred and envy, and these ead to personal conflict, class strug gles, and sometime* to world war. Because of this fact there arises the necessity for a higher law. It was handed down to us thousands of years ago. Here it is: “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." This law was announced by the Great Teacher when he was asked the ques tion as to what is the first and great commandment, and when He told the story of the Good Samaritan as an illustration of this principle. We can’t go wrong on any decision of course of action with this law as the guiding principle of our life. Ap plied to human relationships there would be no world wars, no class struggles, no labor problems, no per sonal conflicts. And <f rankly, any thing less than this refbces mankind to the level of thinking expressed in the motto: "Every man for himself, and may the devil take the hindmost." An unknown “neighbor” once wrote these words as his guide in his rela tionship to others: | “I shall pass through this world but 'once. Any good, therefore, that I can do or any kindness that I can show to any human being, let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.” This should be the spirit of every man who would be a “neighbor” in the truest sense—and verity, he shall have his reward, and he need not wa’t for that reward in whatever life there may be in the future. ► REPUBLICANS NUM1NATK ERNEST M. MORGAN FOR CONGRESS FROM THIS DISTRICT ERNEST M. MORGAN A mu well-known in Charlotte fraternal and Labor activities, a lone time Charlotte resident and a true-blue unionist, honored by the Tenth District Convention held at Lincoln ton Tuesday. CHARLOTTE! | Fri.-S«t. 1 MON.-TCE. * Another Hun Man” William Pow«U Myn« L«f T $ I f [ WED.-THU. Clouds Over Europe” Laurence Oliver Valerie Hobeon WHITS WHO IN UNIONS D. W. TRACY •* { D.W. TRACT •baity as a Local Union Burin—e Manager ad later as Via President of tbs South District of tbs LB. L Wm at in 1988 to raids As Munieg oi ui6 ijrovncrzxooa. Mr. Tracy ha bsu suecessfnl Is idingL B. E. W. nrgsTiiisthiB in the most difficult anti-labor spots Under his f«M> j have been «ts> with Drastically afl •€ tbs powerful utility interests in tbs nation. Under bis direction giat electrical projects essayed and completed by the United States Government were manned by skilled electrical workers. Serving with distinction as Sixth Vice President of the Building Trades Department and also Third Vice President of the Metal Trades Department of the American Fad* •* of Labor, Mr. Tracy’s vs* riSfiw+t a^frS&alf ^ of tie# only throughout the electrical in dustry but throughout the Labor world in general. Under assignment of the United States Government, Mr. Tracy was tbs Hist America Labor Delegate to tha International Labor Coo ferenee at Geneva, Switesriand. Ha also served a American Labor Delegate to the America Confer ence at Lima, Peru, in 1988. *_ His address is Mr. Daniel W. Tracy,. President, International Brotherhood .of Electrical Workers of America, 1200 Fifteenth Street, M. W, Washington, D. a ELECTRICAL WORKERS’ LABEL Adopted in 1905, the Union Label of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers is registered in the United States Patent Office and has become a mark of dis tinction for electrical goods manu factured under fair wage and hour conditions. It should be thoroughly under stood that the use of this Union Label is permitted only on the condition that all goods so marked shall be produced exclusively by members of the I. B. E. W.' Due to the great variety of elec trical products and services, it has been necessary to devise more than ' one form of the L B. E. W. Union Label. In all cases, however, the registered seal is an integral part of the various forms of this emblem. It is now possible to secure Union-made electrical products, bearing the I. B. E. W. mark of distinction, from the miniature curling iron to mammoth motor generator sets. For further information regard ing Union Labels, Shop Cards and Service Buttons write Mr. I. M. Ornburn, Secretary-Treasurer, Union Label Trades Department, American Federation of Labor Buildings Washington, D. C. SfKOTs P. 0. Auxiliary Meets Thursday March 19,7 P.M. auxiliary to Post Office Clerks 376, will have their next nest* uesday, March 19, at 1 odoek Post Office Club House on the ba river. Mrs. Hoyle , Hill, Howell Kennedy and Mrs. Hoy will be joint hostesses and the husbands are invited as guests. J patronize Journal Advert ion

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