-V Hw ONLY REALLY INDEPENDENT WMKLT hi M iHrtsrtm tfca LARGEST BUT1W0 DOWB to Official UDor Unioa; (he A. F. «f L. Che Charlotte labor Journal _TmthJul, Honest, Impartial hr th* If. C. State F«te» AND DIXIE FARM NEWS Ik Vi VOL. IX—No. 44 VMtNIMlNt M CHARLOTTE, N. G, THURSDAY, MARCH 21,1940 |LN Par Yaw LABOR SUGGESTS: A $10,000,000,000 INCREASE IN OUR NATIONAL INCOME SAYS AJ.L MONTHLY BUS. SURVEY Business at present is relying on workers’ purchasing power to buy off the inventories of goods accumulated in last fall’s war boom. As expected, production declined in the first 1940 quarter, falling about 10 per cent be low the peak level of the last 1989 quarter, but remaining 13 per cent above the level of a year ago. As shofwn by the chart, workers’ income is holding at levels well above the first quarter of last year; in Jan uary, 1940, due chiefly to re-employ ment, workers received per cent more income than in January last year. Since inventories of goods in retail stores are up only 3 per cent workers should be able to buy off present stocks and create new orders. Auto sales in February reached and all time peak for that month, a good omen. Nevertheless, workers’ wages are not increasing enough to bring about industrial expansion. Many corpora tions are not giving the wage increases they can afford. The following com parison suggests serious unbalance: In 1939, as compared to 1938, indus trial production increased 22 per cent workers' hourly earning increased 1 per cent, profits of 300 industrial cor porations increased 59 per cent. It is important this spring for all business firms to grant the largest wage in crease possible. AMERICAN INDUSTRY EXISTS TO SERVE CONSUMERS Of all the goods produced in the United States, nearly four-fifths 79% are sold to consumers and one fifth (21%) are “capital goods.” These consumer goods are such things as food, clothing, automobiles, homes, the materials that go into them and other articles bought and used by American families. The capital goods include machinery, factories, railroad equip ment, motor trucks, office buildings, public buildings,' roads and other things used to make and transport consumer goods and to administer business and government— These capital goods serve only one purpose: To make and distribute consumer goods and services. Thus American industry exists to serve consumers and lives by selling j to consumers. Who are the consumers Everyone, qf course, is a consumer, but which consumer groups are the most im portant buyers of American products? The graph shows that 93% of all families and single persons in Amer ica have incomes of less than |3,000 a year. Most of this low income group are wage and small salaried workers, and three-quarters of them have incomes under fl,500. Never theless, because there are so many of them, 37,000,000 in all, they buy nearly four-fifths (78%) of all con sumer goods sold on the American market. It is significant that those with in comes over |3,000, largely business executives, form only 7% of all Amer ican families and single persons. Al though highly paid executives’ fami lies can buy vastly more consumers’ goods than wage earners’ families, as a group their consumer purchases are relatively insignificant because there are so few of them. Wage and small salaried workers are very much the largest group of buyers. The graph shows also that these low income families, chiefly workers, buy 85% of all food products sold on the American market by farmers and manufacturers. They spend 77% of all money paid for housing, including electricity, gas, coal, furniture and other coate of houae operation and furnishing. They buy 74% at all clothing, 68% of all paaaenger auto* mobiles, and 74% of all other eon* sumer goods and services, including medical can, higher education, mo tion pictures, radios, pleasure trips, tobacco, carfares. There an two reasons why Amer ican industry must depend on the low income groups to buy its products: First, as shown above, because they an so numerous; mass production re quires mass buying. Secondly, be cause they have to spend almost their entire income to buy goods and can save only a small fraction. Families With incomes under $1,250 an con stantly in debt; those with incomes Under $3,000 spend 99% of their earn ings and save only 1%. Families with incomes over $20,000, on the other hand, spend less than half their in comes (49%) and save the rest (51%). These facte are vital. They mean that if the income of wage earners and others receiving less than $3,000 a year is increased by $1,000,000, then $990,000 will be moot for con sumer goods and only $10,000 saved. If, however, the million dollar in crease should all go to high income groups receiving over $20,000 a year, only $490,000 would be spent for .consumer -goods .and .$510,000 would go into savings and invest ments. In the past our country has de pended on the savings of its citizen* to create capital goods. Factories and machinery, railroads, ships and mines have beat built out at savings invested in our expanding industrial equipment Today, our banks and in vestment markets are flooded with idle funds, and much of our plant ca pacity is standing idle. We need, not investment money, but buying power to put our plants to work, ana only when buying power reaches a large enough volume to justify further plant expansion shall we find invest ment for these idle funds. Clearly then any effort to increase the national income must lay first phasis on raising workers' power if It is to restore RAISE NATIONAL INCOME FBOM 70 TO 80 BILLION DOLLAH8 NutioAuh Income pttll out- in 198L was close to $70,000,000,000. At this income level we had 10,000,000 unem ployed, of whom 3,000,000 were liv ing on relief and WPA; the rest were dependent on relatives and others. Millions of employed workers also were living in poverty.. Our indus tries turned out barely 50% of the goods and services they are capable of producing. Business men and fanners suffered because this low production level curtailed their profits. We cannot have adequate living standards until we increase national income. This can be done in only one way: By increasing production at the goods and services needed by Amer lean families. Until it has not been possible to map out an increase in nathmal pro duction which would meet the needs •of the American people. We have not known how maeh of eaoh prod uct could be sold if produced, ’ftere fore, American producers have in creased their output only when they had orders and slackened production when orders fell off. This meant that millions of workers who wanted to order goods were denied the chance, either because they had no jobs, or because their incomes were inade quate. It also meant that employers .THE MARCH Of LABOR 1** WM •M IKUMWt WITH t* HMMS to* tOOO AMO MtCttSAAlCS. ORIGIN OF AS EARLY AS 1*42 THE CARPENTERS amp CAUIKEBS THE CHARLESTON MAT'_ ACHIEVED AN ft'HOUR PAY. ■W WVYACP ttiMT WOLP tp WIA« YK^mid lAjnri ka» m V Kt> MILMfT AS * WltfT t) •AfOf. E«CIN1N*D0WP*«M# INI Midff P*Y MAT MHO, TO DEMAND THIS UNION LABEL* YOUR NAT ISA «SUXOF SOLI* WGttY VMM OMWttD LABOR. ( CENTRAL LABOR UNION WILL HEAR WAGE AND HOUR OFFICIAL NEXT WEDNESDAY — COMMITTEES NAMED, Central Labor Union’s weekly meet ins Wednesday night was well attend ed and much interest manifested by the delegates. Locals reported good attendance and membership fains. A feature of tbs next meeting was announced by the president, when Mr. Jack Lang, district wags and hour chief, willbe present and make a talk as to that law. All organised labor is invited to be on hand. President lloore made a few changes in some of the standing com mittee and in addition, commissioned H. L. Kiser, H. L. McCrorie and J. H. Plyler as organising representative* Central Labor Union in recognition of their splendid endeavor in this line of wort A good delegation from the State and County Employes wewsseiewsessssseessssspw had no orders. The system defeated itself and brought stagnation, could not give them jobs because they Today we have a study just released the National Resources Committee the United States Government showing what goods would be con sumed if our national income were raised to $80,000,000,000. This gives a basis for charting possible produc tion increases. The picturegraph below shows in general what additional goods would be consumed if national income were raised from $70 to $80 billion. Pro ducers of food (manufacturers and farmers) would increase their sales S $1,900,000,000 or 10%; suppliers housing, coal, gas, electricity and furniture would increase their sales by $2,400,000,000 or 12%; clothing makers by $900,000,000 or 16%; auto manufacturers by $930,000,000 or 20%; producers of other consumer products and services by $1,400,000, 000 or 20%. The total would repre was present, and reported new activ ity along this line of organisation. L. R. Me El ice, of the Housing Com mittee, made an extended report as to the progress (and obstacles) of the Housing Authority. He had much sta tistical data at hand, and at times waxed a little sarcastic when speak ing of some of the opponents of this federal project H. L. Condor was made* chairman of a new committee to look into the feasibility of building a labor temple in Charlotte. This matter has gone through various stages during the past five years, and It is hoped that this latest effort will prove success ful. Remember the meeting next Wed nesday night—7:80 P. M.—and be on hand. sent a 18% increase in sales of all consumer goods and services. This is a rough outline. The details can be supplied. It would not be im possible to work out a plan for in creasing automobile production 20%, clothing production 1K%, etc. Each manufacturer would jump at the Chance for such an increase if he could sell the product. The original tea company that had its merchandise tossed into the sea at the Boston Tea Party in 1778, is still doing business at its old stand at Creechurch street in London, England. The Nanking “Reformed” Govern ment in China has announced imme diate enforcement regulations to en courage domestic industries. The average book sale in the United States is 1700 copies. Subscribe for the Journal A.F.OFL LAUNCHES NEW CAMPAIGN FOR AMENDMENTS OF LABOR ACT: GREEN SAYS SENATE ACT IMPERILED Washington, d. c—a new drive for the adoption of eonstrutive amendments to the National Labor Relations Act was launched this week as President William Green warned Congress that failure to take such ac tion at this session “may result in fu ture moves to destroy or repeal the en tire Act." In a public statement. Mr. Green announced that the American Federa tion of Labor rejected the amend ments introduced by the Smith Con gressional Committee because as a whole they “strike in a destructive way at vital, fundamental principles of the Labor Relations Act" At the same time Mr. Green urged favorable consideration of changes in the law proposed by the American Federation of Labor to assure just and impartial administration and to safeguard the Act’s fundamental guarantees of protection to labor. Immediate progress was scored when Senator Robert F. Wagner, of New York, author of the law, an nounced on the floor of the Senate that he would favor increasing the personnel of the National LaborRela taons Board from three to five mem bers. This is the major amendment sponsored by the American Federation of Labor. Senator Wagner’s approval leaves the CIO out on a limb- as the only’group refusing to countenance such a change. Opposition of the CIO is to be expected because it has bene fited most from the biased, unfair sncTpartiaan rulings of the present In his statement, Mr. Green declar ed that investigation of the NLLRB conducted by the Smith Committee at public hearings had fully established the A. F. of L.’s charges of malad ministration against the Labor Board. He added: “It now becomes the duty of Con JUDGES CHOSEN FOR THE 4-STAR ESSAY CONTEST WUHAN GREEN Mr, William Green, President of the American Federation of Labor, is one of the moet able figures hi American life today. Regardless of the fact that he has many responsibilities as head of the American Labor movement, Mr. Green has agreed to act as a judge in the 4-Star Essay Mr. Green will with Edward editor of the world’s newspaper, and 0. B. recognized'iM'OjM^of theNation’s leaders in their respective have all the qualifications to excellent judges of the 4-Star Essays. Mr. Green devotes considerable time to the cause of the Union Label, Shop Card, and Service Button. He always finds time to deliver an address at important Union Label gatherings. At the annual convention of the Union Label Trades Department in Cin Labor holds the Union Label and ig high esteem. We consider it an important branch of the ut Federation of Labor. It increasingly important ough the splendid work which this Department of the (oration at Labor has doing, the public has become Union Label-minded. Mere and more consumers have become con scious of the value and the impor tance of the Union Label, the Shop Card, and the Service Button. “When nsgstlsllng collective bargaining agreements with nmna facturers, the first thing they ask about is the Union Land. They insist that their repreeentatlves arrange for them to use the Union in the production of their That to am Is most inter important.1 EDWARD KEAT1MG | Mr. Edward Keating, Editor and Manager ef Laaoa, the OAeial Washington Weekly Newspaper ef the Standard Piilnmi T Or with Mr. William Green and Mr. 0. R. Straekbein aa one ef the otfi cial judgee ef the 4-8tar Eatu Conteat by the Unioh Label Trade* Department of the American Federation of Labor. Mr. Keetiiig i* well qualified to act aa judge of eaaaye on " •object*; He waa horn into a trad* family, and has been in close with the movement all his life. His early life was spent on in Denver, and for years was managing editor of the Mountain Nnwe, at that time the oatstanding Progressive publication of the Middle West. He left the Ntwt when he par* in Paeble, Colo. gkind tkfl Mr. Keating was elected to Con gress in 1918, and served for sis years. During all that'time he was a member of the Committee <)& Libor of ^ Hon—, oad far the last two years of his service was chairman of the “labor 9106” in the House. In 1916, Mr. Keating secured the Keating i passage of the first Federal Child Labor Law. and a year later pat over the first Federal Minimum Wage Lew for women and children. Both laws were declared uncon stitutional by the Supreme Court by a vote of 8*4. However, time has vindicated both measures. Two ago the Supreme Court re ' its position on the Mini mum Wage Law, and that i is now in effect in tbs city ef Wash ington, where it has already mate rially improved Cm wages of thou sands of workers. The principle of the Child Labor bill has been incorporated to the Wage-Hour Act *u^inedb»Mh*l,",litr *** 0. R. STRACKBEIN Mr. 0. R. Strmckbein, Member of the Public Contract! Board, United States Department of Labor, will complete the triumvirate of judges for the 4-Star Essay Contest con ducted by the Union Label Trades Department of the American Fed eration of Labor. From the standpoint of an econ omist and an educator, Mr. Streck bein fully meets the requirements of a well-qualified judge in an essay contest. He was graduated from the University of Texas and later taught economics in Washings ton and Lee University.' It was in this connection that he received the distinction of being elected a Fellow of the Royal Economic Society, London. After his experience in the edu cation field, be served as a repre sentative of the Department of Commerce in foreign countries, and later he acted as a special expert with the United States Tar iff Commission. , His familiarity with Labor Union problems was gained in several years he served as econo mist for the Cigar Makers’ Inter national Union, the Tobacco Work ers’ International Union, and the Boot and Shoe Workers’ Union. As a Member of the Public Con tracts Board, Mr. Strackbein takes part ia the finding of minimum wsges which iw»niiT>cturerg who supply the Government are re quired to pay under the provisions of the Walsh-Healy Act He to the author of a recently published bode entitled "The Prevailing Minimum Wage Standard” which to devoted to the Public Contracts Act. to tain aaeh action as the facto wanrant ud demand in order to pra na vent the Labor Relatione Board **».« continuing its K|—H and prejudiced administration of the Labor Act It srmis inconceivable that Con Peaa should fail to discharge its dSt, m this respect Failure to act at this session may remit in future mores to destroy or repeal the entire Act. “Amendments to the Labor Rela la0n*,_Af? been prepared by the Smith Committee and submitted to toe Labor Committee of the House of Representatives. Some of these amend meats are practical and constructive. However, it is the opinion of the American Federation of Labor that toe amendments offered by the Smith Committee as a whole strike in a de structive Way at vital, fnndim—tol of toe Labor Relations Act. principles of to*_ The American Federation of Labor lms repeatedly stated and emphasised ito opposition to any impairment of toe fundamental principles of the La b°r Relatione Act in any way whatoo ever. We again urge and insist that ito principles and its fundamentals shall be preserved and protected. The Labor Relations Act still remains the Magna Charts of Labor. Our appeal to Congress is to amend and change features of the the administration _ Act and policies of the Labor RHs tions Board without impairing ito fundamentals os that the Labor Rela tions Act will be administered fairly to all, just to labor and industry, and maccordance with its spirit and its “It is the opinion of the American Federation Of Labor that amendments to- *c®omPli*b this purpose should be simple, direct and construe a —— — — viv> wmwvv mim vUUSUUC rive. If amendments providing for a reconstruction of the LaborBoard; tb* ri*bt of employers to petition for elections under certain conditions: the abdirion of the right of the Board to invalidate contracts honestly and just negotiated through collective bargaining: the acceptance of the san Federation of Labor ree dations relating to the vtlvr : and establishment of the appro ite collective bargaining unit, acceptance of a simplified form of ‘ nistnitive and judicial procedure, adopted by Congress, toe Labor ions Act could then be applied in justice to alL bor will petition and appeal to Con* gress to act favorably upon rec ommendations and to adopt Hoye f ‘k amendmento to the Labor Relation! Act.” Boohitiou Suggested editors of the Asked hr the United States News to suggest Now Tear raaotations for bastoeea gavanuaent, Preaideat A. S’ .ybitoy. ef the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainman, offered toe fol lowing, which can he enthaslastie ***y seconded by the membership ef the International Typographical Union and the entire labor mem _it. “Lot Bostoesa resolve: <1) To cease ito unprincipled attack oa la bor unionism and collective bargain tog; (2) to agree to support the Md Hours Law; (J) to get out of the labor spy racket; (4) to pay ito fair share of taxes to support the unemployed. “Let Government resolve: (1) Tb guarantee that it will immediately turn its attention to solve the prob lem of unemployment; (2) to pro vide useful work for those who are to need; (2) to stay oat of aB for eign ware; (4) to enforce the American Bill of Rights to of all sections of our population.” News of Labor Is Asked of Charlotte A. F. of L. Locals Labor publications rely on news natter primarily from all Labor Officials and Represents tires. If this news matter is not fortbcom in* from some of them, the Press fails in its duty to friends and members of organised Labor. Such failure, however, is not en tirely the fault of those editing the publication serving as 1 An's voice. Complete co-operation of Union officials and representatives is accessary if the Labor Press is to serve its avowed purpose. Keep the Managing Editor of the Labor Journal supplied with news and “your” Labor paper will bo a “live’* publication. Call S-MM, and publication will be assured! mnwvnmwawuwwewsuswwmi PATRONIZE THOSE WHO ADVERTISE IN THE JOURNAL

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