l%m ONT.T BgATJ.Y INPBPENDENT WEEKLY In Meckknbttfr 0>H» Por > WwUy to Rwdwi tho LARGEST BUYING POWER 1m Charted Official Organ Labor Union; atanHag far ibe A. F. of L. Che Charlotte labor Journal Patrnnirr oar titm Hum*. THn, Make Tom Paper pnanfHI* hr llfrl' co-operation _ Truthful, Honest, Impartial Endorsed by tho N. C. SUte Federa tion of Labor AND DIXIE FARM NEWS Endeavoring to Serve the Masiet VOL. IX—NO. 48 ram Aavnrrietanrr in Tm Nvmm ta a CHARLOTTE, N. C, THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1940 *2.00 Prr Y CANDIDATES FOR COUNTY OFFICES OFFICIALLY ANNOUNCED— A LIVELY RACE—WIDE FIELD TO CHOOSE FROM Only one candidate it unopposed in the county primary election contest on May 25tn. There are 63 Demo cratic candidates and 12 Republic ans are seeking recognition. The roster of those who would serve the public follows: COUNTY COMMISSIONERS (tar Plana) Amie D. Cushion, incumbent. Edgar J. Price, incumbent. Dan Hood. Trace Henry. J. Wilson Alexander. D. C. Staton. J. Mason Wallace. Fred A. Hamilton. Baxter J. Hunter. Caldwell McDonald. W. R. Sadler • George E. Golding. 8TATR SENATE Joe L. Blythe, incumbent. STATE REPRESENTATIVE (Than Plana) J. B. Vogler, incumbent. Marvin L. Ritch, incumbent. H .1. McDougle. John Newitt. Ed T. Tonissen. Ed McCorkle. H. L. Strickland. J. Dan StallingB. COUNTY TREASURER Mrs. Jessie Caldwell Smith, incum bent. Arthur H. Wearn. Jonas H. Ervin. W. M. “Bud” Moore BOARD OF WEDUCATION (Fin Placaa) B. D. Funderburk, incumbent. R. G. Eubanks, incumbent. W. B. McCtintock, incumbent. W. E. Potts, incumbent. E. M. Neal. Charles L. Barnett CONSTABLES Charlotte Township—Dan B. Brad ley, incumbent; R. A. Carter. Mallard Creek—G. P. Freeman. Pineville—0. F. Furr. Berryhill—R. C. McNeeJy. Clear Creek—DeWitt C. Biggers. Sharon—F. G. Chipley. Morning Star—J. Reid Newell. Paw Creek—Evans B. Johnston. COUNTY CHAIRMAN Henry W. Harkey, incumbent. Harvey Morris. S. W. McAden. H. G. Ashcraft COUNTY RECORDER W. V. Howard, incumbent Mercer J. Blankenship. COUNTY SOLICITOR Hugh M. McAulay, incumbent. Enos T. Edwards. COUNTY SURVEYOR J. W. Spratt, incumbent George M. Meyer, Jr. REGISTER OP DEEDS John A. Renfrew, incumbent. Lloyd Ranson. REPUBUCAN CANDIDATES County Commissioners—William T. Alexander, chairman; George Shelton, W. A. McFarland, Louis F. Snyder and F. C. Howard. Legislature—Brock Matthews; P. S. Vann, L. J. Howard and W. P. Walther, representatives. Register of Deeds—Mrs. Florence S. Ireland. County Judge—M. K. Harrill. County Solicitor—J. Cliff Newell. PEGLER AND THE PRESS (The following editorial is reprinted from the Wichita Beacon. It has also been printed in the Congressional Record.) Believing that every writer should be g'jen the widest possible latitude, and that suppression la not the solution of any problem, the Beacon has continued the publication of columns by Westbrook Pegler, on which this newspaper strongly disagrees. Apparently Pegler be lieves he has been given some divine appointment to act as the guardian angel of the people of the United States, and that it is up to him to right every wrong, reform the entire country, and make it the kind of a place in which he WouM like to live. Of course, he has received no such appointment. There can be nn doobt that *>e*v is »i{9> in this country that can be criticized, and there undoubtedly Is room for criticism op the subjects whleh have drawn Pegler’s attention, but there is no earthly reason why any man should be continually mad at everyone. Pegler starts his column almost every day with a tirade against somebody. He should be one of the first to realize he cannot ram his private opinions down the throats of everybody. Almost everyone in the United States knows that William Green is honest, truthful, and that he has devoted his time and energy not only in helping labor but in promotion the general welfare of the country. Of course, there are rascals in his organization, just as there would be rascals in every organization as large as the A. F. of L. But that does not mean that Mr. Green condones such rascals, nor do they have his consent to do the things for which they and he are criticized. Westbrook Pegler is an able writer, one of the best newspapermen in the United States, who has shown marked ability in the past. In stead of constant criticism he could point out some of the fine points of a country in which there is still sufficient freedom of the press to permit him to say what he pleases. Pegler should not take advantage of that freedom to constantly harass other men and, by his ability to use the English language, to attempt to tear down the good work they have accomplished. Evidently his recent vacation did him no good. His friends and well-wishers, of whom there are many among Beacon readers, Bincerely hoped that his rest would settle his nerves and calm whatever dis order had upset his thoughts. Since the climate of Florida was not successful we can only hope that time will effect cure and that, eventually, reason and logic will regain control of his mind and he will devote his ability again to some constructive subjects. THE MARCH OF CABOft T?n SKA CAUSES, EARLY OMANlUnON O SAHORS. THEIR FIRST •M STRIKE OCCUR MS j MOV.1003 IN HEW I OCMANOS INCLUDES AN INCREASE FROM SIO. PER MONTH TO /14-FER month. •MS - IMff COURAGEOUSLY, AS C^U.l SENATOR FROM v wocomm routur \ LABORS BATTLES M US. SENATE. A pioneer advocate Of SOCIAL LEGtStAPON. 1Ussti&L «*®Ks» Diogenes met a World War veteran and asked "what were yon in the war?" A private,” replied the soldier. Diogenes blew ont his light and quit The American Association for the Advancement of Atheism has raised a fund of 600,000 dollars with which to • new anti-Ciuiatiaa sun* A. F. of L. UNIONS URGED TO BACK NORTON AMENDMENTS TO NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS ACT BY GREEN WASHINGTON, D. C.—President Green of the American Federaiton of Labor urged officers and members of State Federations of Labor, City Cen tral Bodies and Federal Labor Unions to ask their Representatives in Con gress to support without change the amendments to the National Labor Relations Act embodied in H. R. 9196 introduced by Chairman Norton of the House Labor Committee and ap proved by the committee. Pointing out that these amendments “meet with the approval of the Amer ican Federation of Labor,” Mr. Green said: “They provide for the addition of two members to the National Labor) Relations Board. That would mean the Board would be composed of five members instead of three. The Exec utive Council and conventions of the American Federation of Labor rec ommended this change in the member ship of the Board. “Another amendment recommended by the House Committee provides that Section 9 (b) of the National Labor Relations Act, commonly known as the ‘collective bargaining unit,’ be amended to read as follows: ‘“The Board shall decide in each case whether, in order to insure to employes the full benefit of their right to self-organization and to collective bargaining, and otherwise to effectu ate the policies of thia Act, the unit appropriate- for the purposes of collec tive bargaining shall be the employer unit, craft unit, plant unit: Provided, however, That in any case where the majority of employes of a particular craft shall so decide the Board shall designate such craft as a unit appro priate for the purpose of collective bargaining.’ "This amndment was approved by the Executive Council and conven tions of the American Federaiton of Labor. “In addition, the Committee recom mended that employers’ petitions for an election, in order to determine the collective bargaining unit, may be honored. This amendment was ap proved by the Executive Council and conventions of the American Federa tion of Labor. “The Committee further recom mended that all contracts entered into through legally chosen collective bar baining units shall not be disturbed for at least one year. “These are constructive amend ments. If adopted, they will remedy many of the injustices which have been imposed upon American Fed eration of Labor unions by decisions of the National Labor Relations Board. If these amendments are adopted, the administration of the National Labor Relations Act will be greatly improved.” FREEDOM AND LIBERTY IS THEME OF WRITER - DEFENDS PRESS FREEDOM; SAYS DICTATOR BORN IN THE DARK By R. V. McClendon, B. M. Electrical Workers Local No. 563 Durham, N. C. Editor Charlotte Labor Journal. The American people have been compelled to fight and struggle .through all the ages for the reafiza | tion and enjoyment of thoae elemental rights of freedom and liberty, upon which our form of government is founded. That is why labor regards, freedom of thewmes* as «f transcend-' ant importance. Any movement of any kind which interferes with or limits the freedom of the press can not be supported or tolerated by the American people. ' The growth of organizations of La bor is evidence of the determination of the workers to lift their stand ards of life and living to a higher level and to share more largely in the distribution of the earnings of industry. That fact is reflected in I the progress which has been made by the organized labor movement during all the years of its existence. It has become more pronounced during i *5®, l«st few years, because the right ' of labor to organize and bargain col lectively has been written into the laws of the land. The protestations of the leaders of organizations and organized move ments that they believe in this great principle are not enough. It is when we make comparison between the con trol of the press, as it exists in those ! countries governed and controlled by autocrats and dictators, with the free dom of the press in democratic na tions that we immediately learn to place a new value unon the blessings of freedom and liberty. The American people should know that all classes of people should stand ♦MMMMfiMMMiMMMMi as a staunch defender of free assem blage, free speech, free press, and for the exercise of the right to wor ship in accordance with the dictates of conscience. There can be no place in the true American home for any group or any organisation which does I not believe in and subscribe to these principles and to these policies of free speech. All dictators are born in the dark, they survive for a time in the , ;hadaw*, they iapariaUy die 4a- the light. The one thing tyranny can not stand is publicity. It gags the press, stops free expression, silences the pulpit, censors the radio, controls the movies, propagandises the people with half truths which is the shadiest way of lying there is. The real bulwark of democracy is not the ballot box, but the honest newspaper. It is not good for the country, Nor St. Louis, Missouri. There a relatively petty court has chastised not without malice, a great newspaper, the St. Louis Post Dis patch. We are not acquainted with the de tails, but feel certain the Post Dis patch cism. :h had justifications for its criti i. If the Post Dispatch fails, its appeals and its editors and cartoonists will go to jail and fines be paid, the vengeance of the petty court will be satisfied, but the newspaper will be hewed to the line as an agency oi public trust. If the court must stop all criticism of its dictatorship, and the newspapei is to be gagged by being hauledinto court for a contempt charge, thai means the end of the power of the press to tell the people about the values and evils of their courts, that means the end of freedom of the press. I Labor Press Vita] Need The tread— of a it teed to as by ■nut depend after all spaa tha port Which tha raadsaa at tha give to it. Wa aaad acavcalr tha. mention tha farttha ■aul daily newspaper, ta say noth iag of tha magaiiaea. 4a aat fast called npoa ta Tipimss tha caw •f organised labor. Sach fair as is given this saw by that Ikatioas is baaat spoa tha swaraUe strength of tha of tha labor movement Bat we wish fact, that if there were aa great Mctioa of tha national pabHcatioaa known as tha labor Press, which gives its first and last loyalty ta the workers of tha nation, and es pecially ta thooa who are of the organizations of Lnt, other sections of tha nation's pab Ucity organs weald probably pay aaeh more scant attention ta tha rights ef labor. Cirealatioa is the Ufa of any publication. Given readers, any pabiication is in a position of paw in proportion ta its friends who their loyalty ta thair awn by thair sahai i Iptlisa to thaw trass, sad by their activity ia to enlarge its drcalstiaa. The righu of Uber will always depend, to a great patent, apaa the freedom of the labor press. A la bor paper which drcalates freely in its own community is an index of tha power of labor ia that lo cality. It S a very definite part of the organisation itself, aad its unctiona .re ea vital that neglect •i the tabor press is save ta rmleet me qealUies ef Centra] Labor Union Meeting Wed. Night Of Much Interest President J. A. Moore, of Charlotte Central Labor Union, split time in the chair with. Vice-President J. A. Scoggins at a well-attended meeting Wednesday night. The regular rou tine, roll call of locals, etc., was gone thipagh and working conditions were shown to, be good. The skating area report showed that endeavor to be in good shape, only awaiting word from authorities to go ahead. Organisation activities were discussed and the "green light” was given the commit tee working along this line. The retail clerks organization endeavor Was dis cussed, and every co-operation was promised in seeing that the organisa tion was made a reality and a force in Charlotte. Much business of a private nature was brought before the body, but peace and harmony was the keynote. Brother Wilson, representative of the International Pressmen, made a talk that was both enducational and inspirational, he pointing out the1 things necessary to organisation and co-operation. Mr. muon has been in Charlotte off and on in the inter est of his organisation, for the past six weeks, and the effects of his stay [with us have had a good effect I Brother James Bradburn, of the P. 0. Clerks, pinch-hit for Secretary Wm. S. Green, who was called out of the city, and he made a good substi tute. Brother Campbell (P. 0. Clerks) chairman of the organizing commit tee, made a few remarks that were encouraging and Brother Condor, treasurer of the skating area commit tee, also made a good report WM. GREEN SAYS JOHN LEWIS PLANS POLITICAL UPRISING; SAYS LATTER WOULD BE POLITICAL DICTATOR FLINT, Mich., April 15.—William Green, president of the American Fed eration of Labor, charged yesterday that John L. Lewis is “secretly” plan ning a political revolution to make himself “dictator of the United States.” “I charge that this man, suffering from delusions of becoming the dicta tor of the United States of America,” he said. His denouncement of the president of the Congress of Industrial Organi zations was contained in an address preparatory to National Labor Rela tions boar detections in General Mo tors corporation plants next Wednes day to determine collective bargaining agencies. ^ Green, making a drive for votes for A. F. L.-affiliated United Auto-; mobile Workers of America, spoke in the same auditorium in which Lewis appeared a week ago in behalf of the rival C. I. O.-U. W. A. „ the CIO chieftain with playing the game of the Communist party and with “stirring up discon tent among the underprivileged groups” and declared: I challenge him to explain why he is threatening to marshal these groups into a third party unless he hopes to ride into power as the die tator,of America with their support.*' Asserting that automobile workers have suffered from "C. I. O. dictation, intrigue, and mismanagement." Green continued: “The C. I. 0. has used ycru for ex perimental purposes. It has involved you in constant warfare with man agement. It has used you as a testing laboratory in experimenting with rev olutionary processes. It has used you for the secret purpose sof its leaders and to promote the consuming ambi tion of its dictator.” He assured employes of four Gen eral Motors plants here they would be permitted to control “your own un ion your own way for your own bene fit’ ’if they chose the A. F. L.-U. A. W. A. in the forthcoming elections. Declaring the A. F. of L. was strict ly non-partisan,” Green said: “We have never sold the workers into bondage with the Democratic or Republican parties, and we will not permit the workers to be sold down the river to a third party, no matter how alluring its promises.” His only reference to presidential candidates was a statement during an interview that Senator Burton K. Wheeler, Democrat, of Montana, had “put ihmself out of the running” by appearing with Louis at the recent convention of the United Mine Work ers of America. Green also said permanent labor peace teas “impossible as long as the present C. I. 0. leadership is main tained.” He predicted victory for the A. F. L.-U. A. W. A. in G. M. "key plants,” and said a campaign soon would be un dertaken to organize Ford Motor Com pany workers. Carpenters and Joiners Local Making Strides The United Brotherhood of Carpen tere and Joiner;, Charlotte Local No. 1469 is nuking headway both in mem benhip increase and agreements. J. C. Hower, business agent for the lo eal reports that many concerns are coming to terms with the union and that more than 26 new members have been added to the local within the past few weeks. Brother Hower has been business agent for the Charlotte local only two WMks. He received a letter this week from headquarters, at In dianapolis, commending him upon his activities for local 1469. The Carpenters lochl has some good union material in it, and The Journal hopes to be able from week to week, at of the happenin*8 WAR HUMOR A group of children singing, “Pack up your troubles in your old kit bag,” as they marched to a station. One little girl, waving to soine *n€ted ” sboutfed: MFm being evap “That’s wrong,” said her compan ion, a year older. “We are being ex cavated.” Patronize Journal Advertisers Printers’ President Takes A Crack At The Patman Bill WASHINGTON, April 18.—Repre sentatives of labbr and the trucking industry joined executives of chain stores yesterday in opposing the Pat man bill to tax interstate chain stores. C. M. Baker, president of the In ternational Typographical union, told a House subcommittee the measure in effect would levy a tax on initia tive and efficiency, and piece a prem ium upon mediocrity, "You do-not need to tax to destroy,” ,he said. "Whenever one of the con cerns affected by this bill ceases to serve the public and to continuously •tel’ the public what it has to offer and trhere it is offered and at what 'pricas, it will pass from the picture.” Baker said that 51 daily newspapers had suspended publication last year, and that the Patman bill, forcing .chain stores to close because of pro hibitive taxation, probably would ac celerate such newspaper suspensions by removing an important source of •advertising revenue. While men are earning Labor Un ion wages, their wives should be more discerning about Union Label prod ucts! Buy Union Label goods—made in U. S. A. mmsmswvwvwvwM SMALL BEGINNINGS By Charles Mackay (1814-1889) A traveler through a dusty road, strew’d acorns on the lea, And one took root, and sprouted up, and grew Into a tree. Love sought its shade at evening time, to breathe its early vows, And Age was pleased in heats of noon, to bask be neath its boughs. The doormouse loved its dangling twigs, the birds sweet music bore. It stood a glory in its place, a blessing evermore. A little spring had lost its way amid the grass and and fern; A passing stranger scooped a well, where weary men might turn; He walked it in, and hung with care a ladle at the brink— He thought not of the deed he did, but judged that toil might drink. He passed again—and to! the well, by summers never dried, Had cooled ten thousand parching tongues and saved a life beside. A dreamer dropped a random thought; ’twas old, and yet ’twas new— A simple fancy of the brain, but strong in being true; It shone upon a genial mind, and to! its light became A lamp of life, a beacon ray, a monitory flame. The thought was small — its issue great: a watch fire on the hill, It shed its radiance far adown, and cheers the valley still! A nameless man, amid a crowd that thronged the daily mart, Let fall a word of Hope and Love, unstudied, from the heart; A whisper on the tumult thrown — a transitory breath — It raised a brother from the dust, it saved a soul from death. O germ! O fount! O word of love! O thought at random cast! Te were but little at the first, btA mighty at the last.