Michigan Gov. Asks Spiritual Revival In the United States—Says “We Are At Crossroads of American life” CHICAGO, June 3.—Governor Lu ren D. Dickinson, of Michigan, assert ed yesterday the United States seems “headed for social, moral, and finan cial ruin and decay rifht now” and called for a national revival of “spirit ual living.” . He addressed a throng assembled in Soldier field on Chicago’s lake front for a mid western Christian loy alty rally which sponsors described as “the greatest Christian demonstration of the decade.” “Influential periodicals are asking if we are a cesspool of profligacy, beer gardens, roadhouses, galmbjing dens, crime, insanity, social putridity, and Belshazzer leasts like those of ancient Greece and Rome and if so, what is the cause and what are the remedies,” he said. “In other words, _ are we at the cross roads of American life?” The 81-year-old Bibleteaching Gov ernor told the gathering of church] people that “the source of the $15, 000,000,000 that J. Edgar Hoover (di retor of the Federal Bureau of Inves tigation) says this country is paying annually for crime must be traced to its origin if we are to correct the causes for crime.” “With millions upon millions spent to care for the mounting thousands of insane and the steadily increasing millions affected with venereal dis eases, suggests that physical, mental, and moral danger to the nation itself and commands investigation to find the cause. “With billions spent beyond our in come, with no relief on unemployment lines and with the burden of taxes above anything heretofore and with ruinous indulgences foreign to our for mer American living, resulting in murders, suicides, divorces, diseases, licentiousness, calls for other investi gation.” CAROLINA SUPPLY CO. STOCK FEEDS — PET FOODS POULTRY FEEDS — DAIRY SUPPLIES _ disinfectants — DELIVERY SERVICE GARDEN SEEDS — GARDEN TOOLS FERTILIZER —T FARM IMPLEMENTS 222 EAST 4TH ST. PHONE 2-2591 > ; SCOGGINS MEMORIAL ART SHOP DEALERS IN BETTER MEMORIALS CEMETERY ENTRANCE WEST 6TH ST. i . W. J. SCOGGINS, Prop. Charlotte, N. C. - . . --» JACOB RUPPERT and BOAR’S ALE AND BEER ! KRUEGER BEER AND ALE NOW TEN CENTS Distributed by I ORANGE CRUSH BOTTLING CO. ! GASTONIA, N. C. Building Record In Charlotte Hits New High For May Building work amounting to a total of $377,096 was authorised by the City of Charlotte during May, according to records compiled Saturday. The 106 permits issued during the month included 32 one-family homes, totaling $132,000; nine duplex houses, totaling $33,010, eleven apartments totaling $106,060. The Charlotte Little Homes, which will be built off Fifth street. Another large permit issued during the month was an au thorization of repair and improvement work at Hotel Charlotte, totiding $26, 500. A total of $197,856 represented tt»e building work done in the eity during May, 1939. | KMMWWWWMMMWWHWmAMMVWWnS I. T. U. Auxiliary To Meet Tuesday With Mrs. Cleaver The Womans’ Auxiliary, No. 107, Charlotte Typographical Union wili meet next Tuesday evening at 8:00 o’clock at the home of Mrs. E. G. Cleaver, 1609 Scott avenue. Election of officers and a delegate to the Typo Auxiliary convention at Now Orleans in August will be one of the features , of the meeting. The ladies learend Tuesday with deep regret of the death of Martin W. McClellan, of Charlotte, father of , Mrs. Hildreth Luna, an active mem ber of the auxiliary. PATRONIZE THOSE WHO ADVERTISE IN THE JOURNAL I KNIGHTS N1TE CLUB Dancing and Dining Chicken and Steak Dinners Meet Your Friends Here Standard Brands of Beer — Draft and Bottled 3324 TUCKASEEGE RD. PHONE 9547 _o_nj\jnjxru^jn/vvvv^ii^i^ — ; DAUGHTRY SHEET METAL CO. Roofing and Sheet Metal Roofing and Sheet Metal Work — Gutters Down Spouts — Skylights — Ventilators AH Work Guaranteed Estimates Free 1109 E. TRADE PHONE 2-2195 iMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMWMMMAMAM WHITE AUTO BODY WORKS Body, Frames and Axle Work v Trimming, Paint and Glass Work By Expert Workmen All Work Guaranteed Estimates Free 523 W. 4TH ST. PHONE 3-4309 J JXflAfUWLTllVuV9AlVli‘ “ a ■» » A A A AAA A A AAAA A A A AAAAAAAAAA, McGEE LUMBER CO. LUMBER, SASH. DOORS—BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES EVERYTHING TO BUILD ANYTHING 2523 HUTCHINSON AVE. PHONE 2-2107 I Shoppers of Organized Labor Merchants and Others Advertising in These Columns Are Friendly to Labor and Aiding Your Labor Newspaper. Both Publishers and Adver tisers will Appreciate Your Consideration of Them. For Fresh Sea Foods of All Kinds. Call or Visit Quality Seafood Co. PROMPT DELIVERY 1607 E. 4th St. Pohne 3-1650 Phifer Grocery Co. COMPLETE LINE OF GRO CERIES, FRESH MEATS, FRUITS AND VEGETABLES - PROMPT DELIVERIES 3134 Plaza Road Phone 3-4236 Covington’s F< Store Staple and Fancy Groceries Fresh Meats, Fruits and Vegetables. We Deliver. 833 We.t Trade Phone 7759 Thompson’s Grocery “Clone Ae the Phone" Groceries — Menu Fruits end rocvrwu — — r n ft . Vegetables, Fresh Dally We Deliver 1006 E. 9th St. MMMMMAMMMMA MM Phone 7539 _«_)> fii ifnifiir - - ' Sadler Grocery “For Your Convenience” GROCERIES — FRESH MEATS FRUIT8 AND VEGETABLES WE DELIVER Paw Creek, N. C. Phase Cennty 2402 aeMnnnneennnnnnnnnnsnnnnw Dedicate yourself to Democracy, which constitutes the principles of hu man liberty. W. R. Hudson Grocery CONVENIENTLY LOCATED GROCERIES, FRESH MEATS FRUITS AND VEGETABLES PROMPT DELIVERY 410 W. 7th St. Phone 3-5115 Blanton’s F Store PRICES AND VALUES Groceries, Fresh Meats Fruits and Vegetables We Deliver 1801 Rozselle’s Ferry Rd. Phone 7010 Martin’s F 1 iTiTi Store GROCERIES, FRESH MEATS FRESH FRUITS AND VEGE TABLES — FRESH DAILY 2718 Monroe Road ' Phone 9192 nwwSwwoMywwwMMwwwo DIAMOND POINT GROCERY GROCERIES — MEATS AND VEGETABLES Pinerille Rond Phone 3-1011 H. B. GREY GROCERY “FOR THE BEST IN FOOD” Groceries, Fresh Meats Fruits and Vegetables We Deliver Patronise Journal Advertisers - PIEDMONT GRILL Regular Dinners Short Orders Chicken and Steak Dinners Air Conditioned — Open All Nile THE PLACE TO DINE WELL 201 W. Trade St. Phone 2-1090 n_n_ri.fi rm*i*i* - Wildcat Grocery Where Your Dollars Last Groceries, Fresh Meats ■ Fruits and Vegetables —We Deliver— 800 N. Brevard Phone 9708 Martin’s Grocery “THE BEST PLACE” GROCERIES — FRESH MEATS FRUITS AND VEGETABLES FRESH DAILY 926 Forest St. Phone 9600 A QUICK PPyK-UPl NO LET-DOWN It is claimed that European men have surrendered to dictatorship be cause they were in despair and sheer desperation and they grabbed the first straw thrown to them. LEE’S PENNY PROFIT GROCERY WHERE YOU SAVE MONEY GROCERIES, STAPLE AND FANCY ALSO FRESH MEAT, FRUITS AND VEGETABLES 309 N. Tryon St. Phone 3-6988 PROVIDENCE FOOD STORE Staple and Fancy Groceries Fresh Meats, Fruits and Vegetables We Deliver 1520 Providence Rd. Phone 5003 McCorkle’s F Store FRESH MEATS ALL KINDS, GROCERIES, FRUITS AND VEGETALES. WE DELIVER 1251 E. Boulevard Phone 3*8484 THE JOURNAL has by fi the largest city circulation of< any weekly published in Char lotte. Your ad in The Joi rill bring results from tb workers. To dream of winning a chess game signifies success; to just play the game portends a quarrel with a friend. good I do the very best I know how—the very best I and I mean to keep doing so till the end. If the end me out all right, what is against me won’t amount to anything,—Abraham Lincoln. tawwewwameinnanaannanwi City 'Employes Elect Officers For the Year Local No. 242, City Employes, on Monday night elected officers for the ensuing year as follows: D. G. Kiser, president; W. T. House, rice-president; G. S. McKenzie, sec retary-treasurer; Herman Black, re cording secretary, and F. H. Dellinger. Lester Bakehr, and W. L. Black, trus ses. This local meets in the Junior Or ler hall, corner of Belmont and Pe rram streets. Schwarze Korps, official organ of he Nazi Storm Troops, suggests that >ld and sick people might be speeded >ut of the world in order to relieve the strain on resources in wartimes. ~ ... ' “Fes” Goes To N. Y. The “Madam” To San Francisco, CaL E. L. Fesperman, who has been vis iting his son, L. D. Fesperman, the past week, left Wednesday for New York to take in the Big Show there, after which he will start the long trek for San Francisco, by gradual stages, to see the Big Show on the Pacific coast. While the madam will not go with him to New York, she will meet him in San Francisco. “Fes” is tak ing it easy in his “old age," and is one of the few typographical boys that we know who seems to be at peace with the world. When “we” get old probably this “peace” will come to “ns" —one cart never tell. Here’s luck “Fes" to you and the madam as you jour ney onward. (aaeeaeAwvwwwvwwwAWWi -1- - BELK’S ANNEAL JUNE SALE o/ 3*000 Regular $1.05 SHIRTS ★ Fine Quality Woven Madras in the Newest Patterns! ★ Plain White, Sanfo^ed-Shrunk Broadcloths! ^ ★ Non*Wilt Collar Attached! ★ 600 Neckband Style White Shirts Included! Size* 1JH to 18; Sleeve Lengths 32 to 35 EXTRA! 1,000 $1.50 PAJAMAS! Made of Carolina materials by Carolina mills. Featured in colorful stripes and sports patterns. Broadcloths and some sateen materials. Sizes A, B, C, and D, Coat and middle styles. Fast colors. MEN’S STORE—STREET FLOOR BELK BROS. CHARLOTTE, N. C. PATRONIZE JOURNAL ADVERTISERS W1LM0RE HARDWARE CO. QUALITY LINE OF HARDWARE, CARPENTER TOOLS, SCREEN WIRE, ETC., ALSO PAINTS, ENAMELS AND VARNISHES, FISHING TACKLE AND AMMUNITION IT PAYS TO PAY CASH 1330 S. MINT PHONE 2-1805 BENSON’S BARBECUE Fried Chicken, Barbecue The Way You Like It Also the Best Home Made Pies Conveniently Located WILKINSON BLVD. CHARLOTTE CASH IN A FLASH LOCAL BROKERAGE CO. No Indorsements — No Collateral, Quick Confidential Service 1188-7-8 INDEPENDENCE BLDG. PHONE 8SS7 GEO. E. NORMAN Roofing and Sheet Metal — Furnace Repairs ' Skylights and Ventilartors — Down Sprats and Chimney Tops ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN 8M ELUOTT PHONE 1-6748 wwMMmmwsMwmwvwwvwwWwwwwwwMwwMvw