tknCHLT RBALLT INDEPENDENT WEEKLY to MeckknbnrgOoanty Par t Watkjy If the LARGEST BUYING POWER ta Official Orfu Casual the A. F. of L. Wit Charlotte labor journal :T Patronize oar Adrer tiaara. They Make TOUR paper possible by their co-operation. Tmtkhd, Honest, Impartial Endorsed by the N. U State Federa tion of Labor AND DIXIE FARM NEWS Endeavoring to Serve the Masses VOL. X—NO. 7 YOUR AOVCRTIRIUtNT IN TN« JOURNAL. IR A INVIRTURNT CHARLOTTE, N. C, THUR8DAY, JUNE 27, 1940 $2.00 Par Y< NATIONWIDE COM. PURGE ORDERED BY CONGRESS—SECOND BILL CALLS FINGERPRINTING OF ALL ALIENS WASHINGTON. I>. C.—The nation wide drive against “Fifth Column ists” assumed gigantic proportions with the passage by Congress of leg islation purging all Communists and Nazis from relief rolls and requiring the registration and fingerprinting of all aliens in the United States. In the interests of national de fense, Congress ruled that after June 30 all WPA workers will have to swear allegiance to this country and sgn the following affidavit: “1 do not and will not advocate or hold membership in any organisation that advocates the overthrow of the Government of the United States: “And further that I am not an alien, nor a Communist, nor a mem ber of any Nazi Bund organisation, and that 1 will not became a Com munist or a member oK. any Nazi Bund organization during any time 1 may be paid from funds appro priated to the Work Projects Admin istration.” Any relief worker who makes a false statement in these respects is liable to a $2,000 fine and two years’ imprisonment. The second bill passed by Congress provides that within four months from the day it is signed by the Pres ident aliens must go to the nearest Post Office for registration and fin gerprinling under penalty of depor tation for infraction of the regula tions. The bill sets up drastic punish ments for all types of subversive ac tivities and for aliens who are con victed of carrvin*' certain types of firearms. The measure prohibits the organisation of groups advocating the overthrow of the Government by force or violence and likewishe forbids any person to “knowingly or willingly advocate, abet, advise or teach the duty, necessity, desirabilitv or pro priety of overthrowing or destroying any Government in the United States by force or violence or by assassina tion ... or distribute or publicly dis play any written or printed matter advocating . . . overthrow of the Gov ernment.” Furthermore, it was disclosed that the Federal Bureau Of Investigation, under J. Edgar Hoover, has estab lished a nation-wide index of persons suspected of engaging in espionage, subversive activities or other activi ties detrimental to the nation's in ternan security. President William Green, of the American Federation of Labor, was invited by J. Edgar Hoover, to de liver the graduation address of the F. B. I. National Police Academy which trains classes of local and State A SHOP “SERMON” BY CHARLES STELZLE (Member International Association, of Machinist*) looks at the nail that he’s driving It's a mistake to scorn a mechanic simply because he has learned his trade in what is commonly known as a “one horse shop.” Some day he may out-class you. You may- have had high-grade experience in a first-class shop, where everything needed was provided for you, but when the time comes that you’ve got to shift for yourself, you may be at a loss to know what to do. The chap from bowic shop" has lw«l *n all router lapeneiif." U-sol, for example, how to use his brains to make a tool of his own when this is necessary to do a special job. In most cases he’s the fellow that is pushed ahead, not because he has worked in a “one horse shop’?, but be cause experience in this kind of a shop has made him more versatile and resourceful than the man who has a swelled head because he got his training in an aristocratic shop where everything was provided for him. Even in these days of “mass produc tion,” we still need men who have been all the way “down the line,” in stead of simply knowing how to twist a nut as the machine passes their station. An experienced workman knows bet ter than to look at the head of the chisel when he is doing a chipping job. It is more important to keep his eyes on the job than it is to look at the tool with which he is working. The carpenter doesn’t _ look at the hammer when he is driving a nail. He home. Some men spend so much time looking for ’’tools of production” that they never turn out any kind of a job. They are so concerned about platforms and programs that they fail to transmute them into action. When a mechanic has carelessly made a piece of work too small, it is poor practice to bend the gauge to fit the job. It not only badly affects the man who bent the gauge but it hurts the mechanic who later uses the same gauge. Some of us are do ing this sort of’thing in* our daily living. We are trying to lower stand ards in order to accommodate them to our own crooked deeds. Instead of trying to measure up to what we know is fair and square, we attempt to pull down the level for everybody in order to suit our mental and moral convenience. Every mechanic knows that there’s always a scaly surface on a piece of rough cast-iron. Before he can give it a polish it is necessary to cut away the scale. Nor is it possible to tell what a man may become unless you get at something beneath his vest. Somebody once said that men are wrong when they “look out” for op portunities. They should look “in,” for that’s where they come from. The same principle applies in judging men. Sometimes it appears like a hopeless job when you look at the outward appearance of some men, but, given the right kind of treat ment, some of the worst of them have become top-notchers. “HE IS AN AMERICAN” He hears an airplane overhead, and if he looks up at all does so in curiosity, neither in fear nor in hope of seeking a protector. His wife goes marketing, and her purchases are limited by her needs, and her tastes, her budget, but not by decree. He comes home of an evening through streets which are well lighted, not dimly in bine, he reads his newspaper and knows that what it says is not conoccted by a bureau, but an honest, untrammeled effort to present the truth. He has never had a gas mask on. He has never seen a bombproof shelter. His military training, an R.O.T.C. course in college, he took because it excused him from gym course, and was it was not compulsory. He belongs to such fraternal organizations and clubs as he wishes. He adheres to a political party to the extent that he desires— the dominant one. if that be his choice, but with the distinct reservaion that he may criticize any of its policies with all the vigor which to him seems proper—any other as his convictions dictate, even if it be his decision, aone which holds that the theory of government of the country is wrong and should be scrapped. He does not believe, if his party is out of power, that the only way in which it can come into power is through a bloody revolution. He converses with friends, even with chance acquanintances, ex pressing freely his opinion on any subject, without fear. He does not expect his mail to be opened between posting and receipt, nor his telephone to be Upped. He changes his place of dwelling and does not report so doing to the police. ,. . He has not registered with the police. . , He carries an identification card only in case he should be the vic tim of a traffic accident , , ^ J . 1L He fhlwks of his neighbors across international borders—of those to the north as though they were across a State line, rather than as foreigners of those to the south more as strangers since they apsak a language different from his, and with the knowledge that there are now matters of difference between his govrnmnt and theirs, out of neither with an expectancy of war. He worships GOD in the fashion of his choice, without let. His children are with him in his home, neither removed to a place of greater aafety, If young, nor. if older, ordered ready to serve the SUte with sacrifice of Umb or life. . 4 „ A1_ He has problems, his troubles, his uncertainties, but all other are not overshadowed by the imminence of battle and sudden death. He should straggle to preserve his Americanism with its priceless privileges. He is a fortunate man. PATRONIZE JOURNAL ADVERTISERS LIBERTY AT STAKE To most of os liberty is a priceless heritage. We have gloried in our freedom, bat some of os have forgot* ten the price with which our freedom was purchased. We have enjoyed liberty as though it were a gift which car ried with it no obligation, and we have been reckless spendthrifts of our inheritance. It seems a great bore to stand when the band plays “The Star Spangled Banner,** forgetting that it repre sents that for which “our fathers died * * * * land of the pilgrim’s pride,** whereas we should feel like jumping to our feet and waving our arms, with tears in our eyes, because of what “Old Glory** means to us. This may seem a bit hysterical, but the whole world is on the verge of a great catastrophe which may vastly affect our own country. While we have been enjoying liberty without dis cipline, the people in the totalitarian countries have been subjected to discipline without liberty. They have been systematically hardened for brutal combat while we have been softened through indifference, self-indulgence and sheer laziness. The virtues which dominated the fathers of our country, who through great sacrifice wow for us the freedom and liberty which we still enjoy, have been replaced by sophistication and wisecracking, and'we are permitting crackpots and irresponsible agitators to in sult our constitution and ridicule our form of govern ment. We have supinely accepted teachers of subversive doctrines from abroad, viewed with indulgence leaders of movements who frankly declared that they are trying to create class hatred and race prejudice in our midst, and condoned politicians who are too spineless to protest against those who are boldly laying the foundations for our destruction. The same tactics indulged in in the countries which they hold up as idealistic would send them to a concentration camp or before a firing squad. When such enemies of our country flaunt their con tempt in oar faces, the time has come for every loyal American to stand up in his wrath and speak out as a loyal citizen, particularly as we are now confronting forces which threaten our future as a Republic of free men and women. We have not attained the full glory which lies inher ent in our system of government, although we believe that we already have the best form of government in the world. But we must vigorously oppose those whose sole purpose is our destruction and humiliation, lest we be subjected to the rule of those who are opposed to the principles of freedom and liberty which were bought at so great a price, and which have made America the haven for the oppressed of other nations.—Mobile Labor JournaL I THE PRESS PANS LEWIS SQUARING THE CIRCLE (From the Washington Post) So where are we? Mr. Lewis does not like Mr. Roosevelt. He does not like the New Deal. Bnt he does not like the Republican Party either. At the ^moment we can assume only %at his affection is limited to (1) John L. Lewis and (X) Herbert Hoover. But since Mr. Hoover is not likely to head a third party sponsored by Mr. Lewis, we are back just exactly where we began. And, despite the “beauty in the bellow of the blast” he unloosed against the G. O. P., that may be where the C. I. O. leider is going. WAR AT ANY PRICE (From Newsweek Magaxine) President William Green of the AFL again invited the CIO to resume peace conferences broken off by John L. Lewis, CIO chief, a year ago. But Lewis, meeting with his execu tive board, still opposed such action. Further strength for the AFL’s position in the dispute was contributed by the Inter national Ladies’ Garment Work ers Union, one of the original CIO unions which went inde pendent in 1938. The ILGWU took its 250.000 members back into the AFL last week. MAN WITH A PAST (From Time Magazine) Besides wanting to see Frank lin Roosevelt re-elected, much of C.I.O. wants Labor peace. This was one of the subjects np for discussion when the C.I.O. executive board met last week in Washington. Members emerg ed to announce that they saw a ray of hope. Not so Lewis. “I wouldn’t think so,” said he. Mr. Lewis began to look like a man with a past. JOHN L. (FOR LONELY) LEWIS | (From the Philadelphia Record) John L. Lewis must be pretty hard up for somewhere to go politically. He has rushed in where even Republicans fear to tread—the area reserved for the exceedingly limited number of people who publicly admire the Hoover Administration. To hear John L. Lewis tell ing how Hoover’s policies started the country out of the depres sion and that we might have made more progress but for the New Deal, inevitably recalls the Republican oratory of 1936. Even the Republicans, we think, will be wise enough not to re peat that in 1940. police officials in the best methods of investigating and suppressing "Fifth Column” activities. More than one thousand city and 61 a t e organizations representing American Federation of Labor unions I in New York ar distributing posters headed “How to Identify a Fifth' Columnist” prepared b” tbe League | for Human Rights, Freedom and Democracy. Officers of the league are Matthew Woll, president; David Dubinskv, vice president; former Supreme Court Justice Jeremiah T. Mahoney, treas urer, and Edward F. McGrady, secre tary. William Green, president of the ] A. F. of L., is honorary president of. the league. Mr. Woll is vice-presi dent of the A. F. of L., and Mr. Du binsky is president of the Interna tional Ladies' Garment Workers’ Union. Announcing the distribution of the posters Mr. Woll said: “Organized la bor, together with all other freedom loving Americans, must root out the propagandists who disrupt our nat ional unit at this critical time by in citing group hatreds. That is the Hitler technique; divide the country .before you conquer and rule it. We must not let that happen here.” “No greater thing can come to our land than a revival of religion . . . I doubt if there is any problem, social, political or economic, that would not melt away befoer the fire of such a spiritual awakening.”—Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt. Patronise Journal Advertisers Committee Kills Patman Chain Store Tax Bill NORFOLK, Va., June 24.—Rejec tion of the Patman chain store tax bill by the Congressional subcommittee wa sto be expected in view of the over whelming volume of opposition voiced during the weeks of hearings by per sons representing all segments of the Nation's economic and social life, Thos. P. Thompson, managing editor. Southeastern Chain Store Council, declared today in commenting on the committee’s action. Mr. Thompson also expressed belief the testimony of the many leaders of agriculture, industry, labor and con sumers in opposition to the Patman bill had already done much to help clarify the thinking of the public in regard to such discriminatory and punitive taxation—"which helps no one, injures the consumer and hamp ers business generally.” TYPO AUXILIARY AND THE BOSTICS WELCOME A SON The ladies of Typographical Aux iliary are congratulating Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Bostic upon the arrival of a son at the Presbyterian Hospital last week. Mother and son are doing fine is the report received. Subscribe For the Journal SCOGGINS HEADS CENTRAL BODY; GREENE RE-ELECTED SECRETARY; F. ft DELLINGER IS VICE-PRESIDENT Election of officers of Charlotte Central Labor Union last night (Wednesday) was one of the high spots of the meeting. J. A. — Scoggins was unanimously elected president. Other officers elected were: Vice president, P. H. Delinger of the City Employes union; secretary and .treas urer. William S. Greene of the Mu sicians union; sergeant at arms, H. P. Walker of the Railway Express Clerks union. Delegates elected to attend the an nual convention of the State Federa tion of Labor in Durham August 12 14 were W. S. Campbell of the Nat ional Federation of Postal Clerks local union and J. A. Moore of the Machin ists union. Alternate delegates are H. P. Walker of the Railway Express Clerks union and C. C. Thomas of the Firefighters union. The following members were elected to the board of trustees: T. L. Conder of the Carpenters union, R. W. Hun Singer of the Railway Express Clerks •union, and I. H. Plyler of the Barbers tinion. Onth of office was administered by H. L. Kiser, vice-president of the State Federation of Labor, president of the local Plumbers union. A new local union, the Railway Fire men and Oilers union, was admitted to the Central body last night. Va BRITAIN TO SEND 20,000 CHILDREN TO DOMINIONS LONDON, Eng.—The Briish Gov ernment is setting up a plan to send 20,000 children between the ages of 5 and 16 to the Dominions of Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa as a measure of protection from the bombings already begun by Germany’s air force. Subscribe For the Journal rious committee reporta were rsad. Claude Albea thanked member* for their co-operation and well-wishas while he waa in the hospital. Retiring president, J. A. Moore, thanked mem bers for their co-operation during his term of office. Efforts will be made to bring the 1941 State convention of the American Federation of Labor to Charlotte, it was announced. FINED FOR NOT CARRYING COMPENSATION INSURANCE NEW YORK, N. Y.—On complaint of the New York State Labor Depart ment the Attorney General during May criminally prosecuted 297 New York City employes for failing to carry workmen’s compensation insur ance, securing 258 convictions for which 195 fines, ranging as high as $50, were imposed for a total of $1,717, the Department of Labor re ported. In 47 prosecutions during May for evasion of the workmen’s compensation law by “fake partner ships of contracts, “40 defendants were convicted. Meeting Of S. C. Federation Labor Friday-Saturday COLUMBIA, S. C.. June 24— Everything is in readiness for the opening of the annual convention of the South Carolina State Fed eration of Labor which begins its session here Friday morning, June 29. The sessions will be held in the newly constructed Wade Hampton Hotel, built throughout by Union labor. Sec retary Fred Hatchell’s report, it is said, will show a decided gain in affiliated local unions over say report of past years. ^ JUST ONE HAPPY FAMILY WASHINGTON, D. C., June 24.—President Roosevelt named Sid ney Hillman, CIO Vice President, to draft plans for a compulsory uni versal service program for the nation’s youth. - ■ * * • v PHILADELPHIA, Pa„ June 24—John L. Lewis, CIO President, denounced President Roosevelt’s compulsory universal service pro posal as a "fantastic suggestion from a mind in full intellectual re treat.” Lewis indicated he may support the Republican)ticket and gave a special pat on the back to Herbert Hoover as a candidate tor President. -• j • • * • MILWAUKEE, Wis., June 24—Van A. Bittner, CIO Vice-Presi dent, urged the convention of the American Federation of Hosiery Workers (CIO) to support Roosevelt for a third term.. He said 95 per cent of the workers of America are for Roosevelt. Emil Rieve, an other CIO Vice-President, also urged support for Roosevelt. • * ■ • < WASHINGTON, D. (’., June 24. E. H. Oliver, executive director of Labor's Non-Partisan League, the political front for the C.LO., handed his resignation to John L. Lewis. He declared that the vast majority of C.LO. members favor a third term for Roosevelt He charged that the President is opposed within the League by only an "infinitesimal minority, predominantly composed of individuals affiliated with or followin gthe leadership of organizations controlled from out side the United States, whose policies are fixed without reference to the needs of American labor.” ... * NEW YORK, N. Y., June 24.—Nineteen C.I.O. locals here, claim - ing 75,000 members, openly revolted against John L. Lewis. They sent a telegram to six C.I.O. Vice-Presidents expressing “deepest consterna tion” over Lewis’ attacks on President Roosevelt. They urged the Vice-Presidents of the C.I.O. to disavow Lewis’ policies. BUSINESS IS BUSINESS Business is Business! And as long as business is business, we have a situation wo can depend upon. Farmers will grow the crops which will bring them the greatest dollars return. Processors will accept raw materials and produce at the lowest possible prices and turn out something for the consumer at the highest rate they can get for it. And to separate the two (the buying and the selling price) as far as possible, the processor will attack the consumer with a portion of the difference to convince him that he is getting something worth more than he is paying for it. And that will explain why such cheap basic articles as flour, corn starch, synthetic coloring, glucose and vegetable shortening emerge combined into some remarkable, vitamin-charged irradiated, stimulated, super-packed, ornamented, decorated, cellophane wrapped, fortified, super-super-super food product with a coupon on the box entitling Junior to raise particular Hell with a cowboy hat, a G-man hedge, a death-ray projector and a Dick Fearnought identification kit. If beef on the hoof is 10 cents a pound and in the skillet 60 cents a pound—business is business. Allah is Allah and Mohammed is his prophet. Kismet—Exchange. PATRON] B JOURNAL ADVERTISERS