Thn ONLY RHALLY INPgPBHPBNT WEEKLY hi Mgckknbre C**tr p* * a# tk> largest BUYING POWER li Official Organ Central Labor Union; standing for the A. F. of L. Itie Charlotte labor Journal Patronise onr Afw> Users. They Malta YOU* paper possible by co-operation. Truthful, Honest, Impartial Endorsed by the N. U State Fedora* ties of f obar AND DIXIE FARM NEWS Endeavoring to Serve tke Miens VOL. X—NO. 8 YOU* ASvrRTIMHINT IN TUI JOtlMAh |« * iMVUTMINt CHARLOTTE, N. C„ THURSDAY, JULY 4, 1940 $2.00 Par Y< REP. LELAND N. FORD ASSAILS JACKSON FOR FAVORING BRIDGES IN FIGHT AGAINST DEPORTATION WASHINGTON, D. C. — Noting that Attorney General Robert H. J ackson has protested to the Senate against passage of a bill to deport Harry R. Bridges, alien labor agita tor, Representative Leland M. Ford Republican, of California, suggested in the House the impeachment of Jackson and other high government officials who “openly refuse to do their duty.” " The House passed the Bridges de portation measure on June 18 by a vote of 330 to 42. It is now pending before a Senate committee and the Attorney General expressed the hope that the Senate would kill the legis lation. Declaring that Congress had passed thousands of bills permitting aliens to enter the United States, Ford as serted Congress had just as much authority to throw them out. Bridges this week tied up 20 ships in the Los Angeles harbor, some of them loaded with materjals to be used in the na tional defense program, he declared. "Is Bridges going to be continuallv protected by our highest officials?” Ford asked. “We must demand that the laws of this land be enforced. If weak-kneed officials are intimidated and become afraid to do their duty, it is time that this Congress make that their especial business and bring TOAST TO THE FLAG By George B. Harper Here’s to the RED of it, There’s not a thread of it In all the spread of it From foot to head But heroes bled for it Faced steel and lead for it. Bathing it red. Here’s to the WHITE of it, Who knows the might of it. But thrills to the sight of it Through day and night. Womanhood’s care for it Purity’s prayer for it Kept it so white. Here's to the BLUE of it. Heavenly hue of it, Star-spangled view of it. Constant and True. Here’s to the whole of it. Stars, Stripes and Pole of it. Here’s to the Soul of it. McCrorie Returns From Indianapolis; Organizes Local Of Teamsters H. L. McCrorie returned Saturday from a week’s trip to Indianapolis, Ind., where he went to confer with officers of the Teamsters and Chauf feurs International. He stopped oyer in Cincinnati and took in the meeting of the Ohio State Federation of Labor. He reports a pleasant and profitable trip. About two weeks ago Brother Mc Crorie put in an organization of Teamsters at Moncks Corner, S. C., on the Santee River Project, starting off with 75 members, and says within 30 days the body will number between 300 and 400 members. Metal Workers Census Lauded By Journal Commerce NEW YORK, N. Y—The Journal of Commerce, in an article entitled ‘‘A Skilled Worker Inventory,” com ments favorably on the census of all skilled metal trades workers to de termine how many unemployed are available for work on the national de fense program which has been ini ated by the A. F. of L. Metal Trades Department. The article said: “The independent survey of avail able skilled labor being taken by the Metal Trades Department of the American Federation of Labor will greatly aid the training program of the National Defense Commission. “The metal trades expect to have a roster shortly of men immediately available for defense jobs and those who can be prepared with minor re training. “The metal trades unions represent some 900,000 skilled workers. Many now at work on peacetime jobs can be retained quickly for armament work. Boilermakers, for example, can make armored cars, and automobile me chanics can become aircraft me chanics. “The metal trades leaders of the A. F. of L. point out to the National Defense Commission that the 500, 000 learners now being trained in 43,000 vocational schools can be doubled by increasing shifts in the schools. Some 155 engineering col leges, in addition, couldT accommodate a further 300,000 learners.” THE JOURNAL has by far the largest city circulation of any weekly published in Char lotte. Your ad in The Journal will bring results from the workers. . in these officials, try them, impeach them and, if facts justify, throw them out and put them in a place where they can no longer do injury toAhir country.” NOTICE TO OUR READERS Due to the foot that Thursday is a national holiday, the Fourth, and everything being closed down Thursday, it is necessary that The Journal be delivered Wednesday, therefore we are coining to our readers a day earlier this week some news matter was necessarily omitted, but will appear next week. Here's hoping all the bays (and girls) a Happy and Glorious Fourth, for it means so much to us at this time.. - - THElSIAR' SEANGLEDIESHHHE Wo Ala by Prmnols Scott Kay. „ Solo 01 Qcaetxt. Muaioby John Stafford SmNh. K k t iflCr-4 <*» m ^ 8. On tht ibora dia • If . MB *. And... whom in that band A Oh,... than bn it tv bf tht davn’t tnr . If thro’ thnnWn n t tbn who to vaa*t • Inf • If or vbtn frtn-Bta thall haibd at tha M-lifbf. lart gleam-lif. Wh5ab«Sad*ripa«4db»t*ktf»o* Mm ho* la dread ti • knca la • p«a •>«. Wkat it Oat fiB tfca .|yiliWihg> JK At it fit • ha . If UoM, ktk -f|TTT kb masterpiece as “Oe’r the ramparts" he watehed 'are yon b What day Franeb Scott Key TODAY, at from the very foundation of our mfirm. Liberty it to ut thete many yean purified by the blood of martyrs. f It it thit peat doctrine of Liberty which distinguithm Amtrieans from any mho hove had ouT long tradition of political and human freedom. And mere it preached by quant, the philotopky of reprettion end oppression, of den ageintt den, of < of human thralldom to a dictatorthip, thell ever remain alien under the Start end Stripes. Never shall Americans exchange Liberty end Democracy for the denary of emthoriterian ideology. "(Ter the ramparts we watch," wrote Francis Scott Key. "(Ter the ramparts wa watch" today, too. And as long as w dam, me shall continue to sea our flag "so gallantly streaming Ill Journal Readers Co-operate With Htose Who Advertise In It * WILLKIE AND LEWIS AT SECRET ' DINNER “WARM UP TO EACH OTHER—STRANGE BEDFELLOWS Drew Pearson and Robt. S. Allen, in their "Washington Merry-Go Round" in Saturday's Charlotte News, has the following in its line-up, under the heading of Willkie and Lewis: Some time ago Wendell Willkie and John L. Lewis had a secret dinner together in New York, and strange as it seems, found themselves in agreement on almost everything. The chief point they disagreed on was Franklin Roosevelt, Lewis damning him so bitterly that Willkie finally came to his defense. • At first the two men sat around each defending his own interests. Lewis attacked the Morgans for running the utilities. Willkie told hew he had had J. P. Morgan partners on his board of directors for years and never heard a peep from them. Lewis rejoined with a story of how when he was settling anthracite coal strikes, he would negotiate for weeks until he thought the thing was all settled, and then the coal operators always would have to consult Jackson Reynolds of the First National Bank of New York. "Sure," shot back Willkie, "but was anthracite, a dead industry.* Later, Willkie and Lewis warmed up to each other and began to discuss means of reducing unemployment through co-operation between Government and industry. Willkie even agreed on a rather radicol program of Government loans to small business such as under the Mead Bill. MORGANS DELIGHTED However, on the subject of Roosevelt, John L. Lewis got so vituper ative that Willkie finally defended the President's record, saying it was not as black os Lewis painted it. After dinner, Lewis took aside Morris Ernst, the host, and said that the ideas for economic improvement they had discussed should not be wasted. Willkie,- overhearing him, proposed that they get together to see if they could work out an Economic program which would get the co-opera tion of both labor and capital. To this end, Morris Ernst later went to see Russell Leffingwell, a J. P. partner, and related what had happened. Leffingwell was enthusiastic avir more labor-business co-operation. 'This is a golden opportunity," he said. "This is something Roosevelt can't do, bftgause people are too sore at him. And the Republicans can't do it, because they aren't going to change a thing. But a few mixed dinners like this can do it. You ought to hove some more parties like this." However, war issues became intensified shortly afterward, and do mestic »suf} were forgotten in the melee. , The Union Spirit, July 4,1940! n Wt'LL BACK YOU 100%/ ATTA BOY/ AND IF ANY ONE GETS GAY WITH US WE'LL GIVE HIM „ THE FIREWORKS" Union Labor Always Does Its Share By I. M. ORNBURN, Sec’y -Treas. UNION LABEL TRADES DEPT. AMERICAN FEDERATION OF LABOR The officers and members of the affiliated Unions of the Union Label Trades Department of the American Federation of Labor pledge their unquali fied support to the President of the United States in his program to pro tect America from foreign invasion. We have consistently advocated that oar Government bay products that are made in America by American workers under standard Union Labor con ditions. This would develop our own industries. It would increase America’s economic stability. In no better way can any organization create greater loyalty and patriotism for a nation than to urge better working conditions for the men who make the tanks, airplanes and other munitions of war. After all, it will be the hands of American workers who will actually tarn out the weapons of defense and it will be the hands of the workers who will direct the mechanized forces in defense of the United States and Canada. We believe that the best preparation for war is based on contented, self-supporting and self-respecting citizens who are always ready and will ing to fight to preserve our democratic institutions. For every soldier at the front modern warfare requires twelve men be hind the line to manufacture the necessary munitions and transport them to the battle front. We represent the skilled mechanics and workers who, with Government money and not private capital, will actually manufacture these weapons of warfare. . America is filled with patriotic citizens who will give their last drop of blood in trench and in factory for the preservation of America. We are happy to say that with the aroused public opinion against unregistered aliens and fifth columnists, America win soon become a land where only American workers will be employed and where American-made goods will be purchased not only by government bnt by all American consumers as welL Again, without any qualifications, we pledge our loyal support to make America safe for Americans!